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Ed Calderon: Mexican Drug Cartels | Lex Fridman Podcast #346


0:0 Introduction
0:59 Corruption
34:41 Cartels
50:2 El Chapo
67:13 Weapons
79:19 Assassinations
88:5 Counter-ambush teams
111:32 PTSD and alcohol
134:11 Improvised weapons
137:43 Street fights
166:40 Kidnapping
170:56 Escaping restraints
180:24 Imitation
188:52 Narco cults
201:47 Adolfo Constanzo
206:15 Fentanyl
222:59 Immigration
234:19 Advice for young people
242:52 Mortality

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | When it's quiet, that's when it hits you.
00:00:02.880 | That's what I think that's what a lot of people experience
00:00:04.960 | when they come back from a conflict zone.
00:00:07.060 | Everything that was life and death,
00:00:11.480 | everything that mattered, all the noise, all the chaos,
00:00:14.120 | all the people that are around you that would die for you,
00:00:16.280 | kill for you, you would kill for them.
00:00:18.600 | All the millions of dollars worth of equipment
00:00:22.840 | and stuff like that you were responsible for
00:00:24.360 | now are all gone and it's just you.
00:00:28.880 | - The following is a conversation with Ed Calderon,
00:00:32.320 | a security specialist who has worked for many years
00:00:35.320 | on counter narcotics and organized crime investigation
00:00:38.840 | in the Northern border region of Mexico.
00:00:41.600 | I highly recommend you follow the writing and courses
00:00:45.280 | on his Patreon and website,
00:00:50.040 | This is the Lex Friedman podcast.
00:00:52.040 | To support it, please check out our sponsors
00:00:53.840 | in the description.
00:00:55.040 | And now, dear friends, here's Ed Calderon.
00:00:59.520 | What does your experience in counter narcotics,
00:01:02.520 | investigating the Mexican drug cartel,
00:01:04.560 | teach you about human nature?
00:01:06.720 | - Wow, I mean, first off, anybody can be got.
00:01:09.800 | Anybody can be corrupted.
00:01:12.140 | You know, you work in that field and you,
00:01:16.120 | realistically, the training we got and profiling
00:01:20.340 | and investigation and stuff like that was basically
00:01:23.240 | you learn from the older guys there.
00:01:25.320 | And some of those guys were already corrupted
00:01:27.080 | from the start.
00:01:28.360 | So trust no one.
00:01:30.960 | I remember seeing that X-Files episode where that was stated.
00:01:34.320 | You quickly learn that even if you are somebody
00:01:37.260 | that to your own mind appears incorruptible,
00:01:41.480 | you know, small changes happen around you,
00:01:43.480 | wheels get greased, money gets put in front of you
00:01:45.880 | and or things get threatened like your life.
00:01:49.160 | And sometimes a payment for some of this corruption
00:01:51.960 | is just to continue on living.
00:01:54.040 | You encounter people that seem incorruptible,
00:01:57.240 | that go through FBI background checks,
00:01:59.800 | that go through all of the security measures
00:02:03.680 | that all of us were put through, you know, polygraph test.
00:02:07.120 | And then later on, you know,
00:02:09.600 | it turns out they were on the take
00:02:10.880 | or they became somebody that was corrupted.
00:02:14.120 | I think what I found out is that anybody at any level,
00:02:18.520 | they could be a very strong, hard to get person right now,
00:02:22.040 | but people get corrupted through their families.
00:02:27.440 | Through need.
00:02:28.800 | Mexico is a place where a lot of instability occurs.
00:02:33.160 | So financial needs, health.
00:02:36.260 | - So a crack could form through the wall of integrity
00:02:38.780 | and then over time it seeps in somehow.
00:02:42.200 | - Mexico has a culture of corruption.
00:02:44.040 | Like, you know, you have your kid that goes to school,
00:02:46.480 | at public school and you want him to be in the morning,
00:02:48.660 | not in the afternoon school time period.
00:02:52.800 | So you go off and grease the wheels
00:02:55.540 | with the director of the school.
00:02:57.520 | People hearing this in Mexico will nod their heads
00:02:59.800 | because this is something that happens from early on.
00:03:02.480 | So there's a systemic and cultural thing to it,
00:03:05.240 | you know, as far as getting around rules.
00:03:06.880 | And this happens because, you know,
00:03:08.360 | the people that are in charge in Mexico, the government,
00:03:10.200 | is, you know, their tandem amount is trust
00:03:14.440 | between criminals and the cartels down there
00:03:16.240 | for a lot of the culture.
00:03:17.160 | So people don't trust the government
00:03:18.440 | and much less criminality, so.
00:03:20.980 | - When you meet a person sticking on human nature,
00:03:24.080 | do you think it's possible to figure out
00:03:25.580 | if they can be trusted?
00:03:26.820 | So you said anyone can be corrupted.
00:03:30.340 | You know, how long would you need to talk to a person?
00:03:34.160 | And even in your own personal, private life, just a friend.
00:03:37.800 | Or is trust a thing that's never really guaranteed?
00:03:40.340 | - I think that trust is never really guaranteed.
00:03:42.520 | I know a lot of people are gonna say
00:03:43.760 | that's a sad way and hard way of living your life,
00:03:46.040 | but, you know, life experience at my end,
00:03:48.080 | you know, people change.
00:03:50.800 | You know, the dynamics of a relationship might change.
00:03:53.680 | I look at people's character,
00:03:55.160 | specifically their past and past experiences if I can.
00:03:58.480 | Somebody that presents himself in front of you as somebody,
00:04:01.640 | but you quickly learn that that somebody
00:04:03.840 | is just a mask or a persona
00:04:05.440 | that they kind of created for themselves.
00:04:07.920 | - And they might not even be aware of the persona.
00:04:09.880 | Like, is there some deep psychological stuff?
00:04:11.680 | - Sometimes.
00:04:13.000 | I've experienced a lot of failure in my life.
00:04:16.320 | You can see it in my nose.
00:04:17.640 | You know, you can see it in my lack of a digit, you know.
00:04:22.920 | The amount of, you know, the amount of failures
00:04:26.680 | you can see in somebody and how they wear them
00:04:28.400 | sometimes is a pretty telling thing
00:04:29.940 | as far as them being able to be trusted
00:04:32.160 | or that you can trust their story or their experience.
00:04:35.880 | And when I say experience, I mean,
00:04:37.360 | I've met some criminals, like former criminals,
00:04:39.600 | or, you know, some people of that background
00:04:41.880 | that I trust with my life, you know,
00:04:43.840 | because they're not reformed,
00:04:46.680 | but they figured out that that's not a life
00:04:48.960 | that can live long enough to kind of continue on.
00:04:51.360 | And I've also met people that are in law enforcement
00:04:54.240 | that I wouldn't trust with my car keys, you know,
00:04:57.000 | because, you know, whatever persona they adopted
00:05:00.040 | over the years is a pretty good one, pretty good mask.
00:05:04.060 | Sometimes such a good mask,
00:05:05.280 | they don't even know they're wearing it.
00:05:06.640 | - And on top of that, it's not just the psychology.
00:05:08.760 | There's also a neurobiology to it.
00:05:11.120 | I've been very fortunate and deliberate
00:05:14.760 | to surround myself with good people throughout my life,
00:05:18.440 | but I've recently gotten to sort of observe,
00:05:20.840 | not close to me, but nearby,
00:05:24.500 | somebody that could be classified as a sociopath
00:05:27.560 | and a narcissist.
00:05:31.160 | Like, I don't wanna use those psychological terms,
00:05:33.380 | but just, it's like, oh, people, you know,
00:05:37.840 | come with different biology, too.
00:05:39.920 | So it's not just like the trauma you might experience
00:05:42.720 | in your early life and all the deep complexity that leads,
00:05:46.020 | all the deep complexity that leads to the psychology
00:05:49.980 | that you have as an adult,
00:05:52.400 | but it's also the biology you come with, the nature,
00:05:56.360 | that you might not just have the machine
00:06:00.400 | that can empathize deeply with the experience of others,
00:06:03.420 | or maybe a machine that gets off, gets a dopamine rush
00:06:07.760 | from the manipulation of other humans
00:06:10.280 | or the control of other humans.
00:06:11.520 | - Yeah, I mean, put an example of my own background.
00:06:15.280 | My mom didn't have a father, you know?
00:06:18.440 | He left really early on in their childhood.
00:06:21.220 | You know, my mom raised her two sisters
00:06:24.860 | and basically kept a household.
00:06:26.660 | She was a great mom.
00:06:29.640 | She was a badass, you know, she was very independent.
00:06:32.820 | She showed me how to be independent.
00:06:34.140 | She showed me how to kind of watch out for others
00:06:36.380 | and kind of build me up in that way.
00:06:38.580 | And I had a great childhood as far as, you know,
00:06:41.780 | as far as her and kind of like how she molded me.
00:06:45.380 | Later on, I figured out that when I had my own kid,
00:06:49.720 | you know, I figured out that she was basically
00:06:53.520 | trying to make me into what she didn't have in a way.
00:06:57.040 | And if I can get to see somebody's parents, you know,
00:06:59.680 | that's usually a sign of something, at least for me,
00:07:04.160 | as far as figuring out where people are.
00:07:06.320 | I think there's something to be said
00:07:07.640 | about nature and nurture.
00:07:08.920 | And now some people come up,
00:07:10.680 | some people are just born with that predatory instinct,
00:07:13.640 | you know, and you'll never know.
00:07:15.600 | I mean, they spend their whole life
00:07:16.920 | practicing how to hide it.
00:07:18.220 | But if you can figure out somebody's, you know,
00:07:21.680 | background, childhood, where they're from,
00:07:23.280 | you can kind of tell something about them.
00:07:25.120 | You know, I'm from Tijuana, you know, I'm a survivor.
00:07:27.640 | That's my background as far as where I'm from.
00:07:29.940 | - Culturally, genetically, psychologically,
00:07:35.280 | the full shebang.
00:07:36.560 | - Yeah, I guess some people are born
00:07:38.480 | with certain predispositions.
00:07:40.520 | And if they're in the right environment,
00:07:42.400 | some of the negative aspects might flourish
00:07:44.200 | more than others, you know.
00:07:45.560 | For me, I mean, I grew up skateboarding in Tijuana.
00:07:49.080 | And I remember breaking into my first backyard pool.
00:07:52.400 | It was a house that a cartel guy owned,
00:07:54.560 | and we used to skate the pool in the back of it.
00:07:57.560 | So I learned how to pop open padlocks
00:08:00.980 | with a small vehicle hydraulic lift.
00:08:05.140 | And I remember doing that.
00:08:07.440 | And later on in life, I got to train with people
00:08:10.320 | from other parts of Mexico.
00:08:11.800 | And work with them.
00:08:14.000 | And I remember pulling that trick off,
00:08:15.580 | and they were like looking at me like,
00:08:16.960 | "Where'd you learn that?"
00:08:18.560 | Like, "Some burglars in Tijuana."
00:08:20.640 | You know, and they're like, "Wow, that's interesting.
00:08:22.400 | "Like, are all people from Tijuana like that?"
00:08:25.280 | And I said, "No, we're not all like that.
00:08:27.040 | "But I guess in some way we are."
00:08:28.840 | Because, you know, Tijuana produces kids like that.
00:08:33.320 | You know, she produces, like the environment itself,
00:08:35.320 | produces a pretty specific person, I guess.
00:08:39.240 | You know, our normal or our baseline normal
00:08:42.160 | is way different than most.
00:08:43.480 | - The trajectories that you can take in life
00:08:46.000 | are defined in a way that aren't available
00:08:49.960 | elsewhere in the world.
00:08:51.200 | - Yeah.
00:08:52.040 | - And so you develop, I mean, part of that's psychological,
00:08:54.320 | part of that is cultural and so on.
00:08:56.080 | Part of that is the cultural trauma.
00:08:59.280 | But then also the ethical lines based on the corruption.
00:09:02.360 | 'Cause I grew up in the Soviet Union,
00:09:03.840 | there's the same kind of understanding
00:09:05.800 | that there's some gray area of corruption.
00:09:08.720 | - Yeah, it's always there, like on the outskirts
00:09:11.680 | or even in the center.
00:09:13.400 | How you can grease things to make things easier
00:09:16.040 | and how it's like a personal thing.
00:09:18.080 | I'll just, you know, pay off the,
00:09:20.880 | in Tijuana we have a mordida is what we call it.
00:09:23.200 | You know, when you pay a cop off.
00:09:25.320 | Una mordida means a bite.
00:09:26.760 | So, and--
00:09:30.400 | - But what's the bite aspect?
00:09:33.880 | - So you get stopped for a traffic violation of some sort
00:09:37.160 | and the cop walks up to you.
00:09:38.640 | Obviously you don't say the word bite,
00:09:39.920 | but it's like a slang term for it.
00:09:42.480 | And he asked for your paperwork and, you know,
00:09:45.560 | and if you get fined or get a ticket,
00:09:49.040 | you say, "Can I pay the ticket here?"
00:09:51.160 | Is what they say.
00:09:52.920 | And, you know, put your money inside of the paperwork
00:09:54.960 | and hand it over to the cop.
00:09:56.000 | Mordida, you think it's, you know,
00:09:57.840 | I'm just gonna do it and nobody knows, you know,
00:10:00.240 | but it's a systemic thing.
00:10:01.280 | Everybody, like a lot of people do it.
00:10:02.760 | And then they don't trust the police
00:10:04.120 | because they are fed with this.
00:10:07.040 | - Yeah, I mean, same thing was in the Soviet Union.
00:10:09.440 | It's funny.
00:10:10.280 | But then there's something inside you
00:10:12.840 | where that kind of, those opportunities come,
00:10:16.640 | like with a police officer,
00:10:18.120 | where you realize you could just pay a little bit of money
00:10:20.400 | and get out of a thing.
00:10:21.720 | And then you realize you can pay a little bit of money
00:10:23.760 | or do a favor to get your kids in a better school
00:10:26.480 | or something like that.
00:10:27.600 | But there comes opportunities where you,
00:10:30.080 | where, all right, if I do this little thing,
00:10:33.320 | I can make, I can get a huge promotion
00:10:36.120 | or I can get a huge increase in my power
00:10:39.200 | or get a lot of money.
00:10:40.680 | And something inside you says, no, that's not right.
00:10:43.840 | And I wonder what that is.
00:10:45.480 | 'Cause like, yeah, 'cause it feels different
00:10:49.920 | than the legal systems within which you operate.
00:10:52.720 | There's some kind of basic human integrity, human decency.
00:10:55.720 | I wonder if that's like constructed or it's always there.
00:10:58.960 | If it's like, again, nature versus nurture.
00:11:01.240 | - Yeah, I think, for me, it was looking at,
00:11:04.000 | at seeing that in somebody else
00:11:05.760 | that I kind of learned about it.
00:11:08.000 | There's a man that I consider a mentor figure.
00:11:12.080 | His name's Lieutenant Colonel Lee Zelda.
00:11:14.400 | He was a lieutenant colonel from the army
00:11:16.120 | that basically came over and took over the group
00:11:18.040 | that I used to work with.
00:11:19.700 | He was incorruptible.
00:11:23.720 | He was, that was the essence or the aura that he projected.
00:11:30.320 | The first time he went off on patrol
00:11:33.160 | when he was placed in charge of us,
00:11:34.640 | I actually drove him around Tijuana.
00:11:36.780 | He was one of those lead from the front type of people.
00:11:40.580 | The amount of assassination attempts he got
00:11:44.520 | that was basically a proof of how uncorruptible he was
00:11:48.320 | because they kept trying to pay him off.
00:11:49.880 | And when that didn't work,
00:11:50.840 | they tried to kill him several times.
00:11:52.160 | I think the last assassination attempt
00:11:53.840 | took the use of his legs.
00:11:55.760 | And that man is still a dangerous person in my mind.
00:11:58.480 | But for me, and people can gather a little bit
00:12:02.760 | about my background and where I'm from
00:12:04.520 | and some of the access I currently have
00:12:06.920 | to train the federal institutions here in the US
00:12:09.240 | as far as my background and if I was corrupted or not,
00:12:12.240 | because there's a lot of that out there.
00:12:14.200 | The Catholic guilt that's kind of built into some of us
00:12:19.600 | is always kind of there.
00:12:21.760 | (speaking in foreign language)
00:12:23.160 | The devil was under the bed.
00:12:26.440 | So I don't consider myself Catholic,
00:12:30.200 | consider myself culturally Catholic, I think,
00:12:32.280 | is what I kind of say with that.
00:12:34.880 | I had a pretty good structure with my dad and my mom
00:12:36.920 | at the house and they never let me get away with things.
00:12:41.800 | And I think my mom was a pretty big moral compass for me.
00:12:45.820 | But Lieutenant Colonel kind of leading from example
00:12:49.960 | and seeing his work and how much profound change he caused
00:12:54.760 | in the people that work with him as far as,
00:12:57.520 | we felt supported and we felt like we had a guiding figure
00:13:00.640 | during this.
00:13:01.580 | Tijuana was the most dangerous city on the planet
00:13:04.440 | when I was working there and he took charge.
00:13:06.640 | - What does it take to be a man, the Lieutenant Colonel,
00:13:09.880 | who maintains integrity after assassination attempts?
00:13:13.740 | Is it possible for a normal human to do that?
00:13:16.240 | Or again, is it genetic?
00:13:17.560 | - That's an interesting question.
00:13:18.800 | I'll say this, seeing him,
00:13:21.280 | I mean, the last assassination attempt he had,
00:13:23.640 | they took use of his legs, he was with his kid.
00:13:26.000 | There was a recklessness to it.
00:13:30.160 | I can see that now,
00:13:32.040 | like now that I have enough distance from it,
00:13:34.920 | I could see that there's a recklessness to being that way.
00:13:38.640 | And also you're putting jeopardy people around you
00:13:40.960 | if you take that route.
00:13:43.020 | So I think there's a sacrifice to it,
00:13:44.540 | a very powerful and hard one to make for a lot of people.
00:13:47.720 | For me, it was, I wouldn't get picked to get
00:13:52.480 | on board with some of the operations groups
00:13:55.480 | that I wanted to work with because I was known
00:13:57.320 | for not taking money or not being trusted
00:14:01.280 | by certain older segments of the organization
00:14:04.240 | that I was with, with stuff,
00:14:05.640 | because they knew that I wouldn't,
00:14:07.680 | I wasn't on the, I wouldn't get money.
00:14:10.040 | So there's always a weird sacrifice to it.
00:14:13.760 | And you're almost kind of like masochistic in that way
00:14:16.240 | when you get approached with it,
00:14:19.640 | they're like, "Why are you being an idiot?
00:14:21.560 | Why are you driving around that beat up car?
00:14:24.160 | Look at the Hummer H2 that just drove in
00:14:26.400 | with the other guy that is doing exactly your same job."
00:14:29.360 | Society as a whole down there doesn't reward it,
00:14:35.800 | or at least doesn't see it in the people
00:14:37.360 | that don't take that route in Mexico.
00:14:39.160 | For them, all cops are corrupt, all of them.
00:14:42.240 | And seeing it again from the outside,
00:14:47.440 | I'm not there anymore.
00:14:49.480 | There's almost like a, "Why didn't you Ed?"
00:14:52.520 | That could have been easier maybe,
00:14:56.080 | or you could have been dead long ago,
00:14:59.320 | because people that are on the takedown there
00:15:01.120 | are usually owned by one side or the other.
00:15:04.040 | And when that gets found out,
00:15:05.640 | if you have somebody that you're paying off
00:15:07.360 | that hints you off of drug operations in the area,
00:15:10.800 | your rivals are pretty keen on killing you.
00:15:13.040 | - Money aside, so like a Hummer aside,
00:15:16.040 | how much of a motivator's fear?
00:15:18.920 | - It's a big one.
00:15:19.760 | I'll say for me, I didn't think I was gonna lift the C30.
00:15:26.400 | I was sure of it.
00:15:28.560 | - Did that concept scare you,
00:15:30.200 | or was that just a principle of life
00:15:33.840 | that you're operating under?
00:15:35.440 | - I lost my brother when I was 13 on a two.
00:15:40.560 | He was 19.
00:15:42.240 | He was like the VIP of the family.
00:15:45.640 | - You miss him?
00:15:47.920 | - Oh, every day.
00:15:48.800 | He was a skateboarded BMX, motorcycle hunter,
00:15:54.760 | one of the best marksmen that I've ever seen shoot.
00:16:00.080 | - So better than you at everything.
00:16:01.840 | - Yeah, he was the best of us is what we would say.
00:16:04.640 | And when he died,
00:16:06.400 | it was almost like a concert at his funeral.
00:16:10.000 | I met three of his girlfriends
00:16:11.360 | that all introduced themselves like the one.
00:16:15.720 | To this day, every now and then I get pulled aside down
00:16:18.960 | when I go back home,
00:16:20.280 | and they, "Hey, you're Eric's brother."
00:16:24.840 | Despite all the stuff that I've done,
00:16:26.400 | I'm still, every now and then I get recognized.
00:16:29.040 | That made my mom and my dad go into a horrible depression
00:16:35.880 | and basically left me to my devices when I was a kid
00:16:39.000 | from 13 onwards.
00:16:43.360 | I had this self-destructive aspect to me after that,
00:16:47.280 | I think, again, something that's come up in therapy
00:16:50.040 | after I've been gone through all that,
00:16:52.840 | and had this notion that if I can only die good
00:16:55.880 | in some way, shape, or form, or for something,
00:16:58.960 | that it would matter,
00:17:00.400 | and they would look at me with the same reverence
00:17:03.720 | I did with my brother.
00:17:05.600 | - So dying isn't the problem.
00:17:09.080 | The goal of life is to die for something good.
00:17:11.360 | - Yeah, at least that was my mindset
00:17:16.240 | going through that job.
00:17:17.960 | I remember I was in medical school before that,
00:17:22.120 | second year of medical school.
00:17:23.720 | I was doing pretty good, and then 9/11 happened,
00:17:26.080 | and that wasn't an option anymore for me.
00:17:28.360 | The economy was horrible.
00:17:30.480 | Couldn't afford to stay there,
00:17:31.920 | so I sat in the newspaper,
00:17:34.640 | and my big brother, who's still alive and head,
00:17:38.560 | he's like, "No tenemos."
00:17:41.360 | You're not gonna do that shit.
00:17:43.800 | We wouldn't dare.
00:17:44.720 | And all of a sudden, I was in a field
00:17:47.600 | having my hair shaved off,
00:17:49.280 | and a bunch of the gafes,
00:17:52.400 | the guys that later turned into the Zeta Cartel military,
00:17:55.920 | were in charge of our training,
00:17:57.840 | and I went through that process.
00:18:00.040 | - In what field were you, and why is your head being shaved,
00:18:03.640 | and what the hell was going through your mind?
00:18:05.960 | What was the leap that you took?
00:18:07.560 | - I was sold the idea of this being
00:18:09.560 | a new Americanized police force
00:18:12.360 | that they were constructing in Mexico.
00:18:15.480 | - So elite, special force, kinda--
00:18:18.800 | - Prestigious, elite.
00:18:20.400 | The people in charge of our training
00:18:21.560 | were a lot basically ex-Mexican gafe people.
00:18:25.960 | Gafes are what the special forces kind of originated,
00:18:29.160 | and a lot of their members turned into the Zeta Cartel,
00:18:32.360 | so they were brutal in their training.
00:18:36.080 | We were sold this idea of it being scientific,
00:18:39.400 | educated-based, and a career path.
00:18:44.560 | And all of a sudden, we're in this refurbished prison
00:18:48.200 | that wasn't good enough to be a prison,
00:18:50.440 | and they turned it into a training ground.
00:18:52.560 | And I quickly kinda realized
00:18:55.560 | that they were training us to be a paramilitary group,
00:18:58.080 | not a community policing organization,
00:19:01.240 | which in my mind, I thought,
00:19:03.040 | that's what we were gonna be doing.
00:19:04.720 | - What was the hardest process of that training for you?
00:19:08.080 | 'Cause this is like a fragile, innocent boy
00:19:11.880 | becomes a man kinda process.
00:19:13.920 | - They're turning us into something that they could use.
00:19:18.240 | So it's a breaking down.
00:19:19.600 | They break down the individual.
00:19:22.920 | - Physically and mentally?
00:19:24.800 | - Yeah, I think it's a half-done initiation process,
00:19:29.800 | I think, in a way, looking at it from now,
00:19:34.640 | to the past, the shaving of the hair,
00:19:38.800 | the stripping off your identity.
00:19:41.120 | Everybody gets a number.
00:19:44.480 | The uniforms, the running around
00:19:49.720 | and being treated like human garbage.
00:19:54.640 | The first thing they said to us
00:19:55.760 | when we were lined up in that field was,
00:19:58.360 | (speaking in foreign language)
00:20:02.400 | which means there's bread and dick to eat here.
00:20:05.280 | And the bread ran out a week ago, right?
00:20:08.040 | So it was, I mean,
00:20:10.400 | I can't equate it to anything in the military
00:20:13.040 | ever in the United States,
00:20:13.960 | because people down there
00:20:15.080 | could actually get physical with us.
00:20:16.360 | I mean, they could actually hit us
00:20:17.960 | and punch us and shit like that,
00:20:19.200 | which is not allowed here anymore,
00:20:21.920 | at least in most of the militaries
00:20:24.800 | and as horrible as down there.
00:20:26.720 | AK-47s being shot around us to simulate reality,
00:20:31.160 | basically causing hearing loss, that type of stuff.
00:20:33.720 | - So chaos, abuse, really challenging you.
00:20:38.840 | - Yeah. - Again, physically
00:20:39.800 | and mentally.
00:20:40.640 | - And an open door there always.
00:20:42.400 | So if you don't wanna be here, you can just walk out.
00:20:44.840 | And the more you go into it,
00:20:46.760 | time-wise, you're more invested you are.
00:20:48.600 | So in a way, you're kind of building your own chains
00:20:51.760 | while you're going through that process.
00:20:53.240 | - Were you tempted to walk out?
00:20:54.440 | - Yeah, several times, several times.
00:20:57.320 | Specifically seeing some of the ways
00:20:59.200 | that people that I thought were better
00:21:02.240 | or stronger than me were walking out or quitting
00:21:05.960 | because of something that happened in there.
00:21:09.400 | There was some sexual assault stuff
00:21:12.880 | happening in there as well.
00:21:15.160 | - Were you afraid of that?
00:21:17.280 | - Always, you know, you're in a place like that
00:21:20.160 | and there's females in the environment
00:21:22.320 | and some of the instructors are doing what they do.
00:21:25.600 | So that was like a cause for alarm.
00:21:27.160 | I mean, these people are in charge of our safety
00:21:29.040 | and education and look at what's happening here.
00:21:30.800 | So you could see some of the smarter ones leaving,
00:21:35.080 | not looking at this as a viable choice for life.
00:21:37.920 | - How did that change you, those few months?
00:21:40.920 | - I had this motivation,
00:21:43.680 | this idealistic motivation in my head,
00:21:46.280 | making a difference.
00:21:47.280 | They drill a lot of nationalistic kind of,
00:21:55.400 | the flag marching.
00:21:58.720 | You being part of a group and the group being,
00:22:00.680 | you know, behind you and all of this.
00:22:02.320 | - What was the nationalistic pride?
00:22:05.400 | It was in the nation of Mexico?
00:22:07.040 | - Yeah, yeah.
00:22:08.360 | - What's the vision of this great nation of Mexico
00:22:10.480 | that you were, did you believe,
00:22:12.080 | did it get into your blood?
00:22:13.920 | - It got into my, I mean, it's indoctrination, you know,
00:22:16.640 | it's a paramilitary group.
00:22:18.880 | So everything there is basically modeled
00:22:21.160 | after the military.
00:22:22.760 | So that's what they were trying to kind of instill in us.
00:22:25.880 | I was a team leader in there.
00:22:29.320 | After three months, basically, I was,
00:22:31.680 | we went through a bunch of trials, physical trials,
00:22:36.760 | mental trials and stuff like that.
00:22:37.920 | And some of us were named team leaders.
00:22:39.880 | And I, you know, bought into it.
00:22:43.320 | You know, I'm the, I'm supposed to be here, look at me.
00:22:46.240 | I'm making headways.
00:22:48.680 | I'm sticking out a bit, you know.
00:22:53.160 | And I was pretty proud of what I was going through there,
00:22:57.920 | six months.
00:22:58.760 | Then you get the reality check when you signed
00:23:01.640 | the dotted line and how that, none of it really meant
00:23:05.480 | anything as far as what we were about to go out and do.
00:23:08.600 | You know, an example of this,
00:23:12.400 | we were trained with a 92FS Beretta,
00:23:15.920 | which is a nine millimeter pistol, Italian made.
00:23:20.760 | We got to shoot 20 rounds out of that gun.
00:23:23.520 | And then we, when we got out, we were handed a Glock 17,
00:23:29.440 | which I've never seen one in my life.
00:23:33.840 | I was trying to figure out where the safety was
00:23:36.680 | and a few other people there were handling those guns
00:23:41.680 | in a horrible manner.
00:23:42.720 | So we were very under-trained, under-equipped,
00:23:46.800 | and there was a lot of assumptions about what we knew.
00:23:48.880 | And all of a sudden we're being cast into this,
00:23:51.000 | the start of one of the bloodiest
00:23:55.600 | and longest lived modern conflicts in our history
00:23:59.280 | that doesn't get called that,
00:24:00.560 | but it's basically been an ongoing war in Mexico
00:24:04.080 | that is still to this day, amassing bodies.
00:24:09.080 | - So the Mexican drug war.
00:24:10.960 | - The Mexican drug war, which is,
00:24:13.440 | it's hard to pinpoint exactly when it started
00:24:16.680 | because when I was going through training,
00:24:18.400 | there was already stuff going on.
00:24:20.640 | I went into training in 2004 and there were already
00:24:24.040 | major cartel related events all over Mexico by then,
00:24:28.760 | but not at the size or scope as I was about to go into.
00:24:33.120 | When President Felipe Calderon kind of took office down there
00:24:37.080 | and actually officially kind of kicked it off
00:24:39.440 | by putting the military in play
00:24:42.600 | as part of it basically militarized the drug war,
00:24:47.360 | including us.
00:24:48.840 | - Who are the major players in this drug war?
00:24:52.120 | So the politicians, the military, the police force,
00:24:56.960 | the cartels, all Mexican, then the United States,
00:25:01.960 | China, just to lay out all the pieces on the board.
00:25:06.680 | - First off, there are giant local drug markets in Mexico
00:25:09.840 | that are fought over,
00:25:12.040 | just local drug markets that are huge in scope.
00:25:14.880 | - So no exporting to other locations?
00:25:16.840 | - Just to start, yeah.
00:25:18.400 | So a big problem in Mexico
00:25:21.080 | is basically those local drug markets.
00:25:22.560 | And an example of that,
00:25:24.320 | and one I have a lot of experience with
00:25:25.720 | is the one in Tijuana,
00:25:27.160 | which not only feeds the local populace,
00:25:29.800 | but also feeds the populace from San Diego
00:25:31.800 | that crosses down into Tijuana and buys their product there.
00:25:35.560 | And now, a phenomenon that's occurring now
00:25:39.600 | is marijuana trafficking is going from California
00:25:42.840 | down into Mexico because they produce better weed,
00:25:45.880 | which is fascinating to see now.
00:25:48.000 | - So there's already a channel,
00:25:49.320 | and you're kind of reusing that channel.
00:25:51.280 | - Yeah, there's a lot of people and vehicles
00:25:53.320 | getting checked when they drive down.
00:25:54.840 | And Tijuana is being called San Diego South now
00:25:57.560 | because all the economic migrants are living down there.
00:26:02.240 | 90% of all houses in Tijuana, new houses,
00:26:05.000 | are being bought up by Americans.
00:26:06.480 | So that'll tell you something about the impact and change
00:26:09.040 | that's going on down there.
00:26:10.800 | So you have these local drug markets
00:26:12.240 | that are being fought over.
00:26:14.000 | You also have these drug routes
00:26:15.400 | that go through Mexico, up into Mexico,
00:26:17.760 | around Mexico, through the ocean, under the wall,
00:26:21.200 | drug tunnels over the wall,
00:26:24.080 | and on backpacks on migrants
00:26:28.400 | that go up into the United States.
00:26:30.100 | Not only do the cartels make money off drug trafficking,
00:26:34.760 | but also extortion, money laundering,
00:26:38.600 | paid protection schemes.
00:26:40.040 | Any mining operation in Mexico will have to pay protection,
00:26:44.920 | or else it'll get hit.
00:26:46.000 | A lot of times, the largest money makers
00:26:50.120 | for some of these criminal groups are protecting
00:26:53.640 | and taxing anybody that goes across the border.
00:26:56.260 | So that's also a big issue.
00:26:57.740 | And it's not just, again,
00:27:00.920 | some Americans think it's like the cartels.
00:27:03.480 | They imagine this single or maybe two or three groups.
00:27:06.880 | There's several out there.
00:27:08.640 | I don't have a current estimate,
00:27:11.080 | but last time I checked,
00:27:12.240 | it was somewhere in the vicinity of 50,
00:27:14.760 | the 70 different groups,
00:27:17.360 | some small that just dedicate themselves
00:27:19.220 | to a single little town somewhere.
00:27:21.300 | There are armed groups
00:27:22.140 | that are basically in control of that area,
00:27:23.740 | to some bigger federations, like the Sinaloa Cartel,
00:27:26.720 | which is probably currently the largest
00:27:29.240 | and most powerful one in Mexico,
00:27:31.600 | and the New Generation Cartel,
00:27:32.920 | which is growing exponentially right now.
00:27:35.940 | So these criminal groups are players in that conflict.
00:27:41.680 | Then another player that doesn't get talked about
00:27:44.840 | is politics, politicians.
00:27:46.440 | There's an ongoing discussion that has been going on,
00:27:51.200 | I think, since Trump was elected
00:27:53.200 | about cartels being terrorist organizations or not,
00:27:57.840 | or if they fit that description.
00:28:00.220 | Well, we are living through multiple assassinations
00:28:05.220 | on political candidates out in Mexico right now.
00:28:08.520 | And most of those assassinations are motivated
00:28:11.280 | by one side sponsoring one candidate
00:28:15.080 | and the other side sponsoring the other.
00:28:16.720 | What I mean by sides, I mean cartel groups.
00:28:19.560 | So they have elected officials that are on the take.
00:28:22.380 | And this is, we have many governors
00:28:25.380 | who are under investigation on the run
00:28:27.080 | or in prison right now, state governors.
00:28:30.400 | So politics is involved in it.
00:28:31.800 | That's a big player as well.
00:28:33.060 | That doesn't, when you think about the cartel problems,
00:28:36.040 | you don't think, well, some, at least some,
00:28:37.960 | most people don't think about that aspect of it.
00:28:40.320 | - So to have integrity as a politician in Mexico
00:28:43.080 | means you have no protection
00:28:46.280 | and under constant threat of assassination.
00:28:49.400 | - We've just seen the arrest and prosecution
00:28:51.600 | of the head of all Conrad Cartel operations
00:28:54.240 | when I was active in the form of Garcia Luna,
00:28:57.360 | who was, he was the guy, Felipe Calderon,
00:29:00.200 | who kicked off the drug war.
00:29:01.400 | That was his guy.
00:29:02.520 | Turns out he was on the take at that level.
00:29:06.280 | - Is there like a spectrum of how on the take you can be?
00:29:10.680 | Are there ethical lines that you can cross?
00:29:13.040 | Some of it is money.
00:29:14.160 | And then is it possible to operate in a gray area
00:29:17.920 | that does not result in destructive ethical violations,
00:29:24.200 | deep ethical violations?
00:29:27.800 | - I have no idea.
00:29:28.640 | I don't think there is realistically.
00:29:30.480 | I mean, anything that kind of supports some of these groups,
00:29:34.040 | you know, you're supporting things of a horrible nature.
00:29:37.240 | I just posted recently on my Instagram account
00:29:42.040 | of a lady that was in Guanajuato.
00:29:45.360 | She's one of seven recently assassinated women
00:29:48.000 | that are looking for their kids, basically.
00:29:51.320 | There's a bunch of groups and organizations out there
00:29:55.440 | in Mexico, some in Tijuana that I've actually walked with,
00:29:59.160 | who are taking control of trying to find the bodies
00:30:03.880 | of their kids.
00:30:05.520 | That's her up there.
00:30:06.680 | - Maria Carmela Vasquez, a mother who searched
00:30:10.800 | for a missing son, was shot to death outside her home
00:30:13.560 | on Sunday.
00:30:15.960 | Her son, Osmar Vasquez, disappeared on June 14th.
00:30:19.640 | The 46-year-old woman is the fifth mother
00:30:22.160 | to be killed this year while searching
00:30:24.280 | for their missing loved ones.
00:30:25.720 | She was a member of the Payamo Missing Person Collective.
00:30:30.600 | - There's many groups out in Mexico
00:30:32.040 | who basically have given up on trusting the government
00:30:34.360 | to find their kids.
00:30:35.320 | The number of missing in Mexico is a debated topic
00:30:42.080 | because, you know, the government itself
00:30:44.400 | doesn't release those numbers,
00:30:46.400 | or at least hasn't done a good job about keeping them
00:30:49.400 | and/or releasing them.
