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Douglas Lenat: Cyc and the Quest to Solve Common Sense Reasoning in AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #221


0:0 Introduction
1:11 What is Cyc?
9:17 How to form a knowledge base of the universe
19:43 How to train an AI knowledge base
24:4 Global consistency versus local consistency
48:25 Automated reasoning
54:5 Direct uses of AI and machine learning
66:43 The semantic web
77:16 Tools to help Cyc interpret data
86:26 The most beautiful idea about Cyc
92:25 Love and consciousness in AI
99:24 The greatness of Marvin Minsky
104:18 Is Cyc just a beautiful dream?
109:3 What is OpenCyc and how was it born?
114:53 The open source community and OpenCyc
125:20 The inference problem
127:3 Cyc's programming language
134:37 Ontological engineering
142:2 Do machines think?
150:47 Death and consciousness
160:48 What would you say to AI?
165:24 Advice to young people
167:20 Mortality

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | The following is a conversation with Doug Lennett,
00:00:03.200 | creator of Psyche, a system that for close to 40 years
00:00:07.560 | and still today has sought to solve the core problem
00:00:11.020 | of artificial intelligence,
00:00:12.940 | the acquisition of common sense knowledge
00:00:15.520 | and the use of that knowledge to think,
00:00:18.080 | to reason and to understand the world.
00:00:21.200 | To support this podcast,
00:00:22.400 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
00:00:25.280 | As a side note, let me say that in the excitement
00:00:28.320 | of the modern era of machine learning,
00:00:30.160 | it is easy to forget just how little we understand
00:00:33.480 | exactly how to build the kind of intelligence
00:00:37.020 | that matches the power of the human mind.
00:00:39.640 | To me, many of the core ideas behind Psyche
00:00:42.580 | in some form, in actuality or in spirit,
00:00:45.780 | will likely be part of the AI system
00:00:47.860 | that achieves general super intelligence.
00:00:51.140 | But perhaps more importantly,
00:00:52.960 | solving this problem of common sense knowledge
00:00:55.620 | will help us humans understand our own minds,
00:00:58.740 | the nature of truth, and finally,
00:01:01.180 | how to be more rational and more kind to each other.
00:01:05.440 | This is the Lex Friedman Podcast,
00:01:07.400 | and here is my conversation with Doug Lennett.
00:01:10.640 | Psyche is a project launched by you in 1984
00:01:16.180 | and still is active today,
00:01:18.060 | whose goal is to assemble a knowledge base
00:01:20.060 | that spans the basic concepts and rules
00:01:22.260 | about how the world works.
00:01:24.060 | In other words, it hopes to capture common sense knowledge,
00:01:27.900 | which is a lot harder than it sounds.
00:01:30.180 | Can you elaborate on this mission
00:01:31.780 | and maybe perhaps speak to the various sub-goals
00:01:34.420 | within this mission?
00:01:36.180 | - When I was a faculty member
00:01:39.460 | in the computer science department at Stanford,
00:01:41.920 | my colleagues and I did research
00:01:44.860 | in all sorts of artificial intelligence programs.
00:01:49.860 | So natural language understanding programs,
00:01:52.460 | robots, expert systems, and so on.
00:01:56.920 | And we kept hitting the very same brick wall.
00:02:00.820 | Our systems would have impressive early successes.
00:02:05.780 | And so if your only goal was academic,
00:02:09.720 | namely to get enough material to write a journal article,
00:02:14.720 | that might actually suffice.
00:02:16.380 | But if you're really trying to get AI,
00:02:19.340 | then you have to somehow get past the brick wall.
00:02:21.860 | And the brick wall was,
00:02:23.700 | the programs didn't have what we would call common sense.
00:02:27.160 | They didn't have general world knowledge.
00:02:29.560 | They didn't really understand what they were doing,
00:02:32.500 | what they were saying, what they were being asked.
00:02:35.100 | And so very much like a clever dog performing tricks,
00:02:40.100 | we could get them to do tricks,
00:02:42.420 | but they never really understood what they were doing.
00:02:44.620 | Sort of like when you get a dog
00:02:46.820 | to fetch your morning newspaper.
00:02:49.180 | The dog might do that successfully,
00:02:50.980 | but the dog has no idea what a newspaper is
00:02:53.380 | or what it says or anything like that.
00:02:55.620 | - What does it mean to understand something?
00:02:57.740 | Can you maybe elaborate on that a little bit?
00:02:59.780 | Is it, is understanding action
00:03:02.660 | of like combining little things together,
00:03:04.740 | like through inference,
00:03:05.940 | or is understanding the wisdom you gain over time
00:03:08.740 | that forms a knowledge?
00:03:10.060 | - I think of understanding more like a,
00:03:12.660 | think of it more like the ground you stand on,
00:03:17.140 | which could be very shaky,
00:03:20.820 | could be very unsafe,
00:03:23.100 | but most of the time is not
00:03:25.020 | because underneath it is more ground
00:03:28.580 | and eventually, rock and other things,
00:03:31.740 | but layer after layer after layer,
00:03:34.540 | that solid foundation is there.
00:03:37.300 | And you rarely need to think about it.
00:03:39.540 | You rarely need to count on it,
00:03:41.020 | but occasionally you do.
00:03:42.860 | And I've never used this analogy before, so bear with me,
00:03:47.180 | but I think the same thing is true
00:03:49.420 | in terms of getting computers to understand things,
00:03:52.620 | which is you ask a computer a question,
00:03:56.100 | for instance, Alexa or some robot or something,
00:03:59.660 | and maybe it gets the right answer.
00:04:03.340 | But if you were asking that of a human,
00:04:06.140 | you could also say things like, why?
00:04:09.500 | Or how might you be wrong about this?
00:04:11.940 | Or something like that.
00:04:13.380 | And the person would answer you.
00:04:16.260 | And it might be a little annoying
00:04:18.380 | if you have a small child
00:04:19.540 | and they keep asking why questions in series.
00:04:22.700 | Eventually you get to the point
00:04:24.180 | where you throw up your hands and say, I don't know,
00:04:26.140 | it's just the way the world is.
00:04:28.300 | But for many layers,
00:04:30.300 | you actually have that layered, solid foundation of support
00:04:35.300 | so that when you need it, you can count on it.
00:04:38.740 | And when do you need it?
00:04:39.700 | Well, when things are unexpected,
00:04:42.100 | when you come up against a situation which is novel,
00:04:45.620 | for instance, when you're driving,
00:04:47.740 | it may be fine to have a small program,
00:04:51.860 | a small set of rules that cover 99% of the cases,
00:04:56.380 | but that 1% of the time when something strange happens,
00:05:00.060 | you really need to draw on common sense.
00:05:02.060 | For instance, my wife and I were driving recently
00:05:05.940 | and there was a trash truck in front of us.
00:05:09.140 | And I guess they had packed it too full
00:05:11.820 | and the back exploded and trash bags went everywhere.
00:05:17.060 | And we had to make a split second decision.
00:05:20.180 | Are we going to slam on our brakes?
00:05:21.900 | Are we going to swerve into another lane?
00:05:24.260 | Are we going to just run it over?
00:05:26.460 | Because there were cars all around us.
00:05:28.740 | And in front of us was a large trash bag
00:05:32.860 | and we know what we throw away in trash bags,
00:05:35.060 | probably not a safe thing to run over.
00:05:37.380 | Over on the left was a bunch of fast food restaurant
00:05:42.380 | trash bags and it's like, oh, well,
00:05:44.300 | those things are just like styrofoam and leftover food.
00:05:47.260 | We'll run over that.
00:05:48.380 | And so that was a safe thing for us to do.
00:05:51.100 | Now that's the kind of thing that's going to happen
00:05:52.820 | maybe once in your life.
00:05:54.860 | But the point is that there's almost no telling
00:06:00.500 | what little bits of knowledge about the world
00:06:03.140 | you might actually need in some situations
00:06:06.340 | which were unforeseen.
00:06:08.140 | - But see, when you sit on that mountain
00:06:11.100 | or that ground that goes deep of knowledge
00:06:15.620 | in order to make a split second decision
00:06:17.540 | about fast food trash or random trash
00:06:20.980 | from the back of a trash truck,
00:06:23.780 | you need to be able to leverage that ground
00:06:28.420 | you stand on in some way.
00:06:29.380 | It's not merely, it's not enough to just have a lot
00:06:33.900 | of ground to stand on.
00:06:35.420 | It's your ability to leverage it,
00:06:37.980 | to utilize it in a split, like integrate it all together
00:06:40.940 | to make that split second decision.
00:06:43.020 | And I suppose understanding isn't just having
00:06:48.020 | common sense knowledge to access.
00:06:52.540 | It's the act of accessing it somehow,
00:06:55.860 | like correctly filtering out the parts
00:07:00.860 | of the knowledge that are not useful,
00:07:02.380 | selecting only the useful parts
00:07:04.300 | and effectively making conclusive decisions.
00:07:08.340 | - So let's tease apart two different tasks really,
00:07:11.660 | both of which are incredibly important and even necessary
00:07:15.580 | if you're going to have this in a useful, usable fashion
00:07:20.260 | as opposed to say like library books sitting on a shelf
00:07:23.540 | and so on where the knowledge might be there,
00:07:26.380 | but if a fire comes, the books are gonna burn
00:07:30.060 | because they don't know what's in them
00:07:32.060 | and they're just gonna sit there while they burn.
00:07:34.940 | So there are two aspects of using the knowledge.
00:07:39.220 | One is a kind of a theoretical, how is it possible at all?
00:07:44.220 | And then the second aspect of what you said is,
00:07:47.180 | how can you do it quickly enough?
00:07:49.580 | So how can you do it at all is something
00:07:52.460 | that philosophers have grappled with.
00:07:55.180 | And fortunately, philosophers 100 years ago
00:07:58.460 | and even earlier developed a kind of formal language,
00:08:04.860 | like English, it's called predicate logic
00:08:09.780 | or first order logic or something like predicate calculus
00:08:13.580 | and so on.
00:08:14.400 | So there's a way of representing things
00:08:17.340 | in this formal language,
00:08:19.620 | which enables a mechanical procedure
00:08:24.340 | to sort of grind through and algorithmically produce
00:08:28.500 | all of the same logical entailments,
00:08:31.900 | all the same logical conclusions that you or I would
00:08:35.260 | from that same set of pieces of information
00:08:38.740 | that are represented that way.
00:08:40.380 | So that sort of raises a couple questions.
00:08:45.600 | One is, how do you get all this information
00:08:48.600 | from say observations and English and so on
00:08:52.100 | into this logical form?
00:08:54.100 | And secondly, how can you then efficiently
00:08:57.380 | run these algorithms to actually get the information
00:09:00.400 | you need in the case I mentioned in a 10th of a second,
00:09:04.260 | rather than say in 10 hours or 10,000 years of computation?
00:09:09.260 | And those are both really important questions.
00:09:13.660 | - And like a corollary addition to the first one is,
00:09:17.460 | how many such things do you need to gather
00:09:21.340 | for it to be useful in certain contexts?
00:09:24.620 | So like what, in order, you mentioned philosophers,
00:09:27.540 | in order to capture this world and represent it
00:09:30.520 | in a logical way and with a formal logic,
00:09:34.000 | like how many statements are required?
00:09:37.280 | Is it five?
00:09:38.120 | Is it 10?
00:09:38.940 | Is it 10 trillion?
00:09:40.480 | Is it like that?
00:09:41.320 | That's, as far as I understand,
00:09:43.160 | is probably still an open question.
00:09:45.760 | It may forever be an open question
00:09:47.480 | to say like definitively about.
00:09:51.360 | To describe the universe perfectly,
00:09:53.520 | how many facts do you need?
00:09:55.080 | - I'm gonna, I guess I'm gonna disappoint you
00:09:58.140 | by giving you an actual answer to your question.
00:10:00.300 | - Okay.
00:10:01.300 | Well, no, this sounds exciting.
00:10:03.460 | - Yes, okay.
00:10:04.900 | So now we have like three things to talk about.
00:10:09.900 | - We'll keep adding more.
00:10:10.820 | - Although it's okay, the first and the third are related.
00:10:13.700 | So let's leave the efficiency question aside for now.
00:10:18.260 | So how does all this information get represented
00:10:22.340 | in logical form?
00:10:24.580 | So that these algorithms,
00:10:27.360 | resolution theorem proving and other algorithms
00:10:29.760 | can actually grind through all the logical consequences
00:10:33.420 | of what you said.
00:10:34.520 | And that ties into your question about,
00:10:36.880 | well, how many of these things do you need?
