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Time Perception & Entrainment by Dopamine, Serotonin & Hormones | Huberman Lab Podcast #46


0:0 Introducing Time Perception, Note on Fasting & Supplements
5:12 Sponsors: ROKA, Athletic Greens, InsideTracker
9:25 Entrainment, Circannual Entrainment, Melatonin
13:20 Seasonal Oscillations in Testosterone & Estrogen, Tool 1
16:6 Circadian Timing, Tools 1, 2, 3 (for Circadian Entrainment)
21:13 Tool 4: Timing Physical Activity; Tool 5: Timing Eating Window
23:0 When Circadian Entrainment is Disrupted, Time Perception Suffers
25:0 Tool 6: Ultradian (90min) Cycles & Focus
31:42 Our Sense of the Passage of Time: Present, Prospective, Retrospective
34:40 Dopamine (& Nor/epinephrine) Lead to Time Overestimation; Frame Rate
37:18 Serotonin & Time Underestimation; Decreased Frame Rate
39:10 Dopamine vs. Serotonin Across the Day; Tool 7: When to Do Rigid vs. Creative Work
42:38 Example of Tool 7
43:38 How Sleep Deprivation Degrades Performance
44:38 Trauma, “Over-clocking” & Memories; Adjusting Rates of Experience
50:4 Why Trauma Involves Dopamine & Epinephrine, Arousal
51:3 Dopamine, Spontaneous Blinking & Time Perception; Tool 8
53:38 Deliberate Cold Exposure, Dopamine, Tool 9: Adjusting Frame Rate in Discomfort
56:30 Fun “Feels Fast” BUT Is Remembered as Slow; Boring Stuff “Feels Slow,” Recall As Fast
60:54 Retrospective Time, Context Variation & Enhanced Bonding with Places & People
63:0 Dopamine Release Resets the Start of Each Time Bin on Our Experience
67:40 Habits & Time Perception; Tool 10 (Setting Functional Units of Each Day)
71:58 Synthesis & Book Suggestion (Your Brain Is a Time Machine by D. Buonomano)
72:27 Supporting the HLP: Subscribe, Instagram, Patreon, Thorne Supplements

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.320 | - Welcome to the Huberman Lab Podcast,
00:00:02.280 | where we discuss science and science-based tools
00:00:04.880 | for everyday life.
00:00:05.900 | I'm Andrew Huberman,
00:00:10.140 | and I'm a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology
00:00:12.960 | at Stanford School of Medicine.
00:00:14.920 | Today, we are talking about time perception.
00:00:18.040 | Our perception of time is perhaps the most important factor
00:00:21.920 | in how we gauge our life.
00:00:24.040 | That is, whether or not we think we are being successful,
00:00:26.960 | whether or not we are failing,
00:00:28.500 | whether or not we live in fear,
00:00:30.280 | whether or not we live in relation to things
00:00:32.440 | in a way that's positive.
00:00:33.680 | And the reason for that is that our perception of time
00:00:37.040 | is directly linked to the neurochemical states
00:00:39.840 | that control mood, stress, happiness, excitement,
00:00:44.040 | and of course, it frames the way
00:00:46.080 | in which we evaluate our past.
00:00:48.680 | So whether or not we think of our past
00:00:50.640 | as successful or unsuccessful, it frames our present,
00:00:54.640 | whether or not we think we are on track or off track,
00:00:57.380 | and it frames our sense of the future,
00:00:59.840 | whether or not we think we have a bright future,
00:01:02.480 | a dim future, or whether or not the future
00:01:04.520 | is very uncertain or not.
00:01:07.240 | Today, we're going to talk about
00:01:08.260 | the science of time perception,
00:01:10.260 | and we are going to talk about tools and protocols
00:01:13.200 | that you can use that can enhance your ability
00:01:17.000 | to dilate and contract time.
00:01:19.020 | What do we mean by dilate and contract time?
00:01:21.920 | We can control the speed at which we experience life.
00:01:25.460 | We can slow things down or we can speed
00:01:28.140 | our experience of life up,
00:01:29.880 | and we can do that in a very direct and dynamic way.
00:01:32.960 | It's actually not that hard
00:01:34.440 | once you understand how time perception works.
00:01:36.640 | So that's where we're headed.
00:01:37.520 | I think you're going to come away from today's episode
00:01:39.680 | with a lot of new knowledge,
00:01:41.800 | and certainly with many tools that you can try
00:01:44.400 | in your daily life, whether or not that's work, sport,
00:01:46.760 | relational, emotional, and so on.
00:01:49.400 | Before we begin our discussion about time perception,
00:01:52.400 | I'd like to answer some questions that I received
00:01:54.960 | related to the episode on fasting
00:01:57.060 | and time-restricted feeding.
00:01:58.860 | If you haven't seen that episode,
00:02:00.080 | this information should still be of use to you.
00:02:02.840 | Time-restricted feeding involves eating
00:02:05.000 | for a particular period of time in each 24-hour cycle
00:02:08.120 | that's fairly regular.
00:02:09.700 | So this would be an eight-hour most often
00:02:12.180 | or a 10-hour block.
00:02:13.260 | Some people do shorter feeding windows,
00:02:15.940 | but regardless, that feeding window is supposed to fall
00:02:18.040 | at more or less the same period within each 24-hour day.
00:02:20.800 | This has a number of positive effects on gene expression
00:02:23.800 | that regulate a number of positive effects
00:02:25.480 | on the different tissues of the body.
00:02:27.000 | And for some people, not all,
00:02:28.840 | but for some people makes weight loss easier
00:02:31.920 | because of the way that they are not eating
00:02:34.040 | for large periods of each 24-hour cycle.
00:02:36.800 | In any event, one of the major questions I got
00:02:39.460 | after that episode was do supplements break a fast?
00:02:44.000 | And during that episode, I talked about what breaks a fast
00:02:46.740 | is highly contextual.
00:02:48.260 | It basically boils down to whether or not
00:02:50.560 | something you ingest, whether it be liquid or food,
00:02:54.540 | increases your resting blood glucose,
00:02:56.460 | how much it increases that resting blood glucose,
00:02:58.980 | and how long that increase lasts.
00:03:01.760 | So you can check out the episode
00:03:02.960 | for more about what breaks a fast,
00:03:05.460 | but to address this issue about supplements
00:03:08.200 | and whether or not supplements a particular break of fast,
00:03:10.920 | many of the questions were about Athletic Greens.
00:03:13.560 | Athletic Greens is a sponsor of this podcast.
00:03:16.480 | It is also a terrific supplement that I had been taking
00:03:19.040 | for more than a decade before this podcast launched,
00:03:21.960 | and many people have been using
00:03:24.320 | and continue to use Athletic Greens.
00:03:26.840 | Does Athletic Greens break a fast?
00:03:28.920 | Well, that will somewhat depend on whether or not
00:03:31.040 | your resting blood glucose tends to run high or low,
00:03:34.240 | but for most people, including me, because I've measured it,
00:03:37.120 | ingesting Athletic Greens does not break a fast,
00:03:39.580 | and if it happens to break a fast,
00:03:41.180 | it would be a very transient break in fast.
00:03:43.800 | So without knowing your resting blood glucose levels
00:03:46.560 | on an individual basis, there's no way I can say for sure
00:03:49.040 | that it doesn't break a fast, but chances are it does not,
00:03:51.880 | because it doesn't contain much carbohydrate or sugar,
00:03:55.360 | and it doesn't tend to therefore pull you
00:03:58.680 | out of the molecular milieu
00:04:00.560 | associated with low blood glucose states.
00:04:04.240 | The other question I get is whether or not
00:04:05.960 | things like fish oil break a fast,
00:04:07.780 | and once again, this will be contextual,
00:04:10.960 | but because fish oil is a fat,
00:04:13.880 | mainly essential fatty acids, in particular EPA and DHA,
00:04:17.180 | those don't tend to raise blood glucose very much.
00:04:20.900 | In my case, having measured using
00:04:23.000 | a continuous glucose monitor, my resting blood glucose,
00:04:25.920 | fish oil does not in any way change
00:04:27.700 | my resting blood glucose.
00:04:29.640 | Chances are it won't do that for most people as well.
00:04:32.140 | So does fish oil break a fast?
00:04:33.840 | Chances are it does not.
00:04:36.200 | And of course, people wanted to know
00:04:37.840 | about pill type supplements, you know,
00:04:39.840 | caffeine and things that raise dopamine
00:04:41.960 | and their vitamins and minerals, in general,
00:04:44.220 | if something doesn't contain sugar
00:04:46.220 | or much carbohydrate of any kind,
00:04:49.280 | it's not going to raise blood glucose very much.
00:04:51.500 | Now, of course, protein can raise blood glucose
00:04:53.480 | and fat can too as well, although to a lesser extent.
00:04:57.240 | So again, this is all contextual,
00:04:59.000 | but at least by the logic that I just spelled out,
00:05:02.100 | athletic greens, fish oil, and most forms of supplements,
00:05:05.780 | provided they don't have any sugar or protein content,
00:05:08.700 | should not quote unquote break a fast.
00:05:11.720 | Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize
00:05:13.520 | that this podcast is separate from my teaching
00:05:15.760 | and research roles at Stanford.
00:05:17.540 | It is however, part of my desire and effort
00:05:19.800 | to bring zero cost to consumer information about science
00:05:22.400 | and science related tools to the general public.
00:05:25.000 | In keeping with that theme,
00:05:26.040 | I'd like to thank the sponsors of today's podcast.
00:05:28.840 | Our first sponsor is Roca.
00:05:30.920 | Roca makes eyeglasses and sunglasses
00:05:33.000 | that are of the absolute highest quality.
00:05:35.640 | I've spent a lifetime working on the visual system.
00:05:38.040 | And one of the key things about our visual system
00:05:40.040 | is that it's designed so that when you move into areas
00:05:42.960 | where it's sunny or where there are shadows,
00:05:45.640 | you can still see things with crystal clarity.
00:05:48.820 | Many sunglasses out there have the problem
00:05:50.980 | that you have to keep taking them off
00:05:52.640 | and putting them back on depending on the overall
00:05:55.160 | so-called ambient environment that you're in.
00:05:57.460 | Roca sunglasses have solved this problem.
00:06:00.540 | And their eyeglasses also have superb clarity
00:06:03.840 | regardless of overall ambient lighting, as we say.
00:06:06.520 | In other words, you see everything very clearly
00:06:08.320 | no matter where you are.
00:06:10.460 | They also come in a number of different styles.
00:06:12.200 | The aesthetics are really terrific.
00:06:13.560 | So unlike a lot of performance glasses out there
00:06:15.640 | that make people look like cyborgs,
00:06:17.320 | you can wear them anywhere.
00:06:18.160 | You can wear them to dinner,
00:06:19.040 | you can wear them to school or work or in social engagements,
00:06:21.300 | and you can wear them running and cycling
00:06:22.800 | and out doing your various activities.
00:06:25.140 | If you'd like to try Roca glasses,
00:06:26.560 | you can go to Roca, that's
00:06:29.280 | and enter the code Huberman to save 20% off your first order.
00:06:33.260 | Today's episode is also brought to us by Athletic Greens.
00:06:36.180 | Athletic Greens is an all-in-one vitamin mineral
00:06:38.460 | probiotic drink.
00:06:40.120 | I started using Athletic Greens way back in 2012,
00:06:43.140 | and so I'm delighted that they're sponsoring the podcast.
00:06:45.780 | The reason I started using Athletic Greens
00:06:47.700 | and the reason I still take Athletic Greens
00:06:49.220 | once or twice every day is that it covers
00:06:51.860 | all of my foundational needs for vitamins,
00:06:53.980 | minerals, and probiotics.
00:06:55.780 | In fact, when people ask me what supplements
00:06:58.060 | they should take, if I were going to recommend
00:07:00.260 | just one supplement, it would be Athletic Greens
00:07:02.340 | because of the enormous number of biological factors
00:07:05.640 | that it impacts in a positive way.
00:07:07.740 | As I mentioned, vitamins and minerals,
00:07:09.580 | the probiotics are really important
00:07:11.000 | for the gut microbiome and gut health,
00:07:13.180 | which is important for the immune system
00:07:15.380 | and for brain health and for mood
00:07:17.200 | and a number of other important factors,
00:07:19.100 | including hormones and so on.
00:07:20.920 | If you'd like to try Athletic Greens,
00:07:22.380 | you can go to
00:07:25.300 | to claim their special offer.
