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Climate Change Debate: Bjørn Lomborg and Andrew Revkin | Lex Fridman Podcast #339


0:0 Introduction
1:51 Politics of climate change
18:53 Greta Thunberg
25:23 Electric cars
32:45 Economy
40:22 Journalism
54:23 Human emissions
72:11 Worst-case climate change scenario
92:32 Hurricanes
111:20 Climate change vs Global warming
115:27 Climate alarmism
130:17 Economic models
161:44 Climate change policies
177:46 Nuclear energy
184:22 Alex Epstein
194:52 Public opinion on climate change
216:49 US presidents
227:27 Advice for young people
241:2 Meaning of life

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | people all around the world,
00:00:01.440 | their lives are basically dependent on fossil fuels.
00:00:03.940 | And so the idea that we're gonna get people off
00:00:06.740 | by making it so expensive
00:00:08.400 | that it becomes impossible for them to live good lives
00:00:11.840 | is almost morally reprehensible.
00:00:13.900 | - People who have the most basic science literacy,
00:00:16.540 | like who know the most about greenhouse effect,
00:00:18.940 | they're at both ends of the spectrum of views on climate,
00:00:22.220 | dismissives and alarmed.
00:00:23.720 | - What is likely the worst effect of climate change?
00:00:29.800 | - The following is a conversation with Bjorn Lomborg
00:00:32.520 | and Andrew Refkin on the topic of climate change.
00:00:36.400 | It is framed as a debate,
00:00:38.280 | but with the goal of having a nuanced conversation,
00:00:41.380 | talking with each other, not at each other.
00:00:44.680 | I hope to continue having debates like these,
00:00:47.040 | including on controversial topics.
00:00:49.640 | I believe in the power of conversation
00:00:51.840 | to bring people together,
00:00:53.640 | not to convince one side or the other,
00:00:56.400 | but to enlighten both with the insights
00:00:58.640 | and wisdom that each hold.
00:01:00.180 | Bjorn Lomborg is the president
00:01:02.940 | of Copenhagen Consensus Think Tank
00:01:05.300 | and author of "False Alarm," "Cool It,"
00:01:09.040 | and "Skeptical Environmentalist."
00:01:12.120 | Please check out his work at
00:01:14.600 | that includes his books, articles, and other writing.
00:01:18.640 | Andrew Refkin is one of the most respected journalists
00:01:21.960 | in the world on the topic of climate.
00:01:24.360 | He's been writing about global environmental change
00:01:26.820 | and risk for more than 30 years,
00:01:29.560 | 20 of it at the New York Times.
00:01:32.280 | Please check out his work in the Linktree
00:01:35.520 | that includes his books, articles, and other writing.
00:01:39.480 | This is the Lex Friedman Podcast.
00:01:41.480 | To support it, please check out our sponsors
00:01:43.680 | in the description.
00:01:45.000 | And now, dear friends,
00:01:46.520 | here's Bjorn Lomborg and Andrew Refkin.
00:01:50.260 | There's a spectrum of belief on the topic of climate change,
00:01:54.680 | and the landscape of that spectrum
00:01:56.700 | has probably changed over several decades.
00:01:59.580 | On one extreme, there's a belief
00:02:00.940 | that climate change is a hoax,
00:02:02.960 | it's not human-caused.
00:02:05.540 | To pile on top of that,
00:02:06.500 | there's a belief that institutions,
00:02:07.940 | scientific, political, the media,
00:02:10.340 | are corrupt and are kind of constructing this fabrication.
00:02:14.980 | That's one extreme.
00:02:15.820 | And then the other extreme,
00:02:17.860 | there's a level of alarmism
00:02:22.140 | about the catastrophic impacts of climate change
00:02:25.220 | that lead to the extinction of human civilization.
00:02:29.820 | So not just economic costs, hardship, suffering,
00:02:33.700 | but literally the destruction of the human species
00:02:37.380 | in the short term.
00:02:38.300 | Okay, so that's the spectrum.
00:02:39.820 | And I would love to find the center,
00:02:43.220 | and my sense is,
00:02:44.420 | and the reason I wanted to talk to the two of you,
00:02:46.780 | aside from the humility with which you approach this topic,
00:02:52.220 | is I feel like you're close to the center
00:02:54.480 | and are on different sides of that center,
00:02:57.860 | if it's possible to define the center.
00:02:59.620 | Like there is a political center
00:03:01.500 | for center left and center right.
00:03:03.700 | Of course, it's very difficult to define,
00:03:05.380 | but can you help me define what the extremes are again,
00:03:08.140 | as they have changed over the years,
00:03:09.540 | what they are today,
00:03:10.620 | and where's the center?
00:03:12.120 | - Oh boy.
00:03:13.060 | Well, in a way, on this issue,
00:03:14.780 | I think there is no center,
00:03:15.940 | except in this, if you're looking on social media
00:03:18.980 | or if you're looking on TV,
00:03:21.340 | there are people who are trying to fabricate the idea
00:03:23.060 | there's a single question.
00:03:24.500 | And that's the first mistake.
00:03:27.460 | We are developing a new relationship with the climate system
00:03:31.460 | and we're rethinking our energy systems.
00:03:35.380 | And those are very disconnected in so many ways,
00:03:39.380 | they connect around climate change.
00:03:40.940 | But the first way to me to overcome this idea
00:03:44.060 | of there is this polarized universe around this issue
00:03:48.340 | is to step back and say,
00:03:50.420 | well, what is this actually?
00:03:51.740 | And when you do, you realize it's kind of
00:03:53.860 | an uncomfortable collision between old energy norms
00:03:56.940 | and a growing awareness of how the planet works.
00:04:01.100 | That if you keep adding gases that are invisible,
00:04:03.460 | it's the bubbles in beer.
00:04:05.140 | If you keep adding that to the atmosphere,
00:04:06.680 | because it accumulates, that will change everything,
00:04:09.020 | is changing everything for thousands of years,
00:04:10.780 | it's already happening.
00:04:11.820 | - What do you mean by bubbles in beer?
00:04:13.340 | - CO2, carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas.
00:04:16.620 | - Why beer?
00:04:17.880 | - Well, 'cause I like beer.
00:04:19.140 | - It's also in Coca-Cola,
00:04:20.460 | we were talking about Cola before.
00:04:22.220 | And so it's innocuous.
00:04:24.500 | We grew up with this idea is CO2,
00:04:27.060 | unless you're trapped in a room suffocating,
00:04:29.600 | is an innocuous gas.
00:04:31.860 | It's plant food, it's beer bubbles.
00:04:34.940 | And the idea we can swiftly transition to a world
00:04:39.580 | where that gas is a pollutant, regulated,
00:04:43.600 | tamped down from the top is fantastical.
00:04:48.260 | Having looked at this for 35 years,
00:04:50.740 | I brought along one of my tokens.
00:04:52.860 | This is my 1988 cover story on global warming.
00:04:56.620 | - The Greenhouse Effect, this cover, 1988.
00:05:00.380 | - Jim Hansen, the famous American climate scientist,
00:05:03.060 | really he stimulated this article
00:05:05.500 | by doing this dramatic testimony
00:05:08.280 | in a Senate committee that summer,
00:05:10.100 | in May, actually, spring, late spring.
00:05:12.060 | It was a hot day and it got headlines
00:05:14.960 | and this was the result.
00:05:16.420 | But it's complicated.
00:05:17.700 | Look what we were selling on the back cover.
00:05:19.980 | - What you see is when you get tobacco--
00:05:21.900 | - Cigarettes.
00:05:22.740 | - Tobacco, yeah.
00:05:24.420 | - You know, looking back at my own career
00:05:26.300 | on the climate question,
00:05:27.660 | it's no longer a belief fight over
00:05:29.720 | is global warming real or not.
00:05:30.940 | You say, well, what kind of energy future do you want?
00:05:32.860 | That's a very different question than stop global warming.
00:05:36.460 | And when you look at climate, actually,
00:05:40.900 | I had this learning journey on my reporting
00:05:43.060 | where I started out with this
00:05:45.980 | as the definition of the problem.
00:05:47.680 | The '70s and '80s, pollution was changing things
00:05:52.220 | that were making things bad.
00:05:53.600 | - So really focusing in on the greenhouse effect
00:05:55.740 | and the pollution.
00:05:56.580 | - But what I missed, the big thing that I missed
00:05:58.620 | of the first 15 years of my reporting
00:06:00.740 | from 1988 through about 2007,
00:06:04.140 | when I was, that period I was at the New York Times
00:06:09.100 | in the middle there,
00:06:10.580 | was that we're building vulnerability
00:06:11.980 | to climate hazards at the same time.
00:06:13.860 | So climate is changing,
00:06:15.780 | but we're changing too.
00:06:17.460 | And where we are here in Austin, Texas is a great example.
00:06:21.580 | Flash Flood Alley, named in the 1920s, west of here.
00:06:26.500 | Everyone forgot about flash floods.
00:06:28.140 | Built these huge developments along these river basins
00:06:32.220 | that in one side starts saying,
00:06:33.580 | global warming, global warming,
00:06:35.180 | and the other side is not recognizing
00:06:38.100 | that we built willfully, greedily,
00:06:43.540 | vulnerability in places of utter hazard.
00:06:45.860 | Same things played out in Pakistan
00:06:47.860 | and in Fort Myers, Florida.
00:06:49.280 | And you start to understand
00:06:51.500 | that we're creating a landscape of risk
00:06:53.500 | as climate is changing,
00:06:56.240 | then it feels, oh my God, that's more complex, right?
00:06:59.380 | But it also gives you more action points.
00:07:01.100 | It's like, okay, well, we know how to design better.
00:07:03.780 | We know that today's coasts won't be tomorrow's coasts.
00:07:07.900 | Work with that.
00:07:08.740 | And then let's chart an energy future at the same time.
00:07:11.700 | So the story became so different.
00:07:12.940 | It didn't become like a story you could package
00:07:16.900 | into a magazine article or the like.
00:07:20.240 | And it just led me to a whole different way
00:07:21.780 | of even my journalism changed over time.
00:07:24.460 | So I don't fight the belief disbelief fight anymore.
00:07:27.800 | I think it's actually kind of a waste.
00:07:30.780 | It's a good way to start the discussion
00:07:32.860 | 'cause that's where we're at.
00:07:34.320 | But this isn't about, to me, going forward from where we're at
00:07:38.180 | isn't about tipping that balance
00:07:41.740 | back toward the center so much as finding opportunities
00:07:44.820 | to just do something about this stuff.
00:07:46.900 | - What do you think, Bjorn?
00:07:47.820 | Do you agree that it's multiple questions in one big question?
00:07:51.460 | Do you think it's possible to define the center?
00:07:53.020 | Where is the center?
00:07:54.700 | - I think it's wonderful to hear Andy
00:07:56.580 | sort of unconstruct the whole conversation
00:07:59.420 | and say we should be worried about different things.
00:08:01.740 | And I think that's exactly,
00:08:03.020 | or we should be worried about things in a different way
00:08:05.300 | that makes it much more useful.
00:08:08.360 | And I think that's exactly the right way to think about it.
00:08:11.220 | On the other hand,
00:08:12.060 | that was also where you kind of ended,
00:08:13.840 | we are stuck in a place where this very much
00:08:16.560 | is the conversation right now.
00:08:18.260 | And so I think in one sense,
00:08:21.500 | certainly the people who used to say,
00:08:23.580 | "Oh, this is not happening."
00:08:24.820 | They're very, very small and diminishing crowd
00:08:27.540 | and certainly not right.
00:08:28.800 | But on the other hand, I think to an increasing extent,
00:08:34.700 | we've gotten into a world where a lot of people
00:08:37.340 | really think this is the end of times.
00:08:40.740 | If you, so the OECD did a new survey of all OECD countries
00:08:45.380 | and it's shocking.
00:08:46.460 | So it shows that 60% of all people in the OECD,
00:08:50.260 | so the rich world,
00:08:51.780 | believes that global warming will likely
00:08:53.780 | or very likely lead to the extinction of mankind.
00:08:57.780 | And that's scary in a very, very clear way
00:09:02.300 | because look, if this really is true,
00:09:04.500 | if global warming is this meteor hurtling towards earth
00:09:08.380 | and we're gonna be destroyed in 12 years
00:09:10.980 | or whatever the number is today,
00:09:14.380 | then clearly we should care about nothing else.
00:09:16.560 | We should just be focusing on making sure
00:09:19.020 | that that asteroid gets,
00:09:20.820 | we should send up Bruce Willis and get this done with.
00:09:24.180 | But that's not the way it is.
00:09:26.300 | This is not actually what the UN climate panel tells us
00:09:29.200 | or anything else.
00:09:30.180 | So I think it's not so much about arcing against the people
00:09:34.100 | who are saying it's a hoax.
00:09:35.540 | That's not really where I am.
00:09:36.880 | I don't think that's where Andy or really
00:09:38.460 | where the conversation is.
00:09:40.020 | But it is a question of sort of pulling people back
00:09:42.780 | from this end of the world conversation
00:09:45.180 | because it really skews our way
00:09:47.380 | that we think about problems.
00:09:48.820 | Also, if you really think this is the end of time
00:09:51.380 | and you only have 12 years,
00:09:53.140 | nothing that can only work in 13 years can be considered.
00:09:57.860 | And the reality of most of what we're talking about
00:10:00.660 | in climate and certainly our vulnerability,
00:10:02.540 | certainly our energy system
00:10:04.300 | is gonna be half to a full century.
00:10:06.540 | And so when you talk to people and say,
00:10:08.740 | well, but we're gonna, you know,
00:10:10.060 | we're really gonna go a lot more renewable
00:10:11.980 | in the next half century.
00:10:13.020 | They look at you and like, but that's what,
00:10:15.220 | 38 years too late.
00:10:17.220 | And I get that.
00:10:18.180 | But so I think in your question,
00:10:21.300 | what I'm trying to do and I would imagine
00:10:23.020 | that's true for you as well,
00:10:24.460 | is to try to pull people away from this precipice
00:10:27.500 | and this end of the world and then open it up.
00:10:30.540 | And I think Andy did that really well by saying,
00:10:33.100 | look, there are so many different sub conversations
00:10:36.180 | and we need to have all of them
00:10:38.020 | and we need to be respectful of,
00:10:40.380 | some of these are right in the sort of standard media
00:10:43.700 | kind of way, but some of them are very, very wrong.
00:10:46.320 | And it actually means that we end up doing much less good,
00:10:49.880 | both on climate, but also on all the other problems
00:10:52.620 | the world faces.
00:10:53.460 | - Oh yeah, and it just empowers people too.
00:10:55.580 | Those who believe this then just sit back,
00:10:58.740 | even in Adam McKay's movie, the "Don't Look Up" movie,
00:11:01.820 | there was that sort of nihilist crowd
00:11:03.460 | for those who've seen it, who just say,
00:11:05.180 | you know, fuck this, and a lot of people have that,
00:11:09.020 | when something's too big,
00:11:10.220 | and it just paralyzes you,
00:11:14.580 | as opposed to giving you these action points.
00:11:16.900 | And the other thing is, I hate it when economists
00:11:20.540 | are right about stuff like the--
00:11:22.140 | (laughing)
00:11:24.380 | - It happens all that often, though.
00:11:25.420 | - No, no, there are these phrases,
00:11:27.260 | like I never knew the words path dependency
00:11:30.220 | until probably 10 years ago in my reporting.
00:11:32.740 | And it basically says you're in a system,
00:11:35.420 | the things around you, how we pass laws,
00:11:37.980 | the brokenness of the Senate, you know.
00:11:39.940 | We don't have a climate crisis in America,
00:11:43.980 | we have a decision crisis,
00:11:45.900 | as it comes to how the government works or doesn't work.
00:11:48.660 | But those big features of our landscape,
00:11:51.460 | it's path dependency.
00:11:54.500 | When you screw in a light bulb,
00:11:56.820 | even if it's an LED light bulb,
00:11:58.140 | it's going into a 113, 120-year-old fixture,
00:12:02.360 | because, and actually that fixture is almost designed,
00:12:05.220 | if you look at 19th century gas fixtures,
00:12:07.660 | they had this screw in thing.
00:12:09.140 | So we're on these long path dependencies
00:12:11.380 | when it comes to energy and stuff like that,
00:12:12.680 | that you don't just magically transition a car fleet.
00:12:16.540 | A car built today will last 40 years,
00:12:18.540 | it'll end up in Mexico, sold as a used car,
00:12:20.660 | et cetera, et cetera.
00:12:21.820 | And so there is no quick fix,
00:12:26.260 | even if we're true that things are coming to an end
00:12:30.780 | in 13 years or 12 years or eight years.
00:12:32.360 | - So most people don't believe
00:12:34.280 | that climate change is a hoax,
00:12:35.720 | so they believe that there is an increase,
00:12:39.240 | there's a global warming of a few degrees
00:12:41.360 | in the next century,
00:12:43.000 | and then maybe debate about
00:12:44.200 | what the number of the degrees is.
00:12:46.740 | And do most people believe that it's human caused
00:12:50.680 | at this time in this history
00:12:54.140 | of discussion of climate change?
00:12:55.320 | So is that the center still?
00:12:57.240 | Is there still debate on this?
00:12:59.640 | - Yale University, the climate communication group
00:13:02.380 | there for like 13 years has done this Six Americas study
00:13:06.920 | where they've charted pretty carefully
00:13:09.700 | in ways that I really find useful what people believe.
00:13:13.920 | And we could talk about the word belief
00:13:15.300 | in the context of science too,
00:13:16.380 | but and they've identified kind of six kinds of us.
00:13:19.440 | There's from dismissive to alarmed
00:13:22.480 | and with lots of bubbles in between.
00:13:24.200 | I think some of those bubbles in between
00:13:25.700 | are mostly disengaged people
00:13:27.780 | don't really deal with the issue.
00:13:29.480 | And they've shown a drift for sure.
00:13:32.660 | There's much more majority now at the alarmed
00:13:36.420 | or engaged bubbles than just the dismissive bubble.
00:13:40.760 | There's a durable like with vaccination
00:13:42.540 | and lots of other issues.
00:13:43.720 | There's a durable never anything belief group,
00:13:47.980 | but on the reality that humans are contributing
00:13:51.260 | to climate change, most Americans when you ask them,
00:13:55.020 | and it also depends on how you write your survey.
00:13:57.820 | Think there's a component.
00:13:59.500 | - I mean, when you ask around, I mean,
00:14:01.780 | and this is, if you hear the story
00:14:03.880 | from the media of 20 years,
00:14:05.060 | of course that's what you will believe.
00:14:06.760 | And it also happens to be true.
00:14:09.220 | That is what the science, I think,
00:14:11.060 | it's perhaps worth saying,
00:14:12.420 | and it's a little depressing that you always have to say,
00:14:15.020 | but I think it's worth saying that
00:14:16.560 | I think we both really do accept
00:14:19.420 | the climate panel science
00:14:21.420 | and there's absolutely global warming.
00:14:23.740 | It is an issue and it's probably just worthwhile
00:14:26.780 | to get it out of the way.
00:14:27.620 | - It's an issue and it's caused by humans.
00:14:30.500 | - It's caused by humans, yeah.
00:14:32.020 | But vulnerability, the losses that are driven
00:14:36.160 | by climate-related events still predominantly
00:14:39.340 | are caused by humans, but on the ground.
00:14:42.260 | It's where we build stuff, where we settle.
00:14:45.500 | Pakistan, in 1960, I just looked these data up,
00:14:50.500 | there were 40 million people in Pakistan.
00:14:52.740 | Today there are 225 million
00:14:54.940 | and a big chunk of them are still rural.
00:14:56.820 | They live in the floodplain of the amazing Indus River,
00:14:59.680 | which comes down from the Himalayas.
00:15:01.820 | Extraordinary 5,000 year history of agriculture there.
00:15:05.900 | But when you put 200 million people in harm's way,
00:15:09.860 | and this doesn't say anything about
00:15:11.220 | the bigger questions about,
00:15:13.020 | oh, shame on Pakistan for having more people.
00:15:15.620 | It just says the reality is the losses that we see
00:15:19.220 | in the news are, and the science finds this,
00:15:22.980 | even though there's a new weather attribution group,
00:15:25.940 | it's WXRisk on Twitter.
00:15:28.900 | This does pretty good work on how much of what just happened
00:15:33.280 | was some tweak in the storm from global warming,
00:15:36.060 | from CO2 changing weather.
00:15:38.240 | But, and the media glom onto that,
00:15:42.420 | as I did in the '80s, '90s, 2000s.
00:15:47.000 | But the reports also have a section on, by the way,
00:15:50.440 | the vulnerability that was built in this region
00:15:52.200 | was a big driver of loss.
00:15:55.560 | So discriminating between loss,
00:15:58.000 | change in what's happening on the ground,
00:16:02.820 | and change in the climate system,
00:16:05.160 | is never solely about CO2.
00:16:07.440 | In fact, Lawrence Bauer, B-O-U-W-E-R,
00:16:14.840 | I first wrote on his work in 2010 in the New York Times,
00:16:17.280 | and basically, in 2010, there was no sign in the data
00:16:20.760 | of climate change driving disasters.
00:16:23.380 | Climate change is up here, disasters are on the ground,
00:16:27.080 | they depend on how many people are in the way,
00:16:29.160 | how much stuff you built in the way.
00:16:31.080 | And so far, we've done so much of that,
00:16:32.880 | so fast in the 20th century, particularly,
00:16:35.920 | that it completely dominates, it makes it hard,
00:16:38.120 | impossible to discriminate how much of that disaster
00:16:42.600 | was from the change in weather from global warming.
00:16:47.600 | - So a function of greenhouse gases to human suffering
00:16:53.120 | is unclear.
00:16:57.880 | - And that's very much in our control, theoretically.
00:17:00.520 | - Right, the point, I think, is exactly right,
00:17:03.560 | that if you look at the Hurricane Ian
00:17:06.440 | that went through Florida, you have a situation
00:17:08.960 | where Florida went from, what, 600,000 houses
00:17:12.200 | in 1940 to 17 million houses,
00:17:17.200 | sorry, 10 million houses, so 17 times more,
00:17:21.580 | over, what, a period of 80 years?
00:17:24.240 | Of course you're gonna have, what?
00:17:25.920 | - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:17:26.760 | - You're gonna have lots more damage,
00:17:28.640 | and many of these houses now have been built
00:17:30.520 | on places where you probably shouldn't be building.
00:17:33.480 | And so I think a lot of scientists are very focused
00:17:37.200 | on saying, can we measure whether global warming
00:17:40.280 | had an impact, which is an interesting science question.
00:17:43.320 | I think it's very implausible that eventually
00:17:46.960 | we won't be able to say it has an impact.
00:17:48.960 | But the real question, it seems to me,
00:17:51.040 | is if we actually wanna make sure that people
00:17:53.360 | are less harmed in the future,
00:17:54.900 | what are the levers that we can control?
00:17:58.280 | And it turns out that the CO2 lever,
00:18:01.040 | doing something about climate, is an incredibly
00:18:03.720 | difficult and slightly inefficient way
00:18:06.240 | of trying to help these people in the future,
00:18:08.280 | whereas, of course, zoning, making sure that you have
00:18:11.180 | better housing rules, what is it, regulations,
00:18:16.180 | that you maybe don't have people building
00:18:19.100 | in the flash flood, what was it called?
00:18:21.000 | - Flash flood alley.
00:18:21.840 | - Flash flood alley.
00:18:23.280 | It's just simple stuff, and because we're so focused
00:18:27.000 | on this one issue, it almost feels sacrilegious
00:18:32.000 | to talk about these other things that are much more
00:18:35.180 | in our power and that we can do something about
00:18:37.360 | much quicker and that would help a lot more people.
00:18:39.680 | So I think this is gonna be a large part
00:18:42.480 | of the whole conversation.
00:18:44.400 | Yes, climate is a problem, but it's not the only problem.
00:18:47.080 | And there are many other things where we can actually
00:18:49.240 | have a much, much bigger impact at much lower cost.
00:18:52.100 | Maybe we should also remember those.
00:18:53.760 | - Can you still man the case of Greta,
00:18:58.680 | who's a representative of alarmism,
00:19:04.160 | that we need that kind of level of alarmism
00:19:08.200 | for people to pay attention and to think
00:19:10.360 | about climate change?
00:19:11.840 | So you said the singular view is not the correct way
00:19:16.840 | to look at climate change, just the emissions.
00:19:21.440 | But for us to have a discussion, shouldn't there be
00:19:25.920 | somebody who's really raising the concern?
00:19:30.760 | Can you still man the case for alarmism, essentially,
00:19:33.720 | or is there a better term than alarmism?
00:19:36.620 | Communication of like, holy shit,
00:19:42.500 | we should be thinking about this.
00:19:44.760 | - So I totally understand why Greta Thunberg
00:19:48.440 | is doing what she's doing.
00:19:49.640 | I have great respect for her because I look at a lot
00:19:53.560 | of kids growing up and they're basically being told,
00:19:56.680 | you're not gonna reach adulthood, or at least not,
00:19:58.880 | you're not gonna get very far into adulthood.
00:20:01.720 | And that, of course, this is the meteor hurtling
00:20:05.120 | towards Earth, and then this is the only thing
00:20:07.320 | we should be focusing on.
00:20:08.720 | I understand why she's making that argument.
00:20:10.920 | I think it's, at the end of the day, it's incorrect,
00:20:14.340 | and I'm sure we'll get around to talking about that.
00:20:16.680 | And one of the things is, of course,
00:20:18.600 | that her whole generation, I can understand
00:20:22.200 | why they're saying, if we're gonna be dead in 12 years,
00:20:25.040 | why would I wanna study?
00:20:26.560 | Why would I really care about anything?
00:20:28.640 | So I totally want to sort of pull Greta and many others
00:20:32.280 | out of this end of the world fear,
00:20:35.080 | but I totally get why she's doing it.
00:20:37.160 | I think she's done a service in the sense
00:20:39.080 | that she's gotten more people to talk about climate,
00:20:41.760 | and that's good because we need to have this discussion.
00:20:44.960 | I think it's unfortunate, and this is just what happens
00:20:48.460 | in almost all policy discussions, that they end up being
00:20:51.800 | sort of discussions from the extreme groups,
00:20:54.780 | because it's just more fun on media
00:20:57.120 | to have sort of the total deniers
00:20:59.680 | and the people who say, we're gonna die tomorrow,
00:21:02.540 | and it sort of becomes that discussion.
00:21:04.320 | It's more sort of a mud wrestling fight.
00:21:06.920 | - So would you think the mud wrestling fight is not useful
00:21:09.600 | or is useful for communication,
00:21:11.680 | for effective science communication,
00:21:14.200 | on one of the platforms that you're a fan of,
00:21:16.360 | which is Twitter?
00:21:17.720 | - Yeah, I wrote a piece recently in my Sustain What column
00:21:21.740 | saying, if you go on there for the entertainment value
00:21:25.680 | of seeing those knockdown fights, I guess that's useful,
00:21:30.120 | if that's what you're looking for.
00:21:31.880 | The thing I found Twitter invaluable for,
00:21:34.200 | but it's a practice.
00:21:37.260 | It's just like the workouts you do,
00:21:39.300 | or it's how do I put this tool to use today,
00:21:44.140 | thinking about energy action in poor communities?
00:21:49.140 | How do I put this tool today, learning about
00:21:51.880 | what really happened with Ian the hurricane,
00:21:54.640 | who was most at risk, and how would you build forward better?
00:21:59.520 | I hate build back.
00:22:00.560 | Or you can go there and just watch it
00:22:03.440 | as an entertainment value.
00:22:04.600 | That's not gonna get the world anywhere.
00:22:07.040 | - You don't think entertainment,
00:22:10.120 | I wouldn't call it entertainment,
00:22:11.800 | but giving voice to the extremes
00:22:14.480 | isn't a productive way forward.
00:22:16.680 | It seems to, to push back against the main narrative,
00:22:20.600 | it seems to work pretty well in the American system.
00:22:22.880 | We think politics is totally broken,
00:22:25.880 | but maybe that works, that oscillation back and forth.
00:22:29.200 | You need a Greta, and you need somebody
00:22:31.640 | that pushes back against the Greta to get everybody's,
00:22:34.720 | just to get everybody's attention.
00:22:38.080 | The fun of battle over time creates progress.
00:22:43.080 | - Well, and this gets to the, you know,
00:22:46.100 | people who focus on communication science,
00:22:48.160 | I'm not a scientist, I write about this stuff.
00:22:51.360 | If you're gonna try to prod someone with a warning,
00:22:55.120 | like, this is three years apart.
00:22:57.760 | Nuclear winter.
00:22:59.000 | - Nuclear winter, we'll talk about that.
00:23:00.600 | - Global warming, well, yeah, we'll talk about it.
00:23:02.320 | But look at that, you know, this is three years apart
00:23:04.160 | in the covers of a magazine.
00:23:05.560 | But then you have to say to what end,
00:23:08.920 | if you're not directing people to a basket of things to do.
00:23:13.200 | And if you want political change,
00:23:15.400 | then it would be to support a politician.
00:23:18.000 | If you want energy access, it would be to look
00:23:20.920 | at this $370 billion the American government
00:23:25.920 | just put into play on climate and say,
00:23:27.760 | well, how can my community benefit from that?
00:23:30.140 | And I've been told over and over again
00:23:31.720 | by people in government, Jigar Shah,
00:23:34.360 | who heads this giant loan program, the energy department,
00:23:37.640 | he says, what I need now is like 19,500 people
00:23:40.620 | who are worried about climate change.
00:23:42.520 | Maybe because Greta got them worried.
00:23:45.060 | But here's the thing you could do,
00:23:46.960 | you can connect your local government right now
00:23:48.800 | with these multimillion dollar loans
00:23:50.600 | so you can have electric buses instead of diesel buses.
00:23:53.800 | And that's an action pathway.
00:23:55.280 | So without, so you know, alarm for the sake
00:23:59.060 | of getting attention or clicks,
00:24:02.720 | to me is not any more valuable than watching an action movie.
00:24:07.720 | - And again, I think also it very easily ends up
00:24:10.680 | sort of skewing our conversation
00:24:12.400 | about what are the actual solutions.
00:24:15.280 | You know, because yes, it's great to get rid
00:24:17.880 | of the diesel bus, but probably not for the reason
00:24:20.520 | people think, it's because diesel buses
00:24:22.360 | are really polluting in the air pollution sense.
00:24:26.400 | - Right, right, right.
00:24:27.240 | - And that is why you should get rid of them.
00:24:29.960 | And again, if you really wanted to help people,
00:24:32.520 | for instance, with hurricanes,
00:24:34.400 | you should have better rules and zoning in Florida,
00:24:38.520 | which is a very different outcome.
00:24:40.280 | So the mud wrestling fight also gets our attention
00:24:44.680 | diverted towards solutions that seem easy, fun,
00:24:50.240 | you know, sort of the electric car is a great example
00:24:52.680 | of this, the electric car has somehow become
00:24:54.560 | almost the sign that I care and I'm really gonna do
00:24:58.320 | something about climate.
00:24:59.960 | Of course, electric cars are great
00:25:01.960 | and they're probably part of the solution
00:25:04.000 | and they will actually cut carbon emissions somewhat,
00:25:06.840 | but they're an incredibly ineffective way
00:25:09.560 | of cutting carbon emissions right now.
00:25:11.700 | They're fairly expensive, you have to subsidize them a lot
00:25:14.760 | and they still emit quite a bit of CO2,
00:25:17.000 | both because the batteries get produced
00:25:18.960 | and because they usually run off power
00:25:21.320 | that's not-- - Strong words
00:25:22.600 | from your in-law, okay, let's go there,
00:25:24.560 | let's go electric cars, okay, educate us
00:25:27.560 | on the pros and cons of electric cars
00:25:30.360 | in this complex picture of climate change.
00:25:33.520 | What do you think of the efforts of Tesla and Elon Musk
00:25:36.560 | on pushing forward the electric car revolution?
00:25:40.760 | - So look, electric cars are great.
00:25:43.040 | I don't own a car, but you know, I've been driving--
00:25:47.160 | - There you go, socially signaling.
00:25:48.960 | (laughing)
00:25:49.800 | - Yeah, but yeah, I've--
00:25:51.560 | - We're in Texas, it's okay. - Well, I flew in here,
00:25:52.960 | so it's not like I'm in any way a virtuous guy on that path,
00:25:57.600 | but look, they're great cars and eventually,
00:26:01.880 | electric cars will take over a significant part
00:26:04.680 | of our driving and that's good
00:26:07.560 | because they're more effective,
00:26:10.080 | they're probably also gonna be cheaper.
00:26:12.320 | There's a lot of good opportunities with them,
00:26:15.000 | but it's because they've become reified
00:26:16.960 | as this thing that you do to fix climate
00:26:19.880 | and right now, they're not really all that great for climate.
00:26:24.320 | You need a lot of extra material into the batteries,
00:26:28.720 | which is very polluting and it's also,
00:26:31.320 | it emits a lot of CO2.
00:26:32.880 | A lot of electric cars are bought as second cars in the US.
00:26:37.120 | So we used to think that they were driven
00:26:38.840 | almost as much as a regular car.
00:26:41.440 | It turns out that they're more likely driven
00:26:43.800 | less than half as much as regular cars.
00:26:47.080 | So, 89% of all Americans who have an electric car
00:26:50.440 | also have a real car that they use for the long trips
00:26:53.920 | and then they use the electric car for short trips.
00:26:56.200 | - 89%? - 89, yeah.
00:26:58.000 | So the point here is that it's one of these things
00:27:02.480 | that become more sort of a virtue signaling thing.
00:27:05.200 | And again, look, once electric cars are sufficiently cheap
00:27:09.000 | that people will want to buy them, that's great
00:27:11.160 | and they will do some good for the environment.
00:27:14.520 | But in reality, what we should be focusing on
00:27:16.720 | is instead of getting people electric cars
00:27:20.000 | in rich countries, where because we're subsidizing
00:27:22.800 | typically in many countries,
00:27:25.280 | you actually get a sort of sliding scale.
00:27:28.200 | You get more subsidy, the more expensive it is.
00:27:30.880 | We sort of subsidize this to very rich people
00:27:33.120 | to buy very large Teslas to drive around in.
00:27:37.600 | Whereas what we should be focusing on
00:27:39.400 | is perhaps getting electric motorcycles
00:27:42.440 | in third world developing cities,
00:27:44.840 | where they would do a lot more good.
00:27:46.960 | They can actually go as far as you need.
00:27:49.040 | There's no worry about running out of them.
00:27:51.760 | And they would obviously, they're much, much more polluting
00:27:55.040 | just air pollution wise, and they're much cheaper
00:27:58.080 | and they use very little battery.
00:27:59.480 | So it's about getting our senses right.
00:28:01.480 | But the electric car is not a conversation about
00:28:06.080 | is it technically really good
00:28:08.080 | or is it a somewhat good insight?
00:28:10.720 | It's more like it's a virtual signal.
00:28:12.440 | So just, I work with economists.
00:28:15.120 | I'm actually not an economist,
00:28:16.480 | but I like to say I claim I kind of am.
00:28:19.040 | But the fundamental point is we would say,
00:28:21.840 | well, how much does it cost to cut a ton of CO2?
00:28:25.960 | And the answer is for most electric cars,
00:28:28.400 | we're paying in the order of 1000, 2000,
00:28:31.960 | Norway, they pay up to what $5,000 or thereabouts,
00:28:37.400 | huge amount for one ton of CO2.
00:28:40.080 | You can right now cut a ton of CO2 for about,
00:28:42.720 | what is it, $14 on the Reggie or something.
00:28:45.880 | You can do this.
00:28:46.720 | - That's a regional greenhouse gas.
00:28:48.960 | - So you can basically cut it really, really cheaply.
00:28:51.400 | Why would we not want to cut dozens and dozens of tons
00:28:54.920 | of CO2 for the same price instead of just cutting one ton?
00:28:58.560 | And the simple answer is we only do that
00:29:00.480 | because we're so focused on electric.
00:29:02.000 | - If I may interrupt, typically European come here
00:29:04.680 | in Texas, tell me I can't have my Ford F-150.
00:29:08.040 | - Well, now you can have your F-150 Lightning.
00:29:10.920 | - Yes, that's true.
00:29:12.320 | I'm just joking.
00:29:14.560 | But what do you think about electric cars?
00:29:16.480 | If you could just link on that moment
00:29:17.920 | and this particular element of helping reduce emissions.
00:29:22.920 | - Well, you talked about the middle in the beginning.
00:29:26.720 | And I loved moving to the hybrid.
00:29:29.440 | The Prius was fantastic.
00:29:30.800 | It did everything our other sedan did.
00:29:33.120 | But it was 60 miles per gallon performance.
00:29:36.640 | And you don't have range anxiety
00:29:39.280 | because it has a regular engine too.
00:29:42.240 | We still have a Prius.
00:29:43.600 | We also inherited my dad,
00:29:45.480 | dear dad's year 2000 Toyota Sienna,
00:29:48.800 | which is an old 100,000 mile minivan.
00:29:53.240 | And we use it all the time to do the stuff
00:29:55.080 | we can't do in the Prius.
00:29:57.640 | - Like what?
00:29:58.640 | - Taking stuff to the dump.
00:30:00.000 | - Oh, you mean in terms of the size of the vehicle?
00:30:02.560 | - Yeah, size and just convenience factor for a bigger vehicle.
00:30:06.520 | I would love a fully electrified transportation world.
00:30:12.400 | It's kind of exciting.
00:30:13.640 | I think what Elon did with Tesla,
00:30:16.160 | I remember way, way back in the day
00:30:18.000 | when the first models were coming out.
00:30:19.400 | They were very slick Ferrari style cars.
00:30:22.800 | And I thought, this is cool.
00:30:24.280 | And there's a history of privileged markets
00:30:27.160 | testing new technologies.
00:30:29.120 | And I'm all for that.
00:30:31.240 | And I think it's done a huge service
00:30:33.040 | prodding so much more R and D.
00:30:36.440 | And once GM and Ford started to realize,
00:30:39.200 | oh my God, this is a real phenomenon,
00:30:42.280 | getting them in the game.
00:30:43.840 | There was that documentary, "Who Killed the Electric Car?"
00:30:47.920 | which seemed to imply that there were fights
00:30:52.360 | to keep this tamp down.
00:30:54.120 | And it's fundamentally cleaner, fundamentally better.
00:30:57.080 | But then you have to manage these bigger questions.
00:31:01.000 | If we're gonna do a build out here,
00:31:03.000 | how do you make it fair?
00:31:05.240 | As you were saying, who actually uses transformed cars?