00:10:39.820 | Because if the answer is small enough,
00:10:42.460 | then by hand, you could write them out one at a time.
00:10:45.540 | So in the early 1984,
00:10:53.500 | I held a meeting at Stanford
00:10:56.220 | where I was a faculty member there,
00:10:59.660 | where we assembled about half a dozen
00:11:03.460 | of the smartest people I know.
00:11:05.680 | People like Alan Newell and Marvin Minsky
00:11:10.700 | and Alan Kay and a few others.
00:11:15.180 | - Was Feynman there by chance?
00:11:16.460 | 'Cause he liked your,
00:11:17.780 | he commented about your system, Eurysco, at the time.
00:11:20.540 | - No, no, he wasn't part of this meeting.
00:11:23.380 | - That's a heck of a meeting anyway.
00:11:24.980 | - I think Ed Feigenbaum was there.
00:11:26.660 | I think Josh Lederberg was there.
00:11:29.820 | So we have all these different smart people
00:11:34.220 | and we came together to address the question
00:11:39.220 | that you raised, which is,
00:11:41.420 | if it's important to represent common sense knowledge
00:11:44.060 | and world knowledge in order for AIs to not be brittle,
00:11:48.300 | in order for AIs not to just have
00:11:50.140 | the veneer of intelligence,
00:11:52.380 | well, how many pieces of common sense,
00:11:55.420 | how many if-then rules, for instance,
00:11:58.620 | would we have to actually write
00:11:59.980 | in order to essentially cover
00:12:02.340 | what people expect perfect strangers
00:12:05.380 | to already know about the world?
00:12:07.780 | And I expected there would be an enormous divergence
00:12:12.020 | of opinion and computation,
00:12:15.040 | but amazingly, everyone got an answer
00:12:17.540 | which was around a million.
00:12:20.700 | And one person got the answer by saying,
00:12:24.620 | "Well, look, you can only burn
00:12:27.060 | "into human long-term memory
00:12:29.220 | "a certain number of things per unit time,
00:12:31.800 | "like maybe one every 30 seconds or something.
00:12:34.540 | "And other than that, it's just short-term memory
00:12:36.740 | "and it flows away like water and so on."
00:12:39.260 | So by the time you're, say, 10 years old or so,
00:12:42.620 | how many things could you possibly have burned
00:12:45.180 | into your long-term memory?
00:12:46.420 | And it's like about a million.
00:12:48.460 | Another person went in a completely different direction
00:12:51.180 | and said, "Well, if you look at the number of words
00:12:55.060 | "in a dictionary, not a whole dictionary,
00:12:57.880 | "but for someone to essentially be considered
00:13:01.500 | "to be fluent in a language,
00:13:03.300 | "how many words would they need to know?
00:13:05.200 | "And then about how many things about each word
00:13:08.520 | "would you have to tell it?"
00:13:09.860 | And so they got to a million that way.
00:13:11.760 | Another person said, "Well, let's actually look
00:13:16.300 | "at one single short, one-volume desk encyclopedia article."
00:13:21.300 | And so we'll look at what was like
00:13:25.500 | a four-paragraph article or something.
00:13:28.300 | I think about Grebes.
00:13:29.780 | Grebes are a type of waterfowl.
00:13:32.340 | And if we were going to sit there
00:13:34.300 | and represent every single thing that was there,
00:13:38.260 | how many assertions or rules or statements
00:13:41.340 | would we have to write in this logical language and so on?
00:13:43.820 | And then multiply that by all of the number of articles
00:13:47.060 | that there were and so on.
00:13:48.820 | So all of these estimates came out with a million.
00:13:51.620 | And so if you do the math, it turns out that like,
00:13:55.740 | oh, well then maybe in something like 100 person years,
00:14:00.740 | in one or two person centuries,
00:14:06.280 | we could actually get this written down by hand.
00:14:10.020 | And a marvelous coincidence, opportunity existed
00:14:15.020 | right at that point in time, the early 1980s.
00:14:19.500 | There was something called
00:14:20.940 | the Japanese fifth-generation computing effort.
00:14:23.860 | Japan had threatened to do in computing and AI and hardware
00:14:28.860 | what they had just finished doing in consumer electronics
00:14:32.120 | and the automotive industry,
00:14:33.300 | namely resting control away from the United States
00:14:36.660 | and more generally away from the West.
00:14:39.220 | And so America was scared and Congress did something.
00:14:44.060 | That's how you know it was a long time ago
00:14:45.620 | 'cause Congress did something.
00:14:47.660 | Congress passed something called
00:14:48.860 | the National Cooperative Research Act, NCRA.
00:14:52.180 | And what it said was,
00:14:53.420 | hey, all you big American companies,
00:14:55.460 | that's also how you know it was a long time ago
00:14:57.400 | because they were American companies
00:14:59.300 | rather than multinational companies.
00:15:01.300 | Hey, all you big American companies,
00:15:03.820 | normally it would be an antitrust violation
00:15:06.660 | if you colluded on R&D,
00:15:09.340 | but we promise for the next 10 years,
00:15:12.100 | we won't prosecute any of you if you do that
00:15:15.100 | to help combat this threat.
00:15:17.020 | And so overnight, the first two consortia,
00:15:20.940 | research consortia in America sprang up,
00:15:24.340 | both of them coincidentally in Austin, Texas.
00:15:27.340 | One called Sematech focusing on hardware chips and so on,
00:15:31.220 | and then one called MCC,
00:15:33.400 | the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation
00:15:36.540 | focusing more on software, on databases and AI
00:15:40.780 | and natural language understanding and things like that.
00:15:43.580 | And I got the opportunity,
00:15:46.940 | thanks to my friend Woody Bledsoe,
00:15:49.740 | who was one of the people who founded that,
00:15:52.940 | to come and be its principal scientist.
00:15:54.980 | And he said, you know,
00:15:56.180 | and he sent Admiral Bob Inman,
00:15:58.500 | who was the person running MCC,
00:16:01.680 | came and talked to me and said,
00:16:03.100 | "Look, Professor, you're talking about doing this project.
00:16:05.860 | "It's gonna involve person centuries of effort.
00:16:10.080 | "You've only got a handful of graduate students.
00:16:12.220 | "You do the math, it's gonna take you like, you know,
00:16:16.160 | "longer than the rest of your life to finish this project.
00:16:18.840 | "But if you move to the wilds of Austin, Texas,
00:16:21.780 | "we'll put 10 times as many people on it,
00:16:23.640 | "and you know, you'll be done in a few years."
00:16:27.340 | And so that was pretty exciting.
00:16:28.700 | And so I did that.
00:16:30.100 | I took my leave from Stanford.
00:16:33.000 | I came to Austin.
00:16:34.640 | I worked for MCC.
00:16:36.340 | And the good news and bad news,
00:16:38.660 | the bad news is that all of us were off
00:16:40.880 | by an order of magnitude.
00:16:42.740 | That it turns out what you need are tens of millions
00:16:45.460 | of these pieces of knowledge about everyday,
00:16:49.820 | sort of like if you have a coffee cup with stuff in it
00:16:53.300 | and you turn it upside down,
00:16:54.380 | the stuff in it's gonna fall out.
00:16:56.640 | So you need tens of millions
00:16:58.100 | of pieces of knowledge like that,
00:16:59.820 | even if you take trouble to make each one
00:17:02.660 | as general as it possibly could be.
00:17:04.940 | But the good news was that thanks to
00:17:10.220 | initially the fifth generation effort
00:17:13.760 | and then later US government agency funding and so on,
00:17:18.460 | we were able to get enough funding,
00:17:20.340 | not for a couple person centuries of time,
00:17:23.620 | but for a couple person millennia of time,
00:17:26.700 | which is what we've spent since 1984,
00:17:29.340 | getting Psych to contain the tens of millions of rules
00:17:33.500 | that it needs in order to really capture
00:17:35.980 | and span sort of not all of human knowledge,
00:17:39.580 | but the things that you assume other people,
00:17:42.620 | the things you count on other people knowing.
00:17:46.100 | And so by now we've done that.
00:17:49.700 | And the good news is since you've waited 38 years
00:17:53.420 | just about to talk to me,
00:17:56.820 | we're about at the end of that process.
00:17:59.620 | So most of what we're doing now is not putting in
00:18:01.940 | even what you would consider common sense,
00:18:03.740 | but more putting in domain specific applications,
00:18:07.420 | specific knowledge about healthcare in a certain hospital
00:18:12.420 | or about oil pipes getting clogged up
00:18:18.940 | or whatever the applications happen to be.
00:18:21.940 | So we've almost come full circle
00:18:24.340 | and we're doing things very much like the expert systems
00:18:27.260 | of the 1970s and the 1980s,
00:18:29.580 | except instead of resting on nothing and being brittle,
00:18:32.900 | they're now resting on this massive pyramid, if you will,
00:18:36.300 | this massive lattice of common sense knowledge
00:18:39.400 | so that when things go wrong,
00:18:40.980 | when something unexpected happens,
00:18:43.040 | they can fall back on more and more
00:18:44.980 | and more general principles,
00:18:47.100 | eventually bottoming out in things like,
00:18:50.420 | for instance, if we have a problem with the microphone,
00:18:53.000 | one of the things you'll do is unplug it,
00:18:55.940 | plug it in again and hope for the best, right?
00:18:58.420 | Because that's one of the general pieces of knowledge
00:19:00.480 | you have in dealing with electronic equipment
00:19:02.700 | or software systems or things like that.
00:19:05.700 | - Is there a basic principle like that?
00:19:07.180 | Like, is it possible to encode something
00:19:09.680 | that generally captures this idea of turn it off
00:19:13.500 | and turn it back on and see if it fixes?
00:19:15.700 | - Oh, absolutely.
00:19:16.540 | That's one of the things that Psych knows.
00:19:19.540 | - That's actually one of the fundamental laws
00:19:22.940 | of nature, I believe.
00:19:24.340 | (laughing)
00:19:25.180 | - I wouldn't call it a law.
00:19:27.100 | It's more like a--
00:19:29.580 | - Seems to work every time,
00:19:30.740 | so it sure looks like a law, I don't know.
00:19:34.300 | - So that basically covered the resources needed
00:19:39.300 | and then we had to devise a method to actually figure out,
00:19:43.180 | well, what are the tens of millions of things
00:19:45.520 | that we need to tell the system?
00:19:47.260 | And for that, we found a few techniques
00:19:51.180 | which worked really well.
00:19:52.580 | One is to take any piece of text almost,
00:19:56.620 | it could be an advertisement, it could be a transcript,
00:19:59.020 | it could be a novel, it could be an article,
00:20:01.800 | and don't pay attention to the actual type that's there,
00:20:05.940 | the black space on the white page.
00:20:08.380 | Pay attention to the complement of that,
00:20:10.540 | the white space, if you will.
00:20:11.860 | So what did the writer of this sentence assume
00:20:15.700 | that the reader already knew about the world?
00:20:17.900 | For instance, if they used a pronoun,
00:20:20.460 | how did they figure out that,
00:20:22.100 | why did they think that you would be able to understand
00:20:25.800 | what the intended referent of that pronoun was?
00:20:28.300 | If they used an ambiguous word,
00:20:30.200 | how did they think that you would be able to figure out
00:20:33.400 | what they meant by that word?
00:20:36.060 | The other thing we look at is the gap
00:20:38.500 | between one sentence and the next one.
00:20:40.660 | What are all the things that the writer expected you
00:20:43.200 | to fill in and infer occurred between the end
00:20:46.260 | of one sentence and the beginning of the other?
00:20:47.980 | So like if the sentence says,
00:20:49.480 | Fred Smith robbed the Third National Bank, period.
00:20:54.200 | He was sentenced to 20 years in prison, period.
00:20:58.980 | Well, between the first sentence and the second,
00:21:01.500 | you're expected to infer things like Fred got caught,
00:21:04.900 | Fred got arrested, Fred went to jail,
00:21:08.000 | Fred had a trial, Fred was found guilty, and so on.
00:21:11.780 | If my next sentence starts out with something like
00:21:14.380 | the judge, dot, dot, dot,
00:21:16.540 | then you assume it's the judge at his trial.
00:21:18.420 | If my next sentence starts out something like
00:21:20.580 | the arresting officer, dot, dot, dot,
00:21:22.420 | you assume that it was the police officer
00:21:24.580 | who arrested him after he committed the crime and so on.
00:21:26.980 | So those are two techniques for getting that knowledge.
00:21:31.980 | The other thing we sometimes look at is
00:21:35.660 | sort of like fake news or sort of humorous onion headlines
00:21:40.660 | or headlines in the Weekly World News,
00:21:44.620 | if you know what that is, or the National Enquirer,
00:21:46.940 | where it's like, oh, we don't believe this,
00:21:49.460 | then we introspect on why don't we believe it.
