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Kanye 'Ye' West Interview | Lex Fridman Podcast #332


0:0 Introduction
0:11 Engineering
11:5 Kim Kardashian
12:51 Sex and the future of humanity
22:57 Happiness
25:33 The Holocaust
74:43 Fashion
90:15 2024 US election
94:55 Humor
97:4 Media and antisemitism
109:7 Trusting people
112:21 Accountability
122:20 Legacy
123:12 Advice for young people
136:13 Regret

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | The following is a conversation with Ye,
00:00:02.360 | the legendary artist, producer, and designer
00:00:05.020 | formerly known as Kanye West.
00:00:07.520 | On this, the Lex Friedman Podcast.
00:00:10.260 | - Based off of our connection and just you being a friend,
00:00:15.180 | I need to show you my two tech companies
00:00:19.560 | and get your perspective on it.
00:00:21.680 | 'Cause now I have friends that can give a perspective.
00:00:23.540 | Like when I would work on albums,
00:00:25.160 | I had other friends that worked on albums
00:00:27.060 | and they would give me their perspectives on it.
00:00:28.680 | You wanna do this?
00:00:30.120 | - We are doing it.
00:00:30.960 | This is part of it.
00:00:31.800 | - This is part of it?
00:00:32.620 | - Absolutely.
00:00:33.460 | - All right, beautiful.
00:00:34.300 | - Oh, well, I wanted to finish.
00:00:35.740 | The thing is, okay, you're gonna ask me different questions,
00:00:38.220 | but I'm about growing and building
00:00:40.660 | and bringing the idea to life.
00:00:42.020 | So when I see you, I say,
00:00:43.700 | oh, this guy understands how to hire engineers.
00:00:48.020 | Where I'm coming from, coming from Hollywood,
00:00:50.620 | coming from press, coming from media,
00:00:52.920 | all of the guys that,
00:00:55.300 | so many of the guys that have been like voices and faces
00:00:58.540 | and talking heads, whatever,
00:01:00.340 | have not understood how to engineer product.
00:01:03.860 | And that's the reason why I was able to jump past
00:01:06.140 | everyone in the entertainment field and become,
00:01:08.520 | whatever the net worth is, 11 billion.
00:01:11.980 | I'm gonna stop putting the whole black thing on my worth.
00:01:15.020 | Like, let's just see where I am on the scale of life,
00:01:18.480 | because that's a cop-out for me to say,
00:01:20.540 | Rich is a black guy of all time,
00:01:22.740 | because that's feeding into the same trauma economy
00:01:27.580 | that Black Lives Matter feeds into.
00:01:29.700 | That's why I love and respect engineers.
00:01:32.460 | That's the only thing that we really need to teach
00:01:35.780 | in school is engineering.
00:01:37.540 | We don't need to teach history.
00:01:39.700 | We don't need to teach anything that is subjective.
00:01:43.420 | It needs to only be engineering taught in school,
00:01:47.380 | and everything else needs to be recess.
00:01:49.860 | Nothing at all, any force subjective information
00:01:53.960 | is just to weaken and indoctrinate our species.
00:01:57.960 | And that's what schools do now.
00:01:59.760 | - As an engineer, I love hearing you say that,
00:02:01.940 | but to push back, history is not,
00:02:05.520 | the interpretation of history might be subjective,
00:02:07.440 | but history has some facts,
00:02:09.320 | and they're useful to give a grounding
00:02:11.760 | to the way you do engineering.
00:02:13.060 | - I don't 100% believe in anything,
00:02:16.400 | any concept of the future or any concept of history,
00:02:20.220 | because history was just written by the victors.
00:02:22.920 | - Yeah, that's right.
00:02:23.760 | - So if I see stuff happen on the day
00:02:26.720 | that later that day is reported wrong,
00:02:29.240 | so how wrong is something reported 1,000 years ago?
00:02:32.780 | And why would we argue about something
00:02:35.020 | that's not in the now?
00:02:37.200 | Because that's the only thing that everyone can agree upon
00:02:40.400 | is that it is now, right now.
00:02:43.200 | - Yeah, well, you're trying not to make
00:02:44.480 | the mistakes of the past.
00:02:46.280 | That's the usefulness of history,
00:02:48.040 | the limited usefulness of history.
00:02:49.360 | - The biggest mistake from the past
00:02:51.040 | that we keep making is looking at the past.
00:02:53.440 | - Too much, giving too much value to the past.
00:02:56.080 | - Too much value to the past, we are now.
00:02:58.480 | We are now, we are here, we are one species,
00:03:01.320 | we are one race, we're here,
00:03:04.760 | and it's time, and the leadership is changing,
00:03:08.600 | because you have Elon as a leader,
00:03:11.320 | Ye as a leader, and we are the top leaders.
00:03:14.120 | We're more influential than the presidents.
00:03:16.720 | - So you're a human being
00:03:17.960 | with engineering challenges before you,
00:03:21.400 | with a stem player, with parlor.
00:03:24.640 | What's the hardest thing in front of you
00:03:26.040 | on the engineering front?
00:03:26.960 | - That's the first sentence that any of our species
00:03:30.600 | needs to hear when they're born.
00:03:32.960 | You are a human being with engineering challenges,
00:03:36.560 | and I consider challenges to be opportunities
00:03:40.160 | in front of you.
00:03:41.280 | Literally, like, let me see a piece of paper,
00:03:42.800 | I need to write that down.
00:03:43.760 | That's the beginning of our new species constitution.
00:03:47.240 | I'm gonna do the paper like this wide.
00:03:51.000 | I'm gonna put it in widescreen.
00:03:52.160 | This is for Ridley.
00:03:53.720 | You are, no, let me like,
00:04:01.760 | you are a being with engineering challenges.
00:04:07.560 | Being with engineering.
00:04:12.560 | - Opportunities or challenges?
00:04:25.520 | - Opportunities.
00:04:27.080 | I'm sorry, I don't spell as good as John Legend.
00:04:33.680 | Opportunities in before you.
00:04:38.680 | I like the before 'cause it can mean,
00:04:45.160 | actually can mean forward or before you.
00:04:48.880 | This right here, I've always said I'm the top five writer
00:04:51.800 | in human existence, but this is like,
00:04:55.200 | this right here is pushing me to like number four
00:04:57.280 | or number three.
00:04:58.120 | - It's a good one.
00:04:59.960 | - Because who would you say is the top,
00:05:01.160 | it's top writer in human existence,
00:05:02.800 | we know who it is.
00:05:03.640 | - It's subjective.
00:05:04.480 | Who's that?
00:05:05.320 | - It's factual though.
00:05:06.140 | It's like, okay, who's the top person in tech history?
00:05:09.760 | It's not subjective.
00:05:10.800 | - Wow.
00:05:12.680 | - There's a non-subjective answer to both of those.
00:05:17.280 | Both of those people have influenced 30% of our existence.
00:05:22.280 | - So the influence is the main metric of greatness.
00:05:27.680 | - Okay, one person, 30% of our language was,
00:05:31.160 | the English language was written by them.
00:05:32.600 | The other person, 30% of the products we use
00:05:34.920 | was led by them.
00:05:36.760 | So it's obvious.
00:05:37.600 | - 30% of our language was written by, oh, Shakespeare.
00:05:39.520 | - And it was--
00:05:40.360 | - And then the product, product, product, product.
00:05:42.080 | - Look, look.
00:05:43.640 | - Steve Jobs.
00:05:44.480 | - Yeah.
00:05:45.320 | - You put Steve above like Elon's of the world?
00:05:49.200 | 'Cause Steve is a designer, not,
00:05:51.360 | he's a designer and engineer, but he's a design,
00:05:53.440 | he's a visionary in the design space.
00:05:55.860 | - Well, I would lean to him
00:05:56.720 | because I'm not an engineer, right?
00:05:58.120 | So I'm more like--
00:05:58.960 | - But then you're an engineer.
00:05:59.840 | If Steve is an engineer, you're an engineer.
00:06:02.280 | - Essentially.
00:06:03.280 | - He's a cultural engineer.
00:06:04.960 | Like the people who run the emotions of the world
00:06:07.760 | and run the world off of people's emotions right now
00:06:10.040 | are social engineers.
00:06:13.000 | And social engineering is so important,
00:06:14.640 | like city design.
00:06:17.760 | There's a fancier word for that.
00:06:19.360 | But I was in Oxnard last night to see Anthony Jeselnik,
00:06:25.200 | and I gotta find out what his opening joke was
00:06:29.640 | because I'm doing interviews and I'm thinking I'm funny.
00:06:33.120 | And I like that he said,
00:06:34.840 | he just kept on saying 20 year anniversary,
00:06:36.520 | I've been doing this for 20 years.
00:06:38.480 | And his opening joke was so high level,
00:06:43.360 | I realized that I wasn't funny.
00:06:45.500 | I realized that this dude is a professional at what he does.
00:06:49.280 | And so many things are subjective.
00:06:50.660 | I always talk about this.
00:06:51.620 | It's like, you know, people are arguing like,
00:06:53.720 | is Emily Ratajkowski the hottest person?
00:06:57.980 | And I'm like, that's such a subjective thing.
00:07:02.980 | But like, if you go and shoot three pointers
00:07:05.260 | with Steph Curry, it's not subjective, right?
00:07:08.800 | Or if you go and compare bank accounts with Elon,
00:07:11.560 | it's not subjective.
00:07:13.940 | And another thing that's not subjective, porn.
00:07:16.920 | - What about it?
00:07:19.640 | - Dick size, it's not subjective.
00:07:21.720 | You can measure.
00:07:24.700 | But porn is more about, more than just dick size
00:07:29.700 | and greatness is more than the size
00:07:32.340 | of the bank account, right?
00:07:33.760 | So there's a subjective--
00:07:35.100 | - But greatness is subjective though.
00:07:36.940 | - Right, so do you care about the stuff
00:07:40.260 | that's objective or subjective more?
00:07:43.300 | Because greatness to me is what matters.
00:07:47.140 | The bank account comes and goes.
00:07:49.100 | The impact on our society, like you said,
00:07:53.160 | social engineering, the impact on the collective
00:07:55.100 | intelligence of our species, that what permeates
00:07:58.660 | throughout the rest of time.
00:08:00.140 | - I like what you said, the impact.
00:08:02.020 | I'm taking notes.
00:08:06.460 | How did you, what'd you say?
00:08:07.420 | The impact--
00:08:08.260 | - On the collective intelligence of our species.
00:08:10.420 | - Impact on the collective intelligence.
00:08:22.260 | - When Ye is writing down the words
00:08:24.200 | that came out of my dumb mouth, I have made it in life.
00:08:27.720 | - There's a lot of people that have kind of like
00:08:32.940 | sat through, I wanted to wear a different color hoodie
00:08:35.680 | 'cause I was just tired of seeing this hoodie
00:08:36.880 | in all the interviews.
00:08:38.000 | And there's a lot of kids that are with me,
00:08:42.720 | they see what I'm saying.
00:08:44.300 | And they had to sit through all of the muck
00:08:47.240 | of all the previous interviews to get to this.
00:08:50.140 | Every interview has been just an emotional,
00:08:55.140 | it's just like been an argument up to this point.
00:09:00.600 | This is the first of, this is the next frontier
00:09:05.600 | of where our species is gonna head.
00:09:09.640 | It starts here, it starts with you, Lex.
00:09:12.120 | - So this is the first time I heard you
00:09:15.040 | say the word engineering at least so many times,
00:09:17.720 | which I love hearing.
00:09:19.120 | So this is where you're at.
00:09:20.880 | You're like that newborn, you're a being
00:09:24.280 | with engineering opportunities.
00:09:25.960 | - Yeah, and we're all a newborn,
00:09:27.840 | 'cause in Christianity we say born again.
00:09:29.400 | We're all newborns and everyone can,
00:09:32.080 | everyone shall, I don't like the word can.
00:09:35.240 | Shall, the only thing about shall is like,
00:09:39.640 | it kind of dictates and can kind of lets people off the hook.
00:09:43.880 | So I haven't found the perfect post Shakespeare
00:09:47.880 | and post Steve Jobs and post Elon and post Ye
00:09:51.160 | and post Drake way to communicate this.
00:09:54.320 | But we update and we do.
00:10:00.280 | And what the current media structure,
00:10:04.120 | no, it's not actually nothing that's holding us,
00:10:05.840 | there's nothing actually holding us back
00:10:07.280 | because I'm still alive.
00:10:09.600 | I'm still alive.
00:10:10.880 | Like they could have killed me at,
00:10:13.760 | George Bush don't care about black people.
00:10:15.840 | They could have killed me at,
00:10:17.840 | Beyonce had the best video, but we're here now.
00:10:21.520 | So we just keep on leaning and leaning and leaning
00:10:24.320 | and there's these things where I just think about,
00:10:26.880 | there'll be times when I'm at war
00:10:28.520 | and every now and then when the bomb stopped going off
00:10:34.720 | and all the headlines and the smearing
00:10:38.080 | and all that stopped going off,
00:10:39.080 | I think about my family and I'll think about Kim
00:10:42.880 | and I'll think about how King Koopa
00:10:46.480 | has her in the castle right now.
00:10:48.720 | And just on Mario Brothers, you know how it is,
00:10:51.600 | just go for the princess and you get to this level
00:10:55.040 | and it's like, I sung the song wrong, right?
00:10:59.200 | And then they take the princess again.
00:11:01.560 | - Which one are you, Mario?
00:11:03.160 | - Yeah.
00:11:04.000 | - What's your favorite thing,
00:11:08.680 | the thing you love the most about Kim
00:11:11.560 | from a Mario perspective and the princess?
00:11:14.320 | Looking back, was there a moment--
00:11:18.680 | - She's definitely my favorite of all time.
00:11:20.800 | - Yeah, was there a moment that catches you off guard
00:11:25.800 | and you say, I love this human being?
00:11:28.680 | - Yeah, I mean, it's just the DNA is so different
00:11:41.240 | and the DNA is like, she's a mix of Rob and Chris.
00:11:44.480 | - Can you explain?
00:11:47.080 | - I mean, that's like a really high pool right there.
00:11:51.760 | Those are like two geniuses.
00:11:56.320 | - So, okay, so like the entire history of evolution
00:12:03.360 | of the human species created this DNA
00:12:06.400 | that created this being, there's a life there,
00:12:09.280 | there's a set of memories in the history
00:12:10.920 | that brought you together and you're like,
00:12:12.880 | damn, I like this DNA.
00:12:14.960 | - Yeah, certain people have just like high DNA.
00:12:19.800 | Ivanka Trump has high DNA.
00:12:21.440 | - How's your DNA, pretty good?
00:12:26.040 | - I think we've seen that, it's been proven.
00:12:30.080 | I mean, but look at my mom and look at my dad.
00:12:33.160 | Me and my dad have a water purification center
00:12:35.440 | in the DR right now.
00:12:38.120 | And my dad is the original Steve Jobs
00:12:40.720 | and he was blocked by people around him
00:12:44.360 | and people were using him and taking advantage
00:12:46.600 | and not believing in his vision.
00:12:48.960 | My dad's the educated version of Ye.
00:12:51.120 | - What'd you learn about life from your dad?
00:12:54.720 | - And my dad got girls too.
00:12:57.120 | - But those are small details.
00:12:58.680 | - That's a big detail being that I found my dad's playboy
00:13:03.080 | when I was five years old,
00:13:04.600 | it greatly affected my motivation.
00:13:09.160 | - Yeah, all right, so that's part of the engine
00:13:11.240 | that drives Ye.
00:13:12.400 | - Absolutely, I remember when Pharrell
00:13:14.720 | was first in all the videos and my girl was like,
00:13:19.720 | girls like Pharrell and I was like,
00:13:21.960 | I want girls to like me too.
00:13:23.880 | - Funny that that's behind all the ambition, all the drive.
00:13:28.320 | - It's how we make people, it's how people are made.
00:13:31.560 | - It's the desire to be loved.
00:13:34.960 | Is that at the individual level just being noticed
00:13:39.040 | and also at the societal level of scale?
00:13:41.440 | - Well now, I've gone past, I'm like at that place
00:13:46.440 | where Nikolai Tesla was later into his career
00:13:52.200 | where it wasn't about being loved,
00:13:55.840 | it wasn't about sitting at the dinner parties
00:13:58.600 | next to Anna Wintour and stuff,
00:14:00.440 | it was about getting the idea across.
00:14:04.480 | So I have these cells that are very,
00:14:08.480 | and I just keep on saying Ridley Scott,
00:14:12.480 | but Ridley Scott has a special anointing,
00:14:17.040 | it isn't just sci-fi what he's doing,
00:14:19.700 | there's something in there, just like George Lucas,
00:14:22.240 | there's something different that's there.
00:14:28.760 | So-- - What are you drawing?
00:14:32.040 | - I'm drawing these new living cells that we will exist in.
00:14:36.420 | And this is over, okay, let's do like,
00:14:41.960 | I don't like talking about money
00:14:46.380 | because man made money up anyway,
00:14:49.240 | it's like four quadrillion respected dollars
00:14:53.280 | and then you have other forms of currency.
00:14:55.680 | Of course, social currency is super important right now,
00:14:58.360 | but this is a drawing and it's at a pretty good place now.
00:15:03.360 | This will be 40,000 square feet,
00:15:08.520 | I wanna start just talking in meters,
00:15:10.040 | I just think we should go to anything
00:15:13.200 | to restore the Tower of Basel, like they said when the,
00:15:16.520 | I'm just drawing a person here for scale.
00:15:21.000 | - Yeah, that would help.
00:15:24.000 | - Okay, what do you think of that?
00:15:26.760 | Look at my person, see the scale?
00:15:28.240 | In this room?
00:15:29.800 | All right, so-- - Wait, the dot is the person?
00:15:33.720 | - Yeah, I'm saying it's 40,000 square feet,
00:15:38.080 | but that would be like-- - What are the other parts
00:15:39.880 | of the cell?
00:15:41.400 | - Okay, so it's a screen, it doesn't go all the way
00:15:44.520 | to the top and it's one hole for light,
00:15:47.640 | but the water and the light and air all come in from the top
00:15:50.480 | so that's like the mouth and then this is the belly button.
00:15:56.760 | We're God's iPhone, we're his greatest creation.
00:15:59.800 | - So this is all connected, these are all connected?
00:16:03.640 | - Yeah, so I'm drawing how these other cells
00:16:05.360 | go next to each other.
00:16:06.360 | - What's the vision here?
00:16:07.600 | - Happiness, then we talk about what's the motivation,
00:16:12.480 | like yeah, there's a motivation somewhere
00:16:14.120 | in the back of my mind of my family
00:16:19.120 | and if it's like where Moses smithed the rock
00:16:24.320 | and God didn't allow him to get to the promised land
00:16:29.320 | because the promised land is family,
00:16:32.400 | that is the promised land, that is earth,
00:16:35.240 | I mean that is heaven on earth, is family.
00:16:37.440 | Family is heaven, that's the promised land
00:16:39.840 | and for your family to be together.
00:16:42.140 | So say I smithed the rock and God doesn't let me
00:16:47.320 | have my family back, my mission in life is still
00:16:51.760 | to promote families at all costs
00:16:56.760 | and make families existence easier.
00:16:59.880 | So you take this thing, you put a localized farm,
00:17:04.380 | say if it's in a community, that we do localized growing
00:17:07.660 | and then we partner with big farmer and say,
00:17:12.200 | hey, you're actually gonna make more money
00:17:15.000 | by making better food 'cause at the end of the day,
00:17:18.000 | you want money right now, it's like everyone knows
00:17:20.440 | that between the pesticides and between the medical industry
00:17:23.520 | and especially America that we're keeping people sick
00:17:25.920 | and we know that McDonald's makes food that kills people
00:17:29.020 | and Coca-Cola's selling sugar water and all this,
00:17:32.680 | just in case I haven't pissed off enough people in power.
00:17:37.080 | - Yeah. - Okay, so.
00:17:38.680 | - You're gonna piss off the sugar,
00:17:39.960 | anybody that's powered on sugar.
00:17:41.840 | - Sugar, well sugar, what's the health
00:17:43.880 | was actually a documentary on sugar.
00:17:47.520 | It wasn't about how bad meat was,
00:17:50.120 | it was like a reverse documentary on sugar.
00:17:53.560 | A reverse, I don't know if you call it a reverse,
00:17:55.200 | like a sub, but if you watch it again,
00:17:56.980 | when they show sugar in it, it's just,
00:17:59.240 | the sugar looks super clean.
00:18:01.660 | - Yeah, it's just like-- - So as I state these things,
00:18:06.700 | I know that, I know I have protection.
00:18:09.640 | I have God's protection, that's why I'm here
00:18:13.240 | to this date, right?
00:18:14.280 | So it's for me to have this platform
00:18:17.960 | and express exactly what I feel
00:18:19.480 | because it's kids out there, right?
00:18:21.920 | That it's kids that are gonna save the world
00:18:26.760 | through engineering and through facts.
