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Full Length Episode | #172 | February 10, 2022


0:0 Cal's intro
0:53 Cal's January Books
22:0 Implementing the Deep Life
28:50 Policy Genius and Centered
33:59 Physical vs. e-books
38:49 Finding hobby motivation
45:52 Asking for help
53:42 Deep Student life
59:42 Magic Spoon and ExpressVPN
64:50 Deep work for a new father

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (upbeat music)
00:00:02.580 | I'm Cal Newport, and this is Deep Questions, episode 172.
00:00:11.760 | Here in my Deep Work HQ,
00:00:17.080 | joined as always by my producer, Jesse,
00:00:21.900 | and we've got ourselves a good old fashioned
00:00:24.740 | listener calls episode, which I am looking forward to.
00:00:29.260 | Now, this is the first recording session
00:00:32.480 | that we have done in the month of February.
00:00:34.760 | We're doing this, I don't know what today is,
00:00:36.280 | February 4th, maybe, February 5th, something like that.
00:00:40.020 | So you know what that means,
00:00:40.920 | if it's the first session in a new month,
00:00:43.760 | we should take some time to talk about
00:00:45.840 | the books I read in the preceding month.
00:00:49.400 | We're trying to make that a habit here on the show.
00:00:53.600 | So I thought we would start things off today
00:00:55.560 | talking about the five books I read in January 2022.
00:01:00.560 | Quick background on that,
00:01:05.640 | I usually aim to read around five books a month,
00:01:08.840 | and the two things I do to accomplish this goal is,
00:01:11.440 | one, I make reading more of a default activity.
00:01:14.020 | So instead of looking at a phone or a tablet
00:01:17.320 | for random online distraction,
00:01:19.640 | I make looking at a book my default activity.
00:01:22.220 | And two, I read a wide variety of books
00:01:25.380 | of different styles, different genres,
00:01:28.820 | different levels of difficulty
00:01:30.160 | so that it doesn't become tedious
00:01:31.440 | or doesn't become too much of a chore.
00:01:33.500 | I don't care what format, audio, Kindle,
00:01:37.140 | hardcover, whatever, just keep reading.
00:01:40.380 | I also believe in not overthinking what you read.
00:01:42.960 | Just reading a lot of interesting stuff
00:01:44.500 | is better than having some sort of carefully curated list
00:01:47.860 | with which you're trying to impress people.
00:01:50.300 | All right, so let's get into it.
00:01:51.360 | The books I read in January 2022.
00:01:55.540 | So those who have followed this segment
00:01:58.500 | in previous months know I've been on a kick recently
00:02:02.180 | of reading books that have to do
00:02:04.020 | with the entertainment industry.
00:02:05.180 | I'm not sure why, I just like that genre.
00:02:08.780 | I did some cinema books,
00:02:11.100 | I've done some biographies of directors.
00:02:15.440 | My entry in this sequence of books for January
00:02:20.060 | was Will Smith's new biography, which is titled "Will",
00:02:25.060 | which I actually quite enjoyed.
00:02:27.820 | Now, "Will" is co-authored,
00:02:29.820 | Will Smith co-authored it with Mark Manson,
00:02:34.180 | who you might know as the author
00:02:37.740 | of the subtle art of not giving an F word, that book,
00:02:42.740 | which sold, and I'm using the official terms here, Jesse,
00:02:47.000 | all the copies.
00:02:48.580 | That's what I have here.
00:02:49.780 | I have here on my official notes.
00:02:51.420 | It sold, that book sold an absurd number of copies.
00:02:54.060 | I'm talking like 18 million copies.
00:02:56.500 | It's a crazily successful book.
00:02:59.020 | So he co-authored, so Will Smith, I think,
00:03:01.060 | liked the subtle art and asked Mark
00:03:04.320 | to co-author "Will" with him.
00:03:06.580 | The way I learned about this is Mark told me,
00:03:10.440 | it's a pretty small world,
00:03:11.700 | Jesse, you could probably imagine this to be the case.
00:03:14.060 | There's only so many of us that are sort of in our 30s
00:03:17.340 | or now late 30s now who write pragmatic nonfiction books
00:03:22.340 | for major publishers.
00:03:23.580 | There's a group of us,
00:03:25.020 | and we all kind of know each other, right?
00:03:26.660 | Because we're all like the same age.
00:03:28.900 | We all sort of write the same thing.
00:03:30.220 | So Mark is in that group.
00:03:31.500 | Ryan Holiday is in that group.
00:03:33.020 | Tim Ferris is in that group.
00:03:34.460 | James Clear is in that group.
00:03:35.780 | I'm in that group.
00:03:37.480 | So we all know each other.
00:03:38.320 | So a few years ago, Mark was giving a talk.
00:03:42.380 | He was doing a lecture tour.
00:03:43.380 | He was giving a talk here in the DC area,
00:03:45.860 | actually kind of near to where I live, near here.
00:03:47.780 | He was in Silver Spring was the talk at the Fillmore,
00:03:50.100 | which is near Tacoma Park.
00:03:52.140 | So I was like, well, just come hang out,
00:03:53.140 | like before your talk.
00:03:54.540 | So he came and we wandered the streets of Tacoma Park
00:03:56.980 | and just talked as one does.
00:04:00.700 | And I remember him telling me,
00:04:01.740 | he's like, here's what I'm working on now,
00:04:04.500 | a biography with Will Smith.
00:04:07.100 | I was like, well, that's crazy.
00:04:08.180 | That's interesting.
00:04:09.020 | Not at all what I thought you were going to say.
00:04:10.660 | And it sounded awesome.
00:04:12.420 | He was like, yeah, Will's method was he would be like,
00:04:16.740 | hey, Mark, I'm going somewhere cool.
00:04:20.020 | Do you want to just come with me?
00:04:21.420 | And he would just bring them and they could just chat
00:04:23.260 | when they had downtime.
00:04:25.100 | I thought that was the coolest thing.
00:04:26.780 | I was like, all right, go for it.
00:04:28.980 | And the book is good.
00:04:30.740 | It's good.
00:04:31.560 | I sent Mark a note about this.
00:04:33.100 | It's really hard to write these memoirs
00:04:34.660 | 'cause you have to capture like a unique voice
00:04:38.020 | and you need to be psychologically self-reflective
00:04:41.740 | and yet also capture how did the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
00:04:44.620 | become a show.
00:04:45.460 | And I thought it did it really well.
00:04:47.420 | I'm actually surprised this book
00:04:48.620 | has not gotten more critical love.
00:04:51.740 | So I sent Mark a note and said,
00:04:52.740 | I think you did a great job.
00:04:53.700 | This is a hard book to write.
00:04:54.700 | I couldn't have done this.
00:04:55.620 | And so I really enjoyed it.
00:04:57.020 | That'd be my analysis.
00:05:00.060 | Have I told you my Will Smith story?
00:05:02.380 | - No, I want to hear it.
00:05:03.460 | - All right, so I was in my first year,
00:05:07.220 | maybe my second year of graduate school at MIT.
00:05:09.860 | And I had just published "How to Win at College"
00:05:11.940 | and "How to Be a Straight A Student."
00:05:14.200 | And I got contacted by Will's people.
00:05:18.940 | And maybe it was Jaden at the time.
00:05:21.160 | One of his kids was, you know,
00:05:24.060 | of the age where you care about grades,
00:05:27.800 | like junior high or something.
00:05:28.700 | And they're like, can you come like down to Miami
00:05:31.240 | and like just talk with Will about how to study
00:05:33.820 | and how to do whatever.
00:05:35.360 | And do you play golf?
00:05:37.940 | I remember like, you want to just come down to the golf course
00:05:39.460 | and for various reasons, it didn't work out.
00:05:41.180 | But I remember--
00:05:42.020 | - Do you play golf?
00:05:42.840 | - I don't play golf.
00:05:43.680 | And I told him, I was like,
00:05:44.520 | I cannot go to a golf course with Will Smith.
00:05:46.980 | When I literally, I would be holding,
00:05:49.620 | this would be the scene, right?
00:05:51.060 | So Will Smith would walk in superhero shape, you know,
00:05:54.420 | like everyone's just happy to see him there.
00:05:57.500 | He's incredibly competitive.
00:05:58.500 | So he's probably been at that point
00:06:00.320 | getting one-on-one golf training.
00:06:02.540 | - He's going to gamble with you, get you nerves.
00:06:03.940 | - Gambling, yeah, let's gamble with me.
00:06:06.180 | I'm going to walk out there.
00:06:07.220 | He's like, I'm glad you're here, Cal.
00:06:09.020 | And then he's going to say, I don't mean to interrupt,
00:06:12.000 | but you're holding the golf club upside down.
00:06:14.760 | That's not a handle.
00:06:16.120 | That's the face of the golf club
00:06:17.820 | you're supposed to hit it with.
00:06:18.860 | Point two, I think our business here is done.
00:06:21.700 | And that's how that would have played out.
00:06:22.740 | That would not have been good.
00:06:23.780 | That would not have been good.
00:06:25.400 | But I like his, I like that attitude though of like,
00:06:28.260 | okay, you have a problem.
00:06:30.060 | Like, I want to help my kid with studying.
00:06:32.100 | Nice situation to be in.
00:06:33.500 | To be like, all right, so who's the guy
00:06:35.780 | who's like top at study strategies right now?
00:06:38.400 | Let's get him down here.
00:06:39.260 | And I don't know if Will Smith had anything to do with,
00:06:42.060 | like, that could have been his people.
00:06:43.260 | He might've just told someone like,
00:06:44.620 | can you find someone to come talk to me?
00:06:46.100 | And they will come down.
00:06:46.940 | - So did you go down there?
00:06:47.760 | - I didn't go down there.
00:06:48.600 | - Because of golf or because you were busy
00:06:50.180 | with other stuff?
00:06:51.260 | - Yeah, yeah.
00:06:53.420 | I mean, also like, I'm not a one-on-one tutor, you know?
00:06:57.700 | - Yeah, yeah.
00:06:58.540 | - Like, you know, I get it.
00:06:59.380 | I don't fault people for trying to get the best,
00:07:03.200 | best for their kids, but like, it just felt weird to me.
00:07:05.940 | I was like, I don't know, man.
00:07:06.940 | I'm like a doctoral student here at MIT
00:07:09.620 | trying to do whatever.
00:07:10.900 | I don't, and I'm not good at one-on-one tutoring.
00:07:13.140 | That's not my thing.
00:07:14.020 | You know me, if I'm not in front of a microphone,
00:07:15.980 | I'm weird and antisocial.
00:07:17.220 | - That's not true.
00:07:19.180 | - Yeah, anyways, that did not make it to the book.
00:07:21.100 | So I flipped to that.
00:07:23.260 | I didn't see that in the book.
00:07:24.140 | And so I threw it out.
00:07:24.980 | No, but it was a good book.
00:07:25.800 | I really enjoyed Will.
00:07:27.060 | You know, that gets a driven guy.
00:07:30.700 | It's just a driven guy.
00:07:32.420 | - All those people make it to that level are so driven.
00:07:34.500 | It's insane.
00:07:35.500 | - The thing about that personifies Will Smith
00:07:38.700 | that I learned in that book is
00:07:40.500 | he hired a Monopoly coach at some point
00:07:44.500 | just because they played Monopoly a fair amount.
00:07:46.900 | And he's like, I want to be the best at Monopoly
00:07:49.620 | and hired a professional Monopoly player, which exists.
00:07:53.300 | The tournament player to drill him
00:07:56.980 | until he could like for sure dominate his family
00:08:00.940 | when playing Monopoly.
00:08:02.040 | I think that tells you everything you need to know, right?
00:08:04.820 | About why he was the biggest superstar in the world.
00:08:06.660 | It's just, there was a driven mentality
00:08:08.940 | of like, let's get after it.
00:08:10.100 | Like, I don't want to lose, you know, which I,
00:08:12.760 | all of these guys and women that are
00:08:14.740 | at the top of their field, the same way.