00:07:26.820 | They'll give you five free travel packs,
00:07:28.480 | which make it really easy to mix up Athletic Greens
00:07:30.440 | while you're on the road or in the car,
00:07:32.220 | and they'll give you a year supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:07:35.760 | Vitamin D3 and K2 have been shown to be really important
00:07:39.480 | for a number of important aspects
00:07:41.960 | of your immediate and long-term health,
00:07:43.580 | including blood lipid profiles and a number of other things.
00:07:46.560 | Again, go to
00:07:49.400 | to get the Athletic Greens, the five free travel packs,
00:07:51.560 | and the year supply of vitamin D3K2.
00:07:54.600 | Today's podcast is also brought to us by Inside Tracker.
00:07:57.360 | Inside Tracker is a personalized nutrition platform
00:07:59.800 | that analyzes data from your blood and DNA
00:08:02.160 | to help you better understand your body
00:08:03.740 | and help you reach your health goals.
00:08:05.840 | I've long been a believer in getting regular blood work done
00:08:08.300 | for the simple reason that many of the factors
00:08:10.800 | that impact your immediate and long-term health
00:08:12.620 | can only be analyzed from a quality blood test.
00:08:15.280 | And it's for that reason that I get my blood work done
00:08:18.020 | once every four to six months.
00:08:19.860 | Might seem like a lot, but it has been vital
00:08:22.440 | in order to keep my health where I want it
00:08:24.900 | and to ensure that my health trajectory
00:08:26.780 | is heading in the direction that I'd like it to go
00:08:29.020 | with each passing year.
00:08:30.900 | The other thing about Inside Tracker is they have DNA tests
00:08:33.780 | which can tell you about the specific makeup of your genes
00:08:36.720 | that can impact your particular nutrition, lifestyle,
00:08:41.100 | and supplementation regimes that can also help you
00:08:43.380 | steer your immediate and long-term health
00:08:45.260 | in the direction that you want to go.
00:08:47.280 | They make the whole thing very, very easy.
00:08:49.520 | You can have the blood test taken at home,
00:08:51.160 | or you can go to a local clinic.
00:08:52.960 | Then the results come back.
00:08:54.780 | And the wonderful thing is the platform,
00:08:57.320 | the dashboard that they use, walks you through your data
00:09:00.380 | and points to specific things related to nutrition.
00:09:03.380 | Maybe you should be eating more of certain things,
00:09:05.820 | eating less of others,
00:09:07.300 | supplementing in certain ways or not,
00:09:09.680 | and lifestyle factors like exercise
00:09:12.000 | in order to bring the numbers into the ranges
00:09:13.960 | that are right for your immediate and long-term health.
00:09:16.520 | If you'd like to try Inside Tracker,
00:09:17.980 | you can visit
00:09:20.620 | to get 25% off any of Inside Tracker's plans.
00:09:23.340 | Just use the code Huberman at checkout.
00:09:26.100 | So let's talk about time perception.
00:09:28.020 | And the most fundamental aspect of time perception
00:09:30.540 | is something called entrainment.
00:09:32.700 | Entrainment is the way in which your internal processes,
00:09:36.600 | your biology and your psychology,
00:09:39.040 | are linked to some external thing.
00:09:42.300 | And the most basic form of entrainment
00:09:44.420 | that we are all a slave to all year round
00:09:48.660 | for our entire life are so-called circannual rhythms.
00:09:53.720 | We have neurons, nerve cells in our eye, in our brain,
00:09:58.400 | and in our body that are marking off the passage of time
00:10:03.240 | throughout the year,
00:10:04.380 | literally a calendar system in your brain and body.
00:10:07.160 | And the way this works is beautifully simple.
00:10:09.960 | Light seen by your eyes inhibits,
00:10:15.440 | meaning it reduces the amount of a hormone
00:10:17.920 | released in your brain called melatonin.
00:10:21.360 | Melatonin has two major functions.
00:10:23.880 | One function is to make you sleepy at night,
00:10:26.140 | and the other is to regulate
00:10:27.540 | some of the other hormones of the body,
00:10:29.700 | in particular, testosterone and estrogen.
00:10:31.740 | When we view light,
00:10:35.060 | we reduce the amount of melatonin released.
00:10:37.060 | In fact, if you wake up in the middle of the night,
00:10:38.900 | when melatonin typically is pretty high
00:10:41.000 | in your brain and body,
00:10:42.180 | and you flip on a bright light in the bathroom,
00:10:44.580 | your melatonin levels crash down to almost zero
00:10:47.820 | and stay there.
00:10:49.500 | Light is a very powerful modulator of melatonin,
00:10:52.820 | and light inhibits melatonin.
00:10:54.940 | Throughout the year, depending on where you live,
00:10:59.020 | day length varies, and as a consequence,
00:11:02.060 | the amount of light from the sun
00:11:04.820 | that is available to you varies.
00:11:07.260 | So when days are long,
00:11:09.580 | the amount of melatonin in your brain and body
00:11:11.760 | that's released tends to be less.
00:11:14.380 | There's less of it,
00:11:15.240 | and it's released for shorter amounts of time, okay?
00:11:18.340 | Because light inhibits melatonin.
00:11:20.460 | When days are very short,
00:11:22.320 | the amount of melatonin that's released
00:11:24.400 | and the duration that that melatonin exists
00:11:26.600 | in your brain and body tends to be much longer.
00:11:29.320 | So melatonin correlates with day length,
00:11:32.780 | and if we are viewing more light,
00:11:36.100 | we have less melatonin, we view less light,
00:11:38.580 | we have more melatonin.
00:11:40.440 | You see different amounts of light each day,
00:11:45.440 | but we have a process in our brain and body
00:11:48.880 | that averages the amount of light that you're seeing,
00:11:51.260 | both from artificial sources and from sunlight,
00:11:53.960 | and measures that off.
00:11:55.640 | And it's so exquisitely precise
00:11:58.640 | that for a given, say, eight-hour day in the spring,
00:12:03.180 | because spring in the Northern Hemisphere or elsewhere,
00:12:05.860 | days are getting longer,
00:12:07.240 | that means that the amount of melatonin
00:12:11.140 | is getting progressively less and less,
00:12:13.400 | and that signal is conveyed to all the systems
00:12:15.660 | of your brain and body.
00:12:17.060 | And this is why most people, not all,
00:12:18.860 | but most people feel like they have more energy
00:12:21.240 | in the spring.
00:12:22.860 | Conversely, when you have an eight-hour day in the winter,
00:12:27.700 | the amount of melatonin that corresponds
00:12:29.860 | to that eight-hour day
00:12:31.660 | is getting progressively greater and greater,
00:12:34.460 | because why?
00:12:35.460 | Days are getting shorter,
00:12:36.580 | so melatonin is increasing from day to day to day.
00:12:40.480 | Every cell and system of your body pays attention to this,
00:12:42.880 | and as a consequence, most people, not all,
00:12:44.660 | but most people feel they have a little less
00:12:46.940 | or sometimes a lot less energy
00:12:48.580 | and a slightly lower mood in the winter months.
00:12:51.480 | Now, there are exceptions to this, of course,
00:12:53.780 | but the melatonin signal is the way
00:12:56.620 | in which your internal state, your mood,
00:13:00.220 | your sense of energy, even your appetite,
00:13:03.340 | is entrained, is matched to some external event.
00:13:07.180 | In this case, the event is the rotation of the Earth
00:13:09.980 | around the sun.
00:13:11.340 | There are other forms of entrainment,
00:13:13.560 | meaning the matching of your brain and body
00:13:16.040 | to things that are happening in your external environment.
00:13:18.800 | One particularly interesting example of this
00:13:20.820 | was published last year by Perik et al.
00:13:23.080 | in "Cell Report," "Cell Press Journal," excellent journal,
00:13:25.960 | showing that across the calendar year,
00:13:28.740 | the amount of testosterone and estrogen
00:13:31.280 | that human beings make varies,
00:13:33.740 | such that in longer days,
00:13:35.820 | they tend to make more testosterone and estrogen
00:13:38.280 | than in shorter days,
00:13:39.420 | and this was correlated with things like
00:13:41.800 | desire to seek out romantic partners
00:13:43.740 | or have romantic interactions with their existing partners,
00:13:47.140 | even aggression, although not violent aggression,
00:13:50.820 | but sense of kind of willingness to argue
00:13:52.980 | and to get into kind of combative states
00:13:56.180 | and overall energy and mood.
00:13:58.340 | This is something that had been hypothesized
00:13:59.980 | for a long time,
00:14:00.820 | but it had never really been cleanly demonstrated,
00:14:02.940 | and what they showed was that it's actually the skin
00:14:06.660 | that's taking information about the amount of light
00:14:08.960 | and converting it into these increases
00:14:10.940 | in testosterone and estrogen.
00:14:12.700 | Light exposure to the skin turns out about two hours a day.
00:14:17.500 | This was sunlight in this case to the upper body.
00:14:19.380 | These people weren't naked.
00:14:20.280 | They were wearing clothes, but their arms were exposed.
00:14:22.980 | Their upper back and neck and face were exposed.
00:14:25.140 | They were not wearing hats.
00:14:27.060 | Resulted in large increases,
00:14:29.840 | significant increases in testosterone and estrogen.
00:14:32.700 | Now, you could probably export a tool from that if you liked.
00:14:35.580 | That's not really what this podcast is about,
00:14:37.260 | but it's very clear that because the skin is acting
00:14:40.680 | as an endocrine organ, excuse me,
00:14:42.900 | as kind of a hormone influencing organ,
00:14:46.120 | that getting light on the skin, not just to the eyes,
00:14:49.080 | can influence our sense of wellbeing
00:14:51.580 | by these hormone pathways.
00:14:53.000 | And the threshold there, again,
00:14:54.600 | seemed to be about two hours a day.
00:14:55.960 | It doesn't have to be very bright outside.
00:14:57.660 | There can be cloud cover and so on.
00:14:59.320 | Many people will probably ask,
00:15:00.820 | will sunscreen inhibit this effect?
00:15:03.600 | And it doesn't appear that it does.
00:15:05.600 | Obviously, prioritize skin health and avoiding skin cancer.
00:15:09.960 | Sunscreen is kind of a controversial topic nowadays.
00:15:12.640 | Maybe the topic for another podcast episode at some point.
00:15:16.340 | But nonetheless, what the Perik et al study shows,
00:15:19.460 | and that's most relevant to today's podcast,
00:15:21.360 | is that we are entrained,
00:15:23.480 | we are matched to the external light-dark cycle.
00:15:26.400 | And as the day length changes, our hormones change.
00:15:29.600 | And we can override that with exposure to bright lights.
00:15:33.240 | People go sit on tanning beds.
00:15:35.360 | That's not a practice I particularly myself engage in,
00:15:38.440 | but there are a number of different ways
00:15:39.560 | that people can override these processes.
00:15:41.720 | But the point is very simple.
00:15:44.240 | The point is that our perception of time is both conscious,
00:15:49.240 | it's waiting, watching the clock tick down,
00:15:52.040 | and there are these slower, what we call oscillatory,
00:15:54.720 | meaning up and down repeatedly,
00:15:56.280 | slower oscillatory events related to day length
00:15:59.280 | that are influencing our hormones,
00:16:01.280 | like melatonin, testosterone, and estrogen,
00:16:03.160 | and therefore our mood, our outlook,
00:16:05.000 | and even our behavior.
00:16:06.400 | The next level of time or bin of time, as we say,
00:16:10.600 | that we are all entrained or matched to
00:16:14.920 | is the so-called circadian time cycle,
00:16:17.600 | which is 24-hour rhythm.
00:16:20.040 | This is perhaps the most powerful rhythm
00:16:23.560 | that we all contain and that none of us can escape from.
00:16:26.840 | We all have this circadian clock
00:16:30.900 | that resides over the roof of our mouth,
00:16:32.760 | the cells in that circadian clock fire,
00:16:35.600 | meaning they release chemicals into our brain and body
00:16:39.940 | on a very regular rhythm.
00:16:41.280 | So across the 24-hour cycle,
00:16:44.040 | they will be very active at some periods
00:16:46.320 | and less active at others.
00:16:48.220 | Not surprisingly, there are periods of every 24-hour cycle
00:16:52.240 | when we are very active and we tend to be alert
00:16:54.880 | and others when we are asleep.
00:16:57.040 | Now, I've talked a lot about circadian rhythms
00:16:58.800 | and sleep on this podcast previously,
00:17:01.080 | and so I don't want to repeat too much of that information
00:17:03.280 | in detail, but I'm just going to give a summary
00:17:05.100 | of how circadian entrainment works
00:17:07.120 | because I haven't really covered that
00:17:10.020 | in the context of time perception.