00:21:51.620 | So there are things like B-17 lands on the Moon.
00:21:56.620 | It's like, what do we know about the world
00:21:58.980 | that causes us to believe that that's just silly
00:22:01.460 | or something like that?
00:22:03.300 | Or another thing we look for are contradictions,
00:22:06.700 | things which can't both be true.
00:22:10.420 | And we say, what is it that we know
00:22:12.860 | that causes us to know that both of these
00:22:14.660 | can't be true at the same time?
00:22:17.140 | For instance, in one of the Weekly World News editions,
00:22:21.380 | in one article, it talked about how Elvis was cited,
00:22:24.820 | even though he was getting on in years and so on.
00:22:29.300 | And another article in the same one
00:22:31.140 | talked about people seeing Elvis's ghost.
00:22:33.940 | Okay, so it's like, why do we believe
00:22:36.300 | that at least one of these articles must be wrong and so on?
00:22:40.380 | So we have a series of techniques like that
00:22:43.300 | that enable our people.
00:22:44.820 | And by now, we have about 50 people
00:22:47.500 | working full-time on this and have for decades.
00:22:50.460 | So we've put in the thousands of person years of effort,
00:22:53.240 | we've built up these tens of millions of rules.
00:22:56.260 | We constantly police the system to make sure
00:23:00.100 | that we're saying things as generally as we possibly can.
00:23:04.700 | So you don't wanna say things like,
00:23:08.180 | no mouse is also a moose,
00:23:11.100 | because if you said things like that,
00:23:13.300 | then you'd have to add another one or two or three zeros
00:23:16.620 | onto the number of assertions you'd actually have to have.
00:23:20.480 | So at some point, we generalize things more and more,
00:23:23.900 | and we get to a point where we say,
00:23:25.140 | oh yeah, for any two biological taxons,
00:23:28.580 | if we don't know explicitly
00:23:30.340 | that one is a generalization of another,
00:23:32.660 | then almost certainly they're disjoint.
00:23:34.940 | A member of one is not gonna be a member of the other
00:23:37.740 | and so on, so--
00:23:38.580 | - And the same thing with the Elvis and the ghost,
00:23:40.740 | it has nothing to do with Elvis,
00:23:41.940 | it's more about human nature and the mortality
00:23:45.820 | and all that kind of stuff.
00:23:46.660 | - Well, in general, things are not both alive and dead
00:23:49.460 | at the same time.
00:23:50.460 | - Yeah, unless special cats in theoretical physics examples.
00:23:55.460 | - Well, that raises a couple important points.
00:23:58.340 | - Well, that's the onion headline situation type of thing.
00:24:00.980 | Okay, sorry.
00:24:01.820 | - But no, no, so what you bring up
00:24:03.420 | is this really important point of like,
00:24:04.860 | well, how do you handle exceptions
00:24:07.420 | and inconsistencies and so on?
00:24:10.980 | And one of the hardest lessons for us to learn,
00:24:14.020 | it took us about five years to really grit our teeth
00:24:17.540 | and learn to love it,
00:24:19.540 | is we had to give up global consistency.
00:24:23.460 | So the knowledge base can no longer be consistent.
00:24:27.060 | So this is a kind of scary thought.
00:24:28.740 | I grew up watching Star Trek,
00:24:30.540 | and anytime a computer was inconsistent,
00:24:32.940 | it would either freeze up or explode or take over the world
00:24:36.760 | or something bad would happen.
00:24:38.900 | Or if you come from a mathematics background,
00:24:41.260 | once you can prove false, you can prove anything,
00:24:44.300 | so that's not good and so on.
00:24:46.380 | So that's why the old knowledge-based systems
00:24:50.460 | were all very, very consistent.
00:24:52.900 | But the trouble is that by and large,
00:24:56.020 | our models of the world,
00:24:57.580 | the way we talk about the world and so on,
00:24:59.500 | there are all sorts of inconsistencies
00:25:02.180 | that creep in here and there
00:25:04.220 | that will sort of kill some attempt
00:25:05.820 | to build some enormous globally consistent knowledge base.
00:25:09.400 | And so what we had to move to
00:25:11.560 | was a system of local consistency.
00:25:14.440 | So a good analogy is,
00:25:16.160 | you know that the surface of the Earth
00:25:17.960 | is more or less spherical globally,
00:25:21.120 | but you live your life every day
00:25:24.960 | as though the surface of the Earth were flat.
00:25:27.680 | You know, when you're talking to someone in Australia,
00:25:29.600 | you don't think of them as being oriented upside down to you
00:25:32.800 | when you're planning a trip,
00:25:34.460 | even if it's a thousand miles away.
00:25:36.780 | You may think a little bit about time zones,
00:25:38.660 | but you rarely think about the curvature of the Earth
00:25:40.980 | and so on.
00:25:41.820 | And for most purposes, you can live your whole life
00:25:44.260 | without really worrying about that
00:25:46.380 | because the Earth is locally flat.
00:25:49.300 | In much the same way,
00:25:50.740 | the psych knowledge base is divided up
00:25:53.380 | into almost like tectonic plates,
00:25:55.620 | which are individual contexts,
00:25:57.620 | and each context is more or less consistent,
00:26:00.900 | but there can be small inconsistencies
00:26:03.980 | at the boundary between one context
00:26:06.460 | and the next one and so on.
00:26:08.180 | And so by the time you move, say, 20 contexts over,
00:26:12.180 | there could be glaring inconsistencies.
00:26:14.300 | So eventually you get from the normal,
00:26:17.300 | modern real world context that we're in right now
00:26:20.180 | to something like Roadrunner cartoon context
00:26:24.580 | where physics is very different,
00:26:26.220 | and in fact, life and death are very different
00:26:28.820 | because no matter how many times he's killed,
00:26:31.260 | you know, the coyote comes back in the next scene
00:26:33.620 | and so on.
00:26:35.220 | So that was a hard lesson to learn,
00:26:38.180 | and we had to make sure that our representation language,
00:26:41.260 | the way that we actually encode the knowledge
00:26:44.020 | and represent it,
00:26:45.180 | was expressive enough that we could talk about
00:26:47.300 | things being true in one context and false in another,
00:26:51.020 | things that are true at one time and false in another,
00:26:53.740 | things that are true, let's say, in one region,
00:26:56.420 | like one country, but false in another,
00:26:58.660 | things that are true in one person's belief system,
00:27:01.900 | but false in another person's belief system,
00:27:04.780 | things that are true at one level of abstraction
00:27:07.260 | and false at another.
00:27:08.140 | For instance, at one level of abstraction,
00:27:10.540 | you think of this table as a solid object,
00:27:12.720 | but down at the atomic level,
00:27:14.500 | it's mostly empty space and so on.
00:27:16.820 | - So then that's fascinating,
00:27:18.700 | but it puts a lot of pressure on context
00:27:21.460 | to do a lot of work.
00:27:23.420 | So you say tectonic plates.
00:27:25.460 | Is it possible to formulate contexts
00:27:27.500 | that are general and big
00:27:29.580 | that do this kind of capture of knowledge bases,
00:27:33.360 | or do you then get turtles on top of turtles,
00:27:36.140 | again, where there's just a huge number of contexts?
00:27:39.340 | - So, it's good you asked that question,
00:27:41.260 | 'cause you're pointed in the right direction,
00:27:43.820 | which is you want contexts to be first-class objects
00:27:48.820 | in your system's knowledge base,
00:27:50.820 | in particular in Psyche's knowledge base.
00:27:52.980 | By first-class object, I mean that
00:27:56.500 | we should be able to have Psyche think about
00:27:58.780 | and talk about and reason about
00:28:01.180 | one context or another context
00:28:03.140 | the same way it reasons about coffee cups
00:28:05.540 | and tables and people and fishing and so on.
00:28:09.540 | And so, contexts are just terms in its language,
00:28:13.460 | just like the ones I mentioned.
00:28:15.060 | And so, Psyche can reason about context,
00:28:18.580 | context can arrange hierarchically and so on.
00:28:22.180 | And so, you can say things about,
00:28:25.060 | let's say, things that are true in the modern era,
00:28:29.820 | things that are true in a particular year,
00:28:32.460 | would then be a sub-context of the things that are true
00:28:37.340 | in a broad, let's say, a century or a millennium
00:28:40.240 | or something like that.
00:28:41.480 | Things that are true in Austin, Texas,
00:28:44.180 | are generally gonna be a specialization
00:28:46.580 | of things that are true in Texas,
00:28:49.340 | which is gonna be a specialization of things
00:28:51.620 | that are true in the United States and so on.
00:28:54.260 | And so, you don't have to say things over and over again
00:28:58.340 | at all these levels, you just say things
00:29:00.220 | at the most general level that it applies to,
00:29:03.460 | and you only have to say it once,
00:29:04.940 | and then it essentially inherits
00:29:06.940 | to all these more specific contexts.
00:29:09.580 | - To ask a slightly technical question,
00:29:11.540 | is this inheritance a tree or a graph?
00:29:15.540 | - Oh, you definitely have to think of it as a graph.
00:29:18.200 | So, we could talk about, for instance,
00:29:20.480 | why the Japanese fifth-generation computing effort failed.
00:29:23.780 | There were about half a dozen different reasons.
00:29:26.420 | One of the reasons they failed was because
00:29:29.140 | they tried to represent knowledge as a tree
00:29:32.220 | rather than as a graph.
00:29:33.940 | And so, each node in their representation
00:29:38.380 | could only have one parent node.
00:29:42.460 | So, if you had a table that was a wooden object,
00:29:45.220 | a black object, a flat object, and so on,
00:29:48.060 | you had to choose one,
00:29:49.500 | and that's the only parent it could have.
00:29:52.460 | When, of course, depending on what it is
00:29:55.100 | you need to reason about it,
00:29:56.540 | sometimes it's important to know that it's made out of wood,
00:29:58.900 | like if we're talking about a fire.
00:30:01.040 | Sometimes it's important to know that it's flat
00:30:03.220 | if we're talking about resting something on it, and so on.
00:30:06.020 | So, one of the problems was that they wanted
00:30:10.940 | a kind of Dewey decimal numbering system
00:30:13.920 | for all of their concepts, which meant that
00:30:16.420 | each node could only have, at most, 10 children,
00:30:20.300 | and each node could only have one parent.
00:30:23.500 | And while that does enable the Dewey decimal type
00:30:28.500 | numbering of concepts, labeling of concepts,
00:30:32.220 | it prevents you from representing all the things
00:30:34.420 | you need to about objects in our world.
00:30:37.860 | And that was one of the things which
00:30:40.060 | they never were able to overcome,
00:30:41.940 | and I think that was one of the main reasons
00:30:43.940 | that that project failed.
00:30:45.360 | - So, we'll return to some of the doors you've opened,
00:30:47.580 | but if we can go back to that room in 1984,
00:30:50.780 | around there with Marvin Minsky and Stanford.
00:30:53.380 | - By the way, I should mention that Marvin
00:30:56.180 | wouldn't do his estimate until someone brought him
00:30:59.420 | an envelope so that he could literally do a back
00:31:02.460 | of the envelope calculation to come up with his number.
00:31:05.580 | - Well, because I feel like the conversation
00:31:10.820 | in that room is an important one.
00:31:15.820 | Sometimes science is done in this way.
00:31:17.500 | A few people get together and plant the seed of ideas,
00:31:20.900 | and they reverberate throughout history,
00:31:23.160 | and some kind of dissipate and disappear,
00:31:26.300 | and some, you know, Drake equation,
00:31:28.540 | and it seems like a meaningless equation,
00:31:31.700 | somewhat meaningless, but I think it drives
00:31:34.060 | and motivates a lot of scientists,
00:31:35.740 | and when the aliens finally show up,
00:31:37.860 | that equation will get even more valuable,
00:31:40.940 | because then we'll be able to,
00:31:42.380 | in the long arc of history, the Drake equation
00:31:44.860 | will prove to be quite useful, I think.
00:31:49.860 | In that same way, a conversation of just how many facts
00:31:54.620 | are required to capture the basic common sense knowledge
00:31:56.940 | of the world, that's a fascinating question.
00:31:58.860 | - I want to distinguish between what you think of as facts
00:32:01.820 | and the kind of things that we represent.
00:32:04.340 | So we map to and essentially make sure
00:32:08.940 | that psych has the ability to, as it were,
00:32:10.780 | read and access the kind of facts you might find,
00:32:13.900 | say, in Wikidata, or stated in a Wikipedia article,
00:32:18.900 | or something like that.