00:08:16.940 | Like if I'm going to play Monopoly, I'm going to win.
00:08:19.340 | - Yeah, they're extremely competitive business athletes.
00:08:22.740 | - Yeah.
00:08:23.580 | All right.
00:08:24.400 | So I liked that book.
00:08:25.240 | Then I read, oh, I should say good audio book too.
00:08:27.060 | They do clips and audio, like his songs.
00:08:31.020 | We was talking about his songs.
00:08:32.100 | Like they play the audio of the songs.
00:08:33.860 | It's actually, it's well, well produced audio book.
00:08:35.780 | All right.
00:08:36.620 | So I actually did two books in January
00:08:39.180 | that had to do with the entertainment industry.
00:08:41.060 | The other one was "The Late Shift,"
00:08:44.020 | which was a book that came out, I guess in the 2000s
00:08:48.860 | or the nineties about the battle between Jay Leno
00:08:53.180 | and David Letterman to see who was going to get
00:08:54.900 | the "Tonight Show" after Johnny Carson retired.
00:08:58.260 | And the reason why, it was actually the show,
00:09:01.900 | our show that motivated me.
00:09:03.700 | It's like, I actually would be interested to find out more
00:09:05.820 | about this world of late night TV and how these,
00:09:09.060 | how these top performers crafted these shows
00:09:12.540 | and tried to build audiences.
00:09:13.820 | And that was actually my inspiration.
00:09:16.220 | Interesting book there.
00:09:18.500 | What I learned is Dave Letterman
00:09:20.380 | was a huge broadcasting talent, right?
00:09:23.420 | So his show was incredibly original
00:09:25.940 | and he was pushing the medium.
00:09:28.100 | He was very much understood the medium of visual television
00:09:31.540 | and would do things with the camera
00:09:33.100 | and take it different places
00:09:34.260 | and had a very distinctive voice.
00:09:35.700 | So he was a huge talent.
00:09:37.500 | Jay Leno didn't have that talent so much,
00:09:40.500 | but what Jay would do was the monologue.
00:09:43.780 | And that was his whole thing.
00:09:45.260 | We're going to, the jokes in the monologue
00:09:47.260 | are going to be top-notch and topical.
00:09:50.260 | And it's going to be longer than Letterman's monologue
00:09:53.100 | by far, it's going to be longer than Carson's monologue was.
00:09:56.340 | And he was all about the monologue.
00:09:58.220 | And that in the end sort of won the late night war.
00:10:01.100 | The people just, let me just turn over
00:10:03.380 | and see like really funny jokes
00:10:04.740 | about what's going on in the news.
00:10:06.620 | I was a huge Letterman fan,
00:10:08.460 | huge Letterman fan in the nineties.
00:10:10.540 | Me and my friends got tickets.
00:10:11.940 | We went out to the Ed Sullivan Theater.
00:10:13.340 | I've seen him perform back when he was doing the show,
00:10:15.860 | but it was like smart, weird,
00:10:18.780 | wry, eccentric humor, beautifully done.
00:10:22.220 | In the end, what won that late night war was just,
00:10:24.980 | I want like a really good Clinton joke.
00:10:28.820 | And so it was fascinating, fascinating book.
00:10:31.260 | And the other thing I learned from that is like,
00:10:32.620 | it's incredibly hard to run a late night show,
00:10:35.500 | just to not come across as weird on camera.
00:10:39.940 | Like to be someone who can be on screen like that
00:10:42.020 | for 90 minutes and the audience stays with you,
00:10:44.900 | it's just really hard to do.
00:10:46.500 | And so if you were one of the few people who could do it,
00:10:49.180 | they would just dump truck money at your house.
00:10:51.820 | Like the money involved in this was crazy.
00:10:54.100 | Leno was getting 7 million and that jumped up.
00:10:56.700 | Letterman was in the teens per year,
00:10:58.900 | 15 plus million dollars per year in the nineties
00:11:01.580 | because no one could do this.
00:11:04.380 | People tried and it was a debacle.
00:11:06.580 | But like, if you could, you got all the money basically.
00:11:09.600 | - Are they around equally wealthy?
00:11:12.420 | - Yeah, they're just super rich.
00:11:15.300 | - Yeah.
00:11:16.140 | - Yeah, they both just got really wealthy.
00:11:17.740 | All right, moving away from books
00:11:20.560 | about the entertainment industry.
00:11:22.580 | I read this book, which we've talked about on the show now
00:11:24.840 | multiple times in the last few weeks,
00:11:27.100 | How to Take Smart Notes.
00:11:28.680 | And so this was the book about Zettelkasten note-taking.
00:11:33.020 | And I mean, I don't know if this is true,
00:11:35.800 | but I think it was one of the books that helped bring
00:11:38.940 | the details of this method to an English-speaking audience.
00:11:43.140 | So the author is drawing from research
00:11:46.620 | that was done in Germany, where they were studying
00:11:50.040 | the productivity of the sociologist, Luhmann,
00:11:52.940 | who used this Zettelkasten method to great effect
00:11:55.800 | and had this incredibly productive academic career.
00:11:57.900 | And then this team from the University of Berlin
00:12:00.500 | was trying to study how is he so productive.
00:12:02.460 | And they're like, oh, it's this note-taking system.
00:12:04.100 | So this was kind of a German thing.
00:12:06.700 | And How to Take Smart Notes brought the concept over
00:12:10.860 | to English-speaking audiences.
00:12:13.140 | This book took a long route to get to me.
00:12:16.420 | Actually, one of my readers sent it to me
00:12:18.980 | at some point early in the pandemic.
00:12:21.660 | Now, Georgetown was pretty, they shut down for a long time.
00:12:26.620 | Long story short, Georgetown shut down for a long time.
00:12:28.820 | So I don't know how long this book,
00:12:30.300 | someone at some point, someone put it in my office
00:12:32.220 | with a big stack of mail, but I was gone for a year.
00:12:34.700 | They shut down, more than a year.
00:12:36.460 | I mean, they shut down in March of 2020.
00:12:39.340 | And I was back in my office in the fall of '21,
00:12:43.220 | like five months ago, right?
00:12:45.260 | And so there's a whole stack of mail, and this was in there.
00:12:48.740 | So it might've been in my office for a year.
00:12:50.780 | And the whole thing got water damaged.
00:12:52.340 | There had been a flood and so,
00:12:53.780 | but I rescued from the stack this book
00:12:55.540 | that a reader had sent me.
00:12:57.700 | And it's really cool.
00:12:59.340 | It's always interesting.
00:13:00.180 | So if you're interested in the Zettelkasten stuff
00:13:01.700 | we're talking about, that's the book.
00:13:02.940 | That's the book, it's short.
00:13:04.500 | It gets into it.
00:13:05.740 | It's incredibly optimistic.
00:13:07.460 | It has this Lumen philosophy of,
00:13:09.620 | if you have your system right, writing becomes effortless.
00:13:12.580 | Listeners know I don't quite buy that,
00:13:14.380 | but it is the right introduction, I believe,
00:13:16.620 | into that type of note-taking.
00:13:20.580 | All right, moving on now.
00:13:22.500 | Then I read "The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything."
00:13:26.820 | So this was a nonfiction book that basically surveyed
00:13:33.220 | for a popular audience, Jesuit theology,
00:13:38.740 | and tried to extract lessons from the different parts
00:13:43.140 | of Jesuit theology that would be applicable
00:13:45.980 | to a large crowd, including large secular crowd.
00:13:50.060 | I'm at a Jesuit university, I figured I should know more
00:13:52.980 | about Ignatian spirituality,
00:13:54.540 | so I read "The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything."
00:13:57.100 | So it's really advice-y.
00:13:59.420 | So it'll be, okay, here is something that we Jesuits do,
00:14:02.940 | but here's why this is important,
00:14:04.300 | and here's why, whether you're a Catholic or not,
00:14:06.860 | or religious or not, you should think about
00:14:08.260 | doing these type of things in your life.
00:14:09.460 | That's the general format of this book.
00:14:12.300 | And it was pretty good.
00:14:13.700 | It was long, but it was good.
00:14:16.820 | It was good to get a nice survey and history
00:14:18.820 | of the Jesuit order.
00:14:21.940 | You also got a pretty good insight biographically
00:14:24.340 | into what it's like to join a monastic order,
00:14:28.900 | like what that process is like,
00:14:30.180 | what life is like as a Jesuit,
00:14:32.020 | like what that's actually like.
00:14:33.180 | And the author, Father Donovan, gets into it.
00:14:37.940 | Here's what it's like, here's the hard parts,
00:14:39.420 | here's why I did it, here's how old I was.
00:14:41.580 | Kind of interesting.
00:14:42.420 | - You and Ferris kind of had a religious conversation
00:14:45.540 | when you were on his podcast yesterday or two days ago.
00:14:48.900 | - Yeah, yeah, we got into it, yeah.
00:14:51.820 | Yeah, we were joking about it before
00:14:53.020 | because we had a similar conversation with Lex Fridman
00:14:55.100 | that for some reason, for the tech podcast crowd,
00:14:58.100 | I've become the sounding board for thinking
00:15:00.820 | through the role of religion in your life.
00:15:02.260 | It's an interesting role.
00:15:04.340 | Maybe because I'm one of the few commentators
00:15:07.220 | in that space that will just talk religion straight up
00:15:11.500 | and just treat it as something to think about
00:15:13.460 | and look through its advantages.
00:15:15.300 | I mean, there was such a powerful, not to digress,
00:15:17.260 | but there was such a powerful impact on that space
00:15:21.100 | caused by the new atheist in the 2000s
00:15:24.220 | that has, like it really boxed in religion,
00:15:27.900 | especially if you're a Silicon Valley type,
00:15:29.940 | to like an untouchable thing.
00:15:31.940 | And that box is only now, I think, starting to dissolve.
00:15:35.860 | Like people are taking tentative steps,
00:15:37.580 | people who are hardcore tech or whatever.
00:15:40.340 | Let me just think a little bit more about religion.
00:15:42.980 | But for a while, it was the new atheist,
00:15:46.940 | Dawkins and Dennett and Harris had just packaged that up
00:15:51.180 | and it was sort of intellectually unavailable.
00:15:52.700 | So it's interesting to see it come back.
00:15:55.580 | Honestly, I think it was probably Jordan Peterson
00:15:57.820 | that his rise and fall and rise again or whatever,
00:16:01.860 | I think had a big impact on shaking loose
00:16:06.100 | the new atheist grip on religion
00:16:10.420 | in certain types of circles.
00:16:12.180 | That's my best guess.
00:16:13.900 | And I think what we forget about the new atheist
00:16:16.180 | is that they were a reaction in large part to the Bush era.
00:16:20.940 | So for the younger people listening,
00:16:24.180 | they might not have this background,
00:16:27.140 | but like new atheism in 2003,
00:16:29.700 | when you're writing this type of stuff,
00:16:31.220 | like new atheism,
00:16:32.060 | you had two really strong motivating factors.
00:16:35.860 | You had the 9/11 attack.
00:16:37.260 | So this was this big, strong, motivating factor,
00:16:40.700 | especially for people like Harris about,
00:16:43.300 | religious fundamentalism just leads to terrible things.
00:16:45.700 | Why are we tolerate it?
00:16:47.140 | And you had the sort of elite liberal reaction to George W
00:16:52.140 | and the evangelicals that helped him get elected.
00:16:56.660 | And so it was like very counter,
00:16:58.540 | it was counter-cultural back then.
00:16:59.780 | Like you were pushing back against this,
00:17:01.500 | especially when he got reelected in 2004,
00:17:03.460 | a lot of people felt like,
00:17:05.340 | "Man, there's this religious majority
00:17:07.300 | and I'm rejecting that."
00:17:10.260 | Like religion's no good or whatever.
