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Stanford XCS224U: NLU I In-context Learning, Part 2: Core Concepts I Spring 2023

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Welcome back everyone.
00:00:06.000 | This is part two in our series on in-context learning.
00:00:08.900 | I thought I'd cover some core concepts.
00:00:10.740 | For the most part,
00:00:11.760 | I think these concepts are a review for you all,
00:00:14.560 | but I thought it would be good to get them into
00:00:16.780 | our common ground to help us think about them as
00:00:20.000 | we think about what's happening with
00:00:21.440 | in-context learning techniques.
00:00:23.600 | To start, let's just establish some terminology.
00:00:26.760 | I think there's a lot of variation in how
00:00:28.280 | these terms are used in the literature,
00:00:30.080 | and I thought I would just try to be clear about what I
00:00:32.440 | mean with these various crucial phrases.
00:00:35.220 | Let's start with in-context learning.
00:00:37.120 | When I say in-context learning,
00:00:38.600 | I mean a frozen language model
00:00:41.160 | performs a task only by conditioning on the prompt text.
00:00:45.640 | It's frozen, that is there are no gradient updates.
00:00:48.100 | The only mechanism we have for learning is that we input
00:00:51.320 | some text and that puts the model in
00:00:53.680 | a temporary state that we hope is
00:00:55.640 | useful for having it generate things that we regard as useful for our task.
00:01:01.240 | Few shot in-context learning is a special case of that.
00:01:05.000 | This is where the prompt includes examples of
00:01:07.880 | the intended behavior and no examples
00:01:10.880 | of the intended behavior were seen in training.
00:01:14.040 | Of course, we are unlikely to be able to verify two.
00:01:18.400 | In this modern era where models are trained on massive amounts of text,
00:01:22.060 | we'll have no idea typically what was in
00:01:24.420 | those training datasets often we have no ability to audit them.
00:01:28.160 | We might not be sure whether we're actually doing few shot in-context learning.
00:01:32.720 | But this is the ideal and the spirit of this is
00:01:36.200 | that if models have seen examples of this type in training,
00:01:39.560 | it's hardly few shot anymore.
00:01:41.000 | The whole point is to see whether with just a few instances,
00:01:44.620 | models can do what we want them to do.
00:01:47.560 | I'll also acknowledge that the term few shot is
00:01:50.940 | used in more traditional supervised learning settings in
00:01:55.140 | the sense of training on a few examples with gradient updates.
00:01:59.060 | I'm just emphasizing that when I say few shot in this lecture series,
00:02:03.300 | I'm always going to mean few shot in-context learning with no gradient updates.
00:02:08.860 | Zero shot in-context learning is another special case.
00:02:12.500 | This is where the prompt includes no examples of the intended behavior,
00:02:16.320 | but I'll allow that it could contain some instructions.
00:02:20.180 | As before, item 2,
00:02:22.300 | no examples of the intended behavior were seen in training.
00:02:25.280 | Again, we're unlikely to be able to verify two,
00:02:28.460 | so we won't know whether this is truly zero shot,
00:02:31.620 | but the concept is clear.
00:02:34.020 | For item 1, this is more interesting.
00:02:36.460 | I'll say that formatting and
00:02:38.220 | other instructions that you include in the prompt are a gray area,
00:02:41.960 | but let's allow them in the zero shot category.
00:02:44.440 | What I mean by that is that as you give more elaborate instructions,
00:02:47.380 | you might in effect be demonstrating the intended behavior.
00:02:51.120 | But the other side of this is that instructions are conceptually very different kinds
00:02:55.860 | of things for machine learning in general than actual demonstrations.
00:03:01.100 | It's interesting to separate out the case where you demonstrate
00:03:04.460 | directly from the case where you just describe the intended behavior.
00:03:08.780 | We'll allow mere descriptions to still be zero shot.
00:03:13.620 | Another reminder is just how GPT and other models work.
00:03:19.900 | We covered this in the unit on contextual representation,
00:03:24.440 | and I thought I'd just remind us so that this is front of
00:03:27.000 | mind as we think about the in-context learning techniques.
00:03:30.420 | Here's a slide repeating
00:03:32.060 | the autoregressive loss function that these models use.