00:18:29.300 | And I've gotta get, download as much of the information
00:18:34.300 | and as much of the, don't be afraid to state your facts,
00:18:39.220 | is the biggest thing because the world
00:18:41.200 | is being ran by fear and that is,
00:18:44.400 | no, actually God runs the world,
00:18:45.760 | but there's just like little cloud,
00:18:47.360 | this patina of our ego that deals with the money
00:18:51.840 | and the car and the girl we're dating
00:18:53.880 | and all this and the clothes you wear
00:18:55.160 | and spending too much on clothes
00:18:56.480 | and a lot of stuff that I've been involved with promoting.
00:18:58.600 | So now what I'm promoting is,
00:19:00.380 | you have the idea, you say it out loud,
00:19:02.200 | like if you had Tourette's, say your truth out loud.
00:19:06.360 | If you hate, yay, you hate me, say that out loud.
00:19:08.760 | Say whatever you feel out loud.
00:19:12.240 | Like you say it non-violently, non-violent,
00:19:16.840 | non-violent, I have to say that like as,
00:19:18.800 | as a shout out to Alex Jones and Trump,
00:19:23.520 | where they try to say that when they say their truths
00:19:26.120 | out loud, that it's inciting violence.
00:19:27.520 | So let's be like really clear.
00:19:29.800 | I'm saying that they have criminalized free thought.
00:19:34.080 | I hate when people use they,
00:19:37.680 | like they gets the blame for everything, right?
00:19:39.440 | It's always they.
00:19:40.560 | Who the fuck is they, exactly?
00:19:43.480 | - The problem is they is us.
00:19:45.600 | - Yeah, well, I love that.
00:19:47.160 | What we needed to do is turn I to we.
00:19:49.920 | So we take the responsibility and turn they to us.
00:19:54.640 | So we take accountability to us.
00:19:58.540 | They, I to we, and they to us.
00:20:02.760 | And that relates, it's a language at the same time.
00:20:05.320 | You're seeing the language of our surroundings.
00:20:08.520 | You're seeing the language of,
00:20:11.640 | one of the things, okay,
00:20:12.640 | let's go back to the cell explanation,
00:20:14.120 | because I'm also doing a,
00:20:17.520 | what's that thing when Elon just put all the information
00:20:20.120 | in the open and people could figure out,
00:20:21.400 | they could figure it out and open source.
00:20:23.520 | - Yeah, open source.
00:20:24.360 | - So I'm open sourcing this idea right now,
00:20:27.240 | so that engineers and anointed people,
00:20:32.240 | beings, anointed beings can collectively contribute
00:20:37.700 | to this, to push our species forward.
00:20:41.920 | So where I've got to with my research
00:20:45.520 | is that there will be a hole at the top
00:20:48.200 | that allows natural light, natural air,
00:20:52.720 | and there's a constant water system,
00:20:55.800 | so it becomes like a water city,
00:20:57.840 | where it's a constant flow that's not,
00:21:00.600 | it's regenerative, it's not wasting the water,
00:21:03.580 | and it's just a constant flow.
00:21:05.240 | So I put the toilet really close to where this,
00:21:11.760 | I don't want to call it a wave pool,
00:21:13.080 | but in the pool, the water is not still.
00:21:15.160 | - So that exists in water, surrounded by water.
00:21:19.960 | - Well, the living room is, you have two rooms.
00:21:22.520 | You have the dry room,
00:21:23.760 | which people have called a living room before,
00:21:26.320 | and then you have the wet room.
00:21:28.200 | - How is that a source of happiness?
00:21:32.640 | What is broken about our world today
00:21:36.480 | that that gives you in terms of the pursuit of happiness,
00:21:39.400 | which is one of the things--
00:21:40.760 | - Well, all of our buildings--
00:21:41.760 | - In the previous declaration of independence.
00:21:43.200 | - All of our buildings are based on just
00:21:45.880 | the industry and the economy,
00:21:49.800 | and then people lean into what people are used to seeing,
00:21:53.640 | like what we think is attractive,
00:21:57.840 | 'cause then you go back to the women who give life.
00:22:02.840 | So everyone wants to be attractive
00:22:09.480 | to the attractive,
00:22:11.560 | and that's the reason why the media goes and gets
00:22:16.560 | Bella Hadid, Kim Kardashian, Emily Ratajkowski.
00:22:22.240 | Those are the only ones I'm gonna--
00:22:29.720 | - There's more?
00:22:30.800 | - There's more, but I'm thinking of ones
00:22:32.720 | that I think are attractive.
00:22:34.440 | - It is subjective.
00:22:35.600 | - Yeah, 'cause it's subjective.
00:22:36.560 | So to my subjective, which I think
00:22:39.840 | the only guys that could argue with me
00:22:43.440 | on my opinion on girls would be Brad and Leo,
00:22:49.600 | because we're the only ones with the track record.
00:22:52.560 | Everything else, so for everybody else, it's subjective.
00:22:55.080 | We've got history.
00:22:55.960 | - Are you happy?
00:23:00.080 | - Absolutely, I'm just here.
00:23:03.240 | It's actually,
00:23:05.120 | it's difficult to make me unhappy.
00:23:10.120 | Now I could deal with frustrations,
00:23:15.880 | but when those frustrations are, it's like
00:23:18.920 | when you've allowed people to be in your life
00:23:22.600 | that shouldn't be there,
00:23:24.880 | and then they do the thing you knew they were gonna do,
00:23:27.280 | and you're screaming at them,
00:23:28.400 | but you really need to scream at yourself.
00:23:32.680 | - Yeah, so you realize anything that's anger or frustration,
00:23:37.080 | that's something that's wrong with you
00:23:38.720 | that needs to be dealt with.
00:23:40.120 | - Yes, like right now, okay,
00:23:43.120 | say I got this pattern cutter that I wanted
00:23:46.680 | to remove because I felt like she was
00:23:51.160 | copying our patterns into the computer,
00:23:53.400 | and I didn't know why she wanted to do that,
00:23:55.120 | and I just wanted to do the patterns by hand,
00:23:58.080 | and then--
00:24:00.120 | - You mean like automating the patterns?
00:24:01.560 | Is that what you mean? - Yeah.
00:24:02.640 | And my head of it, because they just,
00:24:04.800 | that's the whole thing.
00:24:05.640 | It's like, it's a war of human beings and robots.
00:24:10.640 | - Yeah, but that makes it more efficient, right?
00:24:13.280 | You don't like the efficiency.
00:24:14.440 | You like the creativity of the singular nature
00:24:16.800 | of the pattern.
00:24:17.800 | - I believe that the human beings,
00:24:20.600 | and I'm saying this to you as a person who makes robots
00:24:22.920 | and a person who's friends with Elon--
00:24:24.000 | - I'm deeply offended right now.
00:24:25.360 | - Yeah.
00:24:26.320 | - But I'll let it go.
00:24:27.960 | - Okay. - It's good.
00:24:28.800 | - So yeah, I believe that the--
00:24:30.600 | - EA hates robots.
00:24:32.000 | I'm not gonna put that out there.
00:24:34.280 | It's a joke.
00:24:35.400 | - Robots have feelings too.
00:24:36.520 | - Yeah, yeah, that's right.
00:24:38.000 | - That was also a joke.
00:24:39.880 | - We need to clarify that for future robots.
00:24:42.600 | But the pattern cutter, the pattern cutter,
00:24:45.840 | you don't like that.
00:24:46.680 | That had to be, you can't have that part of your life.
00:24:50.580 | - That's not what I'm, my,
00:24:54.480 | everything that I'm doing is for
00:24:58.680 | the sake of the human race.
00:25:03.680 | There's things in capitalism,
00:25:08.280 | there's things in technology.
00:25:11.280 | Well, technology and original human species
00:25:16.280 | can exist in a peaceful way.
00:25:21.440 | As long as the people that know how to make robots
00:25:26.400 | aren't using their robots to control the humans.
00:25:31.240 | - Definitely something you have to be concerned about
00:25:33.080 | as we become more technologically savvy.
00:25:35.480 | That, my friend, is why engineering isn't everything,
00:25:39.920 | that you have to desperately study the lessons of history.
00:25:44.200 | In Nazi Germany, science was used to create atrocities.
00:25:49.200 | Engineering, the same.
00:25:52.840 | Engineering could be a tool of war.
00:25:55.440 | - We're still in the Holocaust.
00:25:57.800 | A Jewish friend of mine said,
00:26:01.440 | come go visit the Holocaust Museum.
00:26:05.800 | And my response was,
00:26:07.040 | let's visit our Holocaust Museum, Planned Parenthood.
00:26:10.720 | - With all due respect, I grew up in the Soviet Union.
00:26:15.240 | I'm Jewish.
00:26:16.280 | Parts of my family perished in the Holocaust
00:26:22.720 | of Nazi Germany.
00:26:24.560 | I have to push back that there is a difference
00:26:28.360 | of the atrocities at that scale, at that time,
00:26:32.400 | on an entire people.
00:26:33.240 | - I was gonna say the number, that's the difference.
00:26:35.680 | - It's not the number.
00:26:36.800 | - Because six million, well, also,
00:26:40.680 | African Americans are actually Jew also.
00:26:43.080 | The lost tribe of Israel.
00:26:43.920 | - I can push back on that too.
00:26:45.360 | - Okay, so, well, everyone came from Africa.
00:26:48.680 | - I am African.
00:26:49.840 | I'm basically African American.
00:26:51.720 | We're brothers.
00:26:52.560 | - And we're both Jew.
00:26:53.440 | - And we're brothers.
00:26:54.880 | So-- - We're human.
00:26:56.400 | - Six million people died in the Holocaust.
00:26:58.560 | Over 20 million have died by the hands of abortion.
00:27:01.800 | And the media promotes the My Body, My Choice,
00:27:06.440 | which is actually still a promotion for Planned Parenthood.
00:27:11.040 | 50% of black deaths a year is actually abortion.
00:27:16.040 | It's not the cop with the knee.
00:27:19.240 | It's not black on black violence and gang violence.
00:27:21.520 | It's not heart attacks.
00:27:22.600 | It's actually abortion.
00:27:23.800 | The most dangerous place for a black person in America
00:27:28.320 | is in their mother's stomach.
00:27:29.800 | - There's 900 to a million abortions
00:27:34.440 | in the United States a year.
00:27:36.680 | I hear you.
00:27:37.520 | But there's something about the rape, the torture,
00:27:43.000 | the murder of children, women, men,
00:27:47.040 | the complete humiliation and just the suffering
00:27:51.240 | that was endured during World War II.
00:27:53.480 | - That's what we deal with on our TVs.
00:27:56.120 | Right now with black people.
00:27:58.200 | Soros would use black trauma economy to win an election.
00:28:03.200 | What I love is having a healthy conversation.
00:28:08.240 | And as opposed to, there's certain things,
00:28:09.720 | you know, boom, this drops,
00:28:11.480 | people are gonna have pussy hats on.
00:28:12.880 | Boom, this drops, it's gonna be black people
00:28:16.120 | and white people with signs.
00:28:17.480 | Boom, this drops.
00:28:18.560 | So hey, China, hey, left agenda, hey,
00:28:23.000 | what we're gonna do is say that our species
00:28:25.880 | can have a healthy conversation.
00:28:27.480 | - Can I just linger on this?
00:28:30.320 | Because when you say Jewish media,
00:28:32.200 | there's a echo of a pain that people feel
00:28:37.400 | that reminds an entire--
00:28:39.240 | - You're saying it's redundant, right?
00:28:41.520 | - No, I'm not saying it's redundant.
00:28:43.240 | I'm saying-- - I'm saying it's redundant.
00:28:44.360 | - You're saying it's redundant.
00:28:45.840 | - It's a redundant statement.
00:28:46.680 | - I'm saying it's something that--
00:28:47.880 | - I'm saying that it's something that Joseph Goebbels,
00:28:50.680 | the propaganda minister of Nazi Germany said.
00:28:53.880 | I'm saying it's been said so many times
00:28:56.680 | in order to murder and torture Jewish people
00:29:01.680 | that it just rings wrong.
00:29:05.720 | - And that's the thing-- - Just like the N word
00:29:07.680 | when spoken by people that have the same skin color as me,
00:29:12.240 | it reminds people of a very dark time.
00:29:15.960 | - I know, if Jewish people would accept that I'm Jew,
00:29:19.440 | then they would see what I'm saying in a different way.
00:29:22.080 | They would hear it in a different way.
00:29:23.280 | - But see, the people, you saying you're Jewish, that--
00:29:26.680 | - No, I'm Jew, not Jewish.
00:29:28.120 | Jewish means like that of a Jew.
00:29:29.520 | I'm saying I'm Jew.
00:29:30.760 | - You're Jew.
00:29:31.600 | - Blood of Christ, Orthodox Christian.
00:29:33.680 | - Right, but are you a follower of the philosophy
00:29:38.680 | of the black Hebrew Israelites?
00:29:44.400 | 'Cause that's where the idea comes from.
00:29:46.720 | Not all of those folks are extremists,
00:29:50.460 | but some are extremists.
00:29:52.040 | - I'm a follower of the idea,
00:29:55.080 | I have a vague idea that all people came from Africa.
00:30:00.080 | But what I wanted to do, okay,
00:30:03.960 | now I could Andy Kaufman this about seven more minutes
00:30:08.080 | and then tell you what it is, what the whole point is.
00:30:11.600 | - Let's count, seven minutes.
00:30:13.240 | - No, I did this to do a spoiler alert.
00:30:16.200 | - Sure, spoiler.
00:30:17.440 | - What's the first thing I said at the beginning?
00:30:19.880 | - We're talking about engineering and humans.
00:30:23.560 | We're all human.
00:30:24.800 | - And then what did I say we shouldn't focus on?
00:30:27.280 | - Race.
00:30:28.200 | - Not just that.
00:30:29.040 | I said they shouldn't teach this in school.
00:30:32.760 | - History.
00:30:33.600 | - The history, because what they do,
00:30:36.480 | what schools are doing is exactly what the CIA does
00:30:41.060 | with Pixar films and Disney films.
00:30:43.800 | They make Bambi's mom die in the beginning, right?
00:30:47.400 | And off that pain comes a purchase of ice cream.
00:30:52.400 | Off that pain comes, I need some more toys.
00:30:55.440 | Off that pain comes, I need a bigger house.
00:30:57.480 | Off that pain comes, I need more girls than my wife.
00:31:00.440 | Off that pain comes, so they put that pain in to make us,
00:31:05.440 | now we're the orphans of capitalism,
00:31:08.600 | to make us be consumers and we need to be a community,
00:31:12.780 | not just consumers.
00:31:14.500 | So I could have went another seven minutes
00:31:17.500 | by being a person who presents himself in a way that says,
00:31:22.080 | well, I don't have to feel your pain
00:31:24.220 | because I also have pain too that's not being recognized.
00:31:27.040 | And in every interview, when I say,
00:31:29.040 | well, why did I get to the point of putting up the tweet?
00:31:32.260 | No one wants to understand why I got to that point, right?
00:31:36.420 | - You had pain, you had pain.
00:31:37.400 | - Yeah, but no one--
00:31:38.240 | - Pain in your heart.
00:31:39.080 | - But let's say this, undoubtedly Jewish people
00:31:43.420 | have a lot of movies about that pain
00:31:48.420 | and black people have a lot of movies
00:31:51.460 | about the pain of slavery, right?
00:31:54.820 | It's almost impossible to find a movie about Mansa Munsa.
00:31:59.720 | When you go to the African History Museum in Washington, DC,
00:32:03.560 | it doesn't start with the idea of Africans being kings.
00:32:08.560 | It starts with the idea of Africans being slaves.
00:32:13.260 | But here's another interesting point about this.
00:32:16.280 | This was said to me one time and it stuck with me
00:32:18.220 | as a family member of mine.
00:32:19.580 | With Africans, how many times you've heard like a rapper
00:32:24.380 | talk about we were kings?
00:32:27.220 | That's incorrect if we're Jew.
00:32:33.280 | If we're Jew, and since we are, we weren't the kings.
00:32:38.280 | We were the slaves that Moses freed.
00:32:41.560 | Africans have always said, we've heard,
00:32:45.340 | you've listened to rap music and hear black people say,
00:32:47.220 | we kings, we blood of the pharaohs.
00:32:50.040 | And if we are Jew, then we weren't.
00:32:56.200 | We were the people that Moses freed.
00:33:00.420 | And when we talk about, have you heard black people
00:33:02.640 | talk about 400 years of slavery?
00:33:04.260 | All right, that is, and we're having this history lesson.
00:33:10.080 | - I thought history doesn't matter.
00:33:11.660 | You're exploring ancient history
00:33:14.160 | and drawing deep wisdom from it.
00:33:16.620 | And at the same time saying we need to forget all of it.
00:33:20.160 | We need to put that behind us.
00:33:21.920 | - Absolutely.
00:33:22.740 | We need to forget it and we need to move forward.
00:33:26.320 | - There's so much wisdom to draw from history.
00:33:29.460 | Even the 20th century.
00:33:31.280 | Look at this, communism.
00:33:33.980 | Without the lessons of history of the 20th century,
00:33:37.520 | communism sounds like a great idea.
00:33:40.120 | Except that some of the worst atrocities
00:33:43.600 | conducted by Stalin and Mao that killed
00:33:46.920 | 50, 100 plus million people, not just killed,
00:33:51.560 | tortured, starvation, where people, cannibalism,
00:33:55.320 | they ate each other, they ate their children.
00:33:58.080 | There's just dark, people should read some books on this,
00:34:03.080 | on the Holland and more, it's in the 1930s.
00:34:05.800 | - But I disagree.
00:34:06.640 | - With that lesson, we would, and now it's becoming
00:34:09.800 | more popular, Marxism and communism.
00:34:11.560 | - I'm not disagreeing that that happened.
00:34:13.800 | I'm disagreeing that we need to harp
00:34:18.160 | on the things that happened because the truth is,
00:34:21.000 | I'm giving a fact, 50% today of,
00:34:26.480 | let's say, you don't call black people Jew, right?
00:34:29.680 | Black people's deaths today is abortion, today, right now.
00:34:34.680 | Like that, it's not racism, that's too wide of a term.
00:34:40.600 | It's genocide and population control
00:34:44.980 | that black people are in today in America
00:34:48.600 | that is promoted by the music and the media
00:34:52.700 | that black people make that Jewish record labels
00:34:56.400 | get paid off of, or media companies.
00:34:58.640 | Record label's a media company also,
00:34:59.920 | so let's give it a wider--
00:35:01.920 | - I agree with Martin Luther King.
00:35:04.680 | I have a dream, too.
00:35:06.000 | - Martin Luther King-- - That one day,
00:35:07.560 | you would not be judged by the color of your skin
00:35:11.800 | or your race, black or Jew,
00:35:15.000 | but by the content of your character.
00:35:16.640 | All the assholes that fucked you over in the music industry,
00:35:19.840 | fuck artists over in the music industry, are individuals.
00:35:24.560 | They're not Jews.
00:35:26.160 | - Can you-- - They are Jewish.
00:35:29.200 | - It doesn't, they're human with opportunities,
00:35:33.560 | and they took those opportunities.
00:35:35.480 | I don't care if they're Jewish or Jew--
00:35:37.400 | - Do you feel like I should release that pain
00:35:39.360 | and separate it?
00:35:40.280 | - Yes.
00:35:42.400 | - Okay, so if that, okay.
00:35:44.000 | So if you're saying I should release that pain
00:35:46.440 | and separate it, then I'm telling you,
00:35:49.240 | you should release your pain and separate it,
00:35:52.080 | and we could get to this, the list
00:35:54.880 | of how you are being with engineering opportunities.
00:35:59.160 | - That's 100%, I see what you're doing,
00:36:01.360 | that's exactly what you're doing.
00:36:02.800 | The pain, I'm gonna let it go.
00:36:05.480 | Engineering challenges, I get it.
00:36:07.720 | One of the problems you highlight
00:36:09.320 | is people get fucked over in the music industry
00:36:13.040 | and get fucked over in the media,
00:36:15.080 | get fucked over all over the place.
00:36:17.040 | - They created, there was a Jewish trainer
00:36:21.520 | that brought me to the hospital and put in press
00:36:24.800 | that I went to the hospital.
00:36:25.960 | I know friends that, off of exhaustion,
00:36:28.000 | a Jewish doctor that diagnosed me--
00:36:30.320 | - Why do you keep saying Jewish?
00:36:31.520 | - Because they were, right?
00:36:33.480 | Diagnosed me with bipolar disorder
00:36:37.080 | and shot me with medication and put me on medication,
00:36:40.240 | then put it in the press, and every time,
00:36:43.000 | even if I wore the wrong color hat
00:36:45.200 | that a nigger is not supposed to wear, right?
00:36:48.720 | Then they immediately say, he's off of his shit,
00:36:52.160 | he's off his meds, he's off his rocker,
00:36:54.400 | and it's literally used as a scarlet letter
00:36:57.240 | control mechanism for the, people understand.
00:37:00.840 | The kids, the colleges, the high schools,
00:37:04.000 | what do you think they put me right now?
00:37:06.640 | They put me as the prophet, not the leader.
00:37:10.920 | It doesn't have to be the leader, right?