00:30:50.520 | Mexico is a country that has industrialized body disposal.
00:30:55.120 | You know, in Tijuana, we had the stew maker,
00:30:58.040 | the legendary stew maker, which is a guy
00:31:00.240 | that basically used caustic acid
00:31:03.080 | to get rid of bodies at a massive level.
00:31:09.760 | - So there's a separate operation
00:31:11.120 | for getting rid of bodies and murdering the people.
00:31:13.520 | - At least in Tijuana, we saw that phenomenon,
00:31:15.840 | and it's obvious that it's going on all over Mexico.
00:31:19.840 | - Who's having those discussions about mass murder
00:31:23.000 | and getting rid of people?
00:31:23.960 | I've been reading a lot about World War II recently,
00:31:27.000 | and there's, was aggressive innovation on the Nazi side
00:31:29.880 | of how to get rid of a large number of people.
00:31:32.120 | But for the longest time, both the Soviets,
00:31:34.040 | and the Soviets were more brutal with this.
00:31:36.560 | It's literally, it's a engineering problem
00:31:39.360 | of how you kill a large number of people
00:31:41.360 | and get rid of their bodies.
00:31:42.760 | So the Soviets were more into just laying people,
00:31:47.760 | laying people down into the grave,
00:31:50.320 | face down, and then shooting them in the back of the head,
00:31:52.640 | and then doing that on mass scale.
00:31:53.880 | So you just pile people on.
00:31:55.720 | And then there was obviously innovation with the Holocaust
00:31:57.880 | in terms of gassing people and all that kind of stuff.
00:32:00.800 | - I'm not sure exactly where these tradecraft skills
00:32:05.360 | are coming from specifically.
00:32:07.320 | You hear discussions of Israelis training
00:32:09.920 | some of the cartel groups back in the late '90s,
00:32:13.440 | specifically the Arionofis cartel.
00:32:15.240 | There's a lot of stories about that.
00:32:17.160 | A security specialist coming down and showing them things
00:32:19.520 | like how to make caustic soda,
00:32:21.300 | how to put rocks inside of bodies,
00:32:24.400 | and then chicken wire them around
00:32:26.280 | to throw them into the ocean or river
00:32:28.640 | so that their bodies don't float.
00:32:30.840 | And when you kind of-
00:32:31.680 | - You put rocks inside a body
00:32:33.240 | to make sure the body doesn't float?
00:32:34.640 | - So you open up the intestinal tract, put rocks inside.
00:32:38.680 | You cut where tattoos are, you take off hands and faces,
00:32:43.180 | and throw them somewhere else,
00:32:44.880 | and you wrap them in chicken wire.
00:32:46.280 | - So make it not identifiable.
00:32:47.880 | - Yeah, and throw them into a body of water.
00:32:50.640 | And this is a horrible thing, but it's actually-
00:32:54.680 | - It's a craft.
00:32:55.520 | - It's a trade craft.
00:32:56.360 | - It's a trade craft, and there's a link to the US
00:33:00.720 | as far as that trade craft.
00:33:02.040 | You have to remember that the United States
00:33:04.600 | had a thing called School of the Americas and the CIA,
00:33:08.640 | and they showed things, and a lot of that stuff
00:33:12.160 | is out there in the hands of people
00:33:14.000 | that are of that generation.
00:33:16.480 | - So there's a manual-
00:33:18.280 | - There's a manual somewhere.
00:33:19.640 | - Like with chapters, and it's like
00:33:21.240 | how to get rid of the body.
00:33:22.520 | - There's manuals out there.
00:33:23.480 | - Under time constraints, or how identifiable
00:33:28.480 | can the body be afterwards,
00:33:31.000 | what are geographical constraints, all that kind of stuff.
00:33:33.680 | - I think that was common back in the early 2000s,
00:33:37.440 | and maybe the late '90s when some of these things
00:33:39.800 | were going on, but they've lost even that
00:33:43.440 | as far as respect for the government,
00:33:45.000 | or bodies being found.
00:33:46.560 | Right now, what you usually see is just bodies
00:33:48.920 | being burnt to a crisp and buried in a field somewhere.
00:33:51.520 | That's usually what you'll see.
00:33:53.800 | Some of the groups like this woman belong to
00:33:58.080 | basically taking it upon themselves to go out
00:34:00.120 | to find clandestine graves in the outskirts
00:34:04.800 | of the towns that they live in,
00:34:07.640 | probing the ground with these metal probes,
00:34:11.480 | and seeing if whatever they encounter
00:34:15.640 | in the bottom of these clandestine graves
00:34:18.960 | stinks or not.
00:34:20.320 | If they find IDs or clothing, they kind of gather that,
00:34:22.920 | and they basically present it to the investigative
00:34:25.960 | authorities in the towns or the states they live in,
00:34:28.520 | which basically are doing their jobs.
00:34:30.360 | Over 90% of all murders in Mexico were never solved.
00:34:34.080 | So they've even stopped trying to get rid of bodies
00:34:39.040 | in that way.
00:34:39.880 | - How does a cartel take power?
00:34:45.680 | How does it gain control of this local area
00:34:49.040 | that you mentioned, and then grow,
00:34:51.720 | take control of a region?
00:34:53.760 | And how does it do so in this dynamic relationship
00:34:58.760 | between politicians and the military and the police force?
00:35:03.760 | - It's a thing that happens over time.
00:35:06.120 | There has always been a big effort,
00:35:07.640 | even when I was in, to buy or own certain members
00:35:12.560 | of the police force.
00:35:13.520 | Even when we're going through training,
00:35:14.760 | some people get pulled out during training
00:35:16.560 | because they were found out to have some sort of parent
00:35:19.400 | or sibling that was a cartel member,
00:35:21.800 | or their FBI background check came back negative,
00:35:25.800 | you know, when they were already in the training program.
00:35:28.840 | So I think part of it is, first off,
00:35:34.720 | they take advantage of the fact that Mexico
00:35:36.920 | is a young country.
00:35:37.800 | It's a country of young people.
00:35:39.360 | We have a big group of young people that have
00:35:45.040 | little to no opportunities to come up.
00:35:48.720 | When I was in, when I went to take that career path,
00:35:52.040 | a lot of my friends took the other option.
00:35:54.440 | They went to work for some of these criminal groups.
00:35:57.040 | So they have this going for them.
00:36:00.440 | They basically have a lot of bodies to hire cheaply.
00:36:04.240 | - And leverage in terms of forcing those bodies
00:36:08.040 | to do whatever is needed,
00:36:09.560 | because the alternative for those people is nothing.
00:36:12.120 | - There's no options.
00:36:13.280 | So you have a kid somewhere who is working on a field,
00:36:17.120 | or you have a kid like me that was out of the job,
00:36:19.760 | out of school, and the only options for me
00:36:22.840 | was this ad in the newspaper, which seemed like a long shot,
00:36:26.760 | or going with some of my friends that had cars now
00:36:30.600 | and were hanging out all night at these bars.
00:36:33.200 | And some of them had, you know,
00:36:35.640 | Draco AK-47 pistols in their cars,
00:36:39.200 | and it would look cool, you know?
00:36:41.240 | - So there is a trajectory.
00:36:42.640 | There's many trajectories possibly in your life
00:36:44.960 | where you could have been still operating
00:36:48.080 | in a criminal organization in Mexico.
00:36:51.520 | - Yeah, I mean, there's not a lot of options, you know?
00:36:54.760 | - Do you think you'd be good at it?
00:36:56.720 | - I don't know.
00:36:57.560 | I mean, I'm pretty good at what I do now,
00:36:58.960 | which is teaching people how to detect it
00:37:00.480 | and kind of fight against it, you know?
00:37:01.880 | So I think--
00:37:03.240 | - I have a sense that the skills transfer pretty well.
00:37:07.120 | That's also the dark side of this whole thing.
00:37:09.960 | - A lot of the people that I used to work with,
00:37:11.780 | you know, I know things, and I have some training,
00:37:14.120 | and I had some specialized training,
00:37:15.640 | and I currently do, I've done, you know,
00:37:18.400 | presentations for the Secret Service and the FBI,
00:37:20.720 | and you name it, I've gone there and shown them what I do.
00:37:23.680 | A lot of the people that I used to work with
00:37:26.960 | who are out of the job are in the wind, you know?
00:37:29.440 | And some of these people are way more trained than I am.
00:37:31.480 | You know?
00:37:33.080 | It's interesting what the reason why I get looked for,
00:37:38.080 | and they ask me questions,
00:37:39.360 | is because I actually have the experience
00:37:41.040 | that my university was the most dangerous city
00:37:43.800 | on the planet.
00:37:45.160 | And when people ask me about some of that stuff,
00:37:47.080 | I could speak from experience
00:37:48.480 | as far as encountering some of that directly.
00:37:51.120 | Some of the people that I used to work with
00:37:52.440 | who were way better at it than I am are in the wind.
00:37:55.720 | Yeah, interesting thing in Mexico.
00:37:57.640 | If you are of a police organization
00:37:59.400 | and you get fired or you quit,
00:38:03.560 | you are ineligible to join another police organization.
00:38:06.640 | That discounts you.
00:38:08.400 | So for somebody like me,
00:38:09.640 | who was a professional operations group member
00:38:12.720 | or a police officer in Mexico of that region,
00:38:15.760 | there's no options for me outside of that.
00:38:18.680 | So they themselves basically have created
00:38:20.960 | this inescapable box for some of these people
00:38:24.120 | that go into that line of work.
00:38:25.480 | And where do they go after?
00:38:27.480 | I've heard offers of $12,000 to join
00:38:33.080 | some of the organizations out there.
00:38:35.240 | Plus, you know, they get benefits,
00:38:38.040 | not like the government, you know?
00:38:39.520 | I'm still waiting for my liquidation check.
00:38:42.960 | This has been out of service for like six, seven years.
00:38:45.920 | I'm still waiting for my check.
00:38:47.480 | So some of these people,
00:38:50.640 | it's obvious that the opportunities
00:38:52.280 | are presented to them out there are stronger, you know?
00:38:55.120 | And again, the youth is what gets eaten by this war.
00:38:59.520 | And that's one of the main things that they start with,
00:39:02.480 | just the youth.
00:39:03.960 | We had a phenomenon in Tijuana,
00:39:07.440 | late '90s, early 2000s called the Narco Juniors.
00:39:10.200 | Narco Juniors were basically middle class
00:39:15.200 | or upper class families,
00:39:17.160 | had kids that were bored
00:39:18.240 | and they just joined some of these cartel groups.
00:39:21.040 | These cartel groups saw in them
00:39:22.680 | opportunities to get into regular industry,
00:39:25.560 | to go through the family businesses,
00:39:27.520 | to kind of establish themselves,
00:39:29.160 | use some of those businesses for storage,
00:39:32.400 | or figure out how to use some of their
00:39:34.600 | transportation businesses for drug muleing.
00:39:37.120 | So this is how they start
00:39:38.760 | in getting into different areas
00:39:42.040 | that they regularly couldn't.
00:39:44.160 | And that's how it starts.
00:39:47.320 | You owe somebody,
00:39:49.000 | they get into paid protection type schemes,
00:39:52.880 | which are also common all over Mexico.
00:39:55.120 | And sooner or later, they start owning businesses
00:39:59.240 | and they regulate some of their income.
00:40:02.360 | So they become part of the local economy in a big way.
00:40:07.520 | I had this experience in Sinaloa
00:40:08.960 | where we were driving down this shitty street
00:40:11.640 | and all of a sudden it became a cool, nice,
00:40:14.360 | curvy highway type thing.
00:40:16.400 | And I looked around there, it's like,
00:40:17.600 | this is a nice road.
00:40:19.280 | And the guy was with me, he said,
00:40:20.400 | "Yeah, the cartels built it."
00:40:21.880 | You go to some of these towns
00:40:24.560 | and the cartels are the government there.
00:40:26.960 | They build the hospitals, they build the churches,
00:40:28.960 | they build the schools.
00:40:30.640 | COVID happens, they're enforcing the mask mandates.
00:40:34.160 | They're out enforcing the mask mandates.
00:40:36.880 | The stay at home policies.
00:40:39.000 | They're the ones delivering supplies
00:40:41.280 | to the townspeople in bags,
00:40:43.560 | courtesy of so-and-so cartel.
00:40:45.400 | So they become the Robin Hood characters
00:40:50.960 | of their environments.
00:40:51.800 | If they're smart,
00:40:52.800 | these groups basically turn into that,
00:40:54.800 | Robin Hood, stealing from the rich
00:40:56.680 | and giving to the poor,
00:40:57.640 | or at least that's the projection that they give.
00:41:00.080 | - What's the role of violence in this operation?
00:41:05.560 | - I'm extreme.
00:41:07.360 | It used to be that there were rules,
00:41:09.200 | as you say, like, don't go after kids,
00:41:12.280 | don't go after women,
00:41:13.800 | but all those things are gone now.
00:41:15.760 | They had been gone for decades, I think.
00:41:18.720 | The escalation of violence.
00:41:22.360 | You kill one of mine, I'll kill four of yours.
00:41:24.600 | You kill four of mine, I'll go after your family
00:41:26.680 | because you were in hiding.
00:41:28.040 | There's stories of high-level cartel people
00:41:32.520 | getting their sons and daughters murdered,
00:41:36.600 | mutilated in revenge killings.
00:41:39.920 | So I think it's at a point where it spiraled out
00:41:43.720 | of semblance of a rule set
00:41:45.920 | as far as who can get exposed to some of this violence.
00:41:48.960 | Those highly-produced ISIS videos
00:41:50.960 | where they show torture and executions,
00:41:54.200 | according to some of the sources that I've talked to
00:41:57.640 | here in the United States
00:41:58.640 | that were looking at that phenomenon,
00:42:01.240 | they said that it seems to be that that was influenced
00:42:04.280 | by some of the narco blog videos
00:42:06.640 | that were coming out of Mexico in the early 2000s.
00:42:10.920 | Basically, that some of these groups were the first ones
00:42:12.840 | that got wind of the fact that you can export terror
00:42:17.840 | or the horror that an execution has through social media.
00:42:21.920 | Way back when Facebook was a bit more
00:42:24.240 | of a wildland area,
00:42:27.000 | you could see these in newsfeeds,
00:42:29.360 | videos of executions, tortures,
00:42:31.440 | and stuff like that coming out of Mexico.
00:42:32.920 | - On Facebook?
00:42:34.000 | - Way back when.
00:42:34.840 | - Wow.
00:42:35.680 | - This was a different time.
00:42:37.000 | - People who criticize social media in the moderation
00:42:41.600 | is a tough job,
00:42:44.320 | because the brutal world out there.
00:42:46.920 | - I mean, I remember seeing some of these ISIS videos
00:42:49.440 | on Facebook way back when,
00:42:51.480 | and they cracked down on all that.
00:42:53.880 | But one that's kind of clear,
00:42:56.560 | and I'm not gonna say where to find it,
00:42:59.880 | but people out there might've seen it
00:43:01.720 | because some of these videos get shared
00:43:03.280 | through WhatsApp groups and chat groups out there.
00:43:07.040 | One of the ones that caught my attention way back when
00:43:09.320 | was two guys getting executed by a chainsaw.
00:43:12.840 | And people can kind of imagine what that would be like.
00:43:19.600 | - This is produced on purpose?
00:43:23.040 | - Yes.
00:43:23.880 | - Like it's videotaped on purpose?
00:43:24.720 | - Yeah, it's a cartel group, rival cartel members,
00:43:28.080 | and a way to send a message to those other rival cartel
00:43:31.920 | is to basically execute these people in front of a camera.
00:43:35.920 | I mean, you can't get to your rivals,
00:43:38.640 | but you can make them see what they're doing,
00:43:42.160 | or at least make their people look at what happens
00:43:45.600 | if you invade their territory.
00:43:48.320 | - Just an escalation of brutality and the violence as well.
00:43:51.320 | - I mean-
00:43:52.160 | - And that leads to terror,
00:43:53.200 | and then some mass communication of terror.
00:43:55.680 | - Yeah, I mean, you have videos of some of these people
00:43:58.440 | engaging in cannibalism in front of a video
00:44:01.040 | to see how brutal they are,
00:44:02.440 | or people taking out somebody's heart while they're alive
00:44:07.440 | and filming it.
00:44:08.480 | And it used to be social media as a whole,
00:44:10.880 | you would see some of these videos,
00:44:12.000 | they would get put down in a few days.
00:44:16.520 | But now there's a telegram groups,
00:44:18.600 | there's live leaks,
00:44:21.200 | there's a bunch of other sites out there
00:44:23.160 | that kind of disperse some of these videos.
00:44:25.480 | And it's basically a bulletin board for them
00:44:29.040 | as far as, "Hey, you got into my territory,
00:44:31.320 | well, this is what's gonna happen to you."
00:44:33.320 | - Is there a game theoretic way to remove
00:44:39.560 | this kind of brutality, to deescalate the brutality?
00:44:42.800 | 'Cause it seems like if a cartel takes power
00:44:46.000 | that exceeds the power of politicians in a locality,
00:44:49.640 | there's a strong incentive to reduce the brutality,
00:44:52.760 | to crack down on this kind of chainsaw executions.
00:44:57.000 | - You know, there was a recent leak of government files,
00:45:02.000 | called the Guacamaya leaks.
00:45:05.160 | It's our version of WikiLeaks, I guess.
00:45:08.200 | And it was mostly documents
00:45:11.240 | coming out of the Mexican military.
00:45:13.520 | I haven't seen it talked about a lot here in stateside,
00:45:16.360 | but it's a pretty big thing down in Mexico.
00:45:18.680 | And in some of those documents,
00:45:19.760 | it reveals how powerless the government is,
00:45:23.240 | I mean, as far as the military goes.
00:45:25.080 | So that's another player in Mexico, the military.
00:45:28.020 | The military has been out in force in the streets,
00:45:32.960 | basically doing a policing role
00:45:34.640 | since Felipe Calderon was the administration.
00:45:37.520 | He basically militarized the drug war.
00:45:39.840 | Felipe Calderon was to the right of the political spectrum.
00:45:45.600 | And his main rival, who was way to the left,
00:45:48.560 | is now in power.
00:45:49.720 | And one of the campaign promises he had
00:45:53.400 | was to demilitarize the drug war,
00:45:57.160 | to send the military back to its barracks and all that.
00:46:00.440 | And he's basically continuing on.
00:46:01.880 | They just passed some legislation
00:46:03.920 | that basically keeps the military on the streets
00:46:06.440 | for a few more years, you know?
00:46:08.740 | And I think some of these documents that were leaked
00:46:13.840 | are very telling as far as why that is.
00:46:17.840 | They have, the military now has a vast amount of power
00:46:21.480 | when it comes to security industry.
00:46:24.160 | I mean, they're in charge of building airports
00:46:25.960 | and train lines in Mexico now.
00:46:27.520 | Their documents themselves show how certain regions
00:46:33.560 | in Mexico who have a specific military presence
00:46:37.640 | work for one side or favor one side of the cartel.
00:46:40.440 | - They're corrupted too.
00:46:42.240 | So there's these military forces that are in part corrupted.
00:46:45.080 | - Yes.
00:46:46.120 | - And the cartel, who operates with violence,
00:46:49.200 | somehow finding a balance between each other.
00:46:51.440 | It just feels like throughout human history,
00:46:55.260 | there's dictators or leaders that come
00:47:00.260 | into situations like this
00:47:02.220 | and really crack down on the violence.
00:47:04.080 | - Yeah.
00:47:05.080 | - So it seems like that's not happening.
00:47:07.040 | It seems like there's a kind of market
00:47:09.560 | of violence happening here.
00:47:11.040 | - There's a systemic amnesia that happens
00:47:13.120 | every presidency in Mexico.
00:47:15.160 | So president comes in, he has five to six years
00:47:19.540 | to do whatever he needs to do, and he does everything.
00:47:22.280 | And as soon as he's gone, everything he did,
00:47:25.080 | even what was working, gets chopped off.
00:47:30.080 | Police organizations get defunct
00:47:33.040 | or the names get changed, uniforms change.
00:47:36.900 | - So there's a lot of turnover everywhere?
00:47:39.760 | - Every five years federally, there's a turnover
00:47:41.960 | and things change.
00:47:43.500 | - What about the cartels, do they persist?
00:47:45.560 | - Yeah.
00:47:46.400 | - Do the leadership persist?
00:47:47.280 | - I mean, the Sinaloa cartel has had a figurehead
00:47:52.160 | behind it since the '80s, the same one.
00:47:54.800 | I mean, it's a federation of smaller cartels
00:47:58.720 | that are all kind of linked up,
00:47:59.800 | but pretty much historically,
00:48:01.440 | he was considered the head of the Sinaloa cartel.
00:48:04.240 | Elmira Zambada has been there since the '80s.
00:48:08.280 | So in a way, yeah, he's persisting.
00:48:11.400 | He's surviving all of these presidencies.
00:48:14.580 | Again, these documents that were leaked
00:48:17.500 | are a clear sign of what strengths and weaknesses
00:48:20.820 | there are as far as the government's main weapon
00:48:23.860 | against some of these criminal groups,
00:48:25.100 | which is the military.
00:48:26.980 | And if people doubt this, they can look it up now online
00:48:30.860 | because all these documents are out there.
00:48:32.940 | But just a clear thing, the Mexican Navy or the Marina
00:48:37.940 | doesn't work with the Mexican army.
00:48:40.540 | They don't speak to each other.
00:48:41.880 | So that should tell you everything you need to know
00:48:44.200 | as far as trust.
00:48:46.080 | - That could be just bureaucratic dysfunction.
00:48:48.100 | - They don't trust each other.
00:48:49.640 | - Are they both struggling with the problem of corruption?
00:48:53.040 | - Some of these documents that are already out there
00:48:55.320 | talk about the ports in Mexico,
00:48:59.040 | which are probably the main conduit
00:49:00.960 | of precursors of methamphetamines
00:49:03.120 | and precursors of things like fentanyl into the country.
00:49:06.540 | They're operated and guarded by the Marina, right?
00:49:10.000 | So these things are happening under their watch.
00:49:12.520 | And then you get talk about the army in certain places,
00:49:17.520 | basically working counter cartel operations
00:49:21.800 | to specifically one side, not another,
00:49:25.040 | as far as the rival groups out there.
00:49:27.520 | And we have a long history of some of these groups going,
00:49:30.120 | military groups going rogue.
00:49:31.440 | Losetas are a prime example of this.
00:49:33.400 | These special forces units that basically turned around
00:49:37.760 | and went to work as bodyguards for the Gulf cartel
00:49:40.200 | and then decided to,
00:49:43.040 | but what they basically did
00:49:43.880 | was an internship with a cartel.
00:49:46.440 | They went out there, did bodyguarding for the Gulf cartel,
00:49:50.520 | and then realized they can do a better job
00:49:52.760 | than they were doing, so they started their own,
00:49:55.240 | sparking off one of the, again, one of the bloodiest
00:49:57.720 | internal cartel wars in Mexico's history.
00:50:01.800 | - Who was El Chapo?
00:50:03.920 | - El Chapo was a part of the leadership,
00:50:05.600 | or at least a faction of the leadership in the cartel.
00:50:08.000 | It's a federation of different, of small organizations,
00:50:11.080 | well, I say small organizations,
00:50:13.080 | basically families or organizations
00:50:14.680 | that conform this larger group,
00:50:17.240 | which is the Sinaloa cartel that is based out of Sinaloa.
00:50:21.240 | Basically, they are people that have family
00:50:26.240 | and power nucleuses there in Sinaloa.
00:50:29.200 | I mean, who was he?
00:50:31.960 | I think he was a high-level operator
00:50:34.440 | for the Sinaloa cartel.
00:50:35.560 | He had his own drug routes, his own networks,
00:50:38.480 | his family nucleus down there,
00:50:41.640 | still in control of some of those operations,
00:50:44.040 | so his arrest really didn't change anything.
00:50:46.800 | But he wasn't the mastermind, number one leader
00:50:51.920 | that I think the media and the government
00:50:54.920 | kind of portrayed him as.
00:50:56.560 | - Who was the mastermind?
00:50:58.600 | - If you go down there and you read
00:51:02.520 | what most of the brave journalists in Mexico that we have,
00:51:07.520 | say another aspect of this war
00:51:09.720 | is that a lot of journalists get killed.
00:51:11.200 | I think Mexico has some of the top numbers in the world.
00:51:14.800 | This is no secret to anybody.
00:51:18.160 | El Mayo Zambada is the name of the historical figurehead
00:51:22.720 | of this cartel, or at least somebody who people theorize
00:51:27.120 | or suspect to be the main guy or the main person
00:51:30.920 | that is in charge of some of this criminal group.
00:51:33.240 | - Is he still alive?
00:51:34.920 | - That's the going rumor that he's still very much alive.
00:51:37.560 | The interesting thing about him
00:51:38.640 | is that he learned his craft in Los Angeles.
00:51:41.040 | So people thinking that Sinaloa cartel
00:51:43.440 | isn't a Mexican thing, it's actually,
00:51:45.280 | he apparently learned a lot of his craft
00:51:49.240 | from people in the United States.
00:51:52.000 | - And that's the craft of leadership,
00:51:53.720 | the craft of business, the craft of which aspect of the craft?
00:51:56.680 | - The craft of getting a product from Colombia,
00:52:00.280 | putting it through Mexico.
00:52:01.400 | - And the logistics.
00:52:02.360 | - The logistics part of it.
00:52:03.760 | - And he somehow is operating in the shadows,
00:52:11.240 | so he's not a known entity.
00:52:13.320 | - I don't have a clear number of this,
00:52:14.860 | but he was interviewed by a magazine
00:52:16.640 | called Proceso in Mexico,
00:52:18.680 | and some pictures were taken of him.
00:52:20.840 | This was over 10 years ago, probably,
00:52:22.560 | and that's the last time anybody's
00:52:24.240 | ever seen a picture of him.
00:52:25.640 | - What's it like to be a journalist?
00:52:27.320 | So can a journalist have a conversation with him and live?
00:52:31.560 | - Not unless he asks to have that conversation.
00:52:34.240 | I think he reached out to this journalist to talk about it.
00:52:38.380 | There's a media wing to the work that we do,
00:52:43.280 | a sister page called Demoler,
00:52:45.120 | and it's run by some pretty good people.
00:52:49.400 | And the way we met is that I was basically training them
00:52:52.680 | how to work in hostile environments,
00:52:54.240 | and they were like, "Oh, we're gonna go report
00:52:55.880 | "on cartel activity in Mexico."
00:52:58.480 | And I was like, "(sighs)
00:53:00.480 | "That is a year and a half ago,
00:53:03.860 | "a reporter went to the president's daily briefing,
00:53:08.480 | "press conference that he has."
00:53:09.720 | They called them La Mañaneras,
00:53:11.680 | President Manuel Lopez Obrador,
00:53:14.960 | and told him to his face,
00:53:17.160 | "I have threats on my life, they're trying to kill me."
00:53:19.920 | And it happened.
00:53:23.120 | There's been a slew of assassinations and murders
00:53:25.480 | of members of the press all over Mexico.
00:53:27.240 | It's not an easy job.
00:53:28.840 | Either they say too much,
00:53:33.080 | or they say things that favor one side or the other,
00:53:36.000 | which is another aspect of it that is interesting.
00:53:38.400 | I don't consider myself a reporter.
00:53:40.720 | I don't report on the news in Mexico.
00:53:42.520 | I have friends that do that very well.
00:53:45.080 | I commentate on some of it only.
00:53:46.760 | But you see a lot of these cartel reporters go down there,
00:53:51.160 | talk to a specific side,
00:53:52.400 | and basically speak one side of the story,
00:53:55.440 | and that is not something that the other side wants.
00:53:58.800 | If you go down there and speak to one side,
00:54:01.800 | you're saying what they want people to know or hear.
00:54:04.320 | So in a way, you're kind of spreading
00:54:05.640 | some of their cartel propaganda in a way.
00:54:08.240 | And that's how some people get shot.
00:54:12.120 | - Do you think it's possible to go in there
00:54:16.120 | and have a conversation with a cartel leader?
00:54:20.200 | - Well, Sean Penn- - Or somebody like me,
00:54:22.320 | for somebody like Sean Penn?
00:54:23.800 | - This is what I will say.
00:54:25.160 | After that whole Sean Penn thing,
00:54:27.880 | I think a lot of people would reconsider
00:54:30.160 | a meeting with anybody of any level
00:54:32.080 | that has any variety here in the United States.
00:54:34.240 | They wouldn't trust anybody to get that close.
00:54:36.560 | There are people out there that will talk to reporters,
00:54:40.000 | people that are working on a lab or laboratory
00:54:42.840 | somewhere in a hillside, somewhere down south,
00:54:45.400 | in the Sierra, low-level people that get authorization
00:54:49.600 | to speak to reporters and stuff like that,
00:54:51.280 | but they don't say anything that isn't being taught
00:54:53.120 | or shown in various different ways
00:54:55.160 | or outlets out there for them.
00:54:56.920 | I mean, some of these guys have Instagram accounts.
00:54:59.040 | Some of these guys blog about it.
00:55:00.960 | - But not the leaders.
00:55:01.800 | - TikTok, no, not the leaders.
00:55:03.720 | I think after what happened to El Chapo Guzman,
00:55:07.000 | I think that opportunity, that window was closed
00:55:11.040 | for some of the leadership down there.
00:55:13.520 | - I think, I disagree.
00:55:15.120 | I think they're just more sensitive,
00:55:17.320 | realizing that there has to be a deep trust.
00:55:21.720 | It's not just anybody and not any high-profile.
00:55:24.720 | I've gotten a chance to speak
00:55:26.400 | to some very high-profile leaders
00:55:28.120 | that don't speak to journalists,
00:55:30.080 | and they understand the value of trust.
00:55:32.720 | - If they have something to say,
00:55:35.440 | which I don't think they do, you know,
00:55:37.600 | I don't think they, unless at some point in the future,
00:55:41.640 | which is something I suspect might be coming,
00:55:44.880 | that there is some sort of armed intervention
00:55:48.560 | or external attack on some of these criminal groups
00:55:52.080 | that really puts the pressure on them.
00:55:55.760 | - You don't think there's a human aspect to this,
00:55:59.320 | of a human being wanting their story to be known?
00:56:03.080 | Versus, is this different than the propaganda machine
00:56:07.520 | of I have something to say,
00:56:09.160 | I have some message to put out there
00:56:11.720 | to play the game of politics and power and money
00:56:15.040 | and all that kind of stuff?
00:56:15.920 | Isn't there also a human being
00:56:17.480 | underneath all that armor that,
00:56:19.600 | for the sake of perhaps ego, legacy,
00:56:24.080 | wants to be understood?
00:56:25.880 | - I think in a way, they already do that.
00:56:28.400 | There's corridos, which are basically Mexican folk songs
00:56:31.400 | that get sung about some of them.
00:56:34.040 | So in a way, some of these singers
00:56:37.320 | are reporting on some of their lives,
00:56:39.560 | and it's a great honor to have a corrido made about you.
00:56:43.280 | Somebody made a corrido about me
00:56:45.280 | based on my interviews, right?
00:56:46.840 | I didn't pay for it, so it's a real one.
00:56:49.240 | It feels cool.
00:56:50.080 | - So creating a myth, the legend of the man.
00:56:53.400 | - I think it's about,
00:56:54.600 | I think a way you can find somebody like that
00:56:58.480 | is somebody that wants to get their story,
00:57:01.560 | specifically clear and straight,
00:57:03.520 | coming from that culture
00:57:07.680 | and getting to work for the government down there
00:57:10.680 | and then not working for the government down there
00:57:13.560 | and being on the outside, being critical
00:57:15.360 | of not only the government that is in place now,
00:57:17.280 | but also the government that I actually work with.
00:57:19.640 | I can tell you that there's villains
00:57:21.560 | all over the place down there.
00:57:22.720 | Everybody's a villain, you know,
00:57:24.320 | at all levels in some way, shape, or form.
00:57:26.600 | And some of these people,
00:57:27.840 | I think in a way, including El Chapo,
00:57:30.680 | I think that some of that meeting was about film rights
00:57:34.120 | and stories and being able to get his story out there.
00:57:38.000 | I think, I'm not too sure, because I wasn't there,
00:57:40.880 | but I suspect that some of that was going on.
00:57:44.160 | If you can bring an honest voice down there,
00:57:47.200 | they can trust to put that out there.
00:57:50.240 | Yeah, I mean, I think you could try.
00:57:53.840 | - I'm interested in that kind of thing,
00:57:56.520 | because ultimately in some of those places,
00:57:59.440 | like inside a cartel at the very top
00:58:03.480 | is when you can really look at the raw aspects
00:58:07.520 | of human nature in a way you can't necessarily elsewhere.
00:58:11.120 | - There's a youth coming into power down there.
00:58:13.880 | And when I say youth, I mean,
00:58:15.320 | some of the old guard is going out
00:58:16.920 | and some of the new guard is coming in.
00:58:18.760 | An example of this is El Chapo Guzman's sons,
00:58:22.480 | who are now in their own right,
00:58:24.920 | kind of gaining legendary status.
00:58:27.040 | There was an attempted arrest on his son
00:58:30.200 | that led to the famous Culiacanazo incident,
00:58:34.800 | which we are now learning more about
00:58:36.480 | because some of the Guacamaya leaks
00:58:38.360 | are kind of speaking more about what happened that day.
00:58:42.800 | Basically a federal operation,
00:58:45.040 | they say to arrest El Chapo Guzman's son,
00:58:50.040 | turned into a siege to try and get him free.
00:58:55.720 | They called in the Calvary,
00:58:57.440 | basically the whole of the Sinaloa cartel
00:58:59.160 | showed up to try and rescue him.
00:59:01.360 | Interesting thing about that is,
00:59:03.120 | in reading some of the documents
00:59:05.120 | and also just seeing some of the videos
00:59:06.480 | and stuff like that came out of that incident,
00:59:08.820 | the cartels were the ones evacuating
00:59:10.440 | the citizenship from the area.
00:59:13.080 | They were the ones going restaurant to restaurant
00:59:14.880 | saying, "Hey, if you wanna exit the city,
00:59:16.480 | "go through here, take your families, get down,
00:59:18.880 | "but you have to leave because the army's coming here,
00:59:20.660 | "they're gonna fight us."
00:59:21.920 | - So there's like a deep morality to all of that.
00:59:26.840 | Underneath the violence, there's a humanity.
00:59:28.880 | - I mean, it's their home.
00:59:30.240 | It is their home, and they were fighting for their home
00:59:33.320 | and they were fighting for leadership from their home.
00:59:36.020 | There is a morality, there is a humanity there.
00:59:38.920 | And again, if people wanna paint them all
00:59:42.220 | with the villainy aspects,
00:59:43.640 | everybody's a villain in somebody else's story,
00:59:48.640 | if you kinda look at it that way.
00:59:51.040 | - People should check out your Patreon,
00:59:52.880 | should check out your field notes.
00:59:54.480 | You're a really good writer, your Instagram too.
00:59:56.760 | You write about, you have a quote
00:59:59.000 | in your field notes about villains.
01:00:00.760 | Quote, "I once worked for a villain,
01:00:04.200 | "a savior to some and a biblical demon of old to others,
01:00:08.060 | "a true product of his environment.
01:00:11.020 | "He was the best and the worst of us.
01:00:13.400 | "We're all potential villains in someone else's story,
01:00:16.080 | "he would say to us as we would head out into the unknowns
01:00:20.980 | "that the night had waiting for us.
01:00:23.100 | "It was during one of these nights that I looked around me
01:00:25.620 | "and saw horns and pitchforks among my people
01:00:28.560 | "and realized what he meant.
01:00:32.040 | "We were no knights of the round table.
01:00:34.400 | "Whatever we were, we were needed.
01:00:36.600 | "In the end, I guess that justified
01:00:38.560 | "most of what was about to happen."
01:00:41.240 | Do you think El Chapo, do you think people like him
01:00:43.240 | are good or evil?
01:00:45.720 | - I think there's no one without the other.
01:00:47.800 | I think there's a cost to their goodness that they do.
01:00:52.800 | The roads they build, the hospitals,
01:00:55.480 | the career paths that they pay for.
01:00:57.640 | There are doctors in Mexico that their careers
01:01:00.640 | were paid for by some of these groups.
01:01:03.560 | And they do a lot of amazing good for the community.
01:01:06.640 | I remember there was a surgeon
01:01:11.160 | reconstructing cleft palates.
01:01:14.300 | In one of my travels that I did out there,
01:01:17.240 | I spent some time actually going out there
01:01:20.200 | after I got out of the job to train people
01:01:23.080 | and this type of stuff that I show people.
01:01:25.760 | And they told me, I told them,
01:01:30.040 | "You're doing God's work.
01:01:31.520 | "This stuff is like legit.
01:01:33.260 | "This is God's work."
01:01:35.080 | Building smiles for people.
01:01:36.920 | And I said, "Yeah."
01:01:38.000 | And then, "Can I talk to you?"
01:01:38.840 | "Yeah."
01:01:39.960 | He said, "My career path was paid for by cartel,
01:01:44.960 | "a group of cartel members.