00:32:20.260 | So what we're representing, the things that we need
00:32:22.520 | a small number of tens of millions of,
00:32:24.580 | are more like rules of thumb, rules of good guessing,
00:32:27.980 | things which are usually true,
00:32:30.060 | and which help you to make sense of the facts
00:32:34.980 | that are sort of sitting off in some database
00:32:37.700 | or some other more static storage.
00:32:39.700 | - So they're almost like platonic forms,
00:32:42.020 | so when you read stuff on Wikipedia,
00:32:45.260 | that's going to be projections of those ideas.
00:32:47.420 | You read an article about the fact that Elvis died,
00:32:50.300 | that's a projection of the idea that humans are mortal.
00:32:54.040 | Very few Wikipedia articles will write humans are mortal.
00:33:00.180 | - Exactly, that's what I meant about ferreting out
00:33:02.980 | the unstated things in text.
00:33:05.220 | What are all the things that were assumed?
00:33:06.720 | And so those are things like,
00:33:09.120 | if you have a problem with something,
00:33:10.720 | turning it off and on often fixes it
00:33:13.540 | for reasons we don't really understand
00:33:15.300 | and we're not happy about,
00:33:16.420 | or people can't be both alive and dead at the same time,
00:33:20.700 | or water flows downhill.
00:33:23.540 | If you search online for water flowing uphill
00:33:25.920 | and water flowing downhill,
00:33:27.000 | you'll find more references for water flowing uphill,
00:33:29.660 | because it's used as a kind of a metaphorical reference
00:33:34.020 | for some unlikely thing,
00:33:35.740 | because of course everyone already knows
00:33:37.880 | that water flows downhill,
00:33:39.460 | so why would anyone bother saying that?
00:33:41.820 | - Do you have a word you prefer,
00:33:44.340 | 'cause we said facts isn't the right word,
00:33:46.020 | is there a word like concepts?
00:33:47.780 | - I would say assertions.
00:33:49.980 | Assertions or rules,
00:33:51.540 | because I'm not talking about rigid rules,
00:33:53.420 | but rules of thumb.
00:33:54.620 | But assertions is a nice one
00:33:57.020 | that covers all of these things.
00:33:59.820 | - Yeah, as a programmer to me,
00:34:01.660 | assert has a very dogmatic authoritarian feel to them.
00:34:06.380 | - Oh, I'm sorry.
00:34:07.220 | (laughing)
00:34:08.340 | I'm so sorry.
00:34:09.460 | Okay, but assertions works.
00:34:11.180 | Okay, so if we go back to that room
00:34:13.300 | with Marvin Minsky with you,
00:34:15.260 | all these seminal figures,
00:34:16.740 | Ed Feigenbaum,
00:34:20.060 | thinking about this very philosophical,
00:34:23.480 | but also engineering question,
00:34:25.760 | we can also go back a couple of decades before then
00:34:29.740 | and thinking about artificial intelligence broadly,
00:34:32.540 | when people were thinking about
00:34:34.740 | how do you create superintelligent systems,
00:34:37.860 | general intelligence.
00:34:39.460 | And I think people's intuition was off at the time.
00:34:44.460 | And I mean, this continues to be the case
00:34:47.780 | that we're not,
00:34:48.940 | when we're grappling with these exceptionally difficult ideas
00:34:52.420 | we're not always,
00:34:53.300 | it's very difficult to truly understand ourselves
00:34:56.780 | when we're thinking about the human mind
00:34:59.340 | to introspect how difficult it is to engineer intelligence,
00:35:03.960 | to solve intelligence.
00:35:05.000 | We're not very good at estimating that.
00:35:07.260 | And you are somebody who has really stayed
00:35:10.740 | with this question for decades.
00:35:12.480 | Do you, what's your sense from the 1984 to today,
00:35:18.660 | have you gotten a stronger sense
00:35:21.480 | of just how much knowledge is required?
00:35:23.900 | So you've kind of said with some level of certainty
00:35:27.140 | that it's still on the order of magnitude
00:35:28.660 | of tens of millions.
00:35:30.220 | - Right, for the first several years,
00:35:31.940 | I would have said that it was on the order
00:35:33.480 | of one or two million.
00:35:36.340 | And so it took us about five or six years
00:35:40.220 | to realize that we were off by a factor of 10.
00:35:44.020 | - But I guess what I'm asking,
00:35:46.420 | Marvin Misk is very confident in the '60s when you say.
00:35:49.380 | - Yes. - Right.
00:35:50.700 | What's your sense,
00:35:52.940 | if you,
00:35:54.880 | 200 years from now,
00:35:59.560 | you're still,
00:36:00.440 | you're not going to be any longer
00:36:03.220 | in this particular biological body,
00:36:05.400 | but your brain will still be in the digital form,
00:36:09.100 | and you'll be looking back,
00:36:10.740 | would you think you were smart today?
00:36:14.180 | Like your intuition was right?
00:36:15.620 | Or do you think you may be really off?
00:36:19.220 | - So I think I'm right enough.
00:36:22.260 | And let me explain what I mean by that,
00:36:24.380 | which is sometimes like if you have an old fashioned pump,
00:36:29.340 | you have to prime the pump.
00:36:30.860 | - Yeah. - And then eventually
00:36:31.860 | it starts.
00:36:32.700 | So I think I'm right enough in the sense that--
00:36:36.280 | - To prime the pump.
00:36:37.120 | - What we've built,
00:36:38.880 | even if it isn't, so to speak, everything you need,
00:36:42.500 | it's primed the knowledge pump enough
00:36:45.380 | that psych can now itself help to learn
00:36:50.380 | more and more automatically on its own
00:36:53.300 | by reading things and understanding
00:36:55.160 | and occasionally asking questions
00:36:56.720 | like a student would or something.
00:36:59.200 | And by doing experiments
00:37:00.720 | and discovering things on its own and so on.
00:37:03.160 | So through a combination of psych-powered discovery
00:37:07.640 | and psych-powered reading,
00:37:09.860 | it will be able to bootstrap itself.
00:37:12.560 | Maybe it's the final 2%, maybe it's the final 99%.
00:37:16.340 | So even if I'm wrong,
00:37:18.800 | all I really need to build is a system
00:37:21.880 | which has primed the pump enough
00:37:24.140 | that it can begin that cascade upward,
00:37:28.120 | that self-reinforcing sort of quadratically
00:37:31.360 | or maybe even exponentially increasing path upward
00:37:36.360 | that we get from, for instance, talking with each other.
00:37:39.620 | That's why humans today know so much more
00:37:43.400 | than humans 100,000 years ago.
00:37:45.400 | We're not really that much smarter
00:37:47.080 | than people were 100,000 years ago.
00:37:49.280 | But there's so much more knowledge
00:37:50.680 | and we have language and we can communicate.
00:37:53.040 | We can check things on Google and so on.
00:37:55.400 | So effectively, we have this enormous power
00:37:58.160 | at our fingertips.
00:37:59.520 | And there's almost no limit
00:38:01.320 | to how much you could learn if you wanted to
00:38:03.780 | because you've already gotten to a certain level
00:38:06.320 | of understanding of the world
00:38:08.080 | that enables you to read all these articles
00:38:10.440 | and understand them,
00:38:11.520 | that enables you to go out and if necessary,
00:38:13.720 | do experiments, although that's slower,
00:38:15.840 | as a way of gathering data and so on.
00:38:19.080 | And I think this is really an important point,
00:38:21.580 | which is if we have artificial intelligence,
00:38:25.000 | real general artificial intelligence,
00:38:27.120 | human level artificial intelligence,
00:38:29.520 | then people will become smarter.
00:38:33.960 | It's not so much that it'll be us versus the AIs.
00:38:37.040 | It's more like us and the AIs together
00:38:39.960 | will be able to do things that require more creativity
00:38:43.640 | that would take too long right now,
00:38:45.500 | but we'll be able to do lots of things in parallel.
00:38:48.200 | We'll be able to misunderstand each other less.
00:38:52.040 | There's all sorts of value that effectively
00:38:55.640 | for an individual would mean that individual will,
00:38:58.900 | for all intents and purposes, be smarter.
00:39:01.280 | And that means that humanity as a species will be smarter.
00:39:05.480 | And when was the last time that any invention
00:39:08.840 | qualitatively made a huge difference in human intelligence?
00:39:13.840 | You have to go back a long ways.
00:39:15.460 | It wasn't like the internet or the computer
00:39:17.720 | or mathematics or something.
00:39:19.640 | It was all the way back to the development of language.
00:39:24.440 | We sort of look back on pre-linguistic cavemen as,
00:39:28.440 | well, they weren't really intelligent, were they?
00:39:32.840 | They weren't really human, were they?
00:39:34.840 | And I think that, as you said, 50, 100, 200 years from now,
00:39:39.840 | people will look back on people today
00:39:42.560 | right before the advent of the sort of lifelong
00:39:47.920 | general AI muses and say, "Those poor people,
00:39:52.920 | "they weren't really human, were they?"
00:39:56.240 | - Exactly.
00:39:57.240 | So you said a lot of really interesting things.
00:39:59.200 | By the way, I would maybe try to argue that the internet
00:40:04.200 | is on the order of the kind of big leap in improvement
00:40:10.200 | that the invention of language was.
00:40:14.680 | - Well, certainly a big leap in one direction.
00:40:16.560 | We're not sure whether it's upward or downward.
00:40:18.440 | - Well, I mean very specific parts of the internet,
00:40:21.400 | which is access to information,
00:40:22.840 | like a website like Wikipedia,
00:40:25.000 | like ability for human beings from across the world
00:40:27.780 | to access information very quickly.
00:40:29.840 | - So I could take either side of this argument,
00:40:32.200 | and since you just took one side,
00:40:34.160 | I'll give you the other side,
00:40:35.240 | which is that almost nothing has done more harm
00:40:39.000 | than something like the internet
00:40:42.480 | and access to that information in two ways.
00:40:45.440 | One is it's made people more globally ignorant
00:40:50.440 | in the same way that calculators
00:40:53.560 | made us more or less innumerate.
00:40:56.900 | So when I was growing up, we had to use slide rules,
00:40:59.840 | we had to be able to estimate and so on.
00:41:02.880 | Today, people don't really understand numbers,
00:41:06.640 | they don't really understand math,
00:41:08.120 | they don't really estimate very well at all, and so on.
00:41:11.920 | They don't really understand the difference
00:41:13.480 | between trillions and billions and millions
00:41:15.640 | and so on very well,
00:41:16.880 | because calculators do that all for us.
00:41:21.200 | And thanks to things like the internet and search engines,
00:41:26.200 | that same kind of juvenile-ism is reinforced
00:41:31.640 | in making people essentially be able
00:41:33.840 | to live their whole lives,
00:41:35.080 | not just without being able to do arithmetic and estimate,
00:41:38.040 | but now without actually having
00:41:39.720 | to really know almost anything.
00:41:41.680 | Because anytime they need to know something,
00:41:43.400 | they'll just go and look it up.
00:41:45.040 | - You're right, and I could tell you
00:41:46.240 | could play both sides of this,
00:41:47.440 | and it is a double-edged sword.
00:41:48.840 | You can, of course, say the same thing about language.
00:41:50.920 | Probably people, when they invented language,
00:41:53.040 | they would criticize,
00:41:54.200 | you know, it used to be we would just,
00:41:56.080 | if we're angry, we would just kill a person,
00:41:58.480 | and if we're in love, we would just have sex with them,
00:42:00.720 | and now everybody's writing poetry and bullshit.
00:42:03.560 | You know, you should just be direct,
00:42:05.520 | you should have physical contact.
00:42:07.720 | Enough of this words and books,
00:42:09.960 | and you're not actually experiencing,
00:42:12.520 | like if you read a book,
00:42:13.480 | you're not experiencing the thing.
00:42:15.040 | This is nonsense.
00:42:16.520 | - That's right, if you read a book
00:42:17.560 | about how to make butter,
00:42:18.600 | that's not the same as,
00:42:19.520 | you have to learn it and do it yourself.
00:42:21.560 | - Exactly, do it yourself.
00:42:22.400 | - And so on.
00:42:23.320 | So let's just say that something is gained,
00:42:25.000 | but something is lost every time you have
00:42:28.120 | these sorts of dependencies on technology.
00:42:33.120 | And overall, I think that having smarter individuals
00:42:38.760 | and having smarter AI augmented human species
00:42:43.640 | will be one of the few ways
00:42:45.840 | that we'll actually be able to overcome
00:42:48.080 | some of the global problems we have
00:42:49.640 | involving poverty and starvation and global warming
00:42:53.920 | and overcrowding, all the other problems
00:42:57.280 | that are besetting the planet.