00:03:34.780 | Again, the essence of this is that scoring happens on the basis
00:03:38.820 | of the embedding representation for
00:03:41.020 | the token that we want to predict at time step t,
00:03:44.100 | and the hidden state that the model has created up until the time step preceding t.
00:03:50.140 | Those are the two crucial ingredients.
00:03:53.460 | Here's how that plays out for GPT style models in the context of training.
00:03:59.900 | Then I'll show you first training with teacher forcing.
00:04:02.780 | This slide is a repeat from one we had in the contextual representations unit,
00:04:06.940 | but again, I want to issue a reminder here.
00:04:09.900 | At the bottom, we have one-hot vectors
00:04:13.700 | representing the sequence of tokens in the sequence that we are using for training.
00:04:18.640 | Normally, we represent these as actual sequences of tokens,
00:04:21.860 | but I'm trying to remind us at
00:04:23.620 | a mechanical level of how these things actually operate.
00:04:26.580 | These are one-hot vectors and those are used to look up vectors in
00:04:31.340 | our embedding layer that's given in gray here and the result of that lookup is a vector.
00:04:36.700 | At this stage, I have given the names of
00:04:38.940 | the vectors according to our vocabulary.
00:04:41.400 | But again, what we really have here is a sequence of vectors.
00:04:46.060 | Those vectors are the input to
00:04:48.620 | the big transformer model that we're using for language modeling.
00:04:52.260 | I've shown a schematic of this and the one thing I've
00:04:55.300 | highlighted is the pattern of attention mechanisms.
00:04:58.380 | Recall that when we're doing autoregressive modeling,
00:05:01.140 | we can't look into the future with
00:05:03.340 | those dot product attention mechanisms only into the past.
00:05:06.900 | You see that characteristic pattern for the attention connections.
00:05:11.260 | We do all our processing with all of these transformer blocks.
00:05:14.460 | Then at the very top,
00:05:15.700 | we're going to use our embedding layer again.
00:05:18.580 | The labels, so to speak,
00:05:21.320 | are again our sequence offset by
00:05:23.740 | one from the sequence that we have at the bottom here.
00:05:26.820 | Like this was the start token,
00:05:28.980 | we use that to predict the,
00:05:31.300 | then at the next time step,
00:05:32.780 | the comes in down here and that is the basis for predicting rock.
00:05:36.320 | Rock comes in down here,
00:05:38.220 | predicts rules, rules down here,
00:05:40.740 | and then we finally predict the end of token sequence.
00:05:43.220 | We're offset by one using the previous context to predict the next token.
00:05:49.500 | Again, I've given these as one-hot vectors because
00:05:52.500 | those one-hot vectors are the actual learning signal.
00:05:56.340 | Those are compared for learning with the vector of
00:05:59.540 | scores that the model produces at each time step,
00:06:02.520 | scores over the entire vocabulary.
00:06:05.500 | It's the difference between the one-hot vector and
00:06:08.620 | the score vector that we use to get gradient updates to improve the model.
00:06:13.420 | Again, I'm emphasizing this because we tend to
00:06:16.020 | think that the model has predicted tokens.
00:06:18.540 | But in fact, predicting tokens is something that we make them do.
00:06:21.740 | What they actually do is predict score vectors.
00:06:25.500 | What's depicted on the slide here is teacher forcing.
00:06:29.300 | There's an interesting thing that happened at this time step where
00:06:32.500 | the score vector actually put the highest score on the final element here,
00:06:36.780 | which is different from the one-hot vector that we wanted to predict.
00:06:41.500 | In teacher forcing, I still use this one-hot vector
00:06:44.820 | down at the next time step to continue my predictions.
00:06:48.300 | There are versions of training where I would instead use
00:06:51.820 | the one-hot vector that had a one here at the next time step,
00:06:55.380 | and that can be useful for introducing some diversity into the mix.
00:06:59.440 | That is also a reminder that these models don't predict tokens,
00:07:03.420 | they predict score vectors.
00:07:04.760 | In principle, even in training,
00:07:07.340 | we could use their predicted score vectors in lots of different ways.
00:07:11.160 | We could do some beam search and use
00:07:13.560 | the entire prediction that they make over
00:07:15.800 | beam search to do training for future time steps.