00:17:11.720 | We have the circadian clock.
00:17:15.140 | It oscillates, it goes up and down once every 24 hours
00:17:18.680 | and then repeats.
00:17:19.800 | Every cell of our body has a 24-hour oscillation
00:17:22.800 | in the expression of various genes.
00:17:24.800 | How that works is actually really simple,
00:17:26.720 | elegant, and interesting.
00:17:29.160 | DNA genes make RNA.
00:17:32.360 | RNA is converted into proteins.
00:17:34.520 | Every cell in our body has this beautiful 24-hour timer
00:17:39.880 | where a gene is expressed.
00:17:42.100 | And the important thing to understand about a given gene
00:17:45.600 | in this context is that that gene is inhibited,
00:17:49.220 | meaning it's reduced by a particular protein,
00:17:52.720 | by a little biological molecule in that cell.
00:17:55.800 | So the gene gets expressed when there's very little
00:17:59.400 | of that other molecule around.
00:18:01.320 | DNA then becomes RNA, RNA is translated into a protein,
00:18:06.320 | and that protein goes way, way up and the gene shuts down.
00:18:09.680 | But as that protein gets used up
00:18:12.400 | and its levels eventually drop low, low, low, low, low
00:18:14.620 | to zero, the gene cycle kicks in again
00:18:17.460 | and the gene gets expressed,
00:18:18.520 | the RNA gets expressed in the protein again.
00:18:21.260 | This all happens on a 24-hour cycle.
00:18:23.560 | So it's a little built-in timer in each and every one
00:18:25.860 | of our cells.
00:18:26.700 | And I didn't list off the genes,
00:18:27.880 | but for the aficionados out there,
00:18:29.240 | they go by names like per, for period, be, mal, clock,
00:18:32.400 | and all these different things.
00:18:33.220 | We call them the clock genes.
00:18:34.280 | And those clock genes regulate a number
00:18:35.860 | of different functions.
00:18:36.700 | So every cell in our body has a 24-hour cycle
00:18:39.360 | of gene and protein expression.
00:18:41.480 | And the earth rotates once every 24 hours.
00:18:44.820 | And the processes that are happening in every cell
00:18:47.560 | of our body are linked.
00:18:49.700 | They are entrained, as we say,
00:18:51.520 | to the outside light-dark cycle because morning sunlight,
00:18:56.420 | evening sunlight, and the lack of light
00:19:00.640 | in the middle of the night make sure that the changes,
00:19:05.160 | these oscillations that are occurring within the cells
00:19:07.780 | of our brain and body are matched
00:19:09.840 | to the outside light-dark cycle.
00:19:11.560 | And I want to go into all the details of how that happens,
00:19:13.640 | but there's some very simple tools that one can use
00:19:16.120 | to ensure that your entrainment,
00:19:18.620 | your circadian entrainment is precise.
00:19:21.580 | And I cannot emphasize enough how important it is
00:19:24.660 | that your circadian entrainment be precise.
00:19:29.240 | Because disruptions in circadian entrainment
00:19:31.840 | cause huge health problems.
00:19:33.260 | They increase cancer risk.
00:19:34.780 | They increase obesity.
00:19:36.460 | They increase mental health issues.
00:19:38.820 | They decrease wound healing.
00:19:41.200 | They decrease physical and mental performance.
00:19:43.420 | They disrupt hormones.
00:19:44.740 | You want your cells to be linked to the circadian cycle
00:19:48.600 | that's outside you.
00:19:49.440 | And the circadian cycle outside you mainly consists
00:19:52.180 | of when there's sunlight and when there is not.
00:19:54.920 | And that's why the simple protocols to fall out
00:19:58.120 | of this whole discussion about circadian entrainment
00:20:00.580 | are the following.
00:20:01.680 | View 10 to 30 minutes of bright light, ideally sunlight,
00:20:04.720 | within an hour of waking,
00:20:06.400 | assuming that you're waking early in the day,
00:20:07.840 | especially you wake up early in the day,
00:20:09.600 | get outside, see sunlight.
00:20:10.840 | Do that again in the afternoon or around evening,
00:20:14.000 | 10 to 30 minutes, depending on how bright it is outside.
00:20:16.980 | Artificial lights throughout the day,
00:20:19.100 | or if you want to be awake and you wake up early
00:20:21.940 | and there's no sunlight outside,
00:20:23.540 | you can of course turn on artificial lights
00:20:25.380 | if you want to be awake,
00:20:26.280 | but basically you want as much bright light,
00:20:28.240 | ideally from sunlight,
00:20:29.600 | coming in through your eyes throughout the day.
00:20:31.640 | And then in the evening,
00:20:32.960 | you want as little bright light coming in through your eyes.
00:20:36.320 | I've said this over and over and over again on this podcast.
00:20:38.740 | There's always a lot of negotiations,
00:20:40.240 | but I want to make a few things clear.
00:20:41.940 | Try not to wear sunglasses.
00:20:43.120 | If you can do it safely,
00:20:44.240 | find to wear eyeglasses or contacts.
00:20:46.340 | That's not going to be a problem.
00:20:48.040 | The light viewing that you do
00:20:51.120 | and the avoidance of light at night,
00:20:53.140 | set the fundamental layer of your time perception.
00:20:58.140 | One of the best ways to disrupt your perception of time
00:21:02.440 | in the ways that we're going to talk about
00:21:03.920 | in the subsequent portions of the podcast
00:21:06.240 | is to disrupt your circadian clock.
00:21:07.960 | And that is not a good thing
00:21:09.440 | for a number of different reasons.
00:21:11.400 | There are other ways to so-called entrain
00:21:13.320 | your circadian clock.
00:21:14.280 | One of the best ways to do that
00:21:16.060 | is to engage in physical activity
00:21:18.960 | at fairly regular times of day.
00:21:20.680 | You don't have to do it every day,
00:21:21.740 | but if you're going to exercise,
00:21:23.360 | try and exercise at a fairly consistent time of day.
00:21:25.980 | Probably better to exercise than to not exercise,
00:21:29.040 | even if you have to move that time of day.
00:21:31.360 | But light, activity, and we'll talk about the third
00:21:34.720 | in a minute, food, are the major ways
00:21:36.920 | that you entrain your internal perception of time
00:21:40.140 | to the external events of the world,
00:21:43.640 | meaning that the turning of the earth
00:21:45.520 | and therefore the exposure to sunlight or not.
00:21:48.680 | So in addition to the sunlight viewing in the morning
00:21:52.840 | and throughout the day and avoiding bright light at night
00:21:54.720 | of any kind, not just blue light,
00:21:56.740 | trying to get your activity, your exercise at fairly regular
00:22:00.080 | within plus or minus two hours from each day to the next
00:22:04.000 | is going to have a very positive effect
00:22:05.880 | on so-called circadian entrainment.
00:22:08.080 | And also eating at fairly regular times.
00:22:10.760 | However, this is exciting.
00:22:13.200 | The data mainly point to the fact that you need to eat
00:22:15.680 | within more or less the same time window each day,
00:22:18.860 | not that you always need to eat your meals
00:22:20.900 | at exactly the same time.
00:22:22.720 | So you don't necessarily have to eat lunch at noon
00:22:26.000 | and a snack at four and dinner at eight
00:22:28.300 | in order to keep your circadian entrainment aligned or sharp.
00:22:33.300 | You could, for instance, have a small snack at noon
00:22:35.520 | and then eat at two and then have dinner at six
00:22:37.620 | and then a small snack at eight.
00:22:38.760 | It doesn't so much matter when the exact meals fall,
00:22:42.480 | so much as that they fall more or less
00:22:44.080 | within a consistent period or phase of each 24 hour cycle.
00:22:48.540 | What happens when this circadian clock
00:22:53.200 | starts getting disrupted?
00:22:54.320 | I mean, this is after all an episode about time perception.
00:22:57.160 | It's not an episode about circadian rhythms and entrainment.
00:23:00.340 | Well, there's a classic study by Ashoff done in 1985
00:23:05.340 | that's now been repeated many times
00:23:07.600 | where they had people go into environments
00:23:10.080 | where they didn't have clocks and they didn't have windows
00:23:12.480 | and they didn't have watches.
00:23:14.020 | And they were sometimes even in constant dark
00:23:15.740 | or constant light.
00:23:17.180 | And they evaluated how well people perceive
00:23:21.500 | the passage of time on shorter timescales.
00:23:24.200 | And what they found was really interesting.
00:23:25.760 | What they found is that people underestimate
00:23:28.160 | how long they were in these isolated environments.
00:23:30.160 | So after 42 days or so, they'd ask people,
00:23:33.300 | how long do you think you've been in here?
00:23:34.460 | And people would say 28 days or 36 days.
00:23:38.140 | They generally underestimated how long they had been
00:23:41.140 | in this very odd environment with no clocks or watches
00:23:43.820 | or exposure to sunlight or regular rhythms
00:23:46.540 | of artificial light.
00:23:48.300 | In addition, they found that their perception
00:23:51.740 | of shorter time intervals was also really disrupted.
00:23:55.380 | So if they asked them to measure off two minutes,
00:23:58.400 | normally people are pretty good
00:23:59.720 | at measuring off two minutes.
00:24:00.740 | People come within five to 15 seconds at most.
00:24:05.060 | If you kind of had to sit there and just wait,
00:24:07.460 | you have a pretty good idea of when two minutes is up,
00:24:09.300 | you say two minutes is up.
00:24:10.620 | Well, when people's circadian clocks
00:24:13.100 | or circadian entrainment, I should say, was disrupted,
00:24:16.060 | their perception of time measurement on shorter timescales
00:24:20.780 | of minutes or even seconds was greatly disrupted.
00:24:24.180 | And as we'll see in a couple of minutes,
00:24:25.700 | that actually causes great problems
00:24:28.380 | for how you contend with work,
00:24:30.260 | how you contend with challenges of different kinds.
00:24:33.060 | You want your circadian entrainment to be pretty locked in
00:24:37.900 | or pretty entrained to the outside light dark cycle
00:24:40.860 | so that your perception of time on shorter time intervals
00:24:45.060 | can be precise because the ability to perceive time
00:24:48.100 | accurately for the given task or given thing
00:24:51.220 | that you're involved in turns out to be one
00:24:53.340 | of the most fundamental ways that predicts how well
00:24:56.700 | or poorly you perform that thing or task.
00:24:59.580 | So we've talked about circadian entrainment,
00:25:02.460 | the matching of the cells and tissues
00:25:04.220 | and organs of our body to the 365 day journey
00:25:08.340 | that the earth takes around the sun each year.
00:25:11.320 | And we talked about circadian entrainment,
00:25:13.820 | the way that the 24 hour genetic and protein clocks
00:25:18.200 | of each and every one of our cells is matched
00:25:20.940 | to the rotation of the earth on its axis
00:25:23.700 | and the exposure or lack of exposure to the sun
00:25:28.180 | because of that rotation on its axis.
00:25:30.940 | Next, I'd like to talk about so-called
00:25:33.060 | ultradian entrainment.
00:25:34.780 | Ultradian rhythms are rhythms of about 90 minutes or so.
00:25:38.900 | And all of our existence is broken up
00:25:41.620 | into these 90 minute ultradian cycles.
00:25:44.180 | When you go to sleep at night,
00:25:45.420 | whether or not you sleep six hours or four hours
00:25:47.180 | or eight hours or 10 hours,
00:25:49.020 | that entire period of sleep is broken up
00:25:51.700 | into these 90 minute ultradian cycles.
00:25:54.260 | Early in the night, you tend to have more slow wave sleep.
00:25:56.260 | Later in the night, you tend to have more REM sleep.
00:25:58.320 | But nonetheless, your sleep is broken up
00:26:00.700 | into these 90 minute cycles.
00:26:02.400 | However, when you wake up in the morning,
00:26:04.660 | many of the things that you do are governed
00:26:07.780 | by these ultradian rhythms.
00:26:09.920 | For instance, if you were to work,
00:26:14.100 | meaning do math or try and learn a language
00:26:17.280 | or do physical work of any kind or work out,
00:26:19.740 | the 90 minute time block seems to be the one
00:26:23.780 | in which the brain can enter a state of focus
00:26:27.100 | and alertness and do hard work and focus, focus, focus.
00:26:29.640 | And then at about 90 minutes,
00:26:32.680 | there's a significant drop in your ability
00:26:35.100 | to engage in this mental or physical work.