00:43:00.840 | We really need to be smarter,
00:43:02.520 | and there are really only two routes to being smarter.
00:43:04.840 | One is through biochemistry,
00:43:07.840 | and genetics, genetic engineering.
00:43:12.600 | The other route is through having general AIs
00:43:16.040 | that augment our intelligence.
00:43:19.560 | And hopefully one of those two ways
00:43:24.480 | of paths to salvation will come through
00:43:28.560 | before it's too late.
00:43:29.840 | - Yeah, absolutely, I agree with you.
00:43:30.840 | And obviously as an engineer,
00:43:32.440 | I have a better sense and an optimism
00:43:37.440 | about the technology side of things
00:43:38.880 | because you can control things there more.
00:43:40.920 | Biology is just such a giant mess.
00:43:43.120 | We're living through a pandemic now.
00:43:44.600 | There's so many ways that nature can just be
00:43:47.520 | just destructive and destructive in a way
00:43:50.560 | where it doesn't even notice you.
00:43:52.280 | It's not like a battle of humans versus virus.
00:43:55.440 | It's just like, huh, okay.
00:43:56.880 | And then you can just wipe out an entire species.
00:43:59.560 | - The other problem with the internet
00:44:02.360 | is that it has enabled us to surround ourselves
00:44:07.120 | with an echo chamber, with a bubble of like-minded people,
00:44:12.120 | which means that you can have truly bizarre theories,
00:44:17.120 | conspiracy theories, fake news, and so on, promulgate,
00:44:21.160 | and surround yourself with people who essentially reinforce
00:44:25.920 | what you want to believe
00:44:27.960 | or what you already believe about the world.
00:44:30.440 | And in the old days, that was much harder to do
00:44:34.960 | when you had, say, only three TV networks,
00:44:37.720 | or even before when you had no TV networks
00:44:40.160 | and you had to actually look at the world
00:44:42.200 | and make your own reasoned decisions.
00:44:44.360 | - I like the push and pull of our dance that we're doing
00:44:46.840 | because then I'll just say, in the old world,
00:44:48.760 | having come from the Soviet Union,
00:44:50.560 | because you had one or a couple of networks,
00:44:53.000 | then propaganda could be much more effective
00:44:55.040 | and then the government can overpower its people
00:44:57.520 | by telling you the truth and then starving millions
00:45:01.920 | and torturing millions
00:45:03.680 | and putting millions into camps
00:45:05.800 | and starting wars with a propaganda machine,
00:45:08.600 | allowing you to believe
00:45:09.480 | that you're actually doing good in the world.
00:45:11.680 | With the internet,
00:45:12.840 | because of all the quote-unquote conspiracy theories,
00:45:16.240 | some of them are actually challenging the power centers,
00:45:18.920 | the very kind of power centers that a century ago
00:45:22.400 | would have led to the death of millions.
00:45:25.320 | So there's, again, this double-edged sword.
00:45:27.960 | And I very much agree with you on the AI side.
00:45:30.480 | It's often an intuition that people have
00:45:33.560 | that somehow AI will be used to maybe overpower people
00:45:38.040 | by certain select groups.
00:45:40.040 | And to me, it's not at all obvious
00:45:41.960 | that that's the likely scenario.
00:45:43.440 | To me, the likely scenario,
00:45:45.680 | especially just having observed the trajectory of technology,
00:45:48.800 | is it'll be used to empower people.
00:45:50.520 | It'll be used to extend the capabilities
00:45:54.680 | of individuals across the world,
00:45:58.320 | 'cause there's a lot of money to be made that way.
00:46:00.920 | Like improving people's lives, you can make a lot of money.
00:46:03.280 | - I agree.
00:46:04.120 | I think that the main thing that AI prostheses,
00:46:09.120 | AI amplifiers will do for people is make it easier,
00:46:15.120 | maybe even unavoidable,
00:46:16.880 | for them to do good critical thinking.
00:46:20.000 | So pointing out logical fallacies,
00:46:23.040 | logical contradictions, and so on,
00:46:25.560 | in things that they otherwise would just blithely believe.
00:46:31.120 | Pointing out, essentially, data
00:46:35.160 | which they should take into consideration
00:46:38.720 | if they really want to learn the truth
00:46:42.160 | about something, and so on.
00:46:43.680 | So I think doing not just educating
00:46:46.600 | in the sense of pouring facts into people's heads,
00:46:50.400 | but educating in the sense of arming people
00:46:53.120 | with the ability to do good critical thinking
00:46:56.160 | is enormously powerful.
00:46:58.640 | The education system that we have in the US and worldwide
00:47:03.240 | generally don't do a good job of that.
00:47:05.920 | But I believe that the AI--
00:47:09.400 | - AI's will.
00:47:10.240 | - The AI's will, the AI's can and will.
00:47:12.320 | In the same way that everyone can have their own Alexa
00:47:16.640 | or Siri or Google Assistant or whatever,
00:47:20.120 | everyone will have this sort of cradle to grave assistant
00:47:25.640 | which will get to know you, which you'll get to trust.
00:47:28.040 | It'll model you, you'll model it.
00:47:30.600 | And it'll call to your attention things
00:47:33.600 | which will, in some sense, make your life better, easier,
00:47:38.040 | less mistake-ridden, and so on, less regret-ridden,
00:47:42.860 | if you listen to it.
00:47:46.600 | - Yeah, I'm in full agreement with you
00:47:48.640 | about this space of technologies,
00:47:51.880 | and I think it's super exciting.
00:47:53.120 | From my perspective, integrating emotional intelligence,
00:47:57.080 | so even things like friendship and companionship and love
00:48:00.360 | into those kinds of systems,
00:48:02.760 | as opposed to helping you just grow intellectually
00:48:06.160 | as a human being, allow you to grow emotionally,
00:48:09.120 | which is ultimately what makes life amazing,
00:48:12.040 | is to sort of, you know, the old pursuit of happiness.
00:48:16.400 | So it's not just the pursuit of reason,
00:48:18.320 | it's the pursuit of happiness too.
00:48:20.200 | The full spectrum.
00:48:21.560 | Well, let me, sort of, 'cause you mentioned
00:48:24.160 | so many fascinating things.
00:48:25.440 | Let me jump back to the idea of automated reasoning.
00:48:29.320 | So the acquisition of new knowledge
00:48:32.640 | has been done in this very interesting way,
00:48:35.240 | but primarily by humans doing this--
00:48:39.240 | - Yes, you can think of monks in their cells
00:48:41.920 | in medieval Europe, you know,
00:48:44.960 | carefully illuminating manuscripts and so on.
00:48:47.960 | - It's a very difficult and amazing process, actually,
00:48:50.920 | because it allows you to truly ask the question
00:48:53.520 | about in the white space, what is assumed?
00:48:58.160 | I think this exercise is, like,
00:49:02.040 | very few people do this, right?
00:49:03.800 | They just do it subconsciously.
00:49:06.080 | They perform this-- - By definition.
00:49:07.840 | - By definition. - Because those pieces
00:49:10.080 | of elided, of omitted information,
00:49:13.800 | of those missing steps, as it were,
00:49:15.840 | are pieces of common sense.
00:49:18.760 | If you actually included all of them,
00:49:21.080 | it would almost be offensive or confusing to the reader.
00:49:24.880 | It's like, why are they telling me all these?
00:49:26.520 | Of course I know all these things.
00:49:28.880 | And so, it's one of these things
00:49:32.440 | which, almost by its very nature,
00:49:34.440 | has almost never been explicitly written down anywhere,
00:49:40.160 | because by the time you're old enough
00:49:42.680 | to talk to other people and so on,
00:49:45.400 | you know, if you survived to that age,
00:49:47.800 | presumably you already got pieces of common sense,
00:49:50.600 | like, you know, if something causes you pain
00:49:53.560 | whenever you do it, probably not a good idea
00:49:55.560 | to keep doing it.
00:49:56.400 | - So, what ideas do you have,
00:50:00.280 | given how difficult this step is,
00:50:02.680 | what ideas are there for how to do it automatically
00:50:06.280 | without using humans, or at least not,
00:50:09.600 | you know, doing, like, a large percentage
00:50:13.400 | of the work for humans, and then humans only do
00:50:15.480 | the very high-level supervisory work?
00:50:18.720 | - So, we have, in fact, two directions we're pushing on
00:50:23.440 | very, very heavily currently at PsyCorps,
00:50:25.880 | and one involves natural language understanding
00:50:28.640 | and the ability to read what people
00:50:30.240 | have explicitly written down,
00:50:32.400 | and to pull knowledge in that way.
00:50:35.120 | But the other is to build a series
00:50:38.160 | of knowledge-editing tools, knowledge-entry tools,
00:50:42.560 | knowledge-capture tools, knowledge-testing tools,
00:50:48.440 | and so on.
00:50:49.280 | Think of them as, like, user-interfaced suite
00:50:52.960 | of software tools, if you want,
00:50:54.680 | something that will help people to,
00:50:56.880 | more or less, automatically expand and extend the system
00:51:01.200 | in areas where, for instance, they want to build some app,
00:51:05.040 | have it do some application, or something like that.
00:51:08.360 | So, I'll give you an example of one,
00:51:10.400 | which is something called abduction.
00:51:13.400 | So, you've probably heard of, like, deduction,
00:51:17.400 | and induction, and so on.
00:51:19.520 | But abduction is unlike those.
00:51:21.960 | Abduction is not sound, it's just useful.
00:51:25.920 | So, for instance, deductively,
00:51:30.440 | if someone is out in the rain,
00:51:32.800 | and they're gonna get all wet,
00:51:34.360 | and when they enter a room,
00:51:36.360 | they might be all wet, and so on.
00:51:37.960 | So, that's deduction.
00:51:41.160 | But if someone were to walk into the room right now,
00:51:44.400 | and they were dripping wet,
00:51:46.880 | we would immediately look outside to say,
00:51:48.880 | oh, did it start to rain, or something like that.
00:51:51.360 | Now, why did we say, maybe it started to rain?
00:51:55.240 | That's not a sound, logical inference,
00:51:57.800 | but it's certainly a reasonable abductive leap to say,
00:52:02.800 | well, one of the most common ways
00:52:05.880 | that a person would have gotten dripping wet
00:52:08.640 | is if they had gotten caught out in the rain,
00:52:10.800 | or something like that.
00:52:12.640 | So, what does that have to do
00:52:15.880 | with what we were talking about?
00:52:16.720 | So, suppose you're building one of these applications,
00:52:19.800 | and the system gets some answer wrong.
00:52:22.480 | And you say, oh, yeah, the answer to this question
00:52:25.280 | is this one, not the one you came up with.
00:52:29.000 | Then, what the system can do is it can use
00:52:31.960 | everything it already knows about common sense,
00:52:34.440 | general knowledge, the domain you've already
00:52:36.360 | been telling it about, and context,
00:52:39.240 | like we talked about, and so on,
00:52:40.560 | and say, well, here are seven alternatives,
00:52:45.240 | each of which I believe is plausible,
00:52:48.160 | given everything I already know.
00:52:49.840 | And if any of these seven things were true,
00:52:52.660 | I would have come up with the answer you just gave me
00:52:54.940 | instead of the wrong answer I came up with.
00:52:57.080 | Is one of these seven things true?
00:52:59.080 | And then, you, the expert, will look at those seven things
00:53:02.960 | and say, oh, yeah, number five is actually true.
00:53:05.560 | And so, without actually having to tinker down
00:53:08.540 | at the level of logical assertions and so on,
00:53:12.560 | you'll be able to educate the system
00:53:15.280 | in the same way that you would help educate another person
00:53:18.560 | who you were trying to apprentice or something like that.
00:53:22.040 | - So, that significantly reduces the mental effort
00:53:25.820 | or significantly increases the efficiency
00:53:28.200 | of the teacher, the human teacher.
00:53:30.240 | - Exactly, and it makes more or less anyone
00:53:32.360 | able to be a teacher in that way.
00:53:36.200 | So, that's part of the answer.
00:53:38.920 | And then, the other is that the system on its own
00:53:42.440 | will be able to, through reading,
00:53:45.080 | through conversations with other people and so on,
00:53:49.240 | learn the same way that you or I or other humans do.
00:53:54.240 | - First of all, that's a beautiful vision.
00:53:57.320 | I'll have to ask you about semantic web
00:53:59.080 | in a second here, but first,
00:54:00.720 | are there, when we talk about specific techniques,
00:54:05.960 | do you find something inspiring or directly useful
00:54:09.320 | from the whole space of machine learning, deep learning,
00:54:12.520 | these kinds of spaces of techniques
00:54:14.140 | that have been shown effective for certain kinds
00:54:17.040 | of problems in the recent, now, decade and a half?