00:37:12.280 | 'Cause we need a more intelligent person to be the leader,
00:37:16.360 | but at least, right, they put me as the prophet,
00:37:19.400 | they put me as the only person that would say this,
00:37:22.200 | and I'm just saying that was four Jewish members
00:37:25.960 | that controlled my voice because for the fact
00:37:29.520 | that 90% of black people in entertainment,
00:37:33.200 | from sports to music to acting,
00:37:36.040 | are in some way tied into Jewish business people,
00:37:40.720 | meaning that in some way, just like if Rahm
00:37:44.880 | is sitting next to Obama or Jared's sitting next to Trump,
00:37:48.200 | there's a Jewish person right there controlling the country,
00:37:53.200 | the Jewish people controlling that,
00:37:56.280 | who gets the best video or not,
00:37:58.200 | controlling what the media says about me.
00:38:00.760 | - It's a person, not Jewish.
00:38:02.840 | Let me just say one thing.
00:38:03.680 | - But they are, though.
00:38:04.800 | That's the only thing, it just so happens that they are.
00:38:07.440 | It just happens that they are.
00:38:08.800 | That doesn't mean that I hate them.
00:38:10.600 | - Yes, yes, yes. - That just means
00:38:12.000 | that they are.
00:38:12.960 | - But it's a dog whistle, too.
00:38:15.960 | Let me just say, as I would love to add more love
00:38:20.520 | to the world, I would love you to do that
00:38:23.160 | as a person with a big voice, with a big, powerful voice
00:38:26.080 | that a lot of people look up to.
00:38:27.680 | And when you say Jewish media,
00:38:30.200 | it's funny how this world works that way.
00:38:31.840 | When you say Jewish media or Jews are controlling
00:38:35.840 | the voice of black artists, black people, black artists,
00:38:40.520 | when you say that--
00:38:41.360 | - Am I not allowed to say it out loud?
00:38:43.160 | - You can say it.
00:38:44.200 | There's a large number of people that are hurting
00:38:47.040 | and have anger and even have hate in their heart
00:38:50.480 | when they hear Jewish media, that hate starts being directed
00:38:55.480 | towards the Jewish people.
00:38:57.640 | Do you acknowledge that?
00:39:01.520 | Do you understand?
00:39:02.520 | Can you feel the hate in the world
00:39:05.360 | that comes to the surface when you say stuff like that?
00:39:10.960 | - Okay.
00:39:12.640 | I feel that when we go into therapy,
00:39:16.360 | my dad was a therapist, and obviously I've got some
00:39:19.000 | therapy skills myself.
00:39:21.880 | A lot of people, my music is healing.
00:39:23.920 | These type of spa-like existences are healing.
00:39:28.560 | The color palettes I use are healing.
00:39:30.680 | And we can use healing words, right?
00:39:32.720 | What I really feel, I feel that there's no accountability
00:39:39.440 | and no responsibility on Jewish people in media
00:39:43.720 | to at least start with owning up with the facts
00:39:47.080 | of what's dealt with and tell me,
00:39:49.360 | if I say the facts out loud, to the point of Ari Emanuel
00:39:53.560 | writing a letter in the Financial Times
00:39:56.520 | trying to take food out of my children's mouth,
00:39:59.160 | telling people that they're not allowed to work with me.
00:40:01.960 | Even Chris Como or Piers Morgan getting me to apologize
00:40:08.040 | and separate Jewish business people
00:40:12.280 | from the families of the Jewish business people,
00:40:14.760 | which I did, update, I did that, that already happened.
00:40:18.480 | And the way I-- - That was a shitty apology.
00:40:20.040 | That wasn't really an apology.
00:40:21.640 | But shout out for that conversation.
00:40:23.520 | Great conversation. - I need to get on my knees
00:40:25.240 | and kiss the dick of Howard Stern and--
00:40:29.240 | - You don't need to kiss anyone's dick.
00:40:31.040 | - But that's what you guys are acting like.
00:40:33.000 | - You guys, look at that.
00:40:34.360 | - Because you're talking about it as a shitty opinion,
00:40:37.640 | apology, but where's our fucking apology?
00:40:41.200 | Watch this. - Sorry.
00:40:42.520 | - We don't get, thank you.
00:40:44.200 | Now let's move on. - What, sorry.
00:40:45.880 | (laughing)
00:40:47.000 | Oh, do I need to get on my knees or no?
00:40:49.000 | - And kiss my dick. - Oh, shit.
00:40:52.200 | - So-- - This escalated quickly.
00:40:54.320 | - So, that's escalated quickly.
00:40:56.920 | So the-- - Nice.
00:40:58.560 | (laughing)
00:40:59.480 | So what-- - No, I'm saying,
00:41:00.760 | where's our apology?
00:41:02.960 | But we can't get to apology because you're telling me
00:41:06.800 | there's no right way for me to word it.
00:41:09.600 | So tell me, for me, a person who's been fucked on my deals
00:41:14.600 | and a person that has friends that never figured out
00:41:18.360 | how to make shoes with a German company
00:41:20.840 | that couldn't tell me to wear a BLM shirt
00:41:23.280 | and take off my red hat like what would have happened
00:41:25.640 | if I was at Nike, right?
00:41:27.440 | Tell me exactly how to engineer the situation I'm in.
00:41:34.400 | - I'll tell you exactly how.
00:41:35.440 | You got a big voice, have the balls as a man
00:41:38.400 | to call out the individuals.
00:41:40.120 | Don't call 'em Jews, call 'em by their name
00:41:43.400 | and start a war against those individuals.
00:41:46.000 | They're not Jewish.
00:41:46.880 | - But if that's the case, will you help me with that?
00:41:50.240 | - Sure, 100%.
00:41:52.480 | Assholes are, well, let me flip that too.
00:41:55.280 | I don't understand the industry well.
00:41:57.360 | I see that people are fucking people over for sure,
00:42:00.500 | but how do you solve that?
00:42:01.800 | If you right now run the world's,
00:42:06.200 | you're doing a million things,
00:42:07.360 | but say you ran also a record label.
00:42:10.120 | - I have ran a record label.
00:42:11.200 | Well, I've been ran by a record label
00:42:12.880 | where I was the face of a record label
00:42:14.880 | and had Big Sean and different people complaining to me
00:42:18.280 | and I knew fuck about running a record label.
00:42:20.240 | I was simply just a talented producer and an influencer
00:42:24.560 | that then started Good Music,
00:42:25.960 | but I wasn't the one running Good Music.
00:42:27.840 | - How would you do it differently?
00:42:29.480 | - This is something I propose.
00:42:31.320 | I would look at the top 10 execs in three fields,
00:42:36.320 | in sports, film, and music.
00:42:41.680 | And I would look at the top 10 clients,
00:42:45.600 | participant talent.
00:42:50.240 | I would look at the top talent in each of those fields,
00:42:53.040 | the top 10 of them.
00:42:54.360 | And some of them are gonna be Tom Brady.
00:42:56.520 | Some of them are gonna be Taylor Swift.
00:42:58.040 | Some of them, they're not all gonna be black, right?
00:42:59.760 | Some of them, so some of them will be Adele, right?
00:43:04.760 | And we'll look at all their contracts transparently
00:43:10.480 | and we'll compare the notes and re-engineer
00:43:15.920 | like it's a new constitution.
00:43:17.800 | Because when I told my dad when I was 19
00:43:20.240 | that I was gonna get into the music industry,
00:43:22.480 | he begged me not to.
00:43:23.680 | He said, "I heard it's treacherous."
00:43:25.840 | Now I'm in a position where I've been through it.
00:43:28.160 | I saw it.
00:43:29.360 | I went out, made some money somewhere else.
00:43:31.880 | I saw my name get smeared.
00:43:33.480 | I saw my family get destroyed.
00:43:35.680 | I saw my reputation get destroyed.
00:43:37.840 | And I'm back here to have this kind of,
00:43:40.360 | I'm back here as a being with engineering opportunities.
00:43:44.000 | - So--
00:43:44.840 | - Wait a second, if you say it as a shitty apology,
00:43:47.280 | what is the version of the apology
00:43:51.200 | short of kissing Howard Stern's dick?
00:43:53.880 | - I don't think anyone wants to kiss Howard Stern's dick.
00:43:56.000 | - That's the whole point, Howard Stern.
00:43:57.200 | Nobody wants to kiss your dick, so shut the fuck up.
00:43:59.520 | I said, by the way, I'm antagonizing you, Howard Stern.
00:44:02.720 | I used to be a fan of you.
00:44:04.760 | - Yeah, me too.
00:44:05.840 | - Yeah, now--
00:44:06.680 | - I'm still a fan sometimes.
00:44:08.520 | - Now you're just doing clickbait like everybody else.
00:44:12.000 | Now you're just a sad old man, Howard.
00:44:14.720 | - All right.
00:44:16.040 | - Now, Howard Stern, this is the first time
00:44:18.440 | anyone's said your name in years.
00:44:21.680 | Your own family doesn't say your name
00:44:23.440 | unless they're calling to get their bills paid.
00:44:25.960 | (laughing)
00:44:27.240 | - You're going hard.
00:44:28.240 | See, that's beautiful right there.
00:44:32.680 | That's much better than calling Jewish media.
00:44:35.480 | Go after individuals.
00:44:37.040 | - Okay, so--
00:44:37.880 | - Go after individuals.
00:44:38.700 | If you don't talk shit about me, talk shit about me.
00:44:41.080 | This is great.
00:44:41.920 | - And you know what that is?
00:44:42.760 | - Yeah, what's that?
00:44:43.720 | Engineering.
00:44:46.440 | - That's an engineer's approach.
00:44:47.880 | - Yeah, engineers, yeah, yeah.
00:44:49.920 | You should learn some of that.
00:44:51.640 | - We all can use our pain against each other,
00:44:54.120 | or we can say we're being with engineering opportunities,
00:44:58.920 | and we can know about history.
00:45:00.680 | So let me change something.
00:45:02.440 | We can have a, just to be judgmental,
00:45:06.960 | people say thou shalt not judge.
00:45:09.000 | I was talking to Camille Vasquez.
00:45:10.440 | She says, "I'm very judgmental."
00:45:11.720 | That's what we're doing.
00:45:12.560 | I believe, now you could go to Bible,
00:45:16.040 | and one thing's gonna say one thing,
00:45:17.160 | another thing may be contradicted in a way,
00:45:19.800 | and then the pastor has to unpack it.
00:45:22.480 | I believe that we are to judge.
00:45:26.920 | If you look at some food,
00:45:29.680 | and it's got a fly coming out of it,
00:45:32.360 | you can then judge at that point.
00:45:35.080 | You're supposed to use your better judgment.
00:45:37.000 | But whenever someone doesn't wanna change
00:45:39.280 | something they're doing, they'll say, "Don't judge me,"
00:45:42.480 | right, but as a species, you called for me.
00:45:46.080 | You got the breakthrough, and by the way,
00:45:48.360 | it's only an engineer that I would respect
00:45:51.560 | to tell me of how to update how I'm communicating,
00:45:56.560 | because this started off, right?
00:45:58.320 | I've been through all these interviews.
00:46:01.840 | Let me go to this.
00:46:03.520 | You said this was a sorry apology.
00:46:07.000 | I was very specific.
00:46:08.400 | I said the Jewish, because by the way, it's a barrage,
00:46:11.480 | right, it's a thing where I don't even remember the names
00:46:13.640 | at a certain point, right?
00:46:14.880 | It's like if a girl was getting raped by men,
00:46:20.640 | if that person's not 18, right,
00:46:25.640 | and she was getting raped since 14, right,
00:46:28.440 | and she still got this face,
00:46:31.080 | this super like Irina Shayk level face, right,
00:46:34.200 | she might say, "I hate men."
00:46:39.960 | That woman may say, "I hate men."
00:46:41.920 | She might get to that point because she was raped.
00:46:45.440 | All my contracts, and no one can say this is ramped up.
00:46:49.040 | No one, Howard Stern can't say this is ramped up.
00:46:51.240 | Ari Emanuel can't say this is ramped up.
00:46:53.360 | George Soros knows damn well that I'm not ramped up.
00:46:57.160 | George Soros knows like, wow, this guy's like a younger guy
00:47:02.120 | that's looking at what I did
00:47:04.520 | and looking at how I control the world silently,
00:47:08.040 | and he's calling it out,
00:47:09.640 | and he's not using any of the fear tactics.
00:47:12.880 | I can't send his homeboys around him.
00:47:14.560 | I can't send his wife to him.
00:47:16.320 | This guy, that's what George Soros sees, right,
00:47:19.240 | when he's dealing with me, right?
00:47:20.560 | So what you guys are actually asking me to do,
00:47:23.840 | I'm comparing myself to that 18-year-old beautiful woman
00:47:28.840 | that had been mistreated by men
00:47:31.120 | for four years of her life, right,
00:47:34.120 | and you're saying, you know, as a man,
00:47:37.680 | you can't blame all men,
00:47:39.720 | and I'm saying as a responsible forward philosopher leader,
00:47:45.720 | okay, I'll drop the pain, and I will specify,
00:47:50.600 | because I'm up here, I lost my fucking family.
00:47:54.440 | I lost my kids.
00:47:56.200 | I lost my best friend in fashion.
00:47:59.120 | I lost the black community.
00:48:01.520 | I lost, you know, people said I lost my mind.
00:48:04.960 | All of these things, lost my reputation,
00:48:07.480 | and I'm up here just like, I just want my family,
00:48:11.880 | but I don't want my family to have to say
00:48:15.000 | what the left wants us to say,
00:48:16.960 | to have to say what China wants us to say.
00:48:19.800 | I wanna be an American and protect my kids
00:48:22.560 | and protect my wife and raise my kids as Christians
00:48:26.560 | and have my wife be a Christian and innovate
00:48:30.280 | and America may rock and roll.
00:48:31.720 | I wanna innovate as a creative person
00:48:34.040 | and be a successful American,
00:48:36.400 | but all of that had been taken away from me.
00:48:38.560 | So I'm coming back and I'm removing the PSTD right now,
00:48:42.600 | right, I'm standing up and saying the only way
00:48:44.920 | that we're gonna be able to get past this
00:48:46.640 | and the way God is gonna use me right now
00:48:50.840 | is for me to stop talking about the pain,
00:48:53.480 | stop talking about what happened and do something about it,
00:48:56.880 | and that's where I'm at right now in this moment.
00:49:00.080 | Like, yeah, people agree,
00:49:01.640 | at least there was something where you could say
00:49:03.360 | he has a reason of why he got to that tweet,
00:49:06.600 | and what you're doing for me today is saying,
00:49:08.900 | yo, that was a sorry apology and let's specify.
00:49:14.680 | I'm not asking for anyone out here to empathize
00:49:18.600 | or sympathize for a dude worth $11 billion
00:49:23.600 | that can make money disappear,
00:49:25.880 | I mean, appear at a thin air in five different industries.
00:49:30.120 | I'm not asking for anybody to sympathize
00:49:33.760 | with someone who's married to Kim Kardashian,
00:49:36.920 | dated Irene and Shay, blah, blah, blah, blah,
00:49:38.920 | like, I feel like I'm just not gonna get the sympathy vote
00:49:43.000 | in this situation, right?
00:49:46.520 | - I feel your pain, I feel your pain, yeah.
00:49:48.200 | - I feel like no one's gonna feel my pain,
00:49:49.920 | only Brad and Leo can feel my pain, right?
00:49:51.880 | So the, so--
00:49:54.480 | - But still.
00:49:56.600 | - But here today, when you said it's a sorry apology,
00:49:59.920 | what's the apology that you're looking for
00:50:04.400 | as a Jewish engineer?
00:50:07.440 | Oh, no, no, I'm saying, as Lex,
00:50:09.480 | let's not talk about you being Jewish, as Lex,
00:50:13.120 | what's the apology that you want me to say to,
00:50:18.120 | am I allowed to say Jewish?
00:50:20.720 | Tell me, is it anti-Semitic for Ye to say Jewish out loud?
00:50:23.980 | - No, there's, I don't like the "allowed"
00:50:26.800 | that presumes censorship.
00:50:28.880 | I think you choose, you have a powerful voice.
00:50:31.640 | - Did I prove, did I prove that there was censorship
00:50:34.680 | over the past two weeks?
00:50:36.000 | I proved it. - Who censored you?
00:50:37.460 | Oh, Drink Champs.
00:50:38.680 | - Oh my Lord.
00:50:40.680 | (laughing)
00:50:41.720 | - Oh, like Twitter and so on?
00:50:43.120 | - Twitter.
00:50:43.960 | - That has less to do--
00:50:44.960 | - Drink Champs.
00:50:46.360 | - That hurt you, the Drink Champs,
00:50:48.200 | that nor took it down, took down your conversation?
00:50:51.960 | - No.
00:50:52.800 | - It didn't hurt you?
00:50:56.440 | Man, you gotta be honest about that.
00:50:57.840 | ♪ I'm kinda free ♪
00:50:59.080 | ♪ With still the kids we used to be ♪
00:51:02.520 | ♪ I put my hand on the stove ♪
00:51:05.480 | ♪ To see if I still bleed ♪
00:51:09.000 | ♪ And nothing hurts anymore ♪
00:51:11.240 | ♪ I feel kinda free ♪
00:51:14.880 | No, do you think,
00:51:17.080 | you know, I went to Japan for two to three months, right?
00:51:23.960 | The day I had Sunday service,
00:51:27.680 | my kids are supposed to be there,
00:51:29.920 | and my kids were nowhere to be found.
00:51:32.440 | And I text Kim and said, "Where are my kids?"
00:51:36.200 | We get into an argument,
00:51:38.600 | and then I get a text from a number I don't know,
00:51:42.720 | and it's Pete Davidson bragging
00:51:45.060 | about being in bed with my wife.
00:51:47.280 | Then--
00:51:50.160 | - Just fucking with you?
00:51:53.680 | - Well, at that point, it's like,
00:51:55.880 | they're trying to put me in jail,
00:51:58.720 | or put a friend of mine in jail,
00:52:00.320 | because then I'm gonna go surround the hotel
00:52:05.920 | and do something which would have me not be able to be here.
00:52:10.920 | And instead, I walked away from that situation.
00:52:13.640 | I went to Japan, like the samurai that I am,
00:52:17.000 | and went to the top of the mountain.
00:52:18.800 | 'Cause I knew that, I mean,
00:52:22.960 | I knew there was no way she could love this dude,
00:52:27.600 | not just because he's ugly, he's not black.
00:52:29.560 | She likes black guys.
00:52:30.480 | Every guy that she is with looks exactly the same.
00:52:34.160 | Ray J, Reggie Bush, at that time Kanye West,
00:52:38.600 | she has a type, just like how I have a type.
00:52:41.320 | A lot of my girls look kind of similar to her,
00:52:43.120 | because in a video game character,
00:52:44.680 | people have their type, right?
00:52:46.760 | So I knew that this was like--
00:52:48.920 | - The princess has a type, and she likes Mario.
00:52:52.140 | - Right, there you go.
00:52:53.480 | - As somebody who cares for you,
00:52:54.960 | and hopefully can be a friend,
00:52:57.400 | yay, I gotta say these words,
00:53:00.200 | and the words about Jews,
00:53:02.560 | is not the words of a samurai,
00:53:04.400 | of a great man.
00:53:07.680 | I would say, you said something that inspired,
00:53:12.680 | that resonated with a lot of people,
00:53:14.520 | when you said George Bush doesn't care about black people.
00:53:18.200 | I have to say, as somebody who cares for you,
00:53:21.160 | that yay, the artist formerly known as Kanye West,
00:53:25.700 | doesn't care about Jewish people.
00:53:29.180 | In the same way you spoke about George Bush,
00:53:32.260 | being a politician, and not giving a fuck
00:53:34.920 | about the poor people that suffered after Katrina,
00:53:38.700 | you're not giving a fuck about the suffering
00:53:41.360 | of the Jewish people across the world.
00:53:43.420 | - Why am I not?
00:53:45.140 | - Because you're feeding, you're giving strength,
00:53:49.060 | motivation to hate groups.
00:53:49.900 | - We already updated, I gave an apology,
00:53:51.980 | you said it wasn't good enough.
00:53:53.400 | - Yeah, that's right.
00:53:54.240 | - And now you're telling me, no, I'm not gonna--
00:53:56.180 | - You don't need to kiss anyone's dick.
00:53:58.140 | What you have to do-- - You're asking me
00:53:59.100 | to kiss the dick. - Is to say what's wrong,
00:54:00.380 | to say there's no Jewish media, there's no Jewish--
00:54:04.300 | - There isn't?
00:54:05.220 | - There's no control of the media by Jewish people.
00:54:08.460 | - You're an engineer, brother.
00:54:10.080 | If you're an engineer, and you're not holding to the truth,
00:54:12.700 | that's not engineering.
00:54:13.860 | - Engineering is not, that's not, that's hate,
00:54:17.700 | that's not engineering.
00:54:18.540 | - No, it's called-- - Engineering says,
00:54:19.900 | I'm gonna build a better record label.
00:54:22.180 | - It's called stereotypes. - And I'm going to respect--
00:54:24.380 | - Stereotypes exist for a reason.
00:54:25.820 | - Engineers don't do stereotypes.
00:54:27.540 | - I do. - Stereotypes are dumb.
00:54:29.060 | They allow you to channel hate towards the other.
00:54:32.580 | - You know what the biggest thing is?