00:31:08.640 | And Jagir Shah, that guy at the energy department
00:31:10.880 | I mentioned who has all this money to give out,
00:31:13.440 | he wants to give loans to, if you had an Uber fleet,
00:31:18.440 | those Uber drivers, they're the ones who need electric cars.
00:31:23.460 | As his work, and there was a recent story in Grist also,
00:31:28.600 | said that most of the sales of Teslas
00:31:30.640 | are the high end of the market.
00:31:31.840 | They're 60, $80,000 vehicles.
00:31:33.820 | Like the Hummer, the electric Hummer,
00:31:37.600 | there was a data point on that, astonishing data point,
00:31:41.800 | the battery in that Hummer weighs more than,
00:31:44.780 | I'd have to look it up, it weighs more than a car.
00:31:49.040 | Yeah, I think it might have been a Prius.
00:31:51.120 | And think of the material costs there.
00:31:53.040 | Think of where that battery, the cobalt and the lithium,
00:31:55.720 | where does this stuff come from to build this stuff out?
00:31:59.480 | I'm all for it, but we have to be honest and clear about
00:32:03.000 | that's a new resource rush, like the oil rush
00:32:05.960 | back in the early 20th century.
00:32:08.040 | And those impacts have to be figured out too.
00:32:10.480 | And if they're all big Hummers for rich people,
00:32:14.660 | there's so many contrary arguments to that
00:32:16.560 | that I think we have to figure out a way, we,
00:32:19.680 | I don't like the word we, I use it too much, we all do.
00:32:23.080 | - We all do.
00:32:23.920 | - You usually refer when you say we, we humans.
00:32:26.480 | - We society, we government, yeah.
00:32:28.800 | There has to be some thought and attention put
00:32:31.560 | to where you put these incentives so that you get
00:32:33.800 | the best use of this technology for the carbon benefit,
00:32:38.000 | for the conventional sooty pollution benefit,
00:32:41.040 | for the transportation benefit.
00:32:42.800 | - Can I step back and ask a sort of big question?
00:32:45.600 | We mentioned economics, journalism.
00:32:48.360 | How does an economist and a climate scientist
00:32:53.280 | and a journalist that writes about climate
00:32:57.040 | see the world differently?
00:32:58.400 | What are the strengths and potential blind spots
00:33:00.560 | of each discipline?
00:33:02.080 | I mean, that's just sort of, just so people may be aware.
00:33:06.320 | I think you'll be able to fall into the economics camp a bit.
00:33:10.200 | There's climate scientists,
00:33:12.280 | and there's climate scientists adjacent people,
00:33:15.080 | like who hang, some of my best friends are climate scientists
00:33:17.640 | kind of, which is I think where you fall in
00:33:19.920 | because you're a journalist, you've been writing it,
00:33:22.120 | so you're not completely in the trenches of doing the work
00:33:28.120 | you're just step into the trenches every once in a while.
00:33:31.720 | So can you speak to that maybe beyond like,
00:33:33.920 | what does the world look like to an economist?
00:33:37.880 | Let's try to empathize with these beings that--
00:33:41.520 | - Unfortunately has fallen into the disreputable economics.
00:33:46.520 | So I think the main point that I've been trying
00:33:50.880 | for a long time, and I think that's also a little bit
00:33:52.800 | what Andy has been talking about, for a very long time,
00:33:56.180 | the whole conversation was about
00:33:57.440 | what does the science tell us?
00:33:59.320 | Is global warming real?
00:34:01.080 | And to me, it's much more, what can we actually do?
00:34:05.720 | What are the policies that we can take
00:34:08.520 | and how effective are they gonna be?
00:34:10.400 | So the conversation we just had about electric cars
00:34:12.680 | is a good example of how an economist think about,
00:34:15.920 | look, this is not a question about
00:34:18.880 | whether you feel morally virtuous
00:34:20.720 | or whether you can sort of display
00:34:22.640 | how much you care about the environment.
00:34:24.600 | This is about how much you actually ended up
00:34:27.460 | affecting the world.
00:34:28.820 | And the honest answer is that electric cars right now
00:34:32.540 | in the next decade or so will have a fairly small impact.
00:34:36.300 | And unfortunately right now at a very high cost
00:34:38.340 | because we're basically subsidizing these things
00:34:40.700 | at five or $10,000 around the world per car.
00:34:44.940 | That's just not, it's not really sustainable,
00:34:47.300 | but it's certainly not a very great way
00:34:48.980 | to cut carbon emissions.
00:34:50.460 | So I would be the kind of guy and economists
00:34:53.220 | would be the types of people who would say,
00:34:55.620 | is there a smarter way where you for less money
00:34:59.160 | can for instance, cut more CO2?
00:35:01.200 | And the obvious answer is yes.
00:35:03.980 | That's what we've seen for instance, with fracking.
00:35:07.140 | The fact that the US went from a lot of coal
00:35:10.380 | to a lot of gas because gas became incredibly cheap
00:35:13.360 | because gas emits about half as much as coal does
00:35:16.780 | when you use it for power,
00:35:20.060 | that basically cut more carbon emissions
00:35:22.340 | than pretty much any other single thing.
00:35:24.780 | And we should get the rest of the world in some sense
00:35:27.940 | to frack because it's really cheap.
00:35:30.540 | There are some problems and absolutely
00:35:32.300 | we can also have that conversation.
00:35:34.180 | No technology is problem-free,
00:35:36.860 | but fundamentally it's an incredibly cheap way
00:35:39.780 | to get people to cut a lot of CO2.
00:35:42.460 | It's not the final solution
00:35:43.860 | because it's still a fossil fuel,
00:35:45.180 | but it's a much better fossil fuel, if you will.
00:35:47.980 | And it's much more realistic to do that.
00:35:50.340 | So that's one part of the thing.
00:35:52.160 | The other one is when we talked about, for instance,
00:35:54.900 | how do we help people in Florida who gets hit by a hurricane
00:35:58.520 | or how do we help people that get damaged in flash floods,
00:36:02.900 | the people who are in heat waves.
00:36:05.740 | And the simple answer is there's a lot of very, very cheap
00:36:10.300 | and effective things that we could do first.
00:36:12.420 | So most climate people will tend to sort of say,
00:36:15.380 | we gotta get rid of all carbon emissions,
00:36:18.780 | we gotta change the engine that sort of powers the world
00:36:23.660 | and has powered us for the last 200 years.
00:36:26.080 | And that's all good and well,
00:36:27.200 | but it's really, really hard to do
00:36:28.480 | and it's probably not gonna do very much.
00:36:30.440 | And even if you succeed it, it would only help
00:36:33.280 | future victims of future hurricane Ians in Florida
00:36:36.280 | a tiny, tiny bit at best.
00:36:38.320 | So instead, let's try to focus on not getting people
00:36:41.420 | to build right on the waterfront
00:36:43.640 | where you're incredibly vulnerable
00:36:45.240 | and where you're very likely to get hit,
00:36:47.160 | where we subsidize people with federal insurance again,
00:36:51.560 | which is just actually losing money.
00:36:53.540 | So we're much more about saying,
00:36:55.840 | it's not a science question,
00:36:57.240 | I just take the science for granted.
00:36:58.840 | Yes, there is a problem with climate change,
00:37:00.700 | but it's much more about saying,
00:37:02.040 | how can we make smart decisions?
00:37:03.520 | - Can I ask you about blind spots?
00:37:06.080 | When you reduce stuff to numbers, the cost and benefits,
00:37:09.800 | is there stuff you might miss
00:37:11.880 | that are important to the flourishing of the human species?
00:37:16.900 | - So everyone will have to say,
00:37:18.920 | of course there must be blind spots.
00:37:21.240 | - But I don't know what they are.
00:37:23.120 | - Yeah, I'm sure Andy would probably be better
00:37:26.400 | at telling me what they are.
00:37:28.560 | So we try to incorporate all of it,
00:37:30.480 | but obviously we're not successful.
00:37:32.600 | You can't incorporate everything,
00:37:34.240 | for instance, in a cost benefit analysis.
00:37:36.320 | But the point is in some way,
00:37:38.180 | I would worry a lot about this
00:37:41.440 | if we were sort of close to perfection,
00:37:44.400 | human race, we're doing almost everything right,
00:37:47.080 | but we're not quite right,
00:37:48.260 | then we need to get the last digits right.
00:37:50.340 | But I think it's much more of the,
00:37:51.980 | and the point that I tried to make before,
00:37:54.800 | that we're all focused on going to an electric car
00:37:58.820 | or something else rather than fracking,
00:38:01.700 | we're all focused on cutting carbon emissions
00:38:04.300 | instead of reducing vulnerability.
00:38:06.620 | So we're similarly getting in orders of magnitude wrong.
00:38:10.380 | And while I'm sure I have blind spots,
00:38:13.380 | I think they're probably not big enough
00:38:15.040 | to overturn that point.
00:38:16.600 | - Andy, wise, Bjorn, economists
00:38:18.760 | are all wrong about everything.
00:38:21.260 | - Well, models, we could spend a whole day on models.
00:38:25.780 | There are economic models,
00:38:26.840 | there's this thing called optimization models.
00:38:29.340 | There were two big ones used to assess the US plan,
00:38:33.660 | this new big IRA, inflation reduction package.
00:38:38.420 | And they're fine, they're a starting point
00:38:41.260 | for understanding what's possible.
00:38:43.980 | But as this gets to the journalism part or the public part,
00:38:47.860 | you have to look at the caveats.
00:38:49.260 | You have to look at what model,
00:38:51.420 | economists expressly exclude things that are not modelable.
00:38:56.220 | And if you look in the fine print on the repeat project,
00:38:59.540 | the Princeton version of the assessment
00:39:01.940 | of the recent giant legislation,
00:39:04.040 | the fine print is the front page for me
00:39:09.280 | as a deep diving journalist,
00:39:11.140 | because it says we didn't include any sources of friction,
00:39:16.140 | meaning resistance to putting new transmission lines
00:39:20.220 | through your community,
00:39:21.540 | or people who don't want mining in America
00:39:26.540 | because we've exported all of our mining.
00:39:29.420 | We mine our cobalt in Congo,
00:39:32.820 | and trying to get a new mine in Nevada
00:39:35.300 | was a fraught fight that took more than 10 years for lithium.
00:39:41.240 | So if you're excluding those elements from your model,
00:39:46.240 | which on the surface makes this $370 billion package
00:39:51.440 | have an emissions reduction trajectory
00:39:53.500 | that's really pretty good,
00:39:54.800 | and you're not saying in your first line,
00:39:58.080 | by the way, these are the things we're not considering.
00:40:00.920 | That's the job of a journalist.
00:40:02.320 | - You could probably summarize all of human history
00:40:04.360 | with that one word, friction.
00:40:06.680 | - Yeah, yeah, well, inertia,
00:40:08.760 | friction implies there's a force
00:40:10.320 | that's already being resisted,
00:40:11.920 | but there's also inertia, which is a huge part of our,
00:40:15.420 | we have a status quo bias.
00:40:18.740 | The scientists that I,
00:40:21.800 | in grappling with the climate problem as a journalist,
00:40:25.360 | I paid too much attention to climate scientists.
00:40:28.440 | That's why all my articles focused on climate change,
00:40:31.740 | and it was 2006.
00:40:33.360 | I remember now pretty clearly,
00:40:35.380 | I was asked by the Week in Review section
00:40:38.040 | of the New York Times to write a sort of a weekend
00:40:40.400 | thumb sucker, we call them, on--
00:40:42.840 | - Thumb sucker?
00:40:43.680 | - You know, you sit and suck your thumb
00:40:45.360 | and think about something.
00:40:46.600 | Why is everybody so pissed off about climate change?
00:40:48.520 | It was after Al Gore's movie,
00:40:49.760 | the Al Gore movie came out, "Inconvenient Truth,"
00:40:51.720 | Hurricane Katrina, it was big.
00:40:53.600 | Senator Inhofe in the Senate from Oklahoma
00:40:56.200 | wasn't yet throwing snowballs, but it was close to that.
00:40:59.040 | And so I looked into what was going on.
00:41:02.000 | Why is this so heated?
00:41:03.400 | In 2006, the story's called "Yelling Fire on a Hot Planet."
00:41:08.120 | And that was the first time,
00:41:10.000 | this is after 18 years of writing about global warming,
00:41:13.320 | that was the first time I interviewed a social scientist,
00:41:15.660 | not a climate scientist.
00:41:16.840 | Her name was Helen Ingram, she was at UC Irvine.
00:41:20.560 | And she laid out for me the factors
00:41:23.500 | that determine why people vote,
00:41:26.240 | what they vote for, what they think about politically.
00:41:29.100 | And they were the antithesis of the climate problem.
00:41:32.000 | She used the words, she said,
00:41:33.240 | "People go in the voting booth thinking about things
00:41:36.960 | "that are soon, salient, and certain."
00:41:41.040 | And climate change is complex, has long timescales.
00:41:44.560 | And that really jogged me.
00:41:46.680 | And then between 2006, 2010,
00:41:49.320 | I started interviewing other social scientists.
00:41:52.620 | And this was by far the scariest science of all.
00:41:56.780 | It's the climate in our heads, or inconvenient minds,
00:42:01.280 | and in how that translates into political norms and stuff,
00:42:04.560 | really became the monster, not the climate system.
00:42:07.760 | - Is there social dynamics to the scientists themselves?
00:42:10.800 | Because I've gotten to witness
00:42:14.240 | a kind of flocking behavior with scientists.
00:42:18.120 | So it's almost like a flock of birds.
00:42:19.820 | Within the flock, there's a lot of disagreement,
00:42:23.200 | and fun debates, and everybody trying
00:42:25.520 | to prove each other wrong.
00:42:26.760 | But they're all kind of headed in the same direction.
00:42:29.240 | And you don't want to be the bird
00:42:30.740 | that kind of leaves that flock.
00:42:32.940 | So there's an idea that science is a mechanism
00:42:36.760 | will get us towards the truth.
00:42:38.480 | But it'll definitely get us somewhere.
00:42:41.360 | But it could be not the truth in the short term.
00:42:45.040 | In the long term, a bigger flock will come along,
00:42:48.080 | and it'll get us to the truth.
00:42:49.240 | But there's a sense that, I don't know
00:42:51.320 | if there's a mechanism within science
00:42:52.880 | to snap out of it if you're down the wrong track.
00:42:57.200 | Usually you get it right, but sometimes you don't.
00:43:01.080 | And when you don't, it's very costly.
00:43:03.100 | - And there's so many factors that line up
00:43:05.300 | to perpetuate that flocking behavior.
00:43:09.340 | One is media attention comes in.
00:43:12.860 | The other is funding comes in.
00:43:14.940 | National Science Foundation or whatever,
00:43:17.720 | European foundations pour a huge amount of money
00:43:19.820 | into things related to climate.
00:43:22.340 | And then your narrative in your head
00:43:25.140 | is shaped by that aspect of the climate problem
00:43:29.060 | that's in the spotlight.
00:43:30.580 | I started using this hashtag a few years back,
00:43:34.440 | narrative capture, be wary of narrative capture,
00:43:38.500 | where you're on a train and everyone's getting on the train.
00:43:42.980 | And this is in the media too, not just science.
00:43:44.820 | And it becomes self-sustaining.
00:43:47.940 | And contrary indications are ignored or downplayed.
00:43:52.700 | No one does replication science
00:43:54.540 | because your career doesn't advance
00:43:56.700 | through replicating someone else's work.
00:43:58.900 | So those contrary indications are not necessarily
00:44:03.580 | really dug in on.
00:44:05.020 | And this is way beyond climate.
00:44:07.420 | This is many fields.
00:44:08.700 | As you said, you might've seen this in AI.
00:44:10.500 | And it's really hard to find.
00:44:14.140 | It's another form of path dependency,
00:44:16.300 | the term I used before.
00:44:18.860 | But breaking narrative capture to me,
00:44:21.340 | for me, has come mostly from stepping back
00:44:27.660 | and reminding myself of the basic principles of journalism.
00:44:30.900 | Journalism's basic principles are useful for anybody.
00:44:35.020 | Confronting a big, enormous, dynamic, complex thing
00:44:38.340 | is who, what, where, when, why.
00:44:40.780 | Just be really rigorous about not assuming
00:44:44.420 | because there's a fire in Boulder County
00:44:47.560 | or a flood in Fort Myers that climate,
00:44:50.660 | which is in your head because you're part
00:44:52.500 | of the climate team at the New York Times or whatever,
00:44:54.980 | is the foreground part of this problem.
00:44:59.100 | - What's the psychological challenge of that
00:45:02.940 | if you incorporate the fact that if you try to step back
00:45:07.460 | and have nuance, you might get attacked
00:45:09.520 | by the others in the flock?
00:45:12.260 | - Oh, I was.
00:45:13.460 | Well, you've certainly been--
00:45:14.660 | - So both of you get attacked continuously
00:45:18.820 | from different sides.
00:45:20.220 | So let me just ask about that.
00:45:21.820 | How does that feel and how do you continue thinking clearly
00:45:26.260 | and continuously try to have humility and step back
00:45:31.580 | and not get defensive in that as a communicator?
00:45:36.380 | - I mean, there are other things happening
00:45:38.700 | at the same time, right?
00:45:39.540 | I'm now 35 years into, almost 40 years
00:45:42.900 | into my journalism career.
00:45:44.060 | So I have some independence.
00:45:45.240 | I'm free from the obligations of,
00:45:47.800 | you know, I don't really need my next paycheck.
00:45:50.680 | I live in Maine now in a house I love.
00:45:52.860 | I own it outright.
00:45:53.780 | It's a great privilege and honor
00:45:55.500 | and as a result of a lot of hard work.
00:45:59.260 | And so I'm freer to think freely.
00:46:03.060 | And I know my colleagues in newsrooms,
00:46:04.940 | when I was at the New York Times, in the newsroom,
00:46:08.140 | you become captive to a narrative,
00:46:10.980 | just as you do out in the world.
00:46:13.380 | The New York Times had a narrative about Saddam Hussein.
00:46:18.900 | Drove us into that war.
00:46:21.800 | The Times sucked right into that and helped perpetuate it.
00:46:26.480 | I think we're in a bit of a narrative, we, the media,
00:46:30.680 | my friends at the Times and others are on a train ride
00:46:33.800 | on climate change, depicting it in a certain way
00:46:37.000 | that really, I saw problems
00:46:39.600 | with how they handled the Joe Manchin issue in America.
00:46:42.760 | The West Virginia Senator, they really kind of piled on
00:46:46.720 | and zoomed in on his investments,
00:46:49.700 | which is really important to do,
00:46:50.960 | but they never pulled back and said,
00:46:52.760 | by the way, he's a rare species.
00:46:55.360 | He's a Democrat in West Virginia,
00:46:57.640 | and which is otherwise occupied by a Republican.
00:47:00.880 | There'd be no talk of a climate deal
00:47:02.480 | or any of that stuff without him.
00:47:04.540 | And, but when you, once you're starting
00:47:06.280 | to kind of frame a story in a certain way,
00:47:07.800 | you carry it along and as you said,
00:47:10.260 | sometimes it breaks and a new norm arrives,
00:47:12.760 | but the climate train is still kind of rushing forward
00:47:17.260 | and missing the opportunity to cut it into its pieces
00:47:22.260 | and say, well, what's really wrong with Florida?
00:47:25.560 | And it's for me, when you ask you about how I handle
00:47:28.120 | the slings and arrows and stuff,
00:47:30.680 | it's partially 'cause I'm past worrying about it too much.
00:47:34.620 | I mean, it was pretty intense.
00:47:37.720 | 2009 Rush Limbaugh suggested I kill myself
00:47:41.440 | on his radio show.
00:47:42.280 | It's a really great time.
00:47:43.120 | - What was that about?
00:47:44.240 | - I had, actually, this was a meeting in Washington in 2009
00:47:49.240 | on population at the Wilson Center.
00:47:52.520 | I couldn't be there, so actually this is pre-COVID,
00:47:54.400 | but I was Zooming in or something like Skyping in,
00:47:57.740 | and I was talking about in a playful way.
00:48:00.960 | I said, well, if you really wanna worry about carbon,
00:48:04.240 | this was during the debate over a carbon tax model
00:48:08.360 | for a bill in America.
00:48:10.840 | We should probably have a carbon tax for kids
00:48:13.920 | because a bigger family in America
00:48:15.520 | is a big source of more emissions.
00:48:18.120 | It was kind of a playful thought bubble.
00:48:20.160 | Some right-wing blogger blogged about it.
00:48:22.240 | It got into Rush's pile of things to talk about,
00:48:26.400 | and the clip is really fun.
00:48:28.880 | - Oh, so meaning, so if humans are bad for the environment,
00:48:33.880 | I can imagine Rush.
00:48:38.880 | - He was very explicit. - That's how you know
00:48:40.640 | you've made it.
00:48:41.560 | - He said, Mr. Revkin of the New York,
00:48:43.480 | Andrew Revkin of the New York Times,
00:48:44.720 | if you really think that people are the worst thing
00:48:46.360 | that ever happened to this planet,
00:48:48.160 | why don't you just kill yourself
00:48:49.440 | and save the planet by dying?
00:48:51.560 | - So that was tough for you.
00:48:53.360 | - It was tough for my family.
00:48:55.080 | To me, it did generate some interesting calls
00:48:57.240 | and stuff in my voicemail.
00:48:58.920 | But on the left, I was also undercut.
00:49:03.840 | Roger Pilkey, Jr., a prominent researcher
00:49:06.800 | of climate risk and climate policy,
00:49:09.600 | UC Boulder, was actively, his career track
00:49:14.160 | was derailed purposefully by people
00:49:17.600 | who just thought his message was too off the path.
00:49:21.880 | You've been dealing with this for a very long time.
00:49:26.920 | - Oh, God, yeah, yeah.
00:49:27.760 | - What do you--
00:49:28.600 | - So I just wanna get back to, so the science,
00:49:31.400 | I don't think the science get it so much wrong
00:49:34.620 | as it just becomes accepted to make certain assumptions,
00:49:38.480 | as you just said, we assume no friction.
00:49:40.740 | So there's a way that you kind of model the world
00:49:43.900 | that ends up being also a convenient message in many ways.
00:49:47.920 | And I think the main convenient message in climate,
00:49:51.340 | and it's not surprising if you think about it,
00:49:54.280 | the main convenient message is that the best way
00:49:57.520 | to do something about all the things that we call climate
00:50:00.280 | is to cut CO2.
00:50:02.220 | And that turns out to only sometimes be true
00:50:05.000 | and with a lot of caveats.
00:50:07.280 | But that's sort of the message--
00:50:08.120 | - And it takes a long time.
00:50:09.440 | - Yes, yes, it's really, really difficult to do
00:50:12.140 | in any meaningful sort of timeframe.
00:50:15.040 | And if you challenge that, yes, you're outside the flock
00:50:19.760 | and you get attacked.
00:50:20.720 | I've always, so somebody told me once, I think it's true,
00:50:24.960 | they say at the Harvard Law School,
00:50:27.760 | if you have a good case, pound the case.
00:50:30.120 | If you have a bad case, pound the table.
00:50:32.780 | And so I've always felt that when people go after me,
00:50:35.940 | they're kind of pounding the table.
00:50:37.220 | They're literally screaming, I don't have a good case.
00:50:40.320 | I'm really annoyed with what you're saying.
00:50:42.260 | And so to me, that actually means it's much more important
00:50:46.060 | to make this argument.
00:50:47.640 | Sure, I mean, I would love everyone just saying,
00:50:50.860 | oh, that's a really good point, I'm gonna use that.
00:50:53.160 | But we're stuck in a situation,
00:50:56.020 | certainly in a conversation where a lot of people
00:50:59.260 | invest a lot of time and energy on saying,
00:51:02.620 | we should cut carbon emissions.
00:51:04.040 | This is the way to help humankind.
00:51:06.420 | And just be clear, I think we should cut carbon emissions
00:51:09.260 | as well, but we should also just be realistic
00:51:11.660 | about what we can achieve with that
00:51:13.020 | and what are all the other things that we could also do.
00:51:16.940 | And it turns out that a lot of these other things
00:51:18.740 | are much cheaper, much more effective,
00:51:20.340 | will help much more, much quicker.
00:51:22.660 | And so getting that point out is just incredibly important
00:51:26.860 | for us to get it right.
00:51:28.280 | So in some sense, to make sure that we don't do another
00:51:32.580 | Iraq and we don't do another, lots of stupid decisions.
00:51:37.580 | This is one of the things mankind is very good at.
00:51:40.580 | And I guess I see my role, and I think that's probably also
00:51:45.540 | how you see yourself is trying to get everyone
00:51:48.440 | to do it slightly less wrong.
00:51:50.420 | - So let me ask you about a deep psychological effect
00:51:54.940 | for you.
00:51:55.980 | There's also a drug of martyrdom.
00:51:58.640 | So whenever you stand against the flock,
00:52:01.000 | there's, you wrote a couple of really good books
00:52:07.420 | on the topic, the most recent, "False Alarm."
00:52:11.760 | "I stand as the holder of truth,
00:52:14.920 | "that everybody who is alarmist is wrong.
00:52:18.060 | "And here's just simple, calm way to express
00:52:20.800 | "the facts of the matter."
00:52:22.960 | And that's very compelling to a very large number of people.
00:52:26.500 | They wanna make a martyr out of you.
00:52:28.300 | Is that, are you worried about your own mind
00:52:31.920 | being corrupted by that, by enjoying standing
00:52:37.620 | against the crowd?
00:52:39.080 | - No, no, no.
00:52:40.700 | There's very little, I guess I can see what you're saying
00:52:45.020 | sort of in a literary way or something.
00:52:47.140 | - Yeah, it's a bit poetic here.
00:52:48.840 | - Yeah, there's very little comfort or sort of usefulness
00:52:53.180 | in annoying a lot of people.
00:52:55.700 | Whenever I go to a party, for instance,
00:53:00.100 | I know that there's a good chance people
00:53:01.980 | are gonna be annoyed with me.
00:53:03.360 | And I would love that not to be the case.
00:53:06.120 | But what I try to do is, so I try to be very polite
00:53:10.380 | and sort of not push people's buttons
00:53:13.220 | unless they sort of actively say,
00:53:15.100 | "So you're saying all kind of stupid stuff
00:53:18.060 | "on the climate, right?"
00:53:19.660 | And then try to engage with them and say,
00:53:21.300 | "Well, what is it you're thinking about?"
00:53:23.100 | And hopefully, during that party,
00:53:24.820 | and then it ends up being a really bad party for me.
00:53:26.560 | But anyway, so I'll end up possibly convincing one person
00:53:31.220 | that I'm not totally stupid.
00:53:32.960 | But no, I'm not playing the martyr
00:53:35.200 | and I'm not enjoying that.
00:53:36.560 | - It's so interesting.
00:53:39.160 | I mean, the martyr complex
00:53:42.820 | is all around the climate question.
00:53:44.480 | Michael Mann, at the far end of the spectrum of activism
00:53:48.120 | from where Bjorn is, was a climate scientist,
00:53:50.760 | is a climate scientist who was actively attacked
00:53:53.680 | by Inhofe and West Virginia politicians
00:53:58.120 | and really abused in many ways.
00:54:00.600 | He had come up with a very prominent model
00:54:03.000 | of looking at long-term records of climate change
00:54:06.440 | and got this hockey stick for temperature.
00:54:08.940 | And he definitely sits there in a certain kind of spotlight
00:54:14.040 | because of that.
00:54:15.920 | So it's not unique at any particular vantage point
00:54:19.560 | in the spectrum of sort of prominent people on the debate.
00:54:24.000 | - Andrew, you co-wrote the book,
00:54:25.360 | "The Human Planet, Earth at the Dawn of the Anthropocene,"
00:54:30.360 | which is the new age when humans are actually
00:54:33.760 | having an impact on the environment.
00:54:35.580 | Let me ask the question of,
00:54:37.000 | what do you find most beautiful and fascinating
00:54:39.120 | about our planet Earth?
00:54:41.560 | - It'd be cheap to say everything,
00:54:43.280 | but just walking here this morning under the bridge
00:54:46.360 | over the Colorado River, seeing the birds,
00:54:48.680 | knowing there's bat colonies,
00:54:50.040 | massive bat colonies around here
00:54:51.480 | that I got to visit a few years ago.
00:54:53.520 | I experienced one of those bat explosions.
00:54:57.780 | It's mind-blowing.
00:54:59.220 | I've been really lucky as a journalist
00:55:03.360 | to have gone to the North Pole,
00:55:05.040 | the camp on the sea ice with Russian help.
00:55:08.840 | This is a camp that was set up for tourists
00:55:10.520 | coming from Europe every year.
00:55:12.360 | There were scientists on the sea ice
00:55:14.280 | floating on the 14,000-foot-deep Arctic Ocean,
00:55:18.000 | and I was with them for several days.
00:55:19.320 | I wrote a book about that, too, along with my reporting.
00:55:22.440 | Been in the depths of the Amazon rainforest.
00:55:25.360 | When I was very young, I was a crew on a sailboat
00:55:28.720 | that sailed 2/3 of the way around the world.
00:55:31.200 | I was halfway across the Indian Ocean,
00:55:33.160 | again, in 14,000-foot-deep water.
00:55:36.440 | There was no wind, and we were,
00:55:39.160 | this was way before I was a journalist,
00:55:40.760 | 22, 23 years old, and we went swimming,
00:55:43.640 | and swimming in 14,000-foot-deep water,
00:55:46.020 | 500 miles from land, the Western Indian Ocean,
00:55:49.800 | halfway between Somalia and the Maldives.
00:55:53.920 | It's like so mind-boggling, chillingly fantastical thing,
00:55:59.720 | with a mask on, looking at your shadow
00:56:02.120 | going to the vanishing point below you,
00:56:04.320 | looking over at the boat, which is a 60-foot boat,
00:56:06.760 | but it just looks like a toy, and then getting back on
00:56:09.800 | and being beholden to the elements,
00:56:11.440 | the sailboat heading toward Djibouti.
00:56:13.760 | - The immensity and the power of the elements.
00:56:15.080 | - Oh my God, and then the human qualities are unbelievable.
00:56:20.080 | The Anthropocene, I played a bit of a role as a journalist
00:56:25.480 | in waking people up to the idea that this era
00:56:29.040 | called the Holocene, the last 11,000 years,
00:56:31.560 | since the last Ice Age, had ended.
00:56:35.380 | I wrote my 1992 book on global warming,
00:56:39.480 | thinking about all that we're just talking about,
00:56:41.120 | thinking about the wonders of the planet,
00:56:43.160 | thinking about the impact of humans so far
00:56:45.640 | in our explosive growth in the 20th century.
00:56:49.880 | I wrote that perhaps earth scientists of the future
00:56:53.120 | will name this post-Holocene era
00:56:57.200 | for its formative element for us,
00:57:00.160 | because we're kind of in charge in certain ways,
00:57:05.480 | you know, which is hubristic at the same time.
00:57:08.040 | It's like, you know, the variability of the climate system
00:57:11.640 | is still profound with or without global warming.
00:57:13.920 | - So this immense, powerful, beautiful organism
00:57:16.840 | that is earth, all the different sub-organisms
00:57:19.840 | that are on it, do you see humans
00:57:21.680 | as a kind of parasite on this earth?
00:57:23.640 | - No, no. - Or do you see it
00:57:24.880 | as something that helps the flourishing
00:57:29.440 | of the entire organism?
00:57:31.200 | - That can. - Can.
00:57:32.900 | Intelligence. - That hasn't yet.
00:57:35.120 | - Hasn't yet?
00:57:36.800 | I mean, aren't we on a,
00:57:39.240 | so the ability of the collective intelligence
00:57:41.520 | of the human species to develop
00:57:43.520 | all these kinds of technologies,
00:57:45.640 | and to be able to have Twitter to introspect onto itself.
00:57:50.200 | (Luke laughs)
00:57:51.040 | - We should get Twitter to the animals.
00:57:51.880 | - Oh, I think we're doing a, it's always--
00:57:54.960 | - In a way, we are. - It's catch-up.
00:57:56.320 | We're always in catch-up mode, you know.
00:57:58.880 | - Right. - I was at the Vatican
00:58:01.080 | for a big meeting in 2014 on sustainable humanity,
00:58:04.520 | sustainable nature, our responsibility.
00:58:07.000 | And it was a week of presentations by Martin Rees,
00:58:11.400 | who's this famed British scientist, physicist who--
00:58:14.880 | - Been on his podcast.
00:58:16.360 | - Yeah, great. - Yeah.
00:58:17.600 | - Well, he's fixated on existential risk, right?
00:58:21.440 | - Yes, he is. - So it was a week
00:58:22.660 | of this stuff, and the meeting was kicked off by,
00:58:27.400 | I wrote about it, Cardinal Maradiaga,
00:58:31.120 | who is, I think, from El Salvador.
00:58:32.440 | He's one of the Pope's kind of posse.
00:58:34.040 | He gave one of the initial speeches, and he said,
00:58:36.360 | "Nowadays, mankind looks like a technical giant
00:58:41.360 | "and an ethical child," meaning our technological wizardry
00:58:46.480 | is unbelievable, but it's way out in front of our ability
00:58:49.440 | to step back and kind of like consider
00:58:52.680 | in the full dimensions we need to, is it helping everybody?
00:58:55.320 | Is it, what are the consequences of CRISPR,
00:58:59.440 | you know, genetics, technology?
00:59:01.160 | And there's no single answer to that,
00:59:03.480 | if I'm in the African Union.
00:59:06.360 | I'm just using this as an example.
00:59:08.480 | CRISPR has emerged so fast.
00:59:09.960 | It can do so much by changing the nature of nature,
00:59:13.320 | in a kind of a programming way, you know, building genes,
00:59:18.280 | not just transferring them from one organism to another.
00:59:21.520 | We've only just begun to taste the fruits of that,
00:59:24.160 | literally, and it can wipe out a mosquito species.
00:59:29.160 | We know how to do that now.
00:59:30.300 | You can like literally take out the dengue-causing mosquito.
00:59:35.300 | The scientists have done the work, and you think,
00:59:37.840 | "Okay, cool, well, that's great."
00:59:39.980 | Now, there's this big fight over whether that should happen.
00:59:43.820 | African Union, and I'm with their view, says,
00:59:47.940 | "Hey, if we can take out a mosquito species
00:59:50.520 | "that's causing horrific, chronic loss through dengue,"
00:59:55.520 | which I had once in Indonesia, it's not fun,
00:59:58.260 | and we should do it, you know?
01:00:01.340 | And Europe-- - What's the other side
01:00:02.980 | of the argument? - The European Union,
01:00:04.860 | they're saying, using their,
01:00:08.100 | capital P, precautionary principle,
01:00:11.620 | says, "No, we can't meddle with nature."
01:00:14.020 | And this is just like we were talking with climate.
01:00:15.940 | You know, there's the real-time question
01:00:17.600 | and the long-term question, and there's the people
01:00:21.260 | who are just facing the need to get through the day
01:00:23.460 | and be healthy and survive and have enough food,
01:00:26.440 | which is not integrated sufficiently at all
01:00:29.060 | into the climate, stop climate change debate,
01:00:32.440 | and those who are trying to cut CO2,
01:00:35.400 | which will have a benefit in the future
01:00:38.300 | by limiting the fat-tail outcomes of this journey we're on.
01:00:43.300 | So when I think about the Anthropocene,
01:00:45.600 | I think about this planet.
01:00:47.480 | I love that we're here right now.
01:00:50.640 | I love that our species has these capacities.
01:00:53.980 | I would love for there to be
01:00:55.480 | a little bit more reflection in where things come from
01:00:59.000 | and where they might go, whether you're a student, a kid.
01:01:02.420 | What's your role?
01:01:05.340 | The wonderful thing about the complexity of it
01:01:07.620 | is everyone can play a role.
01:01:09.760 | If you're an artist or a designer or an architect
01:01:14.620 | or an economist or a podcaster,
01:01:17.860 | whatever you do, just tweak a little bit
01:01:20.120 | toward examining these questions,
01:01:23.140 | stepping back from the simplistic label-throwing
01:01:26.940 | toward what actually is the problem in front of me,
01:01:30.940 | whether it's in Pakistan or in Boston or wherever,
01:01:35.940 | you know, Florida.
01:01:37.900 | - Bjorn, what do you find beautiful
01:01:39.400 | about this collective intelligence machine we have?
01:01:41.760 | From an economics perspective,
01:01:43.180 | it's kind of fascinating that we're able to,
01:01:46.900 | there is a machine to it that we've built up
01:01:50.380 | that's able to represent interests and desires and value
01:01:54.980 | and hopes and dreams in sort of monetary ways
01:01:59.640 | that we can trade with each other,
01:02:02.500 | we can make agreements with each other,
01:02:04.220 | we can represent our goals
01:02:05.580 | and build companies that actually help and so on.
01:02:09.500 | Do you just step back every once in a while
01:02:11.140 | and marvel at the fact that a few billion of us
01:02:13.660 | are able to somehow not create complete chaos
01:02:17.820 | and actually collaborate and have collaborative disagreements
01:02:22.020 | that ultimately, or so far, have led to progress?
01:02:26.540 | - Yeah, I think fundamentally the point,
01:02:29.580 | apart from the fact that we should just be joyful
01:02:32.940 | of the fact that humans live here,
01:02:35.700 | I think it's incredibly important to remember
01:02:38.340 | how much progress we've had.
01:02:41.420 | Most people just don't stop to think about those stats.
01:02:44.180 | You know, I get that in the normal bustle of day,
01:02:47.620 | but just, you know, in 1900,
01:02:50.020 | the average person on the planet lived to be 32 years.
01:02:54.420 | 32 years, that was our average life expectancy.
01:02:57.740 | Today, it's about 74.
01:03:00.140 | So we've literally got two lifetimes on this planet,
01:03:04.140 | each one of us.
01:03:05.340 | And, you know, every year you live in the rich world,
01:03:09.020 | you get to live three months longer,
01:03:12.140 | and the poor world is about four months longer
01:03:14.420 | because of medical advances,
01:03:16.380 | because we get better at dealing both with cancer
01:03:18.460 | and especially right now with heart disease.
01:03:22.420 | These are amazing achievements.
01:03:24.060 | Of course, it's a very, very small part of it.
01:03:26.140 | We're much better fed, we're much better educated.
01:03:28.660 | We've gone from a world where virtually everyone,
01:03:31.260 | or, you know, 90% were illiterate,
01:03:34.700 | to a world where more than 90% illiterate.
01:03:36.940 | This is an astounding opportunity.