01:01:46.540 | "They paid for my career path
01:01:47.800 | "because they wanted somebody on hand
01:01:49.540 | "that could fix their teeth."
01:01:51.000 | - Do you think some aspect of that
01:01:53.480 | is just sort of manipulative control
01:01:56.520 | or is some of it also just, again,
01:01:59.320 | a care for the population, for fellow human beings
01:02:02.280 | that are one of your own?
01:02:04.260 | - I think both.
01:02:05.640 | I think there's, again,
01:02:06.920 | it's hard to just make them saints or devils.
01:02:11.040 | Some of the good they do in some of their communities
01:02:15.180 | and don't ask anything for in return.
01:02:17.340 | And even if they don't ask it for anything in return
01:02:21.060 | where the military shows up,
01:02:22.340 | they are immediately met with rocks and roadblocks
01:02:26.020 | and everybody's main weapon down there,
01:02:29.740 | since most Mexicans can't buy or own firearms,
01:02:34.020 | their main weapon down there is silence
01:02:35.780 | and their eyes to report to the people
01:02:38.180 | that they consider the good guys in their environment.
01:02:41.460 | So, that's a hard question.
01:02:47.260 | I think there's a bit of both
01:02:49.300 | and both the government and the criminal groups
01:02:52.440 | that are operating down there.
01:02:54.020 | - Silence is their main weapon.
01:02:57.500 | So, El Chapo is currently in prison.
01:02:59.420 | Is he worth talking to?
01:03:03.220 | - I'd say yes.
01:03:04.100 | - Is there things that to you are interesting about him
01:03:07.540 | that are still not understood?
01:03:09.580 | Is he a window into something
01:03:11.180 | that you don't understand about that world still?
01:03:13.260 | Or are curious about in that world?
01:03:14.900 | - I think he's a window into the family dynamics
01:03:17.660 | of that world.
01:03:18.480 | When I say family dynamics,
01:03:19.700 | Mexico has a big thing about compadres and hermanos.
01:03:23.900 | We have people that we call family
01:03:25.780 | that we're not necessarily a family.
01:03:27.620 | He is somebody that witnessed the construction
01:03:34.140 | of what is now the Sinaloa cartel.
01:03:37.660 | Like he was in it way back when he started off as a farmer
01:03:42.260 | and then went into trafficking.
01:03:43.820 | He's from a town called Bandera Huata,
01:03:45.580 | which is basically, that's the Wakanda of cartels.
01:03:49.080 | Basically, that's where a lot of that originates.
01:03:52.980 | The things that he saw as far as
01:03:55.620 | how some of these things got built,
01:03:57.820 | I think would be an interesting topic of conversation
01:04:00.780 | with somebody like him.
01:04:01.980 | - So that story is a story of evolving family dynamics.
01:04:05.500 | So part of the story of the cartel is individual humans.
01:04:09.340 | - Marrying other families, getting named padrino,
01:04:13.500 | basically godfathers to other people's kids.
01:04:15.880 | Forming family and blood ties and influence ties
01:04:20.360 | to people not only in Mexico, but in the United States.
01:04:23.540 | And seeing how that dynamic and family dynamic
01:04:26.580 | is still there.
01:04:27.520 | So he's gone, he's in prison,
01:04:30.620 | but he's probably on his way
01:04:33.500 | to be our next clandestine saint.
01:04:36.860 | You go to the chapel of Malverde.
01:04:39.620 | Malverde is basically a Mexican Robin Hood's folk saint
01:04:44.260 | down there who is a saint of traffickers.
01:04:47.360 | And at his shrine, you have a small little chapel shrine
01:04:52.360 | right next to it.
01:04:53.860 | So he's on his way to sainthood in Mexico,
01:04:57.100 | not recognized by the Catholic church,
01:04:58.700 | but that doesn't matter in Mexico anymore.
01:05:00.920 | Speaking to somebody like him,
01:05:03.940 | you can consider him somebody that lost,
01:05:07.860 | he's arrested, but his family's okay.
01:05:10.880 | His legacy is out there.
01:05:13.380 | He's probably gonna be the next folk saint
01:05:16.020 | when he passes away.
01:05:17.300 | - Do you think he feels like the new wave
01:05:20.660 | of what the cartel has become has betrayed him,
01:05:22.660 | has left him behind?
01:05:23.820 | Because it seems like the way the cartel operated
01:05:28.840 | has changed over the decades.
01:05:30.420 | - Yeah.
01:05:31.900 | Well, number one, their power and influence is bigger.
01:05:35.300 | You know, there are Sinaloa cartel operations in Colombia,
01:05:39.780 | straight to the, like in the source of it.
01:05:43.020 | And then they have a clear presence
01:05:47.460 | in places like Chicago and Los Angeles.
01:05:50.020 | They're in the United States.
01:05:50.980 | The whole thought process that a lot of Americans have,
01:05:53.860 | like, "Oh, we don't want that trouble over here.
01:05:56.500 | "We don't want them to get here,
01:05:57.900 | "or like build the wall and all this."
01:05:59.980 | - So they're deeply integrated into legitimate businesses.
01:06:02.700 | - I mean, they've been having kids and families up here
01:06:05.060 | since for a long time.
01:06:06.460 | Some of these people have American passports
01:06:08.900 | that work not only directly for them,
01:06:10.940 | but have blood ties down there.
01:06:12.260 | You know, there's been dragnets and arrests
01:06:15.020 | of some of these criminal organizations, states.
01:06:18.220 | New Generation Cartel had one two, three years ago,
01:06:20.980 | where I think it was Operation Anaconda,
01:06:23.180 | I think it was called.
01:06:24.460 | They arrested over 80 of their operatives.
01:06:27.020 | And this is a new cartel that is very militaristic
01:06:29.460 | and growing in Mexico.
01:06:30.660 | And they had over 80 arrests in the United States,
01:06:33.340 | you know, of members of them operating here.
01:06:36.020 | - And so you could be a legitimate operator
01:06:39.740 | inside the United States.
01:06:41.940 | That's hard to detect.
01:06:43.700 | Makes you wonder how many in the US government,
01:06:47.100 | the politicians here.
01:06:50.060 | The role of the United States in the drug war,
01:06:54.460 | financially in terms of power, is very big.
01:06:58.180 | - Yeah.
01:06:59.020 | - Surely there's politicians that have a finger into this.
01:07:01.780 | - Immigration is part of it.
01:07:03.780 | Illegal immigration is part of it.
01:07:05.780 | And the influence that that has as a bargaining chip
01:07:08.620 | and a political chip.
01:07:09.460 | We saw this with the first caravan kind of coming up
01:07:11.620 | and how it was politicized.
01:07:13.060 | The money, Fast and Furious,
01:07:15.780 | and guns being basically let walk down into Mexico.
01:07:20.700 | People that don't know, basically,
01:07:22.220 | the ATF had this operation where they were looking
01:07:24.820 | at straw purchasers of firearms.
01:07:27.100 | Basically people buying up a specific type of firearms
01:07:30.300 | that were on a shopping list that the cartels wanted to buy.
01:07:33.300 | Including, you know, 50 cals, FN-57 pistols,
01:07:37.500 | which are small pistols with a high velocity round
01:07:39.860 | that'll go through a bulletproof vest.
01:07:41.820 | AR-15s of all kinds that could quickly be modified
01:07:47.500 | into full auto down in Mexico.
01:07:49.540 | With a, with a, drilling a few holes
01:07:51.540 | and making a few things to them.
01:07:54.220 | So these people were buying all these,
01:07:55.980 | the ATF was watching them and allowing them
01:07:58.340 | to walk those firearms into Mexico
01:08:01.180 | under the guise of trying to track them somehow.
01:08:04.180 | Which doesn't make a lot of sense for most people
01:08:06.540 | that kind of look at that operation.
01:08:07.780 | The only people found, the only reason people found out
01:08:10.260 | about it was because of the murder of a few federal agents,
01:08:13.540 | of the US federal agents that were killed with those guns.
01:08:16.620 | One of my friends was shot with one of those pistols
01:08:19.380 | outside of his house.
01:08:20.660 | And they shot him and they shot her, his wife.
01:08:24.340 | Both of them were killed.
01:08:26.100 | Daughter was in the backseat, lost part of her arm.
01:08:29.580 | When that happened, the guns were unique.
01:08:32.380 | They were like, oh, we didn't never,
01:08:33.780 | like the mata policias is what they call them down there,
01:08:36.060 | the cop killers.
01:08:37.940 | I hadn't seen those before.
01:08:39.740 | So they were unique and interesting.
01:08:41.380 | And later on in life, I was watching CNN
01:08:45.540 | and seeing the hearings going on.
01:08:47.020 | I was like, oh, that's where they came from.
01:08:49.220 | Two federal agents changed a lot.
01:08:53.900 | It was politicized, there was a whole scandal up here.
01:08:56.260 | But in Mexico, how many people died with those firearms?
01:08:59.660 | You know, being let down, being let go down there.
01:09:02.540 | And also what type of sentiment you think
01:09:05.100 | the local populace has of the United States,
01:09:06.900 | after all those guns were basically handed over
01:09:09.460 | to some of these groups.
01:09:11.380 | You know, gun trafficking is another giant part
01:09:14.300 | of the equation and part of the problem down there,
01:09:16.420 | as far as the amount of munitions, weapons.
01:09:20.780 | And now we were also getting tradecraft material
01:09:25.540 | from conflict zones outside of Mexico.
01:09:28.020 | So weaponized drones.
01:09:30.620 | The first time we saw some of those weaponized drones
01:09:34.220 | was in Syria.
01:09:36.340 | And like a few weeks later, you know,
01:09:39.420 | grenades were being dropped on the roofs
01:09:41.700 | of some public officials' building.
01:09:44.300 | - The cartels are using drones?
01:09:47.020 | - Yeah, that's been going on for a while.
01:09:48.900 | There's a place in Michoacan
01:09:50.100 | that has some pretty interesting videos.
01:09:51.980 | And the interesting part of it is because
01:09:54.380 | the federal police down there are actually working
01:09:56.420 | hand in hand with a United Carteles Unidos group,
01:10:00.340 | which is basically the local cartels,
01:10:01.860 | to try and fight off the New Generation Cartel
01:10:04.740 | moving into Michoacan.
01:10:06.700 | So even the federal forces are fighting with the cartels
01:10:09.700 | to try and keep this larger cartel out.
01:10:11.780 | And there's videos of these civilian drones
01:10:14.260 | basically dropping explosives.
01:10:17.740 | They found some explosive testing ranges out there
01:10:20.660 | that are basically replicating stuff
01:10:22.700 | that you would see the IRA use during the troubles out there
01:10:26.580 | from homemade mortars.
01:10:27.900 | You know, IEDs have been used in Mexico
01:10:31.380 | that not that much,
01:10:32.780 | but they're making like a presence again.
01:10:35.260 | You know, we don't have a lot of ordinance around like Iraq,
01:10:37.860 | but we do have a big mining industry down there.
01:10:40.940 | So mining explosives of all kinds are pretty easy to get.
01:10:45.020 | So you start seeing that.
01:10:47.260 | And also, I mean, there's some exotic weaponry
01:10:49.780 | coming in from the South now and from the ocean.
01:10:52.500 | Some of it is probably US military equipment
01:10:57.420 | sold to various South American governments
01:10:59.820 | that are now not as stable as they were,
01:11:03.060 | and they're kind of making their way into black markets.
01:11:05.100 | So a lot of those 50 cal
01:11:07.300 | and vehicle mounted technical type machine guns
01:11:10.900 | and some of the RPGs and man pads
01:11:14.900 | or remote control guided missiles
01:11:16.540 | that have been found in cartel hands
01:11:18.660 | are probably making their way up from down South.
01:11:21.100 | - Do you get these like multimillion dollar systems
01:11:23.700 | like the HIMAR system in the Ukraine?
01:11:26.420 | You get like super sophisticated advanced technology
01:11:28.700 | or we're not?
01:11:29.700 | So like, this is like military grade.
01:11:31.860 | I'm not sure what the application would be exactly
01:11:33.900 | in Mexico.
01:11:35.260 | - Some of the sophisticated stuff I see in our man pads,
01:11:38.780 | which is basically remote guided missiles.
01:11:41.100 | I've seen some of those found down there.
01:11:41.940 | - What is the application exactly?
01:11:43.920 | A display of power?
01:11:46.740 | - There are no fly zones over parts of Mexico.
01:11:50.100 | - For this reason?
01:11:51.340 | - The New Generation Cartel took down a helicopter.
01:11:54.580 | There's been incidents of military helicopters
01:11:58.460 | falling from the sky and they said
01:12:01.500 | that it was mechanical issues.
01:12:03.900 | But again, I'm not gonna do conspiracy theories out there,
01:12:08.340 | but there's a lot of videos on TikTok
01:12:11.300 | of Sinaloa cartel forces at parties
01:12:15.220 | carrying around rocket launchers on their backs.
01:12:18.180 | - So there's an increased probability
01:12:21.740 | of mechanical failures over those areas
01:12:24.500 | when you're flying a helicopter.
01:12:26.500 | - Yeah, there's no fly zones
01:12:27.700 | over some parts of Mexico.
01:12:29.460 | And another thing you're seeing now is night vision,
01:12:33.540 | night vision equipment that is clearly military grade
01:12:37.100 | from the US that was probably abandoned
01:12:39.620 | in some war field out there,
01:12:41.380 | maybe Afghanistan or somewhere like that.
01:12:44.060 | And it's being found in safe houses
01:12:46.780 | and in the hands of cartel forces.
01:12:48.660 | You wanna talk about a scary opponent,
01:12:51.700 | somebody wearing night vision with a suppressed firearm.
01:12:55.980 | Those types of capabilities are now out there.
01:12:59.500 | Also, there's this tendency to think in every now
01:13:02.780 | and then you'll see these cartel videos
01:13:04.100 | with these guys carrying around these 50 cals
01:13:05.860 | and they show up, they stand there like,
01:13:07.900 | you know, boasting about their rifles
01:13:09.900 | and everybody laughed at them
01:13:10.940 | because the 50 cal or anything like that
01:13:14.460 | without a optic on it, you know,
01:13:16.540 | it's like you're gonna shoot,
01:13:17.980 | you're praying, shoot basically,
01:13:19.420 | see if you can hit anything with it.
01:13:21.700 | But now there's a few of my sources
01:13:24.380 | of obscene, you know, sophisticated,
01:13:26.780 | laser guided range finders and sighting systems
01:13:30.700 | on some of these that are being found out there.
01:13:33.020 | - How much damage can 50 cal, what's the application?
01:13:35.940 | - They started getting them specifically
01:13:37.860 | with the proliferation of armored vehicles in Mexico.
01:13:40.580 | Mexico has a giant industry in armored vehicles as far as.
01:13:43.580 | - So there's a race in terms of armoring,
01:13:46.340 | like protecting especially high value targets
01:13:50.700 | and then weapons that can deal with those armored,
01:13:54.780 | the protected high value targets.
01:13:56.780 | - There was an attempted assassination
01:13:59.900 | of a state prosecutor somewhere in,
01:14:01.860 | I think Central Mexico, I forget exactly where,
01:14:03.900 | but she was riding around a up armored Jeep,
01:14:07.460 | Cherokee I think it was,
01:14:10.100 | and their main means of firepower was 50 cals
01:14:14.900 | and that car was left in pieces.
01:14:18.140 | He survived in it,
01:14:19.100 | so I think the armored vehicle company that sold her
01:14:22.060 | that vehicle has it in the display room.
01:14:24.060 | Then before my time, probably two, three years
01:14:27.860 | before I was actually active,
01:14:29.780 | they tried to kill the head of public security
01:14:32.100 | in the state of Baja,
01:14:33.820 | and with him it was a grenade launcher,
01:14:35.860 | 40 millimeter grenade launcher.
01:14:37.940 | It skipped off the armored vehicle
01:14:40.980 | and landed in the car behind it, made the back explode.
01:14:45.020 | One of the guys that I used to work with
01:14:46.660 | was actually in that car, he survived it.
01:14:49.660 | But you started to see,
01:14:50.900 | oh, they're using our vehicles now,
01:14:53.100 | let's get 50 caliber now to try and defeat that armor.
01:14:57.140 | So that, yeah, there's always this race of technology
01:15:03.300 | basically down there, armored vehicles,
01:15:05.940 | how do you take on an armored vehicle?
01:15:07.500 | Well, there's a few ways, 50 cals,
01:15:09.900 | if you can mount them in the right way
01:15:11.820 | and shoot at a car like that,
01:15:12.900 | or a bunch of kids with balloons and acrylic paint
01:15:17.020 | on the front windshield and blind the vehicle
01:15:18.820 | so they can't drive it anymore is another way.
01:15:21.820 | A tow line across a road painted black
01:15:26.980 | so you can't see it, and cut the thing in half.
01:15:30.660 | Again, I'm not saying any secrets,
01:15:32.220 | these are things that people have seen out there.
01:15:34.660 | Shoot at the radiator, you know?
01:15:38.220 | Some of these radiators are not,
01:15:39.700 | even the more sophisticated vehicles out there
01:15:42.500 | don't have a sufficient armoring around the radiator
01:15:45.100 | or the battery housing of some of these vehicles.
01:15:47.820 | There was a case of a guy,
01:15:48.900 | I think his nickname was El Pelalacas
01:15:51.020 | or something like that, out in Sinaloa,
01:15:53.220 | level cartel guy, he had an armored vehicle,
01:15:55.540 | he was riding around and he got ambushed,
01:15:58.660 | shot at his car, he was like,
01:15:59.820 | "Ah, I have armor, you can't shoot me."
01:16:02.340 | And somebody went up to his car
01:16:03.620 | and just put the barrel right in the locking mechanism.
01:16:06.580 | And that got him, you know?
01:16:09.780 | So it's an interesting place as far as people
01:16:14.420 | getting certain types of guns.
01:16:16.180 | Armor is prolific down there.
01:16:18.900 | I mean, everybody down there,
01:16:20.260 | all the cartel members,
01:16:21.380 | you'll see them wearing plate armor.
01:16:22.980 | So that's an issue.
01:16:24.540 | It's not like you can shoot somebody square in the chest
01:16:27.340 | and it'll go down.
01:16:28.180 | - Are they afraid to kill Americans?
01:16:30.900 | So I know, I was traveling in Ukraine on the front,
01:16:35.020 | so a lot of the journalists
01:16:36.420 | would travel in armored vehicles.
01:16:38.300 | And at first I was like,
01:16:40.060 | "It seems like this would attract attention."
01:16:43.100 | It seems like they would want to hit those targets.
01:16:45.620 | But then I realized over time, as I learned,
01:16:48.540 | there's a fear of killing Americans.
01:16:51.860 | There could be a drastic escalation of conflict.
01:16:54.020 | - Yeah, it's not worth it.
01:16:55.620 | It's kicking a beehive.
01:16:56.860 | Yeah, there is a tendency to shy away
01:17:01.900 | or stay away from that.
01:17:03.300 | I mean, they don't want the heat or the attention.
01:17:05.980 | - Outside of that, everyone's game.
01:17:08.460 | - Everyone's game, but also there's been many cases
01:17:10.700 | of Americans being killed down there.
01:17:12.860 | I mean, we saw the Mormon massacre that happened down there
01:17:16.300 | and all of them were American, Mexican.
01:17:19.580 | They had both nationalities and blonde kids,
01:17:22.260 | white, being massacred in the middle of a desert
01:17:28.460 | and the cars basically catching fire.
01:17:30.780 | This happened and the Americans sent the FBI down there
01:17:35.780 | to kind of review some of what happened down there.
01:17:39.540 | And I think that was when Trump started talking about
01:17:43.820 | kind of reviving this whole notion of cartels
01:17:46.780 | being labor-related terrorist organization,
01:17:48.860 | probably more of a political pressure point
01:17:51.700 | he was using to try and get Mexico
01:17:53.420 | to reinforce its southern border, which it hasn't.
01:17:58.420 | But there's escalation.
01:18:00.220 | This already happened and nothing happened,
01:18:03.500 | so we can probably get away with it.
01:18:06.540 | And again, there's a newer generation moving forward now
01:18:09.220 | of people coming into power.
01:18:11.100 | - More brutal, more technically savvy.
01:18:13.540 | - Well, they have the experience of their parents
01:18:15.620 | and the people behind them and what they've done
01:18:17.500 | and what they've gone away with.
01:18:18.580 | And now, yeah, more savvy about information warfare.
01:18:23.100 | Their main recruiting tool is TikTok.
01:18:26.220 | You go to TikTok and you'll see a bunch of these kids
01:18:28.460 | at a narco party dancing around.
01:18:30.140 | And some of these are videos by cartel members filming
01:18:33.140 | other cartel members in cartel-controlled territory.
01:18:35.340 | And that's a window into that life for,
01:18:37.380 | who's on TikTok now?
01:18:40.140 | Kids.
01:18:41.380 | - And the enticing aspect of that is the money,
01:18:44.580 | the fun, the high roller life.
01:18:47.620 | - And the possibility of making it to a level.
01:18:51.780 | - Yeah.
01:18:52.620 | A fame of respect, power, money.
01:18:57.140 | - Here in the US, somebody might,
01:19:01.580 | I want a mansion.
01:19:02.900 | And I would have like, that's their mindset.
01:19:05.140 | I want to live like that rapper.
01:19:07.900 | Down there, I mean, if you can buy a house for your mom,
01:19:12.220 | or pay off some debts that you might have,
01:19:14.700 | or a car, that's enough to kill for.
01:19:17.820 | - So you also, one of the many things you did is,
01:19:22.060 | you did security, tried to protect in this war,
01:19:25.660 | try to protect people, high value people.
01:19:28.020 | How do you do, you and others,
01:19:29.820 | how is it possible to protect a high value target,
01:19:32.900 | like a celebrity, or an important politician
01:19:35.700 | in this situation?
01:19:36.580 | - So I was tasked to protect the governor of Baja
01:19:41.580 | and his family.
01:19:42.980 | I was basically replacing a whole contingency
01:19:45.340 | of people that were already there,
01:19:46.980 | that turned out to be corrupted.
01:19:48.980 | That wasn't my field, I was operational.
01:19:51.820 | I was working with other people,
01:19:53.780 | doing the counter narcotics stuff,
01:19:56.140 | and the director of the institution that I was in,
01:19:58.900 | basically called me and said,
01:19:59.980 | "Hey, you're gonna go and replace these people."
01:20:03.700 | And I, what happened to them?
01:20:04.940 | Well.
01:20:05.780 | - So you were known as a person
01:20:07.900 | that could be kind of trusted.
01:20:09.540 | - I was tasked for that, so I think they considered that.
01:20:12.700 | And I specifically worked for a governor named
01:20:17.700 | Jose Guadalupe Osuna-Millan,
01:20:21.060 | who was probably one of the best governors
01:20:22.420 | we have had in the state.
01:20:23.660 | And people wanna see if I'm trustworthy or not,
01:20:26.660 | they can ask him directly.
01:20:27.660 | And I still speak to some members of his family,
01:20:30.700 | and we're still friends in that way.
01:20:33.300 | - Is protecting people technically a difficult problem?
01:20:37.380 | - For my experience in that time and place,
01:20:40.460 | he was basically spearheading the drug war in Baja
01:20:45.380 | when he was in power.
01:20:46.380 | So he had threats from all over,
01:20:48.300 | not only him, but his family.
01:20:50.060 | First thing I realized working that job in Mexico
01:20:53.060 | is that we had people coming in
01:20:56.580 | to do specialized training of that regard,
01:20:58.700 | Israelis, teaching us how they would do things in Israel.
01:21:02.940 | That didn't make a lot of sense for us in Mexico.
01:21:06.220 | We had people that had some Secret Service experience
01:21:08.980 | kind of showing us how they would do celebrity,
01:21:12.340 | bodyguarding somebody maybe in California of that nature.
01:21:17.180 | Didn't make sense for us.
01:21:18.660 | Then we got to experience some cross-training
01:21:20.940 | with NSW, Naval Special Warfare people,
01:21:24.660 | who were coming off protection details
01:21:26.980 | in Afghanistan and Iraq.
01:21:29.740 | - Is there some useful crossover there?
01:21:31.580 | - We were struggling with the acceptance
01:21:34.020 | that we were basically doing protection details
01:21:36.340 | in a war zone.
01:21:37.980 | - So the approach that had to be taken in Mexico
01:21:41.980 | was similar to the approach you would take
01:21:43.380 | in Afghanistan during a war?
01:21:45.660 | - Some of the overt militaristic type approaches
01:21:48.180 | to security that we had to adopt,
01:21:50.060 | from we didn't move him in a single armored vehicle.
01:21:54.220 | We had two of them that looked exactly alike.
01:21:56.780 | So when we would move around,
01:21:58.140 | we would switch one car through the other every now
01:22:01.140 | and then we would arrive to an event.
01:22:03.300 | They would open the door and it would be one of us.
01:22:05.020 | And they were like, "Hey, where's the governor?
01:22:06.580 | He's in the back one."
01:22:07.460 | So we would move to that.
01:22:08.500 | So we had to do stuff like that.
01:22:10.660 | And again, this is a young me
01:22:12.460 | who didn't have any specialized training.
01:22:14.380 | I was on YouTube learning some of these things,
01:22:19.260 | going online, learning about armored vehicles,
01:22:21.580 | learning about architectural armor.
01:22:23.460 | - I think you just described a large percentage
01:22:25.900 | of the Ukrainian military, how they operate,
01:22:27.980 | which is on YouTube,
01:22:29.060 | trying to figure out how to use some of this technology.
01:22:30.940 | And that's actually incredibly effective.
01:22:34.020 | - Yeah.
01:22:34.860 | - I do quite a lot of stuff where I'm totally not an expert,
01:22:37.780 | totally uneducated and so on.
01:22:39.420 | It's kind of surprising how quickly you can get caught up.
01:22:42.100 | As we were talking offline, if you take a course,
01:22:44.740 | if you talk to an expert, if you learn from an expert,
01:22:46.940 | you can catch up really quickly.
01:22:48.900 | For me, it was all of a sudden,
01:22:50.700 | I have this director calling me in
01:22:53.020 | and I'm wearing Vans, you know, in jeans, you know.
01:22:56.140 | - Yeah.
01:22:56.980 | - T-shirt.
01:22:57.820 | And all of a sudden I had 80 some people
01:22:59.460 | that I had to move around.
01:23:00.940 | And I was in charge of securing planes,
01:23:05.060 | which I, what do I know about that?
01:23:07.860 | Airport hangers, armored vehicle maintenance
01:23:11.540 | and purchasing and figuring out how to set up
01:23:15.340 | a counter assault group for a protection detail.
01:23:18.700 | And I was like, where am I gonna learn all this?
01:23:21.180 | - Were you able to quickly figure some of these things out?
01:23:24.140 | - On the fly, basically, you know, as I was going,
01:23:26.780 | I remember having this experience,
01:23:29.420 | being in the, our security office on my laptop,
01:23:32.980 | figuring out how to set up a counter surveillance
01:23:36.500 | aside to our protection detail.
01:23:38.620 | Basically how to have people looking for people
01:23:40.980 | that might be looking for us, you know, type thing.
01:23:43.860 | And then going to San Diego to Coronado
01:23:48.860 | and training with some people from former SEAL guys
01:23:54.540 | and NCIS people who did that job in war zones
01:23:58.860 | and seeing them critique some of the solutions
01:24:02.580 | that we came up with on the fly and being like,
01:24:04.540 | oh, we never saw that before.
01:24:06.420 | Oh yeah, this is, we're doing it down there.
01:24:08.540 | So getting that compliment
01:24:11.020 | and also getting their feedback.
01:24:12.820 | Like we probably do this or do that.
01:24:14.980 | And it was a learning process on the fly that was pretty,
01:24:19.060 | I mean, seat of your pants level.
01:24:20.900 | - Is it possible for the family
01:24:22.980 | and for the high value person to have a sense of normalcy,
01:24:26.900 | to have a normal life?
01:24:27.740 | - I mean, I tried.
01:24:28.860 | I was already starting off on the wrong foot basically,
01:24:31.460 | because trust had been violated
01:24:33.660 | by the people that I was replacing.
01:24:35.140 | So I had to gain that back.
01:24:37.380 | Then young kids in that family that wanted to have a,
01:24:40.860 | you know, go out and stuff like that.
01:24:42.540 | In the most violent city on the planet.
01:24:45.420 | So I had to do my homework and figure out places
01:24:48.340 | where they were safe to go to
01:24:49.540 | and make friends with certain club owners
01:24:53.540 | and figure out ways to put security in some of these places.
01:24:56.780 | And having to create this bubble of normalcy
01:25:00.380 | around some of these people was pretty difficult.
01:25:03.300 | And there's no way that that is a normal for anybody.
01:25:08.300 | And, you know, God bless them.
01:25:11.900 | I know it wasn't easy
01:25:14.660 | and I know that it affected their lives
01:25:16.220 | and they lost on a big part of their youth.
01:25:19.460 | Being under that security supervision and bubble
01:25:22.380 | does probably does a lot for somebody specifically
01:25:27.140 | growing up like that.
01:25:28.300 | You know, you lose opportunities of things
01:25:33.060 | that we take for granted, you know, just going out,
01:25:34.940 | just not telling anybody and going to the store, you know,
01:25:38.180 | because you want to get some snacks or something like that.
01:25:39.900 | That's not available to some of these people.
01:25:42.460 | - I have to be honest, when I was in Ukraine,
01:25:44.580 | that was a really big benefit.
01:25:45.740 | - You'd escape?
01:25:46.620 | - No, I couldn't hang out.
01:25:47.700 | I couldn't eat when I'm stressed.
01:25:49.580 | I would fast and not eat much.
01:25:51.060 | So I get lost weight.
01:25:52.420 | So it's great.
01:25:53.260 | It's great for the diet.
01:25:54.180 | - That's a good diet to be in.
01:25:55.180 | Basically be under protective custody.
01:25:56.620 | That's a good idea for a good new diet.
01:26:00.460 | - And just life.
01:26:01.300 | It allowed me to focus, get a lot of reading done,
01:26:03.820 | focus on the important things in life.
01:26:05.780 | I mean, I joke, of course,
01:26:09.020 | but there's some complexity to this
01:26:13.740 | in terms of normalcy of the family,
01:26:16.060 | but also just how to operate,
01:26:18.180 | like have a mental clarity and a lack of fear.
01:26:22.020 | Just basically be good at your job, whatever that job is,
01:26:24.900 | as a politician, as a leader, even as a soldier.
01:26:28.300 | - Somebody that I, again, I think it was Lisa Ola,
01:26:31.620 | she said this to me,
01:26:32.740 | or said something like this to a group of us,
01:26:35.140 | that there's nothing wrong with being paranoid.
01:26:37.180 | It's about educating your paranoia.
01:26:38.780 | And knowing what to be afraid of.
01:26:41.380 | If you're afraid of everything,
01:26:42.980 | you're basically overwhelmed.
01:26:44.620 | But if you start educating yourself
01:26:46.460 | as far as specifically what to prioritize,
01:26:48.620 | as far as what to worry about,
01:26:50.940 | in a war zone, working, protecting somebody,
01:26:54.300 | you're not looking at everybody's faces,
01:26:56.020 | you're just looking at their hands,
01:26:57.380 | because that's what's gonna kill you.
01:27:00.060 | That's an example of focalizing what you're paranoid
01:27:03.100 | and what you're afraid of.
01:27:04.460 | - So looking at the hands,
01:27:05.540 | that's specific to a particular situation.
01:27:08.060 | But also figuring out which situations to avoid
01:27:11.980 | and which is okay.
01:27:13.420 | I mean, that's like ultimately
01:27:14.740 | one of the biggest things you could do.
01:27:17.500 | - Route analysis.
01:27:18.700 | You have to get to the airport
01:27:20.940 | and you send off two cars to analyze two routes.
01:27:23.700 | And then on the fly, you just change trajectory
01:27:28.180 | to create randomness and unpredictability,
01:27:32.740 | and have that as a security feature.
01:27:36.780 | Having a convoy of four vehicles
01:27:40.020 | separate into two convoys
01:27:42.100 | and show up in different parts to, again,
01:27:45.300 | make it hard for people to guess where you're gonna be.
01:27:47.940 | Putting out false information
01:27:49.380 | as far as where it's gonna be,
01:27:50.820 | who's gonna be, and that type of stuff.
01:27:53.180 | - It's kind of amazing how many assassination attempts
01:27:55.460 | Hitler avoided just by having a pretty strict schedule
01:27:59.060 | and being a little bit off in terms of timing.
01:28:01.980 | Just like showing up 15 minutes late
01:28:04.060 | or to a slightly different location.
01:28:06.060 | - We were going through training
01:28:07.740 | specifically around this type of stuff
01:28:09.420 | and operational training,
01:28:12.100 | basically showing us how to ambush people.
01:28:14.740 | When I started making a group for myself
01:28:18.700 | as far as counter ambush,
01:28:20.340 | this CAT teams, they call them up here in the US,
01:28:22.700 | basically a group to respond to a high violent ambush.
01:28:27.500 | First off, the first rule,
01:28:28.700 | if you find yourself in an ambush,
01:28:30.860 | it wasn't a successful ambush
01:28:32.560 | because if you find yourself in it, you're alive.
01:28:35.300 | - Yes.
01:28:36.460 | - But if you wanna create an amazing counter ambush team,
01:28:38.940 | you have to make them ambushers.
01:28:42.380 | And with ambushing, you figure out
01:28:44.780 | where all the opportunities
01:28:47.060 | of not only successfully doing what you need to do
01:28:50.100 | are in your favor, but also to escape with your life.
01:28:53.100 | We're not gonna be received by virgins in heaven.
01:28:57.340 | That's not the type of mentality that we had down there.
01:29:00.180 | But we started learning about some of these things
01:29:03.260 | and also seeing cartel forces
01:29:05.380 | apply some of these ambush tactics
01:29:06.960 | to the military or the federal forces.
01:29:09.340 | - What is an ambush?
01:29:10.300 | What are we talking about?
01:29:11.180 | So that's a surprise attack
01:29:12.780 | with an asymmetry of power kind of thing?
01:29:14.860 | - There's a contingency somewhere
01:29:16.660 | moving towards a place that you control and own,
01:29:19.760 | where you have the advantages,
01:29:20.980 | where they can't see you, but you can see them,
01:29:24.420 | where they can't predict you,
01:29:25.620 | but you can predict where they're gonna pass,
01:29:27.520 | go through places where they forcibly have to pass,
01:29:30.500 | places where they're predictable,
01:29:33.060 | places where you can not only predict,
01:29:35.740 | but also have a plan for yourself
01:29:37.440 | to escape and exit that place.
01:29:39.740 | - So how do you train for counter ambush?
01:29:41.420 | - You turn into a perfect ambusher.
01:29:44.220 | That's how you train for counter ambush.
01:29:45.580 | - Also always trying to make sure
01:29:47.020 | you have more information about other people.
01:29:49.860 | You have the element of surprise, all of those things.
01:29:52.460 | - And Musashi would say, "Know your enemy, know his sword."
01:29:55.620 | Basically that, it's simplified.
01:29:58.280 | - There's a lot of enemies around you in Mexico.
01:30:01.340 | There's a lot of uncertainty, right?
01:30:02.740 | 'Cause it's, well, I guess that's what route analysis is.
01:30:05.980 | - Yeah, you prepare for the probable.
01:30:08.660 | And if the impossible happens,
01:30:10.180 | you're halfway out of it, hopefully.
01:30:13.220 | And if you find yourself in an ambush,
01:30:14.580 | it wasn't a successful one.
01:30:15.940 | As far as our training and the mindset,
01:30:20.620 | my experience with it,
01:30:21.820 | the adversarial thinking part of it
01:30:25.980 | has always been a very powerful one.
01:30:27.860 | I think one that a lot of people ignore,
01:30:29.820 | kind of like leave to the wayside.
01:30:32.440 | Specifically in all conflicts out there,
01:30:34.060 | there's a tendency for a military force
01:30:36.820 | or a conventional force of any kind
01:30:38.420 | to be trained in a way where they dehumanize the enemy.
01:30:41.300 | And when that happens,
01:30:43.620 | you become blind to the enemy's story,
01:30:45.700 | it's his capability, his story, his ability.
01:30:48.920 | If you treat the other side like an inhuman monster,
01:30:53.500 | it's hard to take notes.
01:30:55.760 | - So there's a part of this is a radical empathy
01:30:59.620 | for the quote unquote enemy.
01:31:02.340 | - At least for me personally,
01:31:04.260 | I wasn't one of the guys that would grab them,
01:31:06.380 | beat the shit out of them,
01:31:07.220 | put them in the back of a van,
01:31:08.300 | just tie them up and gag them.
01:31:10.220 | - So you were able to see them as human?
01:31:12.260 | - I learned that from my mother.
01:31:13.740 | She said, "Nobody's against you, Ed,
01:31:16.420 | "they're for themselves.
01:31:17.660 | "Learn this and you will make friends of enemies."
01:31:21.860 | She said that when I graduated
01:31:23.700 | and I carried that with me throughout my whole career.
01:31:26.540 | - But isn't there then a pain of killing another human?
