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00:00:00.000 | (upbeat music)
00:00:01.800 | - Hello, and welcome to another episode of All The Hacks,
00:00:04.480 | a show about upgrading your life, money, and travel.
00:00:07.380 | I'm your host, Chris Hutchins,
00:00:08.640 | and today we're gonna talk about the best strategies
00:00:11.060 | and tactics for your work.
00:00:12.880 | That means finding a job you love, interviewing,
00:00:15.240 | negotiating your comp, managing up, making an impact,
00:00:18.580 | getting promoted, and a lot more.
00:00:20.680 | And to do this, I'm joined by Lenny Ruchitsky,
00:00:23.400 | who sold his company to Airbnb in 2012
00:00:25.800 | and spent seven years working in product across the company
00:00:28.760 | before leaving to start his newsletter
00:00:30.480 | and more recently podcast.
00:00:32.320 | Now, Lenny is well-known as one of the top minds
00:00:35.080 | in the world when it comes to building
00:00:36.560 | and growing software products.
00:00:38.080 | And his podcast, Lenny's Podcast,
00:00:40.180 | is the number one product podcast in the world.
00:00:43.340 | But building products is not why we're here today.
00:00:46.360 | It's because he's written so many amazing newsletters
00:00:49.220 | about professional work that I've personally found
00:00:51.760 | so valuable to my career.
00:00:53.940 | So, whether you're looking for a job right now,
00:00:56.480 | trying to have more impact in your current role,
00:00:58.800 | or thinking about what's next,
00:01:00.440 | I am sure you'll love this episode.
00:01:02.280 | And speaking of jobs,
00:01:03.900 | I have a big announcement to share on my end.
00:01:06.200 | After three amazing years at Wealthfront,
00:01:08.440 | I am finally stepping away to focus on all the hacks
00:01:11.840 | full-time starting tomorrow, December 1st.
00:01:14.880 | It's a bit of a scary jump to leave a stable job,
00:01:17.640 | but I love what I'm doing with the podcast
00:01:19.440 | and newsletter so much that I felt like I had to see
00:01:22.480 | what was possible if I focus on it full-time.
00:01:25.000 | I'll have a lot more to share on this soon,
00:01:26.960 | but wanted to make sure you guys heard the news first.
00:01:29.800 | All right, let's jump in right after this.
00:01:32.520 | Lenny, thanks for being here.
00:01:35.800 | - My pleasure, Chris.
00:01:37.520 | - So, you have written a ton of content
00:01:40.400 | about product management and amongst product managers,
00:01:43.200 | which I formerly was, you are well-known in that space
00:01:47.280 | for being a thought leader.
00:01:49.120 | However, I found that a lot of your content
00:01:51.960 | is very, very applicable outside of product management
00:01:55.320 | to anyone who has a job.
00:01:56.680 | And now we're probably gonna dig into a little bit more
00:01:58.520 | about the transition to creators.
00:02:00.080 | I just gotta ask, are you aware of the breadth
00:02:03.320 | of applicability of your content?
00:02:05.040 | And do you see a transition in the future
00:02:08.080 | to just more than product-related content
00:02:10.520 | and just really growing beyond that?
00:02:11.920 | - I am aware the content is useful to a lot of people
00:02:14.360 | other than product managers because I get emails from people
00:02:16.800 | and they're like,
00:02:17.640 | "Hey, our marketing team's finding this super useful."
00:02:19.480 | The funniest example is my mother-in-law who is 75,
00:02:23.760 | I think, something like that.
00:02:24.960 | And she reads every post that I write
00:02:27.360 | and find something in there that is applicable to her life.
00:02:30.000 | And that just shows me that there's all these little lessons
00:02:32.760 | that you can extract from things that are specifically meant
00:02:35.680 | for product managers and founders.
00:02:37.560 | But I will say, I try very hard to stay focused on a PM,
00:02:41.880 | a founder, someone building product,
00:02:43.640 | because I think that's the reason it does well
00:02:45.840 | is it's solving like a very clear person's problem.
00:02:48.560 | And if I were to try to broaden it too wide,
00:02:50.720 | I think it would just lose the power
00:02:51.880 | and just become nothing amazing for any one person.
00:02:55.160 | So it is a balance, but it is cool
00:02:57.640 | that the second order effect becomes useful
00:02:59.640 | to a lot of other people.
00:03:01.080 | - So for anyone listening, Lenny has a newsletter,
00:03:03.560 | Lenny has a podcast.
00:03:04.520 | I have been a guest on his podcast
00:03:06.120 | that may or may not have come out before
00:03:07.600 | or after this comes out and highly recommend it,
00:03:10.520 | even if you're not in product,
00:03:11.920 | just like your mother-in-law said.
00:03:14.000 | However, we're not gonna talk that much
00:03:16.040 | about product today.
00:03:17.000 | We're gonna talk about some of those other things.
00:03:19.160 | And in fact, I thought as I went through
00:03:21.400 | a lot of your posts that you have a really unique
00:03:24.480 | and great perspective on the process
00:03:27.360 | of someone going through their career,
00:03:29.520 | both getting a job, working at a company,
00:03:32.320 | starting on your own.
00:03:33.560 | And I've thought a lot about this too.
00:03:35.320 | So I thought we could just have a conversation
00:03:37.400 | to walk through that process.
00:03:39.120 | And you could share a lot of the lessons
00:03:40.560 | you've learned and shared and written about for anyone,
00:03:43.480 | whether they're trying to advance their career today
00:03:46.400 | or they're looking for something new
00:03:48.400 | or they're looking for something right now
00:03:50.280 | because we're in an unfortunate situation
00:03:52.360 | where some people may have lost their jobs.
00:03:53.960 | And I would love to give them more tools
00:03:56.400 | to be successful in their search.
00:03:58.080 | So how's that sound?
00:03:59.640 | - Sounds great with the caveat that I write these posts
00:04:02.280 | and then the content leaves my brain and lives in the post.
00:04:05.400 | And part of the reason I write them is like,
00:04:06.760 | hey, go read this thing 'cause I forgot all the answers.
00:04:09.080 | So I'll do my best to extract what I can remember.
00:04:11.600 | And I did a little prep,
00:04:13.120 | but I won't have all of the answers in my head
00:04:16.080 | on demand necessarily.
00:04:17.960 | - Well, fortunately for you,
00:04:19.320 | I try to do a really good job
00:04:20.680 | of putting resources in the show notes.
00:04:22.280 | So if there's one that we feel like your answer
00:04:25.200 | is lacking in comparison to what I've seen you write,
00:04:28.240 | I will make sure that we link that so people can follow up.
00:04:30.960 | But let's start with the process
00:04:33.200 | of finding the right kind of job.
00:04:35.080 | So there are so many types of companies out there.
00:04:38.200 | What advice do you have for people looking for something new,
00:04:41.960 | both in just how to narrow down the options
00:04:44.600 | and actually stand out to candidates
00:04:47.680 | to get that first interview?
00:04:48.960 | So just thinking that process.
00:04:50.440 | And for side note, Lenny also runs a job board
00:04:53.640 | and a talent collective for people in the product space.
00:04:57.080 | So you've seen this both as a person in it
00:04:59.520 | and a person creating this thing.
00:05:01.040 | So just to recap, how do people narrow down
00:05:03.920 | what they wanna do and find a company
00:05:06.000 | and then actually stand out to get in the door?
00:05:08.840 | - Yeah, let me talk about the job board briefly
00:05:10.280 | 'cause I think it's a cool piece of context
00:05:12.200 | that shows kind of how much I spend thinking about
00:05:14.680 | people's profiles and companies and things like that.
00:05:17.080 | So it's called Lenny's Jobs.
00:05:18.680 | It runs on this platform called Palette,
00:05:20.360 | which is kind of like the sub stack for job boards.
00:05:22.560 | It's kind of this white labeled job platform.
00:05:25.360 | And the way it works, there's kind of two parts to it.
00:05:27.440 | There's a regular job board
00:05:28.560 | where people just post job openings.
00:05:30.360 | And then there's a reverse job board
00:05:31.920 | where candidates can sign up
00:05:34.080 | because they're interested in new opportunities
00:05:35.720 | and they can just be like,
00:05:36.560 | hey, I'm open to a new opportunity.
00:05:38.280 | I'd love to hear from interesting companies.
00:05:40.000 | And it can be anonymous.
00:05:41.200 | You could hide yourself from companies
00:05:42.480 | that you don't want to see that you're looking for a job.
00:05:44.800 | And it's doing really well.
00:05:47.000 | It's become maybe the number one place
00:05:49.560 | to find product people.
00:05:50.600 | I don't know where else you'd go look for PMs
00:05:52.480 | better than this place.
00:05:53.840 | And fun fact, I make more income from just a job board
00:05:58.200 | than I made at Airbnb in salary.
00:06:00.440 | - Wow.
00:06:01.280 | - And so it turns into a really interesting business
00:06:02.600 | on the side and shows the power of an audience
00:06:05.080 | with the newsletter and like the audience of that
00:06:07.440 | being funneled to the job board, creating a marketplace.
00:06:10.320 | It's really interesting experience.
00:06:12.200 | - If you look at people
00:06:13.080 | that actually end up getting jobs from this,
00:06:15.640 | is it more from people finding the job from the employer
00:06:18.880 | or have things changed in the environment
00:06:20.960 | where the employee putting themselves out there
00:06:24.160 | is actually leading to more jobs?
00:06:25.680 | - Yeah, so one thing I've learned from this
00:06:26.960 | is job boards do not work well.
00:06:29.280 | And a job board meaning you post an opening on a job board.
00:06:32.080 | If it works for you,
00:06:34.000 | it's like the best ROI in the history of hiring
00:06:37.480 | 'cause it's like 50 bucks, 100 bucks, 200 bucks
00:06:39.800 | to post a job and you find someone for that
00:06:41.600 | and then you're done.
00:06:42.720 | But it almost never works is what I found.
00:06:44.880 | What actually worked is the reverse, the other piece,
00:06:47.440 | where candidates that are awesome apply.
00:06:50.720 | I approve them and I only approve about 10% of people
00:06:53.480 | to keep the quality by really high.
00:06:55.320 | And that has led to so many companies finding.
00:06:57.840 | PMs, that's a product, VPs a product.
00:06:59.600 | And so I think that model is a lot more effective
00:07:01.800 | now before the economy changed.
00:07:04.080 | And so I'm leaning into that.
00:07:05.760 | I'm kind of moving away from the job board.
00:07:07.320 | - And this site you said, Palette,
00:07:09.120 | is there a directory of all the different job boards
00:07:11.440 | they power for something like this?
00:07:12.960 | If someone listening is like, I'm not a PM,
00:07:14.600 | but I would love to participate
00:07:16.520 | in this reverse job search process
00:07:18.280 | to put myself out there in front of companies.
00:07:20.120 | Are there other job boards or a directory of them
00:07:22.400 | to go find places to post yourself?
00:07:24.200 | - Yeah, they actually have a cool feature.
00:07:25.520 | I think it's called Spotlight where you work with them
00:07:28.440 | and they give you access to a ton of different job boards
00:07:31.840 | for specific profiles.
00:07:33.280 | And so I get these applications for one company
00:07:35.960 | looking for like a designer
00:07:37.120 | and they can just only look at my designer.
00:07:38.920 | And then they can find candidates.
00:07:39.880 | So yeah, that's pretty cool what they're building.
00:07:42.240 | - Awesome.
00:07:43.080 | If you're building this profile, right,
00:07:43.960 | you're a candidate setting aside that it's in product,
00:07:46.400 | but what are the things you think you've seen people do
00:07:49.320 | to one, stand out,
00:07:50.480 | but also to identify what they're interested in?
00:07:53.160 | 'Cause I think there's a world of all kinds of companies
00:07:56.000 | you could work at.
00:07:57.200 | - The way I think about it,
00:07:58.040 | there's a lot of personal things
00:07:59.120 | that are important to people,
00:08:00.200 | like where they work, where they live,
00:08:02.320 | and how hard they want to work and things like that.
00:08:04.560 | But I'd say if you just,
00:08:05.880 | if I think of four things that are really important,
00:08:08.080 | I think of the people at the company,
00:08:10.360 | the stage of the company, the mission of the company,
00:08:13.080 | and then just the quality of the business.
00:08:15.400 | So just to go through them briefly.
00:08:17.400 | So with people, what I look for,
00:08:19.160 | and what I think you should look for is
00:08:20.840 | where the smartest people going to go work,
00:08:23.120 | trying to go work, or already working.
00:08:26.000 | And there's a few reasons why that's really powerful.
00:08:28.800 | One is it's more likely that they'll build
00:08:31.120 | an awesome product and awesome business
00:08:32.520 | that'll do really well.