01:03:39.140 | And 200 years ago, 95%, 94% of the world
01:03:45.700 | were extremely poor, that is less than a dollar a day.
01:03:49.100 | Today, for the first time in 2015, it was down below 10%.
01:03:54.100 | And again, these are kind of boring statistics,
01:03:57.180 | but they're also astounding testaments
01:04:00.300 | of how well humanity has done.
01:04:02.440 | So just on the point of,
01:04:04.700 | we've kind of just been focused
01:04:06.820 | on making our own world better.
01:04:09.060 | And in many ways, you know,
01:04:10.100 | so we've hunted a lot of big animals,
01:04:12.740 | either to extinction or down to much,
01:04:15.380 | much smaller populations,
01:04:16.780 | as much smaller populations of fish in the ocean.
01:04:19.380 | So there's a lot of things
01:04:21.300 | that sort of bear the brunt of our success.
01:04:24.460 | It's not because we're evil in that sense,
01:04:26.300 | it's just because we didn't care all that much about them.
01:04:29.620 | I think it is important as one funnel of that,
01:04:33.100 | I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it,
01:04:35.340 | but the fact that we're putting out more CO2
01:04:37.180 | in the atmosphere, because CO2,
01:04:39.140 | as you also mentioned before, it's actually plant food.
01:04:42.580 | You know, if you're a greenhouse grower,
01:04:46.220 | you know if you put in CO2 in your greenhouse,
01:04:48.580 | you actually get bigger and plumper tomatoes.
01:04:51.460 | And that's essentially what we're doing in the world.
01:04:53.580 | This has overall bad consequences,
01:04:55.380 | and that's why we should be doing something about it.
01:04:58.380 | But one of the good side effects
01:05:00.580 | is actually that the world is getting greener.
01:05:03.460 | So we get much more green stuff.
01:05:05.340 | Now, I don't know,
01:05:06.300 | and this is where I sort of show my economist roots,
01:05:10.380 | because if you just measure all living stuff in tons,
01:05:15.380 | so in weight, there's actually more living stuff
01:05:20.780 | than there were 100 years ago.
01:05:22.740 | Because elephants and all these other big fish and stuff
01:05:27.460 | are actually really, really small fraction of the world.
01:05:30.140 | So just the fact that we have,
01:05:33.100 | yes, so we have an enormous amount of live stuff,
01:05:35.220 | but that doesn't even measure it.
01:05:37.220 | It's mostly just wood, you know, wooden green stuff
01:05:40.660 | that has dramatically increased in the world.
01:05:43.500 | Now, we're still not there from what it was in 1500.
01:05:46.620 | So we've still cut down the world a lot,
01:05:49.420 | but we're actually making a much greener world.
01:05:51.660 | Again, not because we really cared or thought about it,
01:05:54.740 | but just sort of a side effect of what we're doing.
01:05:57.060 | I think the crucial bit to remember is,
01:06:00.180 | when you're poor and you worry about
01:06:02.820 | what's gonna happen the next day,
01:06:05.140 | this is just not your main issue.
01:06:08.140 | Am I killing too many large animals in the world?
01:06:12.740 | But when you're rich and you can actually sit in a podcast
01:06:16.300 | in a convenient place in Austin,
01:06:18.660 | you can also start thinking about this.
01:06:20.300 | So one of the crucial bits, I think,
01:06:22.780 | if we want to get the rest of the world
01:06:24.980 | to care about the environment, care about climate,
01:06:27.820 | care about all these other issues,
01:06:29.860 | we really need to get them out of poverty first.
01:06:32.700 | And it's a simple point that we often forget.
01:06:35.020 | - And get them connected to all these gifts.
01:06:37.500 | - Yes.
01:06:38.540 | - I have these memories of,
01:06:40.740 | I was reporting on the next big earthquake
01:06:43.500 | that's gonna devastate Istanbul in 2009.
01:06:47.420 | I was in a slum, immigrant, poor neighborhood,
01:06:53.540 | and walking around with an engineer
01:06:56.900 | pointing out to the buildings that were gonna fall down.
01:06:58.980 | This is all known.
01:06:59.860 | There was an earthquake in 1999, and the next one's coming.
01:07:03.060 | One of my advantages in covering climate
01:07:04.820 | is I've covered other kinds of disasters too,
01:07:06.380 | so it keeps my context,
01:07:07.860 | me in touch with other things we can do.
01:07:11.100 | So I'm walking around and interviewing everybody.
01:07:12.900 | Went to this school that's being retrofit.
01:07:14.820 | They actually were getting ahead of it there.
01:07:16.460 | The World Bank provided some funding
01:07:17.860 | to put in iron bars in the brick building.
01:07:20.660 | And I met these kids, and they came,
01:07:25.260 | when you're a journalist with a camera and stuff and a pad,
01:07:28.140 | you get swarmed by kids, mostly in developing countries.
01:07:31.940 | And so these kids are running up to me,
01:07:33.780 | and they weren't going like, "Are you American?"
01:07:36.260 | Or just, they were saying, "Facebook, Facebook."
01:07:38.860 | And I went, "That's interesting."
01:07:41.820 | And they led me to their little town,
01:07:44.740 | a little community center that had a bank of eight or 10
01:07:47.460 | pretty flimsy computers.
01:07:49.780 | And they were all there playing Farm,
01:07:52.620 | it was a game that was hot at that time on Facebook.
01:07:54.500 | - Farm? - Farm.
01:07:55.420 | - Farmville? - Farmville, yeah.
01:07:57.060 | And my son back in the Hudson Valley,
01:08:00.300 | I remember him playing it, and I thought,
01:08:02.460 | "Wow, that is so fricking cool that these kids."
01:08:06.580 | And actually, I became Facebook friends
01:08:08.220 | with a couple of them afterwards, we traded our,
01:08:11.140 | and I thought back to my youth when we had pen pals.
01:08:15.140 | I would write a letter to a kid in West Cameroon,
01:08:18.460 | and he would write back.
01:08:20.140 | And it took weeks, and it was a crinkly letter,
01:08:23.580 | and I never met him.
01:08:25.540 | And now you can kind of connect with people,
01:08:27.140 | and that all, through my blogging,
01:08:30.860 | at the New York Times, I was doing my regular reporting,
01:08:32.980 | but I launched a blog in 2007 called Dot Earth,
01:08:36.100 | which was all about what you were just describing,
01:08:39.280 | the newosphere, the connected world.
01:08:41.700 | That's a term from these two earliest,
01:08:44.940 | a Russian guy in early,
01:08:46.140 | Vernadsky and a French theologian and scientist,
01:08:51.280 | which is so interesting, Teilhard de Chardin.
01:08:55.580 | They had this idea in the early 20th century
01:08:58.140 | that we're creating a planet of the mind,
01:09:00.840 | that human intelligence can foster a better Earth.
01:09:06.740 | And I just became smitten with that,
01:09:09.980 | especially meeting kids in Istanbul slums
01:09:12.500 | who were on Facebook, looking at connectedness,
01:09:14.540 | what can you do with these tools,
01:09:16.240 | which is what drives me with my work now.
01:09:18.500 | But then there are these counter-currents
01:09:24.100 | that if the connectedness can cut back,
01:09:27.700 | it allowed Al-Qaeda to recruit,
01:09:30.580 | use decapitation videos to recruit
01:09:32.740 | distributed, disaffected young people into extremism.
01:09:38.620 | And there's lots of, these systems are not,
01:09:42.160 | they're just like every other tool, right?
01:09:43.780 | They're just for good or ill.
01:09:46.180 | And the efficiency thing, the economics of the world,
01:09:50.820 | which I also wrote about a little bit,
01:09:53.340 | late 20th century, it was so cool
01:09:55.200 | that everything became so efficient,
01:09:58.320 | that our supply chains are just in time manufacturing,
01:10:02.780 | getting the stuff from where the sources of the material are
01:10:07.740 | to the car factory and to get the car to the floor
01:10:10.220 | just in time for someone to buy it.
01:10:11.900 | And everyone got totally sucked in by that, including me.
01:10:14.820 | It's great, super efficient, cheaper.
01:10:17.600 | And then COVID hit
01:10:18.980 | and the whole supply chain concept crumbled.
01:10:22.460 | And one of the big lessons there, hopefully,
01:10:24.900 | and this is relevant to sustainability generally,
01:10:28.100 | is efficiency matters, but resilience matters too.
01:10:32.460 | And resilience is inefficient.
01:10:34.420 | You need redundancy or a variety of options, right?
01:10:39.420 | Which is not what corporate companies think about,
01:10:42.900 | which is not what, if you're only focused
01:10:45.060 | on a bottom line, short-term timeline,
01:10:48.380 | those disruptions are not what you're thinking about.
01:10:51.540 | You're still thinking about,
01:10:52.380 | can we get that widget here just in time
01:10:53.540 | for this thing to happen and then on we go.
01:10:56.100 | So it's kind of, I love the noosphere,
01:10:58.960 | this noosphere idea, the connectedness is fantastic.
01:11:02.900 | Oh, another thing, like in the early '90s,
01:11:06.020 | when I wrote my first book on global warming,
01:11:08.660 | it was for an exhibition at the Museum of Natural History.
01:11:12.140 | The Environmental Defense Fund was involved.
01:11:13.980 | They were like a partner,
01:11:15.580 | one of these longstanding environmental groups.
01:11:18.100 | And they're very old-fashioned.
01:11:19.140 | It's mostly lawyers, really,
01:11:20.300 | just using the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act
01:11:22.340 | to litigate against pollution.
01:11:24.200 | And now, EDF is vastly bigger.
01:11:28.580 | And they're actually, this coming year,
01:11:29.940 | they're launching a satellite.
01:11:31.540 | An environmental group is launching methane sat.
01:11:35.500 | And it's providing a view, an independent view
01:11:37.740 | of where there's this gas.
01:11:40.220 | You know, it's the same thing,
01:11:41.140 | natural gas is basically methane.
01:11:42.700 | So if you have a leak, whether it's in Siberia or in Oklahoma
01:11:47.580 | you can cross-reference, you can ground,
01:11:49.860 | you can identify the hotspot,
01:11:52.220 | you can know where the problem is to fix in so many ways.
01:11:56.580 | And that's just one example.
01:11:57.500 | I'm like, if someone had told me in 1993
01:11:59.820 | that EDF was gonna launch a methane satellite,
01:12:01.860 | I would have laughed out loud.
01:12:02.980 | So technology plays a huge role
01:12:05.380 | if it's kind of employed
01:12:08.460 | with the bigger vision and leadership.
01:12:11.220 | - So Bjorn, you wrote, one of the books you wrote,
01:12:13.980 | the most recent one called "False Alarm,
01:12:16.260 | "How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions,
01:12:19.860 | "Hurts the Poor and Fails to Fix the Planet."
01:12:23.940 | Good title by the way, very intense,
01:12:25.540 | makes me wanna read it.
01:12:26.980 | "What is likely the worst effect of climate change?"
01:12:31.100 | - First let me just, my editor actually hated the subtitle
01:12:34.700 | because it gives away the whole book.
01:12:36.820 | Basically, it tells you what the book tries to make.
01:12:39.500 | I think that's exactly what it should be.
01:12:41.980 | It's about getting this conversation out
01:12:44.220 | in the public sphere.
01:12:46.220 | So the worst thing that climate change can do
01:12:50.220 | is like the worst thing that anything can do
01:12:52.940 | is that it wipes out everything and we all die.
01:12:55.700 | So it's not like,
01:12:57.980 | if you're just looking for worst case outcomes,
01:13:00.540 | anything can get to the worst case outcome.
01:13:04.940 | Imagine if we, what's the worst thing
01:13:07.820 | that could happen from HIV?
01:13:10.180 | It breaks down one or more African states
01:13:14.700 | because we don't fix it.
01:13:16.340 | And then you get sort of biological warfare and terrorism,
01:13:20.260 | throw that in the mix,
01:13:21.500 | and then you get someone who makes a virus
01:13:23.220 | and kills the whole world.
01:13:24.700 | You can make worst case scenarios for everything.
01:13:27.580 | - Well, let's just call it, I get the point.
01:13:29.380 | And I'm sorry for the interruption.
01:13:31.100 | And I appreciate worst case analysis
01:13:33.260 | 'cause I am fundamentally a computer scientist
01:13:35.620 | and that was the thing that defined the discipline
01:13:38.420 | of the measure, the quality of the algorithm,
01:13:40.980 | you measure what is its worst case performance.
01:13:44.340 | That's the big O notation.
01:13:45.540 | That's how you discuss algorithms.
01:13:46.940 | What is the worst possible thing
01:13:49.820 | in terms of performance this thing can do?
01:13:52.600 | But for climate change, let's even go crazy.
01:13:57.340 | What is exactly the worst case scenario for climate change?
01:14:01.200 | Because I have to be honest and say,
01:14:04.420 | I haven't really paid deep attention.
01:14:08.020 | I just have a lot of colleagues
01:14:10.060 | who think about climate and so on.
01:14:13.120 | And there's a kind of in the alarmism,
01:14:15.420 | there was a sense why this is a very serious problem.
01:14:19.680 | And then the sentence would never finish.
01:14:22.740 | What exactly is the problem?
01:14:24.140 | Well, the extinction of the human species, okay.
01:14:27.260 | With a virus, I understand how that can possibly happen.
01:14:30.700 | What is the mechanism by which the human species
01:14:33.580 | becomes extinct because of climate change?
01:14:36.380 | - I'm not sure I would want to be able to argue that
01:14:38.580 | because it really requires you to have
01:14:40.100 | sort of very, very extreme parameter choices
01:14:43.120 | all down the line.
01:14:44.680 | And so it's more, it's this kind of idea
01:14:46.820 | that we hit some of these unexpected outcomes.
01:14:50.600 | So for instance, the Western Arctic ice sheet
01:14:53.600 | melts really, really quickly.
01:14:55.620 | It doesn't look like that can happen really, really quickly.
01:14:58.080 | But let's just say that this could happen
01:15:00.240 | within a hundred years or something.
01:15:02.120 | So we basically get what, seven meters,
01:15:05.120 | what is that, 20 feet of sea level rise.
01:15:08.940 | That will be a real challenge to a lot of places
01:15:11.320 | around the world.
01:15:12.200 | This would have significant costs.
01:15:14.720 | It's likely, and there's actually been a study
01:15:17.480 | that's tried to estimate, could we deal with that?
01:15:19.880 | And the short answer is yes, if you're fairly well off.
01:15:24.880 | If you're Holland, you can definitely deal with it.
01:15:27.280 | It's also likely that most developing countries
01:15:30.120 | are gonna be much closer to Holland
01:15:32.160 | towards the end of the century
01:15:33.400 | because they'll be much richer.
01:15:34.880 | So they can probably handle it,
01:15:36.360 | but it will be a real challenge.
01:15:37.680 | - May I ask a dumb question?
01:15:39.140 | What happens when the sea level rises exactly?
01:15:43.140 | What is the painful aspect of that?
01:15:45.820 | - It is that all of your current infrastructure
01:15:48.780 | in a lot of coastal cities around the world
01:15:51.380 | that are literally built on,
01:15:53.240 | Jakarta is a good example,
01:15:54.700 | that are literally built on the,
01:15:56.540 | inches above the sea level.
01:16:00.420 | If you then get a sea level rise,
01:16:02.420 | they'll rise say, what would 20 feet,
01:16:05.300 | that would be like a third or a fourth of a foot every year.
01:16:08.780 | - Yeah, I see no evidence that that's even.
01:16:11.960 | - But hold on a second, we're not talking about evidence.
01:16:14.220 | We're talking about worst case analysis and algorithm.
01:16:16.780 | - And so basically you would see your infrastructure,
01:16:20.200 | all your stuff very quickly being very, very challenged.
01:16:24.460 | And you basically have to put up huge sea walls
01:16:27.660 | or migrate out of that area.
01:16:29.620 | - Very quickly.
01:16:30.820 | - Well, very quickly as in 50 years or something.
01:16:33.380 | - Right, so like, is that as a human species,
01:16:38.380 | we're not able to respond to that kind of threat?
01:16:42.220 | - Of course we are.
01:16:43.060 | And look, again, the point here is,
01:16:45.420 | then there's a lot of other arguments.
01:16:47.540 | And I should just put the disclaimer,
01:16:50.380 | this is not what I think is correct,
01:16:52.120 | but you're asking me what's the worst case outcome
01:16:55.460 | that you have.
01:16:56.600 | So most of global warming is really about
01:17:00.140 | that we're used to one way of doing things.
01:17:03.280 | So, we live in Jakarta because it's right next to the sea.
01:17:07.700 | We're used to the sea being at this level.
01:17:10.160 | We grow our crops because we're used to,
01:17:13.900 | you grow corn here, you grow wheat here
01:17:16.300 | because we're used to that's where the precipitation
01:17:18.900 | and the temperature is the right for this kind of crop.
01:17:22.420 | If this changes, and this is the same thing with houses,
01:17:26.800 | if it gets colder, if it gets warmer,
01:17:28.900 | it's suddenly uncomfortable
01:17:30.000 | because you've built your house wrong.
01:17:32.140 | So our infrastructure will be wrong if the world changes.
01:17:35.780 | And that's what climate change does.
01:17:36.940 | - At a large scale.
01:17:38.180 | - Yes, and so this is a problem in most of these senses.
01:17:42.100 | But if you then sort of take it to the extreme and say,
01:17:45.140 | well, imagine that you're gonna get a huge sea level rise.
01:17:48.100 | Imagine that you're gonna get a very different
01:17:50.380 | sort of precipitation, for instance,
01:17:52.180 | what is it, the rain season,
01:17:55.100 | monsoon in the Indian subcontinent changes dramatically.
01:18:01.700 | That could affect a lot of agriculture
01:18:03.900 | and make it really hard to imagine
01:18:05.800 | that you could feed India well.
01:18:07.860 | There are these kinds of things where you can imagine
01:18:11.100 | and then that this would be very difficult to deal with.
01:18:14.820 | And then if you add all of it up,
01:18:16.780 | you could possibly get sort of a system collapse
01:18:19.240 | because you just have too many problems in one.
01:18:21.580 | - Is it possible to model those kinds of things?
01:18:23.420 | So what I understand is the sea level rise itself
01:18:29.720 | isn't the destructive thing.
01:18:32.200 | It's the fact that it creates migration patterns
01:18:35.360 | and human tension, battle over resources.
01:18:38.440 | And so you start to get these human things, human conflict.
01:18:43.440 | So the big negative impact won't be necessarily
01:18:46.960 | from the fact that you have to move your house.
01:18:48.920 | It's the fact that once you move your house,
01:18:51.220 | that means something else down the line.
01:18:53.160 | And this is secondary tertiary effects
01:18:55.400 | that can have potentially to wars, military conflict,
01:18:59.240 | can have destabilized entire economies,
01:19:02.360 | all that kind of stuff because of the migration pattern.
01:19:04.680 | Is it possible to model those kinds of things?
01:19:07.040 | - So there are people who looked at this
01:19:08.800 | and surprisingly again, most people will move
01:19:12.320 | within their country for a lot of different reasons,
01:19:14.640 | but mainly language and political structure.
01:19:17.960 | You have your money, you have your relationships there.
01:19:20.640 | So it's not like we're gonna see these big moves
01:19:23.600 | from the Southern Mexico and Central America
01:19:28.720 | up to the US or from Africa up to the EU.
01:19:32.000 | That's not predominantly because of climate.
01:19:33.800 | That's because there's a lot of welfare opportunity.
01:19:38.520 | You can make your life much, much better
01:19:40.640 | and you can become much more productive
01:19:42.040 | if you move into a richer country.
01:19:45.280 | So yes, there are these issues.
01:19:47.500 | Again, you're asking me for sort of what is it
01:19:50.320 | that could really sort of break down the world?
01:19:52.560 | I think the fundamental point is to recognize
01:19:55.720 | that it's not like we haven't dealt
01:19:57.720 | with huge challenges in the past
01:20:00.480 | and we've dealt with them really well.
01:20:02.240 | So just one fun thing, I encourage everyone
01:20:05.320 | to just look that up on Wikipedia, the rising of Chicago.
01:20:09.680 | So in the 1850s, Chicago was a terribly dirty place
01:20:14.680 | and they didn't have good sewers.
01:20:18.320 | And so they decided, and we can't really make up all,
01:20:21.900 | they decided to raise Chicago one to two feet.
01:20:26.400 | And so they simply took one block at a time.
01:20:28.760 | They put like 50,000 jacks underneath a building
01:20:31.440 | and they would just raise the building
01:20:32.640 | and then they'd go on to the next building.
01:20:34.240 | They raised all of Chicago one to two feet.
01:20:37.360 | This is almost 200 years ago.
01:20:39.640 | Of course, we will be able to deal with these things.
01:20:42.200 | I'm not saying it'll be fun or that it'll be cheap.
01:20:45.520 | Of course, we would rather not have to deal with this,
01:20:48.160 | but we're a very inventive species.
01:20:50.200 | And so it's very unlikely that we'll not be able to--
01:20:53.020 | - What about COVID pandemic just said, hold my beer.
01:20:57.200 | The response of human civilization to the COVID pandemic
01:21:03.740 | seems to have not, they didn't find the car jacks.
01:21:07.200 | (laughing)
01:21:08.020 | - Oh, yeah.
01:21:08.860 | - It seems to have not been as effective
01:21:10.900 | as I would have hoped for as a human that believes
01:21:15.900 | in the basic competence of leadership
01:21:19.740 | and all that kind of stuff.
01:21:20.920 | It seems that given the COVID pandemic,
01:21:24.000 | luckily did not turn out to be a pandemic
01:21:27.020 | that would eradicate most of the human species,
01:21:30.460 | which is something you always have to consider
01:21:32.620 | and worry about, that I would have hoped
01:21:35.460 | we would have less economic impact
01:21:37.280 | and we would respond more effectively
01:21:39.620 | and in terms of policy, in terms of socially, medically,
01:21:44.620 | all that kind of stuff.
01:21:45.600 | So if the COVID pandemic brought the world to its knees,
01:21:49.900 | then what does a sea level rise?
01:21:53.440 | - I think there's a different kind of thing
01:21:55.240 | that happened in the COVID.
01:21:57.300 | So politicians, a lot of politicians,
01:21:59.760 | I think made certainly suboptimal decisions,
01:22:04.000 | but I also find the fact that we actually managed
01:22:06.480 | to get a vaccine in a year.
01:22:09.160 | We should not be sort of unaware of the fact that,
01:22:12.480 | yes, we did a lot of stupid stuff
01:22:14.000 | and a lot of people were really, really annoyed,
01:22:15.920 | but fundamentally we fixed this.
01:22:18.440 | We could have done it better and prettier.
01:22:20.520 | I mean, I rode through the COVID pandemic
01:22:24.120 | in Southern Sweden.
01:22:25.320 | Yes, we can have that whole conversation.
01:22:30.020 | It was certainly much easier to live there
01:22:32.840 | than many other places, but the fundamental point was,
01:22:36.440 | we actually fixed it.
01:22:37.480 | So yes, we'll do, and we'll do that with climate.
01:22:40.080 | We'll make a lot of bad decisions
01:22:41.960 | and we'll waste a lot of money,
01:22:43.580 | like we do with all other problems,
01:22:45.400 | but are we gonna fix this?
01:22:47.400 | - Yeah.
01:22:48.520 | - Can you add onto that uncomfortable discussion
01:22:51.560 | of what's the worst thing that could possibly happen?
01:22:54.040 | - I'm not worried about the sea level rise component,
01:22:56.840 | certainly not nearly as much as the heat
01:22:59.200 | and disruption of agriculture patterns and water supplies.
01:23:03.000 | And a lot of it relates to, again,
01:23:05.420 | path dependency and history.
01:23:07.980 | Farmers are the heroes of humanity all through history
01:23:11.440 | 'cause they're incredibly adaptable
01:23:13.120 | if you give them access to resources.
01:23:18.220 | In some cases, it's just crop insurance,
01:23:20.780 | which is really, basically still impossible
01:23:23.240 | to get in big chunks of Africa
01:23:24.960 | to get you through those hard spots.
01:23:26.560 | But the heat issue is the one that's most,
01:23:29.400 | the most basic element related to global warming
01:23:32.960 | from CO2 buildup is hotter heat waves.
01:23:37.960 | There's still some lack of evidence
01:23:40.280 | of the intensification, but the duration,
01:23:44.360 | and that's what really matters for heat,
01:23:47.480 | is how many days seems to be very powerfully linked
01:23:51.000 | to global warming.
01:23:52.560 | And so how many people die as a result of that is important.
01:23:55.800 | - So we're talking about, maybe you can also educate me,
01:24:00.080 | what's the average projection for the next 100 years
01:24:03.840 | as the temperature rises at two degrees Celsius?
01:24:07.000 | - Well, yeah, although this gets us
01:24:09.760 | into the modeling realm.
01:24:11.280 | You're assuming, you have to assume
01:24:13.920 | different emissions possibilities.
01:24:16.800 | You have to assume we still don't know the basic physics,
01:24:20.640 | like how many clouds form in a warming climate
01:24:24.080 | and how that relates to limiting warming.
01:24:26.840 | There are aspects of the fundamental warming question
01:24:29.240 | that are still deeply uncertain.
01:24:30.840 | - But the debate is like two, three, or four Celsius.
01:24:33.840 | - It's in that range.
01:24:34.680 | - But the thing is, all of those are bad for,
01:24:38.800 | this is an educational question.
01:24:40.920 | - Sure.
01:24:41.760 | - It doesn't seem like that much from a weather perspective,
01:24:46.440 | if you just turn up the AC and so on
01:24:48.440 | in your own personal home.
01:24:50.640 | But it is, from a global perspective,
01:24:52.760 | a huge impact on agriculture.
01:24:55.040 | - Well, yeah, and getting back to sea level and glaciers,
01:24:58.480 | the melting point of ice is a number.
01:25:02.040 | - Yeah.
01:25:02.880 | - And so if you pass that number,
01:25:04.120 | things start to change.
01:25:06.040 | What became known about Antarctica and Greenland more
01:25:08.760 | is that its ocean temperature,
01:25:10.880 | the seawater in and around and under these ice sheets,
01:25:15.200 | 'cause it kind of gets under parts of Antarctica,
01:25:18.120 | is what's driving the dynamics
01:25:20.920 | that could lead to more abrupt change,
01:25:23.280 | more than air temperature.
01:25:25.440 | Glaciers, these big ice sheets live or die
01:25:27.400 | based on how much snow falls
01:25:29.680 | and how much ice leaves every year.
01:25:32.200 | And I was up on the Greenland ice sheet in 2004
01:25:36.160 | and written about it forever since then.
01:25:40.440 | It's the same amount of water that's in the Gulf of Mexico
01:25:43.000 | as if God or some great force came down
01:25:45.280 | and flash flows the Gulf of Mexico
01:25:48.000 | and plunked it up on land.
01:25:49.320 | That's the ice sheet.
01:25:50.280 | It's a lot of water.
01:25:51.600 | That's 23 feet of sea level rise.
01:25:54.760 | But you were not gonna melt it all.
01:25:56.720 | And the pace at which that erosion begins
01:26:02.560 | and becomes sort of a runaway train
01:26:05.800 | is still not well understood.
01:26:09.160 | That change from like a manageable level of sea level rise
01:26:14.160 | from these ice sheets
01:26:16.040 | to something that becomes truly unstoppable
01:26:18.240 | or that has these discontinuities
01:26:19.640 | where you get a lot more all of a sudden,
01:26:22.560 | to me, it's in the realm of what I've taken to calling
01:26:26.200 | known unknowables.
01:26:27.320 | Like don't count on another IPCC report
01:26:30.760 | magically including science that says,
01:26:33.040 | aha, now we know it's gonna be five feet by 2100.
01:26:37.560 | Because learning,
01:26:38.840 | there's a lot of negative learning in science.
01:26:40.920 | This may be true in your body of science too.
01:26:43.320 | There's a guy named Jeremy Bassis, B-A-S-S-I-S,
01:26:47.480 | who wrote a paper about this West Antarctic,
01:26:51.280 | the idea that you could get this sudden cliff breakdown
01:26:55.560 | of these ice shelves around Antarctica
01:26:58.920 | leading to rapid sea level rise.
01:27:01.200 | He did more modeling in physics
01:27:02.880 | and it turns out that you end up with,
01:27:05.120 | it's a much more progressive and self-limiting phenomenon.
01:27:08.080 | But those papers don't get any attention in the media
01:27:11.000 | because-- - They're not scary.
01:27:12.440 | - They're not scary and they're sort of after the fact.
01:27:15.440 | Just this past year,
01:27:16.280 | there's been this cycle around collapse,
01:27:18.680 | the word collapse and Antarctic ice.
01:27:22.720 | It started actually several years ago
01:27:27.000 | with the idea that the West Antarctic ice sheet
01:27:29.480 | is particularly vulnerable.
01:27:31.080 | And some paper, everyone, the science community,
01:27:33.400 | like the birds we were talking about,
01:27:34.600 | flocks to it and some high profile papers are written.
01:27:39.080 | And then a deeper inquiry reveals,
01:27:41.480 | you know, it's more complicated than that.
01:27:43.120 | And we, the journalists, the media,
01:27:45.800 | pundits don't pay attention to that stuff.
01:27:49.400 | And actually, which is why I started to develop
01:27:54.040 | kind of a dictionary, I call it watchwords,
01:27:56.480 | like words to, if you're out there,
01:27:58.520 | you're just a public person,
01:28:02.400 | you wanna know what's really going on.
01:28:04.280 | You hear these words like collapse in the context of ice,
01:28:08.520 | what do you do with that?
01:28:09.840 | And so I've created conversations around these words.
01:28:12.560 | Geologists and ice scientists use the word collapse.
01:28:15.680 | They're talking about a centuries long process.
01:28:18.040 | They're not talking about the World Trade Center.
01:28:20.880 | And scientists would do well to be more careful
01:28:24.880 | with words like that.
01:28:26.040 | Unless your focus is what we were saying earlier,
01:28:29.440 | your idea that alarming people will spur them to act,
01:28:33.240 | then you use that word carelessly.
01:28:35.640 | - Can I just follow up on the other point
01:28:38.240 | that you said, you know, two, three, four degrees,
01:28:40.440 | you know, that doesn't sound like much,
01:28:42.040 | I can just crank up the air conditioning.
01:28:44.400 | I think that sort of touches on a really,
01:28:46.440 | really important point that for most rich people,
01:28:49.960 | much of climate change is not really gonna be
01:28:53.000 | all that impactful, it still will have an impact.
01:28:55.720 | But fundamentally, if you're well off,
01:28:58.200 | you can mitigate a lot of these impacts.
01:29:00.600 | - And there's a young scientist at Carnegie Mellon,
01:29:02.760 | Destiny Nock, she just was the lead author on a study,
01:29:06.680 | what poor and prosperous households do in a heat wave
01:29:12.080 | when they have access to air conditioning.
01:29:14.280 | In a poor household, you wait, they found through science,
01:29:18.720 | they delay turning on the air conditioner
01:29:21.800 | four to seven degrees more of heating
01:29:23.640 | before they start to use the air conditioner.
01:29:25.440 | And that can create adverse outcomes.
01:29:27.360 | If you have an asthmatic in the house, an old person,
01:29:29.920 | you're endangering their lives.
01:29:32.000 | And that's just a little tiny, microscopic,
01:29:34.960 | fractal example of this powerful, real phenomenon
01:29:39.800 | that there's a divide in vulnerability,
01:29:42.080 | and it's not just based on where you live.
01:29:44.760 | This is families in like Pittsburgh.
01:29:47.360 | We're not talking about Botswana.
01:29:48.840 | And so that divide in capacity to deal
01:29:52.320 | with environmental stress is something
01:29:55.840 | you can really work on.
01:29:57.080 | And it gets hidden in all this talk of climate crisis.
01:30:00.520 | - And that's one of the important parts is both to say,
01:30:04.600 | look, if seven billion people, sorry,
01:30:07.960 | eight billion people will now have all experienced this,
01:30:11.680 | even though for each one of them, it's manageable,
01:30:14.120 | it's still a big problem because it's eight billion people
01:30:17.320 | living through this.
01:30:18.160 | - And how's the air conditioning eight billion people?
01:30:19.440 | - Yes, and then it's the point of getting to realize
01:30:24.400 | it's very, very much about how do you help the world's poor?
01:30:27.920 | And that's very much about making it more affordable,
01:30:30.920 | basically getting them out of poverty.
01:30:33.480 | And remember, getting out of poverty doesn't just mean
01:30:35.760 | that they can now afford to air condition themselves,
01:30:37.920 | but they get better education,
01:30:40.360 | they get better opportunities,
01:30:42.040 | they get better lives in so many other ways.
01:30:44.920 | And then at the end of it,
01:30:47.440 | it's not just about making sure that we focus
01:30:50.040 | on this one problem, but it's recognizing
01:30:52.520 | that these families have lots of different issues
01:30:56.220 | that they would like us to focus on,
01:30:58.320 | climate and heat waves just being one of them.
01:31:01.720 | So it's sort of taking progressive steps back
01:31:04.280 | and realizing, all right, okay, this is a problem,
01:31:07.400 | not the end of the world.
01:31:08.240 | - And one tiny little last example,
01:31:09.920 | you mentioned Jakarta at the beginning.
01:31:12.240 | It's really valuable to look around the world
01:31:13.840 | at places that are sort of leading indicator places,
01:31:16.600 | whether it's sea level rise or heat, and you could do that.
01:31:20.200 | Jakarta is sinking like a foot a year,
01:31:23.720 | literally a foot a year, it's some insane number,
01:31:26.920 | from withdrawing groundwater, from gas withdrawal,
01:31:30.480 | from, it's a delta, it's sediment, it's built on sediment.
01:31:33.540 | I wrote a piece ages ago, the New York Times
01:31:35.840 | is calling it Delta Blues, you know, musicians.
01:31:38.520 | And in Jakarta, so what are they doing?
01:31:40.740 | They're moving, they're moving the capital to another area.
01:31:45.820 | So that says to me, there's a lot of plasticity too.
01:31:49.240 | It's a city that's going through this,
01:31:51.640 | that rate of sea level, of their relationship
01:31:54.400 | with the sea level through sinking is way faster
01:31:57.520 | than what's happening with global warming.
01:31:59.160 | So look there, look to those kinds of places
01:32:00.960 | and you can start to build.
01:32:02.560 | - Tokyo had the same thing in the 1930s.
01:32:05.520 | They were also withdrawing lots of water way too fast.
01:32:09.160 | And so, you know, one of the obvious things is
01:32:11.080 | maybe you should stop withdrawing water so fast.
01:32:13.880 | - Yeah, and again, we seem to almost be intent
01:32:16.740 | on finding the most politically correct way
01:32:19.500 | to fix a problem or, you know, the most,
01:32:22.220 | the thing that sort of gets the most clicks
01:32:24.520 | instead of the thing that actually works the best.
01:32:27.500 | So a lot of these things are really, you know,
01:32:29.660 | not rocket science solutions.
01:32:31.140 | - Well, we'll get there.
01:32:32.260 | Let me add one more on top of the pile
01:32:34.780 | of the worst case analysis.
01:32:36.220 | So what people talk about, which is hurricanes
01:32:38.300 | and earthquakes, is there a connection
01:32:42.020 | that's well understood between climate change
01:32:44.860 | and the increased frequency and intensity
01:32:51.020 | of hurricanes and earthquakes?
01:32:52.740 | - I've dug in on both a lot.
01:32:54.780 | The earthquake connection to climate change,
01:32:56.460 | I'm not worried about compared to just the earthquake risk
01:32:58.860 | that we live with in many parts of the world already.
01:33:01.340 | The Himalayas, even with that earthquake in 2015
01:33:04.980 | in Kathmandu, that whole range is overdue
01:33:09.980 | for major earthquakes.
01:33:11.480 | And what has happened in the last 50 years
01:33:14.100 | since they last had big earthquakes?
01:33:15.940 | Huge development, big cities,
01:33:17.920 | a lot of informal construction,
01:33:19.820 | like the stuff I wrote about in Istanbul,
01:33:22.060 | where the family builds another layer and another,
01:33:24.700 | they put a floor on, every time someone gets married
01:33:26.540 | and has kids, you put another floor in the house.
01:33:28.420 | And unfortunately, that's, you know,
01:33:30.420 | what was the term, this Turkish engineer,
01:33:36.340 | rubble in waiting.
01:33:38.460 | - Rubble in waiting.
01:33:39.300 | - It's rubble in waiting.
01:33:40.140 | And we're looking at it, you know, videotaping it,
01:33:42.280 | and there are people playing there.
01:33:44.240 | So I don't worry about the earthquake connection
01:33:45.640 | to climate change.
01:33:46.940 | The hurricanes I've written about for decades.
01:33:49.500 | And the most illuminating body of science
01:33:53.740 | that I've dug in on, literally, related to hurricanes
01:33:58.560 | is this field that's emerged,
01:34:00.080 | it gets a tiny bit of money compared to climate modeling.
01:34:02.760 | It's called paleotempestology.
01:34:05.520 | It's like paleontology, you know?
01:34:07.440 | They look for evidence of past hurricanes
01:34:10.120 | along coasts that we care about.
01:34:12.200 | And they dig down into the lagoons behind,
01:34:16.840 | like the barrier beaches along Florida,
01:34:19.360 | or the Carolinas, or in Puerto Rico.
01:34:21.280 | And what you have is a history book of past hurricanes.
01:34:24.720 | So there's mud, mud, mud, mud, mud, mud, mud,
01:34:27.040 | you know, accumulating over centuries.
01:34:28.940 | And then there's a layer of sand and seashells.
01:34:32.620 | And what that indicates is that there was a great storm
01:34:34.980 | that came across the beach, pushed a lot of sediment
01:34:38.240 | into the mud.
01:34:39.280 | And then there's mud, mud, mud, mud, mud, mud, mud.
01:34:41.360 | And when you look at that work,
01:34:43.200 | I first wrote about this in 2001 in the Times,
01:34:45.520 | a long story, and then I kept track
01:34:48.300 | of these intrepid scientists putting these core tubes down.
01:34:53.300 | It shows you that we're in a landscape
01:34:55.880 | where big, bad hurricanes are not, they're the norm.
01:35:00.880 | But something that's rare and big
01:35:03.960 | is something that's extreme.
01:35:05.960 | When you think about the word extreme, right,
01:35:07.280 | it means it's at the end of the spectrum of what's possible.
01:35:10.560 | They're rare, rare in human timescales.
01:35:13.840 | Hurricane Michael, four years ago, devastated.