00:26:38.060 | Now, everybody from the self-help literature
00:26:42.380 | to the business literature to the pop psychology literature
00:26:45.380 | has tried to leverage these ultradian cycles
00:26:48.020 | by saying if you're going to do something hard
00:26:50.700 | and you want to focus on it,
00:26:51.740 | limit it to 90 minutes or less.
00:26:53.100 | And I am one of those people
00:26:54.140 | who's also joined that conversation.
00:26:55.860 | And indeed I use 90 minute work cycles.
00:26:58.100 | And I think they are extremely powerful.
00:27:00.700 | One should never expect that you're going to drop
00:27:02.540 | immediately into a state of high focus at the beginning
00:27:05.660 | and then remain there for 90 minutes.
00:27:07.620 | We all struggle to varying degrees to achieve focus
00:27:10.860 | and motivation and drive within those 90 minute cycles.
00:27:13.580 | But it is true, meaning there is ample literature
00:27:17.500 | to support the idea that after about 90 minutes,
00:27:21.720 | we tend to go into a state of less ability to focus.
00:27:25.440 | So while this isn't time perception per se,
00:27:28.900 | it is again, an example of entrainment.
00:27:31.760 | What are we in training to, right?
00:27:34.180 | Just because we can focus for 90 minutes
00:27:36.020 | and then not so well at 100 minutes or 120 minutes,
00:27:39.560 | what are we in training to?
00:27:40.640 | Well, what you're in training to
00:27:41.780 | is the release of particular neurochemicals,
00:27:44.800 | in this case, acetylcholine and dopamine
00:27:47.180 | that allow your brain to focus
00:27:49.140 | for particular periods of time, 90 minutes or so.
00:27:52.240 | And after about 90 minutes or so,
00:27:55.500 | the amount of those chemicals that can be released
00:27:57.620 | tends to drop very low,
00:27:58.600 | which is why your ability to focus becomes diminished.
00:28:02.760 | If one would like to explore more about the kind of backbone
00:28:05.600 | and basis of these ultradian rhythms,
00:28:08.640 | it goes by a different name.
00:28:09.880 | This was originally called the basic rest activity cycle.
00:28:13.960 | This was proposed many years ago by Nathaniel Kleitman.
00:28:17.620 | It was established to be true within sleep states,
00:28:20.940 | as I mentioned before.
00:28:21.920 | Then it was debated for a long time
00:28:23.440 | whether or not these 90-minute cycles
00:28:25.440 | also control our ability to focus and perform work
00:28:29.000 | in wakeful states, and it turns out that they do.
00:28:31.000 | Now there's a lot of literature to support that.
00:28:33.800 | I always get the question,
00:28:34.840 | how do you know when the 90-minute cycle begins?
00:28:37.160 | In other words, let's say you wake up at 8 a.m.
00:28:40.200 | and you just finished a 90-minute sleep cycle.
00:28:42.340 | Does that mean that your next 90-minute cycle
00:28:45.100 | where you could do work begins right at 801?
00:28:48.740 | The interesting thing about these basic rest activity cycles,
00:28:51.720 | these ultradian rhythms,
00:28:53.040 | is that you can initiate them whenever you want.
00:28:56.100 | This is not like a circadian rhythm,
00:28:57.820 | which is a hardwired, unerring signal of 24 hours.
00:29:02.820 | The ultradian rhythms that occur during sleep
00:29:06.220 | are hardwired, unerring.
00:29:08.820 | You don't get the option of making your sleep cycles
00:29:11.200 | at 120 minutes or five minutes.
00:29:13.480 | You don't get that option.
00:29:15.640 | But if you decide that you want to apply
00:29:17.700 | ultradian rhythms to work and performance,
00:29:20.140 | you can set a clock and decide,
00:29:21.940 | okay, now the focus begins.
00:29:24.240 | Now the work begins, and this 90-minute cycle
00:29:26.880 | is the period in which I'm going to do work.
00:29:28.660 | And I actually do this.
00:29:30.240 | Mid-morning and sometimes twice a day,
00:29:32.000 | I do a 90-minute cycle where I limit all distraction
00:29:35.720 | as much as possible, put away my phone,
00:29:37.340 | often turn off the internet as well.
00:29:38.760 | I talked about this in an episode
00:29:40.540 | on kind of an optimal workday, at least for me,
00:29:44.520 | just to give an example of how this might work.
00:29:46.700 | But I want to emphasize again
00:29:48.860 | that these ultradian rhythms are ones that you set.
00:29:52.040 | So you decide I'm going to work for 90 minutes.
00:29:54.600 | What you can't negotiate, however,
00:29:56.640 | is that at about 100 minutes or 120 minutes,
00:29:59.760 | no matter who you are,
00:30:00.720 | you're going to see a diminishment in performance.
00:30:03.680 | You're not going to focus as well.
00:30:05.900 | And that's, again, because of the way
00:30:07.260 | that these 90-minute cycles are linked
00:30:09.260 | to the ability of the neurons
00:30:10.720 | that release acetylcholine and dopamine
00:30:12.680 | and to some extent norepinephrine,
00:30:14.080 | the things that give us narrow focus, motivation, and drive,
00:30:17.020 | the way that these 90-minute cycles
00:30:18.800 | are involved in those circuits.
00:30:21.920 | After about 90 minutes,
00:30:23.040 | those circuits are far less willing to engage,
00:30:25.660 | and therefore it's much harder
00:30:27.440 | to continue to focus to a high degree.
00:30:30.640 | Some people like to do multiple 90-minute cycles
00:30:32.960 | per day of focus.
00:30:33.840 | In that case, you need to separate them out.
00:30:35.580 | You can't do one 90-minute cycle,
00:30:37.220 | then go right into another 90-minute cycle then.
00:30:39.200 | Go down to the 90-minute cycle.
00:30:40.160 | You can't cheat these circuits related
00:30:42.360 | to acetylcholine and dopamine and norepinephrine,
00:30:45.040 | unfortunately.
00:30:46.240 | I suggest that people do no more than three,
00:30:49.180 | and ideally it would be two or just one
00:30:52.260 | of these 90-minute cycles.
00:30:53.340 | Why did I say ideally?
00:30:54.440 | Well, they are very taxing.
00:30:56.580 | You are in a very narrow tunnel of focus.
00:30:59.320 | So for me, I can do one mid-morning,
00:31:01.960 | and I can probably do another one in the afternoon.
00:31:04.240 | This is not the kind of work that's like checking email
00:31:06.360 | or text messaging or social media.
00:31:07.840 | This is very focused, hard work,
00:31:09.800 | and it's working on hard problems of various kinds,
00:31:12.680 | and this will be different for everybody.
00:31:14.720 | So I recommend that they be spaced
00:31:16.240 | by at least two to four hours,
00:31:18.600 | and most people probably won't be able
00:31:20.640 | to handle more than two per day.
00:31:22.900 | There are probably some mutants out there
00:31:24.240 | that could do three or four, but that's exceedingly rare.
00:31:27.220 | I think even one a day is going to feel
00:31:29.200 | like a significant mental investment,
00:31:31.480 | and afterwards you're going to feel pretty taxed.
00:31:33.820 | So now we've talked about circannual,
00:31:35.780 | circadian, and ultradian rhythms,
00:31:39.020 | but we haven't really talked about time perception per se.
00:31:42.360 | We've mainly talked about the subconscious,
00:31:44.900 | slow oscillatory ways in which we are entrained
00:31:48.260 | or matched to the year or to the day,
00:31:50.800 | and these ultradian cycles that we can impose on our work
00:31:55.360 | and that we can leverage toward more focus if we like.
00:31:59.080 | But what about the actual perception of time?
00:32:02.020 | What actually controls how fast or how slowly
00:32:05.760 | we perceive time going by?
00:32:08.260 | There are basically three forms of time perception
00:32:11.040 | that we should all be aware of.
00:32:12.800 | One is our perception of the passage of time in the present,
00:32:15.720 | how quickly or slowly things seem to be happening for us.
00:32:19.480 | This is kind of like an interval timer, ticking off time,
00:32:22.620 | tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
00:32:24.360 | It's either fine slicing like that or tick, tick, tick.
00:32:29.360 | We have interval timers.
00:32:31.440 | I'll discuss the basis of those interval timers.
00:32:33.720 | We also engage in what's called prospective timing,
00:32:36.420 | which is like a stopwatch,
00:32:37.660 | measuring off things as they go forward.
00:32:40.220 | That might sound a little bit like what I just described,
00:32:42.140 | but it's actually a little bit different.
00:32:44.240 | For instance, if I told you to start measuring off
00:32:48.840 | a two-minute time interval into the future,
00:32:51.800 | you could do that pretty well.
00:32:53.820 | But if I told you you had to measure
00:32:55.960 | a five-minute time interval into the future
00:32:58.360 | and you couldn't use any clocks or watches or your phone
00:33:00.760 | or anything like that, you would have to set the tick marks.
00:33:05.320 | You would have to decide how many times
00:33:08.080 | you were going to count off
00:33:09.240 | during that five-minute time block.
00:33:11.920 | There's also retrospective time,
00:33:14.060 | which is how you measure off time in the past.
00:33:17.680 | So if I say, "Last week, I know you went to the park.
00:33:21.740 | You did some things with friends.
00:33:23.040 | You went out in the evening."
00:33:25.320 | How long was it between lunch
00:33:28.000 | and when you went to dinner with friends?
00:33:29.300 | You probably then go, "Okay, well, I remember.
00:33:30.880 | I went to dinner at seven and we had lunch right around two."
00:33:33.840 | You're using memory to reconstruct
00:33:36.760 | certain sets of events in the past
00:33:38.560 | and get a sense of their relative positioning within time.
00:33:42.360 | So we have retrospective,
00:33:43.760 | current time interval measurements,
00:33:45.280 | and then a prospective time measurement into the future.
00:33:48.280 | The beauty of time perception in the human nervous system
00:33:54.660 | is that it boils down to a couple of simple molecules
00:33:59.140 | that govern whether or not we are fine slicing time
00:34:03.160 | or whether or not we are batching time in larger bins.
00:34:06.360 | Those molecules go by names that maybe you've heard,
00:34:09.960 | things like dopamine and norepinephrine,
00:34:12.160 | neuromodulators, called neuromodulators,
00:34:14.280 | because they modulate,
00:34:15.240 | they change the way that other neural circuits work.
00:34:18.600 | Also things like serotonin.
00:34:21.200 | Serotonin is released from a different site in the brain
00:34:23.660 | than dopamine and norepinephrine is,
00:34:25.880 | and has a different effect on time perception.
00:34:29.080 | So just to give you an example
00:34:30.400 | of how things like dopamine and serotonin
00:34:33.400 | can modulate our perception of time,
00:34:36.320 | I want to focus on a little bit of literature
00:34:38.940 | that now has been done, fortunately, in animals and humans,
00:34:41.860 | and which essentially shows that the more dopamine
00:34:46.180 | that's released into our brain,
00:34:49.420 | the more we tend to overestimate the amount of time
00:34:52.580 | that has just passed.
00:34:54.180 | Let me repeat that.
00:34:55.040 | The more dopamine that is released into our brain,
00:34:58.440 | the more we tend to overestimate how much time has passed.
00:35:02.020 | These experiments are very straightforward, excuse me,
00:35:04.960 | and they're very objective, which is really nice,
00:35:07.000 | which is you can give people or an animal a drug
00:35:10.560 | that increases the amount of dopamine,
00:35:12.780 | and then ask them to measure off
00:35:15.240 | without any measurement device, like a watch or a clock,
00:35:18.440 | when one minute has passed.
00:35:20.860 | As dopamine levels rise in the brain,
00:35:23.520 | people tend to think that the minute is up before a minute.
00:35:28.520 | So at the 38-second mark, they'll say,
00:35:31.080 | "Okay, I think a minute is up."
00:35:32.160 | So they've overestimated how much time has passed, okay?
00:35:35.960 | The higher the level of dopamine,
00:35:37.560 | the more people tend to overestimate.
00:35:39.680 | Now, it's also true that norepinephrine,
00:35:43.140 | also called noradrenaline, plays a role,
00:35:45.400 | and its role is very similar to that of dopamine.
00:35:47.960 | And that's because norepinephrine and dopamine
00:35:49.880 | are close cousins.
00:35:51.000 | As some of you may recall that they are actually manufactured
00:35:55.080 | from one another, okay?
00:35:56.400 | So dopamine can actually make epinephrine
00:35:59.480 | and norepinephrine.