00:08:33.560 | So the smartest people working in a company
00:08:35.760 | more likely to succeed.
00:08:37.840 | Two, you'll learn a lot more from that group.
00:08:39.920 | If you're just working with the smartest people,
00:08:41.440 | you can find you're gonna learn a lot more.
00:08:43.720 | And then three,
00:08:44.560 | which is a little bit underappreciated, I think,
00:08:46.960 | the alumni network that you build from a company
00:08:49.400 | that you work at ends up being a really huge asset
00:08:51.640 | if you work at a company that ends up succeeding
00:08:53.800 | and doing well and growing.
00:08:55.120 | So there's a lot of benefit to working in a place
00:08:57.720 | where you can build this really smart,
00:08:59.760 | successful, growing alumni network.
00:09:01.920 | As an example, a friend and I started
00:09:03.760 | the Airbnb Alumni Investing Syndicate.
00:09:06.240 | It's called Air Angels.
00:09:07.400 | We invest in companies as a group.
00:09:08.680 | There's about 500 of us in the syndicate.
00:09:11.440 | And basically we find companies to invest in.
00:09:13.200 | We invest using an SPV and look for ways to be helpful.
00:09:17.780 | And it ends up being a really awesome, fun experience
00:09:20.040 | we all learn together.
00:09:21.560 | That's one, find the place
00:09:23.360 | where the smartest people you know are going.
00:09:25.540 | Two, I think a lot of people underappreciate
00:09:28.280 | the importance of stage of company.
00:09:30.440 | There's such a different experience
00:09:32.200 | working at a startup versus a big company.
00:09:34.200 | And so I think it's really important to think about
00:09:35.720 | what's the stage that you wanna focus on.
00:09:38.080 | I find there's like a really nice middle ground
00:09:39.920 | where you look for a series B or a series C company
00:09:43.280 | where it's not so early that it's likely
00:09:46.360 | to go out of business or it's gonna be like
00:09:48.160 | so stressful all the time,
00:09:49.680 | but it's not like a meta or Google.
00:09:51.560 | And so that's an interesting middle ground
00:09:52.680 | where it's still like a lot of upside,
00:09:54.080 | still really fast moving.
00:09:55.920 | And there's a lot of opportunity
00:09:57.400 | but not boring and slow and big company.
00:09:59.760 | So stage, I would think about the mission of the company.
00:10:03.120 | If you like look back on your life,
00:10:04.520 | you're gonna be like, okay, look,
00:10:05.800 | I spent three years at this company.
00:10:07.040 | I moved this metric 5%.
00:10:08.560 | And so like, you're not gonna be that excited about that
00:10:11.560 | unless the mission is something that you really care about.
00:10:15.080 | And moving that metric 5% leads to something
00:10:17.520 | that matters in the world.
00:10:18.800 | As an example, Airbnb, they basically help people travel
00:10:21.980 | and go on better trips.
00:10:23.440 | And if you ask people, what would you do?
00:10:24.760 | And this applies to your podcast a little bit.
00:10:26.520 | Like what would you do if you had all the money in the world?
00:10:28.840 | Everyone says I travel.
00:10:30.860 | And how cool is it to let people go on better trips,
00:10:33.400 | more trips, have better experiences.
00:10:35.160 | So there's a really meaningful mission there.
00:10:37.040 | And then the fourth is you just wanna pay attention
00:10:39.720 | to the quality of the business.
00:10:40.760 | Like, is it gonna work out?
00:10:42.240 | Is it gonna grow?
00:10:43.080 | Do I have to keep raising money forever?
00:10:44.360 | Are they gonna be profitable?
00:10:45.600 | Especially important in today's climate.
00:10:48.660 | And this is especially important
00:10:50.600 | because one of the most powerful things you can do
00:10:53.200 | to give yourself a chance to get a better job
00:10:55.840 | is to have a logo or two from a company people recognize
00:10:59.400 | and respect because that kind of pre-validates
00:11:02.000 | that you're solid.
00:11:03.000 | Somebody else has interviewed you that you really trust.
00:11:05.360 | And they've said, Chris is great.
00:11:07.040 | We hired him.
00:11:07.880 | He worked here two years.
00:11:08.700 | That says a lot.
00:11:09.540 | They may not necessarily be amazing,
00:11:10.720 | but at least it's some level that gives you a quick like,
00:11:13.840 | okay, I'll talk to this person.
00:11:15.520 | So you wanna work at a company that ends up being like,
00:11:18.160 | oh, wow, they worked that.
00:11:19.480 | Now we're gonna talk to them.
00:11:21.200 | So those are the four.
00:11:22.400 | - I had an idea around that
00:11:23.440 | when I first wanted to get a job at a startup.
00:11:25.280 | I was like, I'm gonna pick a startup
00:11:26.440 | that's really popular, people will remember.
00:11:28.960 | And I was like, what company just raised a bunch of money?
00:11:31.480 | What's in the Zeitgeist?
00:11:32.640 | It turns out I was wrong.
00:11:33.600 | And that company ended up like not actually going on
00:11:35.800 | to raise any further funding.
00:11:37.000 | But that was a hypothesis I had actually played out
00:11:39.680 | because five years later,
00:11:40.800 | even though that company was out of business,
00:11:42.040 | people were like, oh, I remember that company.
00:11:44.120 | And so just the fact that I worked at this company
00:11:45.960 | that was a hot company at the time,
00:11:47.640 | even though it went out of business
00:11:48.920 | within a small niche of people was valuable.
00:11:52.200 | I'll add on a couple thoughts to what you said,
00:11:54.600 | which is when you talk about stage
00:11:57.080 | and for people listening that aren't in tech,
00:11:59.040 | forget whether it's series A, series B or something,
00:12:01.800 | it's just a small company, big company.
00:12:04.560 | Another way to think about those stages
00:12:06.760 | is the speed at which you will learn
00:12:08.680 | and the type of learning you will do.
00:12:10.720 | If you want to really hone your craft in a specific vertical,
00:12:15.560 | a later stage company is often gonna be a place
00:12:18.240 | where you can really focus on one thing
00:12:20.680 | and really hone that skill,
00:12:22.120 | whether it's a set of managerial skills or anything.
00:12:25.560 | At an early stage company,
00:12:26.960 | you're going to accelerate the speed at which you learn,
00:12:30.160 | but it might not be as focused on craft
00:12:32.520 | or at least so I've found
00:12:33.600 | because there's so many opportunities.
00:12:35.720 | You might think you're doing one role in product,
00:12:37.760 | but you might also be doing a role in marketing
00:12:39.440 | and you might also be the janitor sometimes.
00:12:41.320 | I think I've had every role at a company
00:12:42.880 | except engineer at times.
00:12:44.640 | And that happens at a smaller company.
00:12:46.640 | So while you might trade off stability,
00:12:49.040 | you might learn a ton and a lot faster
00:12:51.760 | and be able to make transitions easier.
00:12:53.840 | If you're trying to jump into a new career,
00:12:56.440 | it's gonna be a lot easier at a small company to say,
00:12:58.920 | "Hey, I've never done this thing,
00:13:00.320 | but can I jump in and try it?"
00:13:01.920 | And at a small company, someone's like,
00:13:03.560 | "Oh, Lenny's really good at this thing.
00:13:05.360 | Let's let Lenny do that."
00:13:06.560 | And then you can move across very easily.
00:13:08.800 | - Yeah, that reminds me a story
00:13:10.320 | of when we sold our company to Airbnb,
00:13:12.640 | that's how I joined Airbnb.
00:13:14.320 | I went from being the CEO of the startup
00:13:15.960 | to a PM at Airbnb and I felt such relief
00:13:20.440 | not having to think about all the things at the company
00:13:23.320 | and just focus on the one problem
00:13:25.080 | that we had to solve at Airbnb.
00:13:27.080 | Like you would think that's painful,
00:13:28.520 | but it was so nice.
00:13:29.640 | And I have to think about fundraising
00:13:31.040 | and I have to think about paying people salaries every month.
00:13:34.400 | It was just like, "Cool, we're gonna solve this problem.
00:13:36.120 | Life's gonna be so much easier."
00:13:37.960 | Sometimes you want that, sometimes you don't.
00:13:39.840 | - My wife was a chief of staff at Lyft for a bunch of years.
00:13:43.280 | She joined when the company was very small
00:13:45.200 | and she had the opposite experience,
00:13:47.480 | which was she got to see everything.
00:13:49.200 | And it was an amazing opportunity
00:13:51.360 | because the company was growing
00:13:52.320 | and she wore every hat there was.
00:13:54.440 | And finally she was like,
00:13:55.640 | "Oh, I'm spinning up a team to work on insurance.
00:13:57.880 | I don't love that.
00:13:58.880 | I'm spinning up a team to work on BD.
00:14:00.760 | Oh, I'm like really interested in this.
00:14:02.680 | Let's go do that."
00:14:03.880 | And then she built a career in BD
00:14:05.920 | and loves doing BD and partnership stuff,
00:14:08.600 | but she never would have found that
00:14:10.080 | if she hadn't joined a company small enough
00:14:12.080 | to be able to do lots of stuff.
00:14:13.280 | And then this is a little bit out of the way
00:14:15.240 | 'cause it's difficult to find these people,
00:14:17.720 | but I think about trying to think about
00:14:20.240 | who you want to work for also.
00:14:22.320 | So in any industry,
00:14:23.800 | there are people that are well-known in their industry.
00:14:26.520 | You could look at like any conference for an industry,
00:14:28.640 | like who are the people speaking?
00:14:29.720 | Who are the people that are writing?
00:14:31.280 | Who are the people you respect?
00:14:32.840 | And sometimes there might be a good opportunity
00:14:35.360 | to go learn from that person.
00:14:37.360 | And it might not be the mission that you love,
00:14:39.400 | but it might be the best mentor you can find.
00:14:42.160 | And so that's another thing
00:14:43.920 | that I think you could focus on
00:14:46.120 | when you're trying to figure out where to go,
00:14:47.720 | what's important to you.
00:14:48.640 | It's like, do I care about the mission
00:14:50.040 | and will that fulfill me?
00:14:51.040 | Or do I care about the learning?
00:14:52.160 | Will that fulfill me?
00:14:53.240 | Or do I care about the resume boost?
00:14:55.080 | Will that fulfill me?
00:14:55.920 | All of those are options.
00:14:57.360 | You just have to process them all.
00:14:58.440 | - Yeah, it reminds me of a quote
00:14:59.640 | that I don't know if I believe,
00:15:00.640 | but a lot of people believe it,
00:15:01.880 | that you don't quit a job, you quit a manager.
00:15:03.720 | So to your point,
00:15:04.640 | finding a manager that you're really excited about
00:15:06.640 | and think you can learn from and want to work from
00:15:08.920 | and that will champion you is really important.
00:15:11.200 | And I think super underappreciated.
00:15:13.040 | In my career, the biggest trajectory inflection
00:15:16.160 | was just one manager I had that just taught me a ton
00:15:19.000 | and just pushed me to do better.
00:15:21.040 | And to your point,
00:15:21.880 | there's so much power and value in finding that person.
00:15:24.960 | And if you can find the Japanese phrase Ikigai,
00:15:27.600 | if you're familiar, if you can find that,
00:15:29.360 | obviously it's like the dream, right?
00:15:31.200 | Which is the intersection of what you love,
00:15:33.400 | what you're good at, what the world needs
00:15:35.400 | and what you could get paid for.
00:15:36.480 | That's the dream.
00:15:37.320 | I'm learning as fast as I want
00:15:38.640 | at a company with the mission I want.
00:15:40.440 | But I will say in my career,
00:15:41.720 | it's been very hard to find all of those things all the time
00:15:45.240 | and so you've got to prioritize
00:15:47.360 | and sometimes they morph into that,
00:15:49.240 | but I wouldn't necessarily hold out
00:15:52.160 | for finding something that ticks every box.
00:15:54.000 | - I think one way to think about it
00:15:54.960 | as long as you're getting closer to that,
00:15:56.280 | because you, like your wife, you said,
00:15:58.240 | she like didn't know she wanted BD
00:16:00.360 | and the more experiences you have,
00:16:02.680 | the more you kind of narrow in on,
00:16:04.800 | okay, here's the thing I really want.
00:16:06.960 | The other way to think about it
00:16:08.040 | is I realized this is my fourth career.
00:16:10.560 | First I was a engineer, then I was a founder,
00:16:13.560 | then I was a PM and I'm whatever I am now,
00:16:15.960 | one of the newsletter.
00:16:17.200 | So there's always options to go change
00:16:19.840 | and go in different directions
00:16:20.840 | as you learn more about what you're excited about.
