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How to Declutter Your Digital Life (The Power of Expiry in Note-Taking)

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | one of the most underrated things that I've been playing around with for the last year or so is
00:00:05.200 | expiry. Everything expires in this world except digital stuff and the whole idea that digital
00:00:11.360 | information doesn't really expire can be a great thing but in some cases it also just does not
00:00:18.160 | allow us to let go of things and so I've been playing around with expiry. I have this notion
00:00:22.480 | template which basically for all the things that are kind of these nice to haves but not need to
00:00:28.000 | haves, I throw them in there and then if I don't get to them over a period of time, it's basically
00:00:33.760 | if I don't check it as done or delete it, it'll automatically expire after a certain period that
00:00:39.120 | I can set and that's actually really nice because again I'm not throwing anything mission critical in
00:00:43.600 | here but I am throwing those things where it's like oh let me get to this and ultimately if I
00:00:48.160 | haven't gotten to it in let's say 30 days instead of having this wait that like sticks with me
00:00:53.680 | forever that just gets longer and longer and longer, this allows me to just process it.