01:31:29.580 | - Always.
01:31:30.740 | But there isn't, again,
01:31:33.220 | I apologize to go back to Ukraine,
01:31:34.740 | it's my only experience of this kind of harshness.
01:31:37.260 | - And it is a powerful experience.
01:31:38.980 | - There's a dehumanization that happens.
01:31:41.660 | I suppose this is common in war.
01:31:43.940 | There's something like a video game aspect
01:31:46.340 | where people are almost having fun,
01:31:48.300 | there's a humor,
01:31:49.820 | and I think underneath that,
01:31:51.540 | the prerequisite is to see the enemy
01:31:54.140 | in the same way you see the enemy
01:31:55.540 | when you play "Call of Duty."
01:31:56.860 | You don't really think,
01:31:58.460 | you think of them as NPCs, the bad guys.
01:32:01.220 | The Russians are called orcs in Ukraine.
01:32:04.860 | I mean, there's all kinds of other names.
01:32:06.300 | - For us, it was mugrosos,
01:32:08.380 | malandros mugrosos, like dirty people.
01:32:11.060 | There's always something.
01:32:12.180 | - Over time, those are just words,
01:32:14.380 | but over time, it gathers a kind of,
01:32:17.660 | like a meaning to it
01:32:19.980 | that's more than just the words, orcs.
01:32:22.780 | They're less than human.
01:32:24.500 | They're dirty, they're too dumb
01:32:26.940 | to understand the evil they're doing,
01:32:28.500 | or whatever the--
01:32:29.900 | - It's useful, it's useful.
01:32:31.420 | It's part of the program.
01:32:32.260 | - But like, that's what,
01:32:33.620 | I've talked to soldiers,
01:32:35.300 | and some of them do have stories
01:32:38.540 | of momentarily remembering
01:32:40.940 | that there's a human on the other side.
01:32:42.900 | I talked to one woman
01:32:45.140 | who's this really badass soldier,
01:32:48.300 | she saw this really brave soldier on the other side
01:32:53.420 | do something that was almost stupid,
01:32:57.900 | how brave it was.
01:32:59.740 | And then she was trying to shoot him,
01:33:01.740 | and she missed.
01:33:03.420 | And she said she couldn't sleep the night after,
01:33:06.820 | thinking, why did she miss?
01:33:09.900 | Why did she miss?
01:33:11.460 | And then she thought she missed
01:33:13.660 | because he was a hero.
01:33:16.140 | And she had this brief realization
01:33:18.140 | that there was a hero on the other side.
01:33:19.900 | The other side is heroes.
01:33:22.460 | But then that quickly disappeared.
01:33:24.620 | Again, but she had this moment,
01:33:25.660 | there's a human being that rises
01:33:27.780 | to defend his nation,
01:33:29.260 | to defend his people,
01:33:30.620 | and he could be heroic on the other side.
01:33:32.620 | - There are things that we're trained to depress,
01:33:34.620 | or conceal, or hide, and kill in us
01:33:38.820 | when you're trained for something like that.
01:33:40.700 | Or when you're in a conflict zone like that,
01:33:42.340 | and you hear the narrative constantly being blared out
01:33:44.460 | that the other side is a orc,
01:33:46.500 | or whatever word you wanna use.
01:33:50.100 | But we live in a day and age
01:33:52.300 | when you can see Americans going off to Japan
01:33:55.780 | and shaking hands with some of their former enemies.
01:33:58.180 | I mean, some of us have seen that.
01:34:00.380 | And how things change.
01:34:02.100 | I think years from now,
01:34:03.340 | a lot of the stuff that we are taking right now
01:34:05.900 | is of the utmost importance, won't matter anymore.
01:34:09.140 | - The question is how many years?
01:34:11.140 | That's a question I ask of a lot of people
01:34:14.300 | in that part of the world.
01:34:15.700 | And a lot of them currently,
01:34:18.940 | they're also self-aware about it.
01:34:20.500 | They're like, "I'm not sure I trust my current feelings."
01:34:23.860 | But the current feelings are generational.
01:34:26.660 | Like for decades, I will not just hate the leadership,
01:34:31.620 | I will hate all of Russian people.
01:34:33.860 | - I can't understand that on my side of my life experience,
01:34:36.820 | because our war has been an internal war
01:34:39.540 | amongst our people, amongst our houses.
01:34:41.420 | - While that is the propaganda,
01:34:43.580 | there's also a deep grain of truth
01:34:45.460 | that there is a oneness to the people of that region.
01:34:48.620 | - Yeah.
01:34:49.460 | - But people will get very offended at that idea,
01:34:52.260 | because right now it's a very strong nationalist borders.
01:34:56.260 | But there is a cultural history that connects people.
01:35:00.460 | I mean, in some deep sense, we're all connected.
01:35:02.900 | We all come from Western Africa,
01:35:04.820 | and then all came from fish before then,
01:35:06.460 | depending on your view of history, of life on earth.
01:35:11.460 | But there is a oneness to us,
01:35:15.820 | and often you forget that in conflict.
01:35:18.860 | - I had an experience working.
01:35:21.820 | There was a friend of mine who took the other path,
01:35:24.420 | and went to work for some of these criminal groups.
01:35:28.900 | I was operational, and I was,
01:35:31.820 | we saw a bunch of people in a gas station, parked.
01:35:35.940 | Back then, the main modus operandi that they had
01:35:40.980 | was that they would impersonate
01:35:42.700 | or dress up as federal police.
01:35:45.300 | And that's how they would move around the city.
01:35:47.340 | We saw these suburbans in a gas station,
01:35:53.780 | and some of the guys were carrying around AK-47s.
01:35:56.780 | And that's not a standard issue firearm.
01:35:59.900 | So we saw that, and I got off on foot,
01:36:04.900 | and walked by to try and get a better sense
01:36:09.900 | of what was going on.
01:36:10.820 | I took everything off, wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
01:36:15.360 | And I got a whistle from one of the guys that was there,
01:36:19.120 | and my name was called.
01:36:20.880 | It was one of the guys that I grew up with.
01:36:24.480 | Redhead kid, looked like El Canelo, you know?
01:36:28.720 | There's redheads in Mexico, by the way.
01:36:32.160 | I think it's probably some of the Irish
01:36:34.520 | that betrayed the American side
01:36:37.160 | during the last Mexico-American War
01:36:38.880 | that stayed down there, had a bunch of kids.
01:36:41.120 | It's probably from there.
01:36:42.360 | - Love is stronger than anything else, I think.
01:36:44.960 | - This redhead kid, when I say kid, I mean he was my age.
01:36:48.480 | Now, to my eyes, he's always gonna be younger now.
01:36:51.320 | He whistled, told my name.
01:36:55.960 | Said, "Hey, (speaking in foreign language)
01:36:58.240 | "What are you doing here?"
01:36:59.080 | I was like, "Oh, shit, I'm just going home.
01:37:02.200 | "I'm still going to get a taxi."
01:37:04.360 | Said, "Oh, okay."
01:37:05.520 | He walked, as he walks over,
01:37:07.000 | he has a plate carrier with AK-round magazines on his chest.
01:37:13.000 | AK without a stock on it, just carrying it in his hand.
01:37:16.800 | He comes over and he hugs me.
01:37:18.800 | I could feel the magazines on my chest.
01:37:21.520 | Mind you, I have a gun on me, tucked.
01:37:25.320 | And next to him is buzzing in my back pocket
01:37:30.280 | as people are trying to figure out what the fuck's going on.
01:37:34.760 | He asked me, small talk shit, like, "Hey, what are you doing?
01:37:39.040 | "What do you work at?"
01:37:40.280 | I was like, "Oh, I'm just looking for a job.
01:37:41.840 | "I used to work at a video store."
01:37:44.360 | So he's like, "I haven't seen you in a while.
01:37:47.000 | "How's so-and-so of your family?"
01:37:50.160 | "Good."
01:37:51.000 | "How's so-and-so of your family?"
01:37:51.840 | "Good."
01:37:53.120 | It's like, yeah, this is an interesting job you have.
01:37:57.400 | He's like, "Yeah, it's pretty good.
01:37:58.800 | "They pay us well.
01:38:00.240 | "You get a car, there's money,
01:38:04.240 | "and nobody fucks with you.
01:38:05.360 | "You get respect."
01:38:06.440 | I was like, "That's awesome.
01:38:08.800 | "If you want, I can get you in.
01:38:10.840 | "If you ever want that."
01:38:11.680 | I was like, "Oh, I'm too much of a coward for that," I told him.
01:38:15.440 | - Conversation like any other between two friends.
01:38:19.760 | - He hugs me before I go.
01:38:22.520 | I said something to him, I can't remember what.
01:38:26.320 | And he says, "Hey," in my ear,
01:38:28.320 | "I know what you do for a living.
01:38:29.720 | "It's not a safe place for you to be in."
01:38:32.600 | And I walk off.
01:38:37.280 | A few moments later, the army showed up.
01:38:39.880 | And you could feel the amount of rounds
01:38:46.440 | going off from two blocks away.
01:38:49.960 | We came back with our guys, and it was over.
01:38:59.160 | - So he didn't survive that?
01:39:01.960 | - I looked through the bodies and the cars.
01:39:07.000 | They were left, there was bodies all over the place.
01:39:10.200 | People left there.
01:39:11.360 | It was a mess.
01:39:13.560 | I spent like an hour looking for him.
01:39:17.960 | The only way I could recognize him was his hair.
01:39:23.480 | I stayed with his body all night.
01:39:29.640 | There's a bridge in Tijuana that goes over the river
01:39:35.040 | and a place called La Mesa.
01:39:36.560 | And that's where the forensic offices were.
01:39:40.440 | His body was taken there,
01:39:42.000 | and I stayed with his body until it was released.
01:39:44.800 | I told his family about it.
01:39:46.200 | 'Cause I knew them.
01:39:50.160 | That aspect of us versus them,
01:39:52.440 | or they're the enemy and shit like that.
01:39:55.520 | And my mom told me those words,
01:39:58.520 | "Nobody's against you, they're just for themselves.
01:40:00.600 | "So don't make the mistake of dehumanizing anybody."
01:40:03.920 | - And those roles could have been easily reversed.
01:40:06.480 | - I could have been shot in the face there.
01:40:08.960 | That aspect of conflict brings where, let's say,
01:40:11.680 | bad guys, good guys, heroes, villains.
01:40:16.320 | There's an innocence to that that goes away.
01:40:22.400 | - Is your mom still with us?
01:40:23.800 | - No, almost three weeks before I decided to quit,
01:40:27.600 | she passed away.
01:40:29.160 | - Did that have a role to play?
01:40:30.560 | - A major one.
01:40:32.560 | After I got done on the protection detail with the governor,
01:40:35.800 | like everything down there, again, the whole cycle,
01:40:41.320 | he got his turn.
01:40:42.160 | So when he went away, politics change.
01:40:46.360 | And down there, basically,
01:40:48.480 | if you're a gubernatorial candidate,
01:40:52.320 | you have either a friend of a friend or a family member
01:40:56.120 | be the head bodyguard guy.
01:40:57.800 | And the guy that won the elections
01:41:00.080 | had his head bodyguard guy already there.
01:41:02.760 | So all of us were sent back to whatever we came from.
01:41:06.800 | So I went back to work on the streets.
01:41:08.880 | I was back on the operations group.
01:41:12.040 | I was working with the sub-director directly with him,
01:41:15.560 | basically, back on the ground doing the stuff
01:41:18.840 | that I was doing before that job.
01:41:21.000 | We were moving away from the successes
01:41:24.400 | that had been had by people like Lazola
01:41:27.560 | when they were in charge of that whole process,
01:41:29.480 | the people that I used to work with.
01:41:31.640 | Some of the only successes in that counter push
01:41:34.360 | against cartels in Mexico,
01:41:37.000 | and you can kind of like, it's documented,
01:41:39.040 | you can read about it out there.
01:41:40.240 | A bunch of people wrote papers on it.
01:41:42.160 | Some of the only successes were had by Lazola
01:41:44.600 | in the places where he had leadership.
01:41:46.160 | He not only pacified Tijuana,
01:41:49.040 | he also did the same in Juarez.
01:41:52.080 | He was sent to be the police chief in Juarez too.
01:41:55.600 | But politics change and heroes become villains.
01:41:59.320 | A lot of people started calling him a villain
01:42:01.560 | because of his unorthodox approach
01:42:04.120 | and human rights violations and all this type of stuff
01:42:06.960 | kind of come to the forefront.
01:42:09.440 | And people forgot, you know,
01:42:10.880 | people forgot what it took to get Tijuana
01:42:13.080 | off the most dangerous city list on the planet.
01:42:15.440 | And people were vilified, people like him.
01:42:21.360 | And the police force that I was a part of
01:42:23.680 | started getting compromised.
01:42:26.600 | A lot of the things that were put forth
01:42:28.160 | to try and keep us honest.
01:42:29.760 | There was a program, they had these centers called C3s.
01:42:34.040 | Basically you would go there every year,
01:42:37.320 | you would get your financials checked,
01:42:39.760 | you would get a physical, psychological evaluation,
01:42:42.560 | you would get a polygraph exam done on you,
01:42:44.400 | all the works to try and see if you were somebody
01:42:47.680 | doing something wrong.
01:42:49.480 | And all of that was canceled
01:42:51.920 | because it violated your human rights.
01:42:55.520 | If you get fired from a job
01:42:57.920 | because of a failed polygraph exam,
01:42:59.560 | because that was not an actual admissible
01:43:02.080 | way of firing somebody.
01:43:04.120 | So all of a sudden you had people
01:43:05.520 | that were known cartel compromised people
01:43:09.120 | that were fired five, six years ago,
01:43:12.080 | showing back up to work,
01:43:14.120 | with their back paid and everything.
01:43:17.200 | So this started happening and I quickly realized
01:43:23.120 | that it was gonna be hard to stay there.
01:43:27.320 | I was driving home from work
01:43:32.240 | and I got a call from my brother
01:43:34.000 | that my mom had been going through some health issues
01:43:40.320 | that had turned into psychiatric issues.
01:43:45.120 | So we were basically taking turns trying to take care of her,
01:43:50.120 | locking the door so she wouldn't wander off
01:43:52.160 | and stuff like that.
01:43:53.240 | Not only was I dealing with the job on the street,
01:43:57.240 | but I was dealing with that.
01:43:58.560 | And also I had a two year old
01:44:02.920 | and a marriage that was difficult, that had time.
01:44:07.920 | So I was trying to figure all these things out.
01:44:10.720 | - Made more difficult by your job?
01:44:12.440 | - Yeah, it's not a financially secure job,
01:44:16.400 | and the pressures that it has and the odd hours
01:44:19.320 | and all that made it really hard.
01:44:21.960 | And then all of a sudden my brother calls me
01:44:25.800 | and tells me that, "Let's go to the hospital."
01:44:28.040 | And something happened to my mom.
01:44:30.240 | It wasn't my turn to watch her,
01:44:33.960 | so I felt pretty shitty about that.
01:44:37.320 | I got to the hospital and the doctors came out
01:44:43.200 | and told us that she was gone.
01:44:46.160 | It was a massive heart attack.
01:44:49.840 | She had a pacemaker by then, so she was gone.
01:44:53.600 | She was in her 60s, so we kind of expected something,
01:44:59.920 | but not, that was hard for me.
01:45:06.080 | She was my center.
01:45:08.880 | She was gonna be the one that I would ask for advice
01:45:10.680 | as far as work, as far as she'd leave it or not.
01:45:12.800 | - The ground was removed from under you.
01:45:14.800 | - There was nobody, yeah, there's nothing underneath me.
01:45:17.800 | I get three days off work, that's what they gave me.
01:45:21.440 | I'm trying to grieve as I go back to work.
01:45:29.160 | Dark shit crosses my mind as I'm going through that process
01:45:34.280 | of trying to figure things out.
01:45:35.920 | - Dark shit like suicide, dark shit?
01:45:38.840 | - Yeah.
01:45:39.680 | - So it was very low for you, it hit very hard.
01:45:41.960 | - Yeah, I wasn't allowed to grieve basically,
01:45:45.760 | and I wasn't allowed to grieve for a few years
01:45:48.880 | for different reasons.
01:45:49.980 | I went back to work and--
01:45:52.480 | - You weren't allowed, other people,
01:45:53.880 | also you yourself were not allowing yourself to grieve.
01:45:57.040 | - There was other people with me
01:45:58.680 | that didn't allow me to grieve.
01:46:00.360 | I went to work, got called into the office,
01:46:04.400 | and I was basically told that I was gonna be reassigned
01:46:07.960 | after what I just went through.
01:46:10.120 | The reassignment was going to be something
01:46:13.080 | that I saw as unacceptable.
01:46:18.080 | It was, the people in charge at that point
01:46:22.880 | were obviously corrupted,
01:46:25.240 | and what I got from their conversation
01:46:28.640 | was that they wanted us to work for a specific side.
01:46:31.620 | And I knew that that was the time to go.
01:46:37.800 | I asked for a license, basically a license
01:46:42.040 | is unpaid absence from work, basically,
01:46:45.160 | leave of absence, I think it's what you call it up here,
01:46:47.720 | which by law is allowed, and I was denied for no reason.
01:46:52.720 | So I'm invested in this job, you know,
01:46:58.640 | I have a good salary, and I have a category in there,
01:47:03.640 | so by the level of time you spend in there,
01:47:09.180 | you get a category, so I was a pretty high category agent.
01:47:12.820 | I had all this training, and again,
01:47:16.880 | training that would be useless in the private sector,
01:47:19.360 | well, in the public sector in Mexico,
01:47:21.000 | I couldn't change from one corporation to another,
01:47:23.440 | I couldn't go to work for another police institution, so.
01:47:26.240 | I took a deep breath, and I resigned.
01:47:33.080 | I went to the office, I said, "I need to resign."
01:47:35.760 | They said, "What?"
01:47:37.120 | I need to resign.
01:47:37.960 | Some of the people in the office that knew me
01:47:39.240 | from a long time were like, "What's wrong with you?"
01:47:41.600 | They thought I was having a mental breakdown.
01:47:43.840 | Handed all over all the paperwork,
01:47:48.460 | took a big trash bag, put all my stuff in there,
01:47:51.320 | plate armor, tear gas grenades, gas mask,
01:47:56.080 | satellite radio, MP5 magazines, an MP5 submachine gun,
01:48:01.080 | Glock, Glock magazines, all of it, helmet,
01:48:06.040 | and I handed it over in the armory,
01:48:08.340 | and I left.
01:48:13.040 | I made some phone calls.
01:48:15.660 | I was married to an American, and my daughter's American.
01:48:21.600 | I never envisioned myself coming to the United States,
01:48:25.400 | do that process for myself, you know,
01:48:26.960 | 'cause I was invested in that job.
01:48:28.760 | I thought I was gonna die or retire from that.
01:48:33.900 | And it quickly became like an issue
01:48:37.940 | because everybody was wondering
01:48:39.260 | why I left the job so abruptly.
01:48:41.380 | So there were some threats made when I left
01:48:45.220 | by people inside the office, and I probably,
01:48:49.260 | you know, it's anonymous shit.
01:48:50.940 | - So there's significant pressure not to leave.
01:48:53.300 | It's hard to leave this kind of job.
01:48:55.020 | - Yeah.
01:48:55.860 | - The system makes it difficult to leave.
01:48:57.820 | The individuals, to the degree they might be corrupted,
01:49:01.740 | really don't want you to leave.
01:49:03.060 | - There's no support, yeah, there's no support.
01:49:05.140 | - And it's probably the opposite of support.
01:49:06.780 | - Yeah, yeah.
01:49:07.780 | - Almost like implied or explicit or implicit threats.
01:49:11.700 | - Yeah.
01:49:13.060 | Luckily, I had developed some friendships
01:49:16.060 | in the United States with some of the people
01:49:18.020 | that I used to work with and cross-train with,
01:49:20.980 | and some friendships that I developed with people
01:49:23.880 | that I would just talk to and make friends with stateside.
01:49:28.120 | One of them is a Navy SEAL reservist
01:49:31.940 | whose name is Dan Stanchfield and his wife, Kelly.
01:49:36.500 | They opened the doors of their house to me
01:49:40.220 | and my kid and my wife at that time.
01:49:43.400 | As I seek to basically look for the American dream,
01:49:49.180 | I crossed the border with my kid,
01:49:55.060 | and nobody knew anything, you know.
01:49:57.620 | I didn't tell anybody, just, you know, my wife.
01:50:00.820 | And I was off.
01:50:03.820 | When I came to the States, I already kind of dabbled
01:50:08.900 | in the whole training field and showing
01:50:11.580 | some of my experience to people.
01:50:13.480 | So I had at least a seed of that out there.
01:50:17.420 | People knew me for that.
01:50:18.720 | But all of a sudden, I was in the middle
01:50:24.420 | of an avocado orchard in the middle of California
01:50:30.060 | and everything's quiet.
01:50:31.460 | And there's no more radios going off all of the night.
01:50:36.460 | There's no more three cell phones on the counter.
01:50:39.820 | There's no guns, there's no rifles,
01:50:41.820 | there's no 80 people calling to see what's going on.
01:50:46.820 | There's nothing, it's just quiet.
01:50:50.020 | And it's during the time when Trump got elected,
01:50:53.860 | so the immigration process that usually would take
01:50:57.260 | I had most things going for me.
01:51:02.260 | The immigration process that would take
01:51:04.900 | at most a year took two years.
01:51:07.660 | So it was not an easy process to not only come to the US,
01:51:12.660 | but come to the US with that pressure,
01:51:19.260 | kind of underlying pressure as far as being an immigrant
01:51:22.060 | at that time here.
01:51:23.580 | - And then your own personal psychological, the PTSD,
01:51:26.860 | of going from a war zone to a avocado orchard.
01:51:31.680 | - The word PTSD and TBI and all of these things,
01:51:37.940 | I didn't know any of them.
01:51:39.800 | It was through people that I got to meet
01:51:43.980 | in the training field that were Marines, SEALs,
01:51:48.900 | Marisoc guys, those types of people
01:51:52.900 | that started giving words to some of the things
01:51:55.700 | that I felt, which I didn't really know.
01:51:58.300 | We would treat post-traumatic stress
01:52:02.020 | with alcohol and vacation time.
01:52:03.780 | A bottle of Mezcal.
01:52:06.020 | When you see the bottom of it, your troubles are gone.
01:52:09.940 | - Cured.
01:52:10.780 | - Yeah, immediately.
01:52:11.940 | I was an alcoholic as well as all of the other stuff.
01:52:16.540 | I was drinking myself to sleep every third night.
01:52:20.700 | My marriage obviously was failing.
01:52:24.900 | It wasn't easy for her.
01:52:28.500 | She was brave and she did what she could.
01:52:32.460 | And I totally respect and understand her process with it.
01:52:36.260 | But when it's quiet, that's when it hits you.
01:52:41.260 | I think that's what a lot of people experience
01:52:44.100 | when they come back from a conflict zone.
01:52:46.200 | Everything that was life and death,
01:52:50.620 | everything that mattered, all the noise, all the chaos,
01:52:53.260 | all the people that are around you that would die for you,
01:52:55.380 | kill for you, you would kill for them.
01:52:57.700 | All the millions of dollars worth of equipment
01:53:01.940 | and stuff like that you were responsible for
01:53:03.460 | now are all gone and it's just you walking into a Circle K
01:53:07.660 | and buying three cans of Fosters
01:53:09.980 | to drink yourself to sleep.
01:53:12.700 | - Yeah, you write on your Patreon brilliantly
01:53:15.620 | about BTSD, about the cost of things you've done and seen.
01:53:23.020 | Quote, "When it's over and we're far from that chaos
01:53:26.900 | and noise of death being close and life being real,
01:53:30.020 | that is when some of us remember in the quiet nights
01:53:34.400 | in a field in Tennessee, looking at fireflies,
01:53:37.300 | walking through a fair, holding hands with a lover,
01:53:41.020 | asking you what's wrong.
01:53:43.240 | At your kid's birthday party,
01:53:46.220 | leave early to avoid the ending of a celebration.
01:53:49.460 | That is what the quiet means to some of us."
01:53:52.580 | So that's speaking to that silence, the quiet.
01:53:55.660 | How do you live with and thrive
01:53:57.820 | with this newly learned term of PTSD?
01:54:01.900 | - If anything, I would recommend people
01:54:03.900 | that have any of these issues to go to places
01:54:06.460 | where other people have their issues.
01:54:08.660 | So you can, it's not a competition,
01:54:11.040 | but you get to see the scope of problems in the world
01:54:14.180 | and you sometimes feel kind of lucky as far as your own.
01:54:17.660 | - Like it humbles you. - Yeah.
01:54:19.460 | - It makes you appreciate all the different kinds
01:54:21.440 | of struggles that people go through.
01:54:22.780 | - Yeah, I mean, I went through some horrible shit,
01:54:24.260 | but there's some people there that went through
01:54:26.700 | more horrible shit or stuff that I don't think
01:54:29.980 | I could have survived.
01:54:31.460 | When I went through that process of figuring things out,
01:54:34.420 | you know, the first thing that glaringly pointed out
01:54:36.860 | or stuck out to me was my inability to process things.
01:54:40.860 | Like there was a big pause button there, a giant one.
01:54:46.420 | Everything was on pause.
01:54:48.320 | My grieving, not only my mom, but my brother.
01:54:52.360 | So I had a pause button on me, so I was 13 basically.
01:54:56.380 | Then I got to bury many of my friends
01:55:02.020 | and inform their wives or girlfriends of what happened.
01:55:06.740 | And that all again was paused
01:55:09.680 | because I wasn't allowed to process.
01:55:14.580 | You know, I spent years without going on vacation
01:55:17.000 | because I was a workaholic.
01:55:18.620 | And I found at the core of my issues, alcohol.
01:55:25.140 | A giant pause button in the form of alcohol.
01:55:28.660 | Basically I would drink my problems away
01:55:31.780 | or specifically I would, it's like if you have a mess
01:55:35.020 | in your house, you just put a big tarp over it,
01:55:37.100 | you know, to cover it up and alcohol was that for me.
01:55:39.740 | And it festered more and more as I not only went
01:55:46.220 | through the process of learning about PTSD,
01:55:48.240 | going through therapy, but refusing to let that go.
01:55:51.360 | You know, like going through therapy
01:55:52.720 | and seeing what other people's problems were.
01:55:54.600 | And I don't wanna, you know, this is the only thing I have.
01:55:58.840 | I'm not, you know, I'm not hurting anybody with it,
01:56:01.440 | you know, why do I need to get rid of that?
01:56:05.180 | By this point I was traveling across the country
01:56:08.360 | and training people and showing some of the experiences
01:56:11.640 | that I had to other people, speaking, being on podcasts
01:56:15.240 | and having conversations like the one I'm having with you.
01:56:17.700 | - So speaking to the skills that you've developed.
01:56:20.300 | - And in a way basically reliving and reopening
01:56:23.180 | a bunch of shit for myself every time I do it.
01:56:25.480 | So it was, I was getting triggered
01:56:29.580 | and the way I would manage that was I would drink,
01:56:32.640 | you know, at the end of the night,
01:56:34.340 | after a weekend class somewhere,
01:56:36.760 | when I talk about the fireflies in a field in Tennessee,
01:56:40.320 | it was a moment where I was forcing myself
01:56:43.460 | to try and be sober and we did this medical class out
01:56:46.420 | in the hills in Tennessee, a beautiful green place,
01:56:51.380 | beautiful family there that hosted us.
01:56:55.120 | And it's the first time I ever saw fireflies.
01:56:57.060 | So I was like, I thought I was having
01:56:58.940 | a hallucinogenic experience when I say,
01:57:01.180 | why is the wire, why is the dust glowing?
01:57:04.020 | You know, is what I thought.
01:57:06.240 | A friend of mine is a veteran,
01:57:09.580 | he's ran off to the woods and grabbed one
01:57:12.500 | and brought it to me and showed it to me.
01:57:14.460 | I was like, holy shit, what is that?
01:57:16.100 | That's a firefly.
01:57:17.740 | Wow, how do they glow?
01:57:19.140 | I don't know.
01:57:20.380 | And he's crushing it in his hand and said, it's gone.
01:57:23.500 | And that, you know, brought me back immediately
01:57:26.420 | to holy shit, you know, it kind of like,
01:57:29.820 | I was off somewhere and I was back and I had to go drink.
01:57:33.860 | I went through that process of like going off
01:57:37.620 | at getting on and going off, getting off at my marriage.
01:57:42.460 | Separate.
01:57:43.300 | And that was another end of the world aspect to everything.
01:57:49.460 | I lost my mother, I lost the job
01:57:53.540 | and then the marriage failed and it was on me.
01:57:58.540 | I basically went somewhere
01:58:04.420 | and did a stock of everything that was going on.
01:58:11.260 | And made a decision to stop drinking.
01:58:15.240 | Yeah, had some bad relationships after.
01:58:20.160 | And I just came to a place where I need to stop drinking.
01:58:24.500 | - You've gotten to a point so low,
01:58:27.140 | was this a decision you arrived at by yourself?
01:58:30.220 | Was there some inspiration
01:58:32.340 | or was it just the point is so low, lost so much?
01:58:36.020 | - It was the start of COVID.
01:58:37.620 | So this is recent, this is probably too,
01:58:40.700 | I'm gonna have two years sober in December.
01:58:44.560 | - So when you talked to Rogan the first time,
01:58:47.700 | you're still struggling with this dema.
01:58:49.500 | - I was in and out of the car, basically,
01:58:51.060 | is what I would say, you know,
01:58:52.380 | I was in and out of and then trying to get rid of it.
01:58:56.140 | - That must be a super stressful experience
01:58:58.820 | talking to Joe Rogan the first time,
01:59:00.300 | did you drink that night?
01:59:02.220 | You remember?
01:59:03.200 | - The second time I was there, I went somewhere,
01:59:06.220 | God shit face.
01:59:08.220 | It was stressful, not for any other reason
01:59:12.540 | than I felt the responsibility to the people
01:59:15.020 | that couldn't speak about it.
01:59:17.300 | So that's the pressure.
01:59:18.460 | It was the start of COVID
01:59:21.180 | and things started getting shut down and slowed down.
01:59:24.180 | My dad got really sick and almost died.
01:59:28.780 | We had to set up like some Jason Bourne level shit
01:59:34.140 | at my brother's place.
01:59:37.180 | He was in Mexico, you know,
01:59:38.620 | so we had to bribe a guy to get us an oxygen tank
01:59:43.140 | and I had to, Jimmy Reagan, a respirator
01:59:46.900 | and it was some shit.
01:59:49.840 | But my dad was like, he survived it, you know,
01:59:57.500 | the doctors were like, say goodbye.
02:00:00.020 | And my dad was like, yeah, say goodbye to him, you know.
02:00:03.020 | (laughing)
02:00:05.420 | - Okay, so your dad's a gangster, I got it.
02:00:07.620 | Tough guy.
02:00:09.980 | - He did some gangster shit that day.
02:00:12.040 | But on my end, I was being isolated basically
02:00:16.340 | as COVID is, everybody's slowing down,
02:00:18.340 | no more classes, no more excuses to go out there and drink
02:00:21.260 | and no more socializing.
02:00:22.640 | So social drinking turned into alone drinking
02:00:25.660 | more and more and more.
02:00:26.900 | I bought a bottle of gin
02:00:33.100 | because I was down in Mexico taking care of my dad
02:00:36.260 | and they closed down beer production in Mexico.
02:00:40.880 | So beer went away and beer was a way I kind of managed it.
02:00:45.880 | It's not hard alcohol, it's just beer, so you know.
02:00:49.320 | But that went away so it was just hard alcohol
02:00:52.300 | that was what was available down there.
02:00:54.260 | One night alone at the house, my dad's house,
02:01:01.820 | I drank a bottle of gin, a whole bottle of gin.
02:01:04.220 | I almost died.
02:01:06.660 | And after that, you know,
02:01:10.180 | some people started noticing that I was isolating
02:01:15.420 | more and more and it was kind of eating away at me.
02:01:18.320 | I was in a relationship at that point
02:01:23.380 | when I started seeing everything
02:01:25.940 | just kind of fall apart around me.
02:01:28.460 | And I drank half of a glass of wine
02:01:33.460 | and it made me sick internally in my mind.
02:01:41.360 | And my kid said to me, and I don't know,
02:01:47.260 | nobody coached her, nobody said anything to her.
02:01:49.500 | She's a pretty intuitive kid.
02:01:51.780 | She said, "I don't drink anymore, Dad."
02:01:55.860 | And I was out of nowhere in the middle of the night.
02:01:58.420 | And I stopped.
02:02:01.540 | I stopped that night.
02:02:04.780 | I remember waking up at three in the morning
02:02:08.580 | and taking a cooler that I had
02:02:10.260 | and just dumping all the beers in it
02:02:11.660 | and chucking them in the garbage
02:02:14.340 | and with a knife poking each of them
02:02:17.100 | to not be tempted to go pack for them.
02:02:20.620 | And then the second day I went around
02:02:23.360 | and started finding the hides that I had
02:02:25.340 | because I had some hides.
02:02:27.540 | And then I went somewhere and locked myself in for two weeks.
02:02:33.740 | I had the withdrawals,
02:02:43.900 | the clearest nightmares that I'd ever had in my life
02:02:48.460 | for two, three weeks.
02:02:51.420 | I went somewhere, I don't want to keep them private,
02:02:54.700 | but I went somewhere where they offered a place for me.
02:02:59.700 | And when I asked them about it, it's a community,
02:03:04.300 | I gave them some money for their school as a donation.
02:03:07.500 | I gave them like a few thousand dollars.
02:03:10.900 | I said, "Yeah, sure, come.
02:03:12.500 | "You can go through this process here.
02:03:14.100 | "You're cool as fuck, people."
02:03:15.900 | The first thing they did when I got there
02:03:17.580 | is they stood me up in front of everybody
02:03:19.280 | to thank me for the donation
02:03:21.260 | and then told everybody that I was an alcoholic.
02:03:23.580 | And if anybody saw me drinking,
02:03:25.140 | I was to be kicked out of there immediately.
02:03:27.300 | And I felt horrible.
02:03:33.100 | So that was where I started.
02:03:39.380 | - Is that temptation still there?
02:03:41.080 | - There was a moment when it was
02:03:46.060 | and some therapy circle,
02:03:52.900 | there's a rodeo clown friend of mine
02:03:55.780 | who his body's, his spine is basically fused together,
02:04:00.220 | you know, type of guy.
02:04:01.420 | We've been friends and enemies and friends again,
02:04:06.340 | you know, during the art therapy circle sessions.
02:04:10.980 | - Oh, so like there's an intimacy there.
02:04:12.740 | - Yeah, he didn't know anything about me.
02:04:15.460 | One time when we were telling our story,
02:04:18.420 | he stood up and told his story and then he heard mine
02:04:21.580 | and then he was pissed off at me
02:04:23.020 | and didn't wanna talk to me for a while.
02:04:25.500 | And then later he told me that it was because
02:04:28.100 | he saw what I did with my experience
02:04:29.940 | and how much of a difference that he perceived
02:04:32.660 | that I was making with it.
02:04:34.700 | And he felt jealous that he couldn't do the same
02:04:37.780 | with his experience because he was just a broken
02:04:40.660 | ex-rodeo clown.
02:04:42.340 | He told me when I was going through the process,
02:04:45.180 | like, "Hey, you're an internet celebrity person,
02:04:47.660 | "you know, you're known."
02:04:50.520 | "Aren't you worried about people finding out
02:04:53.600 | "that you're recovering drunk?"
02:04:56.240 | And I said, "Yeah, it's fucking scary as shit
02:04:58.080 | "if people find out that I am going through this process.
02:05:00.920 | "It's scary that, you know, the critique,
02:05:03.740 | "you know, I already get a lot of shit
02:05:04.940 | "for being an ex-police officer in Mexico
02:05:07.180 | "and all the negativity that comes from that."
02:05:10.080 | And he said, "Don't be.
02:05:13.680 | "You know, you can't pickpocket a naked man,
02:05:16.980 | "so just get naked."
02:05:18.640 | And what does that mean?
02:05:20.040 | Write about it, post it online.
02:05:22.720 | You never know, somebody out there might get inspired
02:05:25.320 | to do their own kind of process.
02:05:27.020 | So I started posting about it, cowardly in a way,
02:05:32.040 | because I wanted to make other people keep me on the path,
02:05:34.920 | you know, but in other ways, you know,
02:05:37.520 | desperation, you know, I don't wanna drink anymore,
02:05:42.160 | I don't wanna go back on that path,
02:05:44.680 | which I know leads directly to a bad death.
02:05:47.720 | I'm not afraid of death, I just want a good one,
02:05:49.920 | I don't want a bad one.
02:05:50.880 | I think that was gonna lead me to a bad death.
02:05:53.180 | I started writing about it and sharing it online,
02:05:58.000 | you know, through my Fever Dreams post
02:06:00.800 | and just being humorous about it online
02:06:04.520 | and getting a lot of hate on one side, you know,
02:06:07.960 | having a few people and companies that I work with
02:06:10.380 | kind of step back and seeing this guy has some issues,
02:06:13.400 | to having other people kind of make fun of
02:06:15.720 | or make light of that weakness portrayed.