00:16:22.720 | Like you're not stuck in the path that you chose.
00:16:26.000 | - I don't know about you,
00:16:26.920 | but I went through investment banker,
00:16:28.960 | management consultant, employee, PM, BD,
00:16:32.600 | then founder, then went to Google
00:16:34.640 | and was a venture capitalist.
00:16:35.760 | I went through a lot and now I'm a creator.
00:16:37.200 | I never knew half of those things
00:16:39.320 | more than three months before.
00:16:41.280 | Like some of them I was like,
00:16:42.120 | I never knew I was gonna be VC
00:16:43.280 | and then that opportunity arose.
00:16:44.680 | I never thought I'd be a creator
00:16:46.160 | and then I started a podcast.
00:16:47.760 | So I think you don't need to know the future.
00:16:50.640 | I love this idea of where do you wanna be
00:16:52.240 | with your life in 10 years?
00:16:54.600 | And if you're in a career
00:16:55.680 | where that exercise is helpful, great.
00:16:58.080 | But I can tell you that
00:16:59.760 | where would my career be in 10 years, 10 years ago
00:17:02.880 | would be so wildly off from where it ended up
00:17:06.080 | that maybe it would have been a fun exercise,
00:17:08.440 | but it certainly wouldn't have been
00:17:09.640 | anywhere close to accurate.
00:17:11.160 | - Yeah, I think to that point,
00:17:12.280 | there's so much value in a variety of experiences.
00:17:15.320 | Like just doing a lot of different stuff
00:17:17.280 | later on ends up being really valuable
00:17:19.880 | to whatever you end up doing later.
00:17:22.320 | I was just interviewing a newsletter guy
00:17:24.840 | who was like the number one tech newsletter on Substack
00:17:26.800 | and he's like, yeah, I launched a newsletter.
00:17:28.560 | I got a thousand subscribers really quickly.
00:17:30.280 | It just started working.
00:17:31.520 | But in reality, I spent six years
00:17:33.480 | writing a book on engineering
00:17:35.440 | and then working at these jobs, learning a bunch of stuff.
00:17:37.800 | So the thing you end up doing later
00:17:39.640 | ends up being built on the experiences you have.
00:17:42.520 | And a lot of people don't understand the value
00:17:44.600 | of just trying a bunch of different stuff
00:17:46.280 | and not feeling like they have to be stuck.
00:17:48.080 | Like here's the thing I'm gonna do for 10 years.
00:17:49.840 | (air whooshing)
00:17:50.920 | Do you know about donor advised funds?
00:17:53.000 | They're tax advantaged financial accounts
00:17:55.080 | for the sole purpose of charity.
00:17:56.760 | Think 401ks and IRAs, but just for charity.
00:17:59.880 | And DAFI is bringing them to the masses,
00:18:02.320 | which is why I'm excited to partner with them
00:18:04.280 | for this episode.
00:18:05.320 | DAFI is a new modern way to give
00:18:07.640 | and it stands for the donor advised fund for you.
00:18:10.800 | With DAFI, it's so much easier
00:18:12.680 | to put money aside for charity.
00:18:14.360 | You can make your tax deductible contributions all at once,
00:18:17.360 | or you can set aside a little each week or month.
00:18:20.080 | And you don't just have to donate cash.
00:18:22.320 | You can easily contribute stocks, ETFs, or crypto.
00:18:25.720 | Then you can give to more than 1 1/2 million charities,
00:18:28.840 | schools, and faith-based organizations
00:18:30.760 | in a matter of seconds.
00:18:32.120 | My favorite part is that it lets you be more strategic
00:18:34.700 | with your giving and your tax planning
00:18:37.000 | by having a single source of charitable deductions.
00:18:39.760 | Plus, you don't have to deal with the hassle
00:18:42.040 | of tracking receipts from your donations.
00:18:44.320 | To start giving today and get your free $25
00:18:47.360 | to give to the charity of your choice,
00:18:49.320 | go to
00:18:52.480 | Again, that's
00:18:57.480 | I wish I could say that I'm eating
00:19:00.160 | a fully balanced diet every day,
00:19:02.280 | but the reality is that I am definitely not.
00:19:04.880 | So I love having an easy way
00:19:06.760 | to get my daily nutritional insurance,
00:19:08.960 | which is why I kickstart my day with Athletic Greens,
00:19:11.840 | and I am excited to be partnering with them
00:19:13.720 | for this episode.
00:19:14.960 | I started taking it because I wanted to see
00:19:16.960 | what all the hype was about,
00:19:18.280 | and I've kept it in my daily routine for months.
00:19:21.360 | Every morning, I mix it up with some cold water,
00:19:23.760 | add a few ice cubes, it tastes so good when it's cold,
00:19:26.880 | and I head to my office feeling focused
00:19:29.120 | and energized for the day,
00:19:30.480 | which is a feeling I absolutely love.
00:19:33.240 | I also love that it's made from 75 high-quality vitamins,
00:19:36.600 | minerals, and superfoods,
00:19:38.080 | and contains less than one gram of sugar.
00:19:40.900 | It also has no GMOs, nasty chemicals,
00:19:43.360 | or artificial anything.
00:19:45.060 | To make giving it a try easy,
00:19:46.840 | Athletic Greens is gonna give you a free one-year supply
00:19:50.360 | of immune-supporting vitamin D
00:19:52.280 | and five free travel packs with your first purchase.
00:19:55.680 | All you have to do is visit
00:19:57.200 |
00:20:00.880 | Again, that's
00:20:04.720 | to take ownership over your health
00:20:06.760 | and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance.
00:20:09.720 | It's like you found a job, you found a handful of jobs.
00:20:12.280 | My personal belief is that in today's world,
00:20:15.680 | you're much better off trying to narrow it down
00:20:17.880 | to three or four companies
00:20:19.080 | that you're really excited about
00:20:20.800 | and double down on your efforts to get in front of them.
00:20:23.380 | Things I've done in the past are
00:20:25.040 | find every person that I can that knows them.
00:20:27.320 | I've tried creating a presentation and sending it to them.
00:20:30.920 | You could create a video about how excited you are.
00:20:33.420 | Lots of things like that.
00:20:35.240 | I've had this work for me,
00:20:36.920 | and I think it's underappreciated,
00:20:39.260 | but as a founder, someone emailed me and said,
00:20:42.520 | "I am so excited about your company.
00:20:44.120 | "Here's my ideas."
00:20:45.560 | And I was like, "I have to interview this person."
00:20:47.400 | Like anyone who would take more than an hour
00:20:50.080 | to put something creative together about my company
00:20:53.480 | is someone I will want to talk to.
00:20:56.000 | And the bigger the company, the more it's like,
00:20:58.040 | "Well, they actually have to fit a role we're hiring for."
00:21:00.880 | But I've interviewed people who I was like,
00:21:02.160 | "I don't even have a role for you,
00:21:03.520 | "but I just wanna understand who you are
00:21:05.040 | "so I know where to slot you in later."
00:21:06.960 | And you can't scale that if you're interviewing,
00:21:08.840 | if you have a thousand companies you're excited about.
00:21:10.840 | But if you have three, I'm like,
00:21:12.200 | "Go all in on those three
00:21:13.720 | "before you try to find three more,
00:21:15.600 | "because I think that you can easily stand out
00:21:19.340 | "by doing those things."
00:21:20.360 | There's an episode I did with Sunil Gupta
00:21:22.480 | who wrote a book called "Backable."
00:21:24.000 | And one time he just like did customer research
00:21:26.760 | for the company and sent it to me.
00:21:28.440 | He was like, "Hey, I interviewed your customers.
00:21:29.720 | "Here's what I learned."
00:21:30.560 | If you were in sales, you could go close a customer
00:21:33.320 | and be like, "Hey, I just convinced a customer
00:21:35.140 | "to sign up for you.
00:21:35.980 | "I just wanted to let you know."
00:21:37.560 | Who doesn't wanna interview a person
00:21:38.800 | who's closing deals before they even work there?
00:21:40.680 | So I think if you can go through the hard exercise
00:21:43.440 | of figuring out what you want.
00:21:44.800 | Those are my tactics of standing out.
00:21:46.420 | I'm curious at what you've seen
00:21:47.720 | to try to have candidates either who've applied to you
00:21:50.200 | or you've done yourself
00:21:51.120 | to put yourself out there in different ways.
00:21:52.680 | - I think that's awesome advice.
00:21:54.040 | It reminds me, I was teaching a course on Maven
00:21:57.120 | about product management.
00:21:58.000 | And I was interviewing coaches to help me with the course.
00:22:01.760 | And I had about 10 coaches.
00:22:03.220 | I was interviewing them with someone else
00:22:04.760 | that was helping me out with the course.
00:22:06.600 | And one of the coaches started her own sub stack,
00:22:09.540 | subscribed me to it,
00:22:10.840 | and then just started writing posts
00:22:12.200 | about how she's the perfect fit to coach this course.
00:22:15.440 | And I was like, "Holy shit.
00:22:17.140 | "We need to make sure that we talk to her for sure."
00:22:20.620 | And we did, and it didn't work out there
00:22:22.040 | 'cause she wasn't quite the fit,
00:22:23.200 | but I found something else to do with her.
00:22:25.060 | And now she's a core part of my newsletter community,
00:22:27.400 | helps run a lot of the programs.
00:22:29.080 | - That's awesome.
00:22:29.920 | - Yeah, I love that advice.
00:22:31.340 | I think that's awesome advice.
00:22:32.800 | I think generally, the question is how do you stand out?
00:22:35.000 | How do you stand out?
00:22:35.840 | Is there something really remarkable
00:22:37.360 | that gets someone's attention?
00:22:38.600 | There's a lot of ways to do it.
00:22:39.980 | I do a lot of angel investing.
00:22:41.600 | And whenever I get a founder that makes a loom,
00:22:44.480 | "Hey Lenny, I really wanted to talk to you
00:22:46.840 | "about the startup I'm building.
00:22:47.900 | "Here's why it's awesome."
00:22:49.480 | I watch them.
00:22:50.900 | Most of the time I talk to them
00:22:51.960 | 'cause they put in the effort and they do something unique.
00:22:55.040 | So I think it applies to investing too.
00:22:56.640 | Pick the people you really want on your cap table
00:22:59.080 | and do some extra.
00:23:01.080 | I think broadly, if you don't do anything like this,
00:23:04.240 | the things you need, 'cause I'm with the job board,
00:23:06.480 | I probably reviewed 3000 profiles of people
00:23:08.440 | that applied to join the job board or the collective.
00:23:10.960 | And so the things, like if you think about
00:23:12.680 | from the perspective of hiring manager,
00:23:14.840 | like what are they looking when they're scanning resumes?
00:23:17.240 | They're looking for logos that they recognize
00:23:19.760 | from companies that have pre-vetted that person
00:23:22.400 | in some form versus like a bunch of random companies
00:23:25.200 | they've never heard of.
00:23:26.040 | You're not gonna be able to do a lot about this,
00:23:27.280 | but this is what hiring managers look for.
00:23:28.980 | Companies that they respect,
00:23:30.360 | that have done one pass at this person
00:23:32.200 | and they're probably solid.
00:23:33.200 | And then I think you mentioned this is just like impact,
00:23:35.720 | show some kind of impact that you've driven.
00:23:38.160 | Like they're hiring you to have impact.
00:23:40.440 | What impact have you had in your career?
00:23:42.840 | And so the more you can highlight those things, the better.
00:23:45.160 | But if you don't have those things, your advice is great.
00:23:48.360 | Do something remarkable.
00:23:50.080 | - I love the idea of like a loom resume.
00:23:51.680 | I can imagine getting an email.
00:23:52.840 | If you'd rather not look at another 50th resume of the day,
00:23:56.160 | here's a five minute video
00:23:57.200 | of me walking through the highlights.
00:23:58.400 | And oh, by the way, you can put it on 2X
00:24:00.320 | if you wanna get through it in two and a half.
00:24:01.920 | - I bet if I got an email that was like a little bit snarky,
00:24:04.320 | a little bit funny, but a little bit informative,
00:24:06.100 | that would be great.
00:24:06.940 | And if you don't have those logos,
00:24:09.360 | it might be exactly what you need to get through that.
00:24:11.120 | - Yeah, and then you could track
00:24:12.080 | that they watch the video too,
00:24:13.080 | which is cool, you get an email.
00:24:14.760 | - Oh yeah.
00:24:15.580 | The app I use for editing my podcast, Descript,
00:24:17.160 | has a loom like feature, but it doesn't have the tracking.
00:24:19.920 | So now I'm like, oh, maybe I should switch over
00:24:21.600 | and start using loom.
