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Setting Goals with Wife | #shorts

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Five years ago, we said within five years, we wanted a house in Hawaii.
00:00:03.560 | We wanted a house where we could have people come and visit, family and
00:00:07.180 | friends who'd come and stay with us.
00:00:08.520 | I said, I wanted to surf more.
00:00:10.140 | I had all this stuff we wanted to do as a couple and it wasn't five years later.
00:00:13.620 | We did it like nine months later.
00:00:14.980 | Cause as soon as we defined what was possible and we had a goal, all of a
00:00:18.900 | sudden I was like, well, hey, you want to go to Hawaii for a couple of months
00:00:21.100 | this winter while it's miserable and rainy in the Pacific Northwest?
00:00:23.760 | Sure.
00:00:24.160 | So we went there and because we knew we wanted to end up there someday, we
00:00:27.200 | started looking at real estate and all of a sudden we found a house, right?
00:00:30.660 | Is that law of attraction?
00:00:31.640 | I mean, is that wooboo stuff or is that we had a vision for where we
00:00:34.600 | wanted to go and we worked towards it.
00:00:35.900 | So we do that in our marriage.
00:00:36.900 | We set goals together every year.
00:00:38.560 | We visit them every quarter.
00:00:40.680 | I have a sheet hung up on my bathroom mirror that has our goals for the year,
00:00:45.600 | as well as spots for checking off, just being intentional, doing the things
00:00:49.400 | that we do in business and applying them to our personal life that has made such
00:00:54.140 | a difference on the relationship side.