02:06:20.000 | - Oh, so getting hate, getting criticism,
02:06:23.040 | because here you are a counter-narcotics police officer,
02:06:26.960 | there's no, has a drinking problem,
02:06:28.640 | so is that like supposed to be what, like flaws revealed?
02:06:32.920 | - Weakness or a perception of alpha in the US, I guess,
02:06:37.680 | that some people have, you know.
02:06:39.600 | - You were supposed to be strong and here you are.
02:06:41.640 | - I mean, I'm not Jocko Willink, I'm not David Goggins,
02:06:45.000 | you know, I wake up at 10 in the morning sometimes
02:06:48.160 | and I'll have cornflakes with my eight-year-old, you know.
02:06:51.880 | I like days off, I used to wake up at 3.30 in the morning
02:06:55.520 | every day to review what happened during the night
02:06:58.600 | and then go off for a jog and then the gym
02:07:02.320 | and just be ready to be able to murder somebody
02:07:04.800 | with my hands if I had to, but that is,
02:07:07.280 | I couldn't maintain that during the whole process
02:07:09.600 | of getting out of it, now leaving alcohol.
02:07:12.180 | I remember just being honest with it
02:07:14.520 | and just seeing the two sides of it, you know.
02:07:17.960 | Joe told me never read the comment section, right?
02:07:22.160 | Which is a beautiful, it's a beautiful piece of advice,
02:07:27.000 | but they get you sometimes when you talk about
02:07:32.000 | some of these things openly.
02:07:34.500 | And some of the comments were positive
02:07:36.480 | and I've been seeing people comment, sending me messages
02:07:40.840 | and meeting people on the road that are five months in.
02:07:45.060 | 10 months, some people that have been on that wagon
02:07:50.060 | for way longer than I have.
02:07:52.280 | And there's, it's cool when you meet people
02:07:58.580 | that are superhuman or perform
02:08:04.100 | and take an extreme ownership of things
02:08:06.980 | and are just amazing people that are thriving out there.
02:08:11.740 | It's inspirational, I see some of these people
02:08:14.220 | and I'm like, holy shit, I need to figure out
02:08:16.340 | how to get to some semblance of that, but I'm not that.
02:08:19.500 | I've been through the ringer,
02:08:22.060 | I fucked up a shit ton of times.
02:08:24.140 | My nose is an example of that, a few missing teeth.
02:08:28.980 | But in a way, I think all of that is part of the process
02:08:32.780 | that not a lot of people wanna talk about, you know.
02:08:35.700 | Independently of the experience I got down there
02:08:38.260 | and some of the things that I show and talk about
02:08:40.140 | and some of the advocacy I do related to women like her
02:08:44.180 | that are trying to look for a better life
02:08:47.900 | and trying to find their missing kids,
02:08:50.000 | training people to not get into those situations,
02:08:53.640 | but also showcasing the fact that people
02:08:56.620 | that go through some of these processes
02:08:58.460 | have a journey to go through.
02:09:01.120 | I just came into your studio with a duffel bag
02:09:05.620 | straight from the airport and I'm gonna leave
02:09:08.060 | early tomorrow morning to somewhere else.
02:09:10.900 | I've been on the road for almost,
02:09:14.940 | I think five years nonstop.
02:09:17.300 | I go back to a specific place every week
02:09:20.260 | to see my kid for two, three days, and then I'm back out.
02:09:23.480 | You know, some people are like, are you running?
02:09:27.140 | Like, are you worried, are you just afraid about something?
02:09:29.020 | No, but I am on this weird path, I guess,
02:09:33.840 | trying to look for something that I think
02:09:36.060 | I've been missing as far as my afterlife of a sort,
02:09:41.060 | you know, coming out of that.
02:09:42.660 | - What do you think that is?
02:09:43.500 | Are you looking for some kind of
02:09:44.380 | deeper understanding of humanity?
02:09:46.980 | Like, from the specific experiences you had
02:09:50.220 | to get some deeper understanding
02:09:52.380 | of what the hell we're all doing here?
02:09:54.860 | - I meet people every weekend with different stories.
02:09:58.140 | You know, people come to some of my classes.
02:09:59.660 | You know, I show them how to weaponize the environment,
02:10:02.140 | how to harm themselves, how to not get abducted.
02:10:05.900 | I meet people that have gone through those experiences
02:10:07.860 | and are basically trying to work through
02:10:09.440 | some of their own issues
02:10:10.660 | by going through the training like that.
02:10:12.660 | I get to meet people that are, you know,
02:10:16.420 | people that I've only seen online, you know,
02:10:18.620 | or seen in videos.
02:10:19.980 | I remember meeting Royce Gracie in "Harbor City."
02:10:24.340 | - I heard of that guy.
02:10:25.720 | - He's a pretty interesting character.
02:10:27.420 | I remember seeing him in a bootleg VHS video.
02:10:30.220 | I told him about it.
02:10:31.660 | We were doing a class out at Emerson Knives.
02:10:36.060 | It's a knife company, but Mr. Emerson
02:10:39.620 | also has like a jujitsu gym there
02:10:41.180 | where Royce trades out of.
02:10:42.580 | That's his space.
02:10:44.240 | And, you know, they're teaching how to defend
02:10:48.340 | against somebody trying to stab you.
02:10:49.860 | And I'm showing them all the ways you can get around that
02:10:53.660 | and fabricate and improvise and smuggle things,
02:10:57.020 | basically the adversarial side of that.
02:11:00.020 | That's what I'm known for.
02:11:01.920 | The psychology and kind of the ways that people do that.
02:11:04.640 | And I remember him seeing some of the stuff
02:11:08.200 | that I was doing and just being like,
02:11:10.600 | "Where are you from?"
02:11:11.440 | "Mexico."
02:11:12.280 | Makes sense, you know, somebody from Brazil, you know,
02:11:15.380 | tipping the hat to somebody from Mexico
02:11:17.620 | as far as him seeing the violence
02:11:20.600 | and some of the mentality behind it.
02:11:24.280 | - So for people who don't know,
02:11:25.640 | Royce Gracie is the legendary martial artist
02:11:29.000 | that probably introduced Brazilian jiu-jitsu
02:11:31.160 | to the American audience, to the world,
02:11:33.080 | to the process of UFC and showing the effectiveness of it
02:11:36.080 | in practice that a little skinny guy
02:11:40.240 | can defeat a big aggressive guy.
02:11:42.520 | - An anaconda, a small anaconda walking into that ring
02:11:47.520 | with his family behind him.
02:11:49.360 | - Wearing pajamas.
02:11:50.380 | - Wearing pajamas and everybody was like,
02:11:51.440 | "What is this guy wearing pajamas for?"
02:11:53.360 | And then he would strangle people with those pajamas.
02:11:56.340 | I remember seeing that and just having it,
02:11:58.680 | I think probably what a generation before
02:12:01.600 | had with Bruce Lee, I guess,
02:12:03.240 | my generation was Royce walking into that octagon
02:12:09.240 | and changing paradigms.
02:12:12.560 | Seeing him in that gym,
02:12:14.400 | it's also an avid gun owner and shooter,
02:12:18.560 | which is interesting, you know,
02:12:20.560 | having seeing somebody like him who is well-versed
02:12:24.400 | with his hands also be a man that has gone into the realm
02:12:28.000 | of being well-versed with weaponry,
02:12:31.120 | which is an aspect of martial arts
02:12:34.320 | and the martial way of thinking that, you know,
02:12:37.320 | some people kind of,
02:12:38.320 | the purist will stick with one side of it,
02:12:42.080 | but he's obviously a warrior in a lot of ways.
02:12:44.800 | - So just as a small tangent,
02:12:46.680 | so you're somebody that you don't just look
02:12:49.280 | at unarmed combat, you look at the full spectrum
02:12:52.000 | of the chaos of combat that's outside of the realm
02:12:55.400 | of jiu-jitsu and even just mixed martial arts.
02:12:57.880 | Unarmed, armed with knives and beyond.
02:13:01.800 | Was his mind open to the fuller spectrum of violence?
02:13:05.560 | - Yeah, I mean, he was in the middle of this class
02:13:08.440 | that we were doing where people were basically
02:13:10.080 | focusing on both.
02:13:11.920 | Ernest Emerson, who's famous for his knives,
02:13:15.000 | he has a knife company, he's done knives for NASA,
02:13:17.760 | you know, not only that,
02:13:19.360 | but he's also a very avid martial artist.
02:13:21.440 | He trained with a lot of Filipino martial arts
02:13:23.640 | related to knives and stuff like that,
02:13:26.120 | but a different mindset, you know,
02:13:28.160 | a defensive mindset, trying to train people
02:13:30.200 | how to defend against that.
02:13:32.000 | And you have Royce, who's, he's from Brazil.
02:13:34.760 | I mean, he has some street in him.
02:13:36.240 | That's something that, you know, those guys,
02:13:38.160 | (speaking in foreign language)
02:13:39.760 | we say in Mexico.
02:13:40.800 | Seeing the ways he would, he stepped in there
02:13:44.920 | and provided some encouragement to the people there
02:13:47.320 | as far as, you know, how people sometimes focus on the,
02:13:50.680 | this is a system and this is a way,
02:13:53.720 | but there's other ways out there
02:13:54.880 | that might negate or defeat the ways
02:13:56.720 | that you are concentrating on, you know?
02:13:59.800 | So, kind of get out of that bubble.
02:14:01.560 | My whole kind of speciality or what I focus on is mindset
02:14:05.800 | and figuring out the software
02:14:07.600 | that some of these people gain and gather from.
02:14:10.000 | If I need to arm myself, you know,
02:14:13.360 | the easiest thing to manufacture in most places
02:14:15.400 | is a pointed object.
02:14:16.560 | So, I can take that crystal big pen
02:14:18.960 | that you're writing on that notepad with
02:14:21.320 | and using the friction from the carpet,
02:14:23.320 | I can turn it into a hypodermic needle
02:14:25.600 | that you can then poke into somebody's neck.
02:14:27.320 | - What's the process of doing that?
02:14:28.800 | - I can do it right now if you want.
02:14:30.160 | - No, but can you use your words for the listener
02:14:32.840 | and also 'cause I'm terrified?
02:14:34.520 | - No, I could, basically you can take the heat
02:14:38.280 | and friction created from this carpet.
02:14:39.880 | - Yes.
02:14:40.720 | - You can grab that pen.
02:14:41.880 | In and of itself, it will pierce flesh,
02:14:43.800 | but it will slow itself down
02:14:45.240 | because it has a few angles on the tip.
02:14:48.560 | - Oh, you wanna wear down the angles.
02:14:50.000 | - So, if you take that tip off and you grab it
02:14:52.320 | and then grind it on an angle on the carpet,
02:14:54.680 | the heat will actually turn it into a hypodermic needle
02:14:57.760 | if you know what you're doing.
02:14:59.040 | - Hypodermic meaning like it smoothens the entry.
02:15:01.960 | - It'll make a point and an angle
02:15:03.960 | that will guide its way into your flesh.
02:15:06.240 | So, you can actually go through a torso with that
02:15:08.320 | if you know what you're doing.
02:15:10.360 | - As a small tangent, you also gave me a present.
02:15:13.320 | (laughing)
02:15:14.960 | Could be one of the most epic presents I've ever received.
02:15:17.720 | You gave it to Rogan.
02:15:20.240 | Can you explain what I'm holding in my hands?
02:15:22.000 | - There's a guy online, Coffin Tramp, is his moniker.
02:15:26.280 | It is a G10 rod.
02:15:30.840 | G10 is a very strong material, basically.
02:15:34.520 | A lot of people make actually G10 knives,
02:15:36.760 | which are basically non-magnetic, non-ferrous objects
02:15:39.320 | that can be utilized as a stabbing implement.
02:15:41.720 | The core of it isn't an actual pencil core.
02:15:46.640 | It's a G10 core, and it's encased in oak, hard oak.
02:15:52.640 | So that is capable, again, of stabbing through a torso.
02:15:55.280 | Now, the guy that made that is an artisan,
02:15:59.120 | you know, he makes that, it looks like a pencil.
02:16:01.080 | It's concealed in the nature of the object itself.
02:16:04.960 | But that small object is capable of being introduced
02:16:08.080 | into a chest cavity.
02:16:10.080 | You know, all it takes is about the half of your thumb
02:16:15.640 | or the length of your thumb to stab into your chest cavity,
02:16:18.200 | and now your pericardium is pierced,
02:16:20.600 | and it's being filled with blood,
02:16:22.440 | or your whole heart is pierced,
02:16:23.880 | and you have a few minutes to live
02:16:26.320 | if you're at a standing heart rate.
02:16:28.880 | - So this has the effectiveness of a knife, essentially.
02:16:33.080 | - It has an effectiveness of a shank or an ice pick.
02:16:37.240 | It's not gonna cut, but it's gonna make a hole
02:16:38.960 | where it shouldn't be.
02:16:41.280 | - Here, the pen is literally mightier than the sword.
02:16:44.320 | - Yeah, well, it's...
02:16:46.000 | (laughing)
02:16:47.560 | This is really epic from a perspective of an academic.
02:16:52.480 | This is a symbol of both intelligence and violence.
02:16:57.880 | I love it.
02:16:58.720 | - And also the current state of affairs
02:17:00.240 | where people need to arm themselves
02:17:02.160 | with things that are concealed as far as their purpose
02:17:04.600 | in a place where, in a country or in a society
02:17:08.280 | that limits their ability to arm themselves.
02:17:11.280 | So if you're going to a safe place,
02:17:13.800 | you're going to a place where no weapon's allowed,
02:17:16.040 | which means a target-rich environment if you're a predator.
02:17:19.160 | That's a sign of rebellion.
02:17:23.360 | - Let this be a signal of everyone should be terrified
02:17:27.520 | when you're around me.
02:17:28.600 | 'Cause even a pencil can murder you,
02:17:31.520 | and I intend to use this.
02:17:32.880 | - And nobody owns life,
02:17:34.360 | but anybody that can hold a frying pan owns death
02:17:36.880 | is a quote that I heard once, which is a beautiful one.
02:17:39.480 | - I'm looking at you.
02:17:40.320 | If anyone betrays me, this is the way to go.
02:17:42.900 | Can you, given all your experience
02:17:45.080 | and all the different ways
02:17:46.040 | when you think about martial arts and violence,
02:17:48.340 | in Mexico, in the world, speaking of hoists,
02:17:53.320 | what is your approach to conflict, like a street fight?
02:17:59.400 | What advice would you give people in the full spectrum
02:18:02.920 | of what a street altercation might entail?
02:18:06.680 | What is the best way to approach it?
02:18:08.600 | - I think before you get there, you have to prepare.
02:18:11.600 | This is one of the first things I tell people
02:18:13.880 | is if you don't have a basic TCCC training class behind you,
02:18:18.440 | you should reanalyze your life and your ability to prepare.
02:18:22.720 | - T-C-C-C.
02:18:23.920 | - Basically how to stop somebody from bleeding out
02:18:26.040 | or dying from a stab wound, gunshot wound,
02:18:28.120 | or any of those types of wounds,
02:18:29.880 | or an amputated leg during an IED scenario.
02:18:32.240 | Anything you would see in a Boston Marathon type event
02:18:35.720 | or a Vegas shooting event
02:18:37.800 | where people are getting shot, stabbed, cut.
02:18:39.840 | - So understand how to help people,
02:18:41.360 | how to help yourself post violence.
02:18:45.120 | - You don't wanna be a detriment to the situation.
02:18:48.160 | You wanna be an asset.
02:18:49.600 | So build yourself up as an asset in a situation like that,
02:18:53.380 | because you might be doing that on yourself
02:18:54.960 | or on somebody else.
02:18:56.120 | - And also it helps you understand
02:18:58.320 | what situations are going to result in a lot of,
02:19:02.640 | in a difficult situation to deal with afterwards.
02:19:05.480 | - Yeah, it also teaches you what to stab and what to shoot.
02:19:09.360 | If you're thinking about it in a full,
02:19:11.640 | and on all the dimensions of it, you know.
02:19:14.000 | You know, there's all knowledge can be weaponized.
02:19:17.800 | And I think that's the approach
02:19:19.120 | all people should kind of figure out for themselves
02:19:22.240 | when they start getting ready,
02:19:23.840 | or if they wanna take the responsibility
02:19:25.920 | of their own safety in their hands.
02:19:27.640 | - So in a self-defense situation,
02:19:29.080 | there's a lot of questions here, but what does one stab?
02:19:31.920 | - There's the carotid arteries,
02:19:34.960 | which are used commonly in jujitsu as something to choke,
02:19:38.000 | because they feed a computer, you know.
02:19:40.560 | - So there's a lot of blood flowing through
02:19:42.960 | that requires for the successful operation of the computer.
02:19:46.000 | - And not a lot of stuff is guarding the outside world
02:19:49.420 | from your carotid arteries.
02:19:50.960 | - That's a really weird design, by the way.
02:19:52.840 | - It is not a smart one.
02:19:54.920 | - It doesn't even make sense,
02:19:55.840 | because with mammals, they bite each other's neck.
02:19:57.720 | Like, why can't you have more protection?
02:20:00.720 | 'Cause this is the only, like,
02:20:02.040 | us humans don't use our mouth to kill each other,
02:20:04.940 | but most mammals, most predators do.
02:20:07.520 | It's like, why the hell don't we protect this?
02:20:09.480 | - We do have a defensive mechanism,
02:20:11.360 | and you see it sometimes when people are ambushed
02:20:13.880 | and people try to open up each other's necks from behind.
02:20:17.400 | If you push somebody's neck forward,
02:20:19.760 | the carotids will actually lower themselves
02:20:22.640 | and be encased in more flesh and muscle.
02:20:25.120 | If you pull a head back, not so much.
02:20:28.160 | So that's a way that at least I think the evolutionary,
02:20:31.480 | we have a defensive mechanism for that.
02:20:34.780 | There's a few videos out there
02:20:35.960 | of people's getting their neck sewn back shut
02:20:39.200 | after somebody pushed their head forward
02:20:40.920 | to try and slice their necks, and they survived.
02:20:43.320 | So this is a viable target.
02:20:47.640 | The heart is another one.
02:20:49.680 | Interesting thing about the heart,
02:20:51.600 | and people get alarmed when I talk about this
02:20:53.520 | and show it in classes.
02:20:55.160 | Again, a lot of the classes I do are for orientation
02:20:59.320 | and for people to recognize that behavior.
02:21:02.040 | So a lot of law enforcement comes to some of these classes
02:21:05.120 | and say, "Oh, that's horrible.
02:21:07.400 | "That's how somebody will kill somebody."
02:21:08.760 | Yeah, this is how people that know their shit
02:21:11.360 | will try and approach somebody and stab you to death.
02:21:14.000 | This is how they would do it.
02:21:16.120 | There's a tendency to view what we see in John Wick
02:21:19.480 | or view what we see in this martial arts community
02:21:22.600 | where they're slicing and dicing people
02:21:25.200 | different myriads of ways.
02:21:27.560 | A lot of that is based on dueling-based cultures,
02:21:30.340 | like the Filipino martial arts
02:21:31.840 | or some of the Italian martial arts out there
02:21:34.480 | where somebody's facing off with somebody else
02:21:36.480 | with a similar weapon,
02:21:37.960 | and where both of us are agreeing
02:21:39.320 | to basically get into a stabbing competition.
02:21:41.560 | That would make sense in that scenario, in that context,
02:21:45.720 | but I've never seen a lot of people
02:21:47.040 | actually get into these one-on-one knife altercations.
02:21:50.220 | What we see now in a modern context
02:21:53.000 | when it talks about weaponry
02:21:54.360 | is an ambush, counter-ambush-based scenario
02:21:58.360 | where somebody pulls out a knife
02:21:59.480 | during a grappling situation on the street,
02:22:01.880 | or when somebody turns a striking exchange of punches
02:22:06.880 | into pulling out a cheap gas station knife,
02:22:09.920 | or a pen, or a rock from the ground, or a handgun.
02:22:14.920 | Most modern combatants, when it comes to weaponry,
02:22:19.040 | should be kind of based on the whole aspect
02:22:20.960 | of ambush and counter-ambush.
02:22:22.200 | There's a lot of people showing valuable type of material
02:22:25.240 | and coursework on this out there.
02:22:26.880 | My whole approach and my specific kind of realm
02:22:30.760 | is in the aspect of how people go from the process
02:22:33.720 | of learning some of these things from experiential stuff.
02:22:36.640 | People that grow up in rural places,
02:22:39.080 | grow up on pig farms,
02:22:40.560 | that actually get the experience of processing a pig,
02:22:42.640 | for example, or processing an animal.
02:22:45.480 | Those people will have more skills, hunters,
02:22:49.000 | those people will have more skills with a knife
02:22:50.880 | if they pick it up as a weapon
02:22:52.160 | than most of the martial artists that I've seen
02:22:55.080 | kind of approach some of these classes
02:22:57.400 | where I go and have a simulated torso
02:23:00.080 | in the form of a pig hanging in a room somewhere.
02:23:02.960 | - Some of that has to do with just the familiarity
02:23:07.280 | and the comfort of just like the biology
02:23:09.360 | of a living organism.
02:23:10.360 | Like that if you cut off certain things,
02:23:12.360 | if you cut a certain thing, it's just a meat vehicle.
02:23:15.720 | - The same thing, the medical training should come first.
02:23:19.120 | Or if you don't have that, be a hunter
02:23:20.960 | or go to a butchery class.
02:23:23.280 | That will teach you more about how to use a knife
02:23:25.840 | on somebody else than anything.
02:23:28.920 | That'll give you the experience of flesh.
02:23:31.600 | Most people, I do this example every now and then
02:23:34.880 | where I have people bring in a tactical knife
02:23:38.320 | and they'll bring in a butter knife.
02:23:39.960 | And I ask them which will go through a torso.
02:23:42.280 | We have a pig there,
02:23:43.240 | so it simulates a torso pretty closely.
02:23:46.000 | Most people will say,
02:23:46.840 | "No, that butter knife is not gonna go through."
02:23:48.720 | And it does, it does go through.
02:23:51.040 | It's a thin enough, strong enough,
02:23:52.920 | sturdy enough that'll go through.
02:23:55.760 | Kitchen knife, a cheap one that cost 89 cents at a Walmart
02:24:00.760 | and an expensive $400 one.
02:24:04.520 | And the cheap one will outperform the expensive one.
02:24:07.520 | The tip will snap off during some of it.
02:24:10.600 | - Yeah, I have to say that just as a small tangent,
02:24:14.240 | I went to a farm and just seeing the butchering of meat
02:24:19.240 | and so on, and the processing of meat and pigs and cows.
02:24:26.160 | Ooh, that's uncomfortable.
02:24:28.520 | - Yeah.
02:24:29.360 | - But I think it also, it's honest and raw.
02:24:32.280 | And that's something that probably
02:24:33.560 | everyone should experience regularly.
02:24:35.480 | 'Cause it's also humbling to remind you.
02:24:40.200 | Like when I had a dog, Homer, he's in Newfoundland,
02:24:45.200 | that I was very close with and we lost him.
02:24:49.840 | And I just remember that I carried him.
02:24:52.000 | He's like 200 something pounds.
02:24:54.040 | I had to carry him, I had to put him to sleep.
02:24:56.480 | And one of the biggest realizations is like,
02:25:00.400 | oh, this is just a biological thing.
02:25:04.000 | To realize that this is just meat, this is not,
02:25:09.760 | and you can cut it.
02:25:11.240 | And then if you bleed,
02:25:13.000 | all of a sudden the life can disappear from you.
02:25:14.960 | - Yeah.
02:25:15.800 | - And it's all gone.
02:25:16.640 | It's like, holy shit, there's this meat vehicle
02:25:18.560 | that some people have referred to as Lex.
02:25:21.480 | I'm just a few stabbings away from--
02:25:24.200 | - Leaving.
02:25:25.040 | - Yeah, from leaving, goodbye.
02:25:26.240 | There's a soul that just flies away.
02:25:28.160 | - It used to be that we had to hang around,
02:25:31.040 | people would come back from battle
02:25:32.200 | and we would hear things next to the campfire.
02:25:34.800 | As far as, oh, he stabbed somebody here and this happens.
02:25:36.760 | But now we live in an age where you can,
02:25:38.680 | when I do a class, this is a stab to the heart.
02:25:42.760 | And here's like five videos of it happening live,
02:25:46.520 | on live leaks or whatever.
02:25:48.200 | And we can deconstruct that.
02:25:49.440 | Not only that, but what weapon was used.
02:25:52.680 | Oh, it was a gas station folder.
02:25:54.360 | It was a pioneer woman knife from Walmart
02:25:57.360 | with flowers on the handle, whatever it was.
02:26:00.120 | And people start realizing that it doesn't take a lot.
02:26:03.840 | That it doesn't take a lot of training
02:26:06.560 | because a lot of these people
02:26:07.560 | are not high level assassins trained
02:26:10.320 | by ninjas in the hills or anything like that.
02:26:12.480 | They're people that grew up rurally
02:26:14.280 | or learned by seeing that behavior in others.
02:26:18.640 | And when they start coming to the realization
02:26:20.200 | that it's pretty easy to do that
02:26:21.800 | and they start figuring out like,
02:26:22.920 | how do you counteract that?
02:26:24.000 | Well, number one, learn the behavior yourself
02:26:26.120 | so you can recognize it.
02:26:27.080 | The whole aspect of being a good counter ambush team
02:26:29.880 | is to be the best ambusher in the planet.
02:26:33.120 | So again, the whole aspect of Musashi saying,
02:26:35.720 | know your enemy, know his sword.
02:26:37.640 | You figure that out as far as learning that behavior.
02:26:41.080 | When you start seeing how some of these stabbings occur,
02:26:45.080 | the first thing you notice is that one of the hands
02:26:47.760 | is always kind of out of the picture
02:26:49.280 | or there's a lack of symmetry in the people
02:26:51.240 | that are about to do something horrible.
02:26:53.720 | So when you see lack of symmetry in the environment,
02:26:56.080 | somebody with their hands going backwards,
02:26:58.960 | there's a crowd of people and two or one individual
02:27:03.160 | is looking counter where everybody else is looking
02:27:06.840 | or there's a hyper aware individual in a crowd.
02:27:10.640 | The hyper aware are always usually out there
02:27:14.280 | to fuck somebody over
02:27:16.160 | or they're trying to keep those predators
02:27:18.400 | from fucking somebody else over.
02:27:19.840 | So unless you step back and you put yourself in the process
02:27:24.840 | of learning how they learn
02:27:26.480 | and you become that potential nightmare person,
02:27:30.320 | it's hard to recognize that in a crowd.
02:27:32.480 | - It feels like one of the significant ways to win
02:27:36.880 | or as a street fighter is to avoid it
02:27:39.160 | by sort of sending pacifist signals in every way,
02:27:43.200 | meaning avoiding the situation
02:27:44.760 | whenever there's like a hyper vigilant people,
02:27:48.880 | you just kind of avoid signaling
02:27:51.400 | that you're one of the players of interest.
02:27:55.240 | If we're talking about counter ambush,
02:27:56.840 | at which point do you do that versus shift to the aggression?
02:28:01.520 | - I think violence should be always an option.
02:28:05.760 | Everybody should have that option
02:28:07.240 | and you need to be good at that option.
02:28:09.200 | I think I heard Jordan Peterson talk about the fact
02:28:12.800 | that everybody needs to be dangerous
02:28:14.020 | but keep that shit under control.
02:28:15.680 | - Yeah, I think he was referring to a different context.
02:28:18.480 | - I know, I know.
02:28:19.800 | (laughing)
02:28:21.560 | I'm referring to the ability of--
02:28:23.400 | - The little physical conflict as well.
02:28:25.680 | - There's two cases that I saw of people
02:28:27.200 | just utilizing social engineering to a beautiful degree
02:28:30.120 | to deescalate shit.
02:28:32.280 | One guy somewhere, first off,
02:28:34.600 | if you're in a place where people are grabbing
02:28:36.080 | your wife's ass or something like that,
02:28:37.760 | like what are you doing there?
02:28:39.040 | There's a load of things that are wrong
02:28:41.920 | with everything that you're doing in your life
02:28:43.680 | to be in that environment.
02:28:45.240 | But let's say you're in an inescapable situation.
02:28:48.740 | There was this guy who was in a compromised position.
02:28:53.340 | Somebody wanted to fight him, like legit kick his ass.
02:28:57.120 | And he said, "Okay, let's go, but I just,
02:29:00.640 | I need to warn you that I have hep C before we go outside."
02:29:04.120 | And that--
02:29:06.000 | - It's masterful.
02:29:06.920 | - I was getting my phone out to film this, you know, maybe.
02:29:11.000 | And even I was just lowered my phone to give him a slow clap.
02:29:14.440 | That was a beautiful move, you know?
02:29:16.360 | And then there was this other man.
02:29:20.040 | There was a riot somewhere in Ensenada,
02:29:25.040 | the municipality of Ensenada and Baja.
02:29:27.080 | They were protesting.
02:29:28.020 | Some of the people that pick those fields down there,
02:29:31.240 | part of a tribe called Los Tricos.
02:29:33.840 | Very hardy, hardworking people, but nefarious people too.
02:29:37.920 | They're pretty good at their thing.
02:29:41.460 | There was a riot line they couldn't break.
02:29:45.300 | And this old man walks in the middle of the riot line
02:29:47.620 | and yells, "Grenade!"
02:29:49.020 | And throws an avocado in the middle of all the cops.
02:29:52.100 | And all, like, "Pfft!"
02:29:54.100 | He broke that riot line with an avocado.
02:29:56.100 | - That could have gone wrong in so many ways.
02:29:59.860 | - But it didn't.
02:30:00.860 | I don't know.
02:30:01.700 | To me, like, there's small lessons there.
02:30:03.860 | There is a case to be made about social engineering,
02:30:06.900 | about learning about behavior, about learning how to lie
02:30:10.060 | and how to kind of move your way
02:30:11.900 | or navigate your way around situations like that.
02:30:14.820 | Small things like bartering,
02:30:16.540 | knowing how to bribe people in conflict zones
02:30:18.860 | is the thing that I show when I talk about
02:30:21.300 | or train people to work in hostile environments.
02:30:24.580 | De-escalation, you know,
02:30:26.620 | is specifically kind of figuring out
02:30:28.500 | what is of value in the environment,
02:30:30.860 | what things you shouldn't be doing in an environment
02:30:32.980 | that might be considered disrespectful or out of place.
02:30:36.980 | You know, people have a tendency
02:30:38.340 | that didn't grow up in places that are violent
02:30:40.340 | to make continuous eye contact with somebody
02:30:43.740 | that might be an issue.
02:30:45.820 | Or smiling when there's nothing to smile about.
02:30:48.220 | I think, you know, there's a picture I saw somewhere
02:30:50.900 | of Russians taking a portrait and there's Americans there
02:30:54.940 | and the Americans are smiling, but the Russians aren't.
02:30:57.300 | Because what is there to smile about?
02:30:59.020 | Which is true.
02:30:59.940 | - And of course, it's not as simple as smile or not smile.
02:31:02.340 | There's subtlety to it, like you said.
02:31:04.020 | Eye contact is a super interesting one
02:31:05.900 | 'cause I found in my own life,
02:31:09.540 | like not making eye contact is,
02:31:11.420 | the people would be joking,
02:31:13.500 | but it's a really powerful way to de-escalate.
02:31:16.540 | And there's such a fascinating thing though,
02:31:18.860 | 'cause you could talk about drunk fights
02:31:21.260 | that are just, that are harmless,
02:31:25.420 | but I feel like the same dynamic applies
02:31:27.380 | to the most violent conflict, including wars.
02:31:29.900 | I feel like ego is part of this.
02:31:33.220 | So to me, the question of conflict,
02:31:34.860 | whether it's a street fight or anything else,
02:31:37.420 | is the calculus of, are you willing to take an L
02:31:42.420 | in terms of psychology?
02:31:45.620 | Somebody grabs your wife's ass, you mentioned.
02:31:48.020 | Boy, if you let that happen, you go home,
02:31:52.620 | you're gonna have to pay the price
02:31:54.660 | of you were the person who didn't define you.
02:31:57.020 | Like in your relationship,
02:31:58.740 | you didn't defend your wife's honor.
02:32:01.740 | You're gonna psychologically pay that price yourself.
02:32:04.980 | And depending on your wife,
02:32:07.500 | she might secretly also lose a little bit of respect for you.
02:32:11.700 | Now, how do you play that calculus?
02:32:13.660 | 'Cause now we see the war in Ukraine.
02:32:15.680 | I would say there is elements of similar posturing
02:32:20.460 | in the United States, in Europe, in Ukraine, Russia,
02:32:25.460 | China leadership. - At a macro level.
02:32:28.620 | - At a geopolitics, it's still somebody grabs
02:32:31.500 | somebody's ass and you're not backing down.
02:32:34.700 | - So to take those losses and basically just posture,
02:32:37.860 | lower your head and live to fight another day
02:32:40.180 | type of situation.
02:32:41.740 | The thing with modern violence is the access to weaponry.
02:32:46.140 | I mean, again, nobody owns life,
02:32:48.960 | but anybody can hold a frying pan can own death.
02:32:50.940 | I've seen people get double-leg take down somebody
02:32:55.020 | on the ground.
02:32:55.860 | It's a different thing doing in the mats versus concrete.
02:32:59.060 | That's a good way to kill somebody.
02:33:01.380 | The most prolific impact weapon on the planet
02:33:04.340 | is the planet itself.
02:33:06.500 | You can see various videos of people online where they fall
02:33:09.460 | and they hit their head or somebody hits their head
02:33:11.460 | and they go into the stretched out fit basically.
02:33:15.120 | And that might not kill you then,
02:33:17.460 | but it'll kill you that night or the second night
02:33:19.820 | if you don't get checked out.
02:33:20.980 | People bleed out internally, get an edema.
02:33:23.620 | Again, the whole aspect of me showing
02:33:25.420 | how some of these things,
02:33:27.040 | not only some of these methodologies
02:33:28.940 | and somehow people prepare for violence
02:33:30.920 | and how people experience violence,
02:33:33.420 | how they make their weapons,
02:33:34.460 | how the people fight in the streets and stuff like that.
02:33:37.180 | It's to recognize that behavior from the inception.
02:33:39.780 | There's a video I show where there's a bunch of street kids
02:33:43.780 | in Rio de Janeiro.
02:33:45.020 | I think it's during the Olympics where they're snatching
02:33:48.180 | chains and cell phones from people.
02:33:50.780 | And it's a fun video, see it.
02:33:52.460 | The first thing you learn about it is how they target people.
02:33:57.700 | Now, who are they going after?
02:33:59.900 | There's a bunch of people there.
02:34:01.440 | Why are they going after that specific person?
02:34:04.320 | And they start learning about profiling
02:34:06.480 | and how they identify victim mentality
02:34:09.000 | or the perfect victim, lack of awareness.
02:34:12.480 | They keep on a straight line, avoidance,
02:34:15.200 | avoidance of eye contact if they're doing something
02:34:18.160 | nefarious or wrong and how they pick
02:34:20.720 | who they're gonna go after.
02:34:22.040 | The small people, the women, even some of the men.
02:34:27.040 | And they separate the men that they're perfect victims
02:34:29.600 | versus the men that's gonna turn around
02:34:30.980 | and punch them in the face.
02:34:32.140 | What are they looking for?
02:34:33.440 | Well, first off, you notice that the men
02:34:37.340 | that are in that environment that look at them
02:34:40.320 | and are aware of their presence, the hyper aware,
02:34:42.740 | are the ones that are not good to target.
02:34:44.980 | So that's the first lesson there.
02:34:46.460 | So it's probably a good idea not only to be hyper aware,
02:34:49.540 | but to recognize that hyper awareness in others.
02:34:52.140 | If I wanna separate myself from the victim crowd.
02:34:55.060 | Another thing you notice is these are kids
02:34:56.820 | going after some grown adults.
02:34:58.340 | And some of these grown adult men are with women.
02:35:01.220 | And you see them kind of getting outside of the grasp
02:35:07.140 | of these kids that are trying to rip their chains
02:35:09.600 | off their neck or their cell phones.
02:35:11.800 | And they have no consideration for the women around them.
02:35:14.700 | You see other men that are with women
02:35:16.500 | and you see them grab the women and put them behind them.
02:35:19.860 | And immediately they'll say, "This is the wrong one.
02:35:21.940 | "Let me move off to the next one."
02:35:24.340 | So that small little lesson in those videos
02:35:28.180 | will show you first how these kids are growing up
02:35:31.540 | to profile and target who the perfect victims are.
02:35:34.940 | That's a school for them.
02:35:37.020 | And that is an adversarial school.
02:35:39.020 | We should look at that school and apply it to ourselves.
02:35:42.540 | - So in general, you think conflict,
02:35:45.060 | ultimately the people that are doing conflict,
02:35:47.380 | they're looking for weakness?
02:35:49.860 | - I mean, they're looking for opportunity.
02:35:51.980 | You know, opportunistic, that's the predators.
02:35:54.420 | That's what they do.