00:24:22.520 | - There you go.
00:24:23.340 | - What about interviewing?
00:24:24.180 | Let's say I call you, I'm like,
00:24:25.280 | oh, I decided I'm done creating a podcast.
00:24:27.480 | I want this job.
00:24:28.400 | Lenny, what advice do you have for me to nail the interview?
00:24:31.000 | - I like, I don't know if I'm going to give you anything
00:24:32.640 | that you haven't heard before,
00:24:33.480 | other than just spend a lot of time preparing,
00:24:35.680 | like a lot of interview questions
00:24:36.880 | or stuff you'll hear from a lot of different people.
00:24:39.560 | So I think that's probably 90% of it.
00:24:42.060 | Just spend a bunch of time preparing.
00:24:44.000 | If you're interviewing at a big company,
00:24:45.560 | my sister was interviewing.
00:24:47.160 | There's just like videos of all the interview questions
00:24:49.000 | they ask you online.
00:24:49.840 | It's pretty crazy.
00:24:50.680 | There's like courses you could take,
00:24:51.840 | like how to interview at Google.
00:24:53.600 | And it's like all the questions they ask you.
00:24:55.920 | And it's like, you can go through all of them.
00:24:57.640 | There's like a pool basically.
00:24:59.160 | So there's like a lot of answers out there
00:25:02.560 | if you put in the time.
00:25:03.480 | Another piece is get good at telling your story
00:25:06.080 | and why you want to do this job,
00:25:08.640 | what you've done in your career,
00:25:10.800 | highlight the things that have had impact.
00:25:13.000 | I think it's just like, get good at pitching yourself.
00:25:15.320 | And then you want to ask good questions of the interviewee.
00:25:18.620 | People want you to ask them questions
00:25:20.160 | because they want to feel like you care about the company.
00:25:22.760 | - If they want to not just hear it, but feel it.
00:25:24.720 | You said, I've interviewed people who I'm like,
00:25:26.440 | why do you want to work here?
00:25:27.280 | And they're like, well,
00:25:28.120 | I'm at a financial planning startup.
00:25:29.400 | And they're like, I just love personal finance.
00:25:30.840 | I'm like, that's why you want to work in the industry.
00:25:32.360 | That's not why you want to work here.
00:25:33.880 | I would say, especially the smaller the company,
00:25:36.520 | but it probably works at any scale.
00:25:38.440 | If you don't have a really solid answer
00:25:40.720 | for why you want to work at this company,
00:25:43.120 | I think that is tough for the other person to hear
00:25:45.920 | if they ask you.
00:25:46.800 | And even if they don't, I'd try to slot it in
00:25:48.720 | because I think that's great.
00:25:49.760 | And I would also try to come up with a personal question
00:25:53.800 | that I know this sounds like a lot of work,
00:25:55.480 | but try to come up with the best question
00:25:56.720 | you can ask someone.
00:25:57.840 | Because whenever anyone asks me a really hard question,
00:26:01.600 | I remember that person.
00:26:02.960 | I'm like, that person really thought hard about this.
00:26:05.680 | Or they transferred from interview to interview.
00:26:07.640 | They're like, oh, this person told me
00:26:08.680 | this is your biggest problem that your company's facing.
00:26:10.720 | And in the next one, they'd come in and say,
00:26:12.400 | hey, I talked to the head of marketing
00:26:14.320 | and they said this is the biggest challenge you're facing.
00:26:16.680 | From a product standpoint,
00:26:18.280 | what are you guys doing
00:26:19.200 | to help the marketing team solve this?
00:26:20.920 | And it's like, well, now you get to learn a lot of stuff,
00:26:23.480 | but it actually shows that you're trying to solve problems.
00:26:25.720 | You're trying to get more out of it.
00:26:27.000 | I just try to say as the candidate,
00:26:29.040 | don't forget you can ask questions
00:26:30.800 | and don't assume that the questions you ask
00:26:32.960 | are purely selfish.
00:26:34.400 | They can often leave people with a better impression of you
00:26:37.600 | and not just be information gathering.
00:26:39.840 | - So I have a TikTok account for my podcast.
00:26:41.680 | It's called Lenny's Podcast on TikTok.
00:26:43.760 | And I think it's like, my name is the actual handle.
00:26:46.400 | And the most popular content is guests talking
00:26:50.080 | about their favorite interview question.
00:26:51.840 | I ask that often at the end of my podcast episodes.
00:26:54.800 | And so if you're looking for more questions to practice on,
00:26:58.640 | if you go to Lenny's Podcast on TikTok,
00:27:00.560 | you'll sort, I think by views,
00:27:01.960 | you can probably see a bunch
00:27:02.840 | of really fun interview questions.
00:27:05.560 | - I will link to that in the show notes
00:27:06.960 | so people can find it.
00:27:08.240 | Now, let's say you get the job.
00:27:09.760 | This is something I know you've written about.
00:27:11.400 | And I know it was actually a guest post,
00:27:12.840 | but I'm hoping you have some of the takeaways
00:27:14.640 | because they were fantastic about salary negotiation.
00:27:18.400 | I think it's something that people spend far less time on
00:27:21.560 | than they should.
00:27:22.400 | And you highlighted a lot of that
00:27:23.680 | in the post you put out on your newsletter.
00:27:25.600 | - Yeah, this post ended up being the most popular post
00:27:28.080 | of my newsletter of all time,
00:27:29.560 | partly 'cause it got on Hacker News and got a ton of views
00:27:33.000 | and some recruiters did not like it.
00:27:35.040 | And it's good and bad, but I learned a ton from it.
00:27:37.800 | So the author's Nia Drugova.
00:27:40.200 | And the reason I asked her to write this
00:27:42.000 | is because I'm really bad at negotiation.
00:27:44.080 | I don't even know if I've ever negotiated a salary.
00:27:46.600 | And so I wanted to learn how to do this well.
00:27:48.920 | And her full-time job basically
00:27:50.640 | is helping candidates negotiate their offers.
00:27:53.660 | And help them find jobs.
00:27:54.760 | So she's done this a ton.
00:27:56.720 | There's 10 kind of steps that she shares.
00:27:59.160 | I'll share a few highlights,
00:28:00.120 | things that I thought were most interesting.
00:28:02.440 | One is she super recommends you never give a number
00:28:06.200 | of what you think your salary should be
00:28:08.560 | or the range you're thinking about.
00:28:10.200 | Here's the question she suggests you ask.
00:28:11.880 | Can you tell me the salary band for this level?
00:28:14.940 | I'm happy to let you know if it's within my range
00:28:17.040 | and we can discuss the specific number later
00:28:18.960 | once I've met the team.
00:28:21.040 | That's her advice.
00:28:22.240 | And that range ends up being really useful later
00:28:24.960 | when you start to negotiate.
00:28:26.840 | That's tip one.
00:28:28.340 | Tip two is to mine for intel
00:28:31.920 | from your hiring manager and the recruiter
00:28:33.800 | into what they're looking for from this role.
00:28:36.400 | Like what's the number one priority of the team right now?
00:28:39.160 | Why is this role open?
00:28:40.900 | What's the biggest challenge
00:28:42.120 | for someone getting into this role?
00:28:43.880 | And the reason this is important
00:28:44.760 | is then you can mirror that back
00:28:46.560 | when you're pitching yourself.
00:28:47.920 | Once you've got an offer you wanna counter,
00:28:50.260 | you can highlight,
00:28:51.260 | hey, here's what I'm gonna help you with.
00:28:53.320 | Here's what I'm gonna do in this role.
00:28:55.720 | Here's the challenges I'm gonna tackle immediately.
00:28:58.460 | And people are gonna be like,
00:28:59.300 | holy moly, that's exactly what we need.
00:29:00.760 | How did you know?
00:29:01.680 | So the tip there is just mine.
00:29:03.200 | Like ask these questions so that you can have notes
00:29:05.120 | when you're actually pitching yourself later.
00:29:06.980 | And then the third tip that I love is
00:29:09.800 | once you get an offer,
00:29:11.360 | her advice is don't counter it immediately
00:29:14.080 | and don't come back with,
00:29:14.920 | no, I think this is a better, more fair number.
00:29:17.940 | Instead you wanna win the hearts and minds
00:29:20.340 | of the decision makers.
00:29:21.800 | You want them to feel like,
00:29:23.240 | oh my God, we need Chris in this company.
00:29:25.440 | We gotta pay him whatever he wants.
00:29:27.360 | And her advice is after you get the offer,
00:29:29.600 | try to get a meeting with a decision maker,
00:29:31.720 | like a director or VP or something.
00:29:33.520 | Just like, hey, I just wanna chat about this role.
00:29:35.520 | In the discussion,
00:29:37.320 | ask questions about how they would want you
00:29:39.880 | to create meaningful impact.
00:29:41.200 | Share some ideas maybe you've had
00:29:42.920 | about what you're gonna do there.
00:29:44.840 | And then maybe share obstacles that you have
00:29:47.920 | in accepting the offer and taking on the role.
00:29:50.460 | And try to get them excited about you joining the company.
00:29:53.220 | And with that, then you can come back with like,
00:29:55.740 | okay, I've talked to everyone.
00:29:56.660 | I understand the role better.
00:29:58.020 | Here's where I think the offer should be.
00:30:00.260 | And in theory, if you got them really excited,
00:30:01.900 | they'd be like, oh yeah, yes, yes, yes.
00:30:03.140 | Let's do whatever we need to do.
00:30:04.460 | So those are some nuggets.
00:30:07.000 | - I love that third tip.
00:30:08.380 | It's almost like come up with a plan.
00:30:10.260 | You could even talk to the person that would be your manager
00:30:12.220 | and be like, hey,
00:30:13.580 | I know we're talking about salary negotiation already,
00:30:15.780 | but I just wanna figure out like, what's the 90-day plan?
00:30:17.960 | What can I hit the ground running on?
00:30:19.340 | And you get them to like buy into,
00:30:21.880 | this is what this person's gonna do.
00:30:23.240 | And they're like, gosh,
00:30:24.080 | we've already decided their first project.
00:30:25.920 | Can we get going?
00:30:26.760 | - Right, like get them in the hell, let's get going.
00:30:28.800 | What are we doing?
00:30:29.640 | - Yeah. - Negotiating over here.
00:30:31.080 | - My other piece of advice to people is,
00:30:33.000 | salary is a component of your compensation,
00:30:35.560 | but there's often a lot of flexibility in other places.
00:30:38.440 | So it's not the only place to focus on.
00:30:41.600 | Some companies, things like vacation days are flexible.
00:30:44.280 | Some they're just based on tenure or everyone gets the same.
00:30:47.260 | Some educational reimbursement is one
00:30:49.380 | that you can focus on.
00:30:50.420 | Others, I've found companies that say,
00:30:52.740 | we're not really willing to flex on the salary,
00:30:55.020 | but I've heard from after I've worked there
00:30:57.360 | that they are willing to flex on a signing bonus.
00:30:59.940 | They are willing to flex on various other aspects
00:31:02.400 | of compensation, like what your estimated bonus is.
00:31:05.060 | I helped a friend negotiate.
00:31:06.700 | He said, sometimes it's like,
00:31:08.460 | oh, well now I know the band for the level,
00:31:10.040 | but could I be at the next level?
00:31:11.500 | And I'm not trying to tell you how much to pay me.
00:31:13.460 | I'm trying to tell you that I'm at the next level.
00:31:15.140 | And they said, well, we're not confident
00:31:16.540 | you're at that level.
00:31:17.420 | And he said, great, how about we have a check-in
00:31:19.420 | in six months and you tell me what I need to demonstrate.
00:31:23.420 | I will demonstrate that.
00:31:24.700 | And if I will, would you retroactively update my compensation
00:31:28.580 | as if I came in at that level?
00:31:30.340 | If you're not willing to believe I'm there now,
00:31:31.880 | let me prove it to you.
00:31:33.180 | And he set out a series of things
00:31:35.460 | that they needed to demonstrate.
00:31:37.180 | Three months in, he checked in with them and said,
00:31:39.360 | am I on track to demonstrate these things?
00:31:41.420 | Which by the way, genius move for this person
00:31:44.220 | because it's so much easier for your manager
00:31:46.180 | to say you're on track for something
00:31:48.100 | than actually getting your promotion put through
00:31:50.620 | or getting your compensation adjusted.
00:31:52.940 | But then when you check in six months later and you say,
00:31:55.380 | three months ago, you said I was on track.
00:31:57.300 | Like we haven't had any conversation to the contrary.
00:31:59.860 | If I'm not getting this, then why were you telling me that?
00:32:02.300 | Similar to how you said getting the buy-in
00:32:03.860 | before you negotiate, you're getting the buy-in
00:32:05.540 | that you're already gonna get approved for this change.