00:17:11.700 | So there was a counter-cultural feel to it.
00:17:13.380 | And then the cultural whole flipped, everything flipped.
00:17:15.700 | And now to be religious is,
00:17:18.500 | now you're in the cultural minority
00:17:20.660 | and have very little cultural leverage.
00:17:24.620 | And I think it's in that environment
00:17:25.900 | that that box around religion
00:17:28.140 | starting to open up a little bit.
00:17:29.220 | So I don't know why I'm the person
00:17:31.180 | people are asking about this.
00:17:32.660 | Talk to Father Donovan.
00:17:35.100 | That's the guy you should talk about.
00:17:37.260 | I don't know why people ask me,
00:17:38.420 | but I just think it's interesting
00:17:39.620 | that it's a conversation now,
00:17:40.900 | that Ferris is interested.
00:17:42.540 | Basically, I felt like he was saying,
00:17:44.860 | "I can't be religious, but maybe I should be religious."
00:17:47.740 | - I think he was just looking for your advice
00:17:49.500 | on certain things on how to, as you would term it,
00:17:52.060 | live a deep life and be fulfilled, to be quite honest.
00:17:55.660 | 'Cause I mean, I've listened to every single one
00:17:56.900 | of his podcasts and I think he's got a lot organized,
00:18:00.780 | but I think he's trying to figure some stuff out too.
00:18:02.340 | And you have a lot organized
00:18:03.380 | and you can bounce the ideas off him.
00:18:05.140 | I think you just wanted to, you're well-read, obviously.
00:18:08.460 | - Yeah, yeah, so anyways, that was interesting.
00:18:10.380 | That was interesting.
00:18:11.220 | So that's a trend to keep an eye on,
00:18:12.900 | is the, maybe this is all just cyclical.
00:18:16.340 | Things like religion come and go, come and go,
00:18:17.980 | and in cycles you have flips in the cultural mainstream.
00:18:22.220 | All right, final book from January, 2022.
00:18:25.140 | It was called "Giants."
00:18:26.540 | I don't have the subtitle here,
00:18:28.740 | but so "Giants" is a dual biography
00:18:32.420 | of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.
00:18:36.380 | And so it contrasts their life,
00:18:40.820 | and of course in the end they then become intertwined.
00:18:44.100 | Their lives actually collided
00:18:45.540 | during the Civil War presidency of Lincoln.
00:18:47.980 | This is a book, so this was written
00:18:50.500 | by John Stoffer at Harvard.
00:18:52.860 | And I don't know why I haven't read it yet.
00:18:56.340 | So I'm a big Lincolnophile, I read a lot of Lincoln.
00:18:58.940 | This is a signed copy of the book
00:19:00.580 | that I've had since it came out in earlier in the 2000s,
00:19:03.940 | because when we were in Cambridge,
00:19:06.500 | when I was at MIT, my wife worked with John Stoffer's wife
00:19:12.620 | at a history education-focused nonprofit.
00:19:15.300 | So John was always doing events
00:19:18.620 | and was kind of intertwined in that world.
00:19:21.020 | We babysat for his kids and stuff like that.
00:19:23.860 | And so when this book came out,
00:19:25.220 | we went through the book release.
00:19:26.260 | I have a signed copy from him.
00:19:27.820 | Big Lincoln fan, never read the book until now.
00:19:30.500 | I don't know why.
00:19:31.340 | It's fantastic, it's really good.
00:19:32.620 | I mean, it's very hard for scholars sometimes
00:19:36.220 | to be able to write in a way that is accessible.
00:19:39.780 | I thought it was very accessible, but very smart.
00:19:41.820 | And just, I know it won some awards and rightly so.
00:19:44.340 | So I'm glad, basically, I guess I'm glad
00:19:45.900 | that I finally got around to reading Giants.
00:19:48.780 | I think it's a really good profile of that age,
00:19:51.220 | that period leading up to the Civil War,
00:19:54.500 | and that contrast between Douglas coming out of slavery
00:19:58.220 | and trying to define himself
00:19:59.940 | and make his way in what he faced,
00:20:01.700 | and then Lincoln coming out of the rural frontier poverty
00:20:06.420 | and how their views evolved over time.
00:20:09.260 | It was really well handled in a very readable way.
00:20:11.820 | So, thumbs up to Giants.
00:20:14.120 | Thumbs up to Giants as well.
00:20:17.180 | There you go, Jesse, those are my five books.
00:20:20.260 | Let's see, it's November 4th or 5th?
00:20:23.100 | - 4th. - 4th, okay.
00:20:24.380 | I'm almost done with my second book of February.
00:20:26.420 | - I was just gonna ask you that.
00:20:27.260 | - Yeah, progress is coming.
00:20:28.100 | - I was like, how many have you done in February?
00:20:30.380 | - I'm almost done with my second.
00:20:31.660 | Well, I have a beast of a book I'm working on.
00:20:33.820 | I started it back in January, 600 pages,
00:20:36.520 | and I'll talk about it when we get there.
00:20:39.540 | But I'm just working on that a bit at a time.
00:20:42.180 | So I'm front-loading a little bit.
00:20:43.820 | I don't know if I'm gonna finish it in February or not,
00:20:45.500 | though, it's a beast.
00:20:46.340 | It's 600 pages, but 600 pages of dense writing,
00:20:50.340 | and I'm taking my time with it
00:20:51.380 | because I really like this book.
00:20:52.820 | So I'm kind of front-loading some other reading
00:20:55.620 | to see if I can't get this done in February,
00:20:57.660 | I'll get it done in March.
00:20:59.700 | And I'm going to Florida in a little bit,
00:21:01.740 | so that'll give me some good reading time too.
00:21:03.300 | So I feel good about February, I'm on track.
00:21:06.860 | - Less days.
00:21:08.300 | - That's true though, less days, yeah.
00:21:10.700 | Yeah, you gotta get after it.
00:21:12.180 | All right, well, speaking of getting after it,
00:21:14.900 | let's do some listener calls.
00:21:18.300 | So who do we have here first?
00:21:19.880 | - All right, so our first call is from Jeff.
00:21:24.380 | Basically has a deep life question.
00:21:26.540 | He wants an example from you, so we'll take a listen,
00:21:29.300 | see what he has to say.
00:21:30.460 | - Hi Cal, my name is Jeff and I am an IT consultant.
00:21:38.460 | I've been a big fan of yours ever since,
00:21:40.180 | So Good They Can't Ignore You.
00:21:42.340 | And I've read similar books, such as Ultra Learning,
00:21:45.100 | Peak Performance, Grit, and Atomic Habits.
00:21:48.780 | These books are full of practical advice
00:21:51.180 | on how to improve learning and skills
00:21:53.000 | and contribute to the deep life.
00:21:54.580 | However, I find myself never implementing them.
00:21:57.500 | What kind of strategy would you suggest using
00:22:00.240 | to incorporate concepts found in books of this genre?
00:22:03.920 | How long should one try something new
00:22:05.820 | before deciding it doesn't work for them?
00:22:08.820 | And I think it would be great if you can give an example
00:22:11.020 | of a habit or advice you once read about
00:22:13.660 | and then incorporated into your daily life.
00:22:16.460 | Thank you.
00:22:17.300 | - So Jeff, the systematic advice I give
00:22:23.540 | for laying the foundation for a deep life,
00:22:26.500 | integrating new ideas into the deep life
00:22:28.780 | is based on the deep life buckets.
00:22:31.780 | I think that's exactly what you need
00:22:33.000 | for what you're talking about here.
00:22:35.140 | You define the different areas that are important to you
00:22:37.140 | living a life well lived.
00:22:39.520 | We call these the deep life buckets.
00:22:41.740 | The standard examples we give, for example, is craft,
00:22:45.100 | which is the things you produce, your work,
00:22:46.860 | the things you build.
00:22:48.220 | Constitution, which is your health and fitness,
00:22:50.180 | community, your connection to people that are around you
00:22:53.780 | and that matter to you, and contemplation,
00:22:55.860 | theology, ethics, and philosophy,
00:22:57.560 | just as a starting point.
00:22:59.580 | But you have your areas that are important to you.
00:23:02.840 | Then you wanna have a keystone habit in each of these areas,
00:23:06.500 | something you do every day.
00:23:07.600 | So this is where when you learn new things
00:23:11.820 | could be integrated into what this keystone habit is.
00:23:14.800 | And that's a warmup.
00:23:16.100 | So now you say, okay, I'm in the habit of doing
00:23:19.100 | optional activity in each of the areas of my life
00:23:23.140 | that are important on a regular basis,
00:23:24.640 | even though I don't have to.
00:23:26.040 | So you're signaling to yourself,
00:23:27.980 | I take these parts of my life seriously.
00:23:30.020 | Then you dedicate four to six weeks
00:23:31.820 | to each of these buckets, one by one,
00:23:33.540 | to say, now I'm gonna do a more systematic overhaul
00:23:36.580 | of that part of my life,
00:23:37.580 | where I might remove multiple things out of my life
00:23:41.580 | related to that bucket that are just in the way,
00:23:43.000 | that are cluttered, that are taking up time,
00:23:44.660 | streamline, and then I might add into it
00:23:46.680 | or refine the things I do in that part of my life
00:23:49.700 | so I get a maximum value return.
00:23:51.340 | So it's all about focusing on things that are high return
00:23:54.120 | and avoiding the things that don't give you much return
00:23:56.140 | or get in the way.
00:23:57.120 | That is exactly where you can be integrating new advice.
00:23:59.660 | So just do this once a year.
00:24:02.000 | I suggest doing it in the lead up to your birthday.
00:24:04.560 | That's the way I like to think about this.
00:24:06.380 | You're doing an overhaul in the months
00:24:07.820 | leading up to your birthday,
00:24:08.660 | and that's where you can look at what's working,
00:24:10.780 | what's not working in each of the areas of your life,
00:24:13.180 | integrate new ideas, integrate new systems,
00:24:16.140 | integrate new habits.
00:24:18.060 | That's what I would recommend.
00:24:19.900 | All right, in terms of examples from my own life,
00:24:23.860 | things that I've integrated or not integrated,
00:24:26.620 | let me think about that.
00:24:31.220 | I'm thinking in my mind,
00:24:32.140 | if you wanna know what's going on here,
00:24:33.220 | I'm thinking through my mind in different categories.
00:24:38.220 | You know, like I've had a pretty major,
00:24:40.640 | pretty major constitution,
00:24:44.460 | so health and fitness overhaul,
00:24:45.880 | I do those, you know, every once in a while,
00:24:48.580 | and I've done, I put a lot of time into that.
00:24:51.660 | So I gave it its four to six week focus
00:24:53.900 | to overhaul somewhat recently.
00:24:56.440 | And so there's a few things I do.
00:24:58.880 | So the keystone habit,
00:25:00.740 | the keystone habit I do now is there's a tracking habit
00:25:03.960 | where I track the, as I've done before,
00:25:07.300 | the exercise I do, like what did I do today?
00:25:10.740 | And the steps I take, I had been doing that.
00:25:13.040 | I added to it weight every morning.
00:25:16.220 | You gotta look at it, look at the number,
00:25:19.100 | and that's, you know, you gotta face it.
00:25:21.220 | Best motivator is a very powerful keystone habit.
00:25:23.740 | You have to face it, and you know you have to face it.
00:25:26.060 | And it can really keep you away from, you know,
00:25:29.900 | I should not be eating this or drinking this as much.
00:25:32.300 | And so that was a keystone habit.
00:25:34.220 | Then I've had a pretty radical overhaul
00:25:36.060 | in terms of my actual fitness.
00:25:37.900 | I'm going through a rowing program.
00:25:41.660 | I have a Concept2 rower,
00:25:43.140 | and the stave off the winter,
00:25:46.240 | can't be outside as much,
00:25:47.380 | blues and not get as much sunshine, blues.