00:07:18.740 | We could pick the lowest scoring item if we wanted.
00:07:21.440 | This is all up to us because fundamentally,
00:07:24.340 | what these models do is predict score vectors.
00:07:27.960 | That was for training.
00:07:30.120 | Our actual focus is on frozen language models for this unit,
00:07:33.520 | and so we're really going to be thinking about generation.
00:07:36.600 | Let's think about how that happens.
00:07:38.880 | Let's imagine that the model has been prompted with
00:07:41.800 | the beginning of sequence token and the,
00:07:44.480 | and it has produced the token rock.
00:07:46.960 | We use rock, the one-hot vector there as the input to the next time step.
00:07:51.720 | We process that and make another prediction.
00:07:55.140 | In this case, we could think of the prediction as rolls.
00:07:58.640 | Rolls comes in as a one-hot vector at
00:08:00.760 | the next time step and we continue our predictions.
00:08:04.280 | That's the generation process.
00:08:06.280 | Again, I want to emphasize that at each time step,
00:08:09.660 | the model is predicting score vectors over the vocabulary.
00:08:14.380 | We are using our own rule to
00:08:16.880 | decide what token that actually corresponds to.
00:08:19.900 | What I've depicted here is something that you might call greedy decoding,
00:08:23.520 | where the highest scoring token at each time step is used at the next time step.
00:08:29.600 | But again, that just reveals that there are lots of
00:08:32.720 | decision rules that I could use at this point to guide generation.
00:08:37.220 | I mentioned beam search before,
00:08:39.000 | that would be where we do a rollout and look at
00:08:41.520 | all the score distributions that we got for a few time steps,
00:08:44.640 | and pick one that seems to be the best scoring across that whole sequence,
00:08:48.460 | which could yield very different behaviors from
00:08:51.280 | the behavior that we get from greedy decoding.
00:08:54.160 | If you look at the APIs for our really large language models now,
00:08:58.480 | you'll see that they have a lot of different parameters that are
00:09:01.760 | essentially shaping how generation actually happens.
00:09:05.040 | That is again a reminder that generation is not really intrinsic to these models.
00:09:10.480 | What's intrinsic to them is predicting score vectors over the vocabulary,
00:09:14.800 | and the generation part is something that we make them do via a rule that we
00:09:19.740 | decide separately from their internal structure.
00:09:23.960 | That queues up a nice question that you could debate with
00:09:27.600 | your fellow researchers and friends and loved ones and people out in the world.
00:09:32.200 | Do autoregressive language models simply predict the next token?
00:09:36.720 | Well, your first answer might be yes,
00:09:38.840 | that's all they do, and that is a reasonable answer.
00:09:41.740 | However, we just saw that it's more precise to say that they
00:09:46.600 | predict scores over the entire vocabulary at each time step,
00:09:50.480 | and then we use those scores to
00:09:52.720 | compel them to predict some token or other.
00:09:55.380 | We compel them to speak in a particular way.
00:09:59.240 | That feels more correct at a technical level.
00:10:02.360 | You might reflect also that they actually represent
00:10:05.860 | data in their internal and output representations,
00:10:08.900 | and very often in NLP,
00:10:10.680 | it's those representations that we care about,
00:10:12.840 | not any particular generation process.
00:10:15.700 | That just points to the fact that autoregressive LMs do
00:10:18.360 | a lot more than just speak, so to speak.
00:10:22.080 | But on balance, I would say that it's saying they
00:10:26.580 | simply predict the next token might be the best
00:10:29.000 | in terms of science communication with the public.
00:10:31.460 | You can talk in nuanced ways with
00:10:33.400 | your fellow researchers about what they're actually
00:10:35.380 | doing and how they represent examples.
00:10:37.420 | But out in the world,
00:10:38.700 | it might give people the best mental model if you simply say that they predict
00:10:42.900 | the next token based on the tokens that they
00:10:45.280 | have already generated and the ones that you put in.
00:10:47.820 | It's an appropriately mechanistic explanation that I think might
00:10:51.160 | help people out in the world calibrate to what's actually happening.
00:10:55.280 | Because we should even remind ourselves as we see
00:10:58.780 | more impressive behaviors from these models that
00:11:01.400 | underlyingly the mechanism is uniform.