00:32:08.180 | So I just think there's a lot of wiggle room
00:32:10.860 | about things other than your salary.
00:32:12.740 | And if a company's not willing to flex there,
00:32:15.100 | go down all the other paths.
00:32:16.380 | - Still so hard to do this negotiation thing.
00:32:19.360 | - I kind of love negotiating.
00:32:21.240 | I worked with Andy Ratcliffe for a while.
00:32:22.580 | He was the CEO of Wealthfront.
00:32:23.420 | His advice was to always just put the decision
00:32:26.100 | in someone else's hand and say, what do you think is fair?
00:32:29.540 | He said 90% of the time they do what's fair
00:32:32.140 | and 10% of the time they don't.
00:32:33.500 | And you know that they're trying to kind of screw you over
00:32:35.780 | and maybe that's just not the right fit.
00:32:37.180 | I always like sharing negotiation advice,
00:32:38.760 | even if it's not relevant to salary,
00:32:40.380 | but you could basically say,
00:32:41.520 | here's all the data I've collected
00:32:43.420 | about what this role should be compensated.
00:32:46.060 | I'd like to be compensated fairly with this data.
00:32:48.980 | Here's the data, let me know what you think.
00:32:50.900 | And like force it on them to make a fair decision,
00:32:53.580 | depending on the circumstance,
00:32:54.980 | a good last tactic or a starting point.
00:32:56.900 | But I like and have used many times the tactic
00:32:59.900 | of letting someone else decide what's fair
00:33:01.740 | and not have to throw out the number first.
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00:35:51.900 | I just wanna thank you quick for listening to
00:35:55.800 | and supporting the show.
00:35:57.280 | Your support is what keeps this show going.
00:36:00.120 | To get all of the URLs, codes, deals,
00:36:02.840 | and discounts from our partners,
00:36:04.600 | you can go to
00:36:08.160 | So, please consider supporting those who support us.
00:36:11.400 | Okay, so we've gotten hired.
00:36:13.020 | We're now at a company,
00:36:14.460 | and I wanna focus on something that applies to everyone,
00:36:17.360 | actually working at the company they're at.
00:36:19.920 | There is a lot we could cover here.
00:36:21.320 | I don't wanna go through every possible thing,
00:36:23.780 | but there are a few things that I think you might have
00:36:26.660 | outsized impact on the conversation about,
00:36:29.280 | and the first one is actually about having impact
00:36:32.260 | in an organization, and hopefully a little bit
00:36:34.200 | about how to get promoted on the way,
00:36:35.920 | but I know you believe those two things
00:36:37.620 | are both similar and very different.
00:36:39.600 | So, what do you think people should be optimizing for
00:36:42.400 | when they're working at any company?
00:36:43.860 | - If I had to pick one thing,
00:36:45.040 | I would say have impact on the company
00:36:47.240 | in their bottom line.
00:36:48.360 | If you think about it like,
00:36:49.200 | why the hell are they paying you a salary?
00:36:50.580 | It's to have impact on their business,
00:36:53.320 | to help them grow faster.
00:36:55.400 | And so, if there's any one thing
00:36:57.240 | that you can just always come back to,
00:36:59.160 | if you deliver more impact, you will do better.
00:37:02.360 | That's like 90% of your success at a company.
00:37:05.300 | Then there's like, people need to know about your impact.
00:37:07.960 | You need to be working on things that matter.
00:37:09.640 | Like, you could have an impact on a leaf
00:37:12.080 | at the end of the tree of the business,
00:37:14.040 | or you could have impact on the core number one goal,
00:37:16.760 | and that's a big difference,
00:37:17.740 | but I'd say if you had to pick anything,
00:37:19.120 | it's just how can I deliver more impact?
00:37:21.360 | And it's especially important for PMs
00:37:22.960 | who are basically marshaling the resources of their team.
00:37:27.040 | And the more you focus on how can our team have more impact,
00:37:30.400 | the better everyone on the team does.
00:37:32.080 | - Let's pretend you just started a new company.
00:37:33.600 | How do you find the way you can have that impact?
00:37:36.660 | - I think about Lord of the Rings and the Eye of Sauron.
00:37:39.720 | If you think about like,
00:37:40.560 | what's the most important project to the CEO right now?
00:37:43.920 | I think about that as the Eye of Sauron.
00:37:45.640 | He's looking at that, or she's looking at that,
00:37:47.720 | and that's gonna be like so stressful and difficult.
00:37:50.600 | You're like right on you, on your butt.
00:37:53.000 | And then the alternative is you could be working in a shire
00:37:55.400 | where nobody cares what's going on.
00:37:56.760 | Like you could have the most amazing product
00:37:58.840 | and everyone's like, that's nice, good job.
00:38:00.840 | I would say generally you wanna optimize on average
00:38:04.040 | to be like not in the Eye of Sauron,
00:38:05.920 | but right off to the side.
00:38:07.320 | Work on something that's really important,
00:38:09.120 | but not like the most important thing to the company,
00:38:11.680 | at least for a long time,
00:38:12.560 | because you just get burned out being in that thing
00:38:14.320 | that's like the number one most important product.
00:38:16.880 | So that's just like a general piece of advice.
00:38:18.680 | Work on something really important,
00:38:19.960 | but maybe not the most important thing.
00:38:22.200 | Just a tip there.
00:38:23.720 | And then in terms of just like,
00:38:24.800 | how do you find what the most important thing?
00:38:26.040 | Like it's pretty clear usually.
00:38:27.680 | It's like what's getting resourced?
00:38:29.800 | What are the execs really excited about?
00:38:32.320 | Where are the best people going?
00:38:34.280 | Those sorts of things, like what's being prioritized?
00:38:36.320 | - Impact's the most important thing.
00:38:37.760 | I've seen you write about how to get promoted effectively,
00:38:40.480 | and that impact matters.
00:38:41.680 | Any comments on that?
00:38:43.120 | - Yeah, if you're like, why am I not getting promoted?
00:38:45.800 | It usually means that you're not delivering enough impact
00:38:49.000 | or people don't have confidence that you will deliver
00:38:51.400 | the impact that you need to at a higher level.
00:38:53.840 | So if you think about working backwards
00:38:55.760 | from a hiring manager or the company,
00:38:58.120 | thinking about, should we promote Chris?
00:39:00.560 | Basically, you need to give them confidence
00:39:02.040 | that you can handle more scope,
00:39:03.840 | more responsibility, more impact.
00:39:06.480 | So how do you show that?
00:39:08.480 | One, deliver more impact.
00:39:10.400 | Find ways to hit more ambitious goals,
00:39:13.440 | maybe lead a really important project,
00:39:15.480 | work on something closer to the eye of Sauron,
00:39:17.840 | something higher visibility and more important,
00:39:20.480 | maybe help the company save money or run more efficiently,
00:39:23.800 | just like find ways where you can show
00:39:26.200 | that you've done things that are really important
00:39:27.720 | to the company.
00:39:28.560 | So that's one.
00:39:29.400 | Two is, part of the idea of our promotion
00:39:31.480 | is people are gonna give you more scope,
00:39:33.720 | more responsibility, and again,
00:39:35.600 | they have to have confidence that you can handle it.
00:39:37.520 | How do you do that?
00:39:38.360 | You take on more scope, more responsibility
00:39:40.240 | before you are promoted to show people,
00:39:42.160 | look at me, I can handle this.
00:39:44.200 | So you wanna find ways to take on
00:39:46.280 | work maybe your manager's doing.
00:39:47.640 | And knock it out, take on a project
00:39:50.040 | that someone else is doing while they're out
00:39:51.440 | and do it for them.
00:39:52.880 | Pick a really ambitious project
00:39:54.880 | that's just gonna take a year or two
00:39:56.440 | that's gonna be really important to the company.
00:39:58.120 | Take the reins on like a visioning exercise
00:40:00.600 | and just like, look at me, I did this thing,
00:40:02.320 | this is awesome.
00:40:03.320 | I think what's important here is a lot of people
00:40:05.240 | only get promoted after they've shown
00:40:06.960 | they can handle this additional scope.
00:40:09.120 | And so you gotta find opportunities to take on more scope.
00:40:12.320 | There's five more, and it's posted around,
00:40:13.960 | so let me just run through them pretty quick.
00:40:15.560 | Three is part of the reason you're getting promoted
00:40:18.200 | is there's this gap that your manager has identified.
00:40:21.040 | Like Chris needs to work on better deadline setting
00:40:24.560 | or hiring.
00:40:26.440 | There's usually like a gap
00:40:27.280 | that keeps you from the next level.
00:40:28.680 | And it's really important
00:40:30.120 | that you and your manager are aligned.
00:40:31.720 | Here's the gaps that keep you from the next level.
00:40:34.120 | Like you shared this story about your friend.
00:40:35.880 | Am I on track for this next level?
00:40:37.520 | There's usually like a set of things
00:40:38.720 | that your manager gives you feedback on,
00:40:40.360 | usually in your performance review.
00:40:42.480 | A tip that I would suggest that I found really powerful,
00:40:45.120 | either as a manager or as a report,
00:40:48.200 | is when you have a performance review,
00:40:51.120 | align with your manager on like a spreadsheet of things
00:40:53.760 | that you plan to do in the next, say, six months
00:40:56.840 | until the next performance review.
00:40:58.080 | Create basically a roadmap.
00:40:59.080 | Like I'm gonna work on becoming a better public speaker.
00:41:01.960 | I am gonna hit deadlines 90% of the time.
00:41:05.000 | I'm gonna update our JIRA to be up to date
00:41:07.960 | by the end of Fridays.
00:41:09.280 | Just make a list of the things you can actually do
00:41:11.040 | that'll bring you to the next level.
00:41:12.840 | And then meet with your manager/report every month
00:41:16.200 | and review the status of each of those things.
00:41:18.200 | It becomes this little roadmap where you're aligned on,
00:41:20.720 | here's the things, say, Chris is working on
00:41:23.280 | and how they're going.
00:41:24.400 | So that by the time you get to performance review,
00:41:26.560 | you're not surprised.
00:41:27.400 | Like here, we did five of these things.
00:41:28.840 | We didn't get to these things.
00:41:30.560 | So that's where you're at.
00:41:31.920 | So demonstrate you've addressed a gap.
00:41:35.040 | Four, find someone that can champion you.
00:41:37.400 | That's often really powerful at a company.
00:41:39.000 | Get someone really excited about you
00:41:40.920 | and can champion you inside these calibration sessions.
00:41:44.240 | That's really powerful.
00:41:45.080 | Five is you wanna pay attention
00:41:46.280 | to what gets promoted at the company.
00:41:48.320 | A lot of companies have these gray area things
00:41:51.400 | that matter a lot that you may not be aware of.
00:41:53.320 | So just look at people who are getting promoted.
00:41:55.720 | Look for things that they're doing maybe
00:41:56.880 | that you're not doing.
00:41:58.000 | Maybe you have to be friends with the CEO.
00:41:59.480 | I don't know.
00:42:00.320 | Maybe you have to be really good at communication.
00:42:02.120 | That really matters at the company.
00:42:03.480 | And then two more.
00:42:04.320 | Something that's way underappreciated
00:42:05.440 | is you just need to ask to get promoted sometimes.
00:42:08.120 | Sometimes managers don't know you wanna be promoted.
00:42:10.640 | So simplest thing you could do is just like,
00:42:12.720 | hey, I would love to be promoted to the next level.
00:42:15.400 | What do I need to do to get there?
00:42:16.920 | What are my gaps?
00:42:18.240 | And that often leads to the biggest impact
00:42:20.360 | on getting promoted.
00:42:21.880 | And then the last idea and tip is just
00:42:23.880 | sometimes you need to leave and work somewhere else.
00:42:25.800 | Sometimes you're just like stuck in a rut
00:42:27.760 | and you just have, I don't know, certain reputation.
00:42:30.680 | Your manager is just not good at championing you.
00:42:33.080 | So sometimes you're not gonna get promoted
00:42:34.840 | and it's time to try some other place
00:42:36.880 | where you kind of start with a clean slate.
00:42:39.360 | - I remember it was so depressing,
00:42:40.600 | but when I was a venture capitalist,
00:42:42.760 | the role of non-general partner,
00:42:45.680 | we were told it was like, this is a terminal position.
00:42:48.920 | They were just very transparent.
00:42:50.280 | They were like, the expectation for this job
00:42:52.360 | is not that you will get promoted
00:42:53.840 | to be a general partner of the fund.
00:42:55.640 | That is just how it works.
00:42:56.760 | And we just want you to know that
00:42:58.480 | so you don't have those expectations.
