back to indexTo the Ends of the Earth: The Glory of Christ and the Great Commission - Abner Chou

00:06:22.000 |
-Well, I can't imagine a more fitting introduction to the 00:06:26.000 |
2025 Shepherds Conference than to have a choir loft filled 00:06:30.000 |
with the future teachers and preachers of God's word, singing to a 00:06:34.000 |
worship center filled with the present teachers and preachers of God's word, 00:06:38.000 |
and all of the thousands of men who are on this campus to lift 00:06:42.000 |
high the cross. We're so glad, and of course that's reminiscent of 00:06:46.000 |
what the Lord Jesus said in John 12 when he said, "And I, if I 00:06:50.000 |
am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men 00:06:54.000 |
to myself." And so how fitting that is for that truth to be 00:06:58.000 |
at the forefront of the theme of all that we're going to do here at Shepherds Conference, 00:07:02.000 |
proclaiming this Christ to the ends of the earth. The Lord 00:07:06.000 |
commanded his followers to go into all the world to make disciples 00:07:10.000 |
of every nation, and the fulfillment of this great commission that 00:07:14.000 |
draws us here today remains the chief priority for all of God's people. 00:07:18.000 |
Our greatest motivation is the glory of Christ. Our highest 00:07:22.000 |
confidence is knowing that God has chosen to save sinners 00:07:26.000 |
from every tribe, tongue, nation, and people. And our 00:07:30.000 |
certain hope is that the multitude of the redeemed will one day 00:07:34.000 |
be gathered around the throne of heaven to reverberate 00:07:38.000 |
with ceaseless praise before the glorious Lamb. So with all 00:07:42.000 |
of that, we just want to welcome you to this Shepherds Conference, all 00:07:46.000 |
5,000 of you dispersed all throughout this campus 00:07:50.000 |
for this corporate time of worship and praise and encouragement 00:07:54.000 |
and strengthening. We have all 50 states represented, 00:08:14.000 |
and 1,000 of you are here for the very first time. So if this is 00:08:18.000 |
the first time you've been a guest at Shepherds Conference, would you stand so we can see where you are? 00:08:34.000 |
Welcome. This morning we have -- and we're going to begin our conference with Dr. Abner Chow, 00:08:38.000 |
the president of the Master's University and Seminary. He's an elder at Grace 00:08:42.000 |
Community Church, the head translator for both the Old Testament and New Testament 00:08:46.000 |
for the Legacy Standard Bible. And most importantly, he is 00:08:50.000 |
a preacher of the Word of God. But before he comes, we have 00:08:54.000 |
more to enjoy from the Master's Seminary Choir and even a moment for us all 00:08:58.000 |
to join together in song. So let's open our time in prayer 00:09:02.000 |
and ask the Lord's blessing upon all we're about to do. 00:09:06.000 |
Almighty God, we have received our marching orders from above 00:09:10.000 |
to proclaim your Son to the ends of the earth, to stand together 00:09:14.000 |
as a willing band of brothers, to be linked with one 00:09:18.000 |
purpose, with one resolve, focused on one mission, 00:09:22.000 |
to spend our lives pointing to the Lamb of God, 00:09:26.000 |
to allow His excellence and grace to flow from our lips forever, 00:09:30.000 |
to bring to bear upon this fallen world the truth that 00:09:34.000 |
sin can be forgiven, that hope can be renewed, 00:09:38.000 |
that souls can be reborn if only they would look to the Cross 00:09:42.000 |
and bow their hearts before the Champion of Heaven. 00:09:46.000 |
There's no higher calling on earth than this. There's no higher mandate 00:09:50.000 |
than the one we have received from you. So help us, dear God, 00:09:54.000 |
to drink deeply from the well of your Word that our time together 00:09:58.000 |
might be a refreshment to your men from the fount of every 00:10:02.000 |
blessing. May we be granted the boldness to guard the treasure that's been 00:10:06.000 |
entrusted to us, and may we be filled with the greatest of joy 00:10:10.000 |
so that one day we too might join with all who have 00:10:14.000 |
come before us and crown your Son with many crowns that 00:10:18.000 |
He alone deserves. Bless our week together, we pray, in the 00:13:42.000 |
Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we seek to proclaim to the ends 00:13:50.000 |
foundation of His church. And appropriately, our opening 00:13:54.000 |
congregational hymn is in your hymnal. Please find a hymnal. 00:14:06.000 |
Gentlemen, would you please stand as we sing? 00:17:42.000 |
while fulfilling the Great Commission even as God 00:17:50.000 |
In fact, some of you here right now are experiencing 00:17:58.000 |
grace to honor Christ regardless of our circumstances and to 00:18:02.000 |
continue preaching Christ everywhere no matter the 00:18:10.000 |
John Martin to come this morning and sing now for us 00:43:59.000 |
And that is the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. 00:44:12.000 |
No one has endorsement like the Lord Jesus Christ. 00:44:20.000 |
And it's not just that it is endorsed by God. 00:45:23.000 |
When Christ came into this world in His first advent, 00:45:29.000 |
That is the effectiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ. 00:45:55.000 |
"in whom I will show forth my beautiful glory." 00:46:17.000 |
But here is something amazing to think about. 00:47:51.000 |
who is the end of all things? What do you give 00:51:23.000 |
They knew the greatness of the redemption that 00:51:45.000 |
Well, we don't just go because of the greatness 00:53:35.000 |
with righteousness, and you're afflicted with 00:53:39.000 |
even though the movies say the good guys always 00:55:09.000 |
You might say, some people will say, "Well, of course, 00:55:11.000 |
you can make the world a nice place, but people 00:55:25.000 |
God will make sure all the people of the world 00:58:59.000 |
messianic prophecy, and it says in there, "Have dominion 01:01:53.000 |
can do whatever we want and take over the world. That is 01:02:35.000 |
we don't want to be belligerent, and we don't want to be pugnacious. 01:03:45.000 |
because they just don't want to keep failing. 01:04:33.000 |
participation trophies. No, I'm just kidding. 01:06:05.000 |
smell of life to those who live and the smell 01:07:55.000 |
far from me, for distress is near." Verse 11, 01:10:13.000 |
they pass away. When somebody is electrocuted, 01:10:31.000 |
"I will surely recount your name to my brothers." 01:11:17.000 |
bow before him." How can you go down to the dust 01:11:21.000 |
who cannot keep his soul alive because they were raised 01:11:49.000 |
the afflicted of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face 01:11:51.000 |
from him. But when he cried to him for help, he 01:11:59.000 |
led by him, and he's the center of everything. 01:13:07.000 |
disgusting it is to God, and we will remember 01:13:29.000 |
end of heaven, to the very ends of the earth. 01:13:47.000 |
the families of the nations, as the text says, will 01:17:55.000 |
and the gospel will go to the ends of the earth. 01:17:59.000 |
contribute to that, whatever the Lord decides,