01:35:17.720 | Category 5 came ashore in the panhandle of Florida,
01:35:21.760 | leveled that much-photographed town, Mexico Beach.
01:35:24.580 | And people, actually, the Tallahassee National Weather
01:35:29.560 | Service said, "Unprecedented hurricane."
01:35:33.140 | And the damage was unprecedented
01:35:35.560 | because there hadn't been a community there before.
01:35:38.240 | But the hurricane was not unprecedented at all.
01:35:40.320 | If you look at the history, and this is published research,
01:35:42.680 | it's just that no one bothers to,
01:35:44.800 | we have this blind spot for the longer timescale
01:35:49.240 | you need to examine if you're thinking
01:35:50.440 | about big, bad things that are rare.
01:35:52.440 | And hurricanes are still rare.
01:35:54.760 | I was recently covering Fort Myers, the awful devastation.
01:35:59.760 | There's a young climate scientist
01:36:01.660 | at Florida Gulf Coast University, Jo Muller,
01:36:06.340 | who's done that paleotempestology work there,
01:36:08.500 | right in Fort Myers.
01:36:09.420 | She lives there, and she was away in London
01:36:11.620 | at a meeting of reinsurance companies
01:36:13.420 | that reinsure all the world's big, bad risks
01:36:15.740 | when this was happening.
01:36:17.460 | But she has done the work that shows,
01:36:19.460 | it's a thousand-year record of past hurricanes,
01:36:21.420 | and it's super sobering when you consider
01:36:24.740 | how fast people have moved into Florida
01:36:28.460 | and built vulnerably in an area that hurricanes will hammer.
01:36:33.460 | That's part of the fundamental dynamics
01:36:35.700 | of the Gulf of Mexico, and the storms come off of Africa.
01:36:39.100 | It's a place where they will come.
01:36:40.900 | Now, the question of global warming impact is subtle.
01:36:44.420 | There are aspects of hurricanes that haven't changed.
01:36:47.500 | There's aspects like rainfall that seem pretty powerfully
01:36:51.580 | linked to global warming.
01:36:53.420 | A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture,
01:36:55.460 | so when you have a big disturbance,
01:36:57.620 | the heat engine of a hurricane comes through it,
01:36:59.620 | you get more rain.
01:37:00.520 | There's rapid intensification,
01:37:03.580 | how quickly these storms jump from category one
01:37:08.580 | to five or four before they hit is a new area of science.
01:37:13.780 | So I think it's still early days in knowing,
01:37:16.780 | because no one was looking for that.
01:37:19.060 | There were no data back 300 years ago
01:37:21.820 | when these big, bad previous hurricanes came
01:37:24.500 | to know whether they were rapidly intensified or not.
01:37:27.020 | So as a journalist, I try to keep track
01:37:30.780 | of what we don't know, not to be too constrained,
01:37:33.600 | and think about new science as being robust,
01:37:37.340 | unless it's considering and actually actively stating
01:37:42.740 | we don't really know what's going on with earlier hurricanes.
01:37:46.820 | And all of that is swamped, ultimately, literally,
01:37:49.960 | by the vulnerability, building vulnerability in these areas.
01:37:54.180 | You know, if there's a marginal change in a storm,
01:37:56.860 | and you've quadrupled or sextupled how much stuff
01:38:01.780 | and how many people are in the way,
01:38:03.800 | and if some of those people are poor and vulnerable,
01:38:06.380 | or elderly and can't swim,
01:38:08.980 | you're creating a landscape of destruction.
01:38:11.300 | - So a lot of the human suffering that has to do with storms
01:38:15.920 | is about where and how you build,
01:38:19.860 | versus the frequency and the intensity of storms.
01:38:22.420 | - Still, you didn't quite answer the question.
01:38:26.540 | You know, when I'm having a beer with people at a bar,
01:38:29.980 | and they say, "Hey, why are you having a beer?
01:38:32.140 | "We're all going to die," because of climate change,
01:38:34.620 | usually what they bring up,
01:38:36.020 | and I'm just trying to add some levity here.
01:38:38.460 | - No, this is good.
01:38:39.940 | - Usually what they bring up is the hurricanes,
01:38:43.380 | and the most recent hurricane, saying like,
01:38:46.700 | they're getting crazy, hurricanes all the time,
01:38:49.700 | they're getting more intense, more frequent, and so on.
01:38:53.460 | I'm sure there's incredible science going on
01:38:57.860 | trying to look at this.
01:38:59.020 | Is there evidence, and is it possible to have evidence
01:39:04.300 | that there's a connection between
01:39:07.660 | what we can call global warming
01:39:10.060 | and the increased frequency and intensity of storms?
01:39:12.940 | - No. - Okay, no, thank you.
01:39:15.080 | - Well, you added intensity.
01:39:18.420 | You know, let me just get into this a tiny bit more.
01:39:22.180 | I mean, hurricanes, I grew up with them in Rhode Island
01:39:25.220 | in my youth, and there was a very active period
01:39:28.060 | of hurricanes in New England in the '50s and '60s, '70s,
01:39:32.900 | and then in the North Atlantic, generally,
01:39:35.420 | it was very, very active in '50 when I was a kid,
01:39:39.340 | and the dynamics of them forming off of Africa
01:39:42.980 | and coming here, circling up the coast, was just prime time.
01:39:47.180 | Then there was like what Kerry Emanuel,
01:39:49.220 | who's the most experienced hurricane climate scientist
01:39:53.100 | around at MIT, he's in this story, he's in my 1988 article.
01:39:58.100 | He and colleagues have found, and others,
01:40:04.220 | that there's what they call a hurricane drought
01:40:07.660 | from like the '70s through about 1994 in the Atlantic,
01:40:11.480 | specifically the Atlantic Basin,
01:40:13.540 | and there's been a lot of questions about that.
01:40:15.640 | People thought it was ocean circulation,
01:40:17.460 | something about the currents.
01:40:18.900 | There's these multi-decadal variabilities in the oceans.
01:40:22.820 | And then now it looks robustly,
01:40:27.220 | I can't find a climate scientist who disagrees,
01:40:30.340 | that the thing that caused the drought was pollution, smog,
01:40:34.960 | and significantly in Europe.
01:40:38.340 | And you say, well, how does smog in Europe relate
01:40:40.380 | to hurricanes crossing the Atlantic
01:40:42.820 | and getting to the United States?
01:40:45.380 | It's because of the smog was changing the behavior
01:40:49.700 | of the Sahara Desert, which is just south of Europe.
01:40:52.300 | And the Sahara Desert kills hurricanes.
01:40:56.840 | Sand and dust coming off the Sahara,
01:40:58.500 | you can see this every year.
01:40:59.820 | When that's active, it stifles these big storms.
01:41:03.380 | At the point, right in their nursery, they all form,
01:41:06.020 | there's this area for hurricanes off of West Africa
01:41:09.020 | that's like the nursery zone.
01:41:10.620 | And so if you're stifling those hurricanes
01:41:12.160 | because of pollution in Europe
01:41:15.280 | before the Clean Air Act's cleanups,
01:41:18.880 | and then that goes away,
01:41:21.740 | none of that has anything to do with global warming.
01:41:23.900 | It's another kind of forcing in the climate system,
01:41:25.860 | a local one that created a regional dynamic
01:41:28.700 | that created a quiet period
01:41:30.720 | when all these friends in the bar,
01:41:32.420 | maybe they were born in the '90s or whatever,
01:41:37.380 | they grew up in an area of like,
01:41:40.860 | hurricanes weren't a big deal.
01:41:42.320 | And now we have an end to that drought
01:41:45.200 | because we cleaned up the air pollution,
01:41:47.020 | the sooty kind of air pollution, sulfury.
01:41:49.960 | And anyone who says global warming, global warming,
01:41:53.300 | without saying, well, that's in there too,
01:41:55.320 | is kind of missing that.
01:41:57.440 | And when you look globally,
01:41:58.920 | still, I think it was 90 or so hurricanes a year,
01:42:03.400 | cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons globally.
01:42:05.720 | That hasn't changed.
01:42:06.560 | The number of these tropical storms
01:42:09.000 | that reach that ferocity has not changed.
01:42:12.360 | It's just a fundamental dynamic of,
01:42:14.600 | and by the way, on the long time scale,
01:42:16.480 | the models still indicate as you warm the planet,
01:42:21.480 | and remember the Arctic warms quicker,
01:42:23.800 | this is something people probably understand,
01:42:26.280 | you're actually evening out the imbalance
01:42:29.320 | between the heat at the equator
01:42:31.640 | and the cold in the northern part of the hemisphere,
01:42:35.260 | and that calms the whole system down.
01:42:36.860 | So there could be fewer hurricanes later in the century
01:42:40.040 | because of global warming.
01:42:41.500 | And for me, that's a lot of information,
01:42:44.760 | but if I'm in a bar, I start with what do you care about?
01:42:49.240 | You care about safety, you care about security,
01:42:51.500 | you care about having everybody safe, not just you.
01:42:55.000 | You get in your car and you can evacuate.
01:42:56.800 | What about the old person or the poor family
01:43:00.720 | who can't do that, they're not gonna leave their house?
01:43:02.980 | What are we doing to limit vulnerability now?
01:43:05.780 | That, I circle back to that over and over again.
01:43:08.560 | I have a pocket card, I have this graphic card
01:43:12.000 | I created about risk,
01:43:13.880 | and what we really care about is climate risk.
01:43:17.080 | Who's at risk, what's driving the risk,
01:43:19.640 | how do you reduce that?
01:43:20.480 | It's a card, you can almost pull it out in a bar,
01:43:21.960 | I should print them.
01:43:22.800 | - You should do that.
01:43:23.640 | - It's like risk is the hazard.
01:43:25.440 | - Climate bar, Pat.
01:43:26.440 | - Risk is the hazard, the hazard is a storm,
01:43:34.160 | times exposure, how many people, how much stuff,
01:43:37.980 | factoring in vulnerability or resilience.
01:43:43.740 | And climate change is changing the hazard for some things,
01:43:48.580 | not for tornadoes, not for everything.
01:43:50.820 | Exposure is this expanding bullseye,
01:43:54.620 | this is another hashtag, expanding bullseye.
01:43:57.540 | Get out there and look for that and you'll see,
01:43:59.620 | I'm pushing these two geographers who do this
01:44:03.140 | for every hazard, wildfire, earthquake, flood,
01:44:07.940 | coastal storm, and we're building an expanding bullseye
01:44:11.620 | in an area and nature's throwing darts.
01:44:14.020 | Some of the darts are getting bigger
01:44:15.100 | because of global warming, some of the darts we don't know.
01:44:17.780 | What do you do?
01:44:18.620 | Like, what do you do?
01:44:19.560 | Well, you get out of the way, right?
01:44:21.300 | You don't wanna be on the dartboard.
01:44:23.020 | And that, it just simplifies the whole formula.
01:44:25.780 | To me, it's kind of a transformational potential
01:44:32.740 | to go into a bar.
01:44:33.660 | Maybe I should print these things.
01:44:35.180 | - 100%.
01:44:36.020 | And I should go drinking with you more often.
01:44:37.740 | - There should be coasters in bars.
01:44:39.340 | - 'Cause that was fascinating about smog.
01:44:41.460 | I mean, it's nice to be reminded about how complicated
01:44:44.620 | and fascinating the weather system is.
01:44:46.420 | - Let me try to answer the questions slightly quicker
01:44:50.500 | before your friends have drunk too much.
01:44:53.860 | - Never enough.
01:44:54.700 | - Or not enough.
01:44:56.620 | So if you look at the amount of,
01:45:01.580 | the number of hurricanes, as Andy rightly pointed out,
01:45:05.300 | it doesn't look like it's changing.
01:45:08.500 | So we see more because we have now much better
01:45:11.980 | detection systems with satellites.
01:45:14.080 | But if you look since 1980,
01:45:17.780 | when we have good satellite coverage,
01:45:19.700 | for instance, last year was the year
01:45:22.420 | that had the lowest number of hurricanes in the world.
01:45:25.960 | And you're sort of like, that's odd
01:45:28.820 | because it's probably the year where I heard
01:45:31.020 | the most about hurricanes.
01:45:32.460 | And what that tells you is that just because you hear
01:45:34.500 | a lot about hurricanes doesn't actually mean
01:45:36.620 | that there is a lot of hurricanes.
01:45:37.820 | You can't just go that way.
01:45:39.380 | If you remember in the 1990s and 2000s,
01:45:44.100 | there was an enormous amount of talk about how violence,
01:45:47.260 | how crime was getting worse in the US,
01:45:49.600 | while all the objective indicators
01:45:51.300 | showed that it was going down.
01:45:52.900 | But there's sufficient amount of violence
01:45:55.820 | that you can fill every radio and TV show with a new crime.
01:46:00.580 | And so if you get more and more TV shows
01:46:03.180 | that talk about crime, actually most people end up
01:46:05.900 | thinking that there's more crime
01:46:07.340 | while the real number is going down.
01:46:09.860 | So the reality here is yes, climate change
01:46:14.320 | will probably affect hurricanes in the sense
01:46:17.260 | that they'll be the same number or slightly fewer
01:46:20.300 | as Andy was mentioning,
01:46:21.740 | but they will likely be somewhat stronger.
01:46:25.140 | This seems to be the best outcome.
01:46:27.900 | We're not sure, but this seems to be the outcome.
01:46:30.180 | And it's important to remember,
01:46:32.060 | stronger is worse than fewer is better.
01:46:35.680 | So overall, climate will make the world a little bit worse.
01:46:40.680 | So that's the sort of bottom line,
01:46:43.420 | but, and that's the real issue here,
01:46:45.940 | all the other things,
01:46:46.900 | the fact that people are much more vulnerable,
01:46:49.140 | is just vastly outweigh this,
01:46:51.660 | which is why if you look at the impact of hurricanes
01:46:55.820 | and impact of pretty much everything,
01:46:57.780 | it is typically going down.
01:47:00.060 | If you look, for instance, in percent of GDP,
01:47:02.340 | you have to look at percent of GDP,
01:47:03.860 | because if you have twice as many houses,
01:47:05.680 | obviously, the same kind of impact will have twice
01:47:08.540 | the impact or if they're worth twice as much.
01:47:12.020 | If you do that in percent of GDP,
01:47:13.580 | and even the UN says that's how you should measure it,
01:47:16.180 | it's going down.
01:47:17.260 | Why is that?
01:47:18.140 | It's because we're becoming more resilient.
01:47:20.580 | Just simply, if you look at what happens
01:47:23.420 | when hurricanes come in,
01:47:24.620 | we have much better prediction in the long run.
01:47:27.060 | That means you now know, two or three days out,
01:47:30.340 | that there's a big hurricane that's likely to come here.
01:47:32.860 | What does that mean?
01:47:33.740 | All the things that can be moved.
01:47:36.020 | So, typically all buses, all trucks,
01:47:38.900 | everything that's not bolted down will leave this area.
01:47:42.140 | And so you will get less damage from that.
01:47:44.620 | You will have more people knowing,
01:47:46.220 | oh, this is gonna be a big one.
01:47:47.660 | They moved to their relative somewhere else.
01:47:49.760 | So you'll have fewer people being vulnerable.
01:47:52.060 | There's a lot-
01:47:52.900 | - If people are responsive and aware.
01:47:53.940 | - Yeah, there's a lot of way you can do this.
01:47:56.260 | So the outcome,
01:47:57.540 | and this is important for the whole conversation,
01:47:59.660 | the outcome is that we're actually becoming less vulnerable
01:48:03.580 | and that damages are becoming smaller, not bigger.
01:48:07.820 | But had there not been global warming,
01:48:10.800 | it would probably have gone down even faster.
01:48:13.480 | So we would have become even better off quicker
01:48:16.860 | had there been no global warming.
01:48:18.380 | But this is a crucial difference
01:48:20.540 | and this is what I find really hard to communicate.
01:48:23.040 | Climate change is not this,
01:48:24.740 | oh my God, everything is going off the charts
01:48:27.900 | and we're all gonna be doomed kind of thing.
01:48:29.900 | Climate change is a thing that means
01:48:32.820 | we're gonna get better slightly slower.
01:48:36.460 | And that's a very, very different kind of attitude.
01:48:39.660 | It's one of the many problems
01:48:41.180 | rather than this is the end of all of us.
01:48:43.780 | - And by the way,
01:48:44.620 | if you look at what's happening in the world,
01:48:47.580 | the data also show that in rich places and poor places,
01:48:50.980 | we still are moving into zones of hazard
01:48:53.540 | faster than climate is changing.
01:48:55.620 | Beth Tellman, who's at Columbia and she moved to Arizona,
01:48:59.700 | she and colleagues at this outfit called Cloud to Street
01:49:03.340 | did an amazing study showing,
01:49:05.300 | this is a year or so ago I wrote about,
01:49:06.740 | showing again, we're moving into zones of hazard,
01:49:09.700 | which it applies to me,
01:49:11.120 | just what Bjorn was saying that
01:49:14.020 | people wouldn't be doing that
01:49:16.340 | if they thought that was gonna lead to devastation.
01:49:19.980 | And this is today, we're doing this now.
01:49:22.200 | And it's flood zones, wildfire zones.
01:49:25.100 | So that means there's these things to do.
01:49:28.600 | There's so much plasticity in the human behavior
01:49:32.140 | and how we build and where we build.
01:49:34.340 | You can make a big, big change in the outcomes.
01:49:37.620 | - I mean, one of the things to remember is,
01:49:39.540 | people move to where hurricanes hit
01:49:41.620 | because when they're not there,
01:49:42.940 | it's a really beautiful place to be.
01:49:44.820 | - Yeah, yeah.
01:49:45.780 | - So in many ways, we make the trade-offs and say,
01:49:49.620 | look, I'm happy to have an ocean view
01:49:53.200 | and then maybe a hurricane's gonna hit.
01:49:55.240 | And of course it becomes a lot easier
01:49:56.800 | than when the federal government
01:49:58.000 | is actually subsidizing your risk by saying,
01:50:00.440 | we'll ensure you're really cheaply.
01:50:02.600 | And that's one of the things that we should stop doing.
01:50:05.720 | We should actually tell people,
01:50:06.880 | look, if you wanna live where hurricanes hit,
01:50:09.300 | maybe you should be more careful.
01:50:11.160 | - Yeah, by the way, what I was saying about past storms,
01:50:14.200 | the paleo tempestology, past fires, it's the same thing.
01:50:17.800 | We've suppressed fire in the United States for 100 years
01:50:21.640 | through much of the West,
01:50:23.080 | through wanting to save the forests,
01:50:26.440 | the whole Smokey the Bear thing.
01:50:28.160 | Don't start.
01:50:29.000 | When these are landscapes that evolved to burn,
01:50:32.500 | and what happened in the last 100 years?
01:50:34.280 | A lot of people love the West.
01:50:35.680 | We love these environments.
01:50:37.400 | We love to live with the trees.
01:50:39.080 | The Boulder County area, the explosive development
01:50:41.740 | in zones of implicit hazard leads to big, bad outcomes
01:50:45.680 | when conditions align
01:50:46.920 | and climate change is worsening some of those conditions.
01:50:49.760 | And sometimes it's really counterintuitive.
01:50:52.080 | A wet season builds more grass.
01:50:54.980 | A dry season comes along, parches the grass.
01:50:57.760 | Then comes a human ignition.
01:50:59.440 | It's almost always human ignitions.
01:51:01.720 | And then you have this disaster
01:51:02.960 | where a thousand homes burn in Boulder County.
01:51:05.280 | And it's like, there's so many elements there
01:51:07.800 | that can be worked on that give me confidence
01:51:12.400 | that we can change these outcomes.
01:51:16.080 | Natural disasters are not natural.
01:51:17.720 | Disasters are designed, really, as some people say.
01:51:21.040 | - Can I take a quick aside and ask about terminology
01:51:25.000 | of climate change and global warming?
01:51:26.840 | 'Cause we use it interchangeably.
01:51:29.760 | It is an aside, but it's one that's worthy of taking.
01:51:33.320 | Do those carry different meanings?
01:51:36.040 | And has that meaning changed over the years?
01:51:38.760 | Between those two terms, are they really equivalent?
01:51:43.120 | - Well, some people say there was this industry
01:51:45.480 | or propagandistic shift from,
01:51:48.400 | let's see, which came first?
01:51:51.720 | Oh, no, they're going to climate change now.
01:51:53.800 | It's a new thing, which is, it's ridiculous.
01:51:56.880 | The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1988
01:52:01.040 | wasn't the Intergovernmental Panel on Global Warming.
01:52:03.960 | It was on climate change.
01:52:06.000 | So these terms have been there.
01:52:07.980 | They've been sort of evolving.
01:52:09.120 | When I wrote this cover story, it was the greenhouse effect.
01:52:11.800 | - So, and that's fallen out of favor.
01:52:13.520 | Greenhouse effect is not often talked about.
01:52:15.360 | - Well, it's really, that's the physical effect
01:52:18.200 | that's holding in the heat.
01:52:19.440 | - But see-- - It's not a good--
01:52:21.240 | - There's terms that mean stuff,
01:52:22.920 | and there's terms that are actually used in public discourse
01:52:26.580 | to designate what your,
01:52:28.480 | a whole umbrella of opinions you have.
01:52:32.440 | And I guess as somebody, me,
01:52:34.400 | who doesn't pay attention to this carefully,
01:52:38.440 | you have to use terms carefully.
01:52:40.600 | - Sure. - Because people will,
01:52:44.040 | a noob that rolls into the topic will often use terms
01:52:47.720 | to mean exactly what they mean, like literally.
01:52:50.280 | But they actually have political implications,
01:52:52.400 | all that kind of stuff.
01:52:53.240 | So I guess I'm asking, is there like,
01:52:55.480 | are you signaling something by using global warming
01:53:00.880 | versus climate change?
01:53:02.160 | Or people have calmed down in terms of the use of these?
01:53:04.840 | - No, no, but the Guardian newspapers made it worse.
01:53:08.560 | Now they have their style book.
01:53:09.880 | You know, every newspaper has a,
01:53:11.920 | they prescribe, they don't want their reporters
01:53:14.480 | to use any of those terms anymore.
01:53:16.320 | They call it climate crisis, climate emergency.
01:53:18.760 | - Oh no. - Oh yeah.
01:53:20.000 | - Global heating. - It's literally
01:53:21.200 | in their rule book.
01:53:22.240 | - Global heating, that sounds more intense.
01:53:24.120 | - Global heating. - And that was the point.
01:53:25.680 | - Well, I wrote about the global heating thing
01:53:28.560 | more than a decade ago.
01:53:29.720 | That's been around.
01:53:30.560 | But you know, so they're doing the,
01:53:33.200 | what was the movie where the,
01:53:35.320 | the comedy, the rock and roll comedy,
01:53:36.880 | where he sets his-- - To 11, yeah, yeah.
01:53:39.280 | - His amplifier goes to 11.
01:53:40.640 | You know, the idea that you turned up
01:53:42.400 | the rhetorical volume and that's gonna change people
01:53:44.720 | is ridiculous. - I mean, so for me,
01:53:47.080 | I mean, I use global warming and climate change
01:53:51.040 | interchangeably, and I think it's fair.
01:53:53.480 | There's some technical ways that you can differentiate them.
01:53:57.080 | But the reality is that global warming
01:53:59.520 | is probably a better way to describe a lot of it
01:54:02.080 | because this is really what is the main driver
01:54:04.760 | of what we worry about.
01:54:06.280 | Climate change seems a little diffuse,
01:54:08.280 | but you know, it's convenient to,
01:54:10.080 | when you talk about climate all the time,
01:54:11.800 | that you can call both of them.
01:54:13.160 | But I think the climate crisis and the climate catastrophe
01:54:16.520 | is really sort of, this is the amping up of a catastrophe.
01:54:21.120 | And again, as we've talked about before,
01:54:23.320 | if it really were true, we should tell people.
01:54:26.400 | But if it's not true, and I think there's a lot of reasons
01:54:28.600 | why this is not a climate catastrophe, this is a problem,
01:54:32.600 | we're actually doing everyone a disservice
01:54:34.720 | because we end up making people so worried
01:54:37.280 | that they say, "We gotta fix this in 12 years,"
01:54:39.160 | or whatever the number is.
01:54:40.640 | And also that it makes it almost impossible
01:54:43.160 | to have a conversation of,
01:54:45.440 | well, maybe we should be focusing on vulnerability first.
01:54:48.640 | And a lot of people, and I think a lot of well-meaning
01:54:52.280 | and well-intentioned people feel that it's almost
01:54:55.600 | sacrilegious to say it's about vulnerability
01:55:00.320 | because you're taking away the guilt of climate change.
01:55:03.960 | You're taking away our focus
01:55:05.200 | on dealing with climate change,
01:55:07.400 | whereas I think we would say,
01:55:09.080 | "No, it's about stuff that actually works
01:55:11.880 | "and doing that first."
01:55:13.640 | - Well, and by making it about carbon dioxide,
01:55:17.240 | you're implicitly making it about fossil fuels,
01:55:20.680 | which implicitly gives you another great narrative,
01:55:23.560 | good guy, bad guy.
01:55:24.600 | It's these big companies.
01:55:27.240 | - Where's the source of alarmism?
01:55:30.040 | So is it the IPCC,
01:55:32.920 | the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?
01:55:35.960 | There's a chain here.
01:55:37.720 | Is there somebody to blame along the chain,
01:55:39.880 | or is this some kind of weird complex system
01:55:42.080 | where everybody encourages each other?
01:55:44.560 | Can you point to one place?
01:55:45.880 | Is it the media?
01:55:46.920 | Is it the scientists?
01:55:48.040 | - I think the UN Climate Panel
01:55:49.360 | is fundamentally a really good climate research group.
01:55:54.040 | You can have some quibbles with the way
01:55:56.240 | that they sort of summarize it
01:55:57.880 | in politically coordinated documents and stuff.
01:56:00.720 | But fundamentally, I think they do a good job
01:56:03.120 | of putting together all the research.
01:56:05.880 | This also means it's incredibly boring to read,
01:56:08.200 | which is why virtually nobody does.
01:56:10.760 | I'm sure you have,
01:56:11.640 | but I'm pretty sure a lot of climate journalists
01:56:14.480 | have never sort of looked past
01:56:16.760 | at least the summary for policy makers.
01:56:19.320 | - So the UN Climate Panel, they do predictions as well?
01:56:23.000 | - No, well, they pull together all the stuff
01:56:26.400 | that people have published in the period literature
01:56:30.040 | and then try to summarize it and basically tell you,
01:56:32.600 | so what's up and down with climate change.
01:56:35.160 | They do that in four large volumes
01:56:37.880 | every four to five to six, seven years or something.
01:56:40.960 | And yes, I think it's the gold-plated version
01:56:45.840 | of what we know.
01:56:47.360 | There tends to be a lot of,
01:56:49.120 | well, this is what they say.
01:56:52.680 | Actually, they say so many different places
01:56:55.040 | with so many different people
01:56:56.600 | that it's not quite clear exactly what they're saying often.
01:56:59.360 | You can sort of find contradictions between one volume
01:57:03.120 | with one set of authors and another.
01:57:05.280 | But yeah, I think this is fundamentally the right way
01:57:09.800 | that we know about climate,
01:57:12.680 | but then it gets translated into,
01:57:15.480 | how do you know about this?
01:57:17.000 | When most people don't read these 4,000 pages,
01:57:19.720 | you read a news story in a newspaper
01:57:23.080 | and that news story will be very heavily slanted towards,
01:57:27.800 | if you say, so sea levels could rise
01:57:30.600 | somewhere between one and three foot, what do you hear?
01:57:34.120 | Yeah, you obviously hear the three foot.
01:57:35.840 | Three foot is just more fun, more scary,
01:57:38.360 | more interesting than one foot.
01:57:40.880 | And it's that way with all of these.
01:57:43.080 | So what's the prediction for temperature rises?
01:57:47.000 | It's somewhere from not very scary to pretty damn scary.
01:57:50.840 | And again, you hear the pretty damn scary all the time.
01:57:53.880 | And then there's obviously always researchers
01:57:57.400 | who are saying, well, but actually,
01:57:58.880 | it could be a little more scary than that.
01:58:00.960 | And then there are likewise researchers who say,
01:58:02.920 | well, it's probably not gonna be as scary as that.
01:58:05.840 | And most of the journalists will interview-
01:58:09.520 | Do you really put the blame fundamentally
01:58:11.680 | on the journalists?
01:58:13.200 | I put it on the media setup.
01:58:15.760 | Look, media is simply trying to get clicks
01:58:18.360 | or sell newspapers.
01:58:19.640 | And if you were just gonna say, this is not a big issue,
01:58:23.820 | it just doesn't sell anything.
01:58:25.360 | But I think you're probably much better able to address this.
01:58:28.160 | Well, no, folks can Google for my name, Revkin,
01:58:32.280 | and the words front page thought in the newsroom
01:58:37.280 | every afternoon.
01:58:38.840 | Now we have a 24/7 news cycle, so it's different.
01:58:41.680 | But back in the day, the New York Times,
01:58:44.440 | when it was a flourishing print institution,
01:58:46.880 | every afternoon there was a front page meeting.
01:58:49.280 | And the big pooh-bah editors would go in there.
01:58:51.320 | And the desk editors come in with their pitches for the day.
01:58:54.640 | And my friend, Corrie Dean, who was the science editor
01:58:57.240 | for a chunk of my time,
01:58:58.400 | I remember having a conversation with her
01:59:01.240 | about some new study of, I think it was Greenland,
01:59:04.320 | the ice sheet, and I laid it out for her.
01:59:07.000 | And she said, "Where's the front page thought in that?"
01:59:09.700 | So we're all set up to look for the, that.
01:59:15.040 | - The scary bit.
01:59:15.880 | - And the news environment has gotten so much worse
01:59:19.280 | than 10 or 20 years ago.
01:59:21.960 | At least you had filters and limited number of outlets,
01:59:26.400 | and there was some sense you could track what's good or bad.
01:59:29.560 | There's lots of problems with that system too.
01:59:31.520 | But now you have an information buffet.
01:59:34.000 | So if you wanna be alarmed, or you wanna be,
01:59:36.560 | can stay in the tribe of those who think
01:59:39.840 | this is utter bull, you can find your flow.
01:59:43.400 | And that has led, but getting back
01:59:46.640 | to this specific question, the 2018 IPCC report,
01:59:50.600 | which was a special report commissioned
01:59:52.600 | to learn about the difference between 1.5 degrees
01:59:55.760 | of warming and two, which sounds so weird
01:59:58.480 | and technocratic and complicated.
02:00:00.760 | That's the one that generated the whole meme
02:00:03.080 | about eight years left.
02:00:04.680 | - 12 years. - Till doomsday.
02:00:06.360 | - 2030. - And that's the one.
02:00:07.200 | - Can you explain the meme?
02:00:08.120 | - This was the idea that there's a point we're gonna,
02:00:11.480 | if we don't cut emissions in half by whatever it was,
02:00:15.080 | 2050, we're doomed. - 2030, yeah.
02:00:17.040 | - That emerged from that specific report.
02:00:19.280 | And it wasn't something that was in the report.
02:00:21.080 | It was in the spin around the report.
02:00:22.920 | And that's what captivated Greta appropriately
02:00:25.400 | as a young person going, you know,
02:00:27.600 | and with her unique vantage point and stuff.
02:00:30.360 | And that report, I still need to dig in
02:00:33.040 | and write something deeper about what happened
02:00:35.920 | with that particular dynamics,
02:00:37.400 | created this recent burst of we're doomed rhetoric
02:00:41.400 | that I think you're focusing on.
02:00:44.320 | And it's all in the external interpretations,
02:00:48.000 | which journalism laps up
02:00:50.760 | because we're looking for the front page thought.
02:00:53.160 | But it's not just the journalists, it's the whole system,
02:00:56.120 | NGOs, environmental groups.
02:00:58.040 | If you're, and developing country,
02:01:00.840 | well-meaning leaders in developing countries,
02:01:03.560 | because of the structure of this treaty
02:01:05.640 | that goes back to 1992,
02:01:07.280 | that's the Paris Agreement is part of,
02:01:09.480 | they're now really looking for a way
02:01:14.880 | to portray this as a CO2 problem.
02:01:17.920 | Not a vulnerability.
02:01:19.720 | Well, there's a vulnerability aspect,
02:01:21.160 | but like in Pakistan, their climate minister,
02:01:25.520 | which they didn't even have a climate minister
02:01:26.960 | five years ago,
02:01:27.800 | is blaming everything that happened in Pakistan
02:01:30.720 | on carbon dioxide warming the climate,
02:01:32.600 | creating this, when a lot of what was going on
02:01:34.840 | was also on the ground.
02:01:36.400 | And you can blame colonialism, Pakistan's history,
02:01:38.920 | all kinds of things.
02:01:40.360 | But under the treaty, you want it to be about CO2
02:01:43.560 | because that puts the onus on rich countries.
02:01:46.200 | You're not paying us.
02:01:47.680 | Where's our money?
02:01:48.840 | And they're right.
02:01:50.320 | In the context of what everyone agreed to,
02:01:52.680 | there was supposed to be $100 billion a year
02:01:55.320 | from rich countries to poor countries starting in 2020.
02:01:57.600 | It didn't happen.
02:01:58.440 | It's like basically some money is flowing,
02:02:01.840 | but it's not really made up money.
02:02:03.400 | Yeah, and so that whole dynamic,
02:02:06.080 | they latch onto the climate science,
02:02:07.840 | and they, so they're there,
02:02:10.520 | and they're very handy, quotable people.
02:02:12.920 | And you have a justice angle.
02:02:14.040 | You have bad guys and good guys,
02:02:16.240 | which fits all of these narrative threads
02:02:18.000 | that come together into this information storm
02:02:21.080 | we're still living with.
02:02:22.040 | And then of course, it's not Pakistan's fault either.
02:02:25.080 | I mean, it also actually, almost all leaders now say,
02:02:28.520 | it's because of climate, because then it's not,
02:02:30.760 | you know, we didn't do anything wrong.
02:02:32.760 | In Germany, for instance, when we had that flood last year,
02:02:36.360 | it's not impossible that climate had a part in that,
02:02:40.560 | but it's very, very clear that the main reason
02:02:42.680 | why so many people died in Germany and Belgium
02:02:45.280 | was because the alarm systems didn't work.
02:02:48.240 | And this was plainly the local leaders in Germany.
02:02:52.120 | Now, if I'm stuck here and basically have caused
02:02:54.640 | the death of 200 people, would I rather say,
02:02:57.920 | yeah, that's on me, or would I say climate?
02:03:00.560 | Or, you know, so it's just such an easy scapegoat.
02:03:03.520 | I don't wanna place it all on the journalists,
02:03:05.760 | I think, because there's a lot of,
02:03:08.200 | if I were to think about, what did you call it,
02:03:10.040 | front page thought, there's a lot of really
02:03:15.040 | narratives that result in destruction of the human species,
02:03:20.040 | so nuclear war, pandemics, all that kind of stuff.
02:03:24.880 | It seems that climate is a sticky one.
02:03:27.040 | So the fact that it's sticky means there's other interests
02:03:30.000 | at play, like you guys are talking about,
02:03:31.960 | in terms of politics, all that kind of stuff.
02:03:33.720 | So it's not just the journalists.
02:03:35.480 | I feel like journalists will try anything
02:03:37.360 | for the front page, but it won't stick
02:03:40.480 | unless there's bigger interests at play
02:03:43.360 | for which these narratives are useful.
02:03:45.720 | So journalists will just throw stuff out there
02:03:47.480 | and see if it gets clicks, and it's like a first spark,
02:03:52.480 | maybe, it's maybe a tiny catalyst of the initial steps,
02:03:57.800 | but it has to be picked up by the politicians,
02:04:00.400 | by interest groups, and all that kind of stuff.
02:04:03.200 | Let me ask you, Bjorn, about the first part of the subtitle.
02:04:08.160 | How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions.
02:04:12.320 | How does Climate Change Panic Cost Us Trillions?
02:04:14.840 | - So we're basically deciding to make policies
02:04:17.320 | that'll have fairly little impact, even in 50 or 100 years,
02:04:21.400 | that literally cost trillions of dollars.
02:04:24.040 | So, you know, I'll give you two examples.
02:04:26.520 | So the European Union is trying to go to net zero.
02:04:31.320 | So our attempt to go halfway there by 2030
02:04:35.080 | will cost about a trillion dollars a year,
02:04:38.520 | and yet the net impact will be almost unmeasurable
02:04:41.280 | by the end of the century.
02:04:42.720 | Why is that?
02:04:43.800 | That's because the EU and the rich countries
02:04:46.160 | is a fairly small part of the emissions
02:04:48.280 | that are gonna come out in the 21st century.
02:04:50.120 | Now, we used to be a big part of it,
02:04:51.920 | as that's mainly because nobody else, you know,
02:04:53.720 | it was just the US and Europe and a few others
02:04:56.400 | that put out CO2 in the 20th century.
02:04:59.200 | So we used to be big, but in the 21st century,
02:05:02.560 | we'll be a small bit player.
02:05:04.480 | And so we're basically spending a lot of money,
02:05:07.040 | and remember, a trillion dollars is a lot of money
02:05:09.720 | that could have been spent on a lot of things
02:05:11.680 | that could have made humanity better
02:05:14.520 | on something that will only make us tiny bit better.
02:05:18.120 | Now, it will do some good, but, you know,
02:05:21.000 | the reasonable estimates is if you do
02:05:22.760 | a cost-benefit analysis, and again, you know,
02:05:24.960 | technically it's really, really complicated,
02:05:27.720 | but the basic idea is very, very simple.
02:05:29.880 | You just simply say, what are all the costs on one side
02:05:33.680 | and what are all the benefits?
02:05:35.200 | So the costs are mainly that we have to live
02:05:37.560 | with more expensive energy, you have to forego
02:05:40.520 | some opportunities, you have to have, you know,
02:05:42.720 | more complicated services, that kind of thing.
02:05:45.400 | The benefit is that you cut carbon emissions
02:05:47.440 | and that eventually means that you'll have
02:05:48.960 | less climate damage, you'll have lower temperature rises
02:05:51.960 | and so on.
02:05:53.120 | If you try to weigh up all of those,
02:05:55.640 | it's reasonable to assume that the EU policies
02:05:59.840 | will deliver for every dollar you spend,
02:06:02.640 | it'll deliver less than a dollar,
02:06:04.200 | probably about 30 cents back on the dollar,
02:06:06.800 | which is a really bad way to spend dollars
02:06:08.840 | because there's lots of other things out in the world
02:06:11.440 | where you could do, you know, multiple, you know,
02:06:13.360 | so for instance, if you think about tuberculosis
02:06:15.400 | or education of small kids or nutrition for small kids
02:06:19.400 | and those kinds of things, every dollar you spend
02:06:21.560 | will do like 30 to $100 worth of good.