00:42:59.920 | And it was like very clearly set.
00:43:01.680 | I think it was a little depressing at times
00:43:03.080 | 'cause the word terminal position
00:43:04.320 | just sounds like going nowhere.
00:43:06.360 | But I appreciate the honesty.
00:43:08.080 | I appreciate the transparency.
00:43:09.760 | The one thing that I learned
00:43:11.040 | and you reminded me in what you said
00:43:12.920 | was a lot of times in order to get promoted,
00:43:16.240 | you don't need to meet the expectations of your role.
00:43:18.600 | You need to demonstrate that you can handle the next role.
00:43:21.360 | And I think I'd always thought
00:43:22.840 | as someone who hasn't studied this
00:43:24.280 | or been a prolific manager at any point in time,
00:43:27.160 | I always thought, oh,
00:43:28.000 | when someone could do their job really well,
00:43:29.360 | you move to the next level.
00:43:30.720 | But it's actually in a lot of companies,
00:43:32.400 | it's when someone could demonstrate
00:43:33.800 | that they can do the job that they want to get promoted to
00:43:37.720 | is when that happens.
00:43:38.720 | And so it's really important to understand
00:43:40.480 | if I'm a level five manager
00:43:42.520 | and I wanna be a level six director,
00:43:44.120 | it's like, what do I need to demonstrate to be a director?
00:43:47.560 | Not what do I need to do as a manager?
00:43:50.000 | Because sometimes you need to do the next level's job
00:43:52.600 | to get the promotion.
00:43:53.560 | - Yeah, and that's how it works in calibration.
00:43:55.160 | When you're looking at someone's level,
00:43:56.800 | there's like a lot of big companies have these ladders
00:43:59.520 | and they tell you what each level needs to achieve.
00:44:02.400 | And so if someone's gonna be promoted to say L7,
00:44:05.040 | there's like, here's what L7 has to be good at
00:44:07.480 | in each of these things.
00:44:08.640 | And that's what managers look at,
00:44:09.760 | is Chris ready for all these things in L7?
00:44:12.600 | It makes sense, like your job is gonna now be that.
00:44:15.160 | You wanna be confident that they can handle that.
00:44:17.360 | - And if that ladder is not public, ask for it.
00:44:19.480 | There are some companies that might not publish it
00:44:21.080 | on any internal doc, but you could say,
00:44:22.600 | hey, to my boss, could you please show me
00:44:24.800 | the career ladder for my role
00:44:26.600 | or could the requirements of the next level of my role?
00:44:29.040 | And hopefully you can get that and understand it
00:44:31.360 | so you can work towards it.
00:44:32.480 | - I've actually collected the career ladders
00:44:34.520 | at 20 something companies
00:44:36.680 | and I have this doc that has all their level names
00:44:38.880 | and then the attributes for product managers specifically
00:44:41.560 | that they look for to promote people.
00:44:43.640 | - That's awesome.
00:44:44.480 | We'll link to that in the show notes.
00:44:45.960 | One of the things I tell people
00:44:47.080 | is they think that to be promoted,
00:44:49.480 | that strategy is to always do whatever your boss wants
00:44:52.640 | and never push back.
00:44:53.720 | I am someone who probably has never adhered to that,
00:44:56.120 | maybe to my own demise and pushed back too much.
00:44:59.280 | What do you think is the right balance of saying no
00:45:02.960 | and what's the value of saying no
00:45:05.200 | as opposed to always being willing
00:45:06.760 | to do what other people want?
00:45:08.520 | - I'm thinking from a PM perspective,
00:45:09.800 | product manager perspective,
00:45:11.440 | you're kind of responsible
00:45:12.280 | for what a whole team of people does.
00:45:14.600 | Like you could almost say your job is to say no
00:45:16.800 | so that you can say yes to the stuff
00:45:18.400 | that is really important.
00:45:19.720 | So it's really important to say no, to push back.
00:45:22.800 | It's still very hard, especially if your manager's like,
00:45:24.760 | hey, we need to do these things.
00:45:25.920 | So I wrote this post with five ways you can say no
00:45:30.160 | and many of them are you say yes to say no.
00:45:32.760 | So I'll share some of these quotes that you can steal
00:45:35.600 | and they're also in this post.
00:45:37.400 | So the first two is someone asks you to do something.
00:45:40.400 | You could say yes, but here's what's gonna have to change.
00:45:44.560 | If we do that, should we move forward?
00:45:46.280 | And oftentimes they're like, yes, let's go ahead.
00:45:47.960 | Or otherwise they're like, no, shoot.
00:45:50.360 | I don't wanna deprioritize that, forget that.
00:45:53.040 | So that's one trick.
00:45:54.720 | Two is you could say yes, but not right now
00:45:57.480 | because we gotta stay focused on X because of X, Y, Z.
00:46:01.080 | Do you agree with that?
00:46:02.080 | Or do you think we should deprioritize that?
00:46:04.920 | So that often works really well
00:46:06.240 | 'cause it basically communicates.
00:46:07.720 | Again, here's like a very clear trade off
00:46:10.000 | on why it's important.
00:46:10.840 | Another way you could say no is no,
00:46:13.400 | but how about we do X, Y, Z instead of that?
00:46:17.320 | And it's gonna achieve a similar outcome.
00:46:19.240 | Basically, this is when you have a better idea,
00:46:21.680 | but you wanna communicate here's something.
00:46:23.040 | We could basically do exactly what you want,
00:46:24.280 | but here's a better approach to doing that.
00:46:26.800 | Another way you could say no is no,
00:46:28.840 | but there's something there.
00:46:30.680 | There's like something to this idea.
00:46:32.960 | How about we explore this a little bit further
00:46:34.760 | and here's the next step that I suggest.
00:46:37.440 | And then the fifth way you could approach it is just like,
00:46:40.120 | no, I don't think this is a good idea.
00:46:42.080 | Here's why.
00:46:42.920 | Would you agree or is there something I'm missing?
00:46:45.000 | - So first off, I wish I had read this post
00:46:46.920 | earlier in my career 'cause I was like,
00:46:48.320 | no, that's so crazy.
00:46:49.280 | Why would we do that?
00:46:50.160 | Politics is the wrong word,
00:46:51.480 | but I was never good at a lot of this stuff.
00:46:54.280 | And one of the tactics I shared when we spoke on your show
00:46:57.360 | was that I was so confrontational about things
00:47:00.840 | because I was so used to working at a company
00:47:03.640 | that I started where everyone always knew
00:47:06.800 | that obviously I was always optimizing for the company
00:47:09.640 | because it didn't matter.
00:47:11.240 | And then I joined a company where I wasn't in charge.
00:47:13.800 | And it turns out that in big companies,
00:47:15.520 | there are a lot of people who are optimizing for themselves
00:47:17.640 | way more than the company.
00:47:19.040 | I didn't really realize that.
00:47:20.080 | I was like, everyone's got to optimize for the company.
00:47:22.200 | That's the most important thing.
00:47:23.440 | That's how I lived in my last companies that I've run.
00:47:26.280 | So a tactic that helped me when I was pushing back
00:47:29.480 | on people, colleagues, bosses,
00:47:31.520 | is just always making sure that I told people,
00:47:33.920 | hey, I'm thinking about this from the perspective
00:47:36.160 | of trying to maximize the impact from the company.
00:47:39.560 | And because sometimes I'd say, oh, we shouldn't do that.
00:47:42.640 | That's not a good idea.
00:47:43.520 | And people would be like,
00:47:44.360 | oh, well, you just don't want to do more work
00:47:45.520 | or you want to focus on this thing
00:47:46.600 | you're more excited about.
00:47:47.680 | And that wasn't true.
00:47:49.400 | But the more I just transparently said,
00:47:51.880 | here's how I'm thinking about this.
00:47:53.120 | Here's what I'm focused on.
00:47:54.360 | It just helped so much.
00:47:55.720 | So just stating your intent before you push back
00:47:58.320 | so people know where you're coming from
00:47:59.720 | was very helpful for me
00:48:01.040 | and hopefully helpful for some others.
00:48:02.680 | - Yeah, I think we all fall into this.
00:48:04.120 | Like people are going to read our mind
00:48:05.320 | and know exactly why we think no or why we're saying this.
00:48:08.840 | And it turns out people cannot.
00:48:10.600 | - So real quick, before we talk about what happens
00:48:13.640 | when you move on from a job,
00:48:15.400 | part of getting things done is being productive.
00:48:17.360 | I've talked a lot about time management.
00:48:19.240 | I'm a nerd.
00:48:20.080 | We don't have to go super deep
00:48:21.080 | 'cause I've done a few episodes,
00:48:22.720 | but any few tactics you want to pull out
00:48:24.840 | on how you manage your time and get a lot done
00:48:27.200 | and be effective with your output
00:48:28.680 | so that you do have impact?
00:48:30.080 | - Yeah, and it's especially important
00:48:31.240 | in this world of writing and podcasting.
00:48:33.520 | I'll share a few things that worked really well
00:48:35.200 | when I was working full-time.
00:48:36.920 | And I don't think anything will be revolutionary,
00:48:38.720 | but these things really work for me at least.
00:48:40.840 | One is I blocked three hours on Monday, Wednesdays,
00:48:44.080 | and Fridays on my calendar.
00:48:45.560 | And I called the meeting,
00:48:47.560 | "Do not book or I will slap you."
00:48:50.280 | And it made people laugh, but it really worked really well.
00:48:52.680 | People did not book over these slots.
00:48:54.400 | They were like, "Okay, I get it."
00:48:56.880 | And so find some funny way to have a block
00:48:59.440 | where people know, "Okay, I see.
00:49:01.240 | "He's really serious about this time.
00:49:02.920 | "Let me leave him alone."
00:49:04.440 | Because I'm sure you've talked about deep work
00:49:06.360 | and the importance of focus and all that,
00:49:08.280 | but I find that that's so important for creative work.
00:49:11.200 | In my new life of newsletter or podcast person,
00:49:14.480 | I have no meetings until 3 p.m., that's my rule.
00:49:16.880 | And only at 3, I have meetings and things like this.
00:49:19.160 | So that helps a ton.
00:49:20.680 | Two is just, what's an app or something
00:49:23.120 | that keeps you focused when you're working?
00:49:26.000 | I use this app called
00:49:27.960 | That's kind of like,
00:49:29.840 | which is this like binaural beat music,
00:49:32.360 | meets a to-do list, meets like a playlist.
00:49:34.760 | So once you're ready to work, you click play
00:49:36.920 | and music starts and it's like,
00:49:38.240 | "Lenny, start with your newsletter posts."
00:49:41.240 | And then you can knock them off
00:49:42.360 | as you're working through them.
00:49:43.400 | And it works really well for me.
00:49:44.720 | Something I'm trying right now that works well
00:49:47.000 | is picking one highlight of the day,
00:49:49.000 | one top goal for the day.
00:49:50.760 | There's this book I'm reading right now
00:49:51.920 | called "Make Time."
00:49:53.240 | - Oh yeah, John Zeratsky and Jake Knapp.
00:49:55.560 | - Yeah, sprint guys.
00:49:56.760 | And that's one of their key things.
00:49:58.880 | Just like pick a highlight.
00:49:59.840 | What's gonna be like a highlight of your day
00:50:01.400 | that you look back on?
00:50:02.480 | That I did this thing, you'll feel good
00:50:03.720 | no matter what else happened.
00:50:05.200 | So I'm trying to do that
00:50:06.040 | and that's been working really well.
00:50:08.000 | Another tip is to have a waiting for list.
00:50:11.520 | It's very like getting things done, David Allen style,
00:50:14.340 | where I have all these open threads of people doing stuff.
00:50:17.280 | And I keep a list of who am I waiting for on these things
00:50:20.160 | so that the to-do, even though it's on someone else's plate,
00:50:22.880 | I don't lose track of.
00:50:24.160 | And the way I do it is in my to-do list,
00:50:25.640 | I just have W for Chris
00:50:27.720 | and then it's like record podcast or whatever.
00:50:30.760 | So that ends up being really helpful.
00:50:32.640 | The other interesting thing I find is procrastination
00:50:35.440 | has a bad rap.
00:50:36.760 | I find that sometimes I procrastinate on a hard thing,
00:50:39.240 | but I get a lot of other smaller things done.
00:50:41.640 | So I like work through this list of stuff
00:50:43.680 | that isn't important, but I get them done.
00:50:46.280 | And there's value to just procrastinating off the thing
00:50:49.120 | that's like really hard
00:50:50.400 | because you still get other stuff done.
00:50:51.520 | So I try to channel my procrastination
00:50:54.000 | and get stuff done that I need to get done anyway.