00:36:00.360 | Biochemically, there's a cascade in which dopamine
00:36:03.960 | can be made into norepinephrine and epinephrine,
00:36:06.400 | which is remarkable.
00:36:07.960 | How does having elevated levels of dopamine
00:36:09.960 | and norepinephrine cause one to overestimate
00:36:12.720 | how much time has passed?
00:36:14.540 | Well, it does it because of the way
00:36:16.800 | that it causes fine slicing of your time bins.
00:36:21.360 | So fine slicing of time bins is like increasing
00:36:24.400 | the frame rate on your camera, right?
00:36:27.220 | Slow motion is achieved in movies and elsewhere
00:36:32.220 | by increasing the frame rate.
00:36:34.400 | So if you take a movie at 30 frames per second and watch it,
00:36:39.200 | it will appear to have a certain speed, right?
00:36:41.160 | 'Cause those are just snapshots, 30 frames per second.
00:36:44.700 | In contrast, if you took that same movie
00:36:47.220 | at 4,000 frames per second, you are fine slicing
00:36:50.500 | and you're going to see every little detail.
00:36:51.780 | And as you play each one of those frames,
00:36:53.780 | it's going to look like it moved slower, okay?
00:36:56.980 | Whatever, so the kind of jump shot in basketball
00:36:59.540 | that's done slowly, any slow motion is the consequence
00:37:03.060 | of higher frame rate.
00:37:04.780 | So dopamine and norepinephrine increase frame rate.
00:37:09.340 | And as a consequence, they tend to lead us
00:37:12.420 | to overestimate the amount of time that's passed.
00:37:15.520 | Conversely, the neuromodulator serotonin causes people
00:37:21.100 | to underestimate the amount of time that's passed.
00:37:24.560 | So they've done these experiments.
00:37:26.220 | They actually have done these experiments using in humans
00:37:29.220 | with drugs that increase serotonin.
00:37:30.820 | They've also done them with cannabis,
00:37:32.620 | which increases serotonin among other things,
00:37:34.820 | including the cannabinoid receptor activation.
00:37:38.940 | And when people have elevated levels of 5-HT
00:37:43.220 | or whether or not they've ingested cannabis,
00:37:44.980 | they tend to underestimate how much time has passed.
00:37:47.520 | You do the equivalent experiment.
00:37:48.660 | You tell people that they have to guess
00:37:51.060 | or tell you when five minutes, for instance, has passed,
00:37:54.380 | just to use five minutes as an example this time,
00:37:56.500 | and generally they will miss the five-minute mark.
00:37:59.460 | They will think, they'll let six minutes pass
00:38:01.900 | and it looks like it was five minutes
00:38:03.380 | when they've underestimated how much time has passed.
00:38:06.140 | And that's because serotonin and some of the related
00:38:09.740 | molecules in the brain tend to lead to slower frame rates.
00:38:14.740 | They take the frame rate from, in the example I used before,
00:38:17.880 | from 4,000 frames per second down to say 20 frames per second
00:38:22.300 | So this is very interesting.
00:38:24.320 | It's interesting in terms of how pharmacology can be used
00:38:28.400 | to adjust time perception, but it's also interesting
00:38:31.160 | in the context of that circadian rhythm.
00:38:34.260 | There's some emerging evidence that throughout
00:38:36.660 | the 24-hour cycle, there are robust changes
00:38:39.900 | in the amount of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
00:38:42.380 | that are present in the brain and bloodstream and body,
00:38:45.680 | depending on time of day within the circadian cycle.
00:38:50.680 | Now I'm not talking about during sleep.
00:38:53.700 | During sleep, there are definitely variations
00:38:55.620 | in things like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.
00:38:57.700 | I talked about that in the episodes on sleep.
00:39:00.060 | Here I'm just talking about the role of these molecules
00:39:03.360 | in time perception during wakefulness.
00:39:05.900 | So much of the evidence points to the fact
00:39:09.100 | that in the first half of the day,
00:39:11.020 | approximate first half of the day,
00:39:12.940 | dopamine and norepinephrine are elevated in the brain,
00:39:15.580 | body, and bloodstream much more than is serotonin.
00:39:19.860 | And that in the second half of the day,
00:39:21.340 | and in particular towards evening and nighttime,
00:39:23.100 | serotonin levels are going up.
00:39:25.500 | I think that's fairly well-established now.
00:39:27.800 | What that means based on what we just discussed
00:39:30.440 | about the role of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
00:39:32.780 | in setting the frame rate of time perception
00:39:36.220 | is that our perception of the passage of time
00:39:38.940 | will be very different in the early part of the day
00:39:41.360 | and in the latter half of the day.
00:39:43.360 | And there's starting to be some evidence to support this,
00:39:46.060 | that early in the day,
00:39:47.980 | people tend to overestimate how much time has passed.
00:39:51.080 | And later in the day,
00:39:51.920 | they tend to underestimate how much time has passed.
00:39:54.020 | And this is independent of taking any kind of substance
00:39:56.200 | that would increase or decrease dopamine or serotonin.
00:39:59.200 | Now, this is important in terms of how one thinks
00:40:01.960 | about structuring their day,
00:40:03.160 | because I know many people are thinking about
00:40:05.200 | the various tasks that they need to do
00:40:07.000 | throughout their day.
00:40:08.760 | Many, or I should say all of the literature at least
00:40:12.220 | that I can find on productivity and things of that sort
00:40:15.400 | point to the idea that we should be doing the hardest task,
00:40:18.860 | the thing that we want to do the least
00:40:20.460 | or the most important task early in the day
00:40:23.440 | as a kind of a psychological tool for getting it done
00:40:26.780 | and feeling as if we accomplished something.
00:40:28.680 | And I think that's an excellent protocol, frankly.
00:40:31.760 | But I'm not sure it's an excellent protocol
00:40:33.520 | because of the way that we sense accomplishment,
00:40:37.340 | or at least it's not only an excellent protocol
00:40:39.760 | because of the way that we sense accomplishment.
00:40:42.040 | Another reason to move something that's very hard
00:40:44.880 | into the early part of the day
00:40:46.880 | is that if indeed the dopaminergic and noradrenergic circuits
00:40:51.880 | are more active at that time,
00:40:54.580 | we are actually in a better position cognitively
00:40:57.880 | to parse that hard problem
00:40:59.840 | because of the way that we are able to fine slice
00:41:03.480 | our perception of time
00:41:04.720 | and fine slice all the perceptual events outside us.
00:41:07.840 | So what I'm really saying is that early in the day
00:41:09.960 | you are a much more high resolution camera, so to speak,
00:41:13.900 | than you are later in the day.
00:41:15.660 | Now, different types of tasks and different types of things
00:41:18.840 | require different frame rates
00:41:21.000 | or different ways of perceiving time.
00:41:23.160 | And indeed this also lends itself to a tool
00:41:25.960 | whereby for activities that involve more kind of
00:41:30.040 | creative thinking that aren't as constrained
00:41:32.920 | by particular answers or outcomes,
00:41:35.480 | and in which we need to kind of blend different aspects
00:41:39.120 | of our memory, different aspects of task utilization,
00:41:43.720 | in other words, for creative works, for brainstorming,
00:41:47.000 | for things that are a bit more fluid, so to speak,
00:41:49.900 | the more serotonergic second half of the day,
00:41:53.400 | and because of the way the serotonergic
00:41:55.160 | second half of the day lends itself to our time perception,
00:41:58.440 | may actually be more beneficial for those sorts of tasks.
00:42:01.520 | And I'll put a reference to a couple of the studies
00:42:03.720 | that point to this idea
00:42:05.240 | that in these higher dopaminergic states,
00:42:08.340 | we are better at doing certain sorts of tasks,
00:42:11.800 | and in these more serotonergic states,
00:42:13.520 | we're better at doing other sorts of tasks,
00:42:15.840 | and how the dopamine tends to be earlier in the day
00:42:18.920 | and the serotonin later in the day, so to speak,
00:42:21.200 | these are broad, I'm painting with broad strokes here,
00:42:23.800 | but I think these lend themselves
00:42:25.280 | to some really excellent tools,
00:42:26.720 | because I think we all understand the value
00:42:29.020 | of doing something that's hard or challenging
00:42:30.880 | early in the day, but we should ask ourselves,
00:42:32.880 | hard or challenging how?
00:42:34.580 | What does that task actually really require
00:42:36.960 | in terms of time perception?
00:42:38.600 | Some people might appreciate some examples
00:42:40.240 | of how this might work.
00:42:41.360 | Basically what I'm saying is if you are doing work
00:42:43.760 | that involves adhering to some rigid rules,
00:42:47.000 | so math or a recipe or execution of musical scales
00:42:51.800 | or physical skills or accounting
00:42:55.420 | or something that requires a lot of precision
00:42:57.560 | where there's a right and wrong answer and it's hard,
00:43:00.960 | I would suggest that you do that
00:43:02.120 | in the early part of the day
00:43:03.300 | because of the way that dopamine and norepinephrine
00:43:05.840 | impact time perception.
00:43:08.400 | You are literally better at slicing up time.
00:43:11.680 | You are a higher resolution brain during those times,
00:43:15.040 | and so that's going to lend itself better
00:43:17.000 | to events and demands that require high resolution,
00:43:20.740 | whereas in the afternoon,
00:43:22.600 | in this more of what I'm calling serotonergic state,
00:43:25.200 | that's when you're going to be better at brainstorming
00:43:27.360 | and creative works where there's some flexibility
00:43:30.120 | in terms of how you're batching time and perceiving time,
00:43:33.200 | and there isn't so much rigid oversight
00:43:36.220 | of a right or wrong answer.
00:43:37.920 | And as an aside to support what I said,
00:43:40.280 | but also to take us back to this critical role
00:43:43.400 | of the circadian rhythm, there is a lot of evidence
00:43:46.840 | that when one's sleep is disrupted,
00:43:49.240 | when sleep is either too short or is fragmented
00:43:52.020 | or is not of high enough quality for enough days,
00:43:55.280 | one of the first things to happen
00:43:57.360 | is that there is a dysregulation
00:43:59.680 | of these dopaminergic, neurodegenergic,
00:44:02.240 | and serotonergic states throughout the day.
00:44:04.020 | They get kind of mish-mashed up.
00:44:07.780 | It's not that they're a total mess,
00:44:09.460 | but they aren't as cleanly defined.
00:44:12.280 | And I think this is one of the reasons
00:44:13.720 | why when we haven't slept well or we haven't slept enough,
00:44:17.080 | we tend to feel a little off, like we can't concentrate.
00:44:19.680 | Part of that lack of concentration is due to other things.
00:44:22.340 | But part of that concentration could be due to the fact
00:44:24.260 | that our sense of the passage of time is disrupted.
00:44:27.200 | So there seems to be some value
00:44:28.560 | in keeping the dopaminergic, neurodegenergic state
00:44:32.380 | kind of limited to the early part of the day
00:44:34.200 | and the serotonergic state, as we're calling it,
00:44:36.360 | kind of pushed towards the second half of the day.
00:44:38.840 | Now, there is a version of how dopamine and norepinephrine
00:44:41.820 | can impact our perception of the passage of time
00:44:44.440 | in ways that can be very disruptive or even maladaptive.
00:44:48.960 | And the best example that I'm aware of is trauma.
00:44:52.960 | Many people who have been in car accidents
00:44:55.640 | or who have experienced some other form of major trauma
00:44:58.960 | do what's called overclocking.
00:45:02.640 | Overclocking is when levels of dopamine and norepinephrine
00:45:07.440 | increase so much during a particular event.
00:45:10.440 | Our level of alertness has increased so much
00:45:13.920 | during a given event that we find slice.
00:45:18.080 | In other words, the frame rate is increased so much so
00:45:21.840 | that we perceive things as happening in ultra slow motion.
00:45:25.960 | Now, that might not seem like a bad thing overall,
00:45:30.120 | but the problem with overclocking is the way
00:45:33.800 | in which that information gets stamped down
00:45:35.960 | into the memory system.
00:45:37.640 | So the memory system, which involves areas of the brain
00:45:40.740 | like the hippocampus, but also the neocortex,
00:45:43.540 | is basically a space-time recorder.
00:45:46.420 | What do I mean by space-time recorder?
00:45:48.120 | Well, your nervous system, of course,
00:45:50.400 | is housed in the darkness of your skull.
00:45:52.980 | It doesn't have a whole lot of information
00:45:54.460 | about the outside world except light coming in
00:45:56.320 | through the eyes and whatever happens to hit our ears
00:45:58.620 | in terms of sound waves and skin and so forth.