00:54:33.900 | - Yeah.
00:54:35.020 | - With something, a veteran that was sitting next to me
00:54:38.820 | at Cheesecake Factory last night, he said,
00:54:42.260 | you know, the general justice, he serves
00:54:47.100 | for whoever is the president, right?
00:54:49.340 | And he said, what's happening in politics is,
00:54:53.220 | we're forgetting we're on the same side.
00:54:56.180 | We're forgetting we're on the, this is someone
00:54:59.180 | is practically, now he's a nurse, so he's still,
00:55:02.700 | you know, fighting for humanity in a way.
00:55:04.980 | He went from holding, you know, guns in battle
00:55:08.620 | to being a nurse, and when people are battling
00:55:13.140 | for their lives, and he said, we're forgetting
00:55:16.660 | we're on the same side, this is a person that,
00:55:20.820 | no matter who becomes president,
00:55:24.580 | he can still be told to go to war.
00:55:27.260 | And the chaos that's created by the media
00:55:32.180 | has split the country in half, and what we,
00:55:37.980 | what us as beings with an engineer opportunity
00:55:41.540 | need to do right now is find the blue water.
00:55:45.620 | Where do we, where are places that we agree on?
00:55:49.620 | And I want you to finish everything,
00:55:53.060 | hey, I'm gonna let you finish, everything that you--
00:55:57.460 | - I've heard that before.
00:55:59.060 | - Want to express to me, get off all,
00:56:02.380 | I'm your scarecrow today, I'm your punching bag today
00:56:05.780 | for everything I did, and I want you to stand up
00:56:07.980 | for all of the hate that, I'm your Al Gore
00:56:11.220 | when he lost the election.
00:56:12.700 | Remember, he almost became a punching bag
00:56:15.380 | for the lady that had voted on him,
00:56:18.180 | and she just said all this stuff, and he's like,
00:56:20.220 | I know, I agree with you, right?
00:56:22.580 | But there's nothing that he could do about it.
00:56:26.220 | With this, it's like, things that you're saying,
00:56:28.700 | I agree with you.
00:56:30.100 | You know, it's like if you sit some kids
00:56:32.220 | in the principal's office and I punch somebody, right?
00:56:36.180 | I took my hand as what it really means.
00:56:41.180 | Even Ari Emanuel had to say, this is a pop,
00:56:45.220 | this is an icon, right?
00:56:47.020 | And I went and just punched an entire people at one time
00:56:52.020 | or said that I was about to, I went like this, right?
00:56:57.900 | And I got blacked out, black mirrored, done, right?
00:57:01.060 | And it's like, what were you even gonna do?
00:57:03.020 | And why did you go like this?
00:57:04.780 | I went like this because I can't even,
00:57:12.140 | I would look insane to physically show you a metaphor,
00:57:17.140 | a physical representation of my last 20 years
00:57:24.460 | of what I've been through as a musician, as a father,
00:57:29.460 | and as a black person with a political opinion.
00:57:32.300 | - A great man still through the pain does the right thing,
00:57:35.980 | and I think the right thing is to not say
00:57:39.620 | that there's Jewish control of the media.
00:57:41.820 | - That's incorrect though, that's a fucking lie, there is.
00:57:45.100 | And they did come and bully me, it proved the point.
00:57:47.660 | - No, the reason you don't say it
00:57:50.180 | is because the world is much bigger than the, forgive me,
00:57:54.340 | the narrow little world you exist in.
00:57:57.280 | Your impact stretches way past
00:57:59.700 | those little boardroom meetings over contracts.
00:58:02.220 | - So what should I have done?
00:58:03.540 | What should I have done?
00:58:04.380 | - Not say that you should be a strong man
00:58:06.220 | that doesn't mention religion or people and then fight.
00:58:10.860 | - Do you wanna win this fight?
00:58:11.980 | - How do I win, how do we win?
00:58:13.740 | - Call out individual people,
00:58:15.660 | that's one way because they have a big voice,
00:58:17.500 | the other voice that I prefer is to build another label.
00:58:21.540 | - I feel like you're controlling my creative narrative,
00:58:26.540 | because just like how you're telling me
00:58:28.500 | I shouldn't have said that,
00:58:29.740 | do you think there are people telling me
00:58:30.940 | I shouldn't have wore a red hat?
00:58:32.540 | - No, 'cause you asked me what should I have done.
00:58:37.420 | You're supposed to be a scarecrow,
00:58:39.180 | so I thought I'm gonna beat the shit out of the scarecrow
00:58:41.420 | with my words, right?
00:58:42.700 | You let me, it was consensual.
00:58:45.220 | - The punching bag is a better,
00:58:46.260 | 'cause scarecrow actually has a different real name.
00:58:48.900 | So let's say a punching bag, I shouldn't say a scarecrow.
00:58:51.980 | But every single person that I've sat with
00:58:55.060 | from the point when I wore the red hat to now
00:58:57.500 | has done the same thing.
00:58:59.140 | Sit in the principal's office and don't do what you're doing.
00:59:03.420 | - We're in the general's closet right now together,
00:59:05.700 | and I'm not, the red hat is very different.
00:59:08.300 | The red hat is, you have a set of beliefs,
00:59:12.540 | you represent half the country that has a hope,
00:59:17.540 | a vision for the future of America,
00:59:19.820 | that's very different than without any purpose whatsoever
00:59:23.060 | saying Jewish media, Jewish control of the media.
00:59:25.500 | - You said that there's no purpose,
00:59:27.600 | so you're taking away my history
00:59:29.900 | and my reason of what my purpose was.
00:59:31.960 | - I'm saying-- - Also, also, also--
00:59:36.860 | - I'm speaking my voice vocalizing it.
00:59:39.180 | - Also, it's God's plan.
00:59:43.060 | There's a lot of things that open up.
00:59:44.500 | Let me tell you something that opened up.
00:59:45.540 | There's a guy, like I told you, that was running STEM Player
00:59:49.620 | who I've had issues with, we hadn't got paid on time,
00:59:52.380 | certain things, right?
00:59:53.820 | And he took his IQ, his know-how,
00:59:57.780 | his engineering know-how to,
00:59:59.820 | he basically was trying to Adidas me
01:00:02.700 | with even though I was the bigger money in the situation.
01:00:05.980 | That was fun and we funded together
01:00:07.940 | and he hired these engineers and he said,
01:00:11.060 | "Well, because of your comments,
01:00:12.180 | "we're not gonna be able to hire anybody else."
01:00:14.940 | And I was like, "Well, how many Jewish people
01:00:16.400 | "do we have in our company?"
01:00:17.420 | He said, "I don't know."
01:00:18.600 | He didn't say exactly, right?
01:00:20.420 | I said, "Do we have black people?"
01:00:21.740 | He said, "Yes."
01:00:23.100 | I said, "How many?"
01:00:23.940 | He said, "Two."
01:00:24.960 | So we have like 60 full-time employees,
01:00:26.900 | like 40 half-time and part-time.
01:00:30.140 | And I,
01:00:35.940 | I took as a responsibility,
01:00:37.500 | let's take a step back from us being one species
01:00:41.820 | and say, "Hey, you're Jewish, I'm black."
01:00:44.300 | - Why step back?
01:00:45.860 | - For this example, for the sake of this example.
01:00:48.300 | And I said, "Wow, I'm sure I can hire
01:00:52.300 | "more than two black engineers."
01:00:55.700 | And what happens is because there are so many businessmen
01:01:00.700 | that just so happen to be Jewish,
01:01:02.820 | that it's good business, right?
01:01:05.020 | Just to monopolize, that's what people are looking.
01:01:07.380 | Everybody wants to be Elon, right?
01:01:09.260 | So the--
01:01:13.460 | - I disagree with that.
01:01:14.420 | - Okay, but let me finish this point.
01:01:16.260 | - I'm gonna let you finish.
01:01:17.100 | - A lot of-- - I'm gonna let you finish.
01:01:18.180 | - A lot of businessmen want to be as successful as Elon
01:01:21.960 | and as popular as Elon, a lot.
01:01:24.780 | Like, just worded like that,
01:01:26.540 | which I hate the term a lot, actually.
01:01:28.140 | I wanna be more specific, but I haven't done the math on it.
01:01:31.340 | Let's say some.
01:01:32.860 | Factually, for sure, there are some business people
01:01:36.700 | of all different walks and backgrounds
01:01:39.420 | that would like to be as rich and as popular as Elon Musk.
01:01:43.340 | So let me just take a step back from the we're one species
01:01:46.960 | into the we're separated by race, gender,
01:01:50.540 | socioeconomic class conversation and say,
01:01:53.220 | as a black owner of two tech platforms,
01:01:56.240 | hardware and software, I need to take action.
01:02:00.040 | Let's not call it affirmative.
01:02:02.040 | Let's just say I need to take action
01:02:04.940 | and I need to take accountability
01:02:08.420 | in ensuring that black engineers are hired
01:02:13.420 | and guess what, hired together.
01:02:18.940 | Because when the black people that are brilliant
01:02:22.300 | are separated from our culture, we forget who we are.
01:02:26.620 | And we'll get to a point where, you know,
01:02:30.700 | OJ would say, I'm not black, I'm OJ.
01:02:32.880 | Because just to be on the golf course,
01:02:36.160 | we put on the golf shirt, but the golf shirt
01:02:39.320 | might not be something that our culture would have done.
01:02:42.280 | And now our culture in poor communities is,
01:02:47.280 | oh, everybody's got Draco on them.
01:02:49.200 | Everybody's got a gun on them.
01:02:51.160 | Oh, if you run up on me on the gas station,
01:02:53.960 | I'm gonna kill you.
01:02:54.800 | Hey, you ain't gotta talk to me like a man
01:02:57.320 | if I haven't killed at least five people.
01:02:59.160 | But you know what happens is we can kill five people.
01:03:01.380 | We could kill 10 people and still be in the media
01:03:05.580 | as long as we play by the rules, right?
01:03:08.140 | 'Cause what would happen is any of these guys
01:03:11.340 | that have talked about killing people
01:03:13.940 | and different things, unless Trump had pardoned them, right?
01:03:16.980 | But let's say, even if Trump had pardoned them,
01:03:19.220 | they could still go to someone like a Lil Boosie
01:03:22.620 | or Meek Mills or Puff Daddy, anybody,
01:03:26.340 | and say, hey, we need you to talk shit about yay right now.
01:03:30.320 | And also, you're not allowed, if you do wanna vote for Trump
01:03:33.520 | or vote outside of what this arrangement is,
01:03:36.600 | then we're gonna put you in jail.
01:03:39.560 | It ain't, we're not gonna bring you down.
01:03:41.800 | We have this on you.
01:03:44.440 | You get what I'm saying?
01:03:45.400 | If I had ever killed someone, if I wasn't the bitch
01:03:50.400 | with the pink polo on, I wouldn't be able to be
01:03:54.240 | the vocal man that I am today.
01:03:57.020 | You understand what I'm saying?
01:03:57.860 | This is the reason why I'm happy
01:03:59.180 | that my gangster disciple brothers
01:04:02.260 | kept me from the initiations,
01:04:04.780 | which made me feel like a pussy my whole life, right?
01:04:09.780 | But now I am someone who legally can say this.
01:04:14.840 | Other people in my position, they legally cannot speak.
01:04:20.060 | They legally cannot speak.
01:04:23.120 | Or they will go to prison.
01:04:24.860 | I am in a bit of a glass prison,
01:04:27.980 | because I don't have say so
01:04:29.700 | of where my children go to school.
01:04:31.540 | But I'm in a freedom place
01:04:35.220 | where I can have this conversation with you right now.
01:04:37.660 | And that is, I don't like the word breakthrough.
01:04:41.720 | That's God's hand on this situation.
01:04:46.080 | But you get what I'm saying about,
01:04:47.180 | if I hadn't said the tweet,
01:04:48.940 | I wouldn't have had to take the accountability myself
01:04:51.900 | to hire black engineers into my two tech platforms.
01:04:55.520 | - Yeah, and do you get what I'm saying?
01:04:56.960 | That's a beautiful personal journey you're on.
01:04:59.600 | But do you get what I'm saying?
01:05:00.440 | - It's not personal, it's for my people as a whole.
01:05:03.360 | As a tribal person-- - It's a small company.
01:05:05.160 | It's a small company.
01:05:06.560 | - As a tribal person, I believe that I am my people.
01:05:11.560 | - Yeah. - And the thing
01:05:13.800 | that businessmen have done to my people
01:05:17.760 | have pulled the brightest out of our tribes and siloed them.
01:05:21.680 | And made us lose our culture and lose who they were.
01:05:25.300 | All the only thing I wanted to say at Virgil's funeral,
01:05:28.460 | which I wasn't allowed to, right?
01:05:31.800 | It was a white pastor
01:05:33.340 | that talked the majority of the funeral.
01:05:35.540 | Half the funeral was pissed, pissed, right?
01:05:39.060 | And this pastor actually married me and Kim, right?
01:05:44.700 | He looks like Justin Timberlake a little bit.
01:05:47.420 | And he talked half the funeral.
01:05:51.060 | He knew Virgil was passing,
01:05:52.580 | did a collaboration with him before he passed, by the way.
01:05:56.240 | Right, a clothing collaboration.
01:05:58.220 | I didn't know Virgil was passing.
01:06:00.520 | But the thing I wanted to say,
01:06:02.220 | I saw ASAP Rocky and I saw some other members of his gang
01:06:08.400 | in the audience at the funeral.
01:06:12.060 | And all I wanted to tell him is,
01:06:16.380 | don't let them split the gang up.
01:06:20.260 | Don't let them split the gang up.
01:06:22.620 | When I did the first Yeezy,
01:06:27.440 | 'cause I did Kanye West two fashion shows before
01:06:31.940 | as a high-end luxury, all leather kind of designer.
01:06:36.340 | Not all leather, but high-end materials.
01:06:38.540 | Mink, this kind of thing.
01:06:41.740 | And then I came back with Yeezy, with Adidas.
01:06:47.420 | And this fashion show was so popular
01:06:49.820 | that Justin Bieber had to sit in the second row.
01:06:53.300 | This thing had every name you could think of.
01:06:55.580 | It had Kim Kardashian, Kris Jenner, Kendall Jenner.
01:07:00.580 | It was Kylie's first fashion show she'd been in.
01:07:03.980 | And in the second fashion show,
01:07:05.460 | I put Kylie and Bella Hadid next to each other
01:07:08.220 | in the fashion show.
01:07:09.340 | You had Puff Daddy.
01:07:10.260 | At that time, Puff Daddy had beef with Drake.
01:07:14.700 | Drake still came to the show
01:07:16.740 | and Jay-Z had to break up the fight backstage.
01:07:19.720 | The designers, you had Jerry Lorenzo,
01:07:22.000 | that's head of Fear of God.
01:07:23.180 | You had Kim Schraub, head of Skims.
01:07:24.860 | You had Virgil Abloh, head of Louis Vuitton.
01:07:27.140 | You had Demna, head of Balenciaga,
01:07:29.620 | all working for Ye, for the leader,
01:07:34.340 | for the philosopher, for the person that put,
01:07:37.700 | who put this together?
01:07:38.940 | Me, that's who.
01:07:40.700 | You had these people working for the king of New York,
01:07:44.380 | basically the boss, Ye.
01:07:46.660 | You had Jay-Z in the audience, Rihanna in the audience,
01:07:51.180 | Beyonce in the audience,
01:07:54.120 | sitting next to Anna Wintour in this audience.
01:07:56.920 | And guess who heard wind of this?
01:07:59.320 | One of the richest men in the world, Bernard Arnault,
01:08:01.640 | caught wind of this.
01:08:03.400 | What's going on?
01:08:04.760 | They're building up something and we need to stop it.
01:08:08.200 | So then he met with me and politely offered me
01:08:12.880 | backing for my clothing line.
01:08:15.640 | It would be Kanye West.
01:08:16.600 | They would get 49%, 51%, I would get 49%.
01:08:20.840 | They'd have control and they were gonna give me
01:08:22.640 | all of the support from Louis Vuitton.
01:08:25.320 | So I had to go to Adidas and I told Adidas,
01:08:27.680 | "Hey, let's Ademnify the apparel."
01:08:32.240 | So Adidas, you're not gonna do the apparel anymore.
01:08:34.560 | Hey, we had a good time,
01:08:36.280 | but we're gonna run off with Giselle now, right?
01:08:38.120 | So that's like you told your girl that,
01:08:40.760 | and she's like, "Oh, no, we're supposed to,
01:08:42.440 | "we had the proudest moment of our career."
01:08:44.400 | So then he offers me to deal and Alexander Arnault,
01:08:49.400 | who's went to gone on and rape and pillage
01:08:52.800 | from all of the talent that I had afterwards,
01:08:55.000 | said, I say, "Before I tell Adidas
01:08:57.760 | "to Ademnify the apparel,
01:08:58.880 | "can I get a written contract from your dad, Bernard Arnault?"
01:09:03.880 | And he says, "My dad will never go back on his word."
01:09:07.040 | So you already know what this thing is going, right?
01:09:09.000 | You can spoiler alert, right?
01:09:10.600 | He went back on his word.
01:09:12.440 | So three months into the deal, I get Anna Wintour,
01:09:17.360 | I say, "Who should I use for my lawyer?"
01:09:18.960 | She picks my lawyer for me, right?
01:09:21.880 | I just found out even a couple of days
01:09:24.060 | that the lawyer demanded an airplane during negotiations.
01:09:28.440 | Had nothing to do with me, right?
01:09:30.300 | They said that Bernard Arnault got freaked out,
01:09:32.560 | and then Alexander Arnault calls me and says,
01:09:35.380 | "The deal got dropped at the board."
01:09:37.380 | I went back and told my high maintenance wife,
01:09:42.400 | I was supposed to become this designer at Louis Vuitton,
01:09:45.320 | or the Louis Vuitton group was gonna back
01:09:47.240 | the Kanye West line,
01:09:48.100 | 'cause that's how good I've done in fashion, babe.
01:09:50.880 | And now the deal is dropped.
01:09:52.560 | Now the deal is dropped.
01:09:54.720 | So then I did a second collection,
01:09:57.160 | and we didn't have any support
01:09:59.240 | to be able to build the collection.
01:10:00.900 | Then I went and found, and third collection, we did it.
01:10:04.680 | We took over MSG.
01:10:05.800 | Fourth collection went, and the show started an hour late.
01:10:08.600 | Then a week later, Kim got robbed.
01:10:12.040 | Then I told Scooter Braun, my manager at that time,
01:10:15.240 | I say, "I need to go to Japan.
01:10:20.240 | "I'm tired, I'm tired."
01:10:23.480 | He says, "No, you need to make more money."
01:10:25.840 | I do four more shows on a second leg of the tour,
01:10:31.520 | and I suffer from exhaustion and go to the hospital,
01:10:36.080 | and then get diagnosed with a disorder.
01:10:40.000 | This is the first time I ever suffered from exhaustion.
01:10:42.720 | By the way, I haven't been to the hospital since.
01:10:45.420 | Haven't been to the hospital since,
01:10:48.400 | and haven't taken medication in two years.
01:10:53.400 | And I'm sure there'll be people in the media,
01:10:57.120 | we won't say, where from, will say,
01:10:58.720 | "Well, that's obvious."
01:11:00.000 | So right now, I'm talking to you.
01:11:04.480 | I'm not on medication.
01:11:06.480 | I just go to sleep, I have sleep.
01:11:09.040 | - Have you been able to sleep?
01:11:10.440 | - That's too low-hanging fruit for you.
01:11:14.440 | You're more, I expect more.
01:11:16.560 | - I agree, I agree.
01:11:17.400 | - I expect more.
01:11:18.240 | - I agree, that was dumb.
01:11:19.060 | I regret it.
01:11:19.900 | - That's like Piers Morgan trying to grab ratings.
01:11:24.480 | You got a whole life ahead of you.
01:11:26.200 | You got a whole life ahead of you.
01:11:28.520 | These guys are at the end of their life.
01:11:29.920 | - Oh, good God.
01:11:31.240 | - So this story is--
01:11:33.080 | - Call me out on my shit, I love it.
01:11:34.800 | - But then, amidst that, the same guy
01:11:39.120 | that dropped my deal, Bernard Arnault,
01:11:41.080 | goes and hires my best friend.
01:11:42.960 | Goes and hires my main engineer, right?
01:11:47.280 | It would've been like them hiring Elon from Peter
01:11:52.200 | before they figured out Paul,
01:11:54.360 | before they figured out PayPal.
01:11:56.040 | But Paul sounds like,
01:11:57.880 | Powell sounds like Paul.
01:12:00.800 | I just say it 'cause I'm a Christian, I thought it was cool.
01:12:02.720 | But it would've been like,
01:12:03.760 | what if someone could've went in
01:12:05.280 | and took Elon away from Peter before they paid Paul?
01:12:10.280 | I just, 'cause they paid Paul.
01:12:12.080 | - Yeah, before they paid Paul.
01:12:13.680 | - Before they, it's just too close.
01:12:15.360 | - Yeah, too close.
01:12:16.200 | - It just sounds so fresh, the fact that it's so close.
01:12:18.400 | And that's what happened, right?