02:35:55.260 | They look for an opportunity, you know,
02:35:57.100 | from jumping down from a tree
02:35:58.300 | and getting the slowest gazelle
02:36:00.540 | to looking for the opportune moment
02:36:03.340 | to pounce on something that's probably big,
02:36:05.180 | but the risk is worth it.
02:36:06.700 | - I feel like there's several motivations,
02:36:09.260 | but isn't there also a power hierarchy motivation as well?
02:36:14.260 | Like you, there's something about the big guy
02:36:17.760 | that tempts you to send a message,
02:36:20.180 | especially with gangs.
02:36:21.100 | Aren't they constantly sort of trying to signal
02:36:25.100 | that they're the alpha?
02:36:26.200 | - Yeah, I mean, there's a different situation.
02:36:28.420 | You could be facing a sociopathic predator
02:36:31.500 | who is looking for something in you
02:36:33.500 | that you are the resource that they're looking after.
02:36:36.740 | Maybe it's a woman, you know.
02:36:38.580 | It could be a group of people that don't like the fact
02:36:41.060 | that you have a specific nationality
02:36:44.340 | or your passport is stamped in a specific way
02:36:46.460 | or that you pray to whatever God.
02:36:49.000 | All these factor in,
02:36:50.780 | but in the end, they all do the same thing.
02:36:54.340 | They look for an advantageous position.
02:36:56.620 | If I were to target you,
02:36:57.940 | I would put you in between that wall and me.
02:37:02.020 | So you have two avenues of exits
02:37:05.180 | and I would step on one of your feet
02:37:07.320 | to keep that avenue closed.
02:37:08.660 | So you have to go this way.
02:37:09.660 | So this is where my knife is gonna be.
02:37:11.620 | You see that behavior mirrored everywhere in the world.
02:37:15.900 | First off, you look for advantages, right?
02:37:18.200 | If it's something that's unavoidable,
02:37:19.740 | like you're in between me and my ability to go home
02:37:22.260 | or you're in between me and my ability to feed my family
02:37:25.580 | or you're in between me and my ability to posture
02:37:28.020 | to the people that are behind me,
02:37:29.340 | the young guys that I'm in charge,
02:37:31.860 | I will do everything in my power to end you, right?
02:37:35.780 | The motivations are not in my realm,
02:37:41.300 | but the ways they do it are, you know,
02:37:44.820 | and basically the advantage part of it.
02:37:47.500 | - So desperation is dangerous.
02:37:51.980 | - It's a dangerous school.
02:37:53.100 | When I say dangerous school,
02:37:54.020 | I mean the most dangerous people
02:37:55.700 | usually come from those desperate environments.
02:37:59.300 | You know, you can have people in Coronado
02:38:02.340 | holding onto logs in the ocean
02:38:04.040 | and go through this millions of dollars worth of training
02:38:06.620 | and just be professional killers for the government
02:38:10.900 | and just be these incredible human beings.
02:38:13.860 | And then there's a kid that will walk up to one of them
02:38:17.220 | when he's off, you know,
02:38:18.780 | and put an ice pick right into his chest
02:38:20.940 | when he's least expecting it.
02:38:22.780 | And that doesn't mean that one is superior than the other.
02:38:25.380 | It just means that there are more,
02:38:26.900 | that there's more than one way to become that, you know.
02:38:30.100 | - Teenagers terrify me.
02:38:32.180 | It feels like the intensity of desperation,
02:38:34.980 | like the capacity of a teenager, like 16, 17,
02:38:41.720 | to be desperate and also not have the matured understanding
02:38:46.780 | of ethics of the world.
02:38:48.460 | Like they have this intensity of feeling
02:38:51.020 | that is unlike anything else.
02:38:53.860 | - They don't have a volume knob to that.
02:38:55.540 | So it's like a garden hose without a nozzle on it
02:38:58.180 | so you can regulate it.
02:38:59.060 | They haven't developed that.
02:39:00.320 | They haven't learned that maybe from somebody else.
02:39:02.140 | Or it used to be warrior cultures,
02:39:04.900 | you would be an apprentice under somebody
02:39:06.980 | or you would learn some of these things from other people.
02:39:09.020 | Even some gang, modern gangs have a little bit of that.
02:39:12.740 | But if you're not and you're just this kid
02:39:14.420 | that's been playing Call of Duty all of his life
02:39:17.620 | or has been witnessing violence in media
02:39:20.980 | and there's no sense of,
02:39:24.620 | it's probably a bad idea to go off and do this
02:39:26.340 | because of all these repercussions.
02:39:27.900 | I could see how that could be a danger to society.
02:39:31.060 | And some of the volume knobs,
02:39:33.420 | some of the countermeasures to people
02:39:36.300 | exploding on somebody else with a weapon, you know.
02:39:41.300 | You see videos constantly online.
02:39:43.140 | I remember seeing this one of these two teenage girls
02:39:47.300 | somewhere in the US and one of them just,
02:39:49.900 | there's a fight, there's a hair pulling competition
02:39:53.300 | and all of a sudden one of them takes out a knife.
02:39:55.900 | And it just happens like that.
02:39:57.900 | And it's just pure unrestrained downward stabbing.
02:40:02.900 | Now, you're like, wait, where's that come from?
02:40:07.020 | Well, she's from an environment
02:40:10.820 | where she saw that as an option.
02:40:13.900 | She didn't see the repercussions of it.
02:40:15.540 | And she found herself in a place
02:40:17.500 | where she thought that was the only viable option,
02:40:20.500 | pulling out a weapon.
02:40:21.540 | And I think that's the dangerous part of it.
02:40:25.860 | - So how do you prepare to win those kinds of situations,
02:40:29.460 | to escape those kinds of situations?
02:40:31.300 | Like you said, it's training, it's exposing your mind.
02:40:36.060 | - I always tell people,
02:40:36.900 | like if you don't have a combative base,
02:40:38.420 | you don't have a base, boxing, jujitsu.
02:40:42.380 | - And that gives you what,
02:40:43.380 | like an awareness of your body kind of thing?
02:40:44.900 | - It gives you an awareness of your body,
02:40:46.740 | give you a spatial awareness.
02:40:48.180 | If you can't see the points with your peripheral vision,
02:40:52.620 | if you can't see the points of somebody's feet
02:40:54.620 | in your peripheral vision,
02:40:56.180 | they are in range to stab you in the heart
02:40:58.820 | if they wanted to.
02:40:59.740 | And that's something you learn from boxing,
02:41:02.220 | that you learn from jujitsu,
02:41:03.300 | you learn from a bunch of combat arts
02:41:04.740 | where you learn about distance and angling people.
02:41:08.500 | That comes from this experience that you have.
02:41:10.940 | You know, again, a lot of these things were just horseplay
02:41:14.460 | when we were growing up in some cultures
02:41:16.460 | or rough and tumble with your brothers and shit like that.
02:41:19.620 | But some of us are growing up in single kid homes now
02:41:22.780 | and we don't get that, we were missing that.
02:41:24.740 | And if you don't have it,
02:41:25.660 | then you find it in the jujitsu gym,
02:41:29.060 | you find it in the boxing gym,
02:41:30.300 | you find it in a Thai boxing gym,
02:41:32.300 | you find it in places where they specialize
02:41:34.620 | in focusing on certain aspects
02:41:37.700 | of this whole combative whole, right?
02:41:40.540 | It used to be before UFC,
02:41:42.460 | you know, the Kung Fu man,
02:41:44.620 | you know, Kung Fu guy, that's just street lethal shit.
02:41:48.540 | You can't use it in the sporting,
02:41:50.340 | you can't show you this because it'll kill you.
02:41:52.500 | Now we pretty much know that most of that was,
02:41:55.180 | you know, flights of fans here, BS.
02:41:57.060 | You know, it pains me too, man.
02:41:58.300 | I wanted to learn some of the D-Mock,
02:42:00.020 | the single punching and killing technique.
02:42:01.660 | You know, I remember those books,
02:42:02.940 | but that's just not-
02:42:04.060 | - I'm still on the lookout for that.
02:42:05.740 | - Maybe somewhere, I don't know.
02:42:07.180 | You know, maybe if you put a pen in your hand,
02:42:08.620 | that might turn into that,
02:42:09.860 | but that's the only way, right?
02:42:12.740 | But a lot of these myths are kind of like faded away.
02:42:16.580 | Now you see people that have different combative bases,
02:42:20.060 | combining them all and becoming a fighter.
02:42:21.860 | Now, that's, UFC fight,
02:42:25.060 | two people fighting each other is one thing.
02:42:27.340 | You know, you being in the middle of the Portland riots
02:42:30.820 | and a bunch of state troopers throwing gas at rioters
02:42:34.820 | and then rioters themselves fighting each other
02:42:37.060 | and you finding yourself in the middle of that,
02:42:38.700 | that's a completely different thing.
02:42:40.940 | And if you think you're gonna, you know,
02:42:42.620 | go on the ground and get in a guard
02:42:44.660 | with a guy swinging around a piece of a shovel handle,
02:42:49.660 | right, as tear gas is going on,
02:42:52.100 | because you got stopped there and your car was,
02:42:55.540 | you know, windows were broken
02:42:57.140 | and your family's in the backseat,
02:42:59.260 | you know, that is a different situation.
02:43:02.020 | So, you know, get medical,
02:43:06.220 | learning about weaponry, you know.
02:43:09.220 | I personally don't really like fighting on the ground,
02:43:14.180 | but that's why I forced myself to go to train
02:43:16.580 | with different people out there, you know,
02:43:18.820 | on the ground, you get to catch wrestling.
02:43:20.860 | - So top and bottom, neither, you don't like either.
02:43:23.660 | - I personally, I like being in a car
02:43:25.740 | and running everybody over, that would be great,
02:43:27.220 | you know, if I could, or driving really far away.
02:43:29.660 | Or I had this experience in Utah,
02:43:34.500 | some friends of mine, military,
02:43:37.300 | some of your best shooters,
02:43:39.900 | some of the best shooters in the US,
02:43:41.180 | you know, coming from the Marine Corps,
02:43:43.660 | were showing me how they, you know,
02:43:46.940 | would shoot something from really far away.
02:43:49.540 | And I was like, oh, you don't even have to be
02:43:52.900 | in the same vicinity.
02:43:55.060 | The scope of violence, how far you can be from it
02:43:57.700 | or how close you could be from it.
02:43:59.260 | - Just wait till we get to see what we can do
02:44:01.940 | in the cyber attack world.
02:44:03.780 | We can destroy your whole wellbeing,
02:44:05.900 | your whole life, your identity.
02:44:08.460 | - That's another aspect of it too.
02:44:09.940 | - Financial, and then figure out where you live,
02:44:14.340 | in terms of ambush.
02:44:15.940 | - Yeah.
02:44:16.780 | - Figuring out everything about you
02:44:18.220 | such that hurting you is easy.
02:44:21.220 | - I have a class where we specifically work
02:44:23.620 | on social engineering and kind of how you can go
02:44:27.380 | about something that, you know, at a micro level.
02:44:29.940 | I do a class with a guy named Matt Fidler,
02:44:33.580 | who does a, basically he's one of the premier experts
02:44:37.820 | on how to get into and bypass locks, basically.
02:44:41.860 | He'll show you how to open up every single,
02:44:45.740 | or bypass every single commercial lock available
02:44:47.900 | in the United States.
02:44:48.980 | Like he'll spread it out and open up everything.
02:44:51.740 | And that's like, right?
02:44:54.220 | And my part in his class is I talk about
02:44:56.580 | how you can pull some of that off in a public space
02:44:59.900 | and not get caught, or how you would employ
02:45:02.300 | some of these things in a context where it's useful
02:45:04.820 | for law enforcement, for the military, stuff like that.
02:45:08.380 | And so we have this exercise in a public space
02:45:11.900 | where there's a bunch of padlocks in the environment, right?
02:45:14.820 | And we paint them pink so people know it's our padlocks
02:45:19.620 | and we're not breaking into anybody else's padlocks
02:45:21.620 | if we get approached and asked about it.
02:45:24.100 | But I asked the students like,
02:45:25.580 | so you have to gather all these padlocks
02:45:28.500 | from this public space, you know?
02:45:30.340 | So how would you do it?
02:45:31.300 | So a lot of them are trying to pick them, you know?
02:45:33.100 | They're like very suspiciously picking them
02:45:35.300 | and stuff like that, that you get caught.
02:45:36.660 | And it's a whole situation.
02:45:39.380 | But the smart ones will basically develop
02:45:41.700 | a social media campaign related to the padlocks, right?
02:45:45.040 | A beautiful example of this.
02:45:48.700 | And this actually happened here in Texas.
02:45:50.980 | I did a class out in Dallas.
02:45:53.420 | We put the padlocks all over this public mall
02:45:56.020 | and the students basically came up
02:45:58.140 | with a breast cancer awareness campaign online
02:46:01.260 | that they made fake, well, they made flyers for it.
02:46:05.540 | They did the social media page on a campaign.
02:46:08.620 | They did this email chain.
02:46:09.980 | So when they went there, people were expecting them.
02:46:12.980 | So they normalized the behavior through social media
02:46:15.500 | and they were walking around with bowl cutters
02:46:17.500 | in the middle of a mall, cutting these things off.
02:46:20.460 | That's a beautiful, that's a beautiful solution
02:46:23.500 | to a complex problem of that nature.
02:46:25.140 | And again, the weaponizing part of it.
02:46:29.140 | Anything could be, all knowledge could be weaponized.
02:46:31.220 | And it's, if you focus on getting in a street fight
02:46:33.820 | with somebody with your fist or a knife, you know,
02:46:35.780 | you're missing out on the whole complexity of violence
02:46:38.140 | and the way that it's now being utilized.
02:46:41.300 | - So in terms of breaking out locks
02:46:43.500 | and the restraints and captivity,
02:46:47.900 | let's talk about a dark topic
02:46:49.660 | that you're one of the world experts in, kidnapping.
02:46:52.700 | So you teach courses on counter kidnapping
02:46:54.900 | and terrorism.
02:46:56.340 | I read an estimate that criminal gangs
02:46:59.300 | get $500 million a year in ransom payments from kidnapping.
02:47:03.100 | So just at a high level, what is kidnapping?
02:47:05.780 | Who does it and why?
02:47:07.340 | What are some insights that can help us understand
02:47:11.540 | what is this problem in the world?
02:47:13.580 | - It happens in different ways
02:47:14.740 | in different parts of the world.
02:47:15.740 | I mean, I just sent off a group of people
02:47:18.900 | that trained some of the Ukrainians
02:47:21.300 | and some of the stuff that they were showing them
02:47:23.620 | was some of the counter custody stuff that I showed them.
02:47:26.180 | A friend of mine named Vince went out there
02:47:29.020 | was showing them some of the aspects
02:47:30.380 | of how to utilize things like Kevlar cordage
02:47:33.420 | and how to infuse it in their uniform.
02:47:35.100 | So if they get a zip tie to cut them open,
02:47:38.380 | it's a war setting.
02:47:39.220 | So it's talks about being captive in a war zone,
02:47:43.580 | but the information or the methodology
02:47:45.780 | actually comes from Mexico.
02:47:47.260 | That methodology, as far as how I learned it.
02:47:49.620 | - In terms of how to escape from restraints and stuff like that.
02:47:51.620 | So in Mexico, you have abductions happening
02:47:54.900 | where cartels who hold control over a specific place or zone
02:47:59.900 | are having a hard time with financial situations
02:48:05.020 | as far as maybe they're not making enough money
02:48:07.540 | to pay everybody off.
02:48:08.580 | So they let them freelance basically.
02:48:10.580 | And a lot of ways, some of these criminal groups freelance
02:48:13.420 | or some of these groups actually professionalize
02:48:15.340 | and to abduct businessmen, abduct the sons of businessmen
02:48:19.100 | or people that have money to ask for ransoms for them,
02:48:23.380 | basically.
02:48:24.700 | And they've taken captivity and abduction
02:48:29.540 | to like an art form in places like Mexico.
02:48:31.820 | And it has a history all over the world,
02:48:33.300 | but specifically my experience with it
02:48:35.820 | was going to cartel safe houses
02:48:38.980 | that turned into holding places.
02:48:41.940 | You would see homemade prison cells and stuff like that.
02:48:45.500 | And people being held in captivity for months,
02:48:47.700 | if not years, as they were milking their family
02:48:50.740 | for everything they owned.
02:48:51.900 | - So it turns out into a business,
02:48:53.380 | they're not actually even interested in hurting the people.
02:48:56.540 | Physically, they're interested in hurting them financially.
02:49:00.700 | - Financially and also if they get hurt,
02:49:02.940 | they're hurt for a purpose,
02:49:04.060 | which is to make their family pay up faster or more.
02:49:06.820 | Some of the abduction groups that I've seen out there,
02:49:10.140 | professional ones in Mexico,
02:49:11.260 | basically make it a living to target people
02:49:13.780 | that have abduction insurance or that work for a company
02:49:16.540 | that have good abduction insurance.
02:49:17.900 | So it's almost like an ATM for them.
02:49:20.260 | It's like, "Ah, here again, ah."
02:49:22.140 | So there's some of that going on.
02:49:24.300 | Some not so much.
02:49:25.900 | Some abductions are express.
02:49:27.580 | I mean, I'll grab you with a gunpoint,
02:49:30.500 | take you to an ATM, you empty it out,
02:49:32.820 | and then you're on your way.
02:49:33.780 | That's an express kidnapping.
02:49:35.060 | That might not be worth you doing anything insane.
02:49:38.500 | You just go with the motions.
02:49:39.940 | But some people do get picked up.
02:49:44.420 | I have trained people with prior experiences
02:49:47.740 | of abductions in Mexico and here in the United States,
02:49:50.580 | people that have spent some time in captivity
02:49:52.460 | with loved ones here, like ex-boyfriends or boyfriends
02:49:55.940 | that tie them up and beat the shit out of them.
02:49:59.020 | And the restraints they utilize are zip ties and handcuffs,
02:50:02.660 | sometimes, or duct tape, or their own clothing,
02:50:05.260 | things of this nature.
02:50:06.740 | Basically what somebody's looking for
02:50:08.180 | when they tie anybody up is to convince you
02:50:10.620 | that they are in control, that they are God,
02:50:13.460 | and that any hope of you releasing those restraints
02:50:16.180 | or getting out of that situation is hopeless.
02:50:18.980 | From a cartel group picking you up
02:50:20.940 | in the middle of a dirt road somewhere in Cancun
02:50:24.260 | to ex-boyfriend showing up at your house
02:50:27.660 | and tying you up until you agree to get back with him.
02:50:30.380 | That's the same thing.
02:50:31.460 | And some of the restraints that are being utilized
02:50:35.380 | come from different places.
02:50:36.500 | I mean, I remember an instructor I had way back when
02:50:39.700 | told me that the proliferation of zip ties
02:50:42.820 | or restraint and criminal abductions
02:50:44.820 | came up after the movie "Heat" came out
02:50:47.180 | because everybody wanted to be Robert De Niro
02:50:48.980 | zip tying people in the bank robbery
02:50:51.140 | at the end of the movie.
02:50:52.900 | Criminals saw that and it became a thing.
02:50:55.540 | - It's hilarious.
02:50:56.380 | Can you actually speak to the,
02:50:58.260 | is it possible to systematically learn
02:50:59.900 | how to escape restraints, like handcuffs, rope, zip ties?
02:51:03.500 | - The best at it are not the military,
02:51:05.180 | the Nazi or program people, they are criminals.
02:51:07.700 | I learned how to get out of handcuffs from a 15-year-old
02:51:10.340 | who was in charge of meth sales
02:51:12.300 | in La Avenida Revolución in Tijuana.
02:51:15.340 | - Is there a system to it?
02:51:16.540 | - I mean, it's not specifically a system.
02:51:18.340 | It's usually what happens is they'll buy a set of handcuffs
02:51:22.540 | and they will mess around with them in a playing feature.
02:51:25.180 | So one thing I do in a class is first off,
02:51:28.300 | I'm honest about the fact that some,
02:51:30.620 | all the restraints are temporary, even marriage.
02:51:33.520 | - Wait, can we just pause in the deep philosophical?
02:51:38.140 | You're like Miyamoto Musashi with that statement.
02:51:41.180 | - All restraints are temporary, even marriage.
02:51:43.920 | I just like adding that one in there for last
02:51:47.380 | because this is a dark subject.
02:51:48.620 | - Every cage can be escaped.
02:51:50.300 | - All restraints are temporary.
02:51:51.540 | You either free yourselves from the restraints,
02:51:54.500 | somebody else takes them off,
02:51:55.820 | or you die and your body rots away around them.
02:51:58.540 | Those are the options.
02:51:59.640 | And I like that first option myself.
02:52:02.940 | The second option is pretty cool
02:52:04.180 | if you can convince somebody to do that for you.
02:52:06.300 | But that first option is an interesting one.
02:52:09.020 | You have to deconstruct restraints.
02:52:10.660 | Not all restraints are made the same.
02:52:12.820 | You can train to get out of handcuffs here in the US
02:52:15.360 | and focus on a pair of Smith and Wesson handcuffs,
02:52:18.060 | which are kind of the most common brand of handcuffs here.
02:52:21.060 | But if you find yourself in detention somewhere in Russia,
02:52:24.200 | the handcuffs out there are completely different.
02:52:25.940 | You know, the key way is different.
02:52:27.220 | The mechanism is different,
02:52:28.360 | but some of the same ways of bypassing those mechanisms are.
02:52:32.180 | - Let me write this down.
02:52:33.020 | So in Russia, what kind are they using in Russia?
02:52:35.380 | I think they're traveling there and need this information.
02:52:37.660 | - I'll send you a specific model
02:52:38.980 | and details on how to get out of those.
02:52:41.420 | But basically- - Just asking for a friend.
02:52:42.540 | I'm sorry.
02:52:43.380 | - So what I do is I take a pair
02:52:45.940 | of Smith and Wesson handcuffs.
02:52:47.120 | I put them in the middle of three people in a class.
02:52:50.380 | I spread them out and I have them place them on each other
02:52:53.860 | in a just playing manner.
02:52:55.260 | I have handcuffs keys there,
02:52:57.220 | and I have a pair of bolt cutters there
02:52:59.020 | in case somebody gets stuck, does something stupid.
02:53:01.540 | So they play with each other
02:53:03.020 | as far as putting them on randomly.
02:53:04.500 | I show them how to put them on appropriately.
02:53:06.620 | And then I show them a handcuff key
02:53:09.300 | and a handcuff key will open up handcuffs,
02:53:11.940 | interestingly enough.
02:53:13.840 | But the thing about a handcuff key is it's not made
02:53:16.380 | to be used by the person that is in those handcuffs.
02:53:19.540 | So that's the first lesson there.
02:53:21.600 | If you have a handcuff key,
02:53:22.860 | handcuff keys are the most used tool
02:53:25.440 | to open up handcuffs in custody situations.
02:53:28.800 | You know, both criminals escaping from the police
02:53:31.780 | to people escaping from criminals.
02:53:34.460 | Just the standard hidden handcuff key.
02:53:36.740 | So I show them how to modify the handcuff key
02:53:38.820 | so it's more optimal to use on yourself
02:53:40.700 | with just basic garbage that you can find.
02:53:43.020 | Piece of wire, a zip tie piece,
02:53:45.300 | basically how to put a leverage arm on the handcuff key
02:53:48.820 | so you can actually spin it in the key way,
02:53:50.820 | behind your back or in front of you.
02:53:53.100 | - Trying to think, I don't think I've ever been in handcuffs.
02:53:56.700 | - Appropriate way to handcuff somebody is palms out.
02:53:58.940 | - How much restriction is there in terms of-
02:54:01.260 | - There's a lot.
02:54:02.080 | It's a hinge handcuffs, there's a lot of restriction.
02:54:04.960 | With no chain in the middle.
02:54:05.920 | - Can you reach back?
02:54:06.980 | - You could try and reach back,
02:54:08.320 | or you can basically put yourself
02:54:10.260 | in a not compromised position
02:54:12.400 | and feed the most of your palm meat into the handcuff way
02:54:16.140 | so when they shut it on you,
02:54:18.680 | you have more space to work with.
02:54:21.240 | So you can spin your hand.
02:54:22.720 | We call it a passive resistance.
02:54:24.740 | Again, you go through a process with them
02:54:27.660 | where you deconstruct how people are handcuffed,
02:54:31.100 | handcuff keys and how to modify a handcuff key
02:54:33.000 | to be able to use on yourself.
02:54:34.320 | And all of these things they're constructing as we go.
02:54:37.420 | So they basically, "Hey, what's a grinding surface?"
02:54:40.120 | Well, there's concrete outside.
02:54:41.280 | So they grind an angle on the key
02:54:42.920 | so you can get a key not to go straight into the key way,
02:54:46.800 | but you can get it into the key way at an angle,
02:54:49.200 | for example.
02:54:50.040 | It's something that is out there as far as a method.
02:54:53.580 | You can't spin a key behind your back because it's small.
02:54:55.640 | It's designed to be used by somebody else
02:54:57.620 | opening those handcuffs on you.
02:54:58.900 | So you put an arm on it so you can leverage our arm
02:55:01.440 | so you can spin it behind your back.
02:55:03.240 | You learn how to put yourself
02:55:07.200 | in not a compromised position.
02:55:08.600 | If somebody asks you for your hands
02:55:11.280 | so they could be cuffed, you don't do this.
02:55:14.280 | You do that or you put yourself in a cable grip
02:55:17.120 | behind your back, which is a pretty strong grip
02:55:19.220 | and it's hard to spread those hands apart.
02:55:21.160 | It's also something that people go into automatically
02:55:24.040 | when they're in fear.
02:55:25.640 | So all of these things are advantageous for you.
02:55:28.360 | And you learn how not only people get restrained,
02:55:32.380 | but you see videos of them
02:55:33.420 | because I show a bunch of abduction
02:55:34.820 | that's actually happening live.
02:55:36.380 | Again, the best thing is avoidance,
02:55:39.700 | but specifically when you work around restraints
02:55:42.020 | is number one, learn how some of these restraints work.
02:55:45.740 | Number two is learning how some of the ready-made tools
02:55:49.940 | to get out of those restraints look like function.
02:55:53.540 | And number three, which is the advanced level
02:55:55.420 | is learn how to construct all of these things yourself,
02:55:57.940 | which is, I think that is the best thing
02:56:01.140 | you can show somebody.
02:56:02.840 | For handcuffs, I just use a standard pair of handcuffs
02:56:05.000 | and then we deconstruct other very specialized handcuffs
02:56:07.860 | that might be out there.
02:56:09.140 | And you show them, if you're gonna travel somewhere,
02:56:11.420 | learn what restraints are commonly available
02:56:13.700 | in the environment.
02:56:14.940 | Somebody going to a sub-Saharan Africa
02:56:17.100 | carrying a plastic handcuff key,
02:56:19.740 | that's gonna be useless out there
02:56:22.380 | because there's not gonna be standard handcuffs out there
02:56:25.060 | that would be open with that type of key.
02:56:28.660 | Out there, you're probably gonna be tied up
02:56:30.380 | with a chain and a padlock of some sort,
02:56:32.380 | maybe a 40 millimeter Chinese padlock
02:56:34.460 | with a plastic core that you can open with a lighter
02:56:37.860 | if you can burn the core, melt the core open.
02:56:39.900 | Or if you can leverage that open,
02:56:42.300 | that's a pretty easy thing to open.
02:56:43.700 | Or a bobby pin, you could reach all the way in the back
02:56:45.820 | and open the latch.
02:56:47.180 | - What about rope?
02:56:48.080 | Is that common?
02:56:50.100 | - Yeah, it is common.
02:56:51.420 | This is one of my favorite things for rope.
02:56:53.980 | Something I usually carry in some places.
02:56:58.340 | It's another gift for you if you want.
02:57:00.700 | It's a ceramic razor blade.
02:57:02.340 | - Nice.
02:57:03.340 | - Is it capable of cutting?
02:57:04.800 | - Nice.
02:57:07.580 | - Small, you can put it behind a label.
02:57:10.540 | I've seen some students put the Levi's label on there
02:57:13.060 | and just sew it back on.
02:57:14.860 | It is non-magnetic, non-ferrous.
02:57:18.540 | So in and out of that type of situation,
02:57:22.100 | you can get in it.
02:57:22.940 | And it's something you can have with you everywhere.
02:57:26.180 | This is a pretty fancy one.
02:57:27.420 | Or you can just grab a simple razor blade.
02:57:29.460 | And actually learning how to use
02:57:30.980 | or leverage a razor blade between your palms
02:57:34.420 | and know how to go up and down with it
02:57:37.500 | to be able to cut yourself out of rope.
02:57:38.340 | - And of course, so that's just practice to do that well.
02:57:41.340 | - It's practice and it's also exposure to just,
02:57:44.220 | this is a possibility.
02:57:45.380 | This is how you could hide it.
02:57:46.460 | Again, the whole smuggling aspect comes from a criminal,
02:57:49.820 | a criminal mindset type setting.
02:57:51.700 | So how things are hidden, where they're hidden.
02:57:54.580 | And when I talk about concealing objects of this nature,
02:57:57.140 | it usually comes from smuggling.
02:58:00.140 | The fact that I have something in a notebook
02:58:02.020 | comes from heroin smuggling.
02:58:03.500 | If you're not looking at the school of criminality,
02:58:07.300 | you're missing out on a big part of the equation.
02:58:10.680 | - So for people who wanna learn about this,
02:58:14.940 | do you teach courses on this?
02:58:16.500 | Do you know what's the, how do you get in touch with you
02:58:20.340 | or learn from you?
02:58:21.220 | Do you have stuff online or is it only in person?
02:58:23.140 | - So I have some stuff on my Patreon specifically.
02:58:25.780 | I have a Patreon where I share a lot of the online material.
02:58:29.460 | I basically a bunch of, this is my notebook.
02:58:32.380 | I have a bunch of stuff that I,
02:58:34.580 | I just met somebody in Philadelphia that showed me
02:58:37.020 | a pretty unique way of utilizing a box cutter as a weapon.
02:58:40.820 | So I wrote some of that down, I filmed some of it.
02:58:43.960 | And it's not for any other reason.
02:58:46.580 | I'm not trying to create dangerous people out there.
02:58:48.780 | It's like, hey, look at this.
02:58:49.900 | This is something that's out there, right?
02:58:52.260 | So a lot of that information,
02:58:53.340 | some of those notes and stuff like that,
02:58:54.660 | I keep on my Patreon.
02:58:56.420 | I used to share it openly on Facebook and Instagram,
02:58:58.620 | but that has not been possible anymore.
02:59:03.620 | - Well, I'm a member of your Patreon
02:59:05.660 | and I recommend people sign up.
02:59:06.820 | It's really great 'cause you also have philosophy.
02:59:09.180 | You're the Mexican Miyamoto Musashi.
02:59:14.180 | It's not just the skills,
02:59:17.300 | it's also the philosophy around it.
02:59:18.940 | Like I got that book of five rings
02:59:21.020 | before I went into training.
02:59:22.300 | Like I took that with me through training.
02:59:24.620 | The whole aspect of, you know,
02:59:26.020 | go to places frightening to the common brand of men,
02:59:28.860 | you know, be put in jail
02:59:30.220 | and extricate yourself with your own wisdom.
02:59:32.580 | I think he was speaking about experience,
02:59:35.420 | you know, the whole warrior's journey,
02:59:36.700 | the hero's journey of going out there and actually risking.
02:59:39.660 | I think that's a pretty big basis and aspect
02:59:44.340 | of what the work I do and showing some of these things.
02:59:47.300 | There's a tendency to people that say,
02:59:48.660 | "Hey, I'm afraid to go to Mexico.
02:59:51.140 | "What do I need to know?"
02:59:52.100 | Like, well, if you're afraid to go to Mexico,
02:59:53.940 | go to Mexico.
02:59:55.540 | I mean, I was in Detroit.
02:59:56.500 | I was pretty afraid when I was in Detroit
02:59:58.220 | and some parts of Detroit and the South Side of Chicago.
03:00:01.100 | But I don't wanna be dictated where I can go
03:00:05.820 | and where I can't go because of safety.
03:00:07.660 | I wanna take responsibility for that myself
03:00:09.660 | and figure out ways of being more capable
03:00:11.500 | and an asset to the people around me and myself.
03:00:14.660 | And that comes from experience.
03:00:17.220 | And people don't wanna risk getting a shoulder injury
03:00:19.860 | rolling in jujitsu or don't wanna risk
03:00:21.380 | getting a bloody nose in boxing, but that is the way.
03:00:24.060 | - Well, there's some aspect to fitting in.
03:00:28.100 | You quote Hattori Hanzo on imitation.
03:00:31.660 | "The most important thing you should keep in mind
03:00:34.020 | "when you go on a Shinobi mission
03:00:36.540 | "is to imitate well the language of the target province
03:00:39.620 | "and the ways of the local people.
03:00:41.580 | "This includes their appearances,
03:00:43.300 | "the way of wearing clothes,
03:00:44.940 | "the way of shaving their head,
03:00:46.780 | "the way of making up their hair,
03:00:49.020 | "the way of making up a sword or short sword,
03:00:51.220 | "and the way of refinement and luxury."
03:00:54.260 | So how do you fit into some of those places?
03:00:56.500 | So you know Mexico, but a person like me
03:00:59.820 | that doesn't know anything about Mexico,
03:01:00.980 | and say I'm interviewing somebody
03:01:02.900 | in a leadership position in a drug cartel.
03:01:05.820 | How quickly do you learn how to fit in?
03:01:08.180 | - I mean, it's not about fitting in,
03:01:09.420 | it's about coming up with a narrative for yourself.
03:01:11.740 | What that book is talking,
03:01:12.820 | that's a quote from the book called "A Shouninki,"
03:01:15.900 | which is like an actual legit ninja manual
03:01:18.740 | from like the 1500s or something like that.
03:01:21.700 | And they're not talking about blending in,
03:01:25.860 | they're talking about creating a narrative or a lie
03:01:28.900 | to your appearance and your behavior
03:01:30.460 | and your knowledge base.
03:01:31.460 | That's what they're talking about.
03:01:32.560 | So I would say first,
03:01:34.540 | if you're gonna go to a place like that,
03:01:36.460 | first off, learn what is common there,
03:01:38.420 | what type of common restraints might be placed on you,
03:01:40.620 | what criminal groups work out there,
03:01:42.700 | what type of guns they have.
03:01:44.760 | Not only what type of guns they have,
03:01:46.060 | but go to the gun range in Vegas
03:01:47.380 | and learn how to fire some of these firearms yourself
03:01:49.200 | so you know how to load them
03:01:50.260 | in case you run into a bad situation.
03:01:52.580 | How they tie the sword,
03:01:53.980 | how they wear their short swords
03:01:56.540 | could equate to how, you know,
03:01:58.740 | if you run into some issues.
03:02:00.300 | Also, it would give you a good idea
03:02:01.940 | how many rounds those hold
03:02:03.580 | so you can run at the right moment.
03:02:05.460 | - I like how you focus in on the tools of violence.
03:02:08.740 | But there's also the social engineering de-escalation, right?
03:02:12.020 | - Yeah, so if you are in an environment like that
03:02:14.300 | and you are carrying around a camera,
03:02:16.880 | that might be an issue.
03:02:18.040 | - Or the opposite, it might not be an issue.
03:02:19.960 | - Well, if you're asked, like,
03:02:21.360 | were you with, I'm with a news organization,
03:02:23.760 | or am I with a Christian aid group here?
03:02:26.000 | - Yeah.
03:02:27.200 | - And if you are with a Christian aid group,
03:02:28.720 | it's probably a good idea to learn some of the Bible, right?
03:02:30.880 | If you want a quick way of having somebody out there
03:02:34.200 | try and stop talking to you,
03:02:35.720 | you can start talking about Jesus
03:02:37.440 | in the middle of a little cartel territory
03:02:39.720 | when they approach you and take out the Bible.
03:02:41.680 | That'll quickly de-escalate.
03:02:43.320 | - What I usually prefer to do is I find somebody
03:02:45.820 | from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal
03:02:47.900 | and beat them up in front of the,
03:02:49.820 | just to send a signal that I'm not a journalist,
03:02:51.620 | and I too don't like journalists.
03:02:53.300 | - That could be a way, but--
03:02:55.700 | - To send a message.
03:02:56.620 | - I think a lot of us miss the fact
03:02:58.100 | that we are capable of taking control of our own narrative
03:03:00.920 | and what we communicate to people around us.
03:03:03.140 | I could show up here drinking a Monster Energy drink,
03:03:06.700 | dumping it on the ground, scratching you know what,
03:03:09.220 | and just sit down and just be a rude motherfucker.
03:03:11.700 | That's not who I am, but I can do that.
03:03:14.200 | And you will believe me if I am good at it.
03:03:16.960 | Some of us miss the, some of us don't know this aspect
03:03:19.720 | because it's something we consider predatory
03:03:21.560 | or something that is wrong or negative or bad.
03:03:25.000 | And some of these aspects are actually,
03:03:26.800 | you know, they're pretty useful.
03:03:28.440 | I learned most of my tradecraft and skill craft
03:03:31.840 | from panhandlers and street performers.
03:03:34.560 | And when I had some training related to social engineering,
03:03:38.240 | those were the people that I learned from.