00:46:02.280 | So it has to take all those neural signals
00:46:04.080 | and it has to create a record of what happened.
00:46:07.400 | Now, it doesn't create a record of everything that happened,
00:46:09.640 | but car accidents and trauma and things of that sort
00:46:13.140 | oftentimes are stamped down
00:46:14.480 | into our record of what happened.
00:46:17.320 | And what gets stamped down,
00:46:19.720 | what we actually mean by the phrase stamped down,
00:46:22.240 | is that the precise firing of the sequence of neurons
00:46:25.760 | that reflected some event,
00:46:28.000 | so let's say I'm in a car accident,
00:46:29.880 | certain neurons are firing because of the flipping
00:46:32.240 | of the car or there's screams or there's blood
00:46:35.320 | or things of that sort.
00:46:37.380 | All of that neural activity gets repeated
00:46:42.240 | in the hippocampus and then the sequence of the firing
00:46:46.160 | of those neurons is also remembered.
00:46:47.860 | So it's not just that neuron one, two, three, four fired
00:46:51.160 | in that sequence, it's also that neuron one, two, three, four
00:46:53.940 | fired at a particular rate.
00:46:55.420 | So it would be one, two, three, four during the actual event
00:46:57.920 | and then the memory is stored as firing of those neurons
00:47:01.000 | as one, two, three, four, right?
00:47:02.360 | If during the event it was one, two, three, four
00:47:05.020 | at that rate, the storage of the memory
00:47:07.820 | is not going to be one, two, three, four, okay?
00:47:12.200 | In other words, there's both a space code as we say,
00:47:15.680 | meaning the particular neurons that fire is important
00:47:18.640 | and there's a rate code, how quickly those neurons fire
00:47:22.200 | or the relative firing, the timing of the firing
00:47:24.920 | of those neurons is also part of the memory.
00:47:26.880 | This affords our memory system tremendous flexibility.
00:47:29.280 | What it means is that you can take the same set of neurons
00:47:31.760 | in the hippocampus and stamp down many, many more memories
00:47:35.560 | because all you have to do is use a match
00:47:39.540 | of the different rates of the different neurons
00:47:41.800 | that were firing in order to set that code, right?
00:47:44.920 | Otherwise, if you needed a different set of neurons
00:47:46.860 | for every memory, you need an enormous hippocampus,
00:47:49.000 | you need an enormous head.
00:47:50.180 | So I think you get the basic idea.
00:47:52.440 | Overclocking is a case in which the frame rate is so high
00:47:56.960 | that a memory gets stamped down
00:47:59.140 | and people have a very hard time shaking that memory
00:48:01.560 | and the emotions associated with that memory.
00:48:03.840 | And it's not the topic of today's conversation
00:48:06.040 | but we will cover trauma in a future episode in detail
00:48:09.080 | but many of the treatments for trauma, EMDR,
00:48:13.320 | nowadays there's a lot of excitement also
00:48:14.840 | about ketamine therapies, exposure therapies,
00:48:18.900 | like cognitive behavioral therapies,
00:48:20.740 | involve not just trying to reduce the amount
00:48:23.240 | of emotion associated with a memory
00:48:25.240 | but also a deliberate speeding up
00:48:28.320 | or slowing down of that memory.
00:48:30.360 | In other words, trying to allow the person
00:48:32.880 | who experienced the trauma to take control
00:48:34.780 | of the rate of the experience in their memory,
00:48:38.200 | not just whether or not the memory happened at all.
00:48:41.040 | In fact, one of the first things that trauma victims learn
00:48:44.640 | is that they aren't going to forget what happened.
00:48:47.340 | What's eventually going to happen,
00:48:48.840 | ideally with good treatment,
00:48:50.600 | is that the emotional weight of the experience
00:48:53.760 | will eventually be divorced
00:48:56.040 | from the memory of the experience.
00:48:57.960 | And that's done again by trying to reduce
00:49:00.360 | the amount of emotional activation
00:49:02.240 | during the recall of that experience.
00:49:03.880 | And one of the best ways to do that
00:49:05.600 | is to alter the rate of the memory playback.
00:49:10.020 | In other words, taking that firing of neurons
00:49:12.020 | that might've been one, two, three, four,
00:49:14.240 | again, it would be much more complicated,
00:49:15.880 | but one, two, three, four for the car crash,
00:49:17.720 | and getting the memory to play back at a rate of one,
00:49:21.520 | two, three, four, or even one, two, three, four,
00:49:25.800 | one, two, three, four.
00:49:27.360 | In other words, allowing the person
00:49:29.920 | or instructing the person to take control
00:49:32.640 | of the rate of the playback.
00:49:33.920 | And in that way, there seems to be
00:49:35.800 | still yet unknown mechanism
00:49:37.560 | by which people can uncouple some of the emotional weight
00:49:41.700 | that's associated with that memory.
00:49:43.480 | So overclocking is a kind of extreme example
00:49:48.400 | of where the dopaminergic and the noradrenergic system
00:49:51.120 | is ramped up so high that people have this,
00:49:54.280 | unfortunately, what seems like indelible mark
00:49:56.640 | in their brain of a particular event.
00:49:58.400 | But again, trauma treatment is designed
00:50:00.000 | to uncouple the emotional load of that event.
00:50:02.560 | Some of you are probably saying, why dopamine during trauma?
00:50:05.880 | I thought dopamine was the feel-good molecule.
00:50:08.320 | Well, in reality,
00:50:10.480 | dopamine is not necessarily a molecule of reward,
00:50:13.120 | it's a molecule of motivation, pursuit, and drive.
00:50:16.080 | And because of the close relationship
00:50:17.800 | between dopamine and norepinephrine,
00:50:19.520 | oftentimes they are co-released.
00:50:21.560 | So whether or not dopamine is released during car crashes
00:50:25.000 | or other forms of trauma, we don't know.
00:50:27.140 | But what we do know is that both the dopamine system
00:50:29.620 | and noradrenergic system, when we say noradrenergic,
00:50:32.200 | when we mean norepinephrine,
00:50:33.260 | those systems are greatly increased
00:50:35.200 | anytime there's a heightened state of arousal.
00:50:37.600 | And arousal can have negative valence,
00:50:39.880 | like meaning associated with an event that we really hate,
00:50:43.160 | that we would prefer not to be involved in,
00:50:45.080 | or it can have positive valence.
00:50:47.040 | But dopamine and norepinephrine
00:50:48.640 | are kind of the common hallmark
00:50:50.680 | of all things of elevated arousal.
00:50:53.440 | And so that's why we see evidence for dopamine
00:50:56.400 | being associated with these changes in time perception,
00:50:59.200 | both for positive events and for negative events.
00:51:03.020 | There's a very interesting relationship
00:51:04.880 | between arousal, dopamine, time perception, and blinking.
00:51:09.880 | And this is all supported by a really interesting paper.
00:51:13.360 | First author Terhune is the last name,
00:51:15.520 | T-E-R-H-U-N-E, is published in Current Biology,
00:51:18.360 | Cell Press Journal, excellent journal.
00:51:20.240 | The title of the paper is
00:51:21.080 | "Time Dilates After Spontaneous Blinking."
00:51:24.100 | So heightened states of arousal
00:51:25.360 | are associated with heightened levels of dopamine.
00:51:27.220 | You now know that dopamine leads
00:51:29.180 | to a kind of fine slicing of time.
00:51:32.440 | And one of the ways that we fine slice time is by blinking.
00:51:36.240 | You know, we think of blinking
00:51:37.180 | as just a thing to like lubricate our eyes
00:51:39.040 | or to limit the amount of light coming into our eyes,
00:51:41.440 | but it's a shutter on our experience.
00:51:44.020 | So much of the information
00:51:45.500 | that coming into the brain through our eyes
00:51:46.980 | impacts our attention.
00:51:47.980 | I've said it before on this podcast
00:51:49.500 | that cognitive attention follows visual attention,
00:51:51.760 | at least for sighted individuals.
00:51:53.700 | Well, it turns out that dopamine and increases in dopamine
00:51:57.920 | are associated with increases in spontaneous blink rate.
00:52:01.320 | So the more aroused we are, the more awake we are.
00:52:05.000 | There are a number of effects,
00:52:05.840 | pupils dilate, heart rate increases, et cetera,
00:52:08.080 | but also blink rate increases.
00:52:09.980 | And every time we blink, this study cleanly shows,
00:52:13.240 | we shift our perception of time,
00:52:16.040 | leading to, as I mentioned before, overestimations of time.
00:52:20.280 | So it seems as though in some way,
00:52:22.520 | blink rate is actually related to frame rate.
00:52:25.700 | And so this is very, very interesting.
00:52:27.840 | And the way that you could think about leveraging this
00:52:30.160 | would be if you wanted to actually slow down
00:52:33.960 | your perception of time, you would blink less.
00:52:36.880 | And if you want to speed up your perception of time,
00:52:39.440 | you would blink more.
00:52:40.440 | Now you'd have to think of a scenario
00:52:42.200 | in which that would be useful to you.
00:52:44.200 | Obviously, if you're going to blink,
00:52:45.100 | you're going to miss things as well.
00:52:46.900 | But I think it's a very interesting parameter
00:52:49.780 | of our visual attention as it relates to time perception,
00:52:53.140 | because what it really speaks to
00:52:54.700 | is that these neuromodulators like dopamine or serotonin
00:52:57.820 | that adjust frame rate,
00:52:58.780 | they're not doing it through some magical mechanism.
00:53:01.300 | In fact, there's no single brain area
00:53:03.500 | that we can say controls time perception.
00:53:06.140 | I haven't said today, oh, you know, it's the striatum.
00:53:08.860 | Well, it involves the striatum,
00:53:10.440 | but I'm not going to say, for instance,
00:53:12.220 | oh, it's the cerebellum.
00:53:13.340 | The cerebellum is definitely involved
00:53:14.940 | in timing of movement, something for a future podcast,
00:53:18.600 | but time perception is what we call a distributed phenomenon.
00:53:22.360 | It's a network of areas in the brain working together,
00:53:25.420 | but dopamine in the way that it relates
00:53:28.080 | to the shuttering of your eyes
00:53:30.940 | seems to be controlling the frame rate on your experience.
00:53:34.360 | Numerous times on this podcast,
00:53:35.780 | I've talked about cold exposure,
00:53:37.460 | and nowadays there's a lot of interest
00:53:39.240 | in things like cold showers, ice baths,
00:53:42.320 | submersion in cold water tanks,
00:53:45.140 | and lakes and oceans and things of that sort.
00:53:47.860 | There are a lot of different positive effects
00:53:49.780 | of cold exposure.
00:53:51.400 | Provided it's done properly,
00:53:52.500 | it can lead to increases in metabolism,
00:53:54.240 | brown fat stores, which are the good fat stores
00:53:56.220 | that you want.
00:53:57.060 | They're sort of like a furnace
00:53:58.500 | that allow you to heat yourself up,
00:53:59.700 | stay warm in cold environments to reduce inflammation,
00:54:03.740 | to increase resilience and so forth.
00:54:05.540 | There's a study published
00:54:07.780 | in the European Journal of Physiology
00:54:09.300 | showing that cold exposure can increase
00:54:12.420 | our baseline levels of dopamine robustly, 2.5X,
00:54:16.040 | and it's a long-lasting increase in dopamine,
00:54:18.080 | and it appears to be a healthy one,
00:54:19.300 | meaning it doesn't seem to be addictive.
00:54:20.940 | I'm sure there are some people out there addicted to ice baths
00:54:23.060 | but when you think about the range
00:54:24.940 | of dopamine-inducing behaviors that are addictive,
00:54:27.420 | it seems to be more on the health-promoting side.
00:54:29.860 | What's interesting is that
00:54:31.840 | because cold water exposure increases dopamine,
00:54:34.800 | it will also change your perception of time.
00:54:36.880 | And if you've ever done one of these cold water exposures,
00:54:38.960 | you've experienced this.
00:54:40.420 | You've experienced getting in and feeling like, wow,
00:54:43.360 | making it three minutes is a really, really long time.
00:54:45.920 | And you are fine slicing time.
00:54:47.580 | Your frame rate is going up.
00:54:49.020 | Part of that, just at a kind of a coarse level,
00:54:52.400 | as you're thinking, this is painful, I don't like this,
00:54:54.600 | I want to get out, right?