01:12:20.980 | They broke the gang up.
01:12:23.600 | And I'm telling you right now,
01:12:26.440 | that hadn't happened, Virgil's alive, I'm still married.
01:12:29.960 | You know what I'm saying?
01:12:30.800 | Our structure was broken then, right?
01:12:34.080 | Because we were building some,
01:12:35.200 | Kylie wasn't a billionaire.
01:12:36.680 | You know what I mean?
01:12:37.520 | We were building something together
01:12:40.040 | that a French colonizer came in and caught it early
01:12:45.040 | and tried to destroy it.
01:12:47.080 | But the only thing is, God is alive and I'm anointed.
01:12:52.080 | And even with those drawbacks,
01:12:54.640 | losing my wife, losing my friend, exhaustion,
01:12:59.600 | all of these late night tweets
01:13:01.600 | that piss off an entire group,
01:13:03.760 | like this, the frustration still there.
01:13:08.760 | We work, I work for God and God runs the world
01:13:11.920 | and we'll see what happens.
01:13:14.040 | - But in those words, don't you feel that being split up,
01:13:19.040 | don't you feel you're doing the thing
01:13:21.280 | that you stand against, which is playing victim?
01:13:24.720 | Aren't you playing victim to the forces in the world?
01:13:29.720 | - I didn't play victim, I didn't even get a chance to play.
01:13:31.560 | I just said I was about to.
01:13:32.880 | I said like this, like.
01:13:34.440 | - No, you played pretty damn well.
01:13:36.400 | What do you mean?
01:13:37.240 | What do you mean about to?
01:13:39.240 | You're like one of the greatest designers in history,
01:13:42.040 | fashion designers.
01:13:43.960 | You were playing, you are playing.
01:13:46.440 | What does that even mean?
01:13:47.360 | - I thought you were referring to the tweet.
01:13:49.600 | - No, all of it.
01:13:50.440 | - Saying I'm playing victim there.
01:13:51.260 | - Well, there's a full set of things
01:13:53.760 | that you're under attack for.
01:13:55.800 | The tweet and everything beyond that.
01:13:59.640 | But like you're blaming, not blaming,
01:14:03.200 | but you're saying that the Jewish media,
01:14:05.960 | the Jewish record label, the Jewish people,
01:14:09.680 | forget Jewish or not, it doesn't matter.
01:14:12.120 | It's playing victim, right?
01:14:15.120 | - Ultimately, I am fighting a battle in the spiritual form.
01:14:20.080 | And anyone that believes in God
01:14:21.600 | and is looking at this interview
01:14:23.280 | would agree with that.
01:14:24.840 | And I just so happen to be a bright part of God's army.
01:14:29.840 | I'm fighting for us to live.
01:14:32.960 | The greatest gift is life itself.
01:14:35.120 | I am pro-life.
01:14:37.620 | I am pro-God.
01:14:38.840 | I believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior
01:14:43.360 | and died for our sins.
01:14:45.040 | - What do you feel about another attack,
01:14:52.440 | another painful thing?
01:14:53.480 | I imagine super painful is Balenciaga pulling.
01:14:56.840 | You had a really close relationship and friendship
01:15:02.560 | with their creative director.
01:15:05.080 | Like, how do you feel about all of it?
01:15:06.960 | - I told you I sang the song.
01:15:10.760 | I sing another song from one of my mentors, Future.
01:15:14.240 | I never feel pain.
01:15:16.120 | I done felt too much pain.
01:15:18.440 | Like there was a day where I was headed to Nashville
01:15:22.040 | to meet with George Farmer, who is the CEO of Parla,
01:15:26.200 | the day when we made the announcement.
01:15:29.360 | At that same day, Balenciaga was taking my imagery
01:15:34.360 | off of their site.
01:15:37.480 | And the Drink Champs was being taken down.
01:15:41.520 | And I said, "This is the happiest day of my life.
01:15:45.200 | "I love cutting the grass low.
01:15:48.800 | "People wasn't really with you.
01:15:51.260 | "They was part-time.
01:15:52.520 | "People switch up when it's war time.
01:15:54.760 | "I'd rather have people who are really with me
01:15:58.400 | "and not people who are just trying to use me."
01:16:01.120 | - Listen, as a friend, somebody cares for you,
01:16:04.400 | you have to be really careful by the people,
01:16:07.460 | by all people, always.
01:16:09.400 | The people that are gonna try to be close to you now,
01:16:12.240 | you don't know if you can trust them anymore.
01:16:14.600 | - Even more.
01:16:15.440 | With the Balenciaga, I have more to say about it though.
01:16:18.240 | - Yeah.
01:16:19.640 | - Let's do this.
01:16:21.120 | Demna will still work for Ye someday.
01:16:26.120 | And this is just speeding the process up.
01:16:30.080 | - Have you talked?
01:16:32.100 | Can you share if you've talked?
01:16:33.860 | - Yes, I talked to Demna.
01:16:35.620 | This is like, we're kindred spirits.
01:16:37.380 | None of this can keep us away from each other.
01:16:39.740 | I brought Demna to Gap to be able to bring
01:16:43.820 | the best product in the world.
01:16:45.780 | At that time, I wanted to go under $100.
01:16:48.020 | Now I'm like, okay, we're gonna go $20 a product.
01:16:51.360 | I brought Demna in to engineer,
01:16:56.360 | that's why I said engineer by Balenciaga,
01:16:59.720 | Yeezy Gap engineer by Balenciaga,
01:17:01.520 | to engineer the best product for the people.
01:17:04.520 | The people that they say are at the bottom
01:17:09.520 | of the Maslow hierarchy of need chart.
01:17:15.280 | They're at the bottom of the pyramid.
01:17:17.920 | So Gap didn't want that.
01:17:22.300 | Balenciaga didn't want that.
01:17:23.920 | Our agendas were not aligned.
01:17:26.940 | I was brought in to the Gap for political reasons
01:17:31.460 | and influence, like a Virgil, like a George Floyd.
01:17:35.300 | When popular celebrities are brought
01:17:37.300 | into Fortune 500 companies, it's not to raise the stock.
01:17:41.200 | It's to strengthen the position and influence.
01:17:46.980 | And it's definitely not to be out here
01:17:50.020 | letting a nigga think he Steve Jobs.
01:17:51.960 | - Yeah, there's people like that.
01:17:57.560 | But you as a great man, a visionary,
01:18:02.400 | your job is to understand that game and be one step ahead.
01:18:08.600 | - Well, that's why I'm telling them.
01:18:11.740 | That relationship, you know some relationships
01:18:13.840 | only last for a summer?
01:18:16.240 | You know, some last for a year?
01:18:17.880 | The relationship ran its course.
01:18:19.540 | In that relationship, I invested a lot
01:18:24.760 | of my social capital and actual capital.
01:18:28.840 | I spent somewhere between five to $10 million
01:18:31.600 | personally on Balenciaga.
01:18:34.000 | How much money do you think Balenciaga had paid me
01:18:36.820 | in the past two years?
01:18:38.020 | Just take a really wild guess, a really wild--
01:18:42.000 | - Less than that?
01:18:42.920 | - Just take a super wild one.
01:18:46.360 | Just go to the furthest extent of your imagination.
01:18:49.980 | - 1.2 million.
01:18:53.340 | - Lower.
01:18:55.360 | - 500,000.
01:18:57.920 | - Lower.
01:18:59.520 | - Zero.
01:19:00.360 | - Zero.
01:19:01.960 | And actually, two weeks ago, I paid at a Saint's account,
01:19:06.960 | $862,000, not in clothes for me from Balenciaga
01:19:12.160 | from the store, in royalties to Balenciaga
01:19:16.760 | where the deal had been engineered
01:19:19.380 | where I was coming out of my pocket.
01:19:20.960 | So I paid, last year I paid Demna $3 million
01:19:25.360 | to design the collection, right?
01:19:31.240 | And we got it out of the Gap Marketing Fund
01:19:34.620 | and he was gonna deliver 160 SKUs or 120 SKUs.
01:19:39.440 | 100 SKUs are separate items of clothing,
01:19:42.920 | so styles of clothing.
01:19:46.840 | So he ended up delivering about 60.
01:19:49.400 | I feel like we're on the people's court
01:19:51.840 | 'cause we actually are, right?
01:19:52.720 | We're in the court of public opinion.
01:19:54.560 | So he delivered about 60.
01:19:58.920 | There were all kinds of people that were working.
01:20:00.760 | Part of the reason why I had to get Demna,
01:20:02.920 | like I didn't wanna have to, I wanted to compete with him.
01:20:06.320 | I didn't wanna have to like get him.
01:20:08.240 | You know, when I made "Stronger,"
01:20:09.760 | I did it to compete with Timbaland and Justin Timberlake
01:20:13.680 | because my fiance at that time liked Justin Timberlake
01:20:16.720 | just a little bit too much.
01:20:18.200 | So I made it to compete.
01:20:20.560 | And then we had the song out.
01:20:22.600 | It's number one on Apple, it's blowing up.
01:20:24.900 | I play it in a club and it sounds muddy.
01:20:27.240 | It doesn't sound the way Sexy Back sounded in the club.
01:20:32.200 | So I go to Pharrell Williams to do the song.
01:20:37.200 | Williams to do the drums.
01:20:40.520 | And it doesn't, it sounds like a different record.
01:20:42.880 | And so it can't be a different record
01:20:44.120 | because I'm like, I'm gonna swap it out on radio, right?
01:20:47.080 | Then I go to Swiss Beats.
01:20:49.360 | It sounds like a different record.
01:20:50.840 | I go to Timbaland, the person who did Sexy Back.
01:20:54.360 | And he did it in five minutes
01:20:59.360 | and then spent the rest of the hour
01:21:03.000 | talking about how nobody could have done it except for him.
01:21:06.080 | Running around the studio.
01:21:07.480 | I'm the best, no one could have done it.
01:21:09.240 | That's why he had to go to me, he had to go to the king.
01:21:11.720 | - Well, he had a point, right?
01:21:13.320 | - He had a point, right?
01:21:15.680 | - What makes the song muddy?
01:21:16.920 | Is it the beat?
01:21:17.760 | - It was in the drums.
01:21:18.880 | It was something that Timbaland had in those drums.
01:21:20.680 | Like now watch this.
01:21:22.400 | I said, I'm going Def Con 3, right?
01:21:27.320 | And the actual, I spelled it wrong.
01:21:29.880 | I have a tendency to do that.
01:21:30.840 | I'm not quite John Legend, tight sweater level,
01:21:33.920 | spelling B level.
01:21:36.280 | So I feel a parallel to me going to Timbaland
01:21:41.280 | to when I said, hey, you as an engineer,
01:21:44.400 | I need to work with you as an engineer that is Jewish
01:21:48.360 | to look at these contracts and what my people,
01:21:52.840 | not just black people, let's say artists
01:21:54.920 | are dealing with in our contracts.
01:21:56.960 | These contracts need to be fixed.
01:21:59.400 | Everyone could be so mad at the messenger, right?
01:22:03.240 | Yay, you said it the wrong way.
01:22:05.880 | You're offensive.
01:22:07.440 | You're like Hitler now 'cause you said it.
01:22:10.360 | You said this out loud, but it does not,
01:22:13.080 | you weren't getting enough sleep.
01:22:15.120 | All this shit does not negate the fact
01:22:20.080 | that we do have Houston, we have a problem.
01:22:22.840 | - Yeah, but we is just the music industry.
01:22:27.000 | Like there's a lot of hate that was created
01:22:29.080 | by just saying that, you know?
01:22:30.760 | - But you're saying what is just
01:22:32.600 | is everything to me, right?
01:22:34.000 | - Yeah, yeah.
01:22:34.840 | - One person can mean everything to me, right?
01:22:37.960 | - And for George Bush, winning an election was everything.
01:22:40.520 | And then when you said George Bush
01:22:41.840 | doesn't care about black people,
01:22:43.960 | that you woke him up.
01:22:46.120 | You woke the people up to the fact
01:22:47.800 | that he was narrowly being selfish.
01:22:50.200 | There's a sense to which you're being corrupted
01:22:53.920 | by your own greatness.
01:22:55.400 | You're focusing too much on the industry
01:22:57.480 | that you've made great, that you've rose to the very top.
01:23:01.200 | - One of the richest artists in history,
01:23:03.760 | one of the greatest designers.
01:23:05.640 | - I am the richest artist in history.
01:23:09.360 | - Probably the richest artist in history.
01:23:11.800 | Yeah, I don't, you know.
01:23:14.720 | - The funny thing is they're like,
01:23:15.840 | oh, Rich is Blackfriars.
01:23:17.000 | Like, oh, also Rich is actor, Rich is musician,
01:23:21.000 | Rich is fashion designer.
01:23:22.200 | Like it's a bunch of Riches in that one.
01:23:24.600 | You know what I'm saying?
01:23:25.440 | It's like Richer than Ralph Lauren,
01:23:27.040 | like Richer than Imani, like Richest, like of that.
01:23:30.400 | But still low, 'cause where do you put that?
01:23:33.400 | You know, like on the totem.
01:23:35.680 | 'Cause I don't even want to--
01:23:37.240 | - Man's bank account isn't everything.
01:23:39.240 | I would say you and I are equal in a certain deep sense,
01:23:45.000 | no matter what the bank account says.
01:23:48.560 | - Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.
01:23:52.640 | So I wanted to give you some theme music for your moments.
01:23:57.640 | - It sounded a little muddy.
01:23:58.520 | - Let me give you the Timberland version.
01:23:59.960 | Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.
01:24:01.560 | - Thank you.
01:24:02.880 | - But okay. - Play that at the club.
01:24:04.240 | - So the other thing about, like say like Balenciaga is
01:24:07.960 | Demna will work with Ye someday.
01:24:12.600 | And for Cedric and for Francois Pinault,
01:24:17.600 | and Selma is a beautiful human being,
01:24:27.560 | five years from now, you'll hear and know the name Ye
01:24:32.560 | and know things that we did.
01:24:35.440 | And Balenciaga is not gonna make it onto your questions.
01:24:40.760 | Would you, as a gambling man, would you bet on that?
01:24:44.760 | - I would bet on that.
01:24:45.600 | I can see it in your eyes.
01:24:46.880 | (laughing)
01:24:47.720 | Let me ask you a question.
01:24:48.560 | - So it was actually a sad day for me.
01:24:50.640 | Not for me, but more for Balenciaga.
01:24:55.080 | When I heard that, I was just like, oh, shame.
01:24:59.040 | - Let me ask you a silly question just about Demna.
01:25:04.560 | I read something that you two talked about,
01:25:07.440 | like buttons for a few hours.
01:25:10.280 | - Them my gumdrop buttons?
01:25:11.860 | - Just in that accent.
01:25:14.760 | - Me and Demna only speak in Shrek.
01:25:16.760 | - What's your philosophy with which you approach design?
01:25:20.280 | You are one of the great fashion designers of our time.
01:25:23.800 | How do you think about it?
01:25:26.920 | Do you have a philosophy?
01:25:28.400 | - You know what I like about the zipper is,
01:25:30.800 | the zipper hoodie replaces the dress shirt
01:25:35.600 | 'cause you could get on your douchebag shit
01:25:38.640 | and unzip it and give it a little bit of that type of look.
01:25:42.920 | - Which is the douchebag?
01:25:45.280 | - When the douchebags that go to Vegas
01:25:49.040 | are unbuttoning their dress shirt.
01:25:51.200 | And the problem with the pullover hoodie is
01:25:55.920 | you can't do the douchebag thing where you unbutton it,
01:25:58.800 | but then still get the stomach.
01:26:00.680 | 'Cause the thing is, the ultimate look would be like
01:26:04.200 | military tank pullover hoodie.
01:26:07.600 | And if you get a little hot, you take off the hoodie,
01:26:10.700 | but you're like crazy in shape.
01:26:12.820 | - So it gives you that flexibility.
01:26:15.500 | - Yeah, the zipper's giving some flexibility.
01:26:17.960 | And it's like, maybe you wanna keep your jacket on.
01:26:21.840 | Like, it's considered a hoodie to be like a jacket.
01:26:24.520 | If you wanna keep your jacket on,
01:26:26.440 | then you might wanna do this
01:26:30.440 | as opposed to pulling it all the way off.
01:26:32.360 | And it's just comfort, but then you get,
01:26:36.400 | "Okay, can I do a jogging pant on this?
01:26:41.000 | "What elasticity?"
01:26:42.560 | Now, people argue about climate,
01:26:44.380 | where we are with the climate.
01:26:47.440 | I take a responsibility as being the most influential
01:26:50.560 | designer of all time
01:26:54.840 | to say we're gonna use biodegradable clothing.
01:27:00.800 | Now, the issue there is
01:27:04.720 | the elastic is not biodegradable.
01:27:11.120 | So that means it's actually better to use jeans and a belt.
01:27:17.920 | Then to have an elastic waistband,
01:27:20.020 | because elastic waistband is not biodegradable.
01:27:24.400 | So I use the planet as a big,
01:27:29.400 | the future of the planet is a big piece
01:27:33.320 | of the way I engineer
01:27:37.640 | and the way we talk about where designs are going.
01:27:39.840 | - The constraints on your design and engineering
01:27:42.320 | is given by the planet, by the future of the planet.
01:27:44.800 | - Yes.
01:27:46.640 | - That could almost make Jewish people like me again.
01:27:49.400 | - Every time you say Jewish people,
01:27:54.720 | I think I've been maybe reading a little too much
01:27:57.280 | about World War II, but man,
01:28:00.120 | I'd recommend you listen to some audio books
01:28:04.680 | or read some books on the Holocaust,
01:28:07.360 | 'cause it's heavy, it's heavy.
01:28:11.400 | It will put into context the impact of your words.
01:28:16.120 | - Would you read books on the current Holocaust
01:28:18.560 | that black people are in?
01:28:19.880 | - No, I mean, I read.
01:28:21.440 | - What have you read about abortion?
01:28:24.600 | - I've read a lot of short form writing
01:28:28.880 | and I've listened to a lot of debates,
01:28:31.320 | 'cause it's really humbling that the question
01:28:35.800 | of when does life begin is a really difficult question.
01:28:40.880 | For me as an engineer and scientist,
01:28:43.680 | it's a philosophical question.
01:28:45.640 | - I mean, we could just go on population control,
01:28:47.520 | not like if abortion is right or wrong.
01:28:50.400 | We could say factually the clinics were made by eugenics
01:28:55.400 | for population control and it is controlling the population
01:29:01.400 | as is the never being given a 40 acres and a mule,
01:29:05.520 | so you don't have the opportunity.
01:29:07.000 | And when the people that do have the opportunity
01:29:09.440 | are separated from our people, our tribe
01:29:12.480 | and placed in suburban communities next to us,
01:29:14.800 | Chris Rock will put it, the dentist,
01:29:16.960 | and whitewashed and made to shut the fuck up
01:29:20.280 | and vote left or whatever niggers are supposed to do
01:29:24.320 | when we make it, as opposed to saying,
01:29:28.240 | okay, we're building schools, we're building up choirs,
01:29:33.240 | we're building up our own leagues, basketball teams,
01:29:38.800 | our own factories.
01:29:40.800 | We started the first sportswear factory in America
01:29:45.680 | since World War II was actually this factory
01:29:50.680 | I put in Cody.
01:29:52.080 | So, I'm 45 years old, we're on this journey right now.
01:29:57.080 | It's the other thing about this is like people,
01:30:01.280 | just in general, they love me so much.
01:30:02.920 | I'm like actually a hard guy to really hate
01:30:05.680 | for a long period of time,
01:30:06.880 | just 'cause of like my huge cock.
01:30:10.200 | - That's what I noticed.
01:30:12.000 | I didn't understand why you showed it to me
01:30:13.720 | when we first met, but now I understand.
01:30:16.220 | - Yeah. - It's very nice.
01:30:18.400 | Congratulations.
01:30:19.440 | I know you don't talk about it, but your hat does say 24.
01:30:24.080 | If you run for president,
01:30:27.480 | what kind of ideas would you represent?
01:30:33.800 | That we're beings with engineering opportunities.
01:30:37.280 | I would represent...
01:30:39.000 | Just as you served a platform here,
01:31:00.360 | there's something that happened on my last run
01:31:04.720 | that I thought, I feel, I know was brilliant.
01:31:09.720 | It was noisy, but it was brilliant.
01:31:14.020 | I had one rally and in the rally,
01:31:17.600 | I just let people come up and I gave them a platform.
01:31:20.760 | It's our responsibility to listen to the pain
01:31:26.960 | and hear the pain and understand,
01:31:29.840 | even when we're the ones that cause the pain,
01:31:34.700 | like with my tweet.
01:31:36.240 | It's my responsibility to hear you
01:31:39.280 | and understand why you feel like that,
01:31:42.680 | but it's our responsibility as a people
01:31:44.960 | to understand each other.
01:31:46.580 | - To give people a voice.
01:31:51.840 | - People need the voice.
01:31:53.600 | And even right now, what I'm doing or how God is using me,
01:31:59.360 | I'm showing where our voices are being muted.
01:32:03.000 | There's professors that are actually intelligent,
01:32:07.200 | actually have multiple degrees
01:32:09.200 | that have been canceled from their schools.