00:25:50.020 | I have a daily, it's a daily rowing program
00:25:52.700 | where it's every day, here's the workout you're doing,
00:25:54.340 | here's the workout you're doing.
00:25:55.220 | So that gives me flashbacks from my old college crew days.
00:25:58.820 | I've replaced, I always have a baseline
00:26:00.860 | of doing a thousand pull-ups a month,
00:26:04.220 | but I've now added into it,
00:26:06.740 | I think I have that right, a thousand, yeah, 36.
00:26:08.660 | Am I doing that math right, Jesse?
00:26:09.940 | 36 a day.
00:26:11.480 | - That's solid.
00:26:12.320 | - Yeah, and I've always done that.
00:26:13.940 | But now I'm actually doing workout routines beyond that.
00:26:19.220 | But let me tell you, just to walk you through this,
00:26:21.860 | to me, that's all just breaking the seal.
00:26:23.740 | So this was what I was gonna be doing in January.
00:26:25.940 | I'm doing it now January through February
00:26:27.300 | because I hurt my back in January,
00:26:28.580 | so I got a slow start.
00:26:29.940 | I'm just breaking the seal.
00:26:31.980 | I'm getting used to like, I'm doing a rowing workout.
00:26:36.980 | I'm getting used to doing like real workouts
00:26:38.680 | beyond just my pull-ups or whatever.
00:26:40.520 | All of that is just to get me used to that
00:26:42.460 | being a non-trivial part of my life
00:26:43.980 | so that then I can upgrade that
00:26:46.020 | when we get later in February.
00:26:48.180 | And so now I wanna do some serious training.
00:26:50.980 | But I didn't wanna jump straight into serious training.
00:26:52.780 | I figured I had to overhaul my life
00:26:54.620 | to that that's a big part of my day
00:26:56.540 | and I'm used to it and I'm in that groove
00:26:59.460 | and I'm doing hard work every day,
00:27:01.700 | somewhat randomly, but I'm doing it, right?
00:27:04.200 | And then when I'm done doing that for a month or two,
00:27:07.120 | then I'm gonna say, now I can up my game.
00:27:10.060 | And actually, Jeff, my idea is I wanna train for something.
00:27:12.940 | I don't know what yet,
00:27:14.560 | but that is an example of deep life thinking.
00:27:17.060 | That's me focusing on the constitution bucket.
00:27:19.380 | So I'm turning 40 this summer
00:27:22.560 | and I figure I really gotta start caring
00:27:24.140 | about my health and fitness more
00:27:25.300 | because that's the age for men where a lot of things,
00:27:28.140 | a lot of things go downhill.
00:27:30.020 | And so there's a high leverage moment
00:27:32.540 | to be in really good shape.
00:27:34.380 | And so that's, I made that whole overhaul plan
00:27:37.800 | and that's just for the constitution bucket.
00:27:41.140 | And now that plan's kind of operating.
00:27:42.580 | So now I can, there's other buckets I could think about.
00:27:44.740 | That's an example of what those overhauls look like.
00:27:47.220 | I should get your advice.
00:27:50.100 | So when the time comes, Jesse, I'll get your advice.
00:27:52.300 | Jesse knows about gyms and exercise.
00:27:55.420 | So he'll get me.
00:27:57.060 | That's what we should do with the HQ.
00:27:59.020 | Should we just have it be essentially like a gym?
00:28:01.660 | - We can put a pull-up bar in.
00:28:04.980 | - We should put a pull-up bar in.
00:28:05.820 | - You can just put one right in the door.
00:28:08.220 | - Can I tell you something about pull-up bars?
00:28:09.440 | Those ones you just put in the doors
00:28:11.180 | that are supposed to somehow like counter,
00:28:12.900 | just counter lever in and you can use them.
00:28:14.880 | I've never in my life got that to work.
00:28:16.640 | - Really? I have one at my house.
00:28:17.720 | I've had it forever.
00:28:18.560 | - Where it just like, there's no screws or anything.
00:28:20.580 | It's just, I must be doing it wrong.
00:28:22.420 | - Yeah, it works great.
00:28:23.260 | I've had it for years.
00:28:24.140 | - I must be doing it wrong.
00:28:25.060 | 'Cause I've had multiple of these
00:28:26.420 | 'cause I've been doing pull-ups ever since I was,
00:28:28.860 | left 22 and left college.
00:28:30.340 | It was a rowing thing, right?
00:28:32.900 | I've never got it to work.
00:28:33.860 | I'm like, there's no way this is gonna work.
00:28:35.060 | I put it up there and it just drops to the ground.
00:28:36.860 | Like, how am I supposed to do pull-ups on this thing?
00:28:39.180 | I'm doing something wrong.
00:28:40.160 | All right, we got to figure that out.
00:28:42.600 | We will start doing pull-ups here.
00:28:44.520 | Anyways, thanks for that question, Jeff.
00:28:45.840 | All right, now, before we move on to our next call,
00:28:48.640 | we wanna take a moment to actually talk about the sponsors
00:28:52.360 | that makes this show possible.
00:28:54.700 | Pull-up bars aren't just given out for free on the street.
00:28:58.340 | They actually cost money.
00:28:59.540 | So we do need to have some sponsors for this show.
00:29:02.640 | And our first sponsor is Policy Genius.
00:29:07.880 | Now, Policy Genius is a one-stop shop
00:29:11.520 | to find and buy the insurance you need.
00:29:16.280 | We're talking here home and auto coverage.
00:29:18.520 | Policy Genius can help you save money
00:29:21.140 | on how much you are paying.
00:29:23.080 | It's really easy to do.
00:29:24.300 | You go to and answer a few questions.
00:29:28.900 | Policy Genius then shows you price estimates
00:29:31.180 | for different policies that fits what you need.
00:29:34.380 | You can just look at it right there and say,
00:29:35.960 | is any of these cheaper than what I'm paying?
00:29:38.640 | Now, they're pretty good at finding you good deals
00:29:40.720 | at Policy Genius.
00:29:41.600 | They will look, for example, at bundles.
00:29:43.880 | Maybe you have home insurance bundled
00:29:45.560 | with your auto insurance and the whole thing gets cheaper.
00:29:48.460 | But if you do this, you are probably going to save money.
00:29:53.200 | Jesse, quiz for you.
00:29:54.800 | What do you think the average amount per year
00:29:58.080 | Policy Genius saves their users
00:30:00.720 | over what they were paying before
00:30:02.160 | in home and auto insurance?
00:30:04.960 | - I think the average monthly for insurance
00:30:06.880 | for like a new car is probably, what, 600?
00:30:10.120 | And then they probably save, six to $800 they save?
00:30:13.840 | - 1,250.
00:30:15.980 | So they do a good job.
00:30:17.240 | Now, here's the thing.
00:30:18.080 | Jesse's numbers are biased because his truck,
00:30:21.240 | which I believe is 75 years old
00:30:24.440 | and is 65% rust, his pickup truck,
00:30:28.880 | I believe the insurance cost on that
00:30:31.580 | is like $17 a year or something.
00:30:34.560 | - $200 a year.
00:30:35.400 | - $200 a year.
00:30:36.220 | So he's a little bit biased.
00:30:38.440 | He's not exactly driving a brand new,
00:30:42.120 | I don't even know cars.
00:30:42.940 | I don't know what a fancy car is,
00:30:43.880 | a brand new Bentley or something.
00:30:45.640 | But if you don't have a truck that's 75 years old,
00:30:48.320 | you could be saving a lot of money
00:30:49.780 | if you go to
00:30:52.920 | Keep in mind, their team works for you,
00:30:55.900 | not the insurance companies.
00:30:57.620 | So you can trust them to offer you unbiased help.
00:31:00.920 | Help, no extra fees.
00:31:02.940 | They don't sell your information to third parties.
00:31:05.480 | They've helped over 30 million people.
00:31:08.480 | So head to
00:31:10.820 | to get your free home and auto insurance quotes
00:31:13.540 | and see how much you could save.
00:31:16.120 | Now, Jesse, our other sponsor here,
00:31:18.440 | we were talking about him on Monday's episode.
00:31:20.120 | I was excited about this sponsor is Synerd,
00:31:22.920 | C-E-N-T-E-R-E-D, Synerd,
00:31:26.600 | a application for productivity.
00:31:29.200 | You run this software on your Mac.
00:31:31.720 | You run this software on your Windows computer,
00:31:34.160 | and it helps you do better, less distracted, deeper work.
00:31:39.160 | Now, as I said, they have a few different features.
00:31:42.640 | They bring all your to-dos together in one place.
00:31:44.840 | They have this great library of ambient music
00:31:47.560 | to help you focus.
00:31:49.160 | Their, the founder of the company I was talking to him
00:31:51.880 | was telling me people love the music, right?
00:31:53.340 | You get used to the music.
00:31:54.700 | You get used to this music means it's time to work.
00:31:57.740 | They have a do not disturb mode on your Mac,
00:32:01.600 | which I really love.
00:32:03.080 | So it keeps people from being able to bother you,
00:32:05.280 | which I think is by itself worth all the money you would pay
00:32:09.000 | for a service like this.
00:32:10.560 | And it has a virtual coach that nudges you to,
00:32:14.760 | hey, wait a second,
00:32:15.600 | let's bring your attention to back
00:32:16.720 | to what you're working on.
00:32:18.200 | I've told you, Jesse,
00:32:19.120 | I love these type of productivity apps.
00:32:20.720 | I hate this idea that productivity software
00:32:22.760 | is all about just getting quicker access to information
00:32:25.960 | and faster communication.
00:32:27.000 | No, productivity software should be about
00:32:29.600 | helping you get the best work out of your brain
00:32:32.000 | to do your best work.
00:32:33.760 | And that is what Synerd does.
00:32:36.820 | And look, if you're not using Synerd,
00:32:38.560 | as we talked about on Monday,
00:32:39.640 | your only other option is to basically hire me
00:32:43.000 | to come stand over your shoulder and yell at you,
00:32:46.880 | get deep.
00:32:47.920 | Every time I see you try to check your email
00:32:50.120 | or every time I try to see you check Slack
00:32:51.640 | and no one wants that.
00:32:52.600 | - It's probably not going to happen
00:32:53.560 | because you didn't do it for Will Smith.
00:32:54.800 | So you're not going to do it for, you know, somebody else.
00:32:56.640 | - If I didn't help Will Smith,
00:32:58.480 | I'm not going to help you get more productive.
00:33:00.200 | So you have no other choice, but to use Synerd.
00:33:04.040 | I am very excited about this product.
00:33:06.320 | I'm glad it exists.
00:33:07.160 | So you can download Synerd today
00:33:09.040 | at
00:33:13.040 | Use that promo code deepquestions
00:33:14.560 | to get a free month of Synerd.
00:33:16.480 | And that free month will come with
00:33:17.960 | all of the premium features.
00:33:20.400 |
00:33:25.720 | - All right.
00:33:26.840 | Well, speaking about productivity,
00:33:28.760 | we should probably keep going here.
00:33:30.080 | Let us move on to our next listener call.
00:33:32.520 | - All right, the next question's from Brian from DC actually
00:33:36.920 | and it's kind of fitting 'cause he's got a question,
00:33:39.280 | goes into detail about physical versus eBooks.
00:33:41.720 | And I know you brought it up before,
00:33:42.760 | but he talks about some good stuff.
00:33:44.480 | So let's take a listen.
00:33:46.040 | - Hi Cal, my name is Brian.
00:33:51.120 | I'm a lawyer down in Washington, DC.
00:33:52.520 | So I guess in a way we're neighbors.
00:33:55.000 | This question has nothing to do with my profession,
00:33:56.880 | but I heard you're looking for more questions,
00:33:58.240 | so I thought I'd give this one a shot.
00:34:00.120 | I'd be curious to hear your thoughts
00:34:01.120 | on eBooks versus physical books.
00:34:03.640 | Instinctually, I always prefer physical books.
00:34:05.960 | I like seeing them on bookshelves.