00:50:57.000 | That ends up being kind of interesting.
00:50:59.280 | - I love using the word flow state.
00:51:00.760 | There's deep work.
00:51:01.920 | And I don't know if you could say flow state
00:51:03.600 | and deep work are the same thing,
00:51:05.200 | but I think that sometimes it just takes
00:51:07.280 | a little bit of momentum to get into that flow state.
00:51:10.000 | So it's like, I got this really big, hard thing.
00:51:12.040 | Do I want to sit down and do all this research?
00:51:14.160 | Or do I want to knock off a few quick things?
00:51:17.400 | And then I'm like, oh yeah, I'm making progress.
00:51:19.080 | I just cleaned up this set of my emails.
00:51:21.480 | I just got this one thing done
00:51:22.960 | and now I'm feeling really productive.
00:51:24.360 | And at least for me, once I start feeling productive,
00:51:27.400 | it's just so much easier to be more productive
00:51:29.560 | and get more done.
00:51:30.400 | And then I find myself like,
00:51:31.640 | oh, I just wish I could work longer.
00:51:32.920 | I've got so much.
00:51:33.760 | So I love making momentum in that.
00:51:35.560 | So gosh, those are some really great tips.
00:51:37.480 | I won't share too many of mine
00:51:38.480 | because I've done an episode with Ali Abdaal
00:51:40.680 | on productivity, with Cal Newport on deep work
00:51:43.280 | and Laura Vanderkam on time management.
00:51:45.160 | So if you're new here,
00:51:46.360 | there's a lot in the archives to go check out.
00:51:48.360 | So go check those out.
00:51:49.840 | But let's talk about moving on
00:51:51.080 | because you said you've left here.
00:51:53.040 | You're no longer a full-time employee with a company.
00:51:55.480 | You're doing it on your own.
00:51:56.760 | How did you even decide maybe I should move on?
00:51:59.320 | I'm ready for a big change.
00:52:01.080 | - If you look at my resume,
00:52:02.080 | I'm like a serial monogamist of career.
00:52:04.880 | I worked at my first company for nine years,
00:52:07.400 | then at a startup.
00:52:08.720 | That was the short stint, a year and a half.
00:52:10.280 | And then worked at Airbnb for seven years.
00:52:12.120 | I never thought I'd stay there that long.
00:52:13.440 | They bought our startup and I'm like,
00:52:14.600 | ah, I'm going to be out of here in three years
00:52:16.640 | when I'm going to start another company.
00:52:18.880 | And then seven years later, here I am.
00:52:21.240 | And along the way, I thought about leaving,
00:52:23.000 | but it never felt like it was time.
00:52:24.920 | It was always interesting.
00:52:26.640 | There's always reasons to keep working there
00:52:28.600 | and try new stuff.
00:52:29.760 | And the way that it happened that I left
00:52:32.440 | is they gave me a sabbatical.
00:52:33.560 | So I took three months off
00:52:35.360 | right around when I was reaching seven years.
00:52:37.880 | And about halfway through,
00:52:39.760 | I remember just opening my email for the first time.
00:52:42.800 | So a month and a half in the work email,
00:52:44.720 | just to see what was going on.
00:52:46.240 | And I just had this like heart sinking feeling
00:52:49.320 | where I'm like, I don't care about this at all anymore.
00:52:52.040 | What the heck is, what is going on here?
00:52:55.280 | I don't want to think about any of this ever again.
00:52:57.240 | And so that was kind of an important moment
00:52:58.880 | where I was like, wow,
00:52:59.760 | maybe I'm not excited about this work anymore.
00:53:01.720 | I still came back to Airbnb after that
00:53:04.000 | and kind of wanted to feel out.
00:53:06.840 | Am I ready for some new,
00:53:08.800 | is there like a new team maybe I could work on,
00:53:11.080 | new project that would get me excited?
00:53:13.120 | But basically the way it felt is I got there
00:53:15.160 | and I immediately felt like my heart was done with that work,
00:53:19.120 | but my brain wasn't ready to move on.
00:53:20.600 | It was like, maybe there's something more interesting.
00:53:22.040 | Maybe there's a new manager.
00:53:22.920 | Maybe there's something else I could work on.
00:53:24.280 | So I took a month basically to think and talk to people
00:53:26.920 | about other roles, other teams, other opportunities.
00:53:29.720 | But I'd say at the end of the month,
00:53:31.000 | it was like, nope, nothing that gets me very excited.
00:53:34.720 | It's time to do some new.
00:53:36.040 | And we'll say, it's like very fortunate
00:53:37.560 | to be able to have that feeling of like,
00:53:39.600 | I can leave and I'm not going to go bankrupt
00:53:41.280 | and have to live on the street.
00:53:42.480 | So I'm grateful that I have the opportunity
00:53:44.440 | to even have thought that, but I did.
00:53:47.080 | And so what I decided to do is I'm going to leave Airbnb
00:53:49.920 | and I'm going to give myself six months
00:53:51.160 | to think about what I want to do next.
00:53:53.560 | And something that really helped there,
00:53:54.640 | and here's a tip if you ever think about something like this,
00:53:57.000 | is to figure out a personal runway
00:53:59.600 | of like how much it's going to cost you
00:54:00.840 | to take six months off and just budget that.
00:54:03.280 | Like it's going to be $30,000 to take six months off,
00:54:07.320 | to pay all the things I'm paying.
00:54:08.920 | And just knowing that number ahead of time
00:54:10.760 | gives you so much less stress,
00:54:12.760 | knowing like burning through money as I'm not working,
00:54:15.280 | but I've already accounted for that.
00:54:16.400 | And it's like maybe sitting in a bank account somewhere
00:54:19.000 | and that gives you more freedom to just explore
00:54:20.920 | and not have to worry about,
00:54:21.760 | oh my God, I need to find something as soon as possible.
00:54:25.160 | - And I'll just highlight the importance
00:54:26.960 | of actually putting it in an account.
00:54:29.160 | It's one thing to be like,
00:54:30.000 | well, I know I have enough savings to take time off.
00:54:32.920 | And this is something that I'm actively thinking about
00:54:35.120 | now that I'm creating this business on my own,
00:54:37.440 | just like you did.
00:54:38.360 | It's like actually putting it somewhere.
00:54:41.200 | It takes it one step further.
00:54:42.400 | 'Cause a lot of it's emotional.
00:54:43.400 | It's not always rational.
00:54:44.760 | It's like, gosh, I don't have a salary coming in.
00:54:47.360 | I almost went as far as to take the salary,
00:54:50.000 | put it in a bank account and automate the transfers.
00:54:52.480 | So it like simulated as if I was getting my paycheck
00:54:55.640 | so that I felt like it was not as scary
00:54:58.840 | to not have that stability.
00:55:00.520 | - No, that was great.
00:55:01.360 | The other thing that I found really powerful
00:55:03.280 | during this time, in addition to the personal runway,
00:55:06.440 | is there's so little structure when you aren't working.
00:55:09.520 | Like I worked for, I think, 19 years,
00:55:12.680 | since like, you know, 18 years old.
00:55:15.040 | And I never take a break.
00:55:16.360 | And it's so weird to not have structure in your life.
00:55:18.600 | There's no deadlines.
00:55:19.720 | There's no like, I need to achieve this thing by then.
00:55:22.200 | Like you could work all day, you could not work at all.
00:55:24.640 | Nobody's gonna say anything.
00:55:25.920 | And it's hard to work without that.
00:55:27.700 | Like it feels like it shouldn't be, but it really is.
00:55:29.960 | So what I did is I created structure for myself.
00:55:32.760 | And the way I did that is I created these little sprints
00:55:35.440 | where every two weeks I wrote down,
00:55:38.520 | here's the three goals I have for the next two weeks
00:55:41.440 | that are work goals and three personal goals.
00:55:43.840 | And I emailed that to three friends
00:55:46.440 | that became kind of this like personal board of directors
00:55:48.880 | kind of group.
00:55:49.960 | And I had no expectation they'd reply.
00:55:51.720 | I didn't need them to reply.
00:55:52.920 | I just found that just emailing them,
00:55:55.760 | here's what I'm trying to accomplish.
00:55:57.160 | And then circling back in two weeks and sharing,
00:55:59.120 | here's how I did, created so much accountability
00:56:01.800 | and gave me some focus for these two weeks.
00:56:03.760 | And I ended up doing that for a year straight
00:56:05.320 | every two weeks.
00:56:06.360 | I did a little check-in in one weekend
00:56:08.680 | just to like, here's how it's going so far per sprint.
00:56:10.680 | And that was so powerful and important
00:56:13.280 | to where I ended up just creating a little bit of structure.
00:56:16.200 | And that email list ended up being like 30 people
00:56:18.480 | eventually just 'cause it became a cool way
00:56:19.880 | to update my friends on what I was up to.
00:56:21.920 | And just like, hey, you wanna join this list I'm doing?
00:56:24.160 | So that's a tip if you don't have enough structure
00:56:26.960 | around your free time.
00:56:28.360 | - I do not yet.
00:56:29.240 | And I'm going to adopt that tip.
00:56:30.720 | - I will send you the template.
00:56:32.040 | It's so simple and easy and so powerful.
00:56:34.200 | - Maybe I'll make a Google doc, just a template one
00:56:36.120 | if you don't mind and we could just share it with everyone.
00:56:37.760 | - Let's do it.
00:56:38.600 | - Put it in the show notes. - Yeah, absolutely.
00:56:39.600 | - I think one thing interesting
00:56:40.600 | that I've thought a lot about recently
00:56:42.040 | is as a creator, which you left and you started,
00:56:44.400 | I think the first thing out of Airbnb was a newsletter.
00:56:47.520 | I think a lot of people are kind of scared.
00:56:48.680 | I don't know what my thing is,
00:56:49.960 | but I love the idea of experimenting with creation.
00:56:53.280 | And I think depending on the company you work at,
00:56:55.160 | you might be able to experiment before you leave.
00:56:58.560 | I would encourage everyone to get it cleared
00:57:00.840 | to make sure that your company
00:57:02.240 | isn't gonna own whatever you're working on.
00:57:04.000 | Clear that, don't do it on your work computer,
00:57:05.840 | do it on your personal computer and all those good things.
00:57:08.240 | I think one thing for me that was strange
00:57:09.720 | was I had all this knowledge about optimization,
00:57:12.120 | but it didn't really click
00:57:13.680 | that it could actually be a thing that I do
00:57:16.080 | that could be a business that could be how I spend my days.
00:57:19.960 | Do you have any advice for someone
00:57:21.200 | who hasn't quite figured that out?
00:57:22.840 | And they're like, I would love to do that,
00:57:24.120 | but I don't know what my thing is
00:57:25.360 | or I don't know how I could test if it really is a thing.
00:57:28.000 | - I think there's two things I'll cover there.
00:57:29.360 | One is, can you start something while you're at a company?
00:57:32.800 | My experience is it's so hard.
00:57:35.720 | I found that I'm done at the end of the day
00:57:38.200 | working at a full-time job, like Airbnb.
00:57:40.400 | I'm just like, I have no brain energy left
00:57:42.800 | to experiment with writing awesome posts
00:57:45.280 | or podcast or anything like that.
00:57:47.120 | It's very, very hard.
00:57:49.320 | And I think the advantage folks like you and I have
00:57:51.560 | that are doing this full-time is,
00:57:53.320 | I find there's a strong correlation
00:57:54.720 | between quality and time.
00:57:56.280 | There's a strong correlation between
00:57:57.840 | how much time you put into something
00:57:58.960 | and the quality of that work.
00:58:00.680 | And people that have a full-time job
00:58:02.160 | are not gonna have as much time as someone like you and I
00:58:04.800 | that are doing this full-time.
00:58:06.760 | And so I think it's just really hard
00:58:09.040 | to try something like this for real
00:58:11.320 | when you have a full-time job.
00:58:12.760 | So don't feel weird if like, oh my God,
00:58:14.400 | everyone's writing all these side projects
00:58:15.880 | and writing things and starting podcasts.
00:58:18.000 | Like very, very hard.
00:58:19.040 | And I started writing,
00:58:20.560 | like I hadn't really written anything public in my life
00:58:24.160 | before I started this newsletter, just experiment with it.
00:58:27.760 | And to segue to the second question is like,
00:58:29.440 | how did I discover this path?
00:58:31.680 | I just had like stuff I wanted to get out of my head
00:58:33.640 | when I left Airbnb, just to make sure I don't forget it
00:58:36.120 | in case I start another company.
00:58:38.080 | And so I just started, I wrote a Medium post,
00:58:39.640 | it did shockingly well.
00:58:41.320 | I wrote a few more posts, they did well.