01:32:13.900 | And they don't have a music industry or a fan base
01:32:17.680 | or a shoe design or a smoking hot ex-wife to complain about.
01:32:22.680 | They've just got the truth of what they saw
01:32:25.520 | and what they dedicated to this country and to education
01:32:29.920 | that has been muted by schools
01:32:33.720 | that have been taken over with an agenda.
01:32:36.240 | And so you want the brightest minds to be these professors
01:32:40.560 | and then you mute them and they have nowhere to go.
01:32:44.640 | And you might get a guy now
01:32:47.080 | that went from being someone's favorite professor
01:32:50.160 | to he's working at Starbucks like he was back at school
01:32:55.040 | or like he was back in high school.
01:32:57.360 | - So even if that voice is about anger and hate,
01:33:00.640 | it still deserves to be heard.
01:33:02.300 | - Yeah, it deserves to be heard.
01:33:05.640 | And we deserve to ask why.
01:33:07.600 | You have to ask why.
01:33:09.800 | I just feel like that's what's,
01:33:11.560 | I feel like that is sympathizing with Mr. Hugecock.
01:33:14.880 | I'm just saying that it just needs to be.
01:33:19.880 | - You should change that to your name on Twitter.
01:33:24.680 | While you're still allowed on there.
01:33:26.720 | - Yeah, do you think that would get censored?
01:33:29.200 | I feel like they definitely cut it down some inches.
01:33:32.500 | I'm pointing out this truth.
01:33:39.880 | Now I'm saying this is not a Christian thing, right?
01:33:42.660 | And I wonder right there, when I say these jokes,
01:33:52.200 | is it something that, 'cause I do feel like laughter
01:33:56.040 | is the key, engineering and laughter, right?
01:33:59.280 | Is the key to peace.
01:34:02.280 | Like when I go get my teeth cleaned and I have the nitrous,
01:34:06.800 | there's something that I wanna go and hug Kris Jenner.
01:34:11.600 | I wanna go and hug Corey Gamble.
01:34:13.120 | I wanna go and hug Howard Stern.
01:34:16.040 | No one wants to hug Howard Stern,
01:34:17.640 | but just if one--
01:34:18.960 | - No, no, no, no, no.
01:34:20.840 | I would love to see you two hug it out and make up,
01:34:24.160 | even though all this shit talking back and forth.
01:34:26.680 | - What about talking it out
01:34:28.080 | or is he gonna be screaming at me?
01:34:30.600 | - Yeah, judgmental and that kind of stuff.
01:34:32.240 | No, I hope there's love there.
01:34:34.540 | - You know, the thing is, I think Howard's just jealous.
01:34:39.540 | Not just jealous of my cock.
01:34:45.120 | He's also, he's jealous that I started my campaign
01:34:50.120 | earlier than him.
01:34:51.280 | - You gotta let go of that jealousy.
01:34:54.840 | - You gotta let go of that jealousy, Howard.
01:34:57.240 | You gotta let go of it. - Howard and everybody else.
01:34:58.600 | Jealousy is a natural human thing, man.
01:35:00.960 | - I wonder just as a Christian, right?
01:35:02.700 | When I joke and say this stuff,
01:35:04.640 | it's like, hmm, am I being disobedient to God?
01:35:10.000 | Because as a boss, right?
01:35:12.160 | I'll talk to an employee and I'll be like,
01:35:17.160 | why didn't you just listen?
01:35:21.200 | Because I've got the bigger plan, right?
01:35:23.580 | So it's like me talking to God,
01:35:26.640 | were there things that I did in this interview
01:35:30.440 | that were disobedient to God?
01:35:32.600 | And for those things, I pray and I repent
01:35:37.320 | for anything that I've said that was disobedient to God.
01:35:41.520 | But humor is not one of them.
01:35:43.680 | Joking is, I feel like humor is the way we avoid
01:35:46.920 | so much suffering in the world.
01:35:48.400 | It's the way to, it's like a catalyst for love.
01:35:51.880 | Like it's a way to, people that have gone
01:35:55.080 | through some of the darkest trauma that I've ever met,
01:35:57.160 | so through war, I just came back from Ukraine,
01:35:59.620 | they're laughing, they're making jokes.
01:36:04.360 | That's the best way to deal with dark times.
01:36:07.120 | I don't know what it is about humans.
01:36:08.880 | I feel like humor, that's the best way
01:36:12.000 | to socially engineer a good future, I think is humor.
01:36:15.160 | Not taking shit too seriously.
01:36:16.800 | That's the problem with censorship.
01:36:17.960 | One of the things that really suffer is humor, jokes.
01:36:22.080 | Maybe going too far in the jokes.
01:36:23.840 | You mentioned Anthony Jeselnik, that guy goes hard.
01:36:27.240 | That guy goes really hard and it's great.
01:36:29.560 | He crosses all the lines and that's why he's a genius.
01:36:34.000 | And that's what people, feels refreshing when he does it.
01:36:37.440 | I don't know what it is.
01:36:38.280 | But then it's hurtful when I do it.
01:36:40.520 | But I'll tell you something that was interesting.
01:36:42.040 | I'm pretty sure Anthony doesn't like,
01:36:46.760 | sorry for the assumption, but just,
01:36:49.240 | most comedians I know didn't vote for Trump.
01:36:52.500 | - That's interesting.
01:36:56.120 | - Not saying there aren't comedians that did,
01:36:58.300 | but just the ones I know,
01:36:59.140 | 'cause I live in California, right?
01:37:00.240 | - But they have an appreciation for Trump
01:37:02.240 | 'cause of the sense of humor.
01:37:04.040 | Gotta ask you about parlor engineering,
01:37:06.160 | 'cause I'm interested about that.
01:37:07.480 | - Doom, doom, doom, doom.
01:37:08.640 | Hey man, I'm actually trying to hold it together.
01:37:12.700 | You're pretty offensive towards a lot.
01:37:15.980 | - I'm not looking to be offensive.
01:37:19.320 | I really wanna bring people together
01:37:20.720 | and get these sales done.
01:37:21.560 | - I know, but 100% I see your vision.
01:37:24.360 | - How do we do that?
01:37:25.200 | - As somebody who care, well, don't say Jewish media
01:37:28.380 | and Jewish controlled media.
01:37:30.920 | - JM.
01:37:34.640 | - Like, man, you sound like,
01:37:38.320 | it sounds too much like 1930s Nazi Germany
01:37:42.800 | that was leading up to the atrocities.
01:37:44.760 | - Oh, he would say JM?
01:37:47.160 | - Yeah, he was a brand of JM, that's right.
01:37:49.840 | No, it's just the implied,
01:37:53.240 | like this memefied
01:37:56.480 | prejudice towards a group
01:38:02.540 | in a way that's going to lead to hate.
01:38:04.680 | And I know you don't mean that.
01:38:06.240 | I know you have love in your heart.
01:38:08.200 | That's what I'm trying to--
01:38:09.040 | - You know what was the prejudice
01:38:09.860 | towards a group that led to hate?
01:38:12.760 | BLM took a black person,
01:38:16.380 | showed his death on camera,
01:38:20.300 | because okay, there are examples
01:38:25.160 | of us being killed and being killed on camera,
01:38:29.700 | but if it was spread on camera,
01:38:31.560 | it was done on purpose by the media,
01:38:35.320 | because 14, 20 kids get killed in Chicago every week,
01:38:40.320 | and it's not spread that much.
01:38:45.680 | They, like you said, singled out a person,
01:38:50.240 | directed everything on that person, right, as the martyr,
01:38:54.560 | and raised the people that hadn't had any.
01:38:59.160 | We didn't have our 40 acres and a mule.
01:39:00.840 | We didn't have a lot of things, right,
01:39:03.920 | that black people have not ever been given.
01:39:05.960 | So once we're given just a little bit,
01:39:07.860 | your life matters, right,
01:39:12.140 | then we literally like, oh, okay, now we're being heard.
01:39:16.560 | But actually the death toll is up.
01:39:21.840 | The city where this happened
01:39:24.720 | has completely been turned to a war zone.
01:39:26.840 | It's actually something like Candace Owens
01:39:30.620 | can actually specify this better,
01:39:34.100 | but it's like its own city or something.
01:39:36.900 | Like they made it not be a part of the actual state
01:39:40.160 | or something, it's like DC and stuff.
01:39:42.360 | It's like Washington, DC now and stuff,
01:39:45.200 | like and that has to be from a government,
01:39:49.000 | you know, that's got higher level agenda
01:39:55.360 | written all over it.
01:39:57.020 | - Yeah, they're using the death of an individual, yeah.
01:40:00.300 | - Sure, the media are.
01:40:02.040 | Not the Jewish media, the media.
01:40:04.120 | And that's the media is fucked up.
01:40:05.920 | That machine takes whatever tragedy
01:40:10.920 | and pushes it towards whatever narrative
01:40:15.160 | that gets more clicks and views and so on.
01:40:17.320 | Sure, and then politicians do the same.
01:40:19.240 | They use the media, they influence the media
01:40:21.240 | to tell a story.
01:40:22.280 | - This is a simple thing I'll put.
01:40:26.080 | I believe that the idea of anti-Semitism
01:40:31.080 | and the closeness of the Holocaust
01:40:37.420 | is used by certain individuals in media
01:40:44.740 | to not take accountability for the bad things
01:40:51.620 | that are happening.
01:40:53.900 | And what's happening is there's a new frontier, right?
01:40:58.000 | Meaning like it used to be okay for somebody
01:41:01.520 | to be a billionaire.
01:41:02.480 | We thought about a billionaire, right?
01:41:06.400 | A lot of times you think of actually kind of
01:41:07.880 | being out of shape and you know, 20 years ago,
01:41:10.400 | 30 years ago, like Onassis or something like,
01:41:13.720 | you thought about it a different way.
01:41:14.640 | Now you think about a billionaire,
01:41:15.480 | you think about Elon, you think Kim, you think Ye,
01:41:19.000 | you think it's a new kind of billionaire.
01:41:21.960 | It's not just Soros who's a billionaire.
01:41:23.840 | It's a new form of billionaire.
01:41:25.740 | Well, right now what I'm calling for the industry
01:41:30.580 | is I'm calling the industry out and saying like,
01:41:33.980 | "Hey, it just so happens that there's been times
01:41:38.340 | "where I had my lawyer was Jewish,
01:41:40.800 | "my regulator was Jewish."
01:41:41.860 | But like eight people that basically would collude
01:41:45.060 | and talk without me were in groups saying,
01:41:48.580 | "Okay, this is what the tour is gonna be.
01:41:50.140 | "This is this next house."
01:41:51.260 | And they were making all these decisions
01:41:52.900 | and they're making all this money.
01:41:54.980 | And at the end, I was like,
01:41:55.820 | "I ended my tour and I don't have the money."
01:41:57.460 | And it just so happens that that's the case,
01:41:59.660 | that what they were.
01:42:00.500 | But what I'm saying is if everyone can say,
01:42:03.880 | "Hey, you can't point out this fact
01:42:06.740 | "or we're gonna say you're anti-Semitic
01:42:08.660 | "and we're gonna call you Hitler."
01:42:10.580 | I feel that there has to be at least 1% of safeguarding
01:42:15.580 | the ability to screw the artist
01:42:19.620 | based on saying it's anti-Semitic
01:42:22.300 | by pointing out that they just so happen to all be Jewish.
01:42:27.080 | And I don't think that's anti-Semitism.
01:42:30.420 | I just think that's, "Hey, this is another thing."
01:42:33.060 | Like, okay, the Kardashians, when you hear that,
01:42:37.020 | do you think male or do you think female?
01:42:40.140 | You think female.
01:42:41.580 | You get what I'm saying?
01:42:42.420 | You think this is the realities.
01:42:43.880 | This is why rap works, right?
01:42:45.660 | They're gonna make an anti-women thing in a second, right?
01:42:50.160 | And it's gonna say,
01:42:51.000 | "So if you point out that these five women, six women
01:42:55.220 | "are having a meeting on where the Christmas party is
01:42:57.760 | "and none of the ballplayers or rappers
01:43:00.160 | "that they have babies with have any say so,
01:43:02.800 | "so that Christmas happened at Kourtney's house
01:43:05.160 | "all eight years when I was there
01:43:07.280 | "and it never happened at anyone else's
01:43:09.120 | "black family house, right?"
01:43:12.680 | If I'm the one that pointed it out,
01:43:14.420 | they just don't have their,
01:43:17.120 | all your anti-Semitic word to say, "Shut the fuck up."
01:43:21.180 | Yeah, but--
01:43:22.020 | 'Cause this is the way it runs
01:43:23.140 | and this is the way we wanna do it.
01:43:23.980 | If you say that women are silencing the black voice,
01:43:28.980 | yes, you're gonna get the same response,
01:43:33.060 | but especially if it historically resonates--
01:43:36.060 | But what about the fact that it's true?
01:43:38.820 | When you talk in groups, that breeds hate.
01:43:43.660 | When you talk about individuals, it solves problems.
01:43:46.340 | You're an engineering.
01:43:48.260 | Okay, but this is something I pointed out on Pierce.
01:43:51.140 | I said, if a black person gets pulled over with a car
01:43:55.260 | and it's three other people in the car,
01:43:57.080 | they're also going to jail.
01:43:59.620 | They're not going to single them out.
01:44:02.220 | They're gonna say, "You guys are all in collusion."
01:44:04.780 | I just described collusion five times in this interview
01:44:09.780 | and you keep on going back to this is like 1930,
01:44:14.380 | this is like this, this is like that.
01:44:16.860 | What I'm saying is, look, I want to work with you
01:44:20.340 | as an engineer to free my people.
01:44:24.180 | Can we start as a being
01:44:26.220 | with engineer opportunities right here?
01:44:28.420 | I am sorry to the people who had to be hurt
01:44:33.300 | and affected by that.
01:44:35.760 | Now we are here and I'm looking to solve it.
01:44:40.760 | But what happens is every time,
01:44:43.580 | if I talk to any of these business people one by one,
01:44:46.780 | 'cause mind you, I didn't get to the tweet
01:44:48.740 | by not having a conversation.
01:44:50.580 | I had the conversations beforehand
01:44:52.580 | before I got to the tweet.
01:44:54.060 | Now we're gonna take it to the stage.
01:44:56.620 | Now we're on the world stage, right?
01:44:58.860 | And you saw Ari Emanuel do exactly the kind of thing
01:45:03.200 | that I was saying had been done behind closed doors.
01:45:05.820 | Now he's doing it and open doors.
01:45:08.280 | They told Candace Owens, "I couldn't be on the daily wire."
01:45:13.380 | You can't even explain yourself.
01:45:16.460 | And we don't care how you got to that point either.
01:45:19.660 | And that's fucked up.
01:45:21.740 | - They told Candace you can't be on daily wire?
01:45:23.900 | - It's not even about, yes, she did.
01:45:25.860 | That's what they said.
01:45:27.260 | And you know what?
01:45:28.580 | And you can have my voice raised or lower.
01:45:30.460 | I'm gonna do it lower, right?
01:45:31.740 | Because what's happening to me by,
01:45:33.920 | I'll put it in your words, the media is saying,
01:45:37.240 | not only can you not explain yourself,
01:45:42.220 | we don't care how you got to that point,
01:45:44.540 | you need to apologize and you can't explain.
01:45:47.260 | And that's the end of the story.
01:45:48.800 | So just apologize so we can have Mel Gibson
01:45:50.780 | do some more films.
01:45:52.560 | It's exactly what Ari Emanuel was saying.
01:45:55.140 | No one is looking to change the problem
01:45:58.380 | that led so many people to that same level of frustration.
01:46:02.220 | And I just so happen to be the one
01:46:03.660 | that's not gonna back up on it until this changes.
01:46:07.820 | 'Cause you know what?
01:46:09.180 | I'm sorry I had a sleepy text.
01:46:11.220 | I'm sorry I wrote, I'm sorry,
01:46:13.720 | I'm sorry that I put, that I was 5'12" or 5'11" on Tinder.
01:46:18.720 | Okay, my cock is not 14 inches.
01:46:24.540 | I lied, okay?
01:46:25.780 | It's only 13.
01:46:27.300 | So I'm sorry, right?
01:46:29.340 | So the-- (laughs)
01:46:32.380 | - Why are you dropping so many facts today?
01:46:34.700 | - So what I'm saying is, but where do we get to this?
01:46:37.420 | 'Cause even you, as engineering, as intelligent as you are,
01:46:41.820 | you, just like everyone else that I say was colluding,
01:46:45.620 | won't let us get to the point of fixing it.
01:46:48.660 | - But I'm not, I think you're more powerful than the media.
01:46:51.740 | I'm not saying you need to apologize because the media.
01:46:54.300 | I'm saying everything we've been talking about,
01:46:56.620 | just 'cause I care for you and I want you to be
01:46:58.980 | the best possible man you can be.
01:47:01.740 | To me, a definition of a great man,
01:47:03.820 | I'm with Martin Luther King on this.
01:47:05.700 | You don't talk about Jews or black people.
01:47:08.500 | You talk about engineering, you talk about humanity,
01:47:10.540 | you solve problems.
01:47:11.700 | You identify the problems in the world
01:47:13.420 | and you don't come from a place of resentment.
01:47:15.820 | This group did this, this, fuck all that.
01:47:18.980 | That is in the past.
01:47:20.340 | You just build solutions.
01:47:22.220 | I'm gonna create a new record label.
01:47:23.900 | I'm gonna create a new design firm.
01:47:25.460 | I'm gonna create a new social network.
01:47:27.420 | I'm gonna do it better, I'm gonna do it right.
01:47:29.340 | I'm gonna do it right by the people that I know
01:47:31.140 | don't have a voice.
01:47:31.980 | I'm gonna give 'em a voice and talk about that.
01:47:34.460 | Is it okay to call out collusion?
01:47:36.660 | Do people collude in your business under you?
01:47:38.740 | Like the engineers, they come together and say,
01:47:40.980 | they collude against the bosses, right?
01:47:42.860 | You know why Bernard Arnault offered the deal
01:47:44.860 | and took it away from me?
01:47:46.180 | Collusion.
01:47:47.020 | Because I was too powerful
01:47:49.740 | with the collective that I had right there.
01:47:51.780 | He had to stop that at all costs.
01:47:53.660 | They said, for whatever reason, this kid, yay,
01:47:56.700 | it has the ability to have all of the Kardashians,
01:47:59.660 | Jay-Z and Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Demna, Virgil,
01:48:03.540 | all these people in the same room
01:48:05.660 | working towards the same goal.
01:48:07.940 | I've been that person since preschool.
01:48:11.540 | That's called a leader, right?
01:48:13.340 | And right now, what I'm saying is,
01:48:16.140 | hey, for the people in business,
01:48:20.500 | whatever their background is,
01:48:21.660 | whether they turn their cell phones off on Friday or not,
01:48:25.140 | there's been some bad business done,
01:48:27.820 | there's some bad business practices,
01:48:29.460 | and we have to change that
01:48:31.060 | because this game is like boxing.
01:48:34.820 | More people end up retarded than rich.
01:48:37.340 | And I'm saying like, beat to a pulp, driven crazy,
01:48:42.580 | beat by the media to a pulp.
01:48:44.300 | Right now, the media has done everything they could
01:48:47.300 | to make me apologize and to make me look crazy.
01:48:50.580 | And that one person has done anything
01:48:53.100 | to find out why I was frustrated enough to do that tweet,
01:48:57.260 | and that's facts, and that's fucked up.
01:49:00.460 | - Well, I was hoping to, I am finding out.
01:49:02.900 | We found out, but I want solutions.
01:49:05.780 | See, there's something about human nature
01:49:07.460 | where if you focus too much on resentment--
01:49:09.780 | - We're not focusing on it anymore.
01:49:11.620 | Fuck the resentment, we're moving forward.
01:49:13.900 | - Right, so there's two things I think
01:49:16.020 | that are required for, I mean,
01:49:17.460 | this is how I've lived my life, for great engineering.
01:49:20.060 | You surround yourself in your personal life
01:49:23.520 | by people you trust.
01:49:25.620 | And then in your professional life,
01:49:27.580 | from the engineering perspective,
01:49:28.900 | with the team, with an incredible team.
01:49:32.420 | And everything else doesn't matter.
01:49:33.580 | That allows you not to focus on other groups,
01:49:35.940 | how they're fucking you over,
01:49:37.500 | how they're trying to manipulate you,
01:49:39.740 | collude and all that kind of stuff.
01:49:41.020 | You focus on solutions, and you find a way
01:49:42.940 | around all the difficult shit.
01:49:44.620 | That's it.
01:49:46.280 | If you have people in your life you can trust,
01:49:48.420 | that's lifelong.
01:49:51.280 | You said some people you're with for the summer,
01:49:54.380 | for a year, find people you can be with
01:49:56.660 | for your whole life.
01:49:58.060 | Do you have people in your life that you trust?
01:50:00.780 | Like really trust?
01:50:01.780 | - No, I trust God.
01:50:04.060 | At any point, a human being,
01:50:07.680 | if I go and really treat this guy like a piece of shit
01:50:14.820 | or do this, da-da-da, am I supposed to trust him
01:50:21.020 | to be loyal and stay in the situation?