03:03:40.560 | I remember we were doing surveillance
03:03:43.500 | and there was a guy there that showed us
03:03:45.080 | how to do surveillance, you know, on the street.
03:03:47.340 | And he said, "If you can find a way
03:03:49.340 | "for somebody to smell you before they see you,
03:03:52.580 | "you'll become invisible."
03:03:54.420 | And I was like, "That's bullshit.
03:03:56.720 | "If you can find a way of somebody smelling you
03:03:58.960 | "before they see you become invisible."
03:04:00.500 | I didn't understand what that meant.
03:04:03.020 | So we went on a three-day bender, didn't take a shower,
03:04:05.700 | smelled like shit, no deodorant.
03:04:08.220 | You know, you smell like a homeless person,
03:04:09.700 | you look like a homeless person,
03:04:11.140 | and you approach somebody asking for the time
03:04:12.960 | and they smell you before they see you.
03:04:15.020 | And you are not there, you're not a human, you don't exist.
03:04:18.280 | So that was a pretty valuable lesson that I got there.
03:04:21.620 | - Yeah, so that's interesting.
03:04:23.260 | But like, I have this belief,
03:04:25.880 | it has to do with the way I operate in this world,
03:04:28.500 | I suppose, but if you come off as a person legitimately,
03:04:32.860 | I guess you could fake it, but I think it just feels like
03:04:36.820 | you can be extremely good, possibly the best in the world,
03:04:41.820 | if you practice it your whole life, at being you.
03:04:45.840 | At showing like you have nothing to hide.
03:04:51.180 | - A true believer, a true believer.
03:04:54.380 | - So like, yes, you can come up with a fake narrative,
03:04:56.600 | but then what I mean is like,
03:04:58.300 | live that narrative your whole life then.
03:05:00.400 | And then never falter from that.
03:05:05.860 | Like you are this person, that's what I'm trying to,
03:05:08.740 | I have nothing to hide.
03:05:10.500 | - I consider that a true believer,
03:05:11.980 | and yeah, that is a unique person when you meet them,
03:05:15.140 | and they are out there.
03:05:16.300 | There are people that will fucking walk into places.
03:05:19.620 | This is who I am, I don't give a fuck.
03:05:21.980 | This is who I am, if you don't trust me,
03:05:23.300 | well, shoot me, fuck it.
03:05:24.760 | This is my honesty, and if you don't trust me,
03:05:27.620 | well, look at all these people
03:05:28.580 | that I've interacted with in the past,
03:05:30.260 | and you can ask them about it,
03:05:31.340 | or you can see my effects on other people.
03:05:33.820 | That's gonna be my presentation card.
03:05:35.300 | - And so the way you said it now is using words,
03:05:37.860 | and it's blunt.
03:05:39.040 | Usually if somebody is blunt like that,
03:05:40.980 | like I'm a no bullshit person, that means they're not.
03:05:43.580 | That means they're a full of shit, actually.
03:05:44.900 | - But you do that through, I mean, I'm saying,
03:05:46.900 | I'm verbalizing your behavior, just walking somewhere.
03:05:50.500 | Let's say you're going to interview
03:05:53.840 | somebody very dangerous down there,
03:05:56.060 | and you walk into a room without worry.
03:05:58.200 | That is a presentation to you.
03:06:03.020 | - That's a pretty interesting introduction.
03:06:05.560 | You're not a threat
03:06:08.220 | because you don't consider yourself a threat,
03:06:10.860 | and you're walking in there with the confidence
03:06:12.340 | that you don't consider yourself a threat,
03:06:14.820 | which is an interesting way of going about it.
03:06:17.420 | My life experiences has been different.
03:06:19.980 | I wasn't programmed that way from an early age,
03:06:22.420 | and it's hard for me to go into that line,
03:06:26.040 | although more and more as I get older,
03:06:29.220 | and as I learn more about the world,
03:06:30.860 | and I've failed a few more times,
03:06:32.580 | I can understand or more cognizant of the fact
03:06:35.660 | that you don't really have to try that much
03:06:39.420 | if you believe in yourself and who you are.
03:06:43.820 | If you know yourself, I think that is at the core of it.
03:06:47.180 | If you know yourself enough to be able
03:06:50.540 | to kind of communicate that to people around you.
03:06:53.980 | - And you're not hiding from yourself
03:06:55.700 | or from the world your flaws, too.
03:06:58.620 | That was the other thing you spoke to
03:07:01.220 | that is probably inspiring to others
03:07:02.980 | is being honest about your flaws,
03:07:05.140 | about your weaknesses as a human being.
03:07:06.900 | - You can't pickpocket a naked man.
03:07:08.540 | - Yeah, that's right.
03:07:09.380 | That's really brilliant.
03:07:10.220 | - If you know how to be naked, and again, I'm not there.
03:07:14.200 | I think I'm working towards that
03:07:16.500 | just by hopefully going through shit
03:07:19.460 | and showing people, not telling them.
03:07:22.380 | Is it show me, don't tell me
03:07:23.580 | is another valuable lesson that I got long ago.
03:07:26.700 | I travel across the country,
03:07:29.780 | and I not only get to show people what I know how to do,
03:07:32.700 | but I give examples of it through things that I do out there.
03:07:36.940 | And I say this a lot, when I travel out there,
03:07:41.060 | I'm never alone.
03:07:42.140 | There's couches out there waiting for me.
03:07:44.060 | There's homes that I can go and stay at,
03:07:47.580 | and friends that I have out there
03:07:49.620 | that I have never even met.
03:07:51.700 | But that's been about me not only wearing
03:07:54.900 | some of those mistakes and past failures on my sleeve,
03:07:57.780 | but also turning them into lessons for people.
03:08:00.660 | And just telling people the fact that,
03:08:03.140 | I know how to do all this weird stuff,
03:08:05.860 | and I show people how to do it.
03:08:07.980 | But here's a bunch of weird memes
03:08:09.340 | that are very humorous about my culture
03:08:11.460 | and about going through therapy.
03:08:14.380 | And this is me doing something goofy.
03:08:17.620 | And this is me being an idiot
03:08:18.900 | in front of all you guys as well.
03:08:20.580 | This is me being the fool.
03:08:21.660 | I think that is another aspect of it.
03:08:23.900 | - I love that as part of that journey,
03:08:25.380 | you made enemies with the rodeo clown
03:08:26.940 | and meet up with him afterwards.
03:08:28.420 | - Oh, we're still, we're in a very toxic relationship.
03:08:32.340 | He knows who he is.
03:08:33.340 | He's probably out there listening.
03:08:34.660 | He's a-- - Love and hate.
03:08:35.980 | - We-- - All there.
03:08:37.020 | - We stopped talking to each other for months
03:08:39.140 | and then just send a dick message of some sort
03:08:41.940 | and just, we're back at it.
03:08:43.780 | - Back, yeah.
03:08:45.060 | Love expressed through anger, I love it.
03:08:47.140 | It's therapeutic.
03:08:48.700 | You have both very interesting career paths.
03:08:51.380 | If we can just jump back to a really interesting topic
03:08:54.620 | that I wanted to mention on narco-cultism.
03:08:58.700 | What are narco-cults?
03:09:01.020 | What's the relationship between,
03:09:02.580 | you kind of mentioned religion a little bit.
03:09:04.380 | - Yeah. - What's the relationship
03:09:05.780 | between religious culture and drug culture?
03:09:09.340 | - First off, Mexico is one of the most Catholic countries
03:09:11.220 | on the planet, if not the most Catholic country
03:09:14.060 | on the planet.
03:09:15.020 | Not only that, it is a country that has a root
03:09:18.740 | in a spirituality through its ethnic culture
03:09:23.900 | that other parts of the world got most of that taken away
03:09:28.900 | and/or suppressed or killed or taken away.
03:09:32.080 | When the Spanish came to Mexico,
03:09:36.020 | they were a product of a recently liberated group of people.
03:09:41.020 | They just got done being invaded by the Moors, basically.
03:09:46.500 | And they brought with them the image
03:09:48.060 | of La Virgen de Guadalupe, the Virgin of Guadalupe.
03:09:51.860 | And Hernan Cortes' vision of that,
03:09:54.140 | or version of that was a lady holding a crystal scepter,
03:09:57.000 | baby Jesus, and standing on a crescent moon.
03:10:01.740 | That's what he brought with him to the Americas.
03:10:04.780 | And when the conquest happened, a lot of people say,
03:10:09.340 | "Yeah, the Spanish came and conquested the Aztec empire.
03:10:13.380 | "The enemies of the Aztec allied themselves
03:10:16.380 | "with the Spanish and they took them down."
03:10:18.160 | That's what happened.
03:10:19.000 | And then the rest was famine and sickness.
03:10:21.980 | That's what killed most of them.
03:10:25.300 | They realized that it was gonna be hard
03:10:27.580 | to suppress some of the spiritual practices in Mexico,
03:10:29.980 | so they decided to meld them with Catholic iconography.
03:10:33.740 | So you see this cult to Tuanatzin,
03:10:38.620 | which is like a fertility variant
03:10:41.300 | of a mother goddess in Aztec culture.
03:10:44.660 | And they turned her into La Virgen de Guadalupe,
03:10:47.220 | which is the icon that a lot of Mexicans venerate
03:10:49.740 | as the La Virgen, the virgin.
03:10:51.560 | But in her, she conceals cultural elements from the past.
03:10:57.980 | She has a black sash across her stomach,
03:10:59.760 | which means she's pregnant,
03:11:01.100 | something common in the Aztec culture,
03:11:03.420 | in the Mexica culture.
03:11:05.180 | She's standing on a cherub that has eagle wings,
03:11:08.140 | that is a war god.
03:11:09.700 | That's the symbol of the war god down there.
03:11:12.060 | She has stars on her, which is a veil of certain stars
03:11:16.060 | that are related to some of the spiritual practice
03:11:17.780 | from before.
03:11:18.620 | Basically, they hid these things in that setting.
03:11:25.060 | Now you skip forward hundreds of years,
03:11:29.460 | and you start seeing things like Malverde,
03:11:33.460 | who was a bandit that lived in Sinaloa way back in the day.
03:11:36.920 | He would rob rich farmers
03:11:38.940 | that would go through the countryside.
03:11:42.140 | One time he was almost caught, and he was shot and injured,
03:11:45.060 | and he was wanted by the government.
03:11:46.580 | So he told one of his friends to tell them where he was
03:11:51.140 | and to give the reward money to the townspeople.
03:11:55.160 | So he did that.
03:11:56.000 | He was hung from a tree,
03:11:59.180 | and the order was not to bury him,
03:12:01.540 | just to let his body rot.
03:12:03.260 | And his body rotted away
03:12:04.780 | until it fell onto the ground, the bones.
03:12:07.460 | And each of the townspeople would go over
03:12:09.980 | and put a rock on top of his corpse
03:12:12.340 | until it became a pile of rocks.
03:12:14.800 | And then he started granting miracles.
03:12:17.000 | So again, this whole aspect of these criminals
03:12:20.640 | become in saints.
03:12:21.680 | And also a middle finger from the downward local populace
03:12:27.060 | to the church in a way,
03:12:28.860 | because he's not a recognized saint,
03:12:30.500 | but he has an altar and people venerate that.
03:12:33.720 | Then you have cartels that have a spiritual practice
03:12:38.740 | or spirituality behind what they do,
03:12:40.960 | which is part of their culture,
03:12:42.340 | but it's also like a tool they use
03:12:44.700 | to ingratiate themselves with the local populace
03:12:48.680 | or the population around them.
03:12:51.300 | They're icons of power,
03:12:53.340 | and sometimes of almost a symbol of rebellion.
03:12:58.020 | You see El Chapo's son, when he was arrested,
03:13:02.140 | had a Santo Niño de Atocha on his chest,
03:13:05.420 | which is a holy kid of Atocha.
03:13:09.220 | Spanish legend during the Moorish conquest,
03:13:12.300 | they said that a statue of that saint
03:13:14.740 | would go around and feed some of the hungry.
03:13:17.540 | That was the legend.
03:13:19.380 | And he's a saint of the persecuted.
03:13:22.020 | So the fact that when he was arrested,
03:13:24.900 | you see him wearing that,
03:13:27.660 | and then he was liberated is a miracle in and of itself.
03:13:31.260 | So it's proof that that works.
03:13:34.660 | You see, you can find one of those scapuladios
03:13:38.620 | anywhere in Mexico.
03:13:39.460 | It was the most, at least the sold one.
03:13:41.600 | So you see them utilizing some of these aspects
03:13:46.980 | in their own belief system as a symbol
03:13:50.380 | or as iconography, basically,
03:13:52.180 | for some of the things they do.
03:13:54.020 | Then you go into some of the other aspects of it
03:13:56.380 | that are out there, like Santa Muerte,
03:13:58.020 | which is actually a faith that I grew up in.
03:14:00.220 | Mexico has a weird relationship to death.
03:14:03.800 | We have parties at the cemetery on Day of the Dead,
03:14:06.740 | and I just went through one recently.
03:14:08.940 | This is November the 2nd.
03:14:11.280 | So we celebrate our dead,
03:14:15.060 | and we celebrate death in a way
03:14:16.540 | that I don't think a lot of cultures out there do.
03:14:19.220 | - So it's a joyful occasion.
03:14:20.700 | - It is a celebration, yeah.
03:14:21.940 | My eight-year-old put two beers on an altar,
03:14:24.920 | one for my mom, one for my brother.
03:14:27.020 | She bought a Snickers bar for my mom
03:14:29.500 | and a bag of pops for my brother,
03:14:33.980 | flower petals and marigolds,
03:14:35.340 | and pictures of them on an altar.
03:14:36.820 | - That's amazing.
03:14:37.940 | What kind of beer?
03:14:39.340 | - Tecate.
03:14:40.180 | Tecate Roja for my mother, because she was hardcore,
03:14:43.060 | and Tecate Light for my brother.
03:14:45.140 | He was more of an endurance drinker.
03:14:47.120 | And it's also for me,
03:14:50.100 | the relationship to death down there is different.
03:14:53.900 | So there's an icon in Mexico.
03:14:55.500 | It's actually one of the fastest-growing
03:14:58.180 | alternative spiritual practices in Mexico.
03:15:02.820 | And not only in Mexico, but here in the US.
03:15:04.940 | I've been to Santa Muerte temples across the country.
03:15:08.340 | I found one in Connecticut, out of all places.
03:15:11.080 | How I grew up with it, where I saw it,
03:15:14.060 | is my family was all Guadalupanos.
03:15:18.180 | We were Catholic, and we venerated
03:15:20.980 | the Virgin of Guadalupe, specifically,
03:15:23.300 | the icon of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
03:15:25.920 | But every now and then, there were winks and nods
03:15:27.680 | to a skeletal saint in family practices.
03:15:31.520 | And even when I went to work,
03:15:33.560 | the older guys that I was working with
03:15:38.240 | would tell me, "Hey, we gotta go ask for protection."
03:15:43.160 | So they would drive me over to the church,
03:15:45.000 | and I thought I was going to the cathedral.
03:15:47.080 | And then we made a left turn, and it wasn't the cathedral.
03:15:50.240 | It was the market next to the cathedral in Tijuana.
03:15:53.640 | And in the little corner,
03:15:55.560 | there was a big Santa Muerte reaper effigy.
03:16:00.360 | And then I knew why I had to bring a bottle of tequila.
03:16:03.960 | I was like, "Why am I bringing a bottle of tequila
03:16:05.760 | to the church?"
03:16:06.640 | It was for her, for death, la muerte.
03:16:09.760 | It was partly hazing, and also,
03:16:14.440 | they did believe that they were basically imbued
03:16:18.840 | with being agents of death, in a way.
03:16:23.200 | So it was like a cultural thing as well,
03:16:24.960 | something that they wore on them as not only protection,
03:16:29.360 | but as also like a samurai would wear
03:16:32.480 | this death iconography on them,
03:16:34.120 | or how the Maori would do haka dances
03:16:39.120 | to some of these guys in their kind of warrior culture
03:16:42.520 | that they were growing up with
03:16:44.000 | or trying to imbue on us, the young guys.
03:16:46.760 | They would take us there,
03:16:49.400 | and they would imbue us with iconography of Santa Muerte
03:16:51.680 | to be like a psychological thing.
03:16:53.800 | - So that gives you strength and meaning
03:16:55.480 | in the face of struggle,
03:16:57.160 | like in the face of difficulties in life?
03:16:59.840 | - I think, you know, your closeness to death
03:17:02.040 | and having a relationship to death
03:17:04.120 | in the form of a symbolic representation of it,
03:17:06.640 | like Santa Muerte or an icon like that,
03:17:09.680 | makes it not as scary, I guess.
03:17:12.120 | Or not only that, but it's also something
03:17:14.600 | that the other side, the enemy, the cartels groups,
03:17:19.000 | they would venerate it as well.
03:17:21.000 | So when they would see it on you,
03:17:22.360 | it was almost debilitating to them.
03:17:24.520 | They were like, "Oh, are you guys cops?
03:17:26.280 | "Are you guys, why are you wearing that?"
03:17:28.880 | So there was an aspect of that to it.
03:17:31.760 | A momento muerte, muerte type thing,
03:17:35.520 | where you remember death, you know, type thing.
03:17:38.400 | - There's some aspect in which you don't wanna mess
03:17:40.240 | with a person who meditates on death.
03:17:42.760 | - There was some of that, yeah.
03:17:44.320 | (laughing)
03:17:45.520 | There was a saying, I think they probably took it
03:17:48.080 | from a movie or something like that,
03:17:49.560 | but I don't know where they got it.
03:17:51.920 | May I earn your need and be your wrath.
03:17:56.000 | - Oh man, that's a good line.
03:17:58.680 | - They would say that to the statue of La Santa.
03:18:01.920 | Another thing people, it's not a cartel specific saint,
03:18:07.120 | though, it's like everybody, at all levels,
03:18:09.760 | from the lady that sells tortillas,
03:18:12.160 | to the cops, to the military.
03:18:15.640 | There's some people in the military that venerate it.
03:18:17.800 | There's a very specific symbol of how this is
03:18:20.760 | like a weird relationship, specifically in Santa Marta,
03:18:24.040 | in Mexico, there's a shrine outside of Tijuana,
03:18:28.360 | right across the La Presa, it's like a water reservoir,
03:18:32.720 | right outside Tijuana.
03:18:34.400 | And there was a big Santa Muerte altar there,
03:18:37.960 | like on the roadside.
03:18:39.240 | And my former boss, Leza Ola, ordered that thing destroyed.
03:18:44.320 | So he ordered a truck to destroy it.
03:18:47.120 | It was a famous thing.
03:18:48.200 | And it was rebuilt the next night.
03:18:51.000 | And I know for a fact that some of the people
03:18:52.560 | that rebuilt that were some of the same guys
03:18:54.320 | that were there destroying it.
03:18:56.600 | - Oh man, that's pretty symbolic.
03:18:59.560 | So it's just, it's not something that can be killed.
03:19:02.160 | It's a part of the spirit of the people.
03:19:05.320 | - It keeps getting destroyed by ultra Christian groups
03:19:09.040 | or Catholic groups, and it keeps getting rebuilt.
03:19:11.480 | Personally, for me, as a, you know,
03:19:16.320 | I don't believe that there's a reaper skeleton
03:19:19.800 | in the sky protecting me.
03:19:22.240 | But I do believe in the aspect of an ending, you know,
03:19:26.440 | and how it's important to, you know,
03:19:28.120 | the ending is important in all things,
03:19:29.600 | and death should be present in life.
03:19:31.440 | And if it's not, then you're delusional about things.
03:19:35.120 | - So to you, it's a mechanism to meditate on death
03:19:37.520 | once again.
03:19:38.520 | - Yeah.
03:19:39.360 | And, you know, having my daughter, who's eight,
03:19:42.640 | view it as a benevolent thing, you know,
03:19:48.720 | she's a kid and she sees a skeleton
03:19:50.840 | that represents death and Jesus does.
03:19:53.000 | I think in a way, Mexicans have taken some of those aspects,
03:20:00.040 | be it day of the dead,
03:20:03.000 | some of these practices related to some occultism aspects
03:20:06.640 | around, you know, St. Judas, you know, San Judas.
03:20:11.360 | St. Judas is the patron saint of lost causes.
03:20:15.440 | And it's one of the most venerated saints in Mexico.
03:20:17.640 | You know, Jesus is probably the fourth or fifth
03:20:20.520 | you pray to, which is pretty funny, ridiculous.
03:20:23.520 | But the reason why,
03:20:26.160 | and this is something I heard from somebody that was,
03:20:28.480 | actually, we found him with a gun,
03:20:31.680 | and on his gun, he had a St. Judas effigy.
03:20:35.520 | And he said, "Oh, like, why St. Judas?"
03:20:40.200 | "Porque San Judas?"
03:20:41.480 | And he's like, "Well, he's the last saint you pray to."
03:20:44.280 | "What do you mean?"
03:20:46.600 | "Well, on the list of saints you pray to,
03:20:48.000 | he's the last one, because when you pray to Judas,
03:20:50.320 | you might get the other Judas on the line."
03:20:52.800 | - Yeah.
03:20:53.640 | - That's the last one you pray to.
03:20:54.480 | That's why he's like the lost cause of saint.
03:20:57.000 | How I remember, like,
03:20:59.240 | even how we try and bribe or like maneuver our way,
03:21:04.160 | even in spirituality, it's spiritual practices.
03:21:06.720 | - Yeah.
03:21:07.560 | - You know?
03:21:08.400 | - Such a fascinating culture.
03:21:10.160 | That's unlike anything else.
03:21:12.240 | - And it's right next door.
03:21:13.600 | And it's here too.
03:21:15.800 | Again, I found an altar in Connecticut,
03:21:19.720 | which is pretty fascinating.
03:21:20.920 | There's one in Arizona.
03:21:22.880 | Again, it's one of the fastest growing spiritual practices
03:21:26.360 | in not only in the US, but across the,
03:21:29.400 | there's somebody from Russia reached out.
03:21:32.840 | There's an altar out there,
03:21:34.200 | and there's a group of people praying to Santa Marta.
03:21:36.520 | And I've been posting and writing a lot about it recently,
03:21:39.280 | just from my own experience
03:21:40.520 | and some of the stuff that I gathered for myself,
03:21:42.320 | and all the way out there.
03:21:45.160 | Those people are fascinated by some of those aspects.
03:21:47.600 | - So I gotta ask you about the dark turn
03:21:49.440 | of that spirituality,
03:21:51.520 | or maybe you'll place this elsewhere,
03:21:52.920 | but who was Adolfo Costanzo, El Padrino?
03:21:57.240 | - He's just a guy that comes up in a period,
03:22:00.680 | I think he's at that initial period of cartels.
03:22:04.720 | This is before my time,
03:22:05.880 | and I've talked to some of the people
03:22:08.120 | that were there for some of that.
03:22:09.920 | - I mean, he kills a lot of people.
03:22:11.840 | - He was exposed and learned through his family ties
03:22:16.200 | about some of the Afro-Caribbean spiritualities
03:22:18.880 | that are now also exploding,
03:22:21.000 | as far as influences across the world,
03:22:23.640 | Latin America and in the US.
03:22:26.200 | When I talk about that, I mean, Santeria, Palo Mayombe,
03:22:30.960 | basically some old spiritual practices
03:22:33.880 | coming out of Africa that utilize things like Ngangas,
03:22:38.880 | which are basically spiritual vessels
03:22:42.520 | that have to be loaded with human remains in some cases.
03:22:46.680 | He was basically a spiritual practitioner
03:22:52.800 | that certain cartel groups would hire
03:22:54.640 | for them to curse the other side,
03:22:58.040 | to imbue them with invisibility,
03:23:00.360 | to be able to transport their drugs or protection spells
03:23:03.840 | and stuff like that.
03:23:04.840 | He was very successful at it, apparently,
03:23:06.920 | or at least that is the experience of the people
03:23:09.680 | paying for some of these practices.
03:23:12.400 | As his spells and his work kept getting bigger and bigger
03:23:17.400 | and more and more complicated,
03:23:19.080 | the ingredients he needed for these Ngangas or these spells,
03:23:23.920 | these cauldrons that he would fill with certain elements,
03:23:27.960 | grew in complexity.
03:23:30.320 | Till finally he said he needed the brain
03:23:33.240 | of a highly educated American of some sort,
03:23:35.400 | which led to his eventual downfall.
03:23:38.880 | He was basically responsible for abducting
03:23:41.560 | and murdering a young American who was a university,
03:23:45.680 | college student, I think.
03:23:47.680 | - Do you think he believed the,
03:23:50.880 | so this guy's murdering people to create,
03:23:52.920 | what, magical potions?
03:23:55.240 | - Vessels, yeah.
03:23:56.080 | - Vessels?
03:23:56.920 | - Yeah, I think he truly believed that he was capable
03:24:02.240 | of doing what he was doing, I guess.
03:24:04.040 | - And there was a culture that's spiritually inclined
03:24:07.480 | that kinda was on the same wavelength as him.
03:24:11.960 | - Yeah, it jived.
03:24:13.560 | I mean, some of these spiritual practices,
03:24:15.280 | again, there's a ritualistic cannibalism
03:24:17.920 | done by some of these cartel groups out there.
03:24:19.840 | - Was he involved in cannibalism as well?
03:24:22.200 | - He wasn't involved in cannibalism that I know of,
03:24:24.240 | but most of the things that he was kind of known for
03:24:26.640 | was basically requesting human body parts
03:24:29.560 | for some of the spell works he was doing.
03:24:31.800 | And then going to such a level
03:24:34.440 | where he needed a specific brain or head of somebody
03:24:37.680 | that was educated and American.
03:24:40.280 | So that kinda, again, led to his eventual downfalls.
03:24:44.480 | His ranch was raided, they found the body parts
03:24:46.680 | inside of these cauldrons that he was preparing.
03:24:49.040 | That's an interesting example of somebody.
03:24:50.800 | There's a cartel head somewhere in Central Mexico as well.
03:24:54.740 | El Mas Loco was his nickname.
03:24:57.880 | And he basically forced the citizenship around him
03:25:01.520 | to turn him into a saint.
03:25:03.820 | So he made a statue of himself.
03:25:05.640 | He was very big into Christianity,
03:25:08.880 | specifically kind of like the crusader mentality
03:25:13.520 | and all of that, kind of imbued himself
03:25:15.640 | and some of the people that were around him with that.
03:25:18.440 | And there's still altars to his death, to him,
03:25:21.880 | after he died.
03:25:22.720 | He died two times.
03:25:24.040 | One time, the government declared him
03:25:26.520 | that he was killing to shoot out,
03:25:27.520 | and it turns out he wasn't dead.
03:25:29.280 | So that was his first miracle.
03:25:32.560 | And then when he was really dead,
03:25:34.780 | some of his people and his loyal followers
03:25:36.980 | were, by gunpoint, kinda still forced to go
03:25:39.740 | and give flowers and venerate these effigies
03:25:42.300 | and statues of him as a saint.
03:25:44.180 | It's a powerful weapon.
03:25:45.940 | Spirituality in Mexico is a powerful weapon.
03:25:47.780 | And the Catholic church in Mexico
03:25:51.100 | has a pretty bad track record,
03:25:52.620 | but as far as that being used to control populace
03:25:57.620 | and stuff like that.
03:26:00.100 | And I think it's just another aspect
03:26:03.280 | that is being exploited in Mexico,
03:26:05.320 | in some communities, as far as the spirituality
03:26:07.440 | and the desperate need for people to believe in something
03:26:10.960 | and how that leads for some people
03:26:12.840 | to go into some horrible predatory behavior around it.
03:26:15.880 | - There's a fascinating dynamic at play here.
03:26:19.200 | So it's not just the United States and Mexico,
03:26:21.160 | it's also China that you talk about.
03:26:23.800 | China is the primary source of fentanyl in the world.
03:26:26.680 | So fentanyl is an opioid that leads to 70,000
03:26:31.680 | plus or minus overdose deaths in the US every year.
03:26:35.260 | So reading from Wikipedia, quote,
03:26:38.320 | "Compared with heroin, it is more potent,
03:26:41.020 | "has higher profit margins,
03:26:43.560 | "and because it is compact, has simpler logistics.
03:26:46.560 | "It can be cut into or even replaced entirely
03:26:49.320 | "the supply of heroin and other opiates."
03:26:51.800 | What do you think is important to understand
03:26:53.280 | about fentanyl as a drug?
03:26:54.940 | - There was a prescription opioid epidemic
03:26:57.480 | in the United States that kind of went down or stopped,
03:27:02.480 | well, it's still out there,
03:27:04.400 | but the epidemic specific around it kind of petered out.
03:27:09.400 | And there was also marijuana legalization
03:27:11.960 | happening at kind of the same time period,
03:27:16.280 | which people talking about marijuana legalization
03:27:19.600 | thought it was gonna hit the cartels in their pockets
03:27:21.680 | and it was gonna be like a death blow
03:27:23.920 | to these criminal groups.
03:27:26.280 | Well, now there's illegal pot grows in the United States
03:27:30.820 | being run by cartels in federal lands.
03:27:33.820 | There's the legal pot grows that are in some way,
03:27:36.640 | shape or form influenced and are run or owned
03:27:39.720 | by some criminal groups,
03:27:40.960 | and they're kind of utilizing that.
03:27:43.120 | The marijuana fields in Mexico
03:27:45.280 | turned into poppy fields once again.
03:27:48.600 | The problem is that some of these lands
03:27:51.220 | were leached of all the nutrients
03:27:52.840 | and they're not as good as something
03:27:55.480 | you would find somewhere in Afghanistan.
03:27:57.080 | So the yield and the quality of it
03:27:59.600 | wasn't as strong as it could be.
03:28:02.440 | So somebody thought about the right idea
03:28:04.480 | of putting fentanyl into the mix.
03:28:06.620 | And not only that, but also figuring out
03:28:11.600 | how to get fentanyl into Mexico.
03:28:13.960 | Mexico has a giant pharmaceutical industry
03:28:17.840 | that people kind of also don't kind of know
03:28:19.840 | or factor into this equation,
03:28:21.720 | which leads into the free ability
03:28:26.640 | of chemicals going in and out of the country
03:28:29.480 | and legal means of it happening, right?
03:28:32.440 | So not only the precursors to make it,
03:28:34.640 | but also the chemist and the industry
03:28:37.320 | to create it in Mexico as well.
03:28:40.120 | Some clandestine factories of fentanyl
03:28:42.720 | have been found in Mexico,
03:28:44.820 | but realistically it's not needed
03:28:46.480 | with the ways that the ports and the borders
03:28:49.760 | are down in Mexico.
03:28:52.100 | You started seeing an influx and a flood
03:28:55.660 | of fentanyl into Mexico,
03:28:57.620 | specifically related to infusing it into heroin.
03:29:01.260 | And not only using that to feed local drug markets,
03:29:04.460 | but send it up into the United States,
03:29:06.380 | which started off this process
03:29:07.860 | that we're kind of going through still.
03:29:09.940 | - Are these like similar highs?
03:29:12.240 | And drug wise, why do you infuse?
03:29:15.180 | I mean, probably you're not the right person
03:29:16.660 | to have this biochemical discussion of how--
03:29:19.180 | - I don't know about the biochemical aspect of it,
03:29:21.220 | but like speaking to guys that do Chiba down there,
03:29:24.460 | that's what they call heroin down there.
03:29:27.300 | It's like a nickname for it.
03:29:29.340 | Having them describe some of the older,
03:29:32.060 | stinkier, darker heroin they used to get
03:29:34.540 | before this whole fentanyl thing
03:29:36.600 | and the highs they would get
03:29:37.440 | and how much they would have to take
03:29:39.020 | versus some of the stuff loaded with fentanyl
03:29:41.060 | that they have to--
03:29:42.680 | - Also there's more higher potency.
03:29:46.060 | - Yeah, there's a higher potency to it.
03:29:47.820 | And also there's a--
03:29:49.620 | - More money to be made, easier to transport.
03:29:52.260 | - Yeah.
03:29:53.100 | - But then is this how China
03:29:55.660 | starts becoming part of the picture?
03:29:58.060 | - One aspect to it that people kind of miss
03:30:00.180 | is that there's no Chinese cartel.
03:30:03.540 | There's no criminal Chinese organization
03:30:06.540 | working unseen, getting around government oversight in China.
03:30:11.540 | I don't know of any such organization.
03:30:15.700 | - Anything that could be labeled
03:30:16.940 | as a criminal organization
03:30:18.340 | is deeply integrated with the government.
03:30:20.860 | - I mean, I've never heard of a giant criminal enterprise
03:30:24.620 | in China operating.
03:30:25.820 | So we have to assume then--
03:30:27.740 | - Independent of the state.
03:30:29.580 | - I would have to assume that some of these things
03:30:32.100 | are happening with the know-how
03:30:33.640 | and inaction of the government out there.
03:30:36.260 | When COVID hit, there was a shortage of fentanyl
03:30:42.740 | on the northern side of Mexico,
03:30:44.620 | specifically related to the Sinaloa cartel.
03:30:47.100 | These guys were actually trafficking fentanyl
03:30:49.580 | from the US down to Mexico to infuse their product,
03:30:52.760 | but not the New Generation cartel,
03:30:56.020 | which operates out of the central part of Mexico,
03:30:58.460 | the Colima area, which have access to the seaside ports.
03:31:02.980 | So even during the shutdown, they were getting supplied,
03:31:06.300 | which means to me, at least,
03:31:08.340 | or for anybody observing it,
03:31:09.900 | that the supply chain was not cut.
03:31:12.540 | And whatever was coming out of China
03:31:14.380 | was being let out of China
03:31:17.780 | by whatever official channels
03:31:20.100 | would be able to shut down or stop it.
03:31:22.180 | - God, I would love to know the organizational structure,
03:31:24.900 | the governmental structure of China,
03:31:27.520 | how they enable it.
03:31:30.940 | Because I can't imagine at the very top,
03:31:36.340 | there's like a portfolio of things we're doing,
03:31:38.420 | and one of them is fentanyl, right?
03:31:40.740 | - I think it's more inaction,
03:31:42.300 | or just the know-how that is happening,
03:31:44.820 | but just like hands off, just let this, I don't know.
03:31:48.420 | - If I were to understand how large bureaucracies work,
03:31:52.440 | it's looking the other way.
03:31:54.060 | - Yeah, you are now seeing pill presses
03:31:58.820 | brought to Mexico, industrial-level pill presses
03:32:01.700 | found in clandestine laboratories,
03:32:04.620 | where they're not only infusing the yields
03:32:08.920 | that they're doing with fentanyl,
03:32:09.940 | but also making fake pain medication
03:32:13.060 | that is flooding US markets everywhere.
03:32:15.660 | That's where it is.
03:32:17.140 | Is that pain medication or is that fentanyl?
03:32:20.900 | Who knows?
03:32:21.740 | And that's how you see a lot of people dying from ODs
03:32:24.260 | that are supposedly taking pain pills,
03:32:26.340 | and that's not what they're doing.
03:32:28.500 | So the evolution right now you're seeing
03:32:30.060 | is making something look legit
03:32:34.580 | as far as pain medication that it isn't.
03:32:36.380 | And I mean, fentanyl is everywhere.
03:32:40.020 | They're infusing cocaine with it.
03:32:41.880 | I've been getting stories from the US
03:32:44.660 | of people buying it through Alibaba
03:32:46.500 | or just weird online sources,
03:32:47.940 | and it coming in different packages
03:32:49.700 | and just infusing it into whatever is out there.
03:32:53.900 | It is killing off a whole generation of people.
03:32:57.040 | And it comes from one place,
03:33:00.480 | or it's manufactured somewhere
03:33:01.920 | where it's being manufactured with the precursors
03:33:05.420 | and the element and know-how that comes from one place.
03:33:08.120 | - Are we talking about China?
03:33:10.780 | - Talking about China.
03:33:11.620 | - Because Mexico seems to have,
03:33:12.900 | what's the role, this is such a complicated,
03:33:15.340 | and how do you start to talk about the drug war
03:33:17.780 | when more and more and more China is the source of the drug?
03:33:22.780 | Is there a drug war going on with China?
03:33:28.640 | - There's probably an economic war.
03:33:30.140 | Well, you talk about, there's another side to China.
03:33:34.020 | The most, and this is something that's come out recently,
03:33:36.860 | a few years back, I think,
03:33:38.100 | but basically the ways you would move money back into Mexico
03:33:41.620 | after you have a load up here
03:33:43.300 | is that you would give it to a Chinese money broker.
03:33:46.340 | They would put it into the Chinese banking system
03:33:48.300 | and it immediately would just disappear from American eyes.
03:33:51.620 | And then another money broker in Mexico
03:33:53.320 | would receive it through a money transfer from China.
03:33:55.740 | - So China's incredibly good at money laundering.
03:33:58.360 | - That's another aspect to it.
03:34:00.900 | I mean, their banking system is invisible to the US,
03:34:03.500 | basically. - Which allows--
03:34:04.820 | - Which allows the monies to move from one point to another.
03:34:08.020 | So money brokers and people moving money
03:34:09.740 | for the groups down there are Chinese.
03:34:12.140 | So that's another aspect or element of China
03:34:14.860 | as far as its presence.