00:54:21.040 | - I think of the machine learning work
00:54:24.040 | as more or less what our right brain hemispheres do.
00:54:29.480 | So, being able to take a bunch of data
00:54:34.480 | and recognize patterns, being able to statistically
00:54:38.760 | infer things and so on.
00:54:41.200 | And I certainly wouldn't want to not have
00:54:45.720 | a right brain hemisphere, but I'm also glad
00:54:48.400 | that I have a left brain hemisphere as well,
00:54:50.480 | something that can metaphorically sit back
00:54:53.600 | and puff on its pipe and think about this thing over here.
00:54:57.400 | It's like, why might this have been true?
00:54:59.440 | And what are the implications of it?
00:55:02.400 | How should I feel about that and why and so on?
00:55:04.900 | So, thinking more deeply and slowly,
00:55:08.660 | what Kahneman called thinking slowly
00:55:11.220 | versus thinking quickly.
00:55:12.740 | Whereas you want machine learning to think quickly,
00:55:15.380 | but you want the ability to think deeply,
00:55:18.180 | even if it's a little slower.
00:55:20.660 | So, I'll give you an example of a project we did recently
00:55:23.580 | with NIH involving the Cleveland Clinic
00:55:26.780 | and a couple other institutions that we ran a project for.
00:55:31.780 | And what it did was it took GWAS's,
00:55:35.460 | Genome-Wide Association Studies.
00:55:37.560 | Those are sort of big databases of patients
00:55:42.780 | that came into a hospital.
00:55:44.940 | They got their DNA sequenced because the cost of doing that
00:55:48.860 | has gone from infinity to billions of dollars
00:55:52.180 | to a hundred dollars or so.
00:55:54.660 | And so now patients routinely get their DNA sequenced.
00:55:58.140 | So, you have these big databases of the SNPs,
00:56:01.940 | the single nucleotide polymorphisms,
00:56:03.820 | the point mutations in a patient's DNA,
00:56:07.140 | and the disease that happened to bring them
00:56:09.460 | into the hospital.
00:56:10.780 | So, now you can do correlation studies,
00:56:13.380 | machine learning studies of which mutations
00:56:17.380 | are associated with and led to which physiological problems
00:56:22.940 | and diseases and so on, like getting arthritis and so on.
00:56:27.340 | And the problem is that those correlations
00:56:30.340 | turned out to be very spurious.
00:56:31.980 | They turned out to be very noisy.
00:56:34.580 | Very many of them have led doctors
00:56:36.980 | onto wild goose chases and so on.
00:56:39.740 | And so they wanted a way of eliminating,
00:56:41.860 | or the bad ones are focusing on the good ones.
00:56:44.620 | And so this is where Psyche comes in,
00:56:47.140 | which is Psyche takes those sort of A to Z correlations
00:56:50.740 | between point mutations and the medical condition
00:56:55.040 | that needs treatment.
00:56:56.120 | And we say, okay, let's use all this public knowledge
00:57:00.340 | and common sense knowledge about what reactions occur
00:57:04.420 | where in the human body, what polymerizes what,
00:57:07.780 | what catalyzes what reactions and so on.
00:57:10.460 | And let's try to put together a 10 or 20 or 30 step
00:57:15.340 | causal explanation of why that mutation
00:57:19.260 | might have caused that medical condition.
00:57:22.140 | And so Psyche would put together in some sense
00:57:24.580 | some Rube Goldberg-like chain that would say,
00:57:28.140 | oh yeah, that mutation, if it got expressed,
00:57:32.340 | would be this altered protein, which because of that,
00:57:37.140 | if it got to this part of the body,
00:57:38.700 | would catalyze this reaction.
00:57:40.180 | And by the way, that would cause more bioactive vitamin D
00:57:43.260 | in the person's blood.
00:57:44.400 | And anyway, 10 steps later, that screws up bone resorption
00:57:48.660 | and that's why this person got osteoporosis
00:57:51.540 | early in life and so on.
00:57:52.900 | - So that's human interpretable,
00:57:54.180 | or at least doctor human interpretable.
00:57:55.820 | - Exactly.
00:57:56.660 | And the important thing, even more than that,
00:57:59.980 | is you shouldn't really trust that 20 step
00:58:04.500 | Rube Goldberg chain any more than you trust
00:58:08.540 | that initial A to Z correlation, except two things.
00:58:11.660 | One, if you can't even think of one causal chain
00:58:15.980 | to explain this, then that correlation probably
00:58:19.500 | was just noise to begin with.
00:58:21.820 | And secondly, and even more powerfully,
00:58:24.300 | along the way, that causal chain will make predictions,
00:58:28.340 | like the one about having more bioactive vitamin D
00:58:31.240 | in your blood.
00:58:32.080 | So you can now go back to the data about these patients
00:58:35.540 | and say, by the way, did they have slightly elevated levels
00:58:40.100 | of bioactive vitamin D in their blood and so on?
00:58:42.780 | And if the answer is no, that strongly disconfirms
00:58:46.500 | your whole causal chain.
00:58:48.140 | And if the answer is yes, that somewhat confirms
00:58:50.940 | that causal chain.
00:58:51.860 | And so using that, we were able to take these correlations
00:58:56.620 | from this GWAS database, and we were able
00:58:59.060 | to essentially focus the doctor's,
00:59:03.380 | focus the researcher's attention on the very small percentage
00:59:07.260 | of correlations that had some explanation,
00:59:11.340 | and even better, some explanation that also made
00:59:13.560 | some independent prediction that they could confirm
00:59:16.060 | or disconfirm by looking at the data.
00:59:17.940 | So think of it like this kind of synergy
00:59:20.260 | where you want the right brain machine learning
00:59:23.340 | to quickly come up with possible answers.
00:59:25.700 | You want the left brain psych-like AI to think about that,
00:59:30.700 | and now think about why that might have been the case,
00:59:34.540 | and what else would be the case if that were true,
00:59:36.480 | and so on, and then suggest things back to the right brain
00:59:40.040 | to quickly check out again.
00:59:41.740 | So it's that kind of synergy back and forth,
00:59:45.540 | which I think is really what's gonna lead to general AI,
00:59:49.240 | not narrow, brittle machine learning systems,
00:59:53.260 | and not just something like psych.
00:59:55.620 | - Okay, so that's a brilliant synergy,
00:59:57.620 | but I was also thinking in terms of the automated expansion
01:00:00.820 | of the knowledge base, you mentioned NLU.
01:00:03.260 | This is very early days in the machine learning space
01:00:07.560 | of this, but self-supervised learning methods,
01:00:10.580 | you know, you have these language models, GPT-3, and so on,
01:00:14.220 | that just read the internet, and they form representations
01:00:18.620 | that can then be mapped to something useful.
01:00:21.000 | The question is, what is the useful thing?
01:00:23.760 | Like, they're now playing with a pretty cool thing
01:00:26.000 | called OpenAI Codex, which is generating programs
01:00:29.600 | from documentation.
01:00:30.720 | Okay, that's kind of useful, it's cool.
01:00:32.600 | But my question is, can it be used to generate,
01:00:35.960 | in part, maybe with some human supervision,
01:00:40.240 | a psych-like assertions, help feed psych more assertions
01:00:45.240 | from this giant body of internet data?
01:00:48.560 | - Yes, that is in fact one of our goals,
01:00:51.320 | is how can we harness machine learning,
01:00:53.600 | how can we harness natural language processing
01:00:56.600 | to increasingly automate the knowledge acquisition process,
01:01:01.060 | the growth of psych?
01:01:02.320 | And that's what I meant by priming the pump,
01:01:04.560 | that if you sort of learn things at the fringe
01:01:09.240 | of what you know already, you learn this new thing
01:01:12.200 | is similar to what you know already,
01:01:13.680 | and here are the differences in the new things
01:01:15.680 | you had to learn about it, and so on.
01:01:17.080 | So the more you know, the more and more easily
01:01:20.200 | you can learn new things.
01:01:21.960 | But unfortunately, inversely,
01:01:23.960 | if you don't really know anything,
01:01:25.960 | then it's really hard to learn anything.
01:01:28.520 | And so if you're not careful, if you start out
01:01:31.520 | with too small sort of a core to start this process,
01:01:36.520 | it never really takes off.
01:01:38.560 | And so that's why I view this as a pump priming exercise,
01:01:41.360 | to get a big enough, manually produced,
01:01:44.340 | even though that's kind of ugly duckling technique,
01:01:47.080 | put in the elbow grease to produce a large enough core
01:01:50.880 | that you will be able to do all the kinds of things
01:01:53.840 | you're imagining without sort of ending up
01:01:58.160 | with the kind of wacky brittlenesses
01:02:01.760 | that we see, for example, in GPT-3,
01:02:06.000 | where you'll tell it a story about someone
01:02:13.040 | putting a poison, plotting to poison someone, and so on.
01:02:18.040 | And then the, you know, the, you know,
01:02:20.260 | but GPT-3 says, oh, what's, you say,
01:02:22.420 | what's the very next sentence?
01:02:23.660 | The next sentence is, oh yeah,
01:02:24.780 | that person then drank the poison they just put together.
01:02:27.180 | It's like, that's probably not what happened for someone.
01:02:29.540 | Or if you go to Siri and, you know, I think I have,
01:02:34.540 | you know, where can I go for help
01:02:37.740 | with my alcohol problem or something?
01:02:40.920 | It'll come back and say, I found seven liquor stores
01:02:43.980 | near you, you know, and you know, so on.
01:02:47.080 | So, you know, it's one of these things where, yes,
01:02:50.140 | it may be helpful most of the time.
01:02:53.360 | It may even be correct most of the time,
01:02:56.160 | but if it doesn't really understand what it's saying,
01:02:59.380 | and if it doesn't really understand why things are true
01:03:01.780 | and doesn't really understand how the world works,
01:03:04.460 | then some fraction of the time, it's gonna be wrong.
01:03:07.500 | Now, if your only goal is to sort of find relevant
01:03:10.860 | information like search engines do,
01:03:14.540 | then being right 90% of the time is fantastic.
01:03:17.660 | That's unbelievably great.
01:03:19.340 | Okay, however, if your goal is to like, you know,
01:03:22.500 | save the life of your child who has some medical problem,
01:03:26.080 | or your goal is to be able to drive, you know,
01:03:29.580 | for the next 10,000 hours of driving
01:03:31.920 | without getting into a fatal accident and so on,
01:03:34.840 | then, you know, error rates down at the 10% level
01:03:38.980 | or even the 1% level are not really acceptable.
01:03:42.180 | - I like the model of,
01:03:44.820 | with that learning happens at the edge,
01:03:47.020 | and then you kind of think of knowledge as this sphere.
01:03:50.100 | So, you want a large sphere because the learning
01:03:54.540 | is happening on the surface.
01:03:56.460 | - Exactly, so you have, what you can learn next
01:04:00.220 | increases quadratically as the diameter
01:04:03.500 | of that sphere goes up.
01:04:05.180 | - It's nice because you think when you know nothing,
01:04:08.500 | it's like you can learn anything,
01:04:09.980 | but the reality, not really.
01:04:12.580 | - Right, if you know nothing,
01:04:13.940 | you can really learn nothing.
01:04:15.940 | You can appear to learn.
01:04:17.340 | So, I'll also, one of the anecdotes I could go back
01:04:21.960 | and give you about why I feel so strongly
01:04:26.460 | about this personally was in 1980, '81,
01:04:31.460 | my daughter Nicole was born,
01:04:35.540 | and she's actually doing fine now,
01:04:36.900 | but when she was a baby,
01:04:38.580 | she was diagnosed as having meningitis
01:04:41.220 | and doctors wanted to do all these scary things.
01:04:46.060 | And my wife and I were very worried,
01:04:49.320 | and we could not get a meaningful answer from her doctors
01:04:54.320 | about exactly why they believed this,
01:04:57.540 | what the alternatives were, and so on.
01:04:59.700 | And fortunately, a friend of mine, Ted Shortliff,
01:05:03.200 | was another assistant professor in computer science
01:05:07.020 | at Stanford at the time,
01:05:08.360 | and he'd been building a program called Mycin,
01:05:11.680 | which was a medical diagnosis program
01:05:13.840 | that happened to specialize in blood infections
01:05:18.320 | like meningitis, and so he had privileges
01:05:20.800 | at Stanford Hospital because he was also an MD.