00:34:07.760 | I like the visual reminder of the books I've read
00:34:10.200 | and the thoughts I've digested.
00:34:11.760 | And perhaps most importantly,
00:34:14.120 | I like the idea that maybe my kids will see them
00:34:16.680 | and be exposed to them and perhaps one day decide themselves
00:34:19.440 | to read some of the books that I found influential.
00:34:21.880 | I know I enjoyed doing that when I was a kid.
00:34:24.520 | But I also noticed that ever since I've dusted
00:34:26.520 | my Kindle off the shelf, I read a lot more.
00:34:29.200 | I think I can read at night while I get the baby to bed.
00:34:31.960 | I can take it with me more easily.
00:34:34.000 | I can get library books very easily on that.
00:34:37.600 | And so my volume of reading has really gone up.
00:34:40.200 | I also have noticed that I'm much more into taking
00:34:43.440 | and reviewing notes since I can just export that
00:34:45.520 | when I'm done reading.
00:34:47.080 | Paradoxically though, that means I very rarely,
00:34:49.040 | if ever, go back and reread passages
00:34:51.640 | out of the electronic book.
00:34:54.280 | Like I might in a hard copy book.
00:34:56.240 | And so not a productivity question,
00:34:58.280 | but I'd be really curious in your thoughts
00:34:59.880 | on eBooks versus hard copy books.
00:35:01.920 | Thanks so much.
00:35:03.600 | - Well, Brian, I would say use all formats
00:35:06.520 | and don't overthink it.
00:35:08.400 | I use all formats.
00:35:09.360 | They all have their advantages.
00:35:10.720 | If we look at the five books I read this month
00:35:13.480 | that we talked about earlier in the show,
00:35:16.200 | this particular month, two of them were audio books
00:35:18.880 | and three of them were physical books.
00:35:21.720 | I would say in a typical month, maybe one audio book,
00:35:25.720 | one or two Kindle books,
00:35:27.960 | and then two or three physical books.
00:35:30.000 | So I have a mix and I don't have a huge rhyme
00:35:33.760 | or reason for it.
00:35:34.600 | I mean, I do like having a physical library.
00:35:37.320 | When you have a reading habit like mine,
00:35:39.080 | where you don't overthink it,
00:35:40.160 | you just grab things that are interesting.
00:35:41.520 | You just, reading's better than non-reading.
00:35:43.240 | I am often taking these books out of my existing library.
00:35:47.200 | So if we look back at this week's,
00:35:49.600 | this month's books, for example,
00:35:51.040 | two of them, two of the books I read in January,
00:35:54.560 | "Giants" by John Stauffer
00:35:56.720 | and "The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything"
00:35:58.240 | by Father Donovan, those were just in my library.
00:36:01.560 | I just looked through my library,
00:36:02.400 | I want to read something else.
00:36:03.240 | I just, hey, I should read this.
00:36:04.520 | I pulled it off my shelf as if I was in a real library.
00:36:06.520 | So I'm a big believer in having a robust library,
00:36:09.680 | not just the books you've read,
00:36:11.120 | but books you want to read.
00:36:12.040 | And I agree with you that it's good for your kids
00:36:13.720 | to see that and they can see books around
00:36:15.560 | and see them as a physical artifact.
00:36:17.320 | But I think it's completely fine to use Kindle as well.
00:36:20.160 | If you add real books to Kindle,
00:36:21.680 | you're just going to read more
00:36:22.520 | and then throw audio into that as well.
00:36:23.840 | You're going to read even more.
00:36:25.520 | And so I will go to Kindle if,
00:36:27.720 | A, I want to start a book right away
00:36:29.160 | and don't want to wait to have it sent to me,
00:36:32.160 | is one reason I'll use Kindle.
00:36:33.840 | Or two, if I'm going on a trip or something
00:36:36.160 | where I don't want to bring a physical book
00:36:37.520 | or sometimes it's a book I'm not sure about,
00:36:40.120 | I want to own, maybe I'll get it on Kindle.
00:36:41.800 | So I would say don't overthink it,
00:36:45.200 | use all the formats.
00:36:47.400 | And how you make the decision,
00:36:49.240 | you can just do it like me,
00:36:50.240 | which is, I don't know, randomly.
00:36:52.680 | And it should pretty much work out.
00:36:54.440 | All right.
00:36:58.600 | By the way, reading with your kid,
00:37:00.560 | putting the baby to bed,
00:37:01.600 | that really resonates with me.
00:37:05.000 | That's when we bought,
00:37:06.200 | my wife and I bought the Kindle paper whites.
00:37:09.600 | So we had Kindles that were unlit
00:37:12.080 | and it was midnight feedings.
00:37:14.960 | We're like, okay, we got to get a Kindle
00:37:16.240 | that you can read while you're holding a baby
00:37:18.880 | or while you're trying to rock a baby to sleep.
00:37:20.560 | And so, yeah, that brings back memories.
00:37:22.080 | When I think of my Kindle mini white,
00:37:23.480 | I think about having a baby and being tired.
00:37:26.560 | All right, let's move on here.
00:37:28.680 | What do we got for our next question?
00:37:30.840 | - All right, this is kind of random,
00:37:32.720 | but we actually have another question from Grant
00:37:34.560 | who also just moved to DC.
00:37:36.840 | But he has a question about specifically
00:37:40.000 | establishing KPIs for his career goals.
00:37:42.680 | - This is a tech guy, isn't it?
00:37:44.520 | - He works with Google ads.
00:37:45.720 | - Yeah, I know the tech guys when I hear them.
00:37:49.240 | - We'll take a listen.
00:37:50.320 | - Hi, Cal, my name is Grant.
00:37:55.400 | I work as a embedded software engineer.
00:37:59.040 | I'm also very interested in DIY electronics
00:38:01.560 | in the maker community.
00:38:03.520 | In college, it was easy for me to sit down
00:38:05.800 | and work on personal projects that involved coding,
00:38:08.680 | simple PCB and circuit design, et cetera.
00:38:12.080 | Now, even though I do have mental energy
00:38:14.520 | when I end my workday,
00:38:16.120 | I find it difficult to sit down and do more coding.
00:38:20.480 | You briefly mentioned coding as a hobby
00:38:23.240 | in your book, "Digital Minimalism,"
00:38:25.680 | but you then go on to describe
00:38:27.600 | more traditional offline hobbies
00:38:29.680 | to get your mind off of social media and the internet.
00:38:32.720 | I've tried some of these things first thing in the morning,
00:38:37.680 | but I find it to be a little bit unsustainable.
00:38:40.040 | And more than that, this is supposed to be a hobby
00:38:42.440 | to take my mind off of things after work
00:38:45.520 | so that I don't end up just binging Netflix.
00:38:48.480 | Is this hobby destined to fall out of my life
00:38:52.120 | just because I happen to also do something similar full time
00:38:55.960 | or is there a way I can find a happy medium
00:38:58.000 | for both personal and professional coding?
00:39:02.040 | Thanks.
00:39:02.880 | - Well, Grant, that's a good question.
00:39:06.240 | It hits home.
00:39:07.720 | That's actually a specifically a hobby
00:39:11.360 | I'm interested in as well.
00:39:13.600 | I would like to do more DIY electronics projects.
00:39:18.280 | And I've actually had a hard time,
00:39:19.560 | just like you, getting this up and running.
00:39:21.800 | The time just isn't there right now.
00:39:24.800 | I'm finding I don't quite have the time.
00:39:27.240 | I'm not getting the right momentum going.
00:39:29.760 | I've had computer programming hobbies before.
00:39:32.240 | So a couple of years ago,
00:39:34.360 | I used to build computer games for my older boys,
00:39:37.520 | and I kind of got in a groove on that,
00:39:39.880 | computer game programming,
00:39:40.960 | even though I was working on computers all day.
00:39:43.000 | So I feel you.
00:39:43.960 | Because I'm struggling to get the exact same hobby going
00:39:47.320 | and not haven't been that successful at it.
00:39:49.920 | I have four things to suggest that might make this helpful.
00:39:54.360 | Underscoring everything I'm gonna say here, however,
00:39:58.520 | is don't sweat it.
00:40:00.320 | Like ultimately hobbies are hobbies, right?
00:40:03.120 | Like it's not the end of the world
00:40:05.200 | that you have this working tomorrow
00:40:08.760 | that you have your own channel on
00:40:12.360 | by next week.
00:40:13.200 | It's a hobby.
00:40:14.320 | Nothing bad is gonna happen if in the end,
00:40:16.440 | it's you're busy or you're exhausted,
00:40:18.040 | or it's not quite clicking and nothing happens,
00:40:20.160 | you're fine.
00:40:21.000 | There's no bonus points for having hobbies.
00:40:25.160 | It's just, you wanna do things that are interesting.
00:40:27.800 | You wanna live deep.
00:40:29.120 | You wanna avoid the shallow distractions.
00:40:30.600 | Okay, so let's not sweat.
00:40:31.880 | Like we have to get this hobby up and going right away.
00:40:33.760 | But here's four things that would help.
00:40:35.640 | One is project choice.
00:40:36.840 | I think that really matters.
00:40:38.040 | For me, when I struggle with a new hobby,
00:40:41.360 | it's I don't have the right project that has gripped me.
00:40:44.840 | And so nothing happens, nothing happens, nothing happens.
00:40:46.840 | And the right project grips me
00:40:48.440 | and I find myself fighting to make time to work on it.
00:40:51.480 | I definitely had this experience
00:40:52.960 | with the computer game programming projects
00:40:55.120 | I would be doing.
00:40:55.960 | It had to be the right level of difficulty.
00:40:58.960 | If it was too hard, nothing would happen.
00:41:01.600 | If it was too easy, I'd be bored.
00:41:02.920 | But if it was the right level of difficulty,
00:41:05.040 | I'd have to force myself to get started.
00:41:07.680 | But then I would begin to make some progress.
00:41:11.000 | And then I would find myself putting aside time
00:41:14.240 | just to work on it, like looking forward to like,
00:41:16.560 | okay, you're putting the kids to bed tonight,
00:41:18.160 | then I'm gonna go work on the program.
00:41:19.560 | So it was all about having the right product,
00:41:21.520 | the right project.
00:41:22.520 | Like the last game I did, for example,
00:41:24.600 | was I wanted to do a ray casting 3D engine.
00:41:29.480 | I was using Python and using the PyGames library
00:41:32.160 | for some simple low performance graphics, right?
00:41:35.080 | And I wanted to make a game where my boys could
00:41:38.360 | in 2D create a maze, and then you could jump
00:41:42.320 | into that maze in 3D and actually try to navigate it.
00:41:45.120 | So I had to build a 3D engine
00:41:46.800 | so you could actually build the maze.
00:41:48.080 | I was like, let me just do a Wolfenstein 3D style
00:41:51.360 | ray casting engine where you literally are casting rays
00:41:55.880 | from the virtual camera location
00:41:58.120 | and seeing where it hits walls
00:42:00.560 | and how far away that wall is.
00:42:01.760 | So we can figure out how high to draw
00:42:04.680 | that particular piece of the wall.
00:42:06.000 | There's a lot of geometry, basically.
00:42:07.680 | Slow, slow, slow until I got that first screen
00:42:10.560 | of something is drawing that kind of looks 3D.
00:42:14.000 | And then I couldn't not work on it.
00:42:16.280 | So project selection, don't underestimate that.
00:42:19.720 | That's my issue right now with Maker electronics.
00:42:21.840 | I don't have the right project with the right equipment
00:42:24.000 | where like I know how to do it
00:42:25.560 | and I can see progress right away.
00:42:26.800 | I just don't have the right project yet,
00:42:28.200 | but I think it's gonna roll quick when I do.
00:42:30.480 | Two, community.
00:42:32.640 | Get connected, if possible, to a community of people
00:42:35.360 | who are working on this.
00:42:36.200 | That changes a lot.