03:34:16.420 | - What's the role of intelligence in all of this?
03:34:20.900 | FBI, CIA, the Chinese intelligence agencies?
03:34:27.380 | - Right now, Mexico is going through
03:34:29.080 | a nationalistic resurgence and a leftist presidency,
03:34:34.700 | which is not friendly to US interest in a lot of ways.
03:34:38.700 | The US has had a pretty bad track record
03:34:42.260 | with its foreign policy in Mexico,
03:34:44.260 | with a lot of damage being done by the last president
03:34:46.900 | as far as his rhetoric.
03:34:49.060 | - Donald Trump?
03:34:50.140 | - Which has been weaponized and utilized
03:34:51.900 | by the left down in Mexico.
03:34:55.660 | - So America is not seen positively?
03:34:58.980 | - No, every now and then I post something about Mexico,
03:35:01.300 | some horrible thing happening down there.
03:35:02.700 | It's like, why doesn't US send people down there?
03:35:05.140 | Are Mexicans looking for US intervention?
03:35:07.420 | It's like, no, that is beyond what anybody
03:35:09.980 | in Mexico would want.
03:35:11.420 | Specifically, you see the sentiment out there.
03:35:14.380 | They don't view the US as somebody
03:35:17.220 | that's gonna come in and fix anything
03:35:18.500 | or somebody that's gonna help or as a friend.
03:35:21.460 | When the Ukrainian conflict happened,
03:35:24.840 | Mexico basically abstained from saying anything,
03:35:29.840 | which is a wink and a nod to Russia.
03:35:32.280 | It has openly been pro Maduro and openly celebrated
03:35:37.200 | to some of these regimes popping up across Latin America,
03:35:42.000 | which is, that is what people voted for.
03:35:46.400 | That is a sentiment down there.
03:35:47.760 | They're going towards the left of the political spectrum
03:35:49.980 | because they've been basically violated over and over again
03:35:53.980 | by all these different presidencies
03:35:55.680 | that have promised change, brought corruption with them,
03:35:58.740 | and they are our choices.
03:36:00.640 | So this is the best we have right now.
03:36:02.720 | And all of the enemies of the United States
03:36:06.520 | are taking full advantage of that.
03:36:08.280 | We recently had a general address
03:36:11.000 | to the Senate committee hearing, I think.
03:36:12.760 | He was talking about the prevalence
03:36:14.960 | of foreign intelligence services in Mexico and why that is.
03:36:20.360 | Well, you know, Mexico has a lot of the mineable lithium
03:36:24.540 | on the planet underneath parts of it,
03:36:26.860 | specifically in the north.
03:36:28.180 | It is going through a process,
03:36:31.680 | they call it the Cuarta Transformación,
03:36:34.100 | the fourth transformation is what the president
03:36:36.020 | of Mexico calls it, which is, in a way,
03:36:40.020 | it's basically we're here to stay type thing.
03:36:42.940 | You know, they just nationalized mining lithium
03:36:46.500 | and taking control of that and using that as leverage.
03:36:48.500 | If the United States ever wants to go to Mexico,
03:36:50.820 | it's probably not gonna be related to cartel issues.
03:36:53.300 | It's gonna probably be related to energy, I think.
03:36:55.300 | You know, they're kinda thinking ahead, I guess.
03:36:58.580 | - Well, what about also, just imagine a world
03:37:01.660 | where India and China are doing fentanyl trade
03:37:07.020 | with Mexico or whatever transport.
03:37:09.360 | Imagine Chinese military moves, makes an agreement,
03:37:15.060 | a NATO type of agreement with Mexico.
03:37:17.600 | That's pretty possible.
03:37:18.860 | Again, we're seeing a militarized Mexico.
03:37:21.620 | It's another aspect of Mexico that, again,
03:37:23.740 | I haven't seen talked about a lot here in the US.
03:37:26.920 | The main promise that the current president had
03:37:28.940 | was he was gonna make the police, the federal police,
03:37:31.920 | and the security issues in Mexico civilian.
03:37:36.920 | He was gonna do exactly the opposite
03:37:39.620 | as his main rival, Felipe Calderon,
03:37:42.180 | the guy that started off the drug war officially.
03:37:44.660 | And what does he do?
03:37:47.060 | He dissolves the civilian leadership of the federal police,
03:37:50.480 | dissolves the federal police, creates the National Guard,
03:37:53.800 | which is a military unit,
03:37:55.680 | and he puts the military in charge of that.
03:37:58.380 | Now the military has a full monopoly
03:38:00.500 | over all federal policing.
03:38:02.740 | When you cross into Mexico,
03:38:05.000 | you'll see them wearing these white camouflage uniforms.
03:38:07.420 | Those are National Guard people,
03:38:11.080 | but they're the military.
03:38:13.600 | So now you're seeing a militarized Mexico
03:38:16.200 | with some of these leaks that happened
03:38:17.800 | during the Guacamaya, the Guacamaya leaks.
03:38:20.900 | You're now seeing that Mexico has been hosting
03:38:23.800 | members of the Haitian military,
03:38:26.300 | and they've been training them up
03:38:27.900 | to go back to police their country.
03:38:31.400 | That's not something that Mexico has been known for,
03:38:34.620 | to hosting other nations and training them in such a way.
03:38:37.520 | So it's an interesting maneuver.
03:38:40.800 | Like Mexico has been historically neutral
03:38:42.660 | about getting involved in foreign conflicts,
03:38:45.660 | about voting and resolutions as far as invading
03:38:48.400 | or not invading or doing all of these things.
03:38:51.180 | Mexico has been historically kind of neutral
03:38:53.060 | when it comes to some of these things.
03:38:54.100 | And now we're training foreign military forces
03:38:57.460 | to go and do that role somewhere else.
03:38:59.660 | We have the military building airports
03:39:02.900 | and building infrastructure in Mexico,
03:39:04.620 | and a lot of their higher ups
03:39:06.140 | getting very wealthy around it.
03:39:08.740 | And they basically have a monopoly over
03:39:14.140 | who gets to have guns down there.
03:39:16.100 | There's one gun store in all Mexico
03:39:17.800 | and it's run by the military.
03:39:19.340 | And the only way you can buy a gun there
03:39:21.000 | is if you can buy a plane ticket to fly there
03:39:23.620 | and have enough money to sustain that right
03:39:26.180 | or that privilege.
03:39:27.780 | So you're seeing the military not being
03:39:31.240 | in its traditional role of just being the security force.
03:39:34.520 | Now it's policing.
03:39:35.860 | It's involved in, it's getting involved in politics
03:39:39.760 | in a big way.
03:39:41.080 | It's legislation that has passed to keep it on the streets
03:39:44.780 | and the policing role for more years now.
03:39:47.100 | So that should be looked at closer by anybody observing it
03:39:51.100 | from afar, the militarization of Mexico
03:39:53.380 | and where it's going.
03:39:54.800 | - Because if you move towards a world
03:39:57.300 | where a World War III happens,
03:39:59.620 | it feels like Mexico will be the center
03:40:03.140 | because a hot war would be fought on the ground.
03:40:07.460 | And so you have a very difficult parallel
03:40:10.500 | between Mexico and Ukraine.
03:40:12.260 | Both don't have nuclear weapons, both have relationships.
03:40:15.420 | So Ukraine has a relationship or a pull towards it,
03:40:18.740 | the European Union and NATO.
03:40:21.300 | Mexico, at least currently, has a kind of slow pull
03:40:24.940 | towards China, India potentially, and Russia.
03:40:29.100 | And you have this divide between power centers in the world.
03:40:33.620 | And in terms of, just imagine hundreds of thousands
03:40:38.380 | of Mexican troops, hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops
03:40:42.100 | on the border, on the US border, on the Mexican side.
03:40:47.100 | - And also the fact that that border doesn't mean anything
03:40:50.100 | to any sort of conflict that would happen regionally
03:40:54.220 | because that's a very easy to cross border.
03:40:57.580 | Doesn't matter how many walls you put across it,
03:40:59.980 | people are already here.
03:41:01.280 | This is not gonna be a war fought off
03:41:03.660 | in some overseas place.
03:41:05.580 | Like you're not gonna, this is something, if it happens,
03:41:09.020 | if destabilization is utilized in Mexico
03:41:12.140 | to cause a conflict there and it turns into a Vietnam
03:41:15.180 | or a proxy war down there of a sort,
03:41:17.900 | which I think in a way you're already kind of seeing
03:41:21.140 | some of that through some of the conflicts
03:41:23.140 | going on down there.
03:41:24.080 | You have a new generation cartel that is being fed fentanyl
03:41:28.660 | from the Pacific side ports.
03:41:30.580 | And suspiciously, you wanna think that maybe
03:41:35.420 | it's favored by a foreign government of some sort
03:41:37.860 | in some way, shape or form, who knows.
03:41:40.880 | And then you have a historically in control
03:41:42.940 | Sinaloa cartel that may or may not be favored by the US
03:41:46.140 | in some way, shape or form.
03:41:47.940 | You can imagine a further conflict down there
03:41:51.180 | and people fostering it and seeing the effects
03:41:54.300 | of basically setting a fire on the feet of the United States.
03:41:59.260 | It's second largest consumer of US products is Mexico.
03:42:04.220 | The massive wave of immigration
03:42:07.420 | that is going to be basically weaponized.
03:42:09.880 | You saw the collapse of the border security structure
03:42:14.360 | with a contingent of 3000 Honduran Guatemalan immigrants
03:42:19.360 | in that first wave of caravans coming to Tijuana.
03:42:23.720 | You saw, it was pretty bad.
03:42:26.080 | It was pretty bad and it could have gotten worse.
03:42:30.260 | Now, what is gonna happen when that wave
03:42:32.500 | is no longer 3000, but a million people
03:42:36.620 | being displaced by violence or being in fear
03:42:40.740 | of whatever conflict might originate down there
03:42:43.820 | and just that massive wave of migration and move.
03:42:47.140 | I think that's an interesting thing
03:42:52.060 | that people should look at and how can you affect change
03:42:56.580 | to try and stop some of these things to happen.
03:43:00.020 | - Well, let me ask you at a philosophical, at a human level,
03:43:02.500 | what do you think about immigration?
03:43:04.580 | Illegal and legal immigration from the direction of Mexico
03:43:09.580 | to the United States?
03:43:11.680 | So we have an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants
03:43:14.940 | in the United States and estimated 45 million legal
03:43:19.940 | immigrants in the United States.
03:43:22.740 | - A few things about that.
03:43:24.980 | When COVID hit, there was no shortages of produce
03:43:28.660 | in the supermarkets, which means that,
03:43:31.600 | I mean, illegal immigration is pretty much
03:43:34.500 | the backbone of all produce and some of the farming
03:43:37.340 | industries out there, most of it.
03:43:40.280 | So illegal immigration and illegal workers
03:43:44.620 | in those fields are essential workers in a way.
03:43:47.860 | I think there's a weird relationship in the United States
03:43:49.840 | with some of these workers and how they're demonized
03:43:52.220 | and how they're called criminals.
03:43:53.740 | I think there was a state out there that passed
03:43:57.420 | anti-illegal immigrant worker legislation.
03:44:01.940 | The farmers had to look elsewhere for people to show up
03:44:05.980 | to work in some of these fields, which basically caused
03:44:08.860 | millions of dollars worth of losses
03:44:10.640 | for some of these farms.
03:44:12.340 | Anywhere you go out there in the United States,
03:44:15.640 | you go into the kitchens and there's gonna be paisanos
03:44:18.020 | there, you know, French, high-level French restaurants.
03:44:21.460 | You'll see people from Puebla there that made their way
03:44:24.300 | legally and might have legalized or regularized their way
03:44:28.420 | into the country or in a sanctuary city.
03:44:31.500 | You go to the service industry, hotels, you know,
03:44:35.060 | those are the people changing the blankets.
03:44:37.220 | Those are the people in the washrooms.
03:44:39.820 | You have them doing jobs that no American wants to do,
03:44:43.060 | realistically, and they're everywhere in this country.
03:44:45.700 | And they are the backbone of some of these industries
03:44:48.960 | that are essential in this country.
03:44:50.780 | - Do you think there's a deep sense
03:44:52.220 | in which they are American?
03:44:54.340 | - I think they're indispensable.
03:44:55.820 | And anybody that says they aren't is delusional.
03:45:00.380 | If you take every single legal worker out of the industry
03:45:03.460 | in the United States and send them back,
03:45:05.740 | like there's a movie out there called,
03:45:07.220 | like "El Día Sin Mexicanos", "A Day Without Mexicans",
03:45:10.660 | you know, everything would stop.
03:45:13.940 | So the relationship is there.
03:45:16.580 | People talk about the history of slavery in this country.
03:45:20.140 | Like it's a thing that is in the past.
03:45:22.100 | There's endangered slaves in the country right now.
03:45:26.660 | People that are paying off their people smugglers
03:45:30.060 | because they brought them into this country
03:45:31.380 | and they haven't been able to pay that fine or that fee yet
03:45:35.060 | and are basically being held hostage by that
03:45:37.220 | here in the United States.
03:45:38.700 | So there's slaves right now in the United States.
03:45:40.500 | You know, people are talking about it
03:45:41.580 | as a historical context.
03:45:43.660 | - What do we do about it?
03:45:44.980 | How are we supposed to think about it?
03:45:46.420 | - We're gonna have to rethink how we look at immigration,
03:45:49.500 | illegal or legal immigration from Mexico
03:45:53.380 | and how we view Mexico as a foreign country.
03:45:56.660 | Your relationship to Canada is one thing.
03:46:00.660 | Your relationship to Mexico is another.
03:46:02.620 | The foreign policy towards Mexico has been pretty nefarious
03:46:08.420 | as far as the United States in a lot of ways.
03:46:10.900 | You know, you can go back.
03:46:12.420 | There was a student massacre during the Olympics
03:46:15.700 | and the president in turn at that time was on the CIA payroll
03:46:19.900 | and it was a counter communist type maneuver
03:46:22.980 | that they were doing down there.
03:46:24.780 | But there's some bloody hands on the US side
03:46:28.340 | of some of the things that have been happening in Mexico
03:46:30.860 | as far as destabilization and influencing
03:46:32.900 | and meddling in foreign policy out there.
03:46:36.100 | Most of the guns that are used down there
03:46:37.700 | come from the US, you know?
03:46:39.260 | And that's another interesting aspect and responsibility
03:46:42.020 | that people shouldn't kind of think about up here.
03:46:44.580 | - So there is on the drug war side,
03:46:47.300 | a machine that's fueling the drug war.
03:46:50.820 | - I mean, there's a giant drug habit up here, you know?
03:46:53.380 | - But also a governmental intelligence
03:46:56.500 | and military support through the sale of weapons.
03:46:59.540 | - I don't know about the sale of weapons,
03:47:00.820 | but you know, there's some very,
03:47:03.180 | you talk about poorest borders coming up.
03:47:07.580 | There's poorest borders also going down, you know?
03:47:10.060 | There's a flow of guns going down and munitions,
03:47:14.420 | which again, they don't kill anybody by themselves.
03:47:16.860 | You know, they get put in the hands of the desperate
03:47:19.100 | that are trying to feed a giant drug market
03:47:21.860 | to the south, to the north.
03:47:23.300 | You know, Mexico has a saying,
03:47:24.740 | "Mexico, Mexico, (speaking in foreign language)
03:47:29.500 | "Mexico, far from God, but close to the United States."
03:47:32.500 | And there's definitely a responsibility on both sides.
03:47:38.700 | This is no longer a Mexico problem, a US problem.
03:47:41.980 | This is a regional problem.
03:47:44.180 | And if we don't think of it as a regional problem
03:47:46.540 | with our brothers on the southern side of it,
03:47:49.180 | and with family, we're related in blood.
03:47:52.260 | There's like, we are,
03:47:53.380 | Mexico and the United States are like this,
03:47:57.140 | but it's become popular in politics.
03:47:59.620 | They just throw a line, right?
03:48:02.420 | And I think we need to get to a place
03:48:04.900 | where we can figure out how to make those connections
03:48:06.940 | and repair some of the damage done by like,
03:48:09.100 | just years and years of bad policy
03:48:11.780 | on both sides of the border.
03:48:13.220 | - Policy and rhetoric, the way we talk about it,
03:48:15.420 | the way we think about it, not just the actual policy,
03:48:17.660 | but seeing the humanity in the people that are here.
03:48:20.980 | - Yeah, it's an easy thing.
03:48:22.380 | They're coming to take our jobs is something you hear.
03:48:25.740 | There was a state out there that passed some anti-legislation
03:48:30.740 | as far as illegal workers on fields.
03:48:33.420 | And it led to massive losses.
03:48:35.340 | Nobody wanted to show up for those jobs, basically.
03:48:38.180 | People would show up one day and they wouldn't come back,
03:48:40.060 | and they were doing jobs that people just don't wanna do.
03:48:43.580 | Are they taking that from the locals?
03:48:46.420 | Or are they filling an essential role
03:48:48.340 | that we feel guilty about?
03:48:50.820 | And the rhetoric around it is more about guilt than anything.
03:48:55.380 | I am an immigrant myself.
03:48:58.620 | I've gone through the experience of doing it legally,
03:49:03.100 | and I've seen people not do it legally
03:49:07.020 | and are in way better places than I am, basically,
03:49:11.180 | by going around some of the system.
03:49:13.660 | The system itself, the immigration system here in the US,
03:49:16.820 | there's something wrong.
03:49:19.540 | It's kind of broken.
03:49:20.540 | And people coming here illegally are not only,
03:49:26.220 | they're looking for a better life for themselves,
03:49:28.740 | a better life for people.
03:49:30.260 | This whole aspect of vilifying them,
03:49:31.900 | and they're like, "Oh, this immigrant
03:49:34.260 | "did this horrible thing.
03:49:35.220 | "This immigrant did that horrible thing."
03:49:37.420 | And people saying, "Go back to your country."
03:49:41.460 | At the same time, they go to a hotel
03:49:43.380 | where all the service staff is from that part of the world,
03:49:46.860 | and they're here irregularly.
03:49:49.060 | Or they go to the Whole Foods,
03:49:51.340 | and they get some produce there,
03:49:53.020 | and it's picked by some of the same people they're vilifying.
03:49:56.900 | And again, we need to kind of think about that
03:50:00.580 | and analyze that for ourselves.
03:50:02.420 | - Yeah, the idea of go back to your country
03:50:04.460 | and finding the other and having a disdain
03:50:07.500 | and a hate towards the other.
03:50:09.220 | Ever since I had a recent conversation with Ye,
03:50:12.180 | formerly known as Kanye West,
03:50:13.820 | I got to hear a few things from,
03:50:17.020 | let's say, unfriendly messages from white nationalists.
03:50:23.020 | And I got to learn about this world.
03:50:25.060 | I continue on the journey of learning,
03:50:28.460 | which is the idea that the United States,
03:50:30.580 | this country, should look a certain way,
03:50:32.660 | should have a certain skin color,
03:50:33.980 | should have a certain religion,
03:50:35.500 | and everything else is a pollution, is a poison to this.
03:50:39.180 | I may sound hateful right now,
03:50:41.260 | but they usually frame it in a positive way,
03:50:44.380 | like the purity.
03:50:45.420 | I'm sure Hitler also phrased everything in a positive way,
03:50:48.540 | especially in the 1930s, about the purity of Germany.
03:50:51.440 | But the reality of the United States,
03:50:52.820 | and one of the things that makes it,
03:50:55.460 | at least the ideal of the United States,
03:50:56.980 | is the soup, the mix.
03:50:58.980 | Unlike so many nations I've traveled to,
03:51:01.820 | the diversity, the good kind of diversity,
03:51:04.580 | is what makes this country great.
03:51:07.140 | And so I think it needs to be based on
03:51:10.740 | accepting the different subgroups
03:51:14.900 | that make up the United States,
03:51:16.020 | versus trying to purify it.
03:51:17.540 | And I think Mexican immigrants is just another flavor
03:51:21.220 | of saying, "This is the other.
03:51:23.500 | "Let's reject the other."
03:51:24.860 | - Yeah, I saw that interview, by the way.
03:51:28.100 | That you showed a basic restraint in that interview.
03:51:31.460 | My experience, and I came up here,
03:51:35.020 | again, Trump was elected when I came up here,
03:51:37.980 | so it was a weird time for me,
03:51:40.620 | as far as being an immigrant
03:51:42.060 | and the immigrant experience for myself,
03:51:44.060 | by both being basically the bad,
03:51:48.340 | the ones that were talked about in that way,
03:51:52.220 | and also having a bunch of my friends
03:51:53.380 | who were very conservative,
03:51:54.380 | and wearing some of those MAGA hats around me,
03:51:57.340 | and like, "Hey, Ed."
03:51:58.380 | Well, I mean, I'm a guest here, so I have to,
03:52:04.820 | but it's a balancing act,
03:52:07.420 | is what I've been looking at it as.
03:52:10.380 | On one side, there's the woke side of it,
03:52:14.020 | which everything goes,
03:52:15.180 | and then the other side is like,
03:52:16.140 | "Let's hold on to some of these things
03:52:17.500 | "that make us who we are."
03:52:19.500 | On my end, I wanna get to a place
03:52:21.740 | where I can smoke a joint, conceal, carry a firearm,
03:52:24.940 | be at my gay best friend's wedding,
03:52:27.100 | and I want the government not to say anything about it,
03:52:29.460 | and I think there's parts in the United States here
03:52:31.500 | that kind of feel the same way,
03:52:33.460 | but there's extremes on both sides
03:52:35.220 | that are pulling you to one side or the other,
03:52:37.620 | and I've seen more of the United States than most Americans.
03:52:40.900 | I'm in a different state every weekend,
03:52:43.260 | so I get to go to,
03:52:44.420 | I'm going to Tampa tomorrow,
03:52:47.780 | then I'm going back to California,
03:52:50.300 | then I'm going to Tennessee later,
03:52:52.460 | then Kentucky, so I get to see all types of people
03:52:55.260 | and all types of mentalities,
03:52:56.820 | and ways that people live,
03:52:58.340 | and this country is more diverse than most would think,
03:53:01.900 | you know, if you only see it
03:53:02.980 | through the lens of television or media.
03:53:05.660 | What I keep seeing out there that, for me,
03:53:07.740 | is like the reason I came here, I guess,
03:53:12.740 | and a lot of the reasons that I feel a vested interest
03:53:16.460 | in this country, not just because, again, my kid's American,
03:53:19.740 | so I have a very, very big interest
03:53:22.100 | in this country doing well,
03:53:23.780 | but a thing I see is there's still the opportunity
03:53:27.460 | and the ability to do something with yourself
03:53:30.060 | and opportunities out there for people like me
03:53:32.420 | that come here with nothing.
03:53:33.620 | I came here with an experience base, a truck.
03:53:38.620 | - And some demons.
03:53:40.300 | - And yeah, and a bunch of demons in a bag,
03:53:42.780 | and I'm here with you talking right now
03:53:45.980 | about some of those experiences.
03:53:47.380 | - To another immigrant.
03:53:49.020 | - To another immigrant,
03:53:49.900 | and both of us are reaching people out there
03:53:53.060 | that might not, haven't heard a voice of people like us
03:53:57.620 | that come here with our own bag of demons,
03:54:02.220 | but where else in the world can two people like us
03:54:05.020 | have a conversation with an audience like us
03:54:07.540 | and not be shot outside of this
03:54:10.180 | because of the stuff we're saying?
03:54:11.620 | - Yeah, listen to with love and respect, not derision.
03:54:16.620 | Let me ask you for advice.
03:54:21.460 | What would you say to young folks,
03:54:23.780 | wherever they come from?
03:54:27.060 | So in high school and college,
03:54:28.540 | they're thinking of how to live a life,
03:54:31.740 | have a career they can be proud of,
03:54:34.420 | and especially if they're struggling,
03:54:36.420 | especially if they're at a low point like you were
03:54:38.860 | when you came here.
03:54:41.020 | - Travel.
03:54:41.900 | Travel is one of the biggest things in the world
03:54:44.060 | that I would ask people to kind of go out to,
03:54:47.060 | see how other people live.
03:54:48.300 | Don't go there with your own preconceived notions
03:54:50.900 | or trying to make people act like you act.
03:54:53.540 | Go out there and travel and actually experience the world.
03:54:57.100 | It doesn't have to be another country.
03:54:59.580 | Going from Tennessee to Seattle
03:55:02.660 | is a pretty interesting change of scenery.
03:55:06.860 | - Who's better at knife fighting?
03:55:08.060 | Just kidding, you don't have to answer that.
03:55:10.020 | (laughing)
03:55:11.220 | - Tennessee.
03:55:12.620 | But the traveling is one,
03:55:15.780 | and knowing how other people live
03:55:17.500 | is one aspect of it that I would tell people.
03:55:20.580 | It's risky, it's dangerous,
03:55:22.020 | but that is part of the journey
03:55:23.860 | is one of the things I would ask young people
03:55:26.300 | to kind of consider.
03:55:27.460 | Service is essential,
03:55:30.540 | and it should be at the basis of all of our lives.
03:55:33.340 | Service, start there, start with service.
03:55:35.940 | In any industry, you're gonna go start your own restaurant,
03:55:40.060 | you have to work in the kitchen first, service.
03:55:42.260 | If you're gonna be a part,
03:55:43.380 | a productive member of this country, service.
03:55:45.660 | And I'm not talking just about the military,
03:55:47.500 | because the military, it's a process,
03:55:49.540 | and it's a lifestyle, and it's a thing
03:55:50.860 | for some people out there.
03:55:52.220 | It's not even a choice for other people
03:55:53.460 | if they want an education, and I get that.
03:55:55.780 | Community service of any kind is an essential thing.
03:55:59.980 | The ability to go out there and interact with the people
03:56:02.620 | that you would normally not interact with,
03:56:04.460 | the homeless population that there is in this country,
03:56:07.900 | the older population that, in Mexico,
03:56:11.780 | our old die in our homes,
03:56:14.020 | but here you send them off somewhere else to die,
03:56:17.740 | which is an interesting, weird detachment
03:56:19.420 | that I've seen in the US as far as
03:56:21.700 | how the elders are cast aside.
03:56:24.220 | If I can say anything to young people,
03:56:27.660 | is to start figuring out a life of service,
03:56:30.340 | and that's gonna expose you to a bunch of experiences,
03:56:33.660 | to a bunch of people out there
03:56:34.620 | that you might not regularly meet and see, and realities.
03:56:38.420 | Education is out there.
03:56:41.700 | It is expensive, but I've sat through a bunch
03:56:45.540 | of really expensive classes
03:56:47.060 | that I've managed to see on YouTube,
03:56:49.220 | and learned a lot from them.
03:56:50.940 | So education is out there,
03:56:53.820 | but it doesn't have to be as expensive as they make it.
03:56:56.900 | It's all about the individual
03:56:58.180 | and what he does with that education.
03:57:00.180 | The dream is free and the hustle is sold separately,
03:57:02.220 | is something else I would watch somewhere online,
03:57:06.460 | but the ability to take information, process it, and use it.
03:57:11.060 | We're expecting everything to be safe,
03:57:14.180 | processed, and given to us in a platter,
03:57:16.300 | and taking that and digesting it,
03:57:18.540 | and thinking that's gonna make us somebody
03:57:20.380 | that's gonna be productive or valuable in society.
03:57:22.860 | What's up to us?
03:57:25.860 | The US talks a lot about freedoms,
03:57:27.700 | but doesn't talk a lot about responsibilities.
03:57:30.180 | I think that's a big part of, take responsibility for it.
03:57:33.820 | Like I came here without anything,
03:57:35.700 | and the first thing I thought was,
03:57:37.540 | I have a responsibility for the people that I've worked with,
03:57:41.060 | and the people that are going through
03:57:42.340 | the same problems than I am,
03:57:44.220 | how can I figure out a way to help?
03:57:46.780 | - Yeah, the dark side of thinking a lot about freedom
03:57:49.900 | is thinking too individualistically,
03:57:52.820 | meaning thinking about me,
03:57:54.100 | how to optimize my situation,
03:57:55.580 | forgetting that the deepest growth
03:57:58.940 | you can do as an individual is by taking care of others,
03:58:01.860 | by helping others, by being of service,
03:58:03.820 | by being useful to your community locally,
03:58:06.220 | and then hopefully also at scale,
03:58:08.580 | and that's how you grow,
03:58:10.660 | and that's responsibility of helping those around you.
03:58:13.380 | - There's an isolationist aspect to culture now.
03:58:16.660 | It's like we are separate.
03:58:18.660 | There's almost like a spiritual or cultural amputation
03:58:23.140 | in a way where, you know, when I was a kid,
03:58:27.260 | the house where all the bikes outside of it,
03:58:29.500 | that was where all the kids were hanging out,
03:58:32.420 | and now everybody's on their phone, you know,
03:58:33.900 | in their separate houses chatting on whatever.
03:58:37.040 | There's a detachment to there.
03:58:40.220 | That's a weird aspect to it.
03:58:42.300 | And also the aspect of, I need to be safe.
03:58:45.700 | I can't be offended.
03:58:47.180 | Don't hurt me, safe spaces.
03:58:48.740 | This is my right.
03:58:49.580 | This is my right.
03:58:50.700 | This is my reality.
03:58:51.620 | You need to respect it.
03:58:53.420 | You know, respect is earned.
03:58:55.420 | And where I come from, respect is earned.
03:58:57.460 | There's freedoms, but there's dangerous freedoms.
03:59:01.220 | Any freedom you have in Mexico
03:59:03.780 | is a dangerous freedom in a way, you know?
03:59:06.460 | You can drive home drunk in Mexico.
03:59:09.100 | You can if you bribe a cop on your way there,
03:59:12.140 | and if you don't die or crash into somebody else.
03:59:14.420 | That's a dangerous aspect of freedom.
03:59:17.060 | But there's a responsibility to all of it.
03:59:19.820 | It is a twisted responsibility in a twisted way
03:59:23.100 | to kind of talk about it and describe it,
03:59:25.020 | but I think the aspect of people screaming
03:59:29.500 | for freedom up here, or their rights,
03:59:31.460 | or their privilege without the responsibility,
03:59:35.780 | you know, what are you doing for your community?
03:59:38.380 | You're complaining about this.
03:59:40.940 | What are you doing about it?
03:59:43.500 | Another thing I've noticed in traveling around,
03:59:46.020 | it's scary, is the whole people getting shouted down
03:59:50.300 | or canceled because of what they express or say.
03:59:53.220 | Some of the creepiest experiences I've had in the US
03:59:56.860 | has been through universities,
03:59:58.460 | or just seeing young people that have an opinion
04:00:01.140 | that is completely outside of reality, you know?
04:00:03.540 | People telling me how things are in Mexico
04:00:06.780 | because they learned it through a college course.
04:00:10.460 | - Yes.
04:00:11.300 | - And seeing sons of immigrants criticizing me
04:00:16.300 | because of my opinion of Mexico,
04:00:19.180 | or what I have to say about it.
04:00:20.820 | And if you wanna encounter the worst enemy of a Mexican,
04:00:24.580 | it's usually a second, third generation Mexican up here
04:00:27.460 | that shouts you down for what you're saying.
04:00:30.580 | - I mean, in general, entitlement,
04:00:32.340 | all of those kinds of things.
04:00:33.900 | Some of that comes with just being young in general,
04:00:37.180 | but yes, humility at a societal scale
04:00:41.660 | would benefit significantly, especially the young.
04:00:44.820 | So I would say some of the service that you're speaking to
04:00:48.300 | comes with being humbled.
04:00:51.900 | - Yeah.
04:00:52.740 | - And that is one of the best things you can do
04:00:55.740 | as a young person, whilst maintaining the dream
04:00:58.180 | and the ambition, humble yourself
04:01:00.220 | to the reality of the world.
04:01:01.820 | - Yeah.
04:01:02.940 | One small example, a micro example of this.
04:01:06.420 | My kid, there was a homeless guy.
04:01:11.220 | She was out with family members.
04:01:16.100 | This homeless guy showed up, he was erratic,
04:01:19.540 | mentally disturbed, created a scene.
04:01:22.980 | She was upset.
04:01:24.540 | There was a little bit of trauma there.
04:01:25.620 | She was like, "Oh, now all homeless people are bad."
04:01:28.260 | So with her, she does art pieces sometimes for me
04:01:33.580 | and helps me make designs
04:01:35.260 | for the clothing brand that I have.
04:01:37.460 | And we take some of that money
04:01:38.500 | and we buy socks and underwear.
04:01:40.480 | And sometimes I have them in the car,
04:01:44.180 | sometimes I drive around and see somebody that needs something
04:01:46.220 | and I give it to her.
04:01:47.340 | I says, "You helped me earn this money
04:01:49.540 | "that's gonna help these people.
04:01:50.900 | "So you should just give them these."
04:01:52.740 | And she's like, "Oh, thank you."
04:01:57.740 | She's like, "Yeah, cool."
04:02:00.060 | Roll up the window.
04:02:01.060 | She used to roll up the window really quick,
04:02:03.900 | now she doesn't.
04:02:05.740 | They cease to be scary
04:02:08.540 | because now some of them have names.
04:02:10.500 | Now some of them know her name
04:02:12.140 | when she crosses by there.
04:02:14.340 | So there's contact there.
04:02:16.720 | She's more connected than I am in some of these places now.
04:02:19.620 | She has friends in low places and in high places.
04:02:23.900 | That comes later, I guess.
04:02:25.700 | But she is learning about service.
04:02:27.860 | She's learning about not everybody out there
04:02:31.740 | is an enemy or bad or scary.
04:02:36.380 | She's learning about service.
04:02:38.420 | And she's basically learning that lesson
04:02:40.900 | that I got from my mom long ago.
04:02:42.980 | Nobody's against you, they're for themselves.
04:02:44.980 | Don't take anything personal.
04:02:46.900 | And if you're not doing something for other people
04:02:48.660 | while you're working, then you're not doing anything.
04:02:51.100 | - So when you were young,
04:02:53.300 | you were pretty sure you're gonna die before you're 30.
04:02:57.500 | What's your relationship with death today?
04:02:59.580 | Do you think about your mortality?
04:03:01.320 | Are you afraid of it?
04:03:02.500 | - I'm not afraid of it.
04:03:03.620 | If anything, I'm afraid of meaningless death
04:03:08.620 | or at least a meaningless walk towards it.
04:03:14.060 | I'm afraid of losing the use of my legs, I guess.
04:03:16.380 | I'm afraid of not being able to go out there
04:03:18.700 | and do things anymore.
04:03:19.860 | I'm afraid that I'm not physically capable
04:03:22.540 | of doing the job that I used to do.
04:03:24.300 | So if anything, I'm afraid of stillness.
04:03:28.620 | It's something I always quote a lot in my writing.
04:03:31.040 | Stillness is death.
04:03:33.000 | - So you always want to be challenging yourself,
04:03:35.080 | moving, growing, like you're traveling
04:03:37.920 | so you get all these experiences
04:03:39.440 | and filling your life with all these experiences.
04:03:41.560 | And if it ends, when it ends, you're ready for it.
04:03:44.840 | - Yeah, I'm not afraid of the end.
04:03:47.120 | The ending is important in all things.
04:03:49.520 | First time I got a promotion,
04:03:50.760 | I got two silver coins handed to me.
04:03:53.100 | Here's a silver coin and this is another silver coin.
04:03:57.560 | She said, "I'll give you the other one when your job ends."
04:04:00.500 | It depends on you if you wanted to have it over your eyes
04:04:04.980 | or in your pocket, right?
04:04:07.700 | And the lesson there is that this job you're getting,
04:04:11.220 | it's pretty cool and you're gonna be in charge
04:04:12.580 | of all these people and it's pretty important,
04:04:14.060 | but it's gonna end.
04:04:15.980 | So you always have to, the ending is important
04:04:17.780 | in all things.
04:04:18.620 | If we don't keep that in mind,
04:04:21.180 | then if you think we're immortal and nothing's gonna end,
04:04:23.020 | I think there's an atrophy, a spiritual atrophy in that.
04:04:27.180 | - For the sake of spiritual flourishing,
04:04:29.680 | this conversation too must come to an end.
04:04:32.360 | So I think a beautiful way to end it
04:04:34.000 | and I'm a huge fan of yours.
04:04:35.680 | Thank you for being a man with a life well lived
04:04:39.760 | and for talking with me today.
04:04:41.320 | It's an honor, man.
04:04:42.160 | It was an awesome conversation.
04:04:43.680 | - Thank you for having me on.
04:04:45.720 | - Thanks for listening to this conversation
04:04:47.200 | with Ed Calderon.
04:04:48.640 | To support this podcast,
04:04:49.760 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
04:04:52.440 | And now let me leave you with some words
04:04:54.780 | from Al Pacino's character in Scarface, Tony Montana.
04:04:58.600 | "You don't have the guts to be what you want to be.
04:05:02.840 | You need people like me so you can point your fingers
04:05:05.340 | and say, that's the bad guy."
04:05:07.660 | Thanks for listening.
04:05:10.200 | I hope to see you next time.
04:05:12.140 | (upbeat music)
04:05:14.720 | (upbeat music)
04:05:17.300 | [BLANK_AUDIO]