02:06:24.160 | So there are much, much better places
02:06:26.040 | where you could spend this money.
02:06:27.440 | Likewise, the US is thinking of going net zero by 2050.
02:06:32.160 | It's not actually gonna happen, but it's sort of a thing
02:06:35.120 | that everybody talks about.
02:06:36.200 | Biden is talking a lot about it.
02:06:38.160 | If you look at the models that indicate
02:06:40.320 | how much will that cost, it's not implausible
02:06:44.240 | that this will cost somewhere between two and $4 trillion
02:06:47.880 | per year by mid century.
02:06:49.920 | And remember, if the US went carbon neutral today,
02:06:54.480 | by the end of the century, that would reduce temperatures
02:06:57.840 | by about 0.3 degree Fahrenheit.
02:07:00.440 | So you would just be able to measure it.
02:07:03.000 | It probably wouldn't in real life, but you know,
02:07:05.160 | you'd just be able to measure it.
02:07:07.000 | Again, this is not saying that there's not some good
02:07:09.600 | coming out of it, but you're basically spending
02:07:11.520 | an enormous amount of money on fairly small benefits.
02:07:14.720 | So that's my main point.
02:07:16.520 | - Yeah, this reminds me of what we were saying earlier
02:07:18.840 | about the things that models don't integrate
02:07:22.240 | and the things that cost benefit leave out
02:07:24.160 | because you really can't go there.
02:07:26.600 | One of the issues facing the world right now
02:07:28.120 | is the reality that we're reminded of,
02:07:30.720 | that energy availability is a geopolitical destabilizer.
02:07:34.800 | If you have uneven access to energy
02:07:39.200 | and you have Vladimir Putin coming into office
02:07:41.280 | or something else happening that disrupts that system,
02:07:44.640 | you're vastly increasing poverty.
02:07:47.720 | This is playing out across the world.
02:07:49.720 | Fertilizer prices, fertilizer comes from gas, natural gas.
02:07:54.080 | If you can envision a world later in the century
02:07:59.940 | where we're no longer beholden on this material
02:08:01.680 | in the ground, at least fossil fuels,
02:08:04.400 | you know, cobalt and lithium for batteries,
02:08:06.560 | that's pretty cool, you know,
02:08:08.700 | 'cause you're taking away geopolitical instability.
02:08:11.640 | And you don't, but that's not factored in, right?
02:08:15.040 | That's like way outside of what you'd factor in.
02:08:17.020 | But it does feel like to me, you know,
02:08:18.880 | if I was gonna make the case for,
02:08:20.660 | you can choose your trillions,
02:08:23.320 | whatever that investing big isn't for these marginal things.
02:08:28.320 | It's for looking at the big picture,
02:08:30.840 | a world of abundant energy that doesn't come
02:08:33.560 | from a black rock or a gooey liquid
02:08:36.800 | that when you burn it creates--
02:08:38.280 | - But isn't that what the proposals are?
02:08:40.440 | Is investing in different kinds of energy,
02:08:43.640 | renewable energy, so what--
02:08:45.200 | - But I don't think most people are making that case.
02:08:47.320 | - What's in the trillion in the T costs?
02:08:51.080 | What's incorporated, what are the big costs there?
02:08:53.320 | - So the big cost is that you have
02:08:55.720 | slightly lower productivity gains.
02:08:58.240 | So basically again, you know,
02:08:59.600 | and this is sort of the opposite
02:09:00.960 | of what we just talked about by climate change.
02:09:03.020 | We're gonna get richer and richer in the world.
02:09:05.360 | This is all models, also the UN,
02:09:07.360 | this is really the only way that you can get
02:09:09.160 | big climate changes because everybody gets a lot richer.
02:09:11.940 | So also the developing world gets a lot richer.
02:09:14.180 | So we're likely to get richer.
02:09:16.320 | But one of the things that drive wealth production
02:09:19.520 | is the fact that we have ample
02:09:21.420 | and cheap and available energy.
02:09:23.840 | If you make that slightly harder,
02:09:25.820 | which is what you do with climate legislation,
02:09:28.260 | because you're basically telling people
02:09:29.920 | you have to use a source of energy
02:09:31.820 | that you'd rather not have used,
02:09:34.080 | because if people wanted to do it,
02:09:35.920 | we'd already have solved the problem.
02:09:37.360 | So you're basically telling them
02:09:38.360 | you've got to use this wind turbine
02:09:40.160 | instead of this natural gas plant,
02:09:42.740 | or you know, that kind of thing.
02:09:44.680 | It's not that you suddenly become poor or anything,
02:09:47.780 | it simply makes production slightly harder.
02:09:50.360 | What do you do when the wind is not blowing kind of thing?
02:09:53.000 | And of course we have lots of ways
02:09:54.440 | to somewhat mitigate that,
02:09:56.120 | but it's a little more costly,
02:09:57.580 | a little more complicated, a little less convenient.
02:10:00.080 | And that means you grow a little less.
02:10:02.480 | That's the main problem with these policies,
02:10:05.720 | that it simply makes you somewhat less well-off.
02:10:08.360 | - So energy becomes more inefficient.
02:10:10.640 | - Yes.
02:10:11.480 | - So let me challenge you here.
02:10:14.140 | Try to steel man some critics.
02:10:17.640 | So you have critics.
02:10:19.600 | I would love you to take it seriously
02:10:25.160 | and sort of consider this criticism
02:10:27.200 | and try to steel man their case.
02:10:29.820 | There's a bunch, I could mention this list of criticisms
02:10:34.820 | from Bob Ward in London School of Economics.
02:10:39.080 | I don't know if you're familiar with him.
02:10:40.600 | But just on this point,
02:10:42.200 | in terms of one of the big costs being an energy,
02:10:45.080 | he criticizes your recent book in saying,
02:10:50.240 | "You consider the 143 billion in annual support
02:10:53.760 | "for renewable energy,
02:10:54.860 | "but ignore the 300 billion in fossil fuel subsidies."
02:10:59.640 | So a lot of the criticism has to do with,
02:11:03.820 | well, you're cherry-picking the models,
02:11:06.220 | which the models are always cherry-picking anyway.
02:11:09.580 | But you wanna take those seriously.
02:11:12.740 | So he claims that you ignore,
02:11:16.620 | you're not fully modeling the costs, the trade-off here.
02:11:21.620 | How expensive is the renewable energy
02:11:26.100 | and how expensive is the fossil fuel?
02:11:28.180 | Can you steel man his case?
02:11:29.600 | - Sure.
02:11:30.440 | So two things.
02:11:31.780 | The first, the quote,
02:11:34.180 | it's absolutely true that the world spends
02:11:36.580 | a large chunk of money on fossil fuels,
02:11:40.260 | and that's just stupid, and we should stop doing it.
02:11:42.980 | We should also recognize that this is not rich countries.
02:11:45.780 | This is not the countries
02:11:46.980 | where we're talking about climate change.
02:11:48.620 | This is poor countries.
02:11:49.580 | This is Saudi Arabia.
02:11:51.420 | No, that's actually not a terribly poor country.
02:11:54.180 | It's China, it's Indonesia, it's Russia.
02:11:58.300 | It's places where you're basically paying off
02:12:01.100 | your population, just like that you subsidize bread,
02:12:03.820 | you make sure that they don't rebel
02:12:05.340 | by making cheap fuels available.
02:12:08.220 | That's dumb, but it's not like they don't know
02:12:11.260 | what they're doing.
02:12:12.080 | They're mostly doing this for things
02:12:13.300 | that have nothing to do with climate.
02:12:15.020 | So I totally agree we should get rid of it.
02:12:17.300 | It's hard to do.
02:12:18.260 | Indonesia's actually somewhat managed to get rid of it,
02:12:22.020 | because remember, if you spend a lot of money
02:12:23.780 | on fossil fuel subsidies,
02:12:25.140 | you're basically subsidizing the rich,
02:12:26.980 | because poor people don't have a car.
02:12:29.220 | It's the rich people who can now buy very cheap gasoline.
02:12:33.300 | That's unjust as well.
02:12:35.860 | So it's dumb in so many different ways.
02:12:38.100 | I would never argue that you shouldn't do it.
02:12:40.180 | I've plenty of times said we should stop that,
02:12:43.380 | but we should also recognize these are mostly regimes
02:12:46.300 | that are not going to be taken over
02:12:48.260 | either by my argument or Bob Ward's or anyone else's.
02:12:51.180 | They're doing this for totally different reasons.
02:12:53.580 | Now, on the model side, there is virtually no model
02:12:58.580 | that don't show, economic model,
02:13:00.540 | that don't show this has a cost.
02:13:02.260 | And that's the fundamental point is that the,
02:13:05.940 | this is sort of a basic point from economics.
02:13:08.680 | The system is already working most effectively,
02:13:11.260 | because if it wasn't,
02:13:12.660 | you could actually make money changing over.
02:13:15.100 | So if you want to have a change outside
02:13:17.860 | of what the system is already doing,
02:13:19.580 | it's because you're saying you have to do something
02:13:21.620 | that you'd rather not want to do,
02:13:23.340 | namely use an energy source that is less convenient
02:13:25.780 | or less cost-effective and so on.
02:13:28.460 | And that will incur a cost.
02:13:30.560 | Now there's huge discussion about just exactly
02:13:33.260 | how much cost is that.
02:13:34.540 | So there's definitely a cost.
02:13:36.240 | Is the cost going to be one or 5 trillion?
02:13:38.780 | That's absolutely a discussion about
02:13:40.740 | where do you take your models from?
02:13:42.060 | I try to do, and again, this is not possible everywhere.
02:13:45.540 | I try to actually take the average
02:13:47.900 | of all of the economic models.
02:13:49.820 | So there's a group called
02:13:51.460 | the Stanford Energy Modeling Forum,
02:13:53.000 | which tries to pull together all these different groups
02:13:56.220 | that do the modeling.
02:13:57.140 | So some models, a lot of this cost actually comes down to
02:14:00.620 | the fact that we don't quite know how much more
02:14:04.500 | fossil fuels you're going to need in the future.
02:14:06.740 | And so if you're projections are
02:14:09.000 | you're not going to use that much,
02:14:10.520 | the cost of reducing it is going to be very small.
02:14:12.820 | If you think you're going to use a ton of extra fossil fuels
02:14:16.500 | and you have to reduce that,
02:14:17.700 | the cost is going to be bigger.
02:14:19.220 | So I think-
02:14:20.060 | - That's just one of the variables.
02:14:21.740 | - Oh yeah, yeah.
02:14:22.580 | - And there's many, many, many more.
02:14:24.700 | - I think the point here is to say
02:14:26.780 | that if you take the average of all the best modelists
02:14:30.540 | that sort of aggregate it,
02:14:31.620 | for instance, at the Stanford Energy Modeling Forum,
02:14:34.160 | you're pretty secure ground.
02:14:36.460 | So again, I would argue that Bob Ward,
02:14:41.500 | yes, I've had a lot of run-ins with Bob Ward,
02:14:44.920 | and he has a very different set of views on things,
02:14:49.840 | but I just don't think he's right in saying
02:14:52.260 | that I'm cherry picking.
02:14:53.340 | - Well, yes.
02:14:54.180 | And I mean, he also has similar criticism
02:14:56.420 | about the estimate of the EU cost of climate action
02:14:59.860 | based on the NOP 2013 model.
02:15:04.300 | But ultimately these criticisms have to do is like,
02:15:06.740 | what are the sources for the different models?
02:15:09.620 | - And just very briefly,
02:15:10.780 | I mean, I'm laying it out very transparently
02:15:12.980 | where I get these models,
02:15:14.340 | where I get these estimates from in the book.
02:15:16.380 | I've really tried to document this.
02:15:18.180 | And yes, I mean, look,
02:15:19.740 | there's nobody who sort of has all the information
02:15:22.980 | and gets everything right in all of these areas.
02:15:26.220 | I think most of Bob Ward's argument
02:15:29.780 | is not a good faith effort
02:15:34.260 | to sort of improve on these estimates.
02:15:38.580 | He's right in saying some of these estimates,
02:15:40.900 | we only have a few estimates.
02:15:42.880 | And yeah, I'd like to have more of them.
02:15:45.700 | One thing I should mention is
02:15:47.660 | that there is very little interest in general
02:15:50.060 | and there's very little funding
02:15:51.620 | in finding out how much do our climate policies cost?
02:15:55.380 | Because that's just inconvenient to everyone
02:15:58.180 | in the whole game.
02:15:59.540 | Who wants to know that, for instance,
02:16:02.440 | would you want to fund something that says
02:16:06.340 | that the Inflation Reduction Act
02:16:08.020 | is not gonna be very effective?
02:16:09.640 | Of course you don't want to do that, right?
02:16:11.740 | So again, it's a little bit the flock of birds
02:16:15.500 | will look at something else.
02:16:17.540 | And what I think is that given that we're paying for it,
02:16:20.940 | and this is public money,
02:16:22.980 | we're deciding we're gonna spend money here
02:16:24.740 | rather than there,
02:16:25.720 | let's at least look at what are the best estimates out there.
02:16:28.800 | I would love to have more estimates.
02:16:31.180 | More estimates is always better.
02:16:32.420 | - And just a quick comment on the good faith part.
02:16:35.780 | Me as a consumer looking for truth,
02:16:38.060 | it's hard to find who's good faith and not.
02:16:40.460 | So it's not only are you looking for
02:16:42.460 | sort of accurate information,
02:16:46.380 | you're also trying to infer
02:16:48.300 | about the communicator of that information.
02:16:50.940 | And it's very difficult.
02:16:52.280 | - You put me on the podcast.
02:16:55.820 | Of course I'm gonna say I'm a trustworthy guy.
02:16:58.700 | - Well, I mean, and we believe we're trustworthy too,
02:17:02.980 | but I've been reading for various reasons,
02:17:07.980 | but mostly because I've been traveling to Ukraine
02:17:10.260 | and thinking just about the people suffering through war.
02:17:15.580 | I've been reading a lot about World War II
02:17:17.260 | and Stalin and Hitler.
02:17:19.220 | And from the perspective of Hitler,
02:17:21.800 | he really believed he's doing good for the world.
02:17:28.460 | And he was communicating from his perspective in good faith.
02:17:33.320 | He started to believe, I think, early on,
02:17:36.260 | his own propaganda.
02:17:37.340 | So even your understanding and perception
02:17:40.620 | of the world completely shifted.
02:17:41.780 | So it's very, very, very difficult
02:17:44.780 | to understand who to trust.
02:17:46.520 | And just because it's a consensus in a particular community
02:17:52.540 | doesn't necessarily mean it's a source of trust.
02:17:54.820 | So it's, I mean, basically,
02:17:57.960 | I don't know how to operate in this world
02:18:01.220 | except to have a humility
02:18:02.620 | and constantly questioning your assumptions.
02:18:05.780 | But not so much that you're completely out in the ocean,
02:18:08.900 | not knowing what is true and not.
02:18:10.840 | So it's this weird, weird world.
02:18:13.140 | Because I ultimately, bigger than climate,
02:18:16.540 | my hope is to have institutions that can be trusted.
02:18:22.420 | And that's been very much under attack
02:18:25.140 | as part of the climate debate,
02:18:28.620 | as part of the COVID debate,
02:18:31.200 | as part of all these discussions.
02:18:33.180 | And science, to me, is one of the sources of truth.
02:18:37.740 | And the fact that that's under question now
02:18:39.760 | is something that hurts me on many levels.
02:18:43.020 | Deeply.
02:18:44.100 | - You said something earlier,
02:18:45.260 | I took a note down here and I can't find it,
02:18:47.580 | about cooperation.
02:18:48.620 | It was like collaborative cooperation or something like that?
02:18:51.340 | - Sure.
02:18:52.460 | - To me, there was a point, like in 2013,
02:18:56.200 | after just dealing with everything
02:18:58.460 | you've been grappling with,
02:18:59.820 | if you know you don't know how this is gonna work out,
02:19:05.380 | what do you work on?
02:19:06.380 | And one morning I made a list of words
02:19:10.180 | that kind of summarized basically system properties
02:19:13.860 | that give you confidence in a system, trust.
02:19:17.020 | And transparency is one, just as you were saying earlier.
02:19:21.740 | Connectivity is another, so everyone's connected.
02:19:28.380 | So on the subsidy issue, for example,
02:19:31.400 | there are young entrepreneurs in Nairobi
02:19:35.500 | who are selling ingeniously using
02:19:38.260 | Nairobi's digital currency, propane,
02:19:41.460 | the fuel that's in our backyard barbecue grills,
02:19:44.720 | which comes out of gas wells, but it's a separate fuel,
02:19:47.520 | in little increments that poor people
02:19:50.040 | can use instead of charcoal.
02:19:51.560 | And LPG subsidies are helping them
02:19:56.700 | get people off of charcoal, which is a horrific trade
02:20:01.120 | from the source through the warlords in Somalia
02:20:05.020 | and elsewhere who are getting the money
02:20:07.420 | to the pollution in houses.
02:20:09.580 | So being sure when we're having these big debates
02:20:14.140 | about who the World Bank is gonna give loans to,
02:20:17.500 | and drawing a simple line, no more fossil fuel subsidies,
02:20:20.860 | hurts a really good, valuable,
02:20:24.440 | small-scale but scalable way to have people
02:20:29.880 | not die from cooking smoke in their houses
02:20:31.760 | and take down forests.
02:20:34.220 | But that only is considered if they're in the conversation.
02:20:37.020 | So connectivity, full connectivity, digital access,
02:20:40.080 | so those entrepreneurs are in the mix of people,
02:20:42.900 | when they're thinking about subsidies,
02:20:44.180 | you're not just thinking about Big Bad Exxon,
02:20:45.660 | you're thinking about this little company
02:20:47.820 | in Nairobi, Pago LPG, I think is the name,
02:20:51.260 | and India, the same thing.
02:20:52.500 | So you can list those properties of systems.
02:20:55.340 | And the IPCC wasn't originally transparent
02:20:59.100 | when I started writing about it in 1988 and 1990,
02:21:03.820 | and now it's way more transparent.
02:21:05.340 | They have more public review.
02:21:06.780 | So it's even better than it was.
02:21:09.540 | It's like a really good example of a science process
02:21:12.300 | of assessing the science,
02:21:14.020 | providing periodic output to the world,
02:21:16.800 | and iteratively improving the model going forward
02:21:20.140 | because of critique, because of scrutiny,
02:21:23.680 | and finding better ways for that to interface with people
02:21:26.620 | so they have information they can use from that big thing.
02:21:28.860 | And the media are not doing a good job
02:21:32.700 | because of this front-page thotism.
02:21:35.360 | But we can all, I work partially in academia, Columbia,
02:21:40.460 | on an initiative partially in communication innovation.
02:21:43.460 | Like how can we have an open landscape
02:21:45.980 | of access to information that matters?
02:21:47.460 | How can you, what can you do
02:21:48.940 | to foster better conversations
02:21:51.180 | so that words like collapse
02:21:52.380 | aren't just thrown around like emblems?
02:21:54.660 | And so system properties give you confidence, I think.
02:21:58.380 | And then you don't have to be flailing around
02:22:01.120 | for Bjorn or Tom Friedman or Catherine Hayhoe.
02:22:06.120 | You can always, right now, find your character to follow.
02:22:11.620 | But I think what would be better
02:22:13.620 | is if you actually develop some skills
02:22:15.420 | to just have a basic ability to know how to cut to the chase.
02:22:19.420 | - Can I just follow up on that?
02:22:21.660 | Because one of the things that I try to do,
02:22:23.700 | and so my day job is actually something else I work with,
02:22:26.900 | I think called the Copenhagen Consensus,
02:22:29.700 | where we work with more than 300
02:22:31.440 | of the world's top economists,
02:22:32.520 | and we've worked with seven Nobel laureates in economics.
02:22:35.280 | And the point there is really to talk about
02:22:38.240 | where can you spend a dollar
02:22:40.160 | and do the most good for the world?
02:22:42.720 | That's basically the thing that we try to do.
02:22:46.240 | And as you rightly point out,
02:22:48.480 | look, there are lots of different estimates
02:22:50.440 | of what can you do, for instance, on climate?
02:22:52.400 | What can you do on tuberculosis?
02:22:54.560 | What can you do for vulnerability
02:22:56.900 | in all kinds of different ways?
02:22:58.960 | And if these were all sort of,
02:23:00.920 | well, you can spend a dollar here and do 2.36,
02:23:04.640 | but you can spend a dollar here and do 2.34 over here,
02:23:08.560 | I would worry a lot.
02:23:09.520 | But that's not how the world works,
02:23:11.280 | because we're terribly inefficient.
02:23:13.840 | So there are literally lots and lots
02:23:16.520 | of amazing things you can do out there.
02:23:18.640 | - There's a lot of low-hanging fruit.
02:23:20.080 | - And there's a lot of not terribly great things
02:23:23.000 | that you can do.
02:23:24.020 | And unfortunately, one of the things
02:23:25.800 | I try to sort of battle is that,
02:23:28.360 | we get a lot of things right.
02:23:29.480 | That's why the world is a lot better
02:23:31.160 | than what it used to be.
02:23:32.720 | But the things that are sort of left over
02:23:35.320 | are often the boring things
02:23:37.760 | that happen to be incredibly effective
02:23:39.480 | and the exciting things that are often
02:23:41.320 | not that terribly effective.
02:23:43.640 | And so I think one way to look at this
02:23:46.560 | is basically to have people do cost-benefit
02:23:49.160 | across a wide range of areas.
02:23:50.680 | And we try to get a lot of different economists to do this,
02:23:53.160 | and they come up with different numbers
02:23:54.760 | and different models and different results.
02:23:56.800 | But if you sort of consistently get that some things
02:23:59.680 | give you in tens or maybe even hundreds of dollars
02:24:02.720 | back per dollar,
02:24:04.120 | remember this is not actually you getting rich,
02:24:06.000 | it's the world getting rich.
02:24:07.200 | It's that the world gets better worth $100
02:24:10.960 | for every dollar you spend.
02:24:12.560 | And over here, you can spend a dollar
02:24:14.240 | and do somewhere between 30 cents
02:24:15.920 | and maybe a couple of dollars.
02:24:17.800 | You should probably be focused
02:24:19.040 | on the other opportunity first.
02:24:20.800 | And that's really the point that I try to make with climate.
02:24:23.520 | There are some smart things we can do,
02:24:25.040 | and I hope we get to talk about them in climate.
02:24:28.560 | But there's also a lot of sort of the standard approaches
02:24:31.280 | to fixing climate turns out to be very likely
02:24:35.080 | below $1 back in dollar,
02:24:36.880 | and certainly not terribly high.
02:24:38.880 | Even if you're very optimistic, it'll be like two or three.
02:24:41.640 | Whereas many other things
02:24:43.600 | are just fantastically better investment.
02:24:46.400 | - Like the thing I've been advocating,
02:24:48.320 | a modest proposal to eat the children of the poor in England.
02:24:53.400 | Was that in Jonathan Swift's modest proposal
02:24:56.960 | from a few centuries ago?
02:24:58.680 | So it's not just cost benefit,
02:25:02.560 | it's also in the context of what is moral
02:25:05.440 | and the full complexity of it.
02:25:08.480 | - You just hit on something really important.
02:25:10.160 | Having been on this beat for so long,
02:25:11.520 | and again, on the disaster beat as well, earthquakes.
02:25:14.440 | I can't tell you how many disaster science experts
02:25:18.100 | keep telling me, like everyone says,
02:25:20.160 | preparedness, invest for preparedness.
02:25:22.520 | A strict cost benefit analysis will always tell you
02:25:24.800 | a dollar invested in resilience
02:25:27.860 | before a community gets hit by whatever is worth 10.
02:25:32.000 | You'll always have to spend 10 after.
02:25:33.720 | And so it's fine to do the cost benefit stuff,
02:25:36.100 | but it's just the baseline.
02:25:38.120 | Then you have to look at the social science,
02:25:40.200 | which shows, or history,
02:25:42.100 | which shows you how few times we do it.
02:25:44.860 | It's like, we just don't do it.
02:25:46.320 | Therefore, you can bang that drum.
02:25:49.240 | Your work is valuable, but it's really constrained.
02:25:52.260 | Because show me in the world where that does happen,
02:25:56.820 | and then how you turn that success,
02:25:59.560 | which is basically something not happening,
02:26:02.200 | into a story.
02:26:03.040 | - So, just very briefly, we try to,
02:26:06.000 | so we do this for a lot of countries.
02:26:07.840 | So we did it for Haiti, for instance,
02:26:10.320 | funded by the Canadian Development Ministry,
02:26:13.920 | because they're basically saying,
02:26:15.320 | we've spent a billion dollars in Haiti since the earthquake,
02:26:17.860 | and we really can't tell the difference.
02:26:19.840 | So they want it to find,
02:26:21.280 | I mean, they actually say that, right?
02:26:22.740 | And so they said, we want to find out
02:26:24.660 | what are the really smart things you can do in Haiti.
02:26:27.440 | And so we, together with lots of people in Haiti,
02:26:31.420 | and all the business community, and the political community,
02:26:34.320 | and the religious community, and labor community,
02:26:36.820 | and everybody else, what are the smart things to do?
02:26:39.500 | And then we had economists evaluate it.
02:26:41.540 | And there are a lot of these things that everybody wanted
02:26:43.740 | that were not all that smart.
02:26:45.420 | There's actually a lot of smart things.
02:26:47.460 | And yes, the politicians didn't pick most of them.
02:26:50.300 | So our sense is, we try to give people,
02:26:53.740 | you're thinking about these 70 things,
02:26:56.180 | you should actually just think about these 20 things.
02:26:59.040 | And then we consider ourselves incredibly lucky
02:27:01.420 | if they actually do one of them.
02:27:02.980 | - So you wrote the book,
02:27:04.060 | "How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place."
02:27:08.140 | So can we just list some of the things?
02:27:11.460 | If you got $75 billion, how do you spend them?
02:27:16.180 | - All right, so there's some incredibly good
02:27:18.600 | and very, very well-documented things
02:27:20.500 | that you could spend money on.
02:27:21.820 | So we have two big infectious diseases
02:27:24.980 | that almost nobody think about,
02:27:27.100 | because we only think about COVID.
02:27:30.020 | But tuberculosis used to be
02:27:32.180 | the world's biggest infectious disease killer.
02:27:34.820 | It still kills about 1.5 million people every year.
02:27:38.460 | The reason why we don't really worry about it
02:27:41.580 | is because we fixed it 100 years ago.
02:27:44.600 | We know how to fix it.
02:27:46.220 | It's just basically getting medication to people.
02:27:49.280 | It's also about getting them to take it
02:27:50.920 | while when they're sort of been cured,
02:27:53.080 | because you need to take it for four to six months,
02:27:55.280 | and that's actually hard to do.
02:27:56.780 | So you also need to incentivize that in some kind of way.
02:27:59.560 | It turns out it's incredibly cheap
02:28:01.820 | to basically save almost all of the 1.5 million people.
02:28:05.460 | These are people that die in the prime of their lives.
02:28:08.680 | They're typically parents,
02:28:09.680 | so it also have a lot of knock-on effects.
02:28:12.080 | And basically we find for a couple billion dollars,
02:28:14.920 | you could save the vast number of these.
02:28:16.820 | Not all of them,
02:28:17.660 | but you could save the vast number of them.
02:28:19.000 | It would also improve outcomes in all kinds of other ways.
02:28:22.220 | Likewise with malaria, another,
02:28:24.460 | it has somewhat better PR.
02:28:27.540 | - It's funny to think of malaria as PR,
02:28:30.380 | and tuberculosis not.
02:28:31.500 | They need to improve their PR department.
02:28:33.300 | (laughing)
02:28:34.340 | Those mosquitoes are the good PR.
02:28:36.700 | - By far the biggest infectious disease
02:28:39.740 | that got good PR, if you will, was HIV.
02:28:44.700 | And I'm not trying to compare it and say,
02:28:46.460 | oh, it's worse or better to have HIV
02:28:49.080 | than tuberculosis or anything.
02:28:51.280 | But I'm simply saying we are underfunding
02:28:53.240 | because it doesn't really get the public attention.
02:28:57.680 | We just, you know, we don't really care.
02:28:58.520 | - But spending money on that has,
02:29:00.800 | in terms of benefit, a much bigger impact than other.
02:29:02.880 | - So every dollar you spend on TB
02:29:05.900 | will probably do about $43 worth of good.
02:29:08.980 | So it'll do an amazing amount of good,
02:29:10.680 | basically because it'll save lives,
02:29:12.280 | it'll make sure parents stay with their kids
02:29:14.680 | and be more productive in their communities,
02:29:17.200 | and it'll have a lot of knock-on effects.
02:29:19.520 | And it's incredibly cheap to do.
02:29:21.960 | Same thing with malaria.
02:29:23.600 | It's mostly mosquito nets that we need to get out.
02:29:26.240 | - And you're saying, just to contrast with climate change,
02:29:29.040 | the dollar you spend on, no, not climate change,
02:29:32.120 | but decreasing emissions does not have,
02:29:35.400 | does not come close to the $43 benefit?
02:29:38.040 | - No, nobody would ever argue that.
02:29:40.440 | So very, very enthusiastic climate advocates
02:29:44.480 | would probably say it'll do $2 or $3
02:29:47.040 | worth of good for every dollar.
02:29:48.280 | So, you know, it's still worthwhile to do.
02:29:50.200 | That's what they would say.
02:29:51.460 | I would argue, and I think a lot of the evidence
02:29:53.800 | seems to side that way,
02:29:55.240 | that a lot of the things that we're doing
02:29:56.920 | deliver actually less than a dollar back.
02:29:59.760 | But it's certainly not nearly the same kind of place.
02:30:03.160 | But there's many, many other things.
02:30:05.040 | And, you know, just if you'll allow me to.
02:30:07.440 | - Yes, please, I love this.
02:30:08.880 | - But yeah, there are lots of other things,
02:30:11.160 | for instance, e-procurement.
02:30:13.720 | So, you know, it's incredibly boring.
02:30:16.480 | So most developing countries,
02:30:18.560 | well, actually most governments,
02:30:20.000 | spend most of their money on procurement,
02:30:21.880 | is typically incredibly corrupt.
02:30:24.320 | So we did this project for Bangladesh where-
02:30:27.280 | - Can you explain procurement?
02:30:28.360 | - Yes, so that's governments buying stuff.
02:30:31.880 | So a large part of the government revenue
02:30:34.920 | is spent on buying anything from, you know,
02:30:37.280 | post-it notes to roads.
02:30:39.320 | And obviously, you know, roads are much,
02:30:41.240 | much more expensive.
02:30:42.440 | It's mostly infrastructure stuff.
02:30:44.600 | Hugely corrupt.
02:30:46.080 | For instance, in Bangladesh,
02:30:47.540 | it would already have been decided among the ruling elite
02:30:51.240 | in that local area, who's gonna get this.
02:30:54.020 | So they'll have this bidding competition
02:30:56.200 | where you have to hand in an envelope,
02:30:58.080 | a sealed envelope with your bid on it.
02:31:00.520 | But you put a goon outside the office.
02:31:03.760 | So you literally physically can't get in
02:31:06.120 | with your bid.
02:31:08.440 | Now, what we found, and this is, you know,
02:31:11.080 | I'm not claiming any sort of ownership to this.
02:31:14.260 | A lot of smart people have done this way before.
02:31:16.440 | We're just simply proving that it's a good idea.
02:31:18.840 | It turns out that if you put this on eBay, essentially,
02:31:22.500 | so if you do an e-procurement system
02:31:24.800 | where bidders can come in,
02:31:26.840 | suddenly it becomes harder to put up the goon.
02:31:29.480 | You can still do it, but it's harder to do it.
02:31:32.080 | It also means you get bids from all over Bangladesh.
02:31:35.480 | And in general, you'll get bids from all over.
02:31:38.760 | Actually, it turns out you get better quality,
02:31:41.000 | but most important is you get it much cheaper.
02:31:44.240 | So basically, you can simply save money.
02:31:46.580 | So we did a scaled experiment in Bangladesh
02:31:49.360 | where we had about 4% go to be e-procurement,
02:31:53.240 | and you could compare what it would have cost
02:31:55.440 | and then what it did cost.
02:31:57.120 | And the average reduction was, as I remember, it's 7%.
02:32:01.160 | And the finance minister loved it, you know,
02:32:03.560 | because that basically gives him a lot more money,
02:32:06.160 | or you can buy more stuff at the same cost.
02:32:08.720 | - No, it is just corruption.
02:32:10.600 | - So it's basically you get rid of some corruption.
02:32:13.560 | There'll still be corruption, but less corruption.
02:32:16.000 | Ukraine has actually been big on this.
02:32:18.160 | - Yeah, I've talked to them.
02:32:19.160 | I talked to the digital transformation minister.
02:32:21.660 | It's kind of incredible.
02:32:22.760 | I mean, this is before the war, but still working.
02:32:26.220 | It's like the entirety of the government is in an app.
02:32:30.800 | And that, one of the big effects
02:32:33.800 | is the reduction of corruption.
02:32:36.160 | And not like from, as politicians say,
02:32:39.480 | to say we've reduced,
02:32:40.640 | we've taken these actions to reduce corruption.
02:32:42.400 | No, literally, it's just much more difficult to be corrupt.
02:32:45.840 | - Yeah.
02:32:46.840 | - The incentives aren't quite there,
02:32:48.280 | and there's friction for corruption.
02:32:51.240 | - Yeah. - Oh, yeah, yeah.
02:32:52.080 | So basically, you can spend a little bit of money,
02:32:55.560 | and you can make a huge benefit.
02:32:57.140 | There's still about 70 countries
02:32:58.520 | that haven't gone e-procurement.
02:32:59.960 | So obviously, they should do that.
02:33:02.040 | Food for small kids, another thing.
02:33:04.160 | So basically, it's morally wrong that people are starving,
02:33:09.120 | but it also turns out that it's a really, really dumb thing
02:33:13.240 | not to get kids good food.
02:33:15.080 | Because if you get them good food,
02:33:17.000 | their brains develop more,
02:33:18.560 | so that when they get into school, they learn more.
02:33:21.400 | And so when they come out in adult lives,
02:33:23.760 | they're much more productive.
02:33:25.200 | So we can actually make every kid,
02:33:28.720 | especially in developing countries,
02:33:30.280 | much more productive by making sure they get good food.
02:33:33.200 | So getting good food is not cost-free.
02:33:35.400 | So it probably costs about $100,
02:33:37.960 | both in you need some directed advertisement,
02:33:41.800 | you need to make sure
02:33:42.640 | that you actually get some of the food out there,
02:33:44.900 | that you help the families,
02:33:46.020 | and you also make sure you don't just give it to everyone,
02:33:48.180 | because then it becomes a lot more expensive.
02:33:50.400 | If you do that right, it costs about $100 per kid, but-
02:33:54.040 | - Per kid, or what do you do?
02:33:56.040 | - For two years, so it's for their first two years of life.
02:33:59.040 | And if you do that, you then get a benefit
02:34:03.720 | in that they become smarter and go longer to school,
02:34:06.480 | and they actually learn more
02:34:07.640 | and become more productive of $4,500.
02:34:11.260 | Remember, this is far into the future.
02:34:13.680 | So this is discounted, the benefit is actually much higher.
02:34:16.960 | And this is one of the things
02:34:18.040 | that we also have a conversation about in climate change,
02:34:20.760 | because all, and when you talk about climate change,
02:34:23.520 | cost and benefits, all the costs are now,
02:34:25.520 | and all the benefits are in the future,
02:34:27.160 | but it's just like that in education.
02:34:29.080 | You know, all the costs are now,
02:34:30.760 | all the benefits are far into the future.
02:34:33.200 | And if you try to do that right,
02:34:34.720 | and that's a whole other conversation we could have,
02:34:38.120 | then it turns out that for every dollar spent,
02:34:40.640 | you do $45 worth of good.
02:34:42.720 | Again, remember, about a third of all kids
02:34:46.420 | that go to school right now
02:34:47.920 | just don't learn pretty much anything.
02:34:50.380 | And if we could make them more productive
02:34:53.700 | in the school system, we have another proposal
02:34:55.740 | on how to do that in the school system.
02:34:57.860 | But, you know, by just simply making sure
02:34:59.720 | that they're smarter when they get into school.
02:35:02.800 | We've been focusing so much
02:35:04.040 | on making the education system better,
02:35:06.320 | which is really hard,
02:35:07.580 | but it's actually really easy to make the kids smarter.
02:35:10.840 | - Then when you say the education system
02:35:12.560 | is not working well,
02:35:13.800 | we're talking about not the American education system,
02:35:16.680 | we're talking about globally.
02:35:17.680 | - Yes, we're talking about globally.
02:35:19.080 | You know, so about a third of the teachers
02:35:21.160 | in developing countries have a hard time passing the tests
02:35:24.620 | of the things they have to teach their students, right?
02:35:27.220 | And, you know, all these students have lots of other issues.
02:35:30.300 | You know, they need to do farm work,
02:35:33.300 | they're constantly considering,
02:35:37.180 | should I just go out and start working instead?
02:35:39.480 | You know, there's constant disruption.
02:35:42.300 | There's a lot of teachers that don't show up.
02:35:43.900 | In India, you know, you have this absurd situation
02:35:47.380 | where all the teachers are basically paid
02:35:50.440 | and hired for eternity, for the rest of their lives.
02:35:53.420 | And so not surprisingly, a lot of them decide not to show up.
02:35:56.380 | So now they've hired assistant teachers
02:36:00.220 | that basically have taken over.
02:36:01.580 | So they're paying, you know,
02:36:02.660 | for I think it's 7 million teachers that,
02:36:05.820 | I'm not saying they're all not working,
02:36:08.300 | but a lot of them are not working as much as they should.
02:36:10.900 | And we've now hired another 7 million teachers
02:36:13.700 | that will eventually, you know, stop working as well.
02:36:16.660 | They're working much better right now
02:36:18.260 | because they're not on permanent contracts,
02:36:21.600 | but eventually they'll get on permanent contracts
02:36:23.520 | and then you have the same problem again.
02:36:24.800 | There's lots of these issues.
02:36:26.480 | And, you know, it's just simply about saying,
02:36:28.320 | we can't fix all problems,
02:36:29.920 | but there are some problems that are incredibly easy to solve
02:36:32.800 | and there are some that are incredibly hard to solve.