00:54:56.420 | But part of it is also that your dopamine levels
00:54:58.880 | are going up very quickly,
00:55:00.380 | and therefore your perception of that discomfort
00:55:03.300 | is also being fine sliced.
00:55:05.180 | And so you could leverage a tool, for instance,
00:55:07.820 | where you try and entrain your thinking
00:55:10.020 | to something other than your immediate experience, right?
00:55:12.980 | This is a kind of a controversy, if you will,
00:55:15.760 | in the cold exposure world.
00:55:18.420 | The question is, do you try and lean into the experience
00:55:21.360 | and really feel it, or do you try and distract yourself?
00:55:24.880 | Sing a song or count off from one to 100.
00:55:29.140 | Just know that whatever tactic you use
00:55:32.640 | to get through the cold exposure,
00:55:34.920 | that the dopamine level that's now increased in your system
00:55:38.680 | is going to cause you to fine slice
00:55:41.280 | or experience that at slow motion.
00:55:44.060 | So a minute is going to seem like a lot longer
00:55:46.300 | than a minute in reality.
00:55:48.980 | So you could, for instance,
00:55:51.380 | decide to pay attention to some external cue.
00:55:55.060 | Maybe it's a metronome that ticks once every 10 seconds.
00:55:59.540 | You could decide to think about something else.
00:56:02.320 | You could decide to sing a song in your head
00:56:04.300 | or sing a song out loud.
00:56:05.780 | All of that will divorce you from the sensation
00:56:08.340 | that you're experienced somewhat,
00:56:09.520 | but more so it will divorce you from the perception
00:56:13.380 | of your experience
00:56:14.740 | as governed by that dopamine increase in frame rate.
00:56:17.640 | If that isn't clear, just know this.
00:56:19.780 | When you're in the ice bath, your dopamine levels are high.
00:56:21.940 | When your dopamine levels are high,
00:56:23.700 | your experience of the discomfort of that ice bath
00:56:26.100 | is at higher resolution.
00:56:28.220 | Now, up until now, I've been talking about how dopamine
00:56:31.180 | and to some extent serotonin
00:56:33.740 | can differentially impact your perception of how fast
00:56:37.300 | or how slowly things are happening in the moment.
00:56:41.300 | But remember, we have prospective time,
00:56:43.820 | we have our experience of time in the moment,
00:56:46.100 | and we have retrospective time.
00:56:48.380 | And there are beautiful studies that have showed
00:56:51.180 | that the dopaminergic state changes the way,
00:56:56.040 | not just that we experience things now,
00:56:58.380 | but that it changes the way
00:57:00.740 | in which we remember things in the past
00:57:03.060 | and the rate at which those things occurred.
00:57:05.560 | And those are in opposite direction.
00:57:08.100 | So to make this very simple,
00:57:10.700 | if something that you experience is fun or varied,
00:57:15.520 | meaning it has a lot of different components in it,
00:57:18.620 | and is, in other words, is associated
00:57:20.660 | with an increase in dopamine in your brain,
00:57:23.060 | you will experience that as going by very fast.
00:57:29.200 | Now, this is different than the ice bath,
00:57:30.780 | which I just said you experience as going by very slowly,
00:57:32.980 | but here I'm talking about something that's fun
00:57:34.940 | and varied that you really like,
00:57:36.660 | and you'll feel like it goes by very, very fast.
00:57:38.780 | Imagine an amazing day for a kid in an amusement park.
00:57:42.280 | They can do a ton of things.
00:57:43.340 | It's all new.
00:57:44.280 | They're very excited,
00:57:45.760 | and they'll feel like it goes by very fast.
00:57:48.380 | But later, they will remember that experience
00:57:52.220 | as being very long,
00:57:54.580 | that it was a long day full of many, many events.
00:57:57.540 | And so there's this paradoxical relationship
00:58:00.340 | between how we perceive fun, exciting, varied events
00:58:03.440 | in the present and how we remember them in the past.
00:58:06.200 | For those of you who have gone on vacation,
00:58:08.340 | if you've had an amazing day on vacation,
00:58:10.040 | it'll seem like, or an amazing vacation overall,
00:58:12.280 | it will seem like it goes by very fast.
00:58:14.180 | The last day of vacation, you sort of go,
00:58:15.540 | whoa, it went by so fast 'cause there's so much happening.
00:58:18.680 | But in memory, six to eight months later, you remember,
00:58:21.700 | wow, that just went, you know, that was a long, long thing.
00:58:26.700 | We had this, then we had that, then we did this,
00:58:28.980 | then we had that.
00:58:29.820 | It tends to spool out in a longer memory
00:58:32.740 | than the actual experience.
00:58:34.740 | Conversely, if you are bored with something
00:58:38.460 | or it's something you really don't like,
00:58:40.280 | it's going to seem like it takes a long time
00:58:43.680 | to go through that experience in the moment.
00:58:46.180 | But retroactively, looking back,
00:58:48.060 | it will seem like that moment was very short.
00:58:50.260 | So if the other day I was waiting in the waiting room
00:58:52.940 | for the dentist, it was pretty boring.
00:58:54.800 | I was just kind of sitting there.
00:58:55.940 | There wasn't much going on.
00:58:57.740 | And it did seem like it was going on an awfully long time.
00:59:00.040 | But indeed, looking back, it just seems like,
00:59:01.820 | okay, I sat in that room, not much happened.
00:59:03.980 | And so it seems like a very short time been.
00:59:05.620 | This seems to be an efficiency
00:59:07.380 | of how the brain stores information.
00:59:09.240 | Dopamine being associated, of course,
00:59:12.320 | with fun and varied experiences
00:59:14.360 | and low dopamine being associated with kind of empty,
00:59:17.600 | boring, or what at the time seemed like long experiences.
00:59:22.000 | And this whole thing has been stamped down
00:59:24.420 | into the scientific literature by those earlier experiments
00:59:27.620 | where they take human beings
00:59:28.620 | and isolate them in certain environments.
00:59:30.620 | You know, take away all the clocks and watches and cues
00:59:33.380 | and about what time of day it is
00:59:35.420 | and what time of night it is
00:59:36.700 | and allow people to have a life
00:59:39.220 | where they can either read and work and do things
00:59:42.180 | or where they have very little to do.
00:59:44.140 | When people are isolated in very boring environments
00:59:47.540 | and they don't have access to time cues, time dilates.
00:59:51.420 | They tend to assume that time has gone on very, very long.
00:59:55.860 | And so the reason I bring this up is
00:59:58.100 | we aren't just driven by these circadian clocks
01:00:00.460 | and these circannual clocks and these ultradian clocks.
01:00:03.700 | We are driven by these timers
01:00:06.880 | that vary depending on our level of excitement.
01:00:10.660 | And they vary on depending on our level of excitement
01:00:13.480 | because of these neuromodulators, dopamine and serotonin.
01:00:16.100 | So the way I like to think about it
01:00:17.620 | is that you have two clocks, two stopwatches.
01:00:20.740 | One is a dopaminergic stopwatch
01:00:23.220 | that fine slices really closely.
01:00:25.200 | It's like counts off milliseconds
01:00:26.740 | and it's grabbing a movie of your experience
01:00:28.820 | at very high resolution.
01:00:30.180 | And then the other hand, you have a stopwatch
01:00:33.260 | that's gathering big time bins,
01:00:34.860 | big ticks along the hand is moving at bigger intervals,
01:00:39.860 | marking off time.
01:00:41.440 | And depending on whether or not you're excited
01:00:44.540 | or whether or not you're bored,
01:00:45.700 | you're using different stopwatches on time
01:00:48.740 | and therefore you're perceiving your experience differently.
01:00:51.980 | One very interesting aspect to the way that neuromodulators
01:00:55.420 | like dopamine and novelty interact with time perception
01:00:59.740 | and memory is how we perceive our relationship
01:01:03.820 | to places and people.
01:01:05.640 | So really interesting literature showing
01:01:08.720 | that the more novel experiences we have in a place,
01:01:11.560 | the more we feel we know that place obviously,
01:01:16.580 | but the longer we feel we've been there.
01:01:19.420 | So here's the kind of gedanken or thought experiment
01:01:21.780 | that illustrates what's in the literature.
01:01:24.280 | Let's say I were to move to New York City.
01:01:25.900 | I happen to really like New York City.
01:01:27.200 | I've never lived there,
01:01:28.040 | but let's say I lived there.
01:01:29.840 | I lived in a given apartment for a year
01:01:32.320 | and I would have a number of different experiences.
01:01:34.380 | In this mental experiment,
01:01:35.680 | let's say I had 100 different exciting and new experiences.
01:01:40.680 | I would, at the end of that year,
01:01:44.120 | feel as if I lived there a certain period of time, one year.
01:01:46.900 | I would actually know I lived there one year.
01:01:48.560 | If, however, I lived in three different places
01:01:50.540 | in New York City and I met three times as many people
01:01:53.260 | and I had three times as many novel experiences,
01:01:56.240 | I would actually feel as if I had been there much longer
01:01:59.800 | than had I only lived in one location.
01:02:01.980 | This is also true for social interactions.
01:02:04.580 | When we move to multiple or several novel environments
01:02:09.580 | with somebody else,
01:02:11.160 | we tend to feel as if we know that person much better
01:02:13.480 | and that they know us much better.
01:02:14.880 | Now, of course, we get the opportunity
01:02:16.140 | to interact with those people in different contexts
01:02:18.180 | and so indeed we do get the opportunity to see them,
01:02:21.140 | for instance, at the coffee shop, how they order coffee,
01:02:24.100 | you may be at the go to a sports event,
01:02:26.140 | how they act there, maybe how they interact with your family.
01:02:29.100 | You're getting a sense of them in different contexts.
01:02:32.040 | That's certainly playing a role,
01:02:34.680 | but it seems as if the more novelty you experience
01:02:37.760 | with somebody, not only the more familiar they are to you,
01:02:41.040 | but the more time you feel you've spent with them,
01:02:43.420 | even though the total amount of time
01:02:45.020 | can be exactly the same.
01:02:46.500 | And so that's a very interesting aspect
01:02:48.620 | of how our perception of time and these neuromodulators
01:02:51.180 | and novelty can shape the way,
01:02:53.000 | not just that we perceive a given event in our world,
01:02:56.900 | but how we relate to a place or relate to a person.
01:02:59.940 | So we've talked a lot about the different neurochemicals
01:03:02.840 | and how those neurochemicals
01:03:04.000 | can influence our perception of time.
01:03:06.020 | We haven't talked a lot about the neural circuits
01:03:08.120 | and the various areas of the brain that underlie this.
01:03:11.220 | I do want to touch on that
01:03:12.320 | by highlighting a really wonderful study.
01:03:15.300 | This was a study published in Neuron,
01:03:16.940 | also a cell press journal, excellent journal.
01:03:19.420 | The title of the paper is Behavioral, Physiological,
01:03:22.400 | and Neural Signatures of Surprise
01:03:24.780 | During Naturalistic Sports Viewing.
01:03:28.020 | This experiment is really cool.
01:03:29.100 | They did brain imaging on individuals
01:03:31.300 | who are watching basketball games.
01:03:33.820 | These were basketball games that actually took place,
01:03:36.460 | that were recorded.
01:03:37.800 | And the subjects watching these basketball games,
01:03:41.440 | in some cases, not all,
01:03:43.060 | had some interest in who would win or lose.
01:03:45.100 | And in some cases, not all,
01:03:46.780 | the subjects in these studies had some prior knowledge
01:03:49.760 | of which team they thought was better,
01:03:51.780 | which team was likely to win or not likely to win.
01:03:54.280 | The basic findings of the study
01:03:56.980 | were that they could measure surprise
01:04:00.120 | by the release of dopamine in two areas of the brain,
01:04:05.400 | part of what is called, excuse me,
01:04:07.440 | the mesolimbic reward pathway.
01:04:09.300 | So the two areas of the brain that are important here
01:04:10.860 | are the nucleus accumbens and the VTA,
01:04:13.340 | the ventral tegmental area.
01:04:14.580 | These are areas that release dopamine
01:04:17.500 | as kind of a token of reward
01:04:19.320 | any time something is surprising
01:04:21.620 | or a positive expectation is met, okay?
01:04:25.220 | So if I predict that my team dribbling down court
01:04:28.600 | is going to score on this drive
01:04:30.380 | and they get the ball in the basket,
01:04:31.940 | a little bit of dopamine is released.
01:04:33.260 | These two brain areas light up in the functional imaging,
01:04:37.080 | so-called fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging
01:04:40.260 | that they used in the study.