00:42:38.120 | I'm sure there's robust Maker communities
00:42:42.280 | in the Washington DC area.
00:42:43.800 | You get involved with some other people
00:42:45.360 | that have some equipment, you make it social as well.
00:42:48.680 | That makes all the difference in the world.
00:42:51.040 | Start one up and I'll come to it.
00:42:53.200 | Okay, how about that?
00:42:54.760 | You get it going and I will come to it
00:42:56.480 | and we'll build some DIY electronics.
00:42:58.560 | Work less would be my third recommendation.
00:43:03.880 | So yeah, do less work at work.
00:43:06.840 | Give yourself some more surplus energy.
00:43:09.360 | I know that's a bold thing to say in the abstract,
00:43:12.080 | but here on this podcast, we know how to get that done.
00:43:14.480 | I mean, we know how to actually apply
00:43:16.960 | time management theories that actually
00:43:19.920 | are incredibly effective.
00:43:21.320 | Go back, go to the YouTube channel,
00:43:23.320 | watch the Core Ideas video from the Core Ideas playlist
00:43:26.840 | on time management and I will walk you through
00:43:30.400 | the principles of how I organize my time.
00:43:32.280 | If you're doing those type of things,
00:43:34.240 | you can claw back a bunch of time
00:43:35.840 | and still as far as your bosses are concerned,
00:43:37.520 | be an incredibly productive person that they can count on.
00:43:40.520 | Don't be worried about doing that.
00:43:41.960 | Don't be ashamed about doing that.
00:43:43.280 | If you get more productive, that is your benefit.
00:43:47.240 | You know, if right now you're producing work
00:43:50.040 | that everyone's happy with and you find a way to do that
00:43:52.160 | in two less hours a day, that is not a problem.
00:43:56.160 | That is a benefit you should cash in on.
00:43:57.920 | So consider working less.
00:43:59.480 | Take some projects off your plate
00:44:00.600 | and get much more organized about the work you have.
00:44:02.360 | Free up more energy, more time
00:44:05.400 | so that you have that energy and time
00:44:07.160 | to actually work on the project.
00:44:08.080 | And finally, do the physical first.
00:44:10.520 | The number one hobby you need to do,
00:44:13.520 | and by hobby I mean activity outside of work,
00:44:15.360 | is make sure you have a lot of physical activity.
00:44:17.840 | You're outside, you're moving, you're exercising,
00:44:19.920 | you're training for something,
00:44:20.840 | just like I was talking about earlier in the show
00:44:22.520 | that I'm doing in my own life right now for The Last Caller.
00:44:25.000 | Do that too because that's a separation
00:44:28.560 | between your work and your non-work life
00:44:30.120 | and it's gonna get your energy back up much higher
00:44:32.760 | than if you're just coming home from work
00:44:34.040 | and sitting on the couch and saying,
00:44:35.200 | I guess I should bring out another screen.
00:44:37.400 | All right, so those would be the four things
00:44:39.000 | I would suggest, but all of this is built
00:44:40.600 | on the underlying foundation of don't over-sweat this.
00:44:44.600 | If you're really busy right now,
00:44:45.680 | if you're really tired right now,
00:44:46.760 | if you're really mentally struggling with whatever,
00:44:49.480 | pandemic, et cetera, it's okay.
00:44:51.880 | It's okay, we'll take our time.
00:44:53.840 | I'm taking my time, you're taking your time.
00:44:55.880 | We'll give ourselves a few months,
00:44:57.080 | but then I wanna be in a really cool maker lab
00:44:58.880 | that you ran building cool electronics.
00:45:00.840 | All right, that was Grant.
00:45:03.560 | All right, Jesse, let's see what we got here.
00:45:04.720 | What's our next question?
00:45:06.760 | - All right, our next call is from Jacqueline.
00:45:08.800 | She basically has a question about asking for help
00:45:11.080 | and how you go about it.
00:45:12.800 | - Hi, Cal, thanks so much for your podcast.
00:45:20.040 | It's helped me so much.
00:45:21.400 | Almost every day I refer to something that you've said
00:45:24.760 | in your podcast, in conversation with other folks.
00:45:28.440 | I really appreciate listening to your outlook on life,
00:45:31.200 | especially your sense of gratitude
00:45:33.200 | and lack of shaming.
00:45:34.760 | So I was really interested in your discussion
00:45:38.480 | with David Epstein in episode 39
00:45:41.000 | about people being hindered by their own expertise or ego
00:45:45.240 | and how these can keep people from asking questions
00:45:49.680 | or asking for help.
00:45:51.520 | My question is about how you approach this problem.
00:45:54.640 | What is your mindset when you are asking questions
00:45:58.160 | or asking for help?
00:45:59.680 | Do you fear looking stupid?
00:46:02.160 | If so, how do you deal with that?
00:46:05.800 | Also at a more technical level, how do you get help?
00:46:08.480 | For example, how do you know when to reach out,
00:46:11.400 | who to reach out to,
00:46:12.800 | and how to get what you need from that interaction?
00:46:15.800 | Just quickly, I consider this a productivity question
00:46:20.360 | because I think my inability to ask for help
00:46:23.240 | has been slowing my ability to get anything done.
00:46:27.520 | My PhD took me roughly nine years
00:46:29.960 | and now I'm still having trouble publishing chapters
00:46:32.760 | of my dissertation.
00:46:34.360 | I have the mindset that I should figure things out
00:46:36.080 | for myself and I'm also scared of looking stupid.
00:46:39.480 | I think asking for help would help,
00:46:42.200 | but I haven't quite figured it out yet.
00:46:44.840 | Thanks so much.
00:46:45.960 | - All right, Jaclyn, I like this question.
00:46:49.640 | Let me set your mind at ease.
00:46:51.720 | I'm a relatively smart guy
00:46:54.240 | and I ask for help constantly in all areas of my life.
00:46:58.720 | And here's why I feel comfortable doing that.
00:47:02.440 | So you can learn from my experience here.
00:47:04.760 | I had, I guess you could call it the privilege
00:47:07.000 | or you could call it the lack of luck,
00:47:10.440 | depending on how it's gonna impact your mindset,
00:47:12.560 | but whatever it is, I got a train at a place
00:47:15.160 | that were surrounded by the very smartest people
00:47:17.000 | in the world, right?
00:47:18.280 | So I was at MIT in the theory group at MIT,
00:47:22.560 | literally the smartest people in the world.
00:47:24.600 | I could throw a stone and hit three Turing Award winners
00:47:28.600 | and three MacArthur Genius Grant Award winners,
00:47:32.200 | one of whom who won the MacArthur when he was 17
00:47:36.200 | and had been a tenured professor at MIT since he was 18.
00:47:40.920 | Incredibly smart people, not just, oh, that guy's sharp,
00:47:43.960 | but their brain can move things by staring at it.
00:47:48.600 | They ask questions all the time.
00:47:52.080 | Like completely the smartest people in the world
00:47:55.120 | will use phrases such as pretend like I am a child
00:48:00.120 | and explain this to me.
00:48:03.920 | They are the very first people to say at a talk,
00:48:07.800 | whoa, whoa, whoa, I don't know what that word means
00:48:10.240 | you just said, wait, slow way down, slow way down.
00:48:13.520 | Like, I don't understand that equation.
00:48:15.800 | Why is that right?
00:48:16.640 | Like, slow it down for me, assume I don't know anything.
00:48:19.360 | It was the defining factor of the very smartest people
00:48:22.480 | in the world is that without any shame,
00:48:25.080 | they are constantly, constantly asking for people
00:48:27.680 | to slow down, to explain things simply.
00:48:29.720 | And they're constantly faced with people
00:48:31.680 | who go way too fast because they're intimidated
00:48:33.840 | and say, well, this person's so smart,
00:48:35.440 | they're gonna think I'm dumb.
00:48:37.280 | And they don't want you to go fast.
00:48:39.440 | They want you to go real slow.
00:48:41.480 | You wanna understand each piece
00:48:43.200 | before they move on to the next.
00:48:45.520 | So to me, that was incredibly instructive.
00:48:47.360 | Now, the reason why, of course,
00:48:48.840 | they don't care about doing that
00:48:50.120 | is that they know they're smart.
00:48:52.080 | They literally have a certificate that says genius
00:48:55.480 | and the 600,000 that comes along with that fellowship.
00:48:57.400 | So they know they're smart.
00:48:58.600 | So they don't care about trying to look smart.
00:49:01.480 | So by studying the smartest people in the world,
00:49:03.680 | you say, what is probably the right thing to do?
00:49:06.080 | And it turns out it's to ask questions all the time.
00:49:09.320 | And so it's not a flaw with you
00:49:10.800 | if you don't understand something
00:49:12.400 | or someone's explaining something very confidently,
00:49:14.600 | like, I didn't get that.
00:49:16.240 | Nine times out of 10,
00:49:17.240 | it's not because you're missing something,
00:49:18.480 | it's because they're going way too fast
00:49:21.120 | and they're just trying to look smart.
00:49:22.920 | This effect is so powerful that you can then,
00:49:25.880 | if you've been around these types of super brains,
00:49:28.360 | it becomes a counter signaling situation.
00:49:30.800 | When you see someone not asking for help
00:49:33.640 | or acting like everything is obvious
00:49:35.280 | or explaining something really fast,
00:49:38.360 | you immediately think,
00:49:39.200 | "Ooh, that person's probably not that sharp.
00:49:41.160 | Like that person's compensating for something.
00:49:42.640 | That person is really worried
00:49:44.320 | about what people think about them."
00:49:45.920 | So it becomes a counter signaling effect.
00:49:47.800 | The more questions you ask,
00:49:49.080 | the smarter you actually seem.
00:49:51.520 | So Jacqueline, I'm gonna say
00:49:52.360 | you learn from that experience.
00:49:53.840 | If you want to actually live in the world
00:49:57.280 | like a smart person,
00:49:58.160 | ask questions about everything you don't understand.
00:50:01.520 | And when you don't know how to do something right,
00:50:03.040 | ask questions about that.
00:50:04.200 | I do this all the time.
00:50:05.560 | I call people, I'm known for this at Georgetown.
00:50:08.040 | If I'm put on a committee for something,
00:50:09.640 | I was like, "I have no idea how this works.
00:50:11.240 | Like, what do I need to do?"
00:50:12.400 | I just like, "Let me just hold on, dial my phone.
00:50:15.520 | You know, hi, I'm dumb.
00:50:17.720 | I have no idea how any of this works.
00:50:19.480 | No, no, slow down even more.
00:50:21.320 | Like, I gotta put, I was doing this recently
00:50:23.400 | where it started a new academic program I'm involved in.
00:50:25.680 | And I had someone,
00:50:27.160 | I had to do this with someone from the registrar's office.
00:50:29.520 | I was like, "Just start from scratch.
00:50:31.880 | I don't even know what that system is.
00:50:33.200 | What do you mean major?
00:50:34.440 | Like, just pretend I am 12."
00:50:36.520 | And then I did this the other day.
00:50:37.720 | I had to call the admissions department
00:50:39.760 | because they needed to turn something on.
00:50:41.600 | I was like, "Look, just start from scratch.
00:50:44.360 | I don't know anything."
00:50:45.640 | And it's really useful to everyone involved.
00:50:47.400 | Everyone always pretends like they understand things.
00:50:49.080 | No one understands anything.
00:50:49.920 | So Jacqueline, that is the mindset you should be in.
00:50:53.440 | By asking the most fundamental questions
00:50:55.640 | about how things work or why something is true,
00:50:57.920 | you are going to be setting yourself up
00:50:59.440 | for having the very smartest insights
00:51:01.200 | and the very best work.
00:51:02.040 | And when it comes to help, ask for it.
00:51:05.600 | "Hey, I'm having a hard time writing my chapters.
00:51:08.360 | Like, let's talk about it.
00:51:09.600 | I need help."
00:51:11.200 | Talk to your old advisors, talk to people you know.