01:50:23.740 | No, I trust people to be people,
01:50:25.260 | and people are flawed.
01:50:26.940 | And people can have the right intentions,
01:50:28.860 | but it only makes sense for us to work together
01:50:31.580 | when our agendas align.
01:50:33.800 | When Kim was pulled really far to the left,
01:50:38.800 | our agendas no longer aligned.
01:50:42.540 | So that made the marriage impossible.
01:50:45.900 | It aligned where it's like, oh, I could wear a red hat,
01:50:48.380 | that can help her to get Alice Johnson out of jail
01:50:50.780 | because Trump's willing to do that for my wife
01:50:53.220 | because I was the only person in my position
01:50:56.740 | that stood up and said, "Wait a sec, I like you."
01:50:59.140 | - But isn't there a deeper agenda,
01:51:01.620 | the human agenda of just being in love?
01:51:03.860 | What you're talking about, red hat is just politics, right?
01:51:08.300 | - I mean, the world is becoming more and more
01:51:10.140 | transactional every day, and actually,
01:51:12.260 | marriages were actually originally based on transactions.
01:51:16.260 | And that's why they're less needed,
01:51:17.980 | the more autonomous as we come.
01:51:20.180 | Or the world makes it less needed.
01:51:21.860 | I feel like we do need each other.
01:51:23.420 | I feel like we do need someone.
01:51:25.120 | We can always count on.
01:51:28.120 | It's like, I'm yay, pulled away by Kim Cooper,
01:51:31.740 | which is the media, the politics, the promise,
01:51:34.600 | oh, we're gonna keep you safe.
01:51:35.660 | So the reason why I get really frustrated
01:51:39.900 | with Kris Jenner is she says losing Rob Kardashian
01:51:44.460 | was the greatest mistake of her life,
01:51:46.700 | but she never gave Kim's hand over in marriage
01:51:49.540 | because this is the bottom line.
01:51:51.600 | When me and Kim met, we were millionaires or whatever,
01:51:56.120 | you're telling me you just hand her hand over in marriage
01:52:00.080 | that your daughter's not successful,
01:52:02.440 | handing your hand over in marriage to,
01:52:04.920 | but no, she had to still be the husband
01:52:07.480 | to all of her daughters.
01:52:09.040 | And we see what the results are consistently.
01:52:13.000 | So that's where I get frustrated.
01:52:16.200 | It's like, let that go, let this person do
01:52:20.640 | what you made mistakes on.
01:52:22.580 | Don't make this person relive those same mistakes
01:52:24.740 | and then put that agenda into my daughters too.
01:52:27.220 | - Is there somebody in your life close to you
01:52:31.320 | that you trust enough to call you out on your bullshit?
01:52:35.540 | We're all full of shit sometimes.
01:52:37.940 | - What's my bullshit?
01:52:39.180 | - Well, some of it I pointed out today,
01:52:42.740 | but I don't know you deeply enough.
01:52:44.700 | - What was the bullshit?
01:52:45.540 | - Jewish media, Jewish--
01:52:46.660 | - That's not bullshit.
01:52:48.540 | The bullshit is that the Jewish media
01:52:50.460 | won't admit--
01:52:51.300 | - Your dad was right.
01:52:52.680 | Your dad was right.
01:52:53.740 | The words you used, you weren't--
01:52:56.880 | - And I said it, you're not gonna make me say it
01:52:59.000 | 800 more times.
01:53:00.540 | - I don't know if it resonated,
01:53:02.720 | 'cause you keep saying the words--
01:53:04.840 | - Did it resonate to y'all that y'all
01:53:06.400 | ain't do nothing about it?
01:53:07.840 | And that all y'all wanna do is have somebody apologize
01:53:10.720 | and sweep under the rug your bullshit
01:53:13.100 | that you've been doing the whole time.
01:53:15.520 | You own the same bullshit as the other people.
01:53:19.280 | So you're doing the same thing that the other,
01:53:22.040 | let's say media, 'cause I'm not allowed to say, has done.
01:53:25.700 | So until somebody stands up--
01:53:27.280 | - Which is what, man?
01:53:28.480 | Which is what?
01:53:29.600 | I'm trying to call you out on your bullshit,
01:53:32.120 | 'cause I hope I'm somebody you can trust.
01:53:34.440 | That's it. - I don't fucking trust you.
01:53:36.440 | - Well, you should find people in your life you can trust.
01:53:40.480 | - Don't tell me what I should do.
01:53:42.080 | I'm not one of your BLM marchers.
01:53:44.760 | - Listen, I'm with you on the BLM.
01:53:47.240 | A lot of organizations use tragedy.
01:53:50.960 | And I watched the Candace Owens documentary.
01:53:54.620 | - And what was your take on it?
01:53:57.680 | - I think it's important to question
01:53:59.200 | the mainstream narratives, but I don't agree with it.
01:54:02.520 | I still believe that George Floyd died
01:54:06.840 | from the knee of the cop, not from fentanyl.
01:54:11.400 | - And even if that was the case,
01:54:13.700 | there's still 50% of black deaths is actually abortion.
01:54:17.380 | So let's get into engineering.
01:54:22.460 | Let's just go, 'cause that's--
01:54:23.700 | - How do you fix that?
01:54:24.540 | - Population control is social engineering.
01:54:26.640 | And it's most literal form.
01:54:30.860 | The blacks are under population control.
01:54:35.900 | That's something that, I mean, that's just what it is.
01:54:39.220 | - African Americans are not choosing to get the abortion.
01:54:41.500 | I mean, it's a choice.
01:54:42.340 | It's an individual choice.
01:54:43.600 | But we're being influenced to.
01:54:45.160 | - Well, then speak to the community and help.
01:54:48.660 | I mean, I don't know what the engineering solutions
01:54:50.420 | there are.
01:54:51.260 | It could be you're doing that in part
01:54:54.860 | by speaking to the value and the power of family.
01:54:57.180 | - Well, watch this.
01:54:59.060 | I was building shelters.
01:55:02.940 | I bought land in Calabasas.
01:55:06.420 | I bought two ranches in Wyoming.
01:55:09.060 | 300 acres in Calabasas, 12,000 acres in total in Wyoming.
01:55:13.780 | And I started building ideas for shelters.
01:55:16.520 | And God set it on my heart to make monasteries,
01:55:21.120 | which would be modern day facilities
01:55:24.120 | that don't turn people down, that have farms,
01:55:28.580 | that have shelter, clothing.
01:55:32.360 | But first of all, water.
01:55:33.920 | First of all, knowledge.
01:55:36.240 | Because knowledge is the most important resource
01:55:39.440 | to our species above water.
01:55:41.800 | Knowledge itself.
01:55:44.920 | Because then you can go get water.
01:55:46.420 | I mean, you can argue like if you're a baby,
01:55:47.760 | how do you get water?
01:55:48.600 | But the baby doesn't have it.
01:55:51.420 | So someone with the knowledge then feeds the baby the water.
01:55:56.420 | But it's important that those with the knowledge
01:56:02.600 | teach the baby how to find the water themselves.
01:56:06.420 | And the business people that I've been dealing with
01:56:10.220 | have been keeping the baby sick
01:56:11.900 | by not sharing the information and the knowledge
01:56:16.140 | with inside of those contracts.
01:56:17.900 | My people are sick.
01:56:20.620 | If I load up Apple Music right now
01:56:24.660 | and I play the top songs in the rap chart,
01:56:28.580 | I would tell you my people are sick.
01:56:31.540 | If I go to the restaurants in Opportunity Zones
01:56:35.560 | and we look at the calorie rating and the cholesterol,
01:56:38.780 | I would tell you that my people are sick.
01:56:42.060 | If we look at the obesity rate,
01:56:44.940 | if you go to just a restaurant
01:56:47.620 | somewhere in middle America, Denny's or something,
01:56:50.380 | I went to Denny's the other day,
01:56:52.180 | you would see that my people are sick.
01:56:54.440 | And my people meaning all people, right?
01:56:56.500 | But black people are very influential to all people.
01:56:59.580 | So right, if the media picks a overweight black woman
01:57:04.580 | and says this is body goals,
01:57:07.180 | then the media are influencing my people to stay sick.
01:57:12.180 | And it just so happens that that night,
01:57:17.440 | I was so frustrated after 20 years
01:57:20.500 | that I had to call it out in one tweet.
01:57:24.980 | That now, even if I say, hey, okay,
01:57:28.620 | I was frustrated for these reasons,
01:57:30.500 | now it's not good enough.
01:57:32.080 | You've literally tried to make me re-apologize
01:57:35.380 | 10 times in this meeting, re-say this, re-say that,
01:57:39.140 | but it doesn't change the fact that my people are sick
01:57:42.820 | and I'm the only person in my position
01:57:44.580 | that will say that my people are sick.
01:57:46.600 | Today, not 30 years ago, not 60 years,
01:57:50.140 | my people are sick today.
01:57:51.780 | 50% of my people's deaths are abortion today.
01:57:55.660 | My people don't have the opportunities today,
01:57:58.820 | even to the point that,
01:58:00.020 | because if JP Morgan had been nice to me
01:58:02.240 | and if Alex Klein, a STEM player,
01:58:04.060 | had been fair to me at different things,
01:58:05.940 | then I wouldn't even point it out
01:58:06.980 | that we don't have any black, we have two black engineers.
01:58:09.940 | So I have to have a responsibility,
01:58:12.260 | obviously to all people, but specifically to my tribe,
01:58:16.300 | because tribes, tribes move.
01:58:20.580 | Tribalism is real with black people.
01:58:22.380 | To separate the brightest from the tribe
01:58:25.280 | or to separate the leaders,
01:58:26.580 | it is factual that the CIA removed the leaders
01:58:29.940 | from the black community, put crack in the communities,
01:58:33.080 | put guns in the communities,
01:58:34.420 | and locked up all the leaders and called them gangly.
01:58:37.820 | Locked up all the leaders, locked up all the fathers.
01:58:40.180 | Now 72% of black mothers are raising children by themselves.
01:58:45.180 | This is a gender like a Tuskegee experiment
01:58:48.060 | set on my people.
01:58:50.060 | And what I'm calling out
01:58:51.860 | for the black people in entertainment is,
01:58:54.460 | what are we doing?
01:58:56.700 | We have to collude.
01:58:58.140 | And if we don't collude, because even if I said,
01:59:00.620 | "Hey, I'd like to make a company that's all black."
01:59:04.220 | Right, is that okay for me to say?
01:59:07.400 | Is that okay for me to say?
01:59:08.960 | Or is that anti-Semitic?
01:59:10.920 | See, if I hadn't crossed the line so far,
01:59:13.580 | then that would have sounded anti-Semitic.
01:59:16.280 | Now I've stretched a bit.
01:59:18.600 | So now we can go to, okay, let's make an all black company.
01:59:22.040 | But that would have been anti-Semitic.
01:59:25.080 | Just that concept.
01:59:26.040 | 'Cause you could word that in a different way
01:59:27.800 | that would sound anti-Semitic.
01:59:29.960 | - I don't know, man.
01:59:30.800 | I have to be-- - No, no, listen.
01:59:32.140 | If I said I didn't wanna have
01:59:33.900 | the Jewish people in the company,
01:59:35.540 | would that be anti-Semitic?
01:59:36.900 | It would sound like it, right?
01:59:39.760 | You'd say I'm from 1930s, right?
01:59:41.900 | But for me as a tribe to say,
01:59:43.860 | "No, I want an all black company."
01:59:45.620 | - I'm generally against that kind of thing.
01:59:48.500 | But first of all, you have the right
01:59:50.140 | to do whatever the hell you want.
01:59:51.300 | This is America. - Well, what I'm saying is,
01:59:52.500 | that's what I feel may need to happen
01:59:55.820 | for my people to have power again.
01:59:58.000 | Because when my people have been left
01:59:59.900 | under the media's control, we've been made sick.
02:00:03.380 | We've been allowed to be sick.
02:00:04.540 | We've been promoted, and we're promoting sickness.
02:00:06.700 | - I think, at least in the engineering realm,
02:00:09.520 | I haven't met an engineer who happens to be black
02:00:14.060 | who would like to be called a black engineer.
02:00:16.420 | And when you have a company of all black people
02:00:19.060 | that are engineers, I don't know the creative arts,
02:00:21.580 | I apologize, but engineering,
02:00:25.240 | they really try to look at each other as humans
02:00:28.320 | and look at the problem.
02:00:29.980 | And you want to know, you want to have the confidence
02:00:32.840 | that everybody on the team is the best possible person
02:00:36.280 | for the job.
02:00:37.120 | - What I can say is, the world is sick.
02:00:40.940 | And I have slight images of utopia,
02:00:46.880 | slight images of happiness,
02:00:50.280 | slight images as a visionary and a creator.
02:00:54.320 | And I know for a fact, the way that business deals
02:00:58.320 | have been done for me are keeping the world sick.
02:01:02.840 | - Fix 'em.
02:01:05.440 | I see that's what you're trying to do.
02:01:08.760 | And you probably, listen, people should not doubt, yay.
02:01:13.520 | But I gotta tell you, I have to be honest,
02:01:15.620 | this is silly 'cause you don't know me,
02:01:20.160 | but it hurt when you say you don't trust me.
02:01:22.120 | You kinda lost me.
02:01:23.960 | I don't think anyone's ever said that to me.
02:01:26.160 | I don't know, man.
02:01:29.320 | Fuck that.
02:01:31.040 | I don't care about views or clickbait
02:01:33.920 | or any of that bullshit.
02:01:35.120 | I just thought you were one of the greatest artists ever.
02:01:40.000 | It'd be cool to talk to you.
02:01:41.440 | And I just, I feel like you got pain you're working through.
02:01:44.880 | And never had anyone say that to me.
02:01:47.000 | Maybe I'm just being a mess about it, I guess.
02:01:49.560 | That's fucked up though.
02:01:50.880 | But maybe it's not, maybe you shouldn't trust it,
02:01:52.920 | but I just haven't had that experience.
02:01:55.080 | - Yeah, do you think I would trust
02:01:57.280 | anybody at this point in my life?
02:01:59.000 | - Yeah, it's tough.
02:02:00.760 | It's tough, it's tough, I hear you.
02:02:03.060 | And it's also kind of good to see how much strength you got.
02:02:07.340 | You're not broken by any of this.
02:02:09.120 | You're under a lot of attack,
02:02:11.400 | a lot of attack by a lot of people.
02:02:15.200 | You have a vision and you're trying to feel
02:02:17.560 | your way through it.
02:02:18.560 | And you might get destroyed for it.
02:02:20.960 | That's the human, that's the risk you take.
02:02:24.040 | - It's a wonderful life though.
02:02:27.840 | - What do you hope your legacy is?
02:02:29.920 | - To be forgotten.
02:02:30.920 | - You think you'll be forgotten?
02:02:33.800 | - 'Cause the memory, there's ego and memory.
02:02:36.680 | And the memories.
02:02:38.400 | Who designed the sidewalk?
02:02:41.320 | Who designed the water fountain?
02:02:42.720 | Who designed the stop sign?
02:02:44.440 | Who designed the stoplight?
02:02:46.840 | These things are so ubiquitous
02:02:49.000 | that the person that designed them is forgotten.
02:02:52.200 | If it's a good idea, it's a God idea.
02:02:58.160 | And no VCs can own it.
02:03:01.220 | - So you want your designs in all realms of life
02:03:06.520 | to be so simple that they permeate everything.
02:03:11.520 | They take over and you are forgotten.
02:03:16.120 | That's a successful design is you're forgotten.
02:03:18.800 | - Yes.
02:03:19.640 | - Do you have advice for people?
02:03:21.600 | A lot, a lot, a lot of young people look up to you.
02:03:24.760 | Do you have advice for young people
02:03:26.520 | of how to live a life they can be proud of?
02:03:29.800 | - Don't tweet while you're sleepy.
02:03:34.280 | - Take a nap?
02:03:36.160 | Surely there's other things.
02:03:39.120 | I love the humor.
02:03:40.480 | Don't take it seriously, I suppose is what that means.
02:03:43.200 | - Don't send sleepy tweets.
02:03:48.360 | Unless you buy your own social platform
02:03:51.320 | the very next week called Parler.
02:03:53.800 | But other than that,
02:03:55.080 | if you're not gonna buy your own social platform, then don't.
02:03:58.040 | - Is that why you bought Parler
02:04:00.000 | so you could be sleepy and send messages out into the world?
02:04:03.520 | I actually am really interested
02:04:04.800 | in the engineering aspects of Parler.
02:04:06.400 | Is there a vision there?
02:04:07.960 | 'Cause I'm also super interested in Elon buying Twitter.
02:04:10.800 | - I like Instagram better than Twitter.
02:04:16.800 | And I'm sure Mark Zuckerberg liked Instagram
02:04:20.600 | better than Facebook or saw how valuable that was
02:04:25.600 | and he bought it.
02:04:27.440 | - So you'd like to take Parler or something,
02:04:28.680 | whatever is the magic that makes Instagram work
02:04:31.080 | you wanna push it there?
02:04:31.920 | - Well, I thought it was interesting how
02:04:34.320 | it felt like Snapchat made the Kardashians bully Instagram.
02:04:38.160 | - What's the point of Snapchat going to war on Instagram?
02:04:43.160 | - Yeah, I mean, just everyone wants to say,
02:04:45.440 | well, this is our value, Snapchat.
02:04:47.760 | No one wants to lose their value
02:04:49.000 | to someone else's value, whatever.
02:04:50.480 | And everything is just,
02:04:53.200 | what's the difference between permanent and temporary?
02:04:56.680 | Is this a permanent structure?
02:04:59.480 | And until God says it's not, it's like,
02:05:02.960 | nothing's permanent, our life is not permanent.
02:05:05.320 | So how do we just let go of those things?
02:05:07.960 | Even going from the name Kanye West to Ye
02:05:10.560 | was the beginning of just letting go of some things,
02:05:15.560 | of these titles.
02:05:17.040 | Like we need to remove the titles, like,
02:05:18.800 | hey, if I have to leave Adidas
02:05:22.880 | and I have to go next computers,
02:05:25.600 | that may take me out of the billionaire standing altogether.
02:05:30.600 | And I gotta get low for however long God says
02:05:34.680 | I have to get low and refocus.
02:05:37.120 | I've been reshaping, refocusing my staff.
02:05:42.120 | I had some people that were good
02:05:43.680 | and I had some people that weren't,
02:05:45.080 | I had too many people and I've got a vision inside of me.
02:05:48.320 | And I'm like, this is how I make this vision.
02:05:51.200 | I have to bring this vision to life.
02:05:53.280 | I have to bring these houses to life.
02:05:56.600 | I was talking to one of our architects on,
02:06:01.600 | you know, we're actually getting close on it.
02:06:04.160 | I've like built it a few times.
02:06:06.560 | I had like the domes you probably saw
02:06:08.600 | and I said, you know, how he transformed Kim's house.
02:06:13.600 | And no, we're getting there.
02:06:16.280 | - So you wanna get into architecture.
02:06:18.280 | Like you really want this to become physical reality.
02:06:21.660 | - Yes, and I've got close.
02:06:23.680 | Rome wasn't built to today.
02:06:25.300 | - Yeah, but Rome had to start somewhere.
02:06:27.720 | I gotta call you out on the advice.
02:06:29.620 | There really is a lot of people that look up to you
02:06:31.720 | and you've lived a really difficult life
02:06:34.760 | and you made it through all of it.
02:06:36.520 | What do you advise them to do?
02:06:40.280 | - Do everything that you feel.
02:06:41.940 | Even if you are told that it's the wrong thing.
02:06:47.640 | No, no, no, no, no, no, but not anything violent.
02:06:51.040 | - So do what you feel, say what you feel.
02:06:53.320 | Like trust your heart.
02:06:54.560 | - Yeah, trust your gut.
02:06:56.760 | Trust your instincts because that instinct
02:06:59.480 | is who God made you to be.
02:07:02.200 | Not what lines up with your life, frat brothers,
02:07:05.920 | or what lines up with what your dad wanted,
02:07:09.280 | or what lines up with your classmates.
02:07:11.400 | God has something inside of you.
02:07:16.120 | And when you walk down the street,
02:07:17.400 | you're thinking about it
02:07:18.440 | and then you just see it in the window.
02:07:20.560 | And you go down another street and you see the same thing,
02:07:22.840 | or you're thinking about a number and that number pops up,
02:07:24.980 | or you see it on a license plate.
02:07:26.760 | And that's just,
02:07:30.120 | something is trying to say, be the maximum, yay.
02:07:35.120 | Be the maximum you.
02:07:39.280 | And God will give you anything that you can't handle.
02:07:43.080 | So for me, everything is a yes.
02:07:47.720 | I think they say be like water.
02:07:49.960 | I know Bruce Lee said that.
02:07:51.400 | Or matter of fact, just be.
02:07:56.320 | Because we are beings with engineering opportunities.
02:08:00.920 | - Beautifully put.
02:08:04.640 | I have hope, I have faith that,
02:08:07.920 | however this turns out,
02:08:09.080 | that you have the skill and the capacity
02:08:12.000 | to really add love to the world.
02:08:14.000 | And I hope you do that.