00:58:43.040 | In the sprint goal thing that I talked about,
00:58:45.240 | I just had like every sprint, just like,
00:58:47.240 | write one more post, see how that goes.
00:58:49.160 | So I just kept along that path.
00:58:50.520 | And the whole time I was like, why am I doing this?
00:58:53.040 | I thought I was gonna start a company.
00:58:54.920 | Like, why am I spending time writing?
00:58:56.560 | This is such a not, I'm gonna go anywhere.
00:58:58.960 | Time investing, my wife's like, what are you doing writing?
00:59:01.400 | You're not a writer.
00:59:02.680 | I thought you wanted to start a company.
00:59:04.400 | Why aren't you spending time on that?
00:59:06.440 | And I had this really important conversation
00:59:08.080 | with a friend who pointed out,
00:59:10.920 | okay, you really enjoy this thing.
00:59:12.680 | People seem to value it.
00:59:13.920 | That's like very rare.
00:59:15.240 | You found like some kind of product market fit.
00:59:17.360 | Maybe this goes somewhere if you keep at it.
00:59:20.080 | And even if there's no way you could ever make money with it,
00:59:22.760 | maybe just double down on that
00:59:25.000 | and forget the startup stuff for now
00:59:26.200 | and just see where it goes.
00:59:27.720 | And that's exactly what I did.
00:59:28.920 | I just started writing every week,
00:59:30.120 | launched a newsletter just to create
00:59:31.840 | a little time pressure to post something once a week
00:59:34.400 | and did that for nine months every week.
00:59:36.640 | And then at that point, I'm like, huh,
00:59:37.960 | this is still going great, growing fast.
00:59:40.520 | Maybe I could charge for this.
00:59:41.560 | I launched the paid plan that went well
00:59:44.000 | and I just kept following that path.
00:59:45.320 | And so it was very one step at a time
00:59:47.040 | without any master plan.
00:59:49.320 | - And you say it just kind of grew.
00:59:50.720 | How big's the newsletter now?
00:59:51.560 | - It's about to hit 300,000 subscribers.
00:59:54.080 | - Yeah, so it's a massive newsletter.
00:59:55.720 | - Massive, number one business newsletter on Substack
00:59:58.920 | and growing fast.
01:00:00.600 | I love it.
01:00:01.520 | It's kind of the core of my work
01:00:02.920 | and then the podcast kind of spun out of that.
01:00:05.080 | - Well, I've enjoyed it thoroughly.
01:00:06.760 | In fact, in preparation for this interview,
01:00:09.000 | I was a little stressed out
01:00:10.120 | because I was thinking, gosh, I'm leaving my job,
01:00:13.240 | but I really do love building products.
01:00:14.960 | And I was like scrolling through,
01:00:16.120 | trying to like look at all the posts you've written.
01:00:18.080 | And I was like, gosh, wow,
01:00:19.640 | I really want to build this impactful project.
01:00:21.520 | Like I really want to make another roadmap.
01:00:23.200 | I've got to channel that energy.
01:00:25.080 | And for everyone listening,
01:00:26.080 | now I'm focused on what kinds of products
01:00:28.400 | and experiences and communities,
01:00:29.880 | all of the things could I build around
01:00:31.560 | what I've done with all the hacks.
01:00:32.440 | So more to come there, but it's been very helpful.
01:00:35.680 | So thank you for that.
01:00:37.320 | Before we wrap, anything we missed in this process?
01:00:39.720 | I know you've written so many great newsletters.
01:00:41.200 | So I want to make sure we hit on something
01:00:42.640 | that you've thought about.
01:00:43.920 | - There's something that I thought would be good to share,
01:00:46.120 | which is around managing up.
01:00:47.640 | I find that whenever I tweet about managing up,
01:00:49.600 | it's like the most popular tweets ever.
01:00:52.120 | Clearly people really want to learn
01:00:53.560 | how to manage up better.
01:00:55.280 | And there's one thing that I'll share
01:00:56.520 | that I found really effective,
01:00:58.160 | which is around how to keep your manager
01:01:00.680 | aware of what you're up to.
01:01:02.240 | There's a lot of value in your manager knowing
01:01:04.960 | what's on your mind, what's important to you right now,
01:01:06.680 | what can they help with?
01:01:08.000 | So something that I found to be really powerful
01:01:09.920 | is an email that I call the state of me email.
01:01:13.840 | So it'd be like the state of Lenny email.
01:01:16.160 | I call it the subject line state of Lenny.
01:01:18.360 | And in the email, and I email this to my manager
01:01:20.720 | every Monday or every Friday, once a week,
01:01:23.520 | I write out, here's blockers that I need your help with.
01:01:27.080 | One, two, three.
01:01:28.320 | Here are my current priorities.
01:01:29.840 | One, two, three.
01:01:31.000 | And then here's what's on my mind in general.
01:01:33.320 | One, two, three, four, five.
01:01:35.080 | And then at the end, just like,
01:01:36.160 | let me know if there's anything that I can clarify,
01:01:38.160 | if you have any questions about anything.
01:01:40.080 | And I found that one email created so much value
01:01:43.080 | because my manager knew what I was up to.
01:01:45.320 | They could tell me, hey, why are you working on that?
01:01:47.800 | They can unblock stuff that I'm blocked by,
01:01:50.280 | which a lot of times they don't know
01:01:51.200 | that you're blocked by some.
01:01:52.680 | And then generally there's stuff on your mind.
01:01:53.880 | Like, hey, I'm thinking about this project.
01:01:55.720 | This person's thinking about leaving.
01:01:57.600 | This competitor's doing this thing.
01:01:59.920 | So just that one email can make a huge dent,
01:02:02.440 | and it's really simple.
01:02:03.480 | Just like blockers, priorities, what's on your mind.
01:02:06.200 | Send your manager that once a week,
01:02:07.800 | and honestly, great things are gonna happen.
01:02:10.200 | - I said earlier, you don't wanna be
01:02:11.480 | always saying yes to your manager,
01:02:13.200 | but making your manager's life easier
01:02:15.280 | is certainly something that is a very valued
01:02:18.040 | attribute of an employee.
01:02:19.280 | So in making it easier for them
01:02:21.040 | to understand everything you're working on,
01:02:22.120 | making it easier for them to say,
01:02:23.840 | I love this email idea.
01:02:25.080 | It's like, oh, no, actually work on this.
01:02:26.800 | That will let you have more impact.
01:02:27.960 | So love it.
01:02:29.000 | This has been so helpful.
01:02:30.200 | I wish that some of these things I had taken before,
01:02:32.720 | but like I said, I didn't know where I'd be now.
01:02:35.120 | Who knows where I'll be in 10 years?
01:02:36.680 | And certainly many people listening
01:02:39.040 | will hopefully get a lot of value out of this
01:02:40.760 | and out of the newsletter.
01:02:42.240 | Before we go, I do wanna ask you,
01:02:44.440 | is there a place that you feel like
01:02:46.600 | you could give some recommendations to people
01:02:48.400 | who might find themselves there on,
01:02:50.520 | whether it's eating, activities, drinks, something to do?
01:02:53.400 | - Sure, I'm not like the guy people go to
01:02:55.240 | for advice on what to do in a place,
01:02:57.240 | but you gave me a heads up on this question.
01:02:59.160 | And so here's what I got for you.
01:03:00.640 | I live in Marin, California, which is north of San Francisco.
01:03:04.200 | And so here's a little agenda.
01:03:05.720 | If you wanna come to Marin,
01:03:07.000 | I'd say stay at this hotel called Cavallo Point Lodge.
01:03:10.680 | It's gonna blow your mind.
01:03:12.400 | Then take a little walk around Sausalito along the water.
01:03:15.080 | There's this boardwalk that goes along the water.
01:03:17.560 | Then just grab lunch at a restaurant there.
01:03:19.960 | There's like these piers
01:03:20.960 | with these beautiful seafood restaurants.
01:03:23.240 | Then take a drive to San Francisco
01:03:25.360 | across the Yuletide Bridge.
01:03:26.600 | There's this art piece called the Woodline in the Presidio
01:03:29.280 | that is this like curvy piece of wood
01:03:31.520 | that you can walk along amongst these huge eucalyptus trees.
01:03:34.440 | And that's right across the bridge.
01:03:36.440 | Then you can go to say Fillmore Street or Chestnut
01:03:40.520 | in the Marina and get a coffee,
01:03:44.620 | buy some nice fancy things in some of the nice stores.
01:03:48.040 | Then I'd say drive back to Marin and maybe to Fairfax,
01:03:51.460 | which is further North, rent a mountain bike,
01:03:54.780 | find some trails, mountain biking was invented in Fairfax.
01:03:58.080 | And there's this huge mountain, Mount Tam,
01:04:00.200 | there's like a thousand trails you could go along.
01:04:02.560 | So maybe spend a few hours hiking around Mount Tam,
01:04:05.000 | sorry, biking around Mount Tam.
01:04:06.880 | Then have dinner in Fairfax
01:04:09.520 | or there's another cute little town, San Anselmo.
01:04:12.240 | And then head home to your cute little hotel in Sausalito.
01:04:15.920 | - I love it.
01:04:17.040 | If you're in Sausalito,
01:04:18.040 | I'll throw out a recommendation for a place called Fish,
01:04:20.400 | which is just like a seafood restaurant on the water.
01:04:22.500 | - Sweet, there's your lunch spot, great.
01:04:24.460 | - It meets the requirement of being Bay Area expensive,
01:04:27.380 | but also delicious.
01:04:28.540 | So I love that.
01:04:29.860 | And I don't know if you've been
01:04:31.220 | to the Mill Valley Lumber Yard.
01:04:33.460 | - Oh yeah, the cutest little complex.
01:04:36.700 | - Someone was like, can we meet at this bakery in Mill Valley?
01:04:39.100 | And I showed up and I was like,
01:04:40.740 | this is literally like this quintessential cute little shops
01:04:44.700 | and a little flower store and a bakery and a little creperie.
01:04:47.340 | And so if you need a place to just relax
01:04:50.000 | for an hour and a half or two,
01:04:51.480 | highly recommend that as a stop in Mill Valley.
01:04:53.680 | I have not spent much time in Marin,
01:04:55.440 | but that place was just an awesome spot.
01:04:57.600 | - Yeah, it's like very unknown, but so cute.
01:04:59.560 | And the bakery is called Flower Craft
01:05:01.120 | and it's all gluten free.
01:05:02.120 | My wife's got Celiac and so it's her favorite place.
01:05:05.920 | - Great bakery, awesome.
01:05:07.560 | Well, before we wrap,
01:05:09.420 | where can people go find all of these great newsletters,
01:05:12.000 | all the conversations you're having with people,
01:05:14.720 | myself included,
01:05:15.800 | which depending on whether this comes out at the same time,
01:05:18.360 | we had a great conversation over there.
01:05:20.720 | Let everybody know.
01:05:21.560 | - The hub of all things I do is Lenny'
01:05:24.300 | That's where my newsletter is, my podcast.
01:05:26.760 | It's designed for anyone that's building product,
01:05:28.920 | growing product, mostly product managers, founders,
01:05:31.960 | designers, engineers, anyone basically working on software.
01:05:34.840 | Lenny'
01:05:36.040 | You could also check out Lenny'
01:05:38.160 | It's a newer thing, but doing super well.
01:05:40.600 | And I'm really proud of it.
01:05:41.880 | So check that out and @LennySan on Twitter.
01:05:46.320 | - What's the story behind the San?
01:05:47.640 | - One of my friends, when I was in high school,
01:05:49.320 | just called me Lenny San for some unknown reason
01:05:51.680 | and I stuck with it.
01:05:52.820 | I didn't know I was gonna be stuck with that username
01:05:54.340 | for the rest of my life, but here we are.
01:05:56.540 | - Awesome.
01:05:57.380 | All right, thank you so much for being here.
01:05:59.320 | - My pleasure, Chris.
01:06:00.160 | Thanks for having me.
01:06:01.000 | (upbeat music)
01:06:02.480 | - I really hope you enjoyed this episode.
01:06:04.280 | Thank you so much for listening.
01:06:06.040 | If you haven't already left a rating and a review
01:06:08.160 | for the show in Apple Podcasts or Spotify,
01:06:10.920 | I would really appreciate it.
01:06:12.640 | And if you have any feedback on the show,
01:06:14.080 | questions for me, or just wanna say hi,
01:06:16.440 | I'm or @Hutchins on Twitter.
01:06:20.720 | That's it for this week.
01:06:21.760 | I'll see you next week.
01:06:23.000 | (upbeat music)
01:06:25.780 | (electronic music)
01:06:28.700 | (electronic music fades)
01:06:32.120 | [BLANK_AUDIO]