02:36:35.200 | Why don't we start with solving the easy and effective ones?
02:36:38.640 | And this of course bears on that whole conversation
02:36:40.960 | on climate change, because in some ways, you know,
02:36:43.400 | that's also Andy's point of saying,
02:36:45.240 | look, if you want to save people
02:36:47.180 | from the impacts of hurricanes,
02:36:48.780 | let's fix this simple, easy things about vulnerability first
02:36:52.660 | whereas we have somehow latched onto this,
02:36:55.120 | let's fix the hardest thing to do,
02:36:57.580 | which is to get everyone to stop using fossil fuels,
02:37:00.500 | which is basically what's driven
02:37:02.500 | the last 200 years of development.
02:37:05.060 | That's gonna be, that's a tall order,
02:37:07.100 | no matter how you look at it.
02:37:08.940 | - There's some really cool elements
02:37:10.580 | that you guys just brought up.
02:37:12.740 | When you mentioned that word moral before,
02:37:14.300 | I wasn't, I latched onto it because it relates
02:37:17.320 | to these timescales that really are immeasurable.
02:37:21.640 | If you know it's gonna take decades
02:37:23.320 | to confirm the benefit of some investment now,
02:37:27.960 | that implies you're doing the investment
02:37:30.020 | with some moral imperative,
02:37:33.000 | not because you can do a spreadsheet
02:37:36.800 | and come up with a number.
02:37:38.580 | And that process, letting go of the need
02:37:43.540 | for kind of a mechanistic cost-benefit approach
02:37:46.760 | and thinking about kids' education in poor countries
02:37:49.280 | or several things we talk about,
02:37:51.880 | seems to be really important
02:37:52.920 | and it's very hard for all of us to do.
02:37:55.040 | Philanthropists suck at it.
02:37:57.080 | I worked at National Geographic Society for a year
02:37:59.120 | building some new programs
02:38:00.320 | when they got a big infusion of money.
02:38:02.420 | They have a whole department that's called M&E,
02:38:04.800 | it's measurement and evaluation,
02:38:06.440 | which is if you don't prove it, it goes away.
02:38:10.220 | I mentioned Spotify earlier,
02:38:11.720 | Spotify killing a climate podcast
02:38:13.740 | because that podcast didn't measure out for their impact,
02:38:18.740 | what they wanna do.
02:38:20.260 | And if we're always making the judgments
02:38:22.920 | based on strict cost-benefit,
02:38:24.380 | we're gonna miss larger realities.
02:38:28.020 | Another thing is, a really exciting example
02:38:30.820 | of what you're talking about
02:38:32.300 | in terms of in Ukraine with the trust
02:38:34.700 | and lack of less corruption and stuff was in India.
02:38:39.420 | For all of his issues, Modi recognized
02:38:44.340 | that middle-class people in India cook on LPG, propane,
02:38:48.060 | or on piped gas, natural gas if they're in cities.
02:38:51.260 | Much cleaner, much healthier in so many ways.
02:38:55.460 | And actually, compared to chopping down trees
02:38:58.100 | and cooking on wood, it's actually better for the climate,
02:39:00.820 | even though it's a fossil fuel.
02:39:02.740 | So he and others, there was an American scientist,
02:39:06.060 | Kirk Smith, who worked this all out.
02:39:07.860 | If you find a way, they were getting a subsidy.
02:39:12.220 | They had that energy subsidy.
02:39:13.740 | You were talking about many poor countries
02:39:15.900 | subsidize energy just to stay in office,
02:39:18.700 | to make something cheap that everyone wants.
02:39:21.520 | But they wanted to shift the subsidy
02:39:22.900 | away from the middle class to the poor people
02:39:25.740 | who are cooking on firewood and dying young from pneumonia.
02:39:29.460 | And the critical factor was India's digital currency.
02:39:35.020 | India went to a digital economy.
02:39:37.660 | Very poor families there now.
02:39:38.980 | If you have a phone, basically that's your bank.
02:39:42.180 | And you could make the case to the public
02:39:44.700 | that we're gonna be starting to shift your LPG,
02:39:48.900 | your propane subsidy to poor people.
02:39:51.660 | But we know they're poor.
02:39:53.020 | We know they're not just gonna be using it
02:39:55.700 | behind their restaurant, which was,
02:39:58.100 | when it was a general subsidy, people were hoarding the LPG.
02:40:02.700 | And the system has worked.
02:40:04.480 | They've shifted a lot of capacity
02:40:07.420 | to cook on a clean blue flame that turns off and on
02:40:11.100 | in homes that previously,
02:40:12.460 | where the woman would spend hours collecting firewood,
02:40:15.380 | smoky fire, cooking, clean the pots,
02:40:17.660 | and start all over again.
02:40:19.580 | But it's all built on trust, built on the digital economy,
02:40:22.460 | and the same thing in Nairobi.
02:40:24.180 | So that excites me every day, with all the doomism.
02:40:28.140 | I just hope people can literally take a breath,
02:40:33.260 | look for these examples that show the potential
02:40:37.040 | when you have a trustworthy system,
02:40:39.520 | when you have a clear path to making lives better.
02:40:42.600 | And then knowing that kid having electric light
02:40:47.240 | as opposed to a kerosene lamp.
02:40:49.280 | We don't know how much that's gonna improve his homework
02:40:52.760 | and lead to a better outcome.
02:40:54.320 | But we know from history that sometimes it does.
02:40:56.920 | Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary General,
02:40:58.600 | told the most powerful story I ever heard from a UN.
02:41:01.840 | Secretary General, it was like 2012
02:41:04.060 | when they were rolling out
02:41:05.900 | this Sustainable Energy for All initiative,
02:41:08.080 | which is not just climate,
02:41:09.380 | it was just getting people energy
02:41:10.940 | they need to survive and thrive.
02:41:14.180 | He was growing up in post-war Korea.
02:41:16.600 | Everyone was poor, everything was broken, destroyed.
02:41:20.580 | Sadly, like so many parts of Ukraine.
02:41:24.540 | And he would do his homework by kerosene lamp.
02:41:27.960 | He said when he was studying for his finals,
02:41:30.740 | his mom would give him a candle
02:41:32.340 | 'cause it was a brighter flame,
02:41:35.340 | better grades maybe.
02:41:37.740 | And he became Secretary General.
02:41:39.340 | - That's a hell of a story.
02:41:42.180 | So which,
02:41:45.860 | for climate change, which policies work, which don't?
02:41:52.040 | Which are, when we look at this formula of $1 in,
02:41:57.540 | $45 out, for climate change,
02:42:01.100 | what dollar in, what policies for dollar in
02:42:05.220 | and dollar out are good and which are not?
02:42:08.260 | - So we actually did a whole project back in 2009
02:42:13.060 | when the whole world circus was coming to Copenhagen
02:42:17.180 | and we were gonna save the world there.
02:42:19.620 | We brought together about 50 climate economists
02:42:22.500 | and three Nobel laureates to look at
02:42:24.180 | where can you spend a dollar
02:42:25.180 | and do the most good for climate?
02:42:26.980 | And what they found was a lot of these things
02:42:29.140 | as we've been talking about before,
02:42:30.820 | that basically investing in the current sort of technology
02:42:34.740 | that we're trying very hard is at best
02:42:38.140 | a pretty dicey outcome.
02:42:41.100 | Much of it is probably less than a dollar back in the dollar.
02:42:44.220 | There's some investments on adaptation, for instance,
02:42:48.900 | that's pretty good, but it's sort of two, $3
02:42:51.420 | back in the dollar.
02:42:52.380 | - Oh, what is adaptation?
02:42:53.680 | - The obvious thing is that you build a dike
02:42:55.660 | for a sea level rise or that you make people,
02:42:59.100 | you get some apps that people know
02:43:01.140 | that there's a hurricane coming or that,
02:43:04.100 | so you can adapt--
02:43:04.940 | - Adapting infrastructure, right?
02:43:05.940 | - Yes.
02:43:06.780 | - The physical and the digital infrastructure.
02:43:08.980 | - The point is that people are really good
02:43:10.580 | at doing this already
02:43:12.180 | because they have a strong incentive to do it.
02:43:13.940 | So the extra thing that governments can do outside
02:43:16.820 | is somewhat good, but it's not amazing or anything.
02:43:19.620 | What we found by far the best investment in the long run
02:43:24.820 | was on investment in energy innovation.
02:43:27.980 | So, and I think this also sort of corresponds
02:43:30.980 | with what we would think in general.
02:43:33.780 | If we could innovate, so for instance, Bill Gates
02:43:36.300 | is arguing we should have fourth generation nuclear,
02:43:38.700 | so the next, more advanced than what we currently have
02:43:42.700 | in third generation nuclear,
02:43:44.340 | which would be industrial scale process.
02:43:47.380 | You'd just be building these modular nuclear power plants.
02:43:51.900 | They would be, instead of being this artwork
02:43:54.500 | that we design once for every different plant,
02:43:57.300 | which is one of the reasons why they're so expensive,
02:43:59.420 | they would just be mass produced and you'd have one,
02:44:02.220 | they all be recognized in one go, so it'd be much cheaper.
02:44:06.820 | They would also be passively safe.
02:44:08.580 | So if all the power goes, they'll shut down
02:44:12.620 | rather than go boom.
02:44:14.540 | So that's another very good thing.
02:44:16.620 | And then they'll also be very hard to transform
02:44:19.700 | into nuclear weapons.
02:44:21.980 | So you can actually imagine them being out
02:44:23.860 | in a lot of different places where we'd perhaps
02:44:25.580 | be a little worried about having plutonium lying around.
02:44:28.660 | Now, this is all still being worked out,
02:44:30.940 | but imagine if that actually comes out.
02:44:33.060 | And again, remember the other three generations,
02:44:36.020 | we were also told that it'll be incredibly safe
02:44:38.260 | and it'll be incredibly cheap,
02:44:39.780 | and it didn't turn out that way.
02:44:40.980 | So let's wait, but it could be.
02:44:43.980 | And so the argument is invest in these ideas,
02:44:47.860 | for instance, fourth generation nuclear,
02:44:49.740 | and if fourth generation nuclear becomes cheaper
02:44:52.100 | than fossil fuels, we're done.
02:44:54.620 | Everyone will just switch, not just rich,
02:44:56.980 | well-meaning Americans or Europeans,
02:44:59.500 | but also the Chinese, the Indians, everybody in Africa,
02:45:02.380 | the rest of the Indian subcontinent.
02:45:05.100 | That's how you fix these issues, right?
02:45:07.500 | So the idea here is to say,
02:45:09.540 | instead of thinking that we can sort of push people
02:45:13.380 | to do stuff they really don't want to do,
02:45:16.540 | which is basically saying, let's use more of the,
02:45:20.700 | the solar and wind that you would otherwise
02:45:22.340 | have invested in, force people to buy an electric car
02:45:25.420 | by giving huge subsidies, because otherwise
02:45:27.460 | they're clearly not all that interested in buying it
02:45:30.540 | and so on, then get the innovation such that
02:45:34.060 | they become cheaper than fossil fuels
02:45:36.260 | and everyone will switch.
02:45:38.020 | This is how we've solved problems in the past,
02:45:39.780 | if you think, and Los Angeles in the 1950s
02:45:42.980 | was hugely polluted place, mostly because of cars.
02:45:46.420 | The sort of standard climate approach today
02:45:49.220 | would be to tell everyone in Los Angeles,
02:45:51.140 | I'm sorry, could you just walk instead?
02:45:53.700 | And of course, that just doesn't work,
02:45:55.420 | that doesn't pay off, you never get,
02:45:57.180 | you know, politicians voted in office,
02:45:59.660 | or at least staying in office,
02:46:01.540 | if you make that kind of policy.
02:46:03.060 | What did solve the problem was the innovation
02:46:05.860 | of the catalytic converter.
02:46:07.380 | You basically get those little gizmo
02:46:09.300 | and it cost a couple hundred dollars,
02:46:10.780 | you put it on your tailpipe, and then you can drive around
02:46:13.700 | and basically almost not pollute.
02:46:15.900 | And that's how you fix the air pollution in Los Angeles.
02:46:19.220 | Basically, we've solved all problems in humanity,
02:46:22.580 | all big, difficult problems with innovation.
02:46:25.820 | We haven't solved it by telling everyone,
02:46:27.740 | I'm sorry, could you be a little less comfortable
02:46:30.220 | and a little more cold and a little poorer,
02:46:33.140 | and believing that that can go on for decades.
02:46:36.580 | And while it possibly works in some pockets of the US,
02:46:41.380 | and I think actually in large parts of Europe, at least,
02:46:44.620 | it used to, the war in Ukraine is definitely
02:46:48.660 | sort of changing that whole perspective.
02:46:50.380 | But yeah, there's a willingness to say,
02:46:52.140 | we're gonna suffer a little bit,
02:46:53.820 | then we'll fix this problem.
02:46:55.220 | But the point is, we're gonna be willing to suffer a little
02:46:58.020 | and so fix a tiny bit of the climate problem,
02:47:02.140 | instead of actually focusing on innovation.
02:47:04.700 | So what we found was, if you spend a dollar on innovation,
02:47:07.940 | you will probably avoid about $11 of climate damage
02:47:11.380 | in the long run, which is a great investment.
02:47:14.300 | And the terrible thing is, we have not been doing this.
02:47:17.940 | So because everybody's focused on saying,
02:47:20.520 | we need this solution within the next 12 years,
02:47:23.420 | it means you're not thinking about the innovation.
02:47:25.980 | We're actually spending less money,
02:47:27.300 | not more money on innovation globally.
02:47:30.700 | - So everyone is focusing on reducing carbon emission
02:47:33.660 | versus innovating on alternate energy.
02:47:36.460 | - You're basically focusing on putting
02:47:38.180 | the existing solar panels or wind turbines,
02:47:40.500 | which are either just about inefficient or inefficient,
02:47:44.180 | instead of making the next generation,
02:47:46.340 | or it's more likely the 10th generation after that,
02:47:50.880 | that comes with lots of battery backup power,
02:47:54.060 | or fourth generation nuclear,
02:47:57.040 | or Craig Venter has this great idea.
02:47:59.300 | Craig Venter, the guy who cracked the human genome
02:48:01.180 | back in 2000, he has this idea of growing algae
02:48:04.420 | out on the ocean surface.
02:48:05.700 | These algae, they'd be genetically modified
02:48:07.900 | and they would basically soak up sunlight and CO2
02:48:11.420 | and produce oil.
02:48:12.740 | Then we could basically just grow our own Saudi Arabia
02:48:15.300 | out on the ocean surface and we'd harvest it,
02:48:17.620 | we'd keep our entire fossil fuel economy,
02:48:19.940 | but it'd now be net zero,
02:48:21.540 | because we just soaked up the CO2 out there.
02:48:24.100 | - $1 invested in the portfolio of different ideas.
02:48:28.380 | - Gives $11 back.
02:48:29.900 | - I first wrote about that in the New York Times.
02:48:31.980 | It was one of my actual page one stories.
02:48:33.980 | In 2006, it was declining R&D in energy
02:48:40.180 | at a time of global warming.
02:48:41.980 | And the baseline is so low for this
02:48:46.100 | that it's a super bargain.
02:48:47.940 | We were, during the energy crisis,
02:48:52.820 | the first energy crisis in the '70s,
02:48:55.420 | before the current one,
02:48:56.620 | our annual spending in the United States
02:49:00.780 | and constant dollars on R&D,
02:49:03.380 | research and development for energy,
02:49:05.740 | was about $5 billion.
02:49:07.020 | And then it's just dribbled away since then.
02:49:11.100 | And recently now, there's a big burst of new money
02:49:13.580 | coming through these new bills that got passed.
02:49:16.260 | But what I was told over and over again
02:49:17.580 | by people in that arena is you can't just have
02:49:21.660 | these little bubbles of investment.
02:49:24.300 | You don't get young people away from thinking
02:49:27.340 | about Wall Street for jobs
02:49:28.500 | towards thinking about energy innovation
02:49:30.820 | if there isn't a future there.
02:49:33.220 | And a lot of the, in the United States and Europe,
02:49:35.660 | the presumption was the wage of that future
02:49:37.420 | was taxing carbon.
02:49:41.040 | You make that so punitive that you're basically
02:49:45.040 | evening the landscape for cleaner stuff
02:49:48.080 | that's more expensive.
02:49:49.400 | That has failed completely.
02:49:51.760 | There are little examples in Europe where it's working.
02:49:54.480 | And what's happened now is, well, in the United States,
02:49:57.080 | this big chunk of money is designed to take us
02:50:01.280 | over a finish line that was started with
02:50:04.680 | not just innovation, but with the production efficiency too.
02:50:07.760 | This is one thing I got wrong, I think,
02:50:09.440 | a little bit in my reporting.
02:50:10.440 | I was so fixated on the innovation part,
02:50:12.920 | just because I love science too,
02:50:15.280 | I saw this untapped possibility,
02:50:18.440 | that others were saying, no, no, production efficiency,
02:50:21.040 | the more people are producing batteries,
02:50:23.100 | the cheaper they'll get.
02:50:24.140 | This is Elon Musk's path and many others.
02:50:28.960 | And it really is both.
02:50:29.880 | So when you were talking about purchasing power
02:50:31.620 | for governments, for example, that can stimulate production,
02:50:36.400 | capacity for batteries, or whatever the good thing is,
02:50:39.400 | and take you down faster.
02:50:41.400 | And it's all about getting that margin
02:50:43.680 | of the new thing out competing the old.
02:50:46.000 | And it's not just innovation.
02:50:48.520 | It has so many parts of the pipeline
02:50:50.260 | that need to be nurtured.
02:50:51.880 | So, and the other thing is relative cost.
02:50:55.880 | The United States, when I was writing about this in 2006,
02:50:58.780 | our budget for DARPA,
02:51:02.120 | the Advanced Research Project Agency
02:51:04.080 | for the Defense Department,
02:51:06.800 | just for science was 80 billion a year.
02:51:10.080 | For health, for medical frontier research on cancer
02:51:13.440 | and stuff, 40 billion.
02:51:14.800 | Energy was two or three.
02:51:16.080 | So we weren't taking this remotely seriously.
02:51:19.600 | So now that if we get that up,
02:51:21.940 | to me there's like this level,
02:51:23.780 | you know we're taking something seriously
02:51:25.900 | when it's like in the tens of billions for R&D.
02:51:28.560 | It's not that R&D will solve the problem,
02:51:30.640 | but it's a proxy for what we really care about.
02:51:33.480 | We care a shitload about defense.
02:51:35.680 | What's the defense budget in the United States now?
02:51:37.360 | Like 800 billion?
02:51:38.800 | It's some insane number.
02:51:40.080 | - Who's counting when you're having fun?
02:51:41.640 | - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:51:42.480 | And so innovation is not just like for the better,
02:51:45.880 | you know, camera, the better solar panel,
02:51:49.540 | the better battery.
02:51:50.920 | Social innovation actually matters hugely.
02:51:53.040 | Like the guy in Nairobi I mentioned
02:51:55.560 | with a company doing micropayment gas
02:51:58.560 | to get people off charcoal.
02:52:00.440 | We need that as much as this.
02:52:03.560 | And I actually, I interviewed Bill Gates.
02:52:06.240 | We had spent an hour with him in Seattle in 2016
02:52:09.640 | when he was rolling out his breakthrough energy thing.
02:52:14.080 | I got to spend, it was 45 minutes,
02:52:15.960 | me and Bill Gates, which was pretty fun.
02:52:17.760 | But I brought this up.
02:52:19.000 | I said, you know, 'cause he's all about
02:52:20.760 | the new nuclear thing that will solve the world's problems.
02:52:23.520 | And I, yes, yes, yes, but we also--
02:52:25.120 | - He brought up nuclear, sorry to interrupt.
02:52:26.320 | - Oh, he did, oh sure, yeah.
02:52:27.560 | - So he's interested in one of the--
02:52:29.400 | - Oh, he's investing heavily in nuclear,
02:52:31.240 | but he invests in everything.
02:52:32.560 | You know, he's got a big portfolio.
02:52:34.320 | But I brought up a guy I met in India
02:52:37.840 | who runs a little outfit called Selco
02:52:41.400 | that they do really interesting, cool village to village.
02:52:44.640 | They're like an energy analyst
02:52:47.560 | who'll come to your house here in the States
02:52:48.840 | and tell you how to weatherize your house,
02:52:50.840 | but they do it at the village scale.
02:52:52.880 | And in a village that has, where they're milling wheat,
02:52:57.000 | he'll put in a solar-powered wheat mill.
02:53:00.080 | And, you know, that's not gonna solve the world's problems,
02:53:02.840 | but it gives them a way to control their energy.
02:53:05.720 | They don't have to buy something to grind their wheat.
02:53:08.040 | And that needs just as much attention
02:53:10.640 | as the things I really like too, the cool technologies.
02:53:14.320 | And I thought I cornered Bill Gates.
02:53:16.560 | I was like, 'cause he really does focus on these big wins,
02:53:20.760 | the big, you know, like nuclear
02:53:22.800 | that will make net zero completely doable.
02:53:25.680 | And I said, well, you know, what about nuclear,
02:53:28.320 | like New York City, where I was still living at the time,
02:53:30.760 | or near, and I said, it's got a million buildings.
02:53:34.200 | New York City has one million buildings.
02:53:37.000 | And in 2013, the Bloomberg government analyzed,
02:53:40.240 | they said, looking ahead to 2050,
02:53:43.280 | 75% of the buildings in New York City
02:53:45.640 | that will exist in 2050 already exist.
02:53:48.720 | Think about these brave new futures, right?
02:53:51.460 | Like we're just gonna like come in,
02:53:53.480 | have these shiny, cool passive house cities.
02:53:56.380 | And so I put this to Bill and I said,
02:53:58.200 | so how do you do that?
02:54:00.520 | How do you retrofit all those boilers,
02:54:03.600 | many of which were coal-fired like 20 years ago,
02:54:07.040 | to get a zero-energy New York City?
02:54:08.600 | And I kind of thought I had him.
02:54:11.240 | And then he immediately, he kind of sat back and went,
02:54:13.880 | well, but if you have unlimited clean power
02:54:17.100 | coming into that city, it doesn't really matter.
02:54:20.080 | - It's a pretty good Bill Gates impression.
02:54:21.400 | - It was a good answer.
02:54:22.920 | I mean, it was a good answer.
02:54:24.320 | He said, oh yeah, it's a leaky bucket,
02:54:25.920 | but pour in zero-carbon energy, then it doesn't matter.
02:54:29.920 | But I still think we have to figure out the other part too.
02:54:32.240 | The that end, how do you innovate at the household level,
02:54:35.320 | at the village level?
02:54:36.580 | It's much more of a distributed problem, we used to think.
02:54:40.260 | The one big change I've had in my own thinking too
02:54:42.680 | is from top down to distributed.
02:54:47.680 | Everything about the climate problem
02:54:50.500 | through the first three decades of my reporting
02:54:53.540 | was that the IPCC will come out a new report,
02:54:57.380 | the framework convention, the treaty will get us on board,
02:55:02.240 | we'll all behave better.
02:55:03.520 | It has this top down parent to child architecture.
02:55:07.960 | And everything I've learned has gone the other way.
02:55:13.000 | It's distributed capacity for improved lives.
02:55:17.880 | Kids getting through school,
02:55:19.720 | women not having to spend three hours collecting firewood.
02:55:23.080 | And if it means propane for that household
02:55:24.940 | in that context, that's a good thing.
02:55:26.460 | So stop with all your yammering
02:55:27.880 | about any oil, fossil fuel subsidies.
02:55:30.140 | And what's an America look like
02:55:33.380 | that has some climate safe energy future?
02:55:37.980 | Find your part in that.
02:55:39.780 | Don't get disempowered by the scale of it.
02:55:41.860 | There's like a thousand things to do
02:55:43.340 | when you start to cut it into pieces.
02:55:45.420 | So it's very different, it's not a top down thing.
02:55:48.440 | No one's gonna magically come in and--
02:55:49.940 | - And that's where I think,
02:55:52.080 | so I agree that everyone should try to play their part
02:55:55.880 | and do whatever they can.
02:55:59.480 | But I also think just the sheer incentives,
02:56:03.040 | what we saw happening with shale gas is a great example.
02:56:08.040 | When shale gas becomes so cheap
02:56:10.040 | that you just stop using coal,
02:56:12.480 | then you don't really have to convince
02:56:14.760 | lots and lots of people, coal is really bad.
02:56:17.600 | - And it wasn't labeled a climate.
02:56:18.640 | - No, it wasn't a climate thing, it was an energy thing.
02:56:20.640 | - It was totally.
02:56:21.480 | And the point is just the power of an innovation
02:56:25.760 | is that you almost don't see it anymore, it just happens.
02:56:30.400 | And I think that's really the only way
02:56:32.720 | we're gonna fix these big problems.
02:56:35.000 | If you think about the nutrition problem
02:56:38.160 | back in the 60s, 70s,
02:56:40.160 | we worried a lot about India and other places.
02:56:42.440 | A solution is not worrying,
02:56:44.640 | or the solution was not us eating a little bit less
02:56:47.200 | and sending it down to India, wherever.
02:56:49.360 | The solution was the green revolution, right?
02:56:51.240 | It was the fact that some scientists made ways
02:56:53.880 | to make every seed produce three times as much,
02:56:56.440 | so you could grow three times as much food on an acre.
02:56:59.040 | And that's what basically made it possible for India
02:57:02.120 | to go from a basket case
02:57:03.880 | to the world's leading rice exporter.
02:57:07.040 | And that's how you do these things,
02:57:10.320 | you solve these big problems through innovation.
02:57:13.320 | And again, I'm not saying that,
02:57:15.160 | we're actually arguing our carbon tax
02:57:17.320 | is a smart thing to do.
02:57:18.960 | That's what any economist would tell you to do.
02:57:21.520 | But it also turns out that it's partly,
02:57:24.280 | it's not gonna solve most of the problem,
02:57:26.240 | and it's incredibly politically hard to do.
02:57:29.600 | So it may also just be the wrong sort of tree to bark up.
02:57:33.080 | If you can do it, please do.
02:57:36.200 | But this is not the main thing that's gonna solve climate.
02:57:38.920 | The main thing is that we get these innovations
02:57:41.520 | that basically make green energy so cheap,
02:57:44.080 | everyone will just want.
02:57:46.200 | - We mentioned nuclear quite a few times.
02:57:48.640 | You know, there was for a long time,
02:57:50.940 | it seems to have shifted recently,
02:57:52.400 | maybe you can clarify and educate me on this,
02:57:54.760 | but for the longest time people thought that nuclear
02:57:58.080 | is almost unclean energy,
02:58:02.680 | or dangerous energy, or all that kind of stuff.
02:58:05.560 | When did that shift?
02:58:07.280 | What was the source of that alarmism?
02:58:11.240 | Maybe is that a case study of how alarmism
02:58:15.080 | can turn into a productive, constructive policy?
02:58:20.080 | - (laughs) Productive from whose standpoint?
02:58:22.960 | - Is it not?
02:58:25.440 | Is it not like nuclear--
02:58:27.000 | - No, I was trying to, do you mean productive
02:58:28.560 | in terms of yay, we banned it, or productive for those--
02:58:30.680 | - Oh, I see, I see what you mean, yes.
02:58:32.200 | I meant productive for human civilization.
02:58:34.680 | - No, the alarmism over nuclear power
02:58:36.960 | dominated any alarmism over global warming, absolutely.
02:58:41.960 | - Really?
02:58:43.320 | - Oh yeah, just in the United States,
02:58:46.160 | Three Mile Island, then you had Chernobyl there,
02:58:48.560 | and the traditional environmental movement
02:58:52.360 | still won't go there.
02:58:54.560 | They still, the big groups, NRDC, EDF,
02:58:59.080 | that whole alphabet soup of the big greens,
02:59:02.080 | are reluctant to put forward the nuclear option
02:59:06.080 | because they know a lot of their aging donors
02:59:08.400 | basically grew up in the thinking about nuclear
02:59:11.840 | as the problem, not the solution.
02:59:14.200 | I lived for the last 30 years, I moved to Maine recently,
02:59:17.220 | but I lived in the Hudson Valley,
02:59:19.520 | 10 miles from the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant,
02:59:21.880 | which was built in the '60s, '70s, and had some problems.
02:59:26.760 | None of them were to the point of a meltdown
02:59:30.560 | or the threat of it,
02:59:31.840 | even the theoretical possibility of one.
02:59:35.400 | I've been in, I was in it twice as a reporter,
02:59:38.320 | looking down in the cooling pool.
02:59:39.720 | I can send you a fun video of bubbles
02:59:41.880 | in the cooling pool with the rods.
02:59:43.400 | And progressively they demonstrated how to handle waste.
02:59:47.560 | In the United States now, the waste is,
02:59:49.520 | because we haven't figured out
02:59:50.440 | how to move it across state lines,
02:59:52.140 | it's glassified, it's put into kind of containers
02:59:57.280 | that sit there at the plant.
02:59:59.480 | We just simply don't have a long-term solution.
03:00:04.640 | The Nevada politicians were successful in saying,
03:00:09.640 | not here, not Yucca Mountain.
03:00:12.040 | But my wife, who I've been married to,
03:00:16.800 | well, I met 30 years ago, and she lives with me,
03:00:19.400 | she's an environmental educator.
03:00:21.520 | She was very happy when Cuomo shut it down,
03:00:25.080 | said we're gonna shut it down three or four years ago,
03:00:27.680 | which just happened a year, it actually is shut down now.
03:00:30.520 | It's being mothballed, and I was like, that sucks.
03:00:33.080 | We need-- - But she's happy.
03:00:34.600 | - Yeah, and we still love each other.
03:00:36.360 | - And she's an environmentalist, so that just speaks to,
03:00:40.240 | a lot of environmentalists still see nuclear as bad.
03:00:43.800 | - Oh, totally, oh yeah.
03:00:45.200 | You know, and you bring in
03:00:46.400 | the weapons proliferation issues.
03:00:50.420 | But it's a safety thing, it's a generational thing.
03:00:53.240 | I think young people are different, I hope.
03:00:56.260 | These small modular reactor designs,
03:00:59.680 | several of which, there's a couple of PhDs
03:01:03.120 | from MIT who did transatomic power.
03:01:07.360 | They're both in their early 30s.
03:01:09.640 | We need so much more of them.
03:01:11.540 | And just briefly, the one thing I say about nuclear is,
03:01:14.480 | with so many of these things, like subsidies,
03:01:17.240 | don't talk to me about yes/no nuclear.
03:01:20.400 | Talk to me about what do you wanna do
03:01:21.880 | with existing nuclear power plants,
03:01:24.320 | and what do you wanna do about the possibility of new ones?
03:01:28.000 | Let's parse this out in chunks
03:01:29.680 | that we can have constructive conversations about.
03:01:32.400 | The idea of no nuclear drives me crazy,
03:01:35.160 | just like no fossil fuel subsidies is silly
03:01:38.400 | in the world we inhabit that has these pockets
03:01:40.440 | of no energy.
03:01:41.760 | So that's just my sustain what mantras.
03:01:46.760 | Start with some, divide and conquer.
03:01:50.600 | To conquer the dispute over by saying,
03:01:53.200 | let's at least get real.
03:01:54.860 | This power plant has been in the Hudson Valley for 30 years.
03:01:57.760 | It was the baseload, it was baseload.
03:02:00.160 | Baseload is a real thing.
03:02:02.360 | And guess what has filled the gap
03:02:05.040 | since that power plant has turned off?
03:02:07.240 | Natural gas, natural gas.
03:02:09.200 | But, and you don't hear that from the environmental community
03:02:13.460 | that was so eager to turn off the Indian Point.
03:02:17.120 | - I think both the point of saying,
03:02:19.200 | the people are saying, it's the end of the world,
03:02:21.080 | but no, I don't want a nuclear power plant.
03:02:23.560 | It just doesn't make sense.
03:02:24.920 | And Andy's absolutely right to talk about,
03:02:28.640 | so existing nuclear power plants,
03:02:30.760 | we already paid for them.
03:02:32.640 | We already have them.
03:02:34.120 | We already committed to decommissioning them eventually
03:02:37.760 | while they're running.
03:02:39.080 | They're pretty much the cheapest power
03:02:41.120 | you can possibly have on the planet
03:02:42.980 | because it costs almost nothing to run them day to day.
03:02:46.480 | So, it's basically cheap or almost free CO2 baseload power.
03:02:51.480 | There's just nothing there that doesn't,
03:02:54.960 | you should embrace.
03:02:56.960 | Now, new nuclear power plants turn out
03:03:00.360 | to be very expensive currently.
03:03:02.620 | So, the one they built in Finland,
03:03:04.800 | some in the UK and France and several other places
03:03:08.880 | turn out to be incredibly expensive.
03:03:10.940 | So, they're much more expensive
03:03:12.440 | than the costliest renewables you can imagine.
03:03:16.600 | So, they're actually not a solution right now.
03:03:19.680 | And that's why we need the innovation.
03:03:21.800 | That's why we need the potentially
03:03:23.560 | fourth generation nuclear power.
03:03:25.140 | It's just simply, it's a bad deal.
03:03:27.440 | And that's why nuclear's never gonna win
03:03:30.320 | on its third generation.
03:03:31.600 | Now, it may never get there, who knows?
03:03:35.520 | But it's certainly a possibility
03:03:38.800 | and we should be looking into it.
03:03:40.160 | - And there are wonky realities that need to be dealt with.
03:03:45.160 | The Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the United States,
03:03:48.100 | their approval process is still locked and designed
03:03:51.760 | on this 50 year old model of big, giant power plants.
03:03:55.260 | There's an intense discussion right now
03:03:57.140 | about evolving a new regulatory scheme
03:04:01.620 | for small modular ones because of all these
03:04:03.980 | implicit advantages they offer.
03:04:06.260 | And that, so, along with the innovation,
03:04:09.100 | you need to have this get out of the way
03:04:12.300 | or you're never gonna have the investment.
03:04:14.100 | So, it really is an all of the above thing.
03:04:17.060 | Looking at these as systems problems,
03:04:19.220 | systems solutions is really important.
03:04:21.460 | - Let me ask you about Alex Epstein.
03:04:25.020 | So, he wrote, I'm not sure if you're familiar who he is,
03:04:29.680 | but he wrote a couple of books.
03:04:31.580 | It's just interesting to ask a question about fossil fuels
03:04:34.040 | because we're talking about reality.
03:04:36.000 | And he's somebody that doesn't just talk about
03:04:37.960 | the reality of fossil fuels, but he wrote a book,
03:04:41.360 | "A Moral Case for Fossil Fuels and Fossil Future"
03:04:45.100 | where he makes the case that, as his subtitle says,
03:04:49.360 | "Global human flourishing requires oil, coal,
03:04:52.980 | "and natural gas," or more oil, coal, and natural gas,
03:04:57.980 | not less.
03:04:58.960 | What do you think about the argument he makes?
03:05:02.140 | So, he pushes, we've had this kind of,
03:05:05.460 | speaking of the center, of this balanced discussion
03:05:08.620 | of the reality of fossil fuels, but also investing a lot
03:05:11.860 | into renewable energy and then having the $1 to $11 return.
03:05:16.860 | He says, I'm not sure exactly how to frame it,
03:05:22.100 | but investing and maintaining investment of fossil fuels
03:05:27.100 | also has a positive return because of how efficient
03:05:30.940 | the energy is.
03:05:32.120 | - I read the first book.
03:05:33.620 | Yeah, I haven't read, I've got his second one.
03:05:35.380 | I've been planning to have him on my webcast,
03:05:37.620 | my tiny webcast.
03:05:38.500 | - What's the name of the webcast?
03:05:41.220 | - Sustain What?
03:05:42.100 | Everything I do is sustain what?
03:05:43.900 | 'Cause it's like, don't talk to me about sustainability.
03:05:46.620 | Sustain what?
03:05:47.580 | For whom?
03:05:49.240 | Then we're talking, you know?
03:05:50.540 | Interrogatory approach to things.
03:05:53.140 | So, I think the valuable part of what he has done
03:05:57.660 | is to remind people, particularly in the West or North
03:06:02.140 | or whatever, the developed world,
03:06:04.460 | that everything we take for granted,
03:06:07.820 | low fertilizer, from low fertilizer prices
03:06:10.940 | to air conditioning to everything else,
03:06:13.300 | exists because we had this bounty
03:06:15.500 | that we dug out of the ground or pumped out of the ground.
03:06:18.900 | It's a boon, it's been an amazing boon to society, period.
03:06:22.100 | So, start there.
03:06:23.460 | Which means, going forward, what we're talking about
03:06:26.300 | is a substitution.
03:06:28.060 | Or, having your fossil fuels and eating it too,
03:06:31.540 | meaning getting rid of the carbon dioxide.
03:06:33.220 | If you focus on the carbon dioxide,
03:06:34.980 | which is the thing warming the planet,
03:06:37.600 | not the burning of the fuels,
03:06:40.340 | then that's another way forward
03:06:41.860 | that could sustain fossil fuels.
03:06:44.020 | As far as I can tell from at least the first book,
03:06:46.220 | he makes the moral case that fossil fuels
03:06:48.620 | are essentially a good overall.
03:06:52.740 | I don't think he adequately accounts for the need
03:06:55.660 | to stop global warming.
03:06:58.060 | You know, I think that we have to slow,
03:07:01.100 | slowing global warming is a fundamental need
03:07:03.660 | in this century we're in.
03:07:06.340 | And that's just not factored into his math.
03:07:08.400 | - Well, I think that's where,
03:07:10.160 | I've had a few sort of offline conversations with him.
03:07:13.200 | I think he said, 'cause I mentioned I'm talking to the two,
03:07:16.040 | he said that he, that's probably where he disagrees
03:07:19.600 | about sort of the level of threat that global warming causes.
03:07:24.600 | - Well, Steve Koonin is another one.
03:07:27.340 | He's a brilliant guy.
03:07:29.200 | He lived right close to me in the Hudson Valley.
03:07:31.800 | He was in the Obama administration energy department.
03:07:34.320 | It's K-O-O-N-I-N.
03:07:35.840 | He wrote a bestseller that came out recently
03:07:37.400 | on skepticism about climate.
03:07:40.260 | And there are other smart people who somehow feel
03:07:46.720 | we can literally adapt our way forward
03:07:49.800 | without any constraint on the gases changing the climate.
03:07:53.960 | And I, you know, I've spent enough time on this.
03:07:57.200 | I think I'm a pretty level-headed reporter
03:07:59.140 | when it comes to this issue.