00:51:13.560 | "What's going on here?
00:51:14.400 | Should I rethink this?
00:51:15.240 | Should I change my habits?"
00:51:16.360 | Be in that habit.
00:51:17.440 | I'm glad you asked this
00:51:18.280 | because I want everyone to be in this habit.
00:51:19.880 | Ask for help all the time.
00:51:21.520 | That is what's going to make you paradoxically seem
00:51:24.320 | way smarter than the guy on the other side of the room
00:51:28.040 | trying to play it cool and is fooling nobody.
00:51:30.520 | The guy who's trying to desperately make it seem like,
00:51:32.760 | "I guess I know everything and I understand everything."
00:51:35.640 | No one is fooled by that person.
00:51:37.920 | It is slowing down their ability to have original thoughts
00:51:40.320 | or get useful things done.
00:51:41.520 | Ignore that person.
00:51:43.240 | Ask questions.
00:51:44.560 | If I do it, if those supersized brains at MIT were doing it,
00:51:49.200 | then you should feel absolutely secure doing it yourself.
00:51:52.320 | That being said, whenever Jesse asks me for help,
00:51:55.800 | I yell at him.
00:51:56.640 | But that's more of like a discipline thing.
00:51:59.720 | If you don't know how to do this,
00:52:02.920 | then maybe you don't belong here.
00:52:04.000 | That's what I say constantly.
00:52:06.200 | - Take your $250,000 a month out of here.
00:52:08.680 | - Yeah, what are you doing with that?
00:52:09.520 | - Buy a pull-up bar.
00:52:10.360 | - What do you do with that $250,000 a month?
00:52:12.240 | I know you're not putting it into your truck.
00:52:14.040 | I know that's not where you're investing it.
00:52:16.000 | Go get our pull-up bar installed.
00:52:18.120 | What the hell's going on here?
00:52:19.600 | All right.
00:52:22.880 | Let's move on now.
00:52:25.320 | We have time for two more questions.
00:52:27.240 | Okay, let's get another question.
00:52:28.280 | I think we have time.
00:52:29.120 | Who do we have here?
00:52:29.960 | - All right, next question we have,
00:52:33.400 | it's basically about the deep life during the pandemic
00:52:37.200 | and he's a student.
00:52:38.480 | So he's got a good question for you.
00:52:40.480 | - There's a pandemic?
00:52:42.480 | That's the first I'm hearing of this.
00:52:43.960 | - I'm Mukul.
00:52:44.960 | I'm a long time listener of your podcast.
00:52:47.520 | I'm a college student.
00:52:48.760 | Last year when the pandemic hits,
00:52:51.120 | I moved back to my home.
00:52:52.840 | Throughout the pandemic,
00:52:53.960 | my life become way more structured.
00:52:56.280 | I took your 30 day social media challenge,
00:52:59.160 | removed social media completely
00:53:01.240 | from my life after that challenge.
00:53:03.320 | I really started to enjoy deep life,
00:53:05.880 | but now colleges are opening back again
00:53:09.320 | and I moved back to the university.
00:53:11.000 | The structure which I implemented in my life
00:53:13.160 | during the pandemic is completely trashed away.
00:53:16.600 | I tried time blocking to add the structure again,
00:53:19.800 | but my classes are not properly scheduled
00:53:22.600 | and most of the time they are random.
00:53:25.200 | This left me small chunks of time,
00:53:27.160 | but I cannot figure out a way to use those small chunks
00:53:30.760 | and mostly waste that time on YouTube.
00:53:34.320 | This led to me a burnout feeling throughout the day.
00:53:39.080 | These days I'm mostly stressed out
00:53:40.880 | and just looking forward to the weekend.
00:53:44.000 | I really want to add the structure in my life again
00:53:47.240 | and enjoy this deep life.
00:53:49.320 | Any suggestions how can I implement
00:53:52.320 | the structure back again to my life?
00:53:54.960 | - Well, your old structure's not gonna work,
00:53:59.920 | but you're gonna build a new structure that does.
00:54:02.400 | So yes, whatever deep life structure that was working
00:54:06.400 | when you were at home, it's not gonna work at school,
00:54:08.920 | but there is plenty of options for deep life structures
00:54:12.000 | at school that will work.
00:54:14.680 | So I have a few pieces of advice for you.
00:54:17.000 | Number one, I want you to autopilot schedule
00:54:19.120 | the hell out of your schedule.
00:54:20.880 | So autopilot scheduling was invented originally
00:54:24.240 | for college students and the idea is you look
00:54:26.960 | at each one of your classes and you identify
00:54:29.640 | what is work that has to get done every single week
00:54:32.320 | or every single month, what sort of work happens regularly
00:54:34.440 | for these classes, problem sets that have to be solved,
00:54:37.040 | reading assignments that have to happen,
00:54:38.960 | essay prompts that have to be written,
00:54:40.640 | and you say, when and where do I do that work every week?
00:54:43.600 | And that goes on your calendar like a dentist appointment
00:54:45.880 | or another class, it's in time
00:54:47.800 | that you are not gonna violate,
00:54:49.320 | this is just when I do that work.
00:54:51.320 | And you do that for all of your classes
00:54:52.920 | and now you can move these around like a puzzle piece
00:54:55.000 | and figure out what's a pretty good sustainable schedule
00:54:57.240 | for my work and more importantly,
00:54:58.800 | you're not asking every day, what should I do and when?
00:55:01.240 | That's all figured out.
00:55:02.880 | All right, so you're gonna autopilot schedule
00:55:04.400 | and then you are gonna upgrade your study skills
00:55:06.840 | so that you're not wasting time by spinning your wheels
00:55:09.520 | with inefficient study habits.
00:55:10.960 | I don't want you spending more time than you need to.
00:55:13.600 | So go back and read "How to Become a Straight A Student",
00:55:18.000 | walk through that advice to completely overhaul
00:55:21.120 | your study habits.
00:55:21.960 | The other thing you can do is go to my blog,
00:55:24.600 | and read the first two years
00:55:27.920 | worth of posts, 2007, 2008.
00:55:30.440 | It's all advanced study advice for college students.
00:55:34.720 | I want you to reduce the wasted time doing your schoolwork.
00:55:38.200 | So that's step one.
00:55:39.200 | Now let's say you've done that and you still have no time.
00:55:44.180 | You say, I figured out autopilot schedule,
00:55:48.800 | prom sets, reading assignments, prompts
00:55:51.400 | and my whole calendar is filled up and I still,
00:55:53.520 | and I have no time left except for the weekends.
00:55:55.680 | All right, step two, under schedule.
00:55:59.080 | Drop stuff off your schedule, drop some classes,
00:56:03.800 | simplify your load.
00:56:04.940 | Even if you're going under the load,
00:56:07.400 | you need probably to graduate,
00:56:08.880 | do it for a semester or two as you're trying to get back
00:56:11.040 | on your feet after the pandemic.
00:56:12.760 | Whatever you do, do not try to super overload your schedule.
00:56:16.360 | You need to step away from the mindset
00:56:18.160 | that the job market or the graduate school market
00:56:21.000 | a couple of years down the line is gonna say,
00:56:23.480 | look at how hard Mookle semester was in the spring of 2022.
00:56:28.480 | That's a really hard semester, we really like them.
00:56:30.660 | They don't look at that, no one cares.
00:56:31.840 | They're like, what's your major?
00:56:32.680 | What are your grades?
00:56:33.500 | Simplify your schedule, under schedule,
00:56:35.800 | cut things out of your schedule
00:56:37.360 | until your autopilot schedule fits with plenty of room.
00:56:40.360 | That means dropping classes, dropping activities,
00:56:42.480 | swapping classes for easier classes.
00:56:44.440 | You need breathing room.
00:56:48.120 | So if you're autopiloting with smart schedules
00:56:50.160 | and you're properly under scheduled,
00:56:52.000 | you're gonna find yourself now with some breathing room,
00:56:53.860 | which is what you absolutely need.
00:56:55.840 | Now I want you to reinvent your leisure time
00:57:00.520 | and get involved in some sort of high quality
00:57:02.480 | leisure activity, preferably involving other human beings.
00:57:05.420 | They're also on the college campus,
00:57:06.740 | something that you can really get into.
00:57:08.320 | It could be exercise related, it could be writing related
00:57:10.860 | or theatrical, artistic related,
00:57:12.300 | but something you can really get into
00:57:13.700 | for no other reason than you like it
00:57:15.460 | that other people are involved in
00:57:16.740 | and that can really start to funnel your energy
00:57:18.720 | away from YouTube.
00:57:19.960 | The only YouTube I want in your life
00:57:23.440 | is looking at my channel so you can watch my videos.
00:57:26.180 | And I don't mean to be strict about this,
00:57:28.040 | but I only want you doing that for,
00:57:29.760 | let's say three hours a day.
00:57:31.960 | No more than that, three hours a day watching my videos,
00:57:35.780 | maybe another two hours trying to convince people
00:57:37.880 | you know to subscribe.
00:57:38.760 | But that five hours is the only five hours
00:57:41.260 | I want you spending on YouTube.
00:57:42.800 | The final thing I'm gonna recommend, thing number four,
00:57:46.380 | I want you to Google,
00:57:48.700 | I don't have the link off the top of my head,
00:57:50.520 | but there's a series I did on my blog
00:57:53.060 | back when I was aimed at students
00:57:54.720 | called the Romantic Scholar.
00:57:57.360 | And so you can just Google romantic scholar.
00:58:01.220 | And it was a series about how do you reconstruct
00:58:04.700 | your college lifestyle so that you have
00:58:06.640 | an intrinsically motivated deep interest
00:58:10.140 | in the work you're doing as a student.
00:58:12.640 | How can you rewire your relationship to your schoolwork
00:58:15.080 | so it's not this thing that's intrinsically
00:58:17.720 | being imposed upon you that's causing stress and burnout,
00:58:20.200 | but instead something that's a deep part
00:58:21.760 | of your self-definition and a real source
00:58:25.040 | of interest and motivation.
00:58:26.320 | And it has a lot of advice about how you do that.
00:58:28.440 | And I want you to read that series and put that into,
00:58:30.960 | put that into action.
00:58:33.220 | This is a hard transition for a lot of students.
00:58:35.720 | The pandemic was incredibly disruptive.
00:58:37.480 | Coming back to school after the pandemic
00:58:39.300 | is really disruptive.
00:58:40.180 | It's not just let's load up our schedule
00:58:42.600 | and get after it and do 17 majors and, you know,
00:58:46.680 | and just grind it and something good will happen.
00:58:49.680 | We have to take this transition with care.
00:58:52.120 | I like that you're thinking about using this transition
00:58:54.520 | as a way to preserve depth in your life.
00:58:57.340 | That's my advice to do it.
00:58:58.480 | So here's a quick summary.
00:59:00.580 | Autopilot schedule plus smarter study habits.
00:59:04.000 | If you're still overloaded, under schedule.
00:59:06.360 | Quit, reduce course load, switch to easier courses.
00:59:10.120 | Once you've done that,
00:59:10.960 | get involved in a deep leisure activity
00:59:12.720 | that involves other human beings,
00:59:14.000 | and four, read my Romantic Scholar series on my blog
00:59:17.380 | and take those ideas to heart.
00:59:20.440 | You do that plus five quick hours
00:59:23.360 | of working on my YouTube channel every day.
00:59:24.740 | Those two things, I think we're all gonna be
00:59:27.800 | much better off.
00:59:30.480 | Now, speaking about being better off,
00:59:31.760 | Jesse, there's a couple of the sponsors
00:59:33.500 | I wanna briefly mention
00:59:34.360 | before we get to our last question today.
00:59:37.000 | And the first one is a long time favorite of the show,
00:59:40.600 | which is Magic Spoon.
00:59:42.940 | As you've heard me talk about before,
00:59:46.440 | I used to love eating those type of treat cereals
00:59:49.840 | that were popular in the 80s.
