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How Does a Digital Minimalist Find Interesting Books to Read?


0:9 Question for Cal about how a Digital Minimalist finds books to read
0:22 Cal's thoughts on reading
0:45 Cal's advice on to listen at his monthly books
1:18 Cal's thought on mental pull-ups for the brain

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | [MUSIC]
00:00:04.800 | I will do one more question here.
00:00:05.960 | This one's from Alexander, who asks,
00:00:09.320 | "How does a digital minimalist find interesting books to read?"
00:00:15.040 | Well, my advice here is don't overthink it.
00:00:19.000 | Books are interesting just by definition.
00:00:22.360 | It's someone who has thought a lot about something,
00:00:24.800 | be it a fictional world or an idea or a period of history or event,
00:00:28.440 | and they have put a lot of effort into getting their thoughts on the paper.
00:00:32.280 | Just read. Don't overthink what you read.
00:00:36.120 | You're more likely to do more reading if you
00:00:38.800 | don't care so much about what it is exactly that you're reading.
00:00:41.800 | Go back and listen at the beginning of this episode or from last month or the month
00:00:46.360 | before the segments I do on the books I read each month,
00:00:50.120 | and you will see it is all over the place.
00:00:52.760 | I'm not trying to impress anyone.
00:00:55.000 | I'm not trying to rigorously expand my knowledge of some niche area.
00:01:00.120 | I just wander all over the place.
00:01:01.760 | I've been obsessed recently with Hollywood figures.
00:01:05.120 | Why not? Let's read a bunch of books about that.
00:01:07.040 | I'll read random fiction.
00:01:08.360 | I'll throw in straight up self-help,
00:01:10.600 | but then I'll mix that in with essay collections and journalistic non-fiction.
00:01:13.680 | I don't care. I grab stuff.
00:01:15.840 | I finish, like I need a new book, I grab stuff.
00:01:18.400 | I don't overthink it. You shouldn't overthink it either.
00:01:20.920 | Reading is like calisthenics for your ability to understand and think about the world.
00:01:26.320 | Don't sweat exactly what grip you're using on this metaphorical pull-up bar.
00:01:30.920 | Just get on that bar most days and do some exercising.
00:01:35.040 | [MUSIC]