03:08:00.440 | And I think having some sense that we can adapt our way
03:08:04.820 | into the world we're building
03:08:06.640 | through relentless climate change with no new normal,
03:08:09.840 | remember, more gas accumulating in the air every year.
03:08:14.080 | These are not static moments.
03:08:17.360 | That that's a good thing to do is,
03:08:20.520 | doesn't strike me as smart.
03:08:25.360 | - I'll probably say that I think it's more sort of a,
03:08:29.240 | at least the thing that I take away from Alex
03:08:31.680 | is the fact, as you point out,
03:08:35.380 | that we need to recognize that fossil fuels
03:08:37.900 | is basically the backbone of our society today.
03:08:40.960 | We get 80% of our energy from fossil fuels today.
03:08:44.340 | - Still, as we did 50 years ago, 40 years ago.
03:08:46.540 | - Yeah, yeah, and people have no sense of this, right?
03:08:49.060 | So they have the idea,
03:08:50.620 | because you see so many wind turbines and solar panels
03:08:53.580 | and everybody's talking about it,
03:08:55.020 | that this is huge, big things.
03:08:57.020 | But the reality is, remember,
03:08:58.380 | only about a fifth of all energy use is electricity.
03:09:01.800 | The rest is in processes and heating,
03:09:04.040 | industrial processes and so on.
03:09:06.320 | So actually, solar and wind right now
03:09:09.680 | produces 1% of energy from wind and 0.8% from solar.
03:09:14.680 | This is not a huge thing.
03:09:16.800 | It's a fairly tiny bit.
03:09:18.400 | - And growing explosively, but from this--
03:09:20.520 | - Yes, it's absolutely growing.
03:09:21.920 | But actually, it's growing slower
03:09:23.960 | than what nuclear was growing in the '70s and '80s,
03:09:26.640 | which I thought was a fun point,
03:09:28.320 | not by a little amount, by like two or three times.
03:09:31.200 | So we're still talking about something
03:09:34.040 | which is somewhat boutique, at least.
03:09:37.240 | And when you then look out into the future,
03:09:40.200 | and I think this is the interesting part of it,
03:09:42.980 | when you look out into the future,
03:09:44.520 | if you look at the Biden administration's own estimate
03:09:47.320 | of what will happen by 2050,
03:09:49.160 | we will be at, if all countries do all the stuff
03:09:54.480 | that they promised and everything,
03:09:56.080 | we will be at 70% fossil fuels by 2050, globally.
03:10:01.080 | This is just, yes, it's a better world.
03:10:04.640 | I think it's good that we're now down to 70
03:10:07.160 | instead of 80, but it is still a world
03:10:11.000 | that's fundamentally dependent on fossil fuels
03:10:14.040 | for almost everything that we really like about the world.
03:10:17.440 | And forgetting that, and I think we are doing that
03:10:20.900 | in the sense, as you also mentioned,
03:10:22.480 | that people say, "No fossil fuels,"
03:10:24.120 | and we're, in all development organizations,
03:10:26.680 | we're now telling the poor countries,
03:10:28.800 | you can't get any funding for anything
03:10:31.200 | that has to do with fossil fuels.
03:10:33.360 | We have literally reduced our investment
03:10:37.280 | in oil and gas by more than half since 2014.
03:10:42.280 | And much of this is because of climate concerns.
03:10:46.680 | This has real world consequences.
03:10:48.460 | This is why energy prices have gone up.
03:10:51.600 | It's not the only reason.
03:10:52.920 | COVID also, certainly the war in Ukraine,
03:10:55.360 | but this is an underlying systemic reason
03:10:58.480 | why fossil fuel costs will go up dramatically.
03:11:01.400 | Now, a lot of greens will sort of tend to say,
03:11:03.920 | "Well, that's great because we want fossil fuels
03:11:06.800 | "to be expensive.
03:11:07.700 | "We want people to be forced over to renewables."
03:11:10.720 | But that's very easy to say if you're rich.
03:11:14.080 | You know, it's the kind of thing that New Yorkers will say,
03:11:16.320 | you know, when you go to rich,
03:11:18.400 | well-meaning green New Yorkers and say,
03:11:20.820 | "Yes, gasoline should cost $20 a gallon."
03:11:24.080 | Well, you don't have a car.
03:11:26.160 | You just ride the Metro.
03:11:27.720 | It's very easy for you to say that,
03:11:29.140 | but lots of people, both in the rich world,
03:11:31.480 | but in poor parts of the US,
03:11:33.840 | but all around the world,
03:11:35.260 | their lives are basically dependent on fossil fuels.
03:11:37.760 | And so the idea that we're gonna get people off
03:11:40.560 | by making it so expensive
03:11:42.220 | that it becomes impossible for them to live good lives
03:11:45.640 | is almost morally reprehensible.
03:11:47.680 | And I think Alex has the right point there.
03:11:50.720 | We need to get people to realize
03:11:53.340 | we're not gonna get off fossil fuels anytime soon.
03:11:55.980 | So we need reasonably affordable fossil fuels
03:11:59.300 | for most of the world.
03:12:00.620 | And that's, of course, why we need to focus so much more
03:12:03.300 | on the innovation so that we can get to the point
03:12:05.900 | where we no longer need fossil fuels as soon as possible.
03:12:09.220 | But to say to everyone,
03:12:10.520 | "Look, we're gonna make fossil fuels expensive
03:12:12.760 | "way before we have the solution," is just terrible.
03:12:15.420 | - And so much is on the rich countries of the world.
03:12:19.480 | - Yeah.
03:12:20.320 | - I did a conversation recently with Johan Rockström,
03:12:24.180 | who's a famed sustainability scientist in Stockholm.
03:12:29.180 | Actually, Potsdam now.
03:12:31.680 | - Right.
03:12:32.520 | - And he's come up with the idea of planetary boundaries.
03:12:35.220 | There's lots of things he has said that I,
03:12:37.860 | as a journalist, I'm still looking into about that.
03:12:39.980 | - Planetary boundaries?
03:12:40.940 | - Yeah, that there are limits to what Earth can absorb
03:12:43.260 | in human, our use of water, phosphorus,
03:12:46.340 | or carbon dioxide loading in the atmosphere.
03:12:48.740 | There are these tipping, there are these boundaries.
03:12:51.180 | If we cross them, we're in a hot zone, a danger zone.
03:12:54.380 | He's an interesting thinker.
03:12:55.820 | But on this point, last year at the Glasgow Climate Talks,
03:13:00.820 | he gave a very important talk about the equity thing here.
03:13:05.740 | He basically laid out a landscape saying
03:13:11.000 | the rich nations of the world need to greatly ramp up
03:13:14.160 | their reduction of emissions
03:13:15.620 | or what they're gonna pay poor countries to do.
03:13:18.880 | To allow poor countries,
03:13:20.720 | some of which have fossil resources, like in Africa,
03:13:25.040 | to have the carbon space,
03:13:26.920 | to own whatever space or time is left
03:13:30.360 | to be able to develop their fossil fuels
03:13:34.060 | as a fundamental right.
03:13:36.480 | Because also, they're starting from this little baseline.
03:13:39.320 | Ghana hasn't contributed squat
03:13:41.880 | to the global warming problem in terms of emissions.
03:13:44.320 | Ghana has natural gas.
03:13:46.000 | And right now, this month,
03:13:48.560 | environmental groups are outside the World Bank,
03:13:52.640 | today, actually tonight,
03:13:54.860 | saying this was on their list of dirty projects.
03:13:57.640 | World Bank should stop financing
03:13:59.000 | Ghana's right to get gas out of the ground.
03:14:01.440 | To develop its economy, get its people less poor,
03:14:04.440 | make them more productive, innovative parts of humanity.
03:14:07.560 | To me, that's really reprehensible.
03:14:10.260 | One of the other projects on their list,
03:14:12.320 | as a World Bank kind of gotcha,
03:14:14.280 | like how dare they give money,
03:14:16.480 | was for a fertilizer factory in Bangladesh
03:14:19.840 | that is designed to get three times as much fertilizer
03:14:23.480 | from the same amount of natural gas
03:14:25.060 | as the old plants that are now dormant.
03:14:27.000 | This is in a time when we're facing high energy prices,
03:14:32.600 | high gas prices, high food prices,
03:14:34.960 | when food insecurity is spreading rapidly.
03:14:37.600 | When a country like Bangladesh has millions of rice farmers
03:14:40.000 | who need urea tablets to put in their rice fields.
03:14:44.320 | And to say that shouldn't,
03:14:46.320 | how dare they finance that
03:14:47.680 | because there's a fossil fuel involved is immoral.
03:14:50.720 | So yes on that point from Alex.
03:14:52.720 | - So this is 2022 poll.
03:14:56.960 | Polls.
03:14:59.020 | Just this is a bunch of different ways
03:15:01.720 | to look at the same basic effect.
03:15:04.440 | In the United States,
03:15:05.880 | Democrats, younger Americans identify
03:15:09.460 | dealing with climate change as a top priority.
03:15:12.000 | US adults,
03:15:14.240 | 42% say,
03:15:15.920 | 42% say that dealing with climate change
03:15:19.160 | should be a top priority.
03:15:21.160 | 11% of Republicans,
03:15:23.440 | 65% of Democrats.
03:15:25.840 | And we could see this effect throughout.
03:15:28.940 | 46% of Americans say human activity
03:15:34.660 | contributes a great deal to climate change.
03:15:37.180 | By the way, this is a little bit different
03:15:39.560 | than what we're discussing.
03:15:41.040 | I was just looking through different polls.
03:15:44.040 | In the public there seems to still be uncertainty
03:15:48.480 | about how much humans contribute to climate change.
03:15:52.840 | More than the scientific--
03:15:55.320 | - It would only be 24% that disagree
03:15:57.480 | with the UN Climate Panel.
03:15:59.400 | Three quarters would agree.
03:16:00.920 | - Are you uncomfortable about the 29?
03:16:02.840 | - 29 is actually, it's exactly right.
03:16:06.160 | I mean, the UN doesn't say it's all.
03:16:08.560 | Well, they say that could be the border case.
03:16:11.260 | - But anyway, this is interesting,
03:16:12.740 | but to me, across all these polls,
03:16:14.740 | if you look Republican versus Democrat,
03:16:18.440 | Republican,
03:16:19.520 | say that 17% say it's a great deal.
03:16:24.560 | Democrats say 71% say it's a great deal.
03:16:28.040 | And you just see this complete division.
03:16:30.500 | I think you probably,
03:16:34.120 | with COVID pandemic,
03:16:35.540 | you can ask a lot of questions like this.
03:16:39.680 | Do masks work?
03:16:41.160 | Are they an effective method
03:16:43.040 | to slow transmission of a pandemic?
03:16:45.320 | You'll probably have the same kind of polls
03:16:47.880 | about Republicans and Democrats.
03:16:50.120 | And while the effectiveness of masks,
03:16:54.700 | to me, is a scientific question.
03:16:56.400 | So there's different truths here, apparently.
03:17:00.520 | One is a scientific truth.
03:17:03.700 | One is a truth held by the scientific community,
03:17:07.360 | which seems to be also different
03:17:08.640 | than the scientific truth sometimes.
03:17:11.000 | And the other is the public perception
03:17:13.000 | that's polluted or affected by political affiliation.
03:17:18.000 | And then there's whatever is the narrative
03:17:23.040 | that's communicated by the media.
03:17:25.960 | They will also have a question,
03:17:27.480 | answer to the question of whether masks work or not.
03:17:30.120 | And they will also have an answer to the question
03:17:32.080 | about all these climate-related things.
03:17:34.180 | So that's a long way of asking the question
03:17:38.120 | of how is politics mixed into all of this?
03:17:43.120 | On the communication front,
03:17:45.000 | on the figuring out what the right policy is front,
03:17:48.380 | on the friction of humanity
03:17:50.660 | in the face of the right policies.
03:17:53.580 | - Well, I've written a ton on this.
03:17:55.580 | After I had that conversion about the social science in 2006,
03:17:59.740 | I began digging in a lot more on how people hold beliefs
03:18:03.180 | and what they do as opposed to what they think
03:18:06.980 | and questions about polling.
03:18:10.260 | And there's two things that come to me
03:18:12.040 | that make me not worry about the basic literacy,
03:18:15.020 | like is climate change X percent of whatever?
03:18:19.260 | I don't really care about that.
03:18:21.300 | And I'll explain why.
03:18:22.560 | For one thing, more science literacy,
03:18:27.260 | more basic literacy, like what is a greenhouse gas,
03:18:30.940 | all that stuff.
03:18:32.380 | Dan Kahane, K-A-H-A-N at Yale.
03:18:35.540 | He's actually at Yale Law School.
03:18:37.900 | The last decade, he did all this work
03:18:40.060 | on what he calls cultural cognition,
03:18:41.960 | which is, and he did studies that showed
03:18:47.080 | how what you believe emerges based on culture,
03:18:53.140 | based on your background, your red, blue,
03:18:56.220 | your where you are in the country.
03:18:58.340 | And one of the really disturbing findings was
03:19:01.180 | that the people who have the most basic science literacy,
03:19:04.940 | like who know the most about greenhouse effect or whatever,
03:19:09.080 | they're at both ends of the spectrum of views on climate,
03:19:13.260 | dismissives and alarmed.
03:19:15.260 | Steve Koonin, as I mentioned, is a good example.
03:19:17.140 | He's a brilliant physicist.
03:19:19.300 | And he knows all the science
03:19:20.980 | and he's completely at the end of skepticism.
03:19:24.860 | Will Happer, who was close to being Trump's science advisor,
03:19:29.460 | was even more out there.
03:19:31.100 | And they're both on the Jason Committee
03:19:34.460 | that advises the government on big strategic things.
03:19:37.060 | And people who are really alarmed about it
03:19:40.780 | also have the same belief.
03:19:41.980 | So as a journalist, I was thinking,
03:19:43.380 | do I just spend my time writing more explanatory stories
03:19:47.020 | that explain the science better?
03:19:51.020 | Do I dig in on this work to understand
03:19:53.120 | what brings people together?
03:19:54.520 | And then these same surveys, the same science shows you,
03:19:58.200 | if you don't make it about climate, among other things,
03:20:01.120 | this becomes, you don't have to worry about this anymore.
03:20:04.060 | If you Google for no red-blue divide climate revkin,
03:20:09.060 | you'll find a piece I did with some really good graphs.
03:20:11.860 | Essentially, it shows that in America,
03:20:15.140 | this is the Yale group again,
03:20:16.380 | their climate communication group.
03:20:19.200 | There's no red-blue divide on energy innovation, none.
03:20:23.180 | We need more climate energy, clean energy innovation.
03:20:26.060 | There wasn't even a divide country by state by state
03:20:29.820 | on whether CO2 should be regulated as a pollutant.
03:20:33.620 | But it's all like, what are the questions you ask?
03:20:37.220 | If you ask about innovation,
03:20:40.220 | if you ask about more incentives for renewable power.
03:20:44.400 | Oklahoma, Iowa, I did a piece when I was at ProPublica
03:20:50.180 | showing that the 17 states that were fighting Obama
03:20:54.420 | in court over his clean power plan,
03:20:59.020 | were actually, the majority of them
03:21:00.940 | were actually meeting the targets
03:21:02.340 | that the clean power plan had
03:21:04.720 | because they're expanding wind power already.
03:21:07.900 | Not because of the climate,
03:21:09.100 | because it makes money sense and energy sense.
03:21:12.140 | - So you don't think there's a political divide in this?
03:21:14.100 | - There is on climate, if you call it climate.
03:21:16.580 | If you say it's a climate,
03:21:18.060 | do you believe in the climate crisis?
03:21:19.580 | You're not asking,
03:21:21.420 | what kind of energy future do you want in your town?
03:21:24.820 | And so if you ask that question,
03:21:27.420 | the polarization goes away.
03:21:28.860 | - I guess what I'm asking,
03:21:30.900 | is there polarization on policy?
03:21:33.260 | - No, well there, again,
03:21:35.960 | the bipartisan infrastructure law
03:21:39.920 | that was passed last November, that was bipartisan.
03:21:43.060 | All of Congress said yes.
03:21:44.340 | And that's a trillion dollars,
03:21:45.840 | several hundred billion of which
03:21:48.060 | are for cleaner energy and resilience.
03:21:50.100 | - Yeah, but that's--
03:21:51.940 | - And that, but it's not a climate bill.
03:21:55.180 | And it wasn't a tax.
03:21:56.940 | It's incentives.
03:22:00.180 | - So the word climate and similar words
03:22:02.780 | are just used as part of the signaling, like masks.
03:22:06.660 | It's not-- - Absolutely.
03:22:09.140 | Dan Cahan's work, the guy at Yale,
03:22:11.460 | he really demonstrated powerfully
03:22:13.460 | abortion, gun rights, climate.
03:22:16.700 | And a more part level nuclear power
03:22:19.740 | has enduring camps that for and against--
03:22:22.620 | - What are the camps for?
03:22:24.460 | - Some of it's cultural cognition.
03:22:28.260 | It's how you grew up, it's what you fear.
03:22:30.860 | There's no common human frame for--
03:22:32.540 | - Is it 'cause of like folks,
03:22:34.020 | like certain individuals like Al Gore?
03:22:36.340 | - Ah.
03:22:38.260 | - Like he would make a film,
03:22:39.940 | he cares about this thing, he's a Democrat.
03:22:42.780 | - Therefore I hate this thing.
03:22:44.100 | - Therefore I don't like this thing, yeah.
03:22:45.380 | - Oh sure, yeah.
03:22:46.860 | When people get attached to an issue,
03:22:48.220 | if that's what pops into your head
03:22:50.820 | when you hear climate then.
03:22:52.300 | And it got politicized, it became emblematic.
03:22:56.240 | And the whole vaccine thing.
03:23:00.380 | - I mean, I'm not American,
03:23:01.740 | so I should stay a little bit out of this,
03:23:03.540 | but I think it seems to me that a lot of the thing
03:23:07.620 | that people believe and talk about
03:23:10.020 | is really about what they worry that that will lead to
03:23:13.460 | in terms of policy down the line.
03:23:15.700 | So a little bit like, do masks work?
03:23:18.280 | I'm sort of imagining, I don't know whether this is true,
03:23:21.940 | but I think part of it is, if I say masks work,
03:23:25.060 | they're gonna force me to wear it for the next year.
03:23:27.840 | So it doesn't work because then I don't have to wear it,
03:23:30.400 | kind of thing.
03:23:31.240 | That it's really, you're looking much further down the line.
03:23:34.740 | And certainly on climate, it seems to me
03:23:37.160 | that a lot of the people who say it's not real,
03:23:40.340 | it's not because they don't know it's,
03:23:42.500 | of course it's real,
03:23:43.580 | but it's that they don't want you to then come
03:23:45.780 | and regulate it really heavily.
03:23:48.060 | So it's-
03:23:48.900 | - Because they don't like top-down government.
03:23:50.220 | - Yeah, and also because they don't want another tax.
03:23:53.220 | And there's lots of other,
03:23:55.420 | so it's really, it's not a science,
03:23:57.700 | it's not a straight science question.
03:23:59.900 | It really is a question of what do you want to do?
03:24:03.100 | And that's where I think, Andy,
03:24:04.620 | you're much, much more right in saying
03:24:06.600 | we should have that discussion.
03:24:08.800 | So what do you wanna do?
03:24:10.440 | Because that will be a much easier conversation to say,
03:24:13.840 | do you wanna do really smart, cheap stuff?
03:24:15.820 | Or do you wanna do pretty dumb, expensive stuff?
03:24:18.740 | When you put it that way, you can get most people on board.
03:24:21.300 | Of course, it's not as simple as that, I know.
03:24:23.460 | - And it gets back to what you said earlier,
03:24:25.060 | that again, you talked about collaborative cooperation
03:24:27.700 | or whatever.
03:24:28.540 | There's a guy at Columbia, Peter Coleman,
03:24:31.460 | who runs this thing called
03:24:32.300 | the Difficult Conversations Laboratory.
03:24:34.300 | (laughing)
03:24:35.620 | Yeah.
03:24:36.460 | - Yeah, that's awesome.
03:24:37.280 | - And when I first heard about it, I was like,
03:24:38.120 | oh man, we need that.
03:24:40.340 | And his background's in psychology and conflict resolution,
03:24:45.340 | mostly at the global scale related to atrocities
03:24:48.900 | that countries are trying to get over.
03:24:50.260 | And there's a science to how to hold a better conversation.
03:24:54.500 | As you, either through experience or whatever, know,
03:24:58.340 | if you hold a debate,
03:25:00.540 | like I wouldn't wanna be in a debate with Bjorn.
03:25:02.900 | We could find lots of things we disagree on.
03:25:05.180 | But that takes it back to the win-lose model, right?
03:25:08.860 | That's not how you make progress.
03:25:11.420 | And what Peter, what I learned, absorbed from him,
03:25:15.420 | Peter Coleman, 'cause I was thinking,
03:25:18.740 | we need room for agreement.
03:25:19.820 | I need to build a room for agreement.
03:25:21.060 | My blog and at the Times and then the stuff I do now,
03:25:24.820 | it's like, how can we talk and come to agreement?
03:25:27.420 | He says, no, no, you don't want agreement.
03:25:29.140 | You want cooperation.
03:25:30.180 | That allows you to hold onto your beliefs.
03:25:34.060 | But to, we can disbelieve,
03:25:37.800 | we can disagree on all these things,
03:25:39.060 | but let's cooperate on that one thing.
03:25:41.140 | And that's a really valuable distinction
03:25:44.560 | that's needed so much in this arena,
03:25:46.620 | because as I said earlier,
03:25:49.200 | you can parse it right down to the whole menu
03:25:52.140 | of things Joe Manchin wanted, transmission lines.
03:25:56.000 | Now we're gonna have big fights over transmission lines.
03:25:57.940 | We've got billions of dollars to spend
03:25:59.460 | expanding America's grid.
03:26:01.560 | And every community in America is gonna say, not here.
03:26:04.220 | So how do you foster a federal local dialogue
03:26:08.920 | that allows that to happen
03:26:10.360 | if you wanna have any hope of a better grid?
03:26:12.940 | So that's like, those insights come from behavioral sciences
03:26:18.220 | that I think are completely undervalued in this area.
03:26:23.220 | - Pilka loves to quote, I think it's Lippert, but--
03:26:26.840 | - Oh, Walter Lippman.
03:26:28.000 | - Lippman, yes, that democracy is not about
03:26:31.160 | everybody agreeing, but it's about different people
03:26:33.800 | disagreeing, but doing the same thing.
03:26:36.520 | - Doing one thing together.
03:26:37.800 | - Yes, I mean, agreeing that we're gonna do this thing.
03:26:40.260 | So you can disagree, but still do a thing,
03:26:42.840 | possibly for very different reasons.
03:26:45.640 | - Yeah, and there's an amazing video clip
03:26:48.340 | that shows this so powerfully.
03:26:51.560 | 2015 was the buildup to the Paris talks
03:26:54.360 | that led to the Paris agreement, you know this.
03:26:57.840 | And a really talented journalist at CNN at the time,
03:27:00.920 | John Sutter, who's from Oklahoma originally,
03:27:03.720 | he saw another Yale study that was a county by county study
03:27:08.720 | of American attitudes on global warming,
03:27:12.040 | like right down to the county level.
03:27:13.440 | And there's this little glowing data point
03:27:17.760 | in Woodward County, Oklahoma.
03:27:20.500 | Woodward County, Oklahoma was ground zero
03:27:22.440 | for climate skepticism, climate denial,
03:27:24.400 | whatever you wanna call it.
03:27:25.920 | And he thought, oh, I'm gonna go there.
03:27:27.080 | And he went there just to meet people on the street,
03:27:30.520 | talk to them about energy and weather.
03:27:33.240 | And he did these little interviews.
03:27:35.080 | And there's this one with this guy
03:27:36.480 | who's like a middle-aged oil company employee,
03:27:39.540 | like a administrator, Thai kind of guy.
03:27:43.380 | And he starts out the interview,
03:27:46.080 | and the guy is saying, well, you know,
03:27:47.880 | God controls the environment.
03:27:49.780 | And if you're watching this, you're just going,
03:27:51.880 | okay, this is gonna be interesting.
03:27:54.000 | And the backstory, by the way, is the guy,
03:27:55.640 | he paid for the local playground
03:27:59.480 | to have dinosaurs and people,
03:28:01.400 | like toy dinosaurs and people on the playground,
03:28:04.440 | 'cause he believes in creation,
03:28:06.280 | 6,000-year creation. - 6,000, yeah.
03:28:07.960 | - So that's the guy, right?
03:28:09.980 | And then he gets to energy, and the guy says,
03:28:11.880 | you know, the same guy who believes
03:28:14.240 | God controls the environment says,
03:28:16.820 | you know, we have half of our roof covered
03:28:18.100 | with solar panels, and we wanna get off the grid entirely.
03:28:21.640 | And when I show this, I show this to audiences,
03:28:24.240 | and I say, just pause and think about that for a second.
03:28:27.640 | If you went, why do you think that's happening?
03:28:30.320 | And it's 'cause he's independent.
03:28:31.600 | He wants to have his own source of power.
03:28:33.040 | He's libertarian.
03:28:33.880 | He doesn't want the government telling him what to do.
03:28:35.520 | He would never vote for Hillary, I guarantee you.
03:28:37.480 | This is 2015.
03:28:39.480 | But he wanted to get off the grid entirely
03:28:40.880 | to be his own, to be himself.
03:28:44.300 | And so then I say, okay, so if you were going
03:28:47.000 | around the country with your climate crisis placard,
03:28:49.840 | and you go to Woodward County,
03:28:51.880 | do you think that would be a productive way
03:28:54.360 | to go to that place and make your case?
03:28:57.120 | And the answer is pretty obvious, no.
03:29:00.240 | If you go in there and you listen,
03:29:02.080 | like listening is such an important property
03:29:04.360 | that we all forget, including journalists,
03:29:06.440 | you're much more apt to find a path to cooperation.
03:29:11.560 | You could talk to him about, I guarantee,
03:29:13.840 | if I went there today, maybe I should go
03:29:15.840 | to talk about this new bill, $370 billion.
03:29:18.320 | How do we make that work at the local level?
03:29:21.880 | How do we answer that guy at the energy department,
03:29:23.960 | Jigar Shah, so how do we put this to work
03:29:26.680 | to get our buses off, to get electrified,
03:29:29.760 | or transition our street lamps and stuff?
03:29:33.040 | You could have a good chat with him.
03:29:34.560 | If you go in there and say, I'm here to debate you
03:29:36.960 | to death on global warming, forget about it.
03:29:39.580 | - Actually, let me ask you a question,
03:29:42.560 | given your roots as a journalist.
03:29:45.140 | So yeah, talking to a guy you disagree with,
03:29:49.480 | that's one thing.
03:29:51.080 | What about talking to people that might be,
03:29:56.200 | society might consider bad, unethical, even evil?
03:30:01.200 | What's the role of a journalist in that context?
03:30:05.040 | So climate change is a large number of people
03:30:09.080 | that believe one thing, a large number of people
03:30:11.200 | that believe another thing.
03:30:13.200 | It turns out, even with people that society deems as evil,
03:30:16.320 | there's a large number of people that support them.
03:30:19.360 | What's your role as a journalist to talk to them?
03:30:24.600 | - Well, I have talked to really bad people.
03:30:27.600 | When I wrote about the murder of Chico Mendes,
03:30:29.960 | a Brazilian Amazon rainforest activist in 1989,
03:30:34.360 | I interviewed the killers.
03:30:36.260 | One was in jail, several of them were just ranchers
03:30:41.280 | who, you know, they had their point of view.
03:30:45.080 | They were there in the Amazon rainforest to,
03:30:47.980 | the word in Brazil and Portuguese is limpar,
03:30:51.880 | to clean the land.
03:30:53.240 | You know, they're the bandarantes, the pioneers of Brazil.
03:30:56.360 | They go into these frontiers and tame them
03:30:58.680 | like we had in our West, you know?
03:31:01.120 | And they would bring that up too.
03:31:03.160 | They would say to me, well, you did this, you know?
03:31:06.240 | They didn't say you murdered your Native Americans
03:31:08.540 | and stuff, but they could easily have said that too,
03:31:10.160 | and you deforested all your landscapes.
03:31:12.720 | So who are you to come down here to?
03:31:14.480 | But if I didn't talk to them,
03:31:16.920 | that would be not a way to do journalism.
03:31:20.840 | But when you talk to them, did you empathize with them
03:31:23.920 | or did you push back?
03:31:26.200 | That's the ultimate question.
03:31:28.120 | Like if you want to understand,
03:31:29.880 | like if you talk to Hitler in 1941,
03:31:35.240 | you empathize with him or do you push back?
03:31:39.080 | Because most journalists would push
03:31:41.720 | because they're trying to signal to fellow journalists
03:31:45.640 | and to people back home that this,
03:31:48.600 | me, the journalist is on the right side.
03:31:50.800 | But if you actually want to understand the person,
03:31:54.800 | you should empathize.
03:31:56.080 | If you want to be the kind of person
03:31:59.400 | that actually understands in the full arc of history,
03:32:04.400 | you need to empathize.
03:32:07.120 | I find that journalists, a lot of times,
03:32:10.280 | perhaps they're protecting their job,
03:32:12.380 | their reputation, their sanity,
03:32:14.680 | are not willing to empathize.
03:32:16.600 | - Yeah, I think this happened with Joe Manchin.
03:32:18.440 | I'm not doing any kind of equation here
03:32:20.360 | related to Hitler and Joe Manchin.
03:32:22.080 | Or Trump, I mean Trump.
03:32:23.440 | I interviewed the guy, Will Hepper, I mentioned,
03:32:25.480 | who was a physicist at Princeton
03:32:27.400 | who thinks carbon dioxide is the greatest thing
03:32:29.840 | in the world and we should have more of it in the atmosphere.
03:32:32.680 | I profoundly disagree on that point.
03:32:35.680 | But I interviewed him for an hour
03:32:37.680 | and it was so interesting
03:32:40.700 | because he was trying to kind of rope-a-dope me
03:32:43.360 | into making it about CO2 and climate
03:32:47.880 | 'cause he's a super smart physicist.
03:32:51.520 | And I kind of said, "Let's talk about some other things."
03:32:55.700 | And we started talking about education
03:32:57.040 | and science education.
03:32:57.960 | He went on for like 20 minutes
03:32:59.720 | about the vital importance of better science education
03:33:03.660 | for Americans.
03:33:04.720 | He drew on people he knew from Europe, Hungary.
03:33:08.520 | Bunch of Nobel Prize winners came from some town in Hungary,
03:33:11.640 | at least a couple.
03:33:12.980 | And he said that he learned their teachers.
03:33:15.140 | At any rate, he went at a long exposition on that.
03:33:18.320 | He then defended climate science.
03:33:20.820 | He said, "We need more climate science."
03:33:22.220 | He says, "I love this stuff.
03:33:23.180 | "I love the ocean buoys."
03:33:24.960 | There are now thousands of them in the oceans
03:33:26.560 | charting clear pictures of ocean circulation and satellites.
03:33:30.940 | And he said something really important
03:33:32.320 | that many people discount,
03:33:33.680 | which is we need sustained investment
03:33:36.000 | in monitoring this planet.
03:33:37.440 | We neglect our systems
03:33:41.240 | that just tell us what's happening in the world.
03:33:44.440 | And that's happened over and over again.
03:33:47.120 | So if I had left it,
03:33:48.520 | if I had gone into the terrain of the fight over CO2,
03:33:53.520 | some journalist friends might say,
03:33:55.760 | "Oh, that was a good mashup, you know, matchup."
03:33:59.840 | But I found these really profound and important things
03:34:02.680 | that I wanted the world to know about
03:34:05.200 | in the context of whether Trump
03:34:06.440 | was gonna have him as a science advisor.
03:34:08.960 | And so if I hadn't gone there,
03:34:11.640 | and a lot of people, if you look back,
03:34:13.480 | I got hammered for doing that, even from friends.
03:34:18.000 | And then later, John Holdren,
03:34:21.560 | who had been Obama's science advisor for eight years,
03:34:24.340 | he said, "I would rather have Will Happer
03:34:29.080 | "as Trump's science advisor than no science advisor."
03:34:32.840 | In other words, there's a landscape
03:34:34.280 | of things that are important.
03:34:35.200 | He recognized that Happer's really smart about defense
03:34:37.740 | and all kinds of things too.
03:34:39.040 | So it's like you do have to sort of screw up your,
03:34:42.400 | ideally, you screw up your courage,
03:34:44.680 | but then not necessarily get into the,
03:34:47.760 | it's like with the guy in Oklahoma.
03:34:49.520 | If you go in looking for the differences, you'll find them.
03:34:53.640 | You can amplify them.
03:34:54.840 | You can leave with this paralyzed sense
03:34:59.240 | of nothing having happened that was useful.
03:35:02.720 | Or you can find these nuggets.
03:35:04.720 | Everyone is a human being.
03:35:06.940 | I can't play the mind game
03:35:08.760 | of what I would have asked to Hitler.
03:35:11.360 | But-- - I play that mind game
03:35:14.480 | all the time, but that's for another conversation.
03:35:16.720 | - Yeah, yeah. - I had many in my family
03:35:19.680 | that have suffered under him.
03:35:22.880 | Nevertheless, he is a human being.
03:35:25.260 | - Yeah. - And people sometimes
03:35:28.320 | caricature Hitler saying like,
03:35:31.040 | that's when you mentioned Hitler,
03:35:32.280 | the conversation devolves. - Oh, right,
03:35:34.080 | you've got a certain point.
03:35:35.240 | - But I don't agree.
03:35:37.000 | I think sort of these extremes
03:35:38.560 | are useful thought experiments to understand.
03:35:40.760 | Because if you're not willing to take your ideals
03:35:43.160 | to that extreme, then maybe your ideals
03:35:47.480 | need some rethinking from a journalist's perspective,
03:35:51.000 | all that kind of stuff.
03:35:52.400 | - A number of years ago, my wife and I
03:35:53.720 | were with our veterinarian who was German born,
03:35:56.920 | Dr. Bach, B-A-C-H.
03:35:59.360 | We were talking about the dog and stuff,
03:36:00.560 | and then we were talking about Trump.
03:36:02.800 | And he just mentioned in passing,
03:36:03.960 | he said, "My mother voted for Hitler."
03:36:05.860 | Wow, that hit me like a brick.
03:36:09.040 | - Yeah.
03:36:09.880 | - Because it was so, at the very least,
03:36:13.400 | understanding how pathways that lead to
03:36:17.000 | people doing things like he did in "Ordered"
03:36:21.480 | is essential, and the only way to understand that
03:36:23.980 | is to dig in and ask questions and get uncomfortable.
03:36:28.980 | It still makes my hair prickle
03:36:30.120 | when I think back to him saying,
03:36:32.040 | yeah, my mom voted for Hitler.
03:36:33.800 | - That somehow makes it super real.
03:36:35.240 | Like, oh, yeah. - Yeah, wow.
03:36:37.080 | - Yeah, there's elections, there's real people
03:36:39.600 | living their lives.
03:36:40.880 | - Exactly, struggling with a broken economy
03:36:43.240 | and all kinds of things.
03:36:44.800 | - Having their own little personal resentments
03:36:48.120 | and all that kind of stuff.
03:36:49.840 | Let me ask you about presidents, American presidents.
03:36:52.480 | Who had a positive or negative impact
03:36:58.640 | on climate change efforts in your view?
03:37:01.280 | Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden,
03:37:03.800 | or maybe you could say that they don't have much of an impact.
03:37:06.120 | So, like, they, in public discourse,
03:37:09.200 | presidents have a kind of, maybe, disproportional,
03:37:14.200 | like, we imagine they have a huge amount of impact.
03:37:18.080 | How much impact do they actually have on climate policy?
03:37:23.020 | I don't know if you have comments on this.
03:37:25.760 | - Well, there is a background decarbonization rate
03:37:29.040 | that's happened for 150 years.
03:37:30.920 | You know, we move from wood to charcoal
03:37:34.640 | to coal to oil and gas is cleaner,
03:37:38.480 | it's more hydrogen, less carbon.
03:37:40.360 | And I asked recently, I asked some really smart scientists
03:37:44.680 | who study these long trajectories of energy.
03:37:47.760 | When you look at those curves,
03:37:48.840 | is there anything in that curve that says,
03:37:50.520 | oh, climate treaty, 1992?
03:37:53.000 | Oh, Paris?
03:37:55.800 | And it's really hard.
03:37:58.040 | Or China, I mean, when China came in
03:38:00.160 | with its huge growth in emissions,
03:38:03.400 | that created a bit of a recarbonization blip,
03:38:07.160 | but that was this huge growth in their economy.
03:38:08.920 | They pulled a bunch of people out of poverty.
03:38:11.520 | So, yeah, no, presidents don't really change anything.
03:38:15.040 | On timescales that we would measure,
03:38:17.440 | as meaning where you could parse it out,
03:38:19.640 | I think that's not to say that Obama's
03:38:23.560 | and the current focus on the stimulus that's happening,
03:38:27.960 | which includes a lot more money for research,
03:38:29.840 | et cetera, and innovation.
03:38:32.400 | I do think that will be beneficial in a very, very long run.
03:38:35.760 | But I have to say, when Obama stood up
03:38:38.680 | and took credit for reductions
03:38:42.920 | from moving from coal to gas because of fracking,
03:38:46.020 | that was actually Cheney who set that in motion.
03:38:49.760 | - I was thinking, I would say Bush,
03:38:51.840 | not because I like him or anything,
03:38:53.200 | but he's the guy who inadvertently started fracking.
03:38:57.400 | - It goes further back than that.
03:38:58.520 | It was a federal investment in fracking
03:39:00.000 | in the '60s and '70s,
03:39:01.040 | and then this one guy in Texas, right here in Texas,
03:39:03.920 | George Mischel, who cobbled together technology,
03:39:08.360 | and that led to this real dramatic change from gas to coal
03:39:13.360 | that mostly played out in the Obama years,
03:39:16.160 | but that really was stimulated
03:39:17.440 | by Cheney's early energy task force,
03:39:20.720 | 2001, when they were getting into office.
03:39:23.560 | And also, Bush did something interesting
03:39:25.640 | in the whole wonky climate treaty process.
03:39:30.840 | It was under Bush that they started to focus on sectors.
03:39:34.020 | Oh, and also on big emitters.
03:39:37.960 | This isn't about 200 countries.
03:39:40.400 | It's about basically eight or 10 countries.