00:59:51.420 | Now that I'm a grown man pushing 40
00:59:54.120 | and realize that those cereals are made out of 50%
00:59:57.720 | old used industrial waste oils,
01:00:00.440 | plus wood filling and sawdust,
01:00:03.640 | that is actually probably not very good for me to eat that.
01:00:06.560 | That's where Magic Spoon enters the picture.
01:00:09.560 | It's a great tasting cereal with flavors like
01:00:13.720 | cocoa, fruity, frosted, peanut butter,
01:00:16.080 | blueberry, cinnamon, cookies, and cream,
01:00:18.600 | but it's not bad for you.
01:00:20.480 | Zero grams of sugar, 13 to 14 grams of protein,
01:00:23.360 | and only four net grams of carbs in each serving,
01:00:25.640 | only 140 calories a serving.
01:00:28.040 | It's keto friendly, gluten-free,
01:00:29.640 | grain-free, soy-free, and low carb.
01:00:33.480 | You can build custom bundles of the flavors you like.
01:00:37.080 | Our esteemed producer, Jesse,
01:00:40.040 | is a Magic Spoon cereal consumer.
01:00:43.420 | Correct me if I'm wrong, Jesse,
01:00:44.520 | it is the only food you eat.
01:00:46.400 | Is that right?
01:00:47.600 | - That is not true, but I do really like it.
01:00:49.280 | I like the peanut butter the best.
01:00:50.600 | - Yeah, and as we talked about on Monday's episode,
01:00:52.480 | pro tip, mix the peanut butter with the cocoa.
01:00:54.720 | To get those two flavors in your custom bundle,
01:00:57.520 | you got Reese's Flavor Cereal.
01:00:59.440 | Can't go wrong.
01:01:00.640 | So go to
01:01:03.480 | to grab a custom bundle of cereal
01:01:05.960 | and start your new year off right.
01:01:08.640 | Use the promo code CAL, C-A-L,
01:01:11.600 | when you check out and you will get $5 off your order.
01:01:15.520 | Magic Spoon is very confident in their product,
01:01:17.960 | so it has a 100% happiness guarantee.
01:01:20.400 | If you don't like it for any reason,
01:01:22.000 | they'll refund your money and send that cereal
01:01:24.480 | to Jesse to eat.
01:01:25.880 | No questions asked.
01:01:27.280 | So remember, get your next delicious bowl
01:01:29.020 | of guilt-free cereal at
01:01:32.480 | and use that code CAL to get $5 off.
01:01:37.480 | Also want to talk about ExpressVPN.
01:01:41.840 | Jesse has heard my computer scientist lectures before
01:01:46.000 | about how a VPN works.
01:01:48.940 | He could probably explain it well himself now.
01:01:52.100 | Jesse, I should put you on the spot
01:01:53.340 | and ask you incredibly complicated questions
01:01:55.500 | about packet filters and IP proxies.
01:02:00.500 | We'll do like 20 minutes of intense questioning
01:02:02.460 | on VPN technology.
01:02:03.300 | Are we ready for this?
01:02:04.140 | - And then you'll lose all your YouTube subscribers
01:02:05.820 | and your fans.
01:02:06.740 | - And my sponsors.
01:02:08.940 | Okay, all right, so we won't do that.
01:02:10.860 | We'll let the computer scientist tell you,
01:02:12.380 | take it from me, you can trust me,
01:02:14.260 | you should be using a VPN,
01:02:16.140 | especially when you're away from your house.
01:02:18.180 | It is a way of securely connecting to a VPN computer
01:02:21.980 | that then talks to the internet on your behalf.
01:02:24.780 | So people nearby don't know who you're talking to and why.
01:02:28.460 | There's a lot of reasons to do this.
01:02:29.640 | You can do this for privacy is one of the big reasons.
01:02:32.060 | Your ISP can't figure out who you're talking to or why,
01:02:35.340 | but ExpressVPN sent me some copy
01:02:38.340 | about a really cool bonus feature of using a VPN,
01:02:43.420 | which is you can get around geographic restrictions
01:02:48.420 | on content.
01:02:50.420 | Netflix, for example, shows different content
01:02:52.940 | depending on where you're connecting from.
01:02:55.980 | So if you're an ExpressVPN user,
01:02:58.860 | you can connect to a VPN server in a different country
01:03:03.100 | and then connect to Netflix from that server
01:03:06.460 | and Netflix thinks you're in that country
01:03:07.900 | and will show you that country's content.
01:03:10.380 | ExpressVPN has over 100 different server locations.
01:03:13.940 | So you can try this trick with a lot of different locations.
01:03:17.340 | So that's just a bonus feature you have for using a VPN.
01:03:21.420 | And if you're gonna use a VPN, use ExpressVPN.
01:03:24.500 | They've got the most server locations.
01:03:27.020 | This is why I like them and they're fast.
01:03:29.240 | You have to have that bandwidth.
01:03:31.160 | I also like how easily it integrates into my machines.
01:03:34.840 | Very simple to use.
01:03:36.500 | You turn it on, select a server,
01:03:38.580 | and then you just load up Netflix,
01:03:39.900 | load up your browser, and it's fast.
01:03:42.220 | You don't even realize that you're going through a VPN.
01:03:44.920 | So you should use a VPN.
01:03:46.860 | And if you do, make it ExpressVPN.
01:03:49.820 | And if you have any questions, don't ask Jesse, ask me.
01:03:54.020 | I am the expert on this technology.
01:03:55.900 | So be smart and stop paying full price
01:03:59.420 | for streaming services and only getting access
01:04:01.520 | to a fraction of their content.
01:04:02.660 | Get your money's worth at
01:04:08.340 | Don't forget to use my link at
01:04:13.340 | to get an extra three months of ExpressVPN for free.
01:04:18.700 | All right, Jesse, I think we have time
01:04:22.820 | for one last question.
01:04:24.060 | So let's see what we have here.
01:04:25.700 | - All right, the last question is a new father
01:04:28.340 | and he's got some questions about managing that
01:04:30.820 | and doing some deep work.
01:04:32.220 | - Hi, Cal, my name is Judd
01:04:36.740 | and I'm a longtime fan of your work.
01:04:38.740 | In a recent podcast, you said nothing has negatively impacted
01:04:41.680 | your productivity as much as being a new parent.
01:04:44.760 | I'm a father of two children under the age of two
01:04:46.980 | and I'm experiencing the same thing.
01:04:49.060 | Do you have any tips for parents of babies
01:04:50.800 | to help navigate the challenges of being a new parent?
01:04:53.660 | While I love being a father, the sleepless nights
01:04:56.280 | and near constant attention the girls require
01:04:58.620 | have seriously reduced my ability to do deep work.
01:05:01.500 | They've also killed my creativity and ability
01:05:03.500 | to come up with Greek mythological references,
01:05:05.760 | for which I apologize.
01:05:07.260 | Thanks so much, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
01:05:10.680 | - Well, I mean, I think in order to reprioritize
01:05:14.180 | mythological references,
01:05:16.060 | toddler boarding school is what we need.
01:05:18.460 | Where you send off your daughters,
01:05:20.460 | they'll come back for the summers and for the holidays
01:05:23.280 | and then you can really focus
01:05:24.660 | on good mythological references.
01:05:27.480 | No, Judd, I think it is, there are seasons.
01:05:31.560 | And there's a big idea from slow productivity.
01:05:34.560 | Seasonality at multiple scales,
01:05:36.740 | from the week to the month,
01:05:37.820 | through the years to multiple years.
01:05:40.680 | Two young kids under two, this is a season
01:05:42.640 | in which you're not writing the great American novel.
01:05:45.540 | I think that's okay.
01:05:46.960 | Life is long.
01:05:48.700 | You have babies.
01:05:49.560 | It's batting down the hatches time.
01:05:52.780 | Now I had seasons like that, obviously with young kids.
01:05:54.900 | I had a season, I think the pandemic
01:05:56.660 | caused some seasonality for me.
01:05:58.340 | Our schools were closed, there's chaos
01:06:01.980 | and I had to pull back on a lot of things
01:06:04.420 | and in the grand scheme of things,
01:06:06.500 | I think that's reasonable.
01:06:08.100 | That was a slow season.
01:06:09.260 | Different seasons are different.
01:06:10.540 | I mean, when my kids finally all go off to college,
01:06:15.060 | I know exactly how old I'll be when that happens.
01:06:16.900 | We've done this math, trust me.
01:06:18.980 | I'm either going to explode
01:06:20.560 | into a frenzy of productive output.
01:06:22.720 | I'll be writing three books a year or I'll just die.
01:06:25.180 | It'll be one of the two.
01:06:26.020 | I'll either just be at the end of the finish line and die
01:06:27.900 | or I'm gonna be writing three books a year or something.
01:06:31.620 | And I see different seasons are different.
01:06:32.900 | So first of all, I just wanna give you that,
01:06:35.180 | I wanna give you that reassurance.
01:06:36.780 | I think it's fine to slow down
01:06:38.200 | and this is a very important thing in your life.
01:06:39.820 | Give it some focus.
01:06:41.280 | Now, keep a handle on the other things.
01:06:44.000 | You don't want the work you have to do
01:06:45.260 | to become a major source of stress right now.
01:06:46.860 | So go watch my core ideas video
01:06:48.720 | on time management, for example,
01:06:51.220 | and make sure that you have a ship shape
01:06:53.980 | organizational system so that you have
01:06:55.460 | the breathing room necessary to not work so much
01:06:57.780 | and not have it be a crisis.
01:06:59.340 | The only other advice I'll give,
01:07:00.760 | and I gotta be wary about giving parenting advice.
01:07:03.620 | I get yelled at a lot, but I gotta tell you, sleep training.
01:07:07.700 | And don't yell at me, anti-sleep training people,
01:07:10.540 | but you've got two kids, you guys both work,
01:07:14.980 | you gotta do sleep training, right?
01:07:17.520 | I'm very trepidatious.
01:07:20.120 | Jesse can say I look very trepidatious
01:07:21.380 | because the parenting advice gets you in a lot of trouble.
01:07:23.940 | If your strategy is just, I think eventually
01:07:26.440 | the kid will figure it out and start sleeping,
01:07:28.700 | they will torture your soul and they'll fake you out
01:07:32.640 | and they'll start sleeping more.
01:07:34.640 | And then you'll all be high-fiving
01:07:36.160 | and telling your friends how good you are,
01:07:38.480 | like your kids are good sleepers.
01:07:40.000 | And then they'll just twist a knife
01:07:41.880 | and start getting up at four and getting up at two
01:07:44.660 | and getting up at nine.
01:07:45.680 | And so this was my wife and I's survival strategy
01:07:49.000 | is we're doing a lot for these kids,
01:07:51.880 | but these kids need to do one thing for us.
01:07:53.560 | And that is they're gonna have to go
01:07:54.720 | through some sleep training.
01:07:55.600 | So don't put up with four years of not sleeping.
01:07:58.560 | A lot of people do.
01:08:00.340 | You could make that four months
01:08:02.020 | if you're willing to think about sleep training.
01:08:04.120 | Any complaints about that, that always upsets parents.
01:08:07.600 | So you can send all your complaints
01:08:09.440 | to and really, really let me have it.
01:08:14.440 | But send those to
01:08:18.760 | All right, Judd, well, good luck and congratulations.
01:08:20.760 | And yeah, go easy on yourself and look into sleep training.
01:08:24.480 | All right, Jesse, I think that's all the time
01:08:26.000 | we have for this episode.
01:08:27.760 | Thank you everyone who called.
01:08:29.920 | Go to to find out
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01:08:43.680 | Videos of all these episodes and individual videos
01:08:46.200 | of every question we do can be found on YouTube.
01:08:49.480 | Look for the link in the show notes.
01:08:51.640 | We'll be back on Monday.
01:08:53.360 | And as always, until then, stay deep.