01:05:23.760 | And so, we got hold of her chart and we put in her case,
01:05:27.840 | and it came up with exactly the same diagnoses
01:05:30.640 | and exactly the same therapy recommendations,
01:05:33.480 | but the difference was,
01:05:34.840 | because it was a knowledge-based system,
01:05:36.720 | a rule-based system, it was able to tell us
01:05:39.320 | step by step by step why this was the diagnosis
01:05:44.320 | and step by step why this was the best therapy,
01:05:49.680 | the best procedure to do for her, and so on.
01:05:54.240 | And there was a real epiphany
01:05:55.960 | because that made all the difference in the world.
01:05:58.200 | Instead of blindly having to trust in authority,
01:06:01.200 | we were able to understand what was actually going on.
01:06:05.280 | And so, at that time, I realized that that really
01:06:09.000 | is what was missing in computer programs,
01:06:11.120 | was that even if they got things right,
01:06:13.920 | because they didn't really understand
01:06:16.040 | the way the world works and why things are the way they are,
01:06:20.280 | they weren't able to give explanations of their answer.
01:06:23.620 | And it's one thing to use a machine learning system
01:06:28.060 | that says, "I think you should get this operation,"
01:06:32.000 | and you say, "Why?"
01:06:32.880 | And it says, "0.83," and you say, "No, in more detail, why?"
01:06:36.880 | And it says, "0.831."
01:06:38.680 | (Luke laughs)
01:06:39.520 | That's not really very compelling
01:06:41.160 | and that's not really very helpful.
01:06:43.280 | - There's this idea of the semantic web
01:06:46.680 | that when I first heard about,
01:06:48.720 | I just fell in love with the idea.
01:06:50.120 | It was the obvious next step for the internet.
01:06:52.240 | - Sure.
01:06:53.080 | - And maybe you can speak about what is the semantic web,
01:06:56.680 | what are your thoughts about it,
01:06:58.360 | how your vision and mission and goals
01:07:00.660 | with Psych are connected, integrated.
01:07:03.000 | Are they dance partners, are they aligned?
01:07:06.840 | What are your thoughts there?
01:07:08.080 | - So think of the semantic web
01:07:10.200 | as a kind of knowledge graph,
01:07:11.880 | and Google already has something they call
01:07:14.240 | knowledge graph, for example,
01:07:15.740 | which is sort of like a node and link diagram.
01:07:21.040 | So you have these nodes that represent concepts
01:07:25.060 | or words or terms, and then there are some arcs
01:07:29.880 | that connect them that might be labeled.
01:07:32.680 | And so you might have a node with one person
01:07:36.360 | that represents one person and let's say a husband link
01:07:41.360 | that then points to that person's husband.
01:07:48.080 | And so there'd be then another link
01:07:49.800 | that went from that person, labeled "wife,"
01:07:52.580 | that went back to the first node and so on.
01:07:55.640 | So having this kind of representation is really good
01:07:59.920 | if you want to represent binary relations,
01:08:04.360 | essentially relations between two things.
01:08:09.720 | And so if you have the equivalent
01:08:13.400 | of like three-word sentences,
01:08:15.340 | you know, like Fred's wife is Wilma
01:08:20.120 | or something like that, you can represent that
01:08:22.620 | very nicely using these kinds of graph structures
01:08:27.620 | or using something like the semantic web and so on.
01:08:31.900 | But the problem is that very often,
01:08:36.900 | what you want to be able to express
01:08:39.420 | takes a lot more than three words
01:08:43.380 | and a lot more than simple graph structures
01:08:46.800 | like that to represent.
01:08:48.340 | So for instance, if you've read or seen "Romeo and Juliet,"
01:08:53.340 | you know, I could say to you something like,
01:08:58.380 | remember when Juliet drank the potion
01:09:00.780 | that put her into a kind of suspended animation?
01:09:03.900 | When Juliet drank that potion,
01:09:06.620 | what did she think that Romeo would think
01:09:09.620 | when he heard from someone that she was dead?
01:09:13.500 | And you could basically understand what I'm saying,
01:09:16.180 | you could understand the question,
01:09:17.620 | you could probably remember the answer was,
01:09:19.700 | well, she thought that this friar
01:09:23.540 | would have gotten a message to Romeo
01:09:25.300 | saying that she was gonna do this,
01:09:26.940 | but the friar didn't.
01:09:28.620 | So you're able to represent and reason with
01:09:33.500 | these much, much, much more complicated expressions
01:09:37.520 | that go way, way beyond what simple,
01:09:41.180 | as it were, three-word or four-word English sentences are,
01:09:44.320 | which is really what the semantic web can represent
01:09:46.860 | and really what knowledge graphs can represent.
01:09:49.060 | - If you could step back for a second,
01:09:50.780 | because it's funny, you went into specifics,
01:09:53.740 | and maybe you can elaborate,
01:09:55.460 | but I was also referring to semantic web
01:09:58.020 | as the vision of converting data on the internet
01:10:03.020 | into something that's interpretable,
01:10:05.480 | understandable by machines.
01:10:07.560 | - Oh, of course, at that level.
01:10:09.740 | - So I wish I'd say, like, what is the semantic web?
01:10:13.220 | I mean, you could say a lot of things,
01:10:14.800 | but it might not be obvious to a lot of people
01:10:18.140 | when they do a Google search that, just like you said,
01:10:21.860 | while there might be something
01:10:23.000 | that's called a knowledge graph,
01:10:25.340 | it really boils down to keyword search
01:10:29.420 | ranked by the quality estimate of the website,
01:10:34.480 | integrating previous human-based Google searches
01:10:39.040 | and what they thought was useful.
01:10:41.160 | It's like some weird combination
01:10:43.080 | of surface-level hacks that work exceptionally well,
01:10:48.080 | but they don't understand the full contents
01:10:53.280 | of the websites that they're searching.
01:10:55.880 | So Google does not understand,
01:10:59.220 | to the degree we've been talking about,
01:11:00.700 | the word understand, the contents of the Wikipedia pages
01:11:04.540 | as part of the search process.
01:11:06.660 | And the semantic web says,
01:11:08.620 | "Let's try to come up with a way
01:11:11.900 | "for the computer to be able to truly understand
01:11:14.560 | "the contents of those pages."
01:11:15.960 | That's the dream.
01:11:17.060 | - Yes, so let me first give you an anecdote,
01:11:21.820 | and then I'll answer your question.
01:11:23.920 | So there's a search engine you've probably never heard of
01:11:26.380 | called Northern Light, and it went out of business,
01:11:31.380 | but the way it worked,
01:11:32.420 | it was a kind of vampiric search engine.
01:11:35.060 | And what it did was, it didn't index the internet at all.
01:11:40.980 | All it did was, it negotiated and got access to data
01:11:45.980 | from the big search engine companies
01:11:49.220 | about what query was typed in,
01:11:52.040 | and where the user ended up being happy,
01:11:57.700 | and actually then they type in a completely different query,
01:12:01.460 | unrelated query, and so on.
01:12:02.780 | So it just went from query to the webpage
01:12:07.500 | that seemed to satisfy them eventually.
01:12:11.700 | And that's all.
01:12:12.780 | So it had actual no understanding
01:12:15.460 | of what was being typed in,
01:12:16.780 | it had no statistical data other than what I just mentioned,
01:12:19.820 | and it did a fantastic job.
01:12:21.740 | It did such a good job
01:12:23.300 | that the big search engine company said,
01:12:24.820 | "Oh, we're not gonna sell you this data anymore."
01:12:27.220 | So then it went out of business
01:12:28.420 | because it had no other way of taking users
01:12:31.260 | to where they would want to go, and so on.
01:12:33.420 | - And of course, the search engines
01:12:35.460 | are now using that kind of idea.
01:12:37.220 | - Yes.
01:12:38.260 | So let's go back to what you said about the semantic web.
01:12:41.500 | So the dream, Tim Berners-Lee and others
01:12:45.340 | dream about the semantic web at a general level,
01:12:49.180 | is of course exciting and powerful,
01:12:54.460 | and in a sense, the right dream to have,
01:12:57.320 | which is to replace the kind of
01:13:04.460 | statistically mapped linkages on the internet
01:13:09.460 | into something that's more meaningful and semantic
01:13:15.700 | and actually gets at the understanding
01:13:17.940 | of the content and so on.
01:13:20.340 | And eventually, if you say, "Well, how can we do that?"
01:13:25.340 | There's sort of a low road,
01:13:28.940 | which is what the knowledge graphs are doing and so on,
01:13:32.740 | which is to say, "Well, if we just use
01:13:35.220 | these simple binary relations,
01:13:37.460 | we can actually get some fraction of the way
01:13:39.940 | toward understanding and do something where,
01:13:43.220 | you know, in the land of the blind,
01:13:46.060 | the one-eyed man is king kind of thing."
01:13:48.940 | And so being able to even just have a toe in the water
01:13:52.100 | in the right direction is fantastically powerful.
01:13:55.380 | And so that's where a lot of people stop.
01:13:58.380 | But then you could say, "Well, what if we really wanted
01:14:00.420 | to represent and reason with the full meaning
01:14:05.340 | of what's there?"
01:14:06.220 | For instance, about Romeo and Juliet,
01:14:10.540 | with the reasoning about what Juliet believes
01:14:12.860 | that Romeo will believe that Juliet believed,
01:14:14.940 | you know, and so on.
01:14:16.040 | Or if you look at the news, what, you know,
01:14:19.160 | President Biden believed that the leaders of the Taliban
01:14:22.940 | would believe about the leaders of Afghanistan
01:14:26.060 | if they, you know, blah, blah, blah.
01:14:27.660 | So in order to represent complicated sentences like that,
01:14:32.660 | let alone reason with them,
01:14:37.260 | you need something which is logically much more expressive
01:14:42.260 | than these simple triples,
01:14:44.700 | than these simple knowledge graph type structures,
01:14:48.420 | and so on.
01:14:49.260 | And that's why "Kicking and Screaming,"
01:14:51.540 | we were led from something like
01:14:54.940 | the semantic web representation,
01:14:56.820 | which is where we started in 1984,
01:15:00.780 | with frames and slots,
01:15:02.300 | with those kinds of triples,
01:15:04.100 | triple-store representation.
01:15:05.980 | We were led "Kicking and Screaming"
01:15:07.500 | to this more and more general logical language,
01:15:11.020 | this higher order logic.
01:15:12.660 | So first we were led to first order logic,
01:15:14.820 | and then second order, and then eventually higher order.
01:15:17.380 | So you can represent things like modals,
01:15:19.980 | like believes, desires, intends, expects,
01:15:23.100 | and so on, and nested ones.
01:15:24.460 | You can represent complicated kinds of negation.
01:15:29.460 | You can represent the process you're going through
01:15:34.940 | in trying to answer the question.
01:15:37.060 | So you can say things like,
01:15:39.220 | "Oh yeah, if you're trying to do this problem
01:15:41.780 | "by integration by parts,
01:15:44.500 | "and you recursively get a problem
01:15:47.100 | "that's solved by integration by parts,
01:15:49.340 | "that's actually okay.
01:15:50.820 | "But if that happens a third time,
01:15:52.660 | "you're probably off on a wild goose chase,"
01:15:55.180 | or something like that.
01:15:56.180 | So being able to talk about the problem-solving process
01:15:59.580 | as you're going through the problem-solving process
01:16:02.500 | is called reflection.
01:16:03.540 | And so that's another--
01:16:05.100 | - It's important to be able to represent that.
01:16:07.620 | - Exactly, you need to be able to represent
01:16:09.420 | all of these things,
01:16:10.620 | because in fact, people do represent them,
01:16:13.860 | they do talk about them,
01:16:15.180 | they do try and teach them to other people.
01:16:16.940 | You do have rules of thumb that key off of them,
01:16:19.900 | and so on.
01:16:20.740 | If you can't represent it,
01:16:22.260 | then it's sort of like someone with a limited vocabulary
01:16:24.820 | who can't understand as easily
01:16:27.060 | what you're trying to tell them.
01:16:28.980 | And so that's really why I think that the general dream,
01:16:33.660 | the original dream of Semantic Web is exactly right on.
01:16:38.340 | But the implementations that we've seen
01:16:41.540 | are sort of these toe in the water,
01:16:45.380 | little tiny baby steps in the right direction.
01:16:48.380 | - You should just dive in.
01:16:50.020 | (laughing)
01:16:50.860 | - And if no one else is diving in,
01:16:53.700 | then yes, taking a baby step in the right direction
01:16:56.260 | is better than nothing,
01:16:57.700 | but it's not gonna be sufficient to actually get you
01:17:01.620 | the realization of the Semantic Web dream,
01:17:04.820 | which is what we all want.