03:39:43.320 | Let's get them into a room,
03:39:44.660 | and let's have these little subrooms
03:39:47.040 | on electrification, on mining, on whatever,
03:39:52.040 | and by parsing it out,
03:39:54.120 | and Obama picked up the same model.
03:39:55.760 | They had different names for it
03:39:56.960 | because presidents always name something different
03:39:58.920 | than the last president.
03:40:00.480 | One was the major economies forum,
03:40:02.160 | and then it was the major emitters, something or other,
03:40:05.820 | and that getting away from the treaty dots and dashes
03:40:09.480 | toward just sectoral, big sectors that matter,
03:40:13.960 | gas, electrification, makes a difference.
03:40:17.760 | But again, you couldn't ever measure.
03:40:20.100 | It's always the lag time would be a problem.
03:40:22.960 | - And also, I think one very under-reported fact,
03:40:27.840 | so the UNEP, the Environment Program,
03:40:30.400 | they come out with what they call a gap report every year
03:40:34.920 | where they estimate how much is the world doing
03:40:37.360 | compared to what should it or has it promised to do.
03:40:40.320 | - Emissions.
03:40:41.440 | - Yeah, and in 2019, so just before COVID hit,
03:40:45.960 | they actually did a survey of the 2010s,
03:40:49.240 | so the last big sort of report on how well are we doing,
03:40:52.800 | and their takeaway quote,
03:40:54.320 | and I'm not gonna get this right,
03:40:55.720 | but it's pretty much what they said was,
03:40:57.800 | "If you take the world as if we hadn't cared
03:41:01.560 | "about climate change since 2005,
03:41:04.900 | "we can't tell the difference between that world
03:41:09.000 | "and the world that we're actually living in."
03:41:11.680 | So despite the fact that we've had 10 years
03:41:14.120 | of immense focus on climate, and everybody talks about it,
03:41:18.760 | and the Paris Agreement,
03:41:19.920 | which is perhaps the biggest global sort of agreement
03:41:22.920 | on what we're gonna be doing, you can't actually tell,
03:41:25.960 | and that I think is incredibly important
03:41:29.480 | because what it tells you is all that we're doing
03:41:31.960 | is not even on the margin, it's sort of smaller than that,
03:41:35.240 | and I'm not sure what that is,
03:41:36.720 | but we're basically dealing in,
03:41:39.160 | for instance, the UK loves to point out
03:41:41.120 | that they have dramatically reduced their carbon emissions,
03:41:43.600 | and they have, they've really dramatically
03:41:46.040 | lowered their emissions,
03:41:47.400 | but mostly because they've de-industrialized.
03:41:50.100 | They basically said, "Look, we're just gonna be bankers
03:41:52.600 | "for all of you guys,
03:41:53.440 | "and then everybody else is gonna produce our stuff,"
03:41:56.360 | which of course is great for Britain,
03:41:58.200 | or I don't know if it's great for Britain,
03:41:59.800 | but we can't all do that,
03:42:02.320 | and so most of what we're trying to do right now
03:42:05.600 | is sort of this virtue signaling, it makes us feel good,
03:42:10.040 | it's sort of, yeah, on the margin,
03:42:11.840 | or in the very tiny margin, but what we basically,
03:42:14.680 | and that was, Andy, your point with China,
03:42:17.520 | and the reason why we can't tell the difference,
03:42:19.260 | of course, is because China basically
03:42:21.080 | became the workshop for everyone,
03:42:22.920 | and so not only did they lift
03:42:25.440 | more than half a million people out of poverty,
03:42:27.480 | sorry, half a billion, yes,
03:42:29.360 | half a billion people out of poverty,
03:42:31.200 | but they also basically took over
03:42:34.200 | most production in the world,
03:42:36.120 | and so of course, many rich countries could decarbonize,
03:42:40.720 | or at least reduce their carbon emissions
03:42:42.600 | and feel very virtuous about it,
03:42:44.200 | but fundamentally, we haven't solved
03:42:45.920 | how does the world do this,
03:42:48.000 | and that's why I think we're also left with this sense
03:42:50.600 | of not only are we being told
03:42:52.200 | this is an unmitigated catastrophe,
03:42:54.920 | and that's why this is the only thing
03:42:56.360 | we should be focusing on, but also somehow,
03:42:58.480 | and we can all fix it, and I don't think we have any sense
03:43:02.040 | of how hard this is actually gonna be,
03:43:04.200 | and that's, of course, why I would go back and say,
03:43:06.240 | look, the only way you're gonna fix this
03:43:07.920 | is through innovation, because if you have something
03:43:09.920 | that's cheaper than fossil fuels, you've fixed it.
03:43:12.280 | If you have something that's harder and costlier
03:43:16.040 | and more inconvenient, no, you're just not gonna make it.
03:43:19.720 | - And getting more time by cutting vulnerability.
03:43:23.400 | - Yes.
03:43:24.220 | - The pockets of vulnerability on the planet are huge,
03:43:26.240 | and they're identifiable, and you know what to do.
03:43:28.280 | - What are the biggest pockets of vulnerability?
03:43:30.600 | - Well, they're like-- - Infrastructure of cities?
03:43:32.600 | - No, it's where people are living
03:43:33.960 | and what their capacities are.
03:43:36.120 | - So moving people, how do you decrease
03:43:38.800 | the vulnerability in the world?
03:43:40.240 | What are the big-- - Affordable housing.
03:43:42.080 | One reason so many people moved out of San Francisco
03:43:45.120 | and adjacent cities into the countryside
03:43:47.560 | and then had their houses burned down
03:43:50.000 | is because they can't afford to live in the city anymore.
03:43:52.960 | So affordable housing in cities can limit exposure to,
03:43:57.200 | in that case, wildfire.
03:43:58.720 | Durban, South Africa, that terrible, devastating flood
03:44:01.700 | they had this year, past year, who was washed away?
03:44:05.480 | Poor people who don't have any place to live,
03:44:07.480 | so they settle in a floodplain along a stream bed
03:44:11.840 | that's livable when it's not raining buckets.
03:44:15.360 | And those are vulnerabilities that are there
03:44:17.840 | because of dislocation, housing.
03:44:21.080 | Tacloban, this typhoon that hit the Philippines terribly,
03:44:24.800 | ahead of the Paris talks, or was it the previous one?
03:44:27.000 | - No, it was in 2013, I believe.
03:44:29.520 | - Yeah, yeah, yeah, thousands died.
03:44:31.880 | Most of the stories that were written
03:44:34.320 | were framed around climate change
03:44:35.760 | because the Pope made a deal about it.
03:44:37.480 | It was just before the climate talks of that year.
03:44:41.320 | And what happened, partially why there were so many losses,
03:44:45.400 | was Tacloban City had quadrupled in population
03:44:49.760 | in the last 30 years,
03:44:50.680 | and most of the people coming into the city
03:44:52.320 | were poor, looking for work,
03:44:53.600 | and settling in marginal places
03:44:55.720 | where a storm surge killed them.
03:44:58.160 | So those are things we,
03:44:59.840 | whatever the we is in the different places,
03:45:03.940 | really can work on, and that gives more flex for sure,
03:45:07.040 | and thinking about having this long trajectory
03:45:09.800 | that seems so immovable and so hard,
03:45:11.520 | the decarbonization part, there's no excuse.
03:45:15.000 | I wrote a piece, I guess a year ago.
03:45:18.200 | I said there's a vulnerability emergency
03:45:20.060 | hiding behind this climate emergency label.
03:45:24.760 | That's really what needs work.
03:45:27.480 | - And also on the Tacloban,
03:45:28.920 | I mean, the hurricane that hit in 2013,
03:45:32.240 | there was almost a similar hurricane
03:45:34.160 | in the early part of the 1900s
03:45:37.640 | that hit pretty much the same strength,
03:45:40.800 | and it eradicated half the city.
03:45:42.480 | It killed half the city.
03:45:44.440 | And so what's happened since then
03:45:45.800 | is people just got much, much richer
03:45:48.720 | from early 1900 to 2013.
03:45:52.000 | We've just moved a lot of people out of poverty.
03:45:54.360 | Now it's a lot bigger.
03:45:55.200 | - And Bangladesh.
03:45:56.920 | Bangladesh is even a bigger example of that.
03:45:58.560 | In the 1970s, they had horrible cyclones,
03:46:01.280 | one of which was the Beatles,
03:46:02.720 | George Harrison's Concert for Bangladesh,
03:46:04.920 | great album that I still have somewhere.
03:46:08.120 | - What's the album? - Hundreds of thousands.
03:46:10.200 | He did a concert, a fundraising concert,
03:46:12.200 | the Concert for Bangladesh
03:46:13.400 | after this terrible cyclone tragedy hit Bangladesh,
03:46:16.680 | and I think there were several hundred thousand
03:46:18.560 | who were killed, and a couple like that around that time.
03:46:22.320 | Bangladesh has been hit by comparable storms recently,
03:46:25.520 | and it's terrible, every death is terrible,
03:46:27.440 | but it's like 123 deaths.
03:46:29.200 | And it's not just 'cause of wealth,
03:46:31.600 | it's 'cause people know what to do.
03:46:33.520 | It's because there's cell phones.
03:46:35.080 | It's because they have elevated platforms
03:46:37.400 | in many communities in the floodplains there
03:46:40.600 | that you know to get to.
03:46:41.920 | So they went from hundreds of thousands of deaths
03:46:44.720 | in a cyclone to 123.
03:46:47.400 | - When we were working with Bangladesh,
03:46:49.320 | it's no longer the problem of people dying,
03:46:52.200 | it's the fact that their cattle dies.
03:46:53.920 | So they want cattle places where you could herd your cattle.
03:46:57.560 | This is their capital, and it's not to make fun of it,
03:47:00.240 | but it's an amazing progress
03:47:01.800 | that you've stopped worrying about your parents dying
03:47:04.720 | and you worry about your cows dying.
03:47:06.240 | - And when I was talking about social innovation,
03:47:08.000 | the other hour, there's a model emerging in Bangladesh
03:47:10.760 | for farmers to move from raising chickens, poultry, to ducks.
03:47:14.640 | And it's working.
03:47:17.280 | And ducks actually fetch a higher price at the market.
03:47:19.920 | And guess what?
03:47:20.760 | When you get flooded-- - They survive.
03:47:22.960 | - You can still have your income and your future.
03:47:25.440 | - Let me ask you to give advice.
03:47:30.600 | Put on your sage, wise hat, and give advice to young people
03:47:35.520 | that are looking into this world
03:47:38.880 | and see how they can do the most good.
03:47:40.560 | We talked about what is the $1
03:47:44.040 | that can do the most positive improvement
03:47:47.280 | to lead to $40, $45, and so on.
03:47:51.640 | What advice would you give to young people
03:47:53.600 | in high school and college
03:47:56.120 | how to have a positive impact on the world?
03:47:58.880 | How to have a career they can be proud of?
03:48:01.240 | Maybe ask Bjorn first.
03:48:02.440 | And how to have a life they can be proud of?
03:48:06.120 | - So I think, and this really pretty well reflects
03:48:09.040 | the whole conversation we've had,
03:48:10.720 | we've gotta sort of take the catastrophism
03:48:14.400 | out of the climate conversation.
03:48:17.840 | And this really matters because a lot of kids
03:48:21.080 | literally think that the world is gonna end pretty soon.
03:48:24.280 | And that obviously makes any other kind of plan
03:48:27.960 | meaningless.
03:48:29.920 | So first of all, look, you're not gonna die.
03:48:32.720 | That poster that people, a lot of kids have,
03:48:36.960 | you're gonna die from old age,
03:48:38.280 | but I'm gonna die from climate.
03:48:39.480 | No, you're not.
03:48:40.760 | You're gonna die from old age
03:48:42.120 | and you're gonna die much older, very likely.
03:48:45.120 | So the reality is the world has improved dramatically
03:48:49.800 | and it's very likely to improve even more.
03:48:52.040 | So the baseline is good.
03:48:54.560 | This is just the facts.
03:48:56.480 | Then there's still lots and lots of problems.
03:49:00.440 | And what you should do as a young person is
03:49:02.760 | stop being paralyzed by fear
03:49:06.120 | and then realize what you can do
03:49:08.240 | is basically help humanity become even smarter.
03:49:12.280 | There's a lot of different places you can do.
03:49:14.400 | I mean, the obvious thing
03:49:15.520 | when you're talking about climate is
03:49:17.280 | what if you could become the guy
03:49:19.080 | that develops fourth generation nuclear?
03:49:21.920 | It's very likely it's something that
03:49:23.800 | neither of us know anything about right now,
03:49:26.080 | but develop the energy source
03:49:28.320 | that'll basically power the rest of humanity.
03:49:30.360 | How cool would that be?
03:49:32.080 | That's one of the many things you could do.
03:49:34.200 | But again, also remember there are lots and lots
03:49:36.920 | of other things that need solutions.
03:49:39.360 | So what about you become the guy that makes the,
03:49:42.680 | or the girl that makes the social innovation
03:49:46.120 | in Tanzania or in Kenya, sorry, in Kenya?
03:49:50.160 | Or what about if you become the person who finds a way
03:49:53.920 | that is a much cheaper, more effective way
03:49:56.640 | to tackle tuberculosis right now,
03:49:58.520 | it needs four to six months of medication.
03:50:00.840 | That one of the big problems is
03:50:02.400 | once you pop the pills and you're fresh,
03:50:04.800 | it's really hard to get people to do it
03:50:06.320 | for the other five and a half months, right?
03:50:08.280 | And you need that,
03:50:09.760 | otherwise you actually have a big risk
03:50:11.800 | of getting a multi-drug resistant tuberculosis,
03:50:15.920 | which is a real scourge on the earth.
03:50:18.200 | So, what if you develop that?
03:50:20.760 | So the truth is, not only can your life be much better
03:50:24.720 | when you sort of ditch that doomerism,
03:50:28.240 | but it also becomes much more possible
03:50:30.160 | for you to be a positive part of making sure
03:50:33.040 | that you do that progress.
03:50:34.280 | Why has the world improved so much?
03:50:36.440 | Because our parents and great grandparents,
03:50:39.560 | they made all this work.
03:50:41.240 | This was all their innovations and a lot of hard work.
03:50:44.560 | And I'm incredibly grateful that they've done it.
03:50:47.240 | But now it's kind of time to pay back.
03:50:49.280 | So, you got to do this for our grandkids.
03:50:53.360 | You got to make those innovations,
03:50:55.200 | make those policy opportunities
03:50:57.800 | that'll make the world an even better place.
03:51:00.960 | - Totally.
03:51:01.800 | And to me, there's never been a better time
03:51:06.040 | to be effective as a young person
03:51:08.440 | 'cause the internet, connectedness.
03:51:11.640 | You can brainstorm with someone in another country
03:51:15.160 | just as easily as you can brainstorm
03:51:16.480 | with someone down the block when we were kids.
03:51:19.240 | As I said earlier, my pen pal was letters taking weeks.
03:51:24.000 | And so the key properties, ideally,
03:51:29.640 | that young people would do well to cultivate are,
03:51:34.640 | well, certainly adaptability because change is changing.
03:51:39.800 | Not just, you know, the rate of change is changing.
03:51:42.520 | These layers of change are all piling up on each other.
03:51:46.280 | Having an ability to understand
03:51:49.520 | the information environment is a fundamental need now
03:51:53.240 | that wasn't a need when we were growing up.
03:51:55.400 | We read a few newspapers.
03:51:56.760 | My dad would turn on the nightly news
03:51:58.920 | and Walter Cronkite would say, "That's the way it is."
03:52:01.880 | I'd say, "That's the way it is."
03:52:03.840 | And that's so not the way the media environment is now.
03:52:07.600 | So courses in media literacy should be kind of
03:52:10.120 | fundamental parts of curriculum from like kindergarten on
03:52:14.240 | or parents can do the same thing.
03:52:16.320 | There's a woman at URI, University of Rhode Island,
03:52:18.480 | Renee Hobbs, who teaches a course in propaganda literacy.
03:52:21.380 | And she said, you know, the history of the word is not bad.
03:52:26.140 | Propaganda could be good.
03:52:27.280 | It's pro, it's for the church.
03:52:30.440 | She did a wonderful chat with me.
03:52:32.560 | She laid this out.
03:52:34.120 | But understanding when it is propaganda,
03:52:37.040 | like the tobacco, you know,
03:52:38.760 | there is hopefully a difference between that and that,
03:52:42.760 | but cigarette ads and journalistically acquired information.
03:52:47.760 | So key to everything Bjorn was talking about too
03:52:51.320 | is just understanding how to not be sucked
03:52:54.040 | into this information environment
03:52:55.520 | and spit out as a paralyzed, doomist entity.
03:53:00.280 | Because once you have an ability to step back,
03:53:03.540 | then you can use Twitter or whatever you're on
03:53:07.360 | to find people who might have a skillset you don't have
03:53:10.120 | that is something you need to do to incorporate,
03:53:14.200 | to harness, to do the thing you want to do in the world.
03:53:17.680 | Finding your way to make the world better.
03:53:19.680 | And it can have nothing to do with climate,
03:53:21.760 | but if it makes a few more people's lives better,
03:53:24.120 | then overall you're leading toward better capacity
03:53:26.480 | for all this stuff.
03:53:27.480 | So that, and then the climate problem,
03:53:29.120 | the prismatic giant nature of it
03:53:31.160 | is what makes it so daunting,
03:53:35.240 | but it's also what gives everybody an opportunity.
03:53:37.880 | Like there's something for artists, scientists, poets,
03:53:41.000 | everybody needs to get in the game.
03:53:43.800 | I just spent some time with Kim Stanley Robinson
03:53:46.320 | who wrote that book, "Ministry of the Future,"
03:53:47.800 | which is this sprawling novel about a worst case outcome
03:53:52.200 | where everyone in India is dying.
03:53:53.840 | So fiction can help experiment,
03:54:00.680 | different kinds of fiction, different kinds of arts
03:54:02.680 | can help us sort of experiment
03:54:04.480 | with what the future might look like in different ways.
03:54:06.240 | And just get started.
03:54:08.040 | And the other thing, unfortunately, that's needed,
03:54:10.480 | I think I first said this in 2008
03:54:13.960 | when someone asked me something about climate.
03:54:15.720 | I said, "Weirdly, you have to sort of have a sense
03:54:19.360 | "of urgency, but a sense of patience at the same time."
03:54:22.560 | Like, just roll those words around in your mind.
03:54:24.480 | Like, what does that mean?
03:54:25.600 | Urgent and patient, how could that possibly be?
03:54:27.960 | But actually it really is the reality.
03:54:32.440 | There is an urgency with this building gas
03:54:34.600 | that's cumulative, that doesn't go away like smoke
03:54:37.000 | when it rains.
03:54:39.160 | And every year that happens, it's adding to risk.
03:54:42.960 | And you can kind of wake up completely freaked out urgent,
03:54:46.340 | but when you realize energy transitions take time,
03:54:49.200 | then you have to sort of find patience
03:54:50.800 | or whatever your word is for that.
03:54:53.360 | - Yeah, I think you have to oscillate back and forth
03:54:55.320 | throughout the day, having a sense of urgency
03:54:57.880 | when you're trying to actually be productive and patient
03:55:02.040 | so you can have a calm head about you
03:55:03.760 | in terms of putting everything into perspective.
03:55:06.520 | And like you said, with information, that is interesting,
03:55:10.380 | especially in the scientific community.
03:55:11.800 | I think you've spoken about this before.
03:55:13.800 | That there is some responsibility,
03:55:16.600 | or at least an opportunity for scientists
03:55:19.280 | to not just do science, but to understand the dynamics
03:55:22.180 | of the different mediums in which information is exchanged.
03:55:25.720 | So it could be Twitter for a few years,
03:55:28.020 | then it could be TikTok, then it could be,
03:55:31.280 | I'm a huge believer in the power of YouTube
03:55:33.520 | over the next several years, perhaps decades.
03:55:39.000 | I mean, it's a very interesting medium for education
03:55:42.360 | and communication and for debate and that's grassroots.
03:55:46.640 | That's from like the bottom up,
03:55:48.720 | that every scientist is able to communicate their work.
03:55:52.440 | And I personally believe have the responsibility
03:55:55.040 | to communicate their work.
03:55:56.360 | If anything, the internet made me realize
03:56:00.400 | that science is not just about doing the science,
03:56:04.720 | it's about communicating it.
03:56:06.160 | Like this is not some kind of virtue signaling on my part.
03:56:11.440 | - No, no, no.
03:56:12.280 | - No, like I feel like if the tree falls in the forest
03:56:15.760 | and nobody's around to hear it, it really didn't fall.
03:56:19.440 | Like that's not, there should be a culture of,
03:56:22.600 | well, at MIT, there's a place called the Media Lab.
03:56:27.920 | - Yes, sir.
03:56:28.760 | - Where they really emphasize,
03:56:31.160 | like you always be able to demo something,
03:56:35.040 | to show off your work.
03:56:35.960 | They really emphasize showing off their work.
03:56:37.760 | And I think that was in some part criticized
03:56:41.040 | in the bigger MIT culture that,
03:56:42.800 | that's like being focusing too much on the PR
03:56:47.360 | versus doing the science.
03:56:49.000 | But I really disagree with that.
03:56:50.560 | Of course, there's a balance to strike.
03:56:52.560 | You don't want to be all smoke and mirrors,
03:56:54.280 | but there really is a lot of value to communication
03:56:57.800 | and not just sort of some broad,
03:57:01.800 | you almost don't want to teach a course on communication
03:57:04.400 | because by the time you teach the course, it's already too late.
03:57:06.720 | It's always being on top of how, what is the language?
03:57:11.720 | What is the culture and the etiquette?
03:57:13.880 | What is the technology of communication that is effective?
03:57:17.640 | - Yeah.
03:57:18.480 | - I actually had a big conversation about that
03:57:20.680 | in my university because I think,
03:57:22.920 | and this is perhaps especially true for social sciences,
03:57:26.160 | but I think it's probably true for everyone,
03:57:28.440 | just simply communicating what it is that you've done
03:57:30.880 | in research makes it possible for you
03:57:32.880 | to sort of get an outsider's perspective and see,
03:57:35.240 | did I just go into an incredibly deep hole
03:57:39.040 | that just three other people really care about in the world?
03:57:42.120 | Or is this actually something that matters to the world?
03:57:44.720 | And being able to explain what it is that you've done
03:57:47.640 | to everyone else makes,
03:57:49.760 | my sort of sense is if you can't say it
03:57:52.440 | in a couple of minutes, it's probably,
03:57:54.640 | it's not necessarily true,
03:57:56.360 | but it's probably because it wasn't all that important.
03:57:59.000 | - There was a hashtag generated maybe seven years ago
03:58:03.280 | by a Caltech PhD candidate woman,
03:58:06.800 | and it was fantastic.
03:58:09.400 | The hashtag was #iamascientistbecause,
03:58:13.000 | and she posted it with a picture of herself
03:58:14.800 | with her answer, you know?
03:58:16.900 | And that, when I talk to scientists,
03:58:19.040 | or basically anybody about communicating,
03:58:21.580 | I say don't start with I am a phytologist,
03:58:26.580 | and I use a spectrophotometer to do X.
03:58:30.740 | Start with I am a scientist because
03:58:34.020 | the world is endlessly interesting,
03:58:36.020 | and I just found these salamanders,
03:58:39.340 | which are gonna vanish if we don't stop this fungus
03:58:42.660 | from coming to the United States, utterly interesting.
03:58:45.300 | And then you've got people hooked.
03:58:47.620 | But it's the motivation part,
03:58:49.020 | 'cause everyone grew up as a kid,
03:58:50.700 | and a kid is basically like a scientist.
03:58:52.260 | Wow, what the hell is this?
03:58:53.300 | How does this work?
03:58:54.540 | So you can connect with people that way.
03:58:56.820 | But this other issue you broached is really important,
03:58:59.460 | and what I love about MIT particularly,
03:59:01.980 | I spent a lot of time there over the decades,
03:59:04.020 | not just talking to the hurricane guy,
03:59:06.540 | Amy Smith, who has the development lab
03:59:08.340 | in the basement there somewhere.
03:59:09.540 | - Most of MIT looks like it's the basement,
03:59:11.620 | but yes, it's part of the charm.
03:59:14.620 | - But it's a usability function
03:59:16.500 | is part of a lot of that goes on there.
03:59:18.780 | It's engineering and science.
03:59:20.320 | And it reminds me, in 1997,
03:59:23.740 | these two very different scientists,
03:59:25.780 | Dan Kamin at Berkeley and Michael Dove at Yale,
03:59:28.660 | wrote a manifesto, and it was
03:59:32.460 | the virtues of mundane science.
03:59:35.120 | That's what they called it.
03:59:36.180 | It was a prod to the scientific community to,
03:59:38.460 | actually, it's about useful, utility.
03:59:41.020 | 'Cause the whole arena is set up to advance your career
03:59:44.540 | through revealing new knowledge
03:59:47.540 | that will get you tenure someday.
03:59:49.180 | And actually doing useful science is disincentivized.
03:59:53.980 | Having a conversation,
03:59:54.820 | and especially if it involves more than one discipline.
03:59:58.740 | 'Cause as a young scientist,
04:00:00.200 | there were some postdocs at Columbia
04:00:04.020 | wrote this other manifesto paper saying,
04:00:06.340 | "Here are the things universities need to do
04:00:09.260 | "to foster the collaborative capacity we need
04:00:11.660 | "to have sustainable development."
04:00:14.220 | And it was like four or five things
04:00:15.560 | that universities don't do.
04:00:17.840 | Give you time to become fluent.
04:00:19.960 | And for a physicist to talk to an anthropologist
04:00:24.960 | and understand how anthropology works with sociology
04:00:28.120 | takes time.
04:00:28.960 | And then building a relationship with a community
04:00:30.620 | that has a problem that you wanna fix takes time.
04:00:34.000 | And so you do these quick turnaround papers
04:00:37.400 | that get you toward your little micro career goal,
04:00:40.400 | but they're not actually getting you
04:00:41.920 | what you want in the world.
04:00:43.680 | Those are really hard problems going forward.
04:00:45.480 | But starting with that idea of usability,
04:00:47.560 | what can I do with my skill sets?
04:00:49.640 | You know, a lot of great physicists I know
04:00:51.120 | are dug in on string theory and stuff.
04:00:53.600 | And someone has to dig in on that too.
04:00:55.720 | But I'd like to have them pull a little bit
04:00:57.280 | of their brain power away to think about
04:00:59.640 | some of the practical things Bjorn thinks about too.
04:01:02.440 | - So the two of you have been thinking
04:01:06.240 | about some of the biggest questions,
04:01:08.640 | which is life here on Earth.
04:01:11.360 | The history of life here,
04:01:12.520 | the future of life here on Earth.
04:01:14.960 | Of Earth itself.
04:01:17.200 | And how to allocate our resources
04:01:21.040 | to alleviate suffering in the world.
04:01:23.240 | So let me ask the big question.
04:01:24.920 | What do you think is the why of it all?
04:01:27.920 | What's the meaning of it?
04:01:29.280 | What's the meaning of our life here on Earth?
04:01:31.520 | (laughing)
04:01:33.840 | - You waited 'til the last moment to ask us that question.
04:01:37.840 | - Yes, in case there's,
04:01:41.320 | yeah, in case I can trick you into finding an answer.
04:01:44.880 | - Well, so I mean, again, I'm just gonna take a stab
04:01:49.400 | in this because I think in some ways
04:01:52.040 | it's the same thing that you were talking about before.
04:01:55.600 | It's not about getting everybody sort of in the same track
04:01:58.520 | and all agree on something.
04:02:00.440 | But it's about getting a lot of people
04:02:02.240 | with very different goals and targets
04:02:05.320 | and ways of thinking about the world
04:02:07.520 | to go in the same direction.
04:02:09.480 | So for me, the goal of life, certainly my goal,
04:02:14.480 | but I think for most people,
04:02:16.640 | is to make the world a better place.
04:02:18.600 | It sounds incredibly pedestrian
04:02:21.080 | because it's become so overused,
04:02:22.760 | but that really and literally is the point.
04:02:25.020 | Your point of your life is to,
04:02:28.680 | when one of your friends is sad,
04:02:31.120 | to make sure that they sort of get out of that
04:02:33.040 | and find out why they're sad
04:02:35.080 | and maybe move them a little bit in the right direction.
04:02:38.040 | And all the things that we've talked about,
04:02:40.680 | stop people from dying from tuberculosis
04:02:43.120 | and live longer lives and fix climate change,
04:02:46.120 | but fix it in such a way
04:02:48.480 | that we actually use resources smartest
04:02:50.840 | because there are lots of problems.
04:02:52.080 | So let's make sure we deal with them adequately.
04:02:55.960 | This is very unsexy in some sense,
04:02:59.640 | but I think it's also very basic and really what matters.
04:03:03.400 | - Well, biologically evolution has demanded
04:03:08.400 | that life is about finding sources of energy
04:03:12.800 | and perpetuating yourself, right?
04:03:14.800 | So that's the baseline.
04:03:15.960 | And that's led us into a bit of a bollocks
04:03:19.560 | because we have this easy energy
04:03:22.480 | that's come from the ground so far,
04:03:24.280 | but our brilliance has given this larger awareness
04:03:30.840 | of everything about the planet is transitory.
04:03:35.320 | And so how do you work with that productively
04:03:39.160 | is really an important question.
04:03:41.080 | I could just sort of try to be as rich as possible
04:03:44.400 | and use as much energy as possible and have other people.
04:03:49.240 | I mean, Alex Epstein, I think, again,
04:03:50.680 | this is one of the constraints on my support
04:03:52.480 | for what he says is he's just talking about growth
04:03:56.160 | and progress in that sense,
04:03:58.480 | but there are consequences
04:04:00.320 | and there are long-term trajectories here
04:04:02.080 | that have to be taken into account too.
04:04:04.440 | So what do you wake up to do?
04:04:07.040 | To me, it's finding your part of this.
04:04:10.300 | And as Bjorn said,
04:04:12.360 | finding a way to pursue and expand betterment.
04:04:16.560 | When I taught, I was at Pace University for six years,
04:04:19.540 | and one of the courses I launched there
04:04:22.040 | was called "Blogging a Better Planet."
04:04:23.920 | And it was for grad students mostly in communication.
04:04:27.440 | It wasn't an environment, it wasn't like better planet,
04:04:29.880 | like save the climate.
04:04:31.880 | But my task for the students was to blog
04:04:33.880 | about something they're passionate about, first of all,
04:04:36.000 | 'cause you can't do this,
04:04:36.880 | just like you can't do your conversations
04:04:38.640 | if you don't wake up in the morning
04:04:39.680 | wanting to do what you're doing, right?
04:04:41.600 | You're doing this.
04:04:42.720 | I used to call myself a selfish blogger
04:04:44.480 | because I was learning every day.
04:04:45.720 | I still am.
04:04:46.880 | I love this.
04:04:47.720 | My wife laughs, she thinks I work too much,
04:04:51.480 | but I'm always asking those questions, like sustain what?
04:04:54.960 | So my charge to the students was harness a passion,
04:04:59.200 | build a blog, either alone or with others,
04:05:02.800 | that notches the world a little bit
04:05:05.400 | towards some better outcome.
04:05:07.200 | And so there was a musician who did a thing on music,
04:05:10.200 | musicians who use their art for their work
04:05:12.760 | for making the world better.
04:05:14.400 | Some of it was like music therapy,
04:05:16.680 | bands contributing money, whatever.
04:05:18.560 | Another one did, her blog was on comfort food
04:05:22.020 | all around the world.
04:05:22.920 | And I thought it was my favorite.
04:05:24.040 | It was a video.
04:05:25.200 | See, I think it should be viral, actually.
04:05:27.880 | It was like looking at the world,
04:05:30.040 | every different cultures.
04:05:32.000 | She was in Queens, so every culture,
04:05:34.120 | every cuisine is there in Queens, 200 countries, right?
04:05:38.160 | But she would go and talk to people's moms
04:05:39.520 | and have them cook the food of that country
04:05:41.360 | that's their comfort food.
04:05:42.480 | I mean, I just love this 'cause we all need to eat
04:05:45.200 | and you're getting this expanded sense of what comfort is
04:05:49.120 | by thinking about what other cultures choose.
04:05:52.120 | And that felt like a great course
04:05:54.320 | 'cause it was not directive.
04:05:55.840 | It was just, it gave them this potential to go forward.
04:05:59.320 | I'd love to think they've all gone on to become a superstar,
04:06:02.200 | whatever it is, I don't know.
04:06:03.600 | That's the giving, that's the letting go part.
04:06:06.360 | Even if one did something special,
04:06:08.680 | then that makes me feel job done.
04:06:10.440 | And after I'd been writing about climate for 30 years,
04:06:15.560 | 2016-ish, I did a lot of writing about what did I learn,
04:06:20.560 | unlearn and stuff.
04:06:22.240 | And I had had a stroke in 2011, which was interesting.
04:06:26.200 | It was the first time I really thought about my brain.
04:06:29.140 | You don't think about your brain on a day-to-day basis,
04:06:32.880 | but this is my brain telling me,
04:06:34.760 | ding, ding, ding, ding, some weird shit's happening.
04:06:38.000 | And when I was thinking about climate
04:06:40.000 | or confronting climate change,
04:06:40.920 | it felt like some of the things I learned
04:06:42.480 | about my own existence, I'm gonna die,
04:06:45.760 | but you don't really absorb that.
04:06:48.000 | - Is that the first time you kind of faced your mortality?
04:06:49.680 | - That was like my first, like,
04:06:51.160 | yeah, this is really the shit,
04:06:53.400 | or at least deep disability, if not death,
04:06:55.520 | and that ability is transitory.
04:06:59.800 | And I thought about the climate problem.
04:07:01.840 | We're not gonna solve the global warming problem,
04:07:03.760 | at least not in our lifetimes.
04:07:05.480 | But you work on making those trajectories sustainable,
04:07:10.480 | the end of life particularly.
04:07:13.080 | You work on making sure other people don't get strokes
04:07:16.440 | if they can avoid it.
04:07:17.280 | In my case, I wrote about it.
04:07:18.840 | I was blogging about my stroke while I was having it.
04:07:21.800 | I was tweeting about it.
04:07:22.640 | There's a funny tweet that's kind of mistyped
04:07:25.440 | because things weren't working.
04:07:27.480 | - Wow, Co-PP?
04:07:28.960 | - Yeah, yeah, yeah, right, right, right.
04:07:31.480 | So that's like share your knowledge, share your learning.
04:07:34.400 | And everyone can do this now, like on whatever platform.
04:07:37.640 | And then there's also this like giving up part,
04:07:41.640 | but not in a depressing,
04:07:43.320 | well, maybe you could call it depressing.
04:07:45.760 | I started to Zoom in years ago
04:07:47.920 | on the idea of the serenity prayer, the sobriety thing.
04:07:50.920 | It's like know what you can change, know what you can't.
04:07:54.120 | - Grant me the serenity to accept the things
04:07:56.480 | that cannot change, the courage to change the things
04:07:59.160 | that can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
04:08:02.520 | - Yeah, see, those three properties
04:08:04.560 | are really important right now.
04:08:06.560 | Some aspects of this, we know absolutely
04:08:08.840 | what we can work on, cutting vulnerability.
04:08:11.560 | Energy transitions take time.
04:08:13.560 | Science can help us discriminate the difference.
04:08:17.680 | And that's an iterative changing landscape going forward.
04:08:21.320 | But at the same time, science,
04:08:26.440 | like I personally on climate modeling,
04:08:28.760 | or like narrowing how hot it's gonna get,
04:08:31.720 | or more clarity on when an ice sheet is gonna collapse.
04:08:36.040 | I think those are what I call known unknowables.
04:08:38.080 | So being able to, I've seen enough evidence
04:08:41.400 | that those are deeply complex problems
04:08:44.240 | that we're not gonna get there quickly.
04:08:45.640 | So then that gives you a landscape to act on.
04:08:47.960 | And that, whether you bring God into the mix is irrelevant.
04:08:51.920 | It's really know what you can change, know what you can't,
04:08:55.160 | and that gives you the quality to work on them.
04:08:58.480 | And serenity is comfort with that this is transitory,
04:09:03.200 | that the human journey, like anyone's individual journey,
04:09:08.200 | will have some end.
04:09:11.520 | That doesn't mean it has to be near.
04:09:13.680 | This Anthropocene that I've been writing about
04:09:15.440 | for decades can still be a good Anthropocene,
04:09:20.440 | or at least a less bad one in terms of how we get through it.
04:09:23.760 | - And you're also a musician, so in context,
04:09:27.160 | one of my favorite songs of yours, an album,
04:09:30.960 | "A Very Fine Line," I should mention that
04:09:34.160 | with the stroke coming close to death,
04:09:37.280 | the lyrics here are quite brilliant, I have to say.
04:09:39.680 | - Oh yeah.
04:09:40.520 | - It's a very fine line between winning and losing,
04:09:43.920 | a very fine line between living and dying,
04:09:46.320 | a very fine line, by the way, people should listen to this.
04:09:48.880 | I can't play this because YouTube will give me trouble.
04:09:52.400 | A very fine line between loving and leaving.
04:09:55.540 | Most of your life you spend walking a very fine line,
04:09:58.880 | and the rest of the lyrics are just quite brilliant.
04:10:01.920 | It is a fine line.
04:10:03.520 | - Yeah.
04:10:04.360 | - I'm glad you walked it with me today, gentlemen.
04:10:06.840 | You're brilliant, kind, beautiful human beings.
04:10:10.800 | Thank you so much for having this quote-unquote debate
04:10:13.560 | that was much more about just exploring ideas together.
04:10:16.840 | Bjorn, thank you so much.
04:10:18.720 | And Andy, thank you so much for talking today.
04:10:21.400 | - You know, these kinds of extended conversations
04:10:25.360 | are the more of it the better,
04:10:27.040 | and finding ways to spread that capacity
04:10:31.480 | just to get people out of this win-lose thing
04:10:33.640 | is really important, so thanks for what you're doing.
04:10:35.360 | - Yeah.
04:10:36.600 | - Thanks for listening to this conversation
04:10:38.160 | with Bjorn Lomborg and Andrew Refkin.
04:10:40.840 | To support this podcast, please check out our sponsors
04:10:43.360 | in the description.
04:10:44.840 | And now, let me leave you with some words
04:10:46.960 | from Henry David Thoreau.
04:10:49.280 | "Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads."
04:10:54.280 | Thank you for listening, and hope to see you next time.
04:10:57.200 | (upbeat music)
04:10:59.800 | (upbeat music)
04:11:02.400 | [BLANK_AUDIO]