01:04:41.660 | What's really interesting about this study
01:04:44.860 | is not just that dopamine was released
01:04:47.820 | anytime that something the subject wanted to see happened,
01:04:52.060 | anytime they wanted to see their team score, they scored,
01:04:54.740 | but also during surprise.
01:04:56.620 | So if they thought, for instance,
01:04:58.740 | and they would hit a button to predict
01:05:01.060 | that their team was going to score on this particular drive
01:05:03.380 | and they didn't,
01:05:04.660 | well, then dopamine could also be released
01:05:07.120 | in response to that surprise.
01:05:09.020 | So this speaks again to dopamine
01:05:10.740 | being something that's important,
01:05:12.180 | not just for positive events, but for unexpected events.
01:05:16.060 | Now, that's all very interesting
01:05:18.100 | and speaks to the fact that dopamine
01:05:19.740 | is a kind of flexible currency in the brain.
01:05:22.420 | It's doled out, if you will, or released
01:05:25.540 | when something that one hopes will happen happens,
01:05:29.060 | and it's released when there's a surprise,
01:05:31.860 | even if it's kind of a negative surprise,
01:05:33.980 | it's not something that the subject wanted to happen.
01:05:37.220 | But the more interesting thing
01:05:39.060 | is how that relates to time perception.
01:05:42.200 | What they found was,
01:05:43.740 | regardless of what caused the dopamine release,
01:05:46.500 | the frequency of dopamine release
01:05:49.340 | predicted how the subjects parsed the time bins
01:05:53.460 | of the game they were watching.
01:05:55.700 | What do I mean by that?
01:05:56.660 | Well, when you watch a basketball game
01:05:58.340 | or you watch anything, children playing
01:06:00.420 | or talking to your spouse or whatever,
01:06:02.780 | you're batching time.
01:06:04.740 | How are you batching time?
01:06:06.500 | Well, you could batch a meal by the, I don't know,
01:06:09.580 | the appetizer, the main course, and the dessert,
01:06:12.200 | but it turns out that's not what you're doing.
01:06:14.640 | You're batching time according to the frequency
01:06:17.860 | of dopamine pulses, the frequency of dopamine release.
01:06:21.220 | And that's what they saw in this study.
01:06:23.000 | If they evaluated people's perceptions
01:06:25.220 | of the passage of time,
01:06:26.520 | what they found is that that matched,
01:06:28.260 | not whether or not it was a particular time point
01:06:31.920 | in the game, not whether or not their team
01:06:33.880 | was going down court or running back up court
01:06:36.140 | to play defense,
01:06:37.680 | but the dopamine release served as markers
01:06:42.340 | which would predict the frame rate
01:06:44.220 | of their perception of the experience.
01:06:45.960 | And if that sounds complicated,
01:06:47.400 | what I mean is how often and when you release dopamine
01:06:50.860 | is actually setting the frame rate
01:06:53.100 | on the entire perception of everything,
01:06:55.780 | not just for positive events or negative events.
01:06:58.740 | So what this means is as you were going through life,
01:07:01.380 | dopamine and the release of dopamine is saying,
01:07:07.140 | that's over and now you're in a new phase of your life,
01:07:10.120 | even if it's very short, right?
01:07:11.580 | So if I get up in the morning and I really need
01:07:13.900 | a cup of coffee, as you probably all know,
01:07:15.980 | I wait 90 minutes to 120 minutes before I drink my coffee,
01:07:19.980 | but then I get my coffee
01:07:20.940 | and surely there's a dopamine hit there, I promise you.
01:07:23.940 | I actually am starting to carve up my day
01:07:27.900 | according to dopamine hits.
01:07:29.520 | I am with consciously or subconsciously,
01:07:34.460 | I'm actually carving up my experience according
01:07:37.380 | to when I'm getting dopamine throughout my day.
01:07:39.820 | This governance over our perception of time
01:07:43.420 | that dopamine has points to a very clear,
01:07:47.040 | very actionable and very powerful tool.
01:07:50.500 | And that is a tool that many people have talked
01:07:52.540 | about before, which are habits.
01:07:54.660 | People have discussed habits in a variety of contexts,
01:07:58.700 | but in the context of dopamine reward
01:08:03.620 | and time perception, what this means is that placing
01:08:07.600 | specific habitual routines at particular intervals
01:08:12.600 | throughout your day is a very, not just convenient,
01:08:16.900 | but a very good way to incorporate the dopamine system
01:08:20.940 | so that you divide your day into a series
01:08:23.300 | of what I would call functional units.
01:08:25.100 | What would this look like?
01:08:26.180 | It would mean waking up and having one specific habit
01:08:28.520 | that you always engage in that causes a release of dopamine.
01:08:34.120 | You could say, well, great, that'll make me feel good.
01:08:36.920 | And I would agree, dopamine release generally makes us
01:08:40.080 | feel motivated, but it would have an additional effect
01:08:42.960 | of marking that time of day as the beginning
01:08:46.380 | of a particular time bin.
01:08:47.940 | Then inserting another habit, perhaps the beginning of,
01:08:50.960 | I don't know, your breakfast or something,
01:08:53.020 | but recognizing that that's a habit
01:08:54.760 | and being fairly habitual.
01:08:56.000 | You don't have to be obsessively precise about the timing,
01:09:00.060 | but that regular sequencing of things
01:09:04.460 | is going to lead not just to dopamine release
01:09:07.060 | as it relates to reward and motivation and feeling good,
01:09:09.980 | but it actually becomes the way in which we carve up
01:09:12.880 | our entire experience of our day.
01:09:15.260 | And this is almost a circular argument.
01:09:17.820 | You could say, well, of course, I do one thing,
01:09:19.760 | then I do the next, then I do the next,
01:09:21.380 | and that's how I perceive my day.
01:09:23.660 | That's my day, it's my list, it's my to-do list, et cetera.
01:09:27.200 | But what I'm saying is that on the basis of this study,
01:09:30.020 | I should mention the first author,
01:09:31.180 | his last name is Antony, it was Antony et al.,
01:09:34.020 | it was published in 2020, the study on basketball viewing,
01:09:39.020 | what it points to is that by engaging in specific habits
01:09:42.780 | that we know we can perform well,
01:09:45.040 | we are actually setting the frame rate on our day.
01:09:48.300 | And so I think there will soon come a time
01:09:50.560 | where human beings are not just thinking of,
01:09:52.680 | okay, my morning routine and my afternoon routine,
01:09:55.620 | I think that can be useful.
01:09:57.180 | And in fact, I used or mentioned a structure
01:09:59.660 | of that sort earlier in their episode,
01:10:01.520 | but rather thinking about what's actually going on
01:10:04.900 | at the level of our biology,
01:10:07.220 | which is that dopamine is marking time.
01:10:09.860 | Habits are a very clear way
01:10:11.740 | in which we can invoke dopamine release
01:10:14.180 | and therefore provide time markers.
01:10:16.420 | And what this means is that, for instance,
01:10:18.780 | during your morning, you might insert habit one
01:10:21.100 | and habit two at say, I don't know, 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.,
01:10:25.140 | and in doing that, that marks an epoch,
01:10:27.780 | a little batch of time in your morning routine
01:10:31.620 | that's distinct from the second half of your morning.
01:10:34.500 | In other words, habits serve as flankers or markers
01:10:38.620 | for the passage of your day.
01:10:40.860 | Now, if that seems kind of hyper neurotic
01:10:42.720 | or why would I want to structure my life like that,
01:10:44.980 | I would say that many people would do well
01:10:47.540 | to structure their life like that and to utilize habits,
01:10:50.380 | not just for sake of what you do during the habit,
01:10:52.800 | but because of the fact that the habits serve as a marker
01:10:56.100 | because of the way they can evoke dopamine release.
01:10:58.940 | And in doing that, you're able to segment your day
01:11:02.500 | into a bunch of smaller, if you want them to be smaller,
01:11:05.300 | or larger functional units.
01:11:07.380 | If anyone wants to experiment with this,
01:11:10.860 | the Huberman Lab podcast puts out a newsletter.
01:11:12.840 | It's called the Neural Network Newsletter.
01:11:14.380 | You can sign up for it at
01:11:17.460 | We put it out each month.
01:11:18.460 | You can see the previous newsletters.
01:11:20.020 | They're zero cost.
01:11:20.960 | We have our privacy statement there.
01:11:22.360 | We don't share your email or anything.
01:11:24.080 | And there you'll find the 12 Steps to Improving Sleep
01:11:29.080 | was the first one.
01:11:30.040 | There's another, the second newsletter
01:11:31.680 | was all about neuroplasticity
01:11:33.080 | and using scientific literature
01:11:34.840 | to improve learning and teaching.
01:11:37.320 | And in the next newsletter,
01:11:39.000 | I intend to include a example protocol
01:11:41.760 | of how one could use habits
01:11:43.280 | and the relationship between habits and dopamine,
01:11:45.960 | dopamine and time perception to structure your day
01:11:48.640 | according to performance of particular types of tasks.
01:11:52.060 | Today, we covered a lot about time perception.
01:11:54.200 | We certainly didn't cover everything about time perception,
01:11:56.340 | but we covered things like entrainment,
01:11:57.920 | the role of dopamine, habits, and various routines
01:12:01.160 | that can adjust your sense of time
01:12:03.400 | for sake of particular goals.
01:12:05.400 | If you're interested in learning more about time perception,
01:12:08.440 | I'd like to point you to a really excellent book
01:12:10.880 | called "Your Brain is a Time Machine,
01:12:12.760 | "the Neuroscience and Physics of Time."
01:12:15.280 | The book was written by Professor Dr. Dean Buonamono,
01:12:18.080 | who's a professor at UCLA
01:12:19.480 | and a world expert in the neuroscience and physics of time.
01:12:23.440 | I do hope to get Dean on the podcast
01:12:25.580 | in the not too distant future.
01:12:27.400 | If you're learning from and/or enjoying this podcast,
01:12:29.940 | please subscribe to our podcast channel on YouTube.
01:12:32.560 | It's simply Huberman Lab on YouTube.
01:12:34.660 | And there, you can also leave us suggestions
01:12:37.520 | for future guests and topics
01:12:38.940 | and questions about the podcast episodes
01:12:41.660 | in the comment section on YouTube.
01:12:43.780 | In addition, please subscribe to our podcast
01:12:46.020 | on Apple and/or Spotify.
01:12:47.700 | And on Apple, you have the opportunity
01:12:49.320 | to leave us up to a five-star review.
01:12:52.040 | You can also follow us on Instagram.
01:12:53.960 | On Instagram, I do short neuroscience tutorials
01:12:56.640 | and tools and protocols.
01:12:57.880 | I cover recent papers,
01:12:59.400 | many of which are not included on the podcast.
01:13:02.220 | We also have a Patreon.
01:13:03.500 | It's
01:13:06.680 | And there, you can support the podcast
01:13:08.320 | at any level that you like.
01:13:10.080 | Not so much today, but on many previous episodes
01:13:12.320 | of the Huberman Lab Podcast, we discuss supplements.
01:13:15.020 | And while supplements aren't necessary for everybody,
01:13:17.920 | many people derive great benefit from supplements
01:13:20.200 | for sleep, for focus, and so forth.
01:13:22.840 | One issue with supplements, however,
01:13:24.240 | is that what's listed on the bottle of various supplements
01:13:27.120 | isn't always what's included in the bottle.
01:13:29.120 | And the quality of ingredients varies tremendously
01:13:31.720 | across different supplement manufacturers.
01:13:34.000 | For that reason, we've partnered with Thorne,
01:13:36.240 | that's T-H-O-R-N-E,
01:13:37.880 | because Thorne supplements have the highest levels
01:13:40.060 | of stringency of any supplement company out there
01:13:42.240 | that we are aware of.
01:13:43.360 | They work with all the major sports teams,
01:13:45.500 | they work with the Mayo Clinic,
01:13:46.620 | and so we're delighted that we partnered with them.
01:13:48.360 | If you'd like to see the supplements that I take,
01:13:50.260 | you can go to Thorne, that's
01:13:55.260 | to see the supplements that I take,
01:13:57.140 | and you can get 20% off any of those supplements.
01:13:59.880 | If you enter the Thorne site through that portal,
01:14:02.220 | you can also get 20% off any of the supplements
01:14:04.920 | that Thorne makes.
01:14:06.160 | Thank you for your time and attention today.
01:14:08.160 | And last, but certainly not least,
01:14:10.340 | thank you for your interest in science.
01:14:12.300 | (upbeat music)
01:14:14.880 | (upbeat music)