02:08:15.160 | I really, really hope you do that.
02:08:18.320 | And we talked about the tension of that,
02:08:20.720 | the challenges and the opportunities of that.
02:08:23.520 | I mean, I see how we could be of use to each other.
02:08:27.640 | You actually have a particular thing for me
02:08:30.760 | as I eject from media.
02:08:33.600 | 'Cause even also, you know, I'm really big at like,
02:08:36.240 | you know, burning the Phoenix too.
02:08:38.280 | All you know as an engineer that your cells
02:08:40.400 | completely regenerate every seven years.
02:08:42.480 | I think I rush the process a little bit.
02:08:45.160 | So I run around looking like a burn victim sometimes.
02:08:48.040 | - Yeah.
02:08:48.860 | But I gotta tell you, anyone I am close with,
02:08:51.720 | I work with, there has to be trust,
02:08:53.760 | there has to be love.
02:08:55.240 | And I think you've been burned quite a bit in your life.
02:08:58.080 | - Sometimes I did it myself.
02:09:00.800 | I put my hand on the stove.
02:09:02.760 | So how do we get to engineering?
02:09:06.880 | There's a deal to be done here.
02:09:08.540 | Not saying you're making this money off of that,
02:09:10.480 | I'm making that money off, but there's--
02:09:11.760 | - I don't care about money, by the way.
02:09:13.200 | - Same, twins.
02:09:14.240 | So there's dealings here.
02:09:16.100 | You got pain, I got pain,
02:09:19.480 | but we're beings with engineering opportunities.
02:09:22.800 | - For a long time, I thought somebody should create
02:09:24.680 | a new social network.
02:09:26.460 | And it looks like great engineering could do that.
02:09:30.720 | - You got two at one time,
02:09:31.760 | from two of your homeboys at one time.
02:09:33.440 | - Yeah.
02:09:34.260 | And that's a great way to, I mean,
02:09:35.960 | you know, it can be done from scratch
02:09:37.400 | or it can be done anew
02:09:39.300 | with an already established platform.
02:09:41.300 | Yeah.
02:09:42.160 | I'm very excited by that possibility.
02:09:44.100 | Parlor is smaller, Twitter is larger.
02:09:48.000 | I wonder whether you can do any kind
02:09:50.120 | of revolutionary engineering with a large company.
02:09:52.640 | If anyone can, I would say it's Elon.
02:09:55.160 | - Well, Elon can look at what we do over here.
02:09:58.560 | That's why I like, God does this a lot of times.
02:10:02.240 | He creates doppelgangers.
02:10:05.960 | There's a lot of examples where a theory happened
02:10:08.980 | two places at one time.
02:10:10.960 | A really similar type of personality happens at one time.
02:10:14.960 | - It's weird, it's beautiful.
02:10:16.280 | It's hilarious, actually.
02:10:17.920 | - Yeah.
02:10:18.760 | - It's kind of humorous.
02:10:19.580 | - So we should just share every piece of information
02:10:24.580 | together as I go build Parlor
02:10:29.740 | and as he builds up Twitter
02:10:31.200 | and see how to make both those better.
02:10:32.680 | But I'll be like, hey, I'm not gonna let Snapchat bully me
02:10:36.700 | out of adding something to it that's best.
02:10:40.320 | It should just be the best platform possible.
02:10:45.040 | - That means that TikTok has amazing features.
02:10:50.040 | Twitter has amazing things about it.
02:10:52.640 | I know this girl that's like,
02:10:54.000 | I like Instagram better than Twitter.
02:10:57.400 | It's just, she likes it, Twitter has porn.
02:11:00.000 | But other than that, Instagram.
02:11:01.040 | But I was like, well, Instagram is porn also.
02:11:03.840 | It's like soft, it's more subtle.
02:11:06.100 | It's not telling you, it's not conservative by any means.
02:11:13.680 | - I mean, that's the thing,
02:11:14.520 | you have to please a lot of people with these platforms.
02:11:17.080 | And I think the goal of a platform should be
02:11:20.640 | to help individuals maximize their long-term happiness
02:11:25.640 | and growth, like intellectually, spiritually,
02:11:32.280 | psychologically, all of that.
02:11:33.760 | And it's a tricky thing to figure out how to do that.
02:11:36.600 | Of course, you could just have a platform
02:11:38.040 | that's just strictly for fun.
02:11:39.320 | I think that's where TikTok leans.
02:11:41.920 | But I think there's a balance to strike.
02:11:45.720 | Like Twitter, there's a lot of intellectual,
02:11:47.840 | philosophical stuff going on on Twitter,
02:11:49.720 | but it somehow currently makes it too easy
02:11:51.760 | to be divisive and hateful towards each other
02:11:54.400 | and cancel and all that kind of stuff.
02:11:56.280 | - I think we need to have these healthy conversations.
02:11:59.400 | That's what it is, healthy conversations, healthy dialogues.
02:12:02.640 | That's the biggest thing.
02:12:03.600 | Like when I first wore the red hat,
02:12:07.440 | the conversation is less healthy than it is today.
02:12:11.840 | The conversation about George Floyd,
02:12:15.040 | it's like, did I send the tweet the right way?
02:12:18.400 | Is Candace Owens' documentary perfect?
02:12:22.320 | Michael Moore, is that documentary perfect?
02:12:25.800 | Is Century Self, is it fully accurate?
02:12:28.920 | It's two to three hours of a transmit of information
02:12:33.680 | through a particularly, usually one person's view.
02:12:38.680 | And anything you want to research,
02:12:41.240 | if you're interested in it,
02:12:42.640 | you gotta look at 10 versions of it, 20 versions of it.
02:12:48.000 | George Floyd, we've looked at one version of that.
02:12:51.400 | Now we have a second.
02:12:52.960 | Well, by the time we get to the,
02:12:56.880 | I know this is like, it's not my last hoodie,
02:13:01.560 | but it's definitely not my first hoodie that I put on.
02:13:04.960 | It's like, that's how we got to it.
02:13:06.080 | Like even this particular size of zipper,
02:13:10.720 | or the fact that, for people who know,
02:13:15.060 | they know that it's like Carhartt,
02:13:16.800 | even though the Carhartt tag isn't there anymore,
02:13:20.720 | you just know by the shape of it, you feel it.
02:13:22.880 | So it abstracts, it takes into like this cubist place,
02:13:26.400 | like Picasso or Matisse or African cubism
02:13:28.880 | or Dire Straits, money for nothing and your chicks for free.
02:13:33.000 | Look at that. - Great band.
02:13:34.280 | I wouldn't think you could reference Dire Straits.
02:13:37.120 | Look at you. - That video.
02:13:38.680 | - Yeah, I know, it's a great video.
02:13:40.960 | Your encyclopedic knowledge of music is great.
02:13:43.320 | - I think that, you know, porn is not just sexual.
02:13:48.160 | That term actually relates to torture.
02:13:51.240 | Like, you know what I'm saying?
02:13:52.080 | Like watching people beat each other up
02:13:54.840 | on Worldstar or something, you know?
02:13:56.640 | It's like, that's called torture porn.
02:13:58.680 | - There's also food porn.
02:14:00.680 | How do you explain that?
02:14:01.800 | - What's food porn?
02:14:02.800 | - Food porn is like looking at really delicious cakes
02:14:05.560 | and cookies and steak and so on,
02:14:07.200 | and you're like, holy shit.
02:14:08.520 | - Exactly, architecture.
02:14:10.040 | Like, there's people who love architecture.
02:14:12.160 | When they see architecture, I know,
02:14:13.900 | I got friends that be like, oh, that's porn.
02:14:15.920 | - Yeah. - Architecture.
02:14:17.240 | - Yeah, yeah, it's like, that's like love,
02:14:21.220 | like dopamine-fueled love for a thing.
02:14:25.040 | Yeah, we need, that's beautiful.
02:14:26.920 | I think that's beautiful.
02:14:28.080 | - Well, I think-- - As long as nobody's
02:14:29.720 | getting hurt. - The intoxication
02:14:32.440 | that people have.
02:14:35.160 | You know, the worst part is like,
02:14:37.080 | when one person's in love and the other person's in like.
02:14:39.920 | - That's us right now.
02:14:42.100 | - Well, who's in like?
02:14:44.320 | - No, 'cause you said you love Bill Maher and you like me.
02:14:47.240 | - No, and-- - And I love you,
02:14:50.760 | so that was-- - No, I actually love you both.
02:14:53.360 | - Right, right.
02:14:54.640 | - And the funny thing is like, as a visionary,
02:15:01.560 | visionaries are more extreme than business people
02:15:06.560 | because a visionary would do bad business for their vision.
02:15:14.200 | A business person will never do bad business.
02:15:17.640 | - It's well put, yeah, it's really well put.
02:15:20.440 | - So when you say I don't care about money,
02:15:21.960 | it's like, yeah, I feel you.
02:15:23.240 | Like I feel that I care in a way that I need that,
02:15:26.640 | but I care about the vision that I have
02:15:31.640 | to a Steve Jobs level to the point of putting that
02:15:39.480 | above my regular human existence,
02:15:46.920 | meaning having to go and take all the arrows
02:15:50.480 | that I become a soldier of the vision
02:15:54.520 | because someone could say, a wife could say to,
02:15:59.200 | like say like in the '60s,
02:16:00.760 | their husband's about to go to war.
02:16:03.840 | The wife may not want their husband to go to war
02:16:08.600 | because of their children,
02:16:11.640 | but he's going to war because of their children.
02:16:18.440 | - Definitely, do you regret any aspect
02:16:23.360 | of just giving everything to your vision?
02:16:25.800 | I mean, you've spoken about that saying like,
02:16:27.600 | I got fucked over in the business side.
02:16:29.880 | - I promise that I had to stop envying cool people
02:16:34.880 | at their current cool time.
02:16:43.360 | If anything, if someone's cool and I say their name a lot,
02:16:50.640 | I'm going to flash the light on them so much
02:16:54.840 | that it ages their coolness.
02:16:57.400 | It's actually a war technique, showered in compliments.
02:17:02.400 | You know, because that, that you,
02:17:05.660 | to be able to stay at 45 years old
02:17:08.760 | and still be the bad kid in class,
02:17:11.560 | at 45, I'm still in the principal's office.
02:17:14.960 | Because if you look at like, say fashion, right?
02:17:17.960 | If you think of something fashionable,
02:17:20.160 | it's probably going to look like the kid
02:17:22.480 | in the principal's office.
02:17:24.580 | That's going to be the fashion.
02:17:26.400 | And that's part of the reason why I'm the most influential
02:17:29.320 | person at fashion, in fashion,
02:17:32.080 | because I refuse to leave the principal's office.
02:17:35.520 | If the substitute teacher comes in,
02:17:38.080 | I'm going to say, you got a big butt.
02:17:40.600 | - Yeah.
02:17:41.440 | - And I'm going to get, and they're going to-
02:17:43.920 | - Right back to the principal's office.
02:17:45.560 | - And people are going to be like, yo.
02:17:47.460 | And that's what you keep on saying.
02:17:49.600 | Like, who can we talk to?
02:17:51.840 | 'Cause no one can talk to me.
02:17:54.040 | No, I'm out of control, bro.
02:17:57.200 | It's just God, then me, and then fuck everybody.
02:18:02.000 | You know what I mean?
02:18:02.820 | That's how, that's really how I live my life.
02:18:05.400 | And I just want to say this one thing
02:18:06.600 | about the children thing.
02:18:07.440 | I wanted to, you know, put that point together,
02:18:09.920 | put that idea together.
02:18:10.760 | I don't like the word point.
02:18:11.920 | I'm really big on like words, words being powerful,
02:18:14.840 | says the person with the sleepy tweet.
02:18:18.320 | - You're not afraid of little contradictions.
02:18:19.760 | - Yeah, I'm a human being, right?
02:18:21.840 | It's like some days I'm like,
02:18:23.640 | I could go 30 days and be celibate.
02:18:25.560 | You know, like really, like I'm a monk.
02:18:27.540 | I'm being like faithful to God.
02:18:30.920 | And then I'll go like working out, no carbs.
02:18:33.180 | Like my weight will fluctuate.
02:18:34.680 | And I'll have times I'm like,
02:18:36.040 | I don't feel like being told what to do.
02:18:38.720 | So I don't want to work out with a trainer.
02:18:40.600 | And I just want to drink this Hennessy.
02:18:42.800 | But I want to say this thing that I will text to Kim.
02:18:45.520 | Sometimes I'll say, you know,
02:18:47.760 | you may not understand what I'm doing right now,
02:18:54.120 | but you will.
02:18:56.200 | And that's what I would say to everyone.
02:18:58.360 | You may not understand what I'm doing.
02:19:00.940 | And this gives a little bit, maybe we're like 20% there,
02:19:04.720 | but there's still going to be people,
02:19:05.880 | we leave this interview and they'll be like,
02:19:07.800 | I still don't like the way he apologized.
02:19:09.600 | I still don't want to say what my involvement would have been
02:19:13.760 | to make him, lead him to that point.
02:19:15.800 | And we just want things to be how they are.
02:19:17.680 | There's people in the world
02:19:19.160 | who want the world to stay as it is.
02:19:21.480 | And there's people who want to change the world.
02:19:23.920 | And that's happened throughout time.
02:19:25.920 | They say that with Da Vinci, halfway into a conversation,
02:19:29.760 | he could not suffer fools so much that he would walk away
02:19:33.520 | halfway into the conversation.
02:19:35.620 | And I said, well, that's why it's the Da Vinci code
02:19:41.820 | and not the Da Vinci world.
02:19:43.280 | And every time I go and piss off a group of people
02:19:47.620 | or do these things, on some end,
02:19:50.820 | it's like I could be turning my thing
02:19:53.020 | from a potential world vision to a code,
02:19:55.320 | or I could be opening up conversations with new friends
02:19:59.920 | that I may trust someday.
02:20:01.380 | - Yeah, that's beautiful.
02:20:03.180 | That's beautiful.
02:20:04.020 | (laughing)
02:20:05.140 | Because the change you will have on the world
02:20:07.420 | that you don't know for sure,
02:20:08.900 | but it'll happen across years, even decades.
02:20:13.300 | So you have to think in the future.
02:20:15.220 | Like you're working in the future.
02:20:16.860 | Your actions are working in the future.
02:20:18.740 | And a lot of people will judge this conversation
02:20:20.820 | and others you've done and so on in the present.
02:20:23.300 | And that doesn't matter.
02:20:24.300 | - You know why I apologize, why I say I'm sorry
02:20:26.620 | to the Jewish people that I hurt?
02:20:28.880 | It's not about, like I said,
02:20:30.860 | oh, I said, I'm not gonna hold this apology hostage, right?
02:20:35.860 | Obviously it's about God, but God is everything, right?
02:20:38.480 | So what's the point of having language
02:20:40.340 | and being, you can't engineer if you say God, God, God, right?
02:20:44.060 | It's like, it's God asks us to be judgmental
02:20:48.140 | so that you become, if you're a doctor, right?
02:20:50.460 | It's your judgment that saves grandma, right?
02:20:53.420 | And God puts that in this, like we have God inside us.
02:20:56.600 | We're a piece of God also, right?
02:20:59.420 | So I'm gonna go specific to a person.
02:21:01.800 | That story about Da Vinci alone is enough of a reason
02:21:08.140 | for me to give a sincere apology to the Jewish people
02:21:11.600 | because I do believe that there's a Da Vinci code
02:21:15.560 | inside of all of my misspellings and scribbles right here
02:21:19.360 | that God wants me to get to the world.
02:21:24.300 | And when I'm in my way, if God has set something on me,
02:21:29.300 | when I'm in my way, I'm in God's way.
02:21:31.900 | Now I can point at other people and say,
02:21:33.480 | hey, you guys are in God's way
02:21:35.240 | because you're not listening to me.
02:21:36.920 | But if I'm in my way, I'm not listening to God.
02:21:41.040 | And for me to be a philosopher and a leader
02:21:43.640 | or whatever other language, I have to listen to God.
02:21:47.380 | So before God, what I would do is start off as a samurai
02:21:51.500 | and say, I'm sorry for hurting you.
02:21:55.300 | As a Jewish person, I'm sorry for the way that made you feel
02:21:58.660 | and I'm sorry for the entire population of a race
02:22:03.500 | that I feel is actually my brother's
02:22:05.240 | 'cause I classify and feel that I'm also connected
02:22:08.600 | with Christ in that way,
02:22:10.520 | that my people came from Africa in that way.
02:22:13.480 | And I can't say it's this exact teaching
02:22:15.940 | or that exact teaching,
02:22:17.280 | but I feel that there's an important,
02:22:19.840 | the sons of Abraham, however we wanna word it,
02:22:22.800 | for us to come together and bring our different talents
02:22:26.200 | together to serve God collectively.
02:22:29.000 | And he, as much of an alien as I am, he does not call me.
02:22:34.440 | He did not call for me to alienate.
02:22:36.360 | And that's what the problem has been,
02:22:38.780 | especially in politics and in America.
02:22:41.720 | He placed America as the TV, as the radio to the world.
02:22:45.640 | We invented rock and roll, right?
02:22:47.060 | We are the influencers of the rest of the planet.
02:22:49.960 | We're the youngest startup in history, right?
02:22:53.060 | We're the youngest country,
02:22:55.280 | we're the youngest superpower, right?
02:22:57.960 | So for me and my position,
02:22:59.320 | the fact that I can talk to Trump one day
02:23:02.200 | and be at a game with Kim Kardashian the next day
02:23:04.640 | and then be at Paris Fashion Week,
02:23:07.960 | they don't want me to be involved with language
02:23:10.940 | of decisive, divisive language,
02:23:14.760 | proving that I can be just as racist
02:23:18.240 | as a racist white person.
02:23:20.400 | Oh, I can be a racist black person also.
02:23:23.560 | That's not what God has called me to do.
02:23:26.220 | So how do I simplify and say,
02:23:28.600 | hey, to you as a visionary, as an engineer,
02:23:33.600 | as a person that's given me a platform,
02:23:36.160 | that as my brother, I wanna apologize to you
02:23:39.600 | for how that made you feel,
02:23:41.080 | and to the rest of the people
02:23:43.720 | that carry specifically that pain,
02:23:45.760 | not the pain that I talk about,
02:23:48.200 | that doesn't seem to be as much of a pain for people
02:23:50.360 | when I talk about the abortion clinics and stuff.
02:23:53.360 | That's, it's like, that's an argued pain
02:23:56.000 | even in my own community.
02:23:57.400 | Like not everyone thinks that's a pain,
02:23:59.360 | but for the Jewish community,
02:24:01.160 | it's collectively this was a pain.
02:24:05.200 | And I've gone so far just psychologically on this journey
02:24:10.200 | since that statement had happened,
02:24:13.320 | where I didn't want to like give up the candy in my pocket.
02:24:17.040 | I didn't want to say, hey,
02:24:18.100 | I stuck my hand in the candy jar.
02:24:20.440 | I wanted to defend my freedom of speech.
02:24:22.460 | I wanted this, but even with freedom of speech,
02:24:24.660 | pain is pain, causing people to hurt is not helping.
02:24:29.660 | Causing people to hurt is not helping.
02:24:31.640 | So that means I have to take a more sophisticated approach
02:24:36.640 | to engineering this problem.
02:24:40.400 | This problem is the opportunity.
02:24:42.680 | And yes, that what could,
02:24:45.880 | some people may deem as a mistake.
02:24:48.180 | Would it be more genuine if I called it a mistake?
02:24:52.400 | I think I would be hypocritical by calling it a mistake
02:24:56.980 | with the ending of that, the idea I'm going to say out loud.
02:24:59.460 | So I'm not, I don't try to be a hypocrite on purpose.
02:25:02.520 | So, but I will call it a mistake to add a genuine,
02:25:08.480 | to be genuine about the feeling.
02:25:11.300 | With that mistake,
02:25:13.680 | with me as a human being, not to justify,
02:25:19.480 | but I have to state that God makes no mistakes
02:25:23.560 | because if I hadn't made that mistake,
02:25:25.480 | I wouldn't be in front of you today.
02:25:27.120 | And that's not to justify this sleepy text.
02:25:32.120 | - But I can tell you're a man that has love in his heart.
02:25:37.000 | And I hear that, I hear it through the words,
02:25:39.760 | explicitly and implicitly.
02:25:41.400 | And I think if we're to engineer a better future,
02:25:44.020 | the way to do that is with love.
02:25:46.460 | So as one human to another, I love you, brother.
02:25:50.180 | Thank you for talking today.
02:25:51.600 | This is great.
02:25:52.440 | - I like you too.
02:25:55.520 | - Son of a bitch.
02:25:56.480 | (laughing)
02:25:58.740 | Thanks for listening to this conversation with Ye,
02:26:02.880 | formerly known as Kanye West.
02:26:05.480 | To support this podcast,
02:26:06.720 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
02:26:09.280 | And now let me leave you with some words from Ye himself.
02:26:13.160 | Nothing in life is promised except death.
02:26:16.880 | Thank you for listening and hope to see you next time.
02:26:20.760 | (upbeat music)
02:26:23.340 | (upbeat music)
02:26:25.920 | [BLANK_AUDIO]