00:11:04.580 | If you prompt the model with better late than, and it says never,
00:11:08.680 | transparently we can see that that's just a high probability
00:11:12.260 | continuation of the prompt sequence.
00:11:14.940 | When you have every day I eat breakfast,
00:11:17.300 | lunch, and it will probably say dinner and you might immediately think,
00:11:21.540 | that reflects some world knowledge that the model has.
00:11:24.620 | But as far as we know,
00:11:26.900 | all that really is,
00:11:28.180 | is a continuation of the sequence with a high probability token.
00:11:32.540 | It's high probability because of regularities in the world.
00:11:35.700 | But for the language model,
00:11:37.140 | this is simply a high probability continuation.
00:11:40.580 | Again, when you prompt it with the president of the US is,
00:11:44.060 | and it gives you the name of a person as an answer,
00:11:46.900 | that might look like it has stored some knowledge about the world,
00:11:50.100 | and maybe there is a sense in which it has.
00:11:52.480 | But as far as we know,
00:11:53.880 | and mechanistically, that is simply offering
00:11:56.660 | a high probability continuation of the sequence.
00:11:59.780 | When you get to something like the key to happiness is,
00:12:03.220 | and it offers you an answer that seems insightful,
00:12:06.260 | you should again remind yourself that that is just
00:12:08.700 | a high probability continuation of
00:12:11.320 | the input sequence based on
00:12:13.260 | all the training experience that the model has had.
00:12:16.740 | We really have no ability to audit what those training sequences were like.
00:12:20.800 | The mechanism is uniform.
00:12:22.420 | There might be something interesting happening in terms of
00:12:24.740 | representation under the hood here.
00:12:27.660 | But we should remind ourselves that really it's just
00:12:30.200 | high probability continuations for all of these cases.
00:12:34.160 | The final core concept that I want to mention here,
00:12:38.140 | is that one that we're going to return to
00:12:39.980 | at various points throughout the series.
00:12:42.260 | This is this notion of instruction fine-tuning.
00:12:45.820 | This is from the blog post that announced chat GPT.
00:12:50.980 | It's a description of how they do instruct fine-tuning for that model.
00:12:54.800 | There are three steps here.
00:12:56.580 | I think the thing to highlight is that in step 1,
00:12:59.700 | we have what looks like fairly standard supervised learning,
00:13:04.300 | where at some level we have
00:13:05.980 | human curated examples of prompts with good outputs,
00:13:09.500 | and the model is trained on those instances.
00:13:13.180 | Then at step 2, we again have humans coming in now to look at
00:13:18.440 | model outputs that have been generated and rank
00:13:21.460 | them according to quality conditional on the prompt input.
00:13:25.220 | That's two stages at which people are playing a crucial role.
00:13:30.160 | We have left behind the very pure version of
00:13:33.560 | the distributional hypothesis that says,
00:13:36.020 | just doing language model training of the sort I described before,
00:13:40.540 | on entirely unstructured sequence symbols,
00:13:43.280 | gives us models that are powerful.
00:13:45.280 | We have now entered back into a mode where a lot of
00:13:48.520 | the most interesting behaviors are certainly happening because
00:13:51.980 | people are coming in to offer
00:13:54.180 | direct supervision about what's a good output given an input.
00:13:58.300 | It's not magic when these models seem to do very sophisticated things.
00:14:02.120 | It is largely because they have been instructed to do
00:14:05.220 | very sophisticated things by very sophisticated humans.
00:14:08.960 | That is important in terms of understanding why these models work,
00:14:12.420 | and I think it's also important for understanding how
00:14:15.500 | various in-context learning techniques behave because increasingly,
00:14:20.040 | we're seeing a feedback loop where the kinds of things that we want to do with
00:14:24.200 | our prompts are informing the kinds of things that happen in
00:14:27.420 | the supervised learning phase making them more powerful.
00:14:31.000 | Again, it's not a mysterious discovery about how large language models work,
00:14:35.640 | but rather just a reflection of the kinds of
00:14:38.460 | instruct fine-tuning that are very commonly happening now.
00:14:42.740 | [BLANK_AUDIO]