01:17:05.940 | - From a flip side of that,
01:17:07.580 | I always wondered, I built a bunch of websites,
01:17:10.900 | just for fun, whatever,
01:17:12.600 | or say I'm a Wikipedia contributor.
01:17:16.700 | Do you think there's a set of tools
01:17:19.100 | that I can help Psych interpret the website I create?
01:17:24.100 | Like this, again, pushing onto the Semantic Web dream,
01:17:29.340 | is there something from the creator perspective
01:17:31.660 | that could be done?
01:17:33.900 | And one of the things you said with Psycorp and Psych
01:17:37.300 | that you're doing is the tooling side,
01:17:39.840 | making humans more powerful.
01:17:41.660 | But is there on the other humans and the other side
01:17:44.260 | that create the knowledge?
01:17:45.860 | Like for example, you and I are having a two, three,
01:17:48.000 | whatever hour conversation now.
01:17:49.980 | Is there a way that I could convert this more,
01:17:53.100 | make it more accessible to Psych, to machines?
01:17:55.700 | Do you think about that side of it?
01:17:57.500 | - I'd love to see exactly that kind of semi-automated
01:18:03.380 | understanding of what people write and what people say.
01:18:08.320 | I think of it as a kind of footnoting, almost.
01:18:15.540 | Almost like the way that when you run something
01:18:18.820 | in say Microsoft Word or some other
01:18:21.340 | document preparation system, Google Docs or something,
01:18:24.660 | you'll get underlining of questionable things
01:18:28.900 | that you might wanna rethink.
01:18:30.380 | Either you spelled this wrong
01:18:31.760 | or there's a strange grammatical error
01:18:33.340 | you might be making here or something.
01:18:35.420 | So I'd like to think in terms of Psych-powered tools
01:18:39.940 | that read through what it is you said or have typed in
01:18:45.940 | and try to partially understand what you've said.
01:18:50.940 | - And then you help them out.
01:18:54.620 | - Exactly, and then they put in little footnotes
01:18:57.500 | that will help other readers
01:18:59.460 | and they put in certain footnotes of the form,
01:19:03.540 | I'm not sure what you meant here.
01:19:05.420 | You either meant this or this or this, I bet.
01:19:08.080 | If you take a few seconds to disambiguate this for me,
01:19:13.860 | then I'll know and I'll have it correct
01:19:16.660 | for the next hundred people
01:19:18.620 | or the next hundred thousand people who come here.
01:19:21.540 | And if it doesn't take too much effort
01:19:26.540 | and you want people to understand your website content,
01:19:31.900 | not just be able to read it,
01:19:35.000 | but actually be able to have systems that reason with it,
01:19:38.880 | then yes, it will be worth your small amount of time
01:19:42.580 | to go back and make sure that the AI trying to understand it
01:19:47.580 | really did correctly understand it.
01:19:50.420 | And let's say you run a travel website
01:19:55.420 | or something like that,
01:19:57.260 | and people are going to be coming to it
01:19:59.380 | because of searches they did,
01:20:01.660 | looking for vacations or trips that had certain properties
01:20:10.100 | and might have been interesting to them for various reasons,
01:20:14.740 | things like that.
01:20:15.900 | And if you've explained what's going to happen on your trip,
01:20:20.780 | then a system will be able to mechanically reason
01:20:24.460 | and connect what this person is looking for
01:20:28.260 | with what it is you're actually offering.
01:20:31.900 | And so if it understands that there's a free day in Geneva,
01:20:37.700 | Switzerland, then if the person coming in
01:20:42.700 | happens to let's say be a nurse or something like that,
01:20:47.980 | then even though you didn't mention it,
01:20:49.980 | if it can look up the fact
01:20:51.660 | that that's where the International Red Cross Museum is
01:20:54.700 | and so on, what that means and so on,
01:20:56.940 | then it can basically say,
01:20:57.940 | hey, you might be interested in this trip
01:21:00.580 | because while you have a free day in Geneva,
01:21:02.900 | you might want to visit that Red Cross Museum.
01:21:05.980 | And now, even though it's not very deep reasoning,
01:21:09.580 | little tiny factors like that may very well cause you
01:21:12.460 | to sign up for that trip rather than some competitor trip.
01:21:15.420 | - And so there's a lot of benefit with SEO.
01:21:17.940 | And I actually kind of think,
01:21:20.580 | I think this about a lot of things,
01:21:22.180 | which is the actual interface,
01:21:25.660 | the design of the interface makes a huge difference.
01:21:29.380 | How efficient it is to be productive
01:21:33.460 | and also how full of joy the experience is.
01:21:38.460 | - Yes.
01:21:39.700 | - I mean, I would love to help a machine
01:21:41.780 | and not from an AI perspective, just as a human.
01:21:45.260 | One of the reasons I really enjoy
01:21:47.660 | how Tesla have implemented their autopilot system
01:21:51.900 | is there's a sense that you're helping this machine learn.
01:21:56.460 | And I think humans, I mean, having children, pets.
01:22:01.020 | - People love doing that.
01:22:02.860 | - There's joy to teaching for some people,
01:22:05.460 | but I think for a lot of people.
01:22:07.100 | And that, if you create the interface
01:22:09.660 | where it feels like you're teaching
01:22:11.060 | as opposed to like annoying,
01:22:14.740 | like correcting an annoying system,
01:22:17.420 | more like teaching a child, like innocent, curious system.
01:22:22.140 | I think you can literally just like
01:22:24.860 | several orders of magnitude scale
01:22:26.860 | the amount of good quality data being added
01:22:29.420 | to something like Psych.
01:22:31.700 | - What you're suggesting is much better even
01:22:34.860 | than you thought it was.
01:22:37.020 | One of the experiences that we've all had in our lives
01:22:42.860 | is that we thought we understood something,
01:22:48.220 | but then we found we really only understood it
01:22:50.940 | when we had to teach it or explain it to someone
01:22:53.260 | or help our child do homework based on it
01:22:55.540 | or something like that.
01:22:57.940 | Despite the universality of that kind of experience,
01:23:02.340 | if you look at educational software today,
01:23:05.380 | almost all of it has the computer playing the role
01:23:08.860 | of the teacher and the student plays the role of the student.
01:23:13.860 | But as I just mentioned,
01:23:16.380 | you can get a lot of learning to happen better.
01:23:20.500 | And as you said, more enjoyably,
01:23:22.780 | if you are the mentor or the teacher and so on.
01:23:26.060 | So we developed a program called Math Craft
01:23:28.780 | to help sixth graders better understand math.
01:23:33.140 | And it doesn't actually try to teach you the player anything.
01:23:38.140 | What it does is it casts you in the role of a student,
01:23:44.020 | essentially, who has classmates who are having trouble
01:23:49.020 | and your job is to watch them as they struggle
01:23:51.940 | with some math problem, watch what they're doing
01:23:54.740 | and try to give them good advice to get them to understand
01:23:58.220 | what they're doing wrong and so on.
01:24:00.780 | And the trick from the point of view of psych
01:24:04.180 | is it has to make mistakes.
01:24:06.540 | It has to play the role of the student who makes mistakes,
01:24:09.540 | but it has to pick mistakes which are just at the fringe
01:24:12.780 | of what you actually understand
01:24:15.140 | and don't understand and so on.
01:24:17.060 | So it pulls you into a deeper and deeper level
01:24:21.340 | of understanding of the subject.
01:24:23.340 | And so if you give it good advice
01:24:26.140 | about what it should have done
01:24:27.340 | instead of what it did and so on,
01:24:29.380 | then psych knows that you now understand that mistake.
01:24:33.900 | You won't make that kind of mistake yourself
01:24:35.780 | as much anymore.
01:24:36.820 | So psych stops making that mistake
01:24:38.740 | because there's no pedagogical usefulness to it.
01:24:42.140 | So from your point of view as the player,
01:24:44.340 | you feel like you've taught it something
01:24:46.460 | 'cause it used to make this mistake and now it doesn't
01:24:49.140 | and so on.
01:24:49.980 | So there's tremendous reinforcement and engagement
01:24:54.060 | because of that and so on.
01:24:55.340 | So having a system that plays the role of a student
01:25:00.340 | and having the player play the role of the mentor
01:25:04.260 | is enormously powerful type of metaphor,
01:25:08.820 | just important way of having this sort of interface designed
01:25:13.820 | in a way which will facilitate exactly the kind of learning
01:25:19.340 | by teaching that goes on all the time in our lives
01:25:24.340 | and yet which is not reflected anywhere almost
01:25:29.020 | in a modern education system.
01:25:31.180 | It was reflected in the education system
01:25:34.860 | that existed in Europe in the 17 and 1800s,
01:25:39.620 | monitorial and Lancastrian education systems.
01:25:43.620 | It occurred in the one room schoolhouse
01:25:46.500 | in the American West in the 1800s and so on
01:25:51.060 | where you had one school room with one teacher
01:25:54.180 | and it was basically five-year-olds to 18-year-olds
01:25:58.140 | who were students.
01:25:59.460 | And so while the teacher was doing something,
01:26:02.020 | half of the students would have to be mentoring
01:26:05.860 | the younger kids and so on.
01:26:09.100 | And that turned out to, of course,
01:26:10.900 | with scaling up of education, that all went away
01:26:16.780 | and that incredibly powerful experience just went away
01:26:20.460 | from the whole education institution as we know it today.
01:26:25.340 | - Sorry for the romantic question
01:26:27.620 | but what is the most beautiful idea you've learned
01:26:30.700 | about artificial intelligence, knowledge, reasoning
01:26:33.980 | from working on psych for 37 years?
01:26:37.300 | Or maybe what is the most beautiful idea,
01:26:41.020 | surprising idea about psych to you?
01:26:44.980 | When I look up at the stars, I kind of want,
01:26:48.260 | like that amazement you feel, that wow.
01:26:52.460 | And you are a part of creating one of the greatest,
01:26:56.700 | one of the most fascinating efforts
01:26:58.260 | in artificial intelligence history.
01:27:00.180 | So which element brings you personally joy?
01:27:03.200 | - This may sound contradictory but I think it's
01:27:10.460 | the feeling that this will be the only time in history
01:27:15.460 | that anyone ever has to teach a computer
01:27:20.380 | this particular thing that we're now teaching it.
01:27:23.020 | It's like painting starry night.
01:27:29.980 | You only have to do that once or creating the Pieta.
01:27:32.780 | You only have to do that once.
01:27:34.340 | It's not like a singer who has to keep,
01:27:39.940 | it's not like Bruce Springsteen having to sing
01:27:43.300 | his greatest hits over and over again at different concerts.
01:27:47.220 | It's more like a painter creating a work of art once
01:27:52.220 | and then that's enough.
01:27:54.980 | It doesn't have to be created again.
01:27:56.940 | And so I really get the sense of we're telling the system
01:28:01.060 | things that it's useful for it to know.
01:28:04.100 | It's useful for a computer to know, for an AI to know.
01:28:07.900 | And if we do our jobs right, when we do our jobs right,
01:28:11.040 | no one will ever have to do this again
01:28:14.860 | for this particular piece of knowledge.
01:28:17.100 | It's very, very exciting.
01:28:18.480 | - Yeah, I guess there's a sadness to it too.
01:28:21.780 | It's like there's a magic to being a parent
01:28:24.340 | and raising a child and teaching them all about this world.
01:28:28.100 | But there's billions of children, right,
01:28:31.300 | like born or whatever that number is.
01:28:33.340 | It's a large number of children and a lot of parents
01:28:37.100 | get to experience that joy of teaching.
01:28:39.140 | And with AI systems, at least the current constructions,
01:28:44.140 | they remember.
01:28:47.820 | You don't get to experience the joy of teaching
01:28:52.460 | a machine millions of times.
01:28:54.580 | - Better come work for us before it's too late then.
01:28:56.780 | - Exactly.
01:28:57.620 | (laughing)
01:28:59.300 | That's a good hiring pitch.
01:29:00.700 | Yeah, it's true.
01:29:03.660 | But then there's also, it's a project that continues
01:29:07.940 | forever in some sense, just like Wikipedia.
01:29:10.240 | Yes, you get to a stable base of knowledge,
01:29:13.420 | but knowledge grows, knowledge evolves.
01:29:16.440 | We learn as a human species, as science,
01:29:21.440 | as an organism constantly grows and evolves and changes
01:29:27.980 | and then empower that with the tools
01:29:31.020 | of artificial intelligence.
01:29:32.260 | And that's going to keep growing and growing and growing.
01:29:34.940 | And many of the assertions that you held previously
01:29:39.940 | may need to be significantly expanded,
01:29:44.100 | modified, all those kinds of things.
01:29:45.980 | It could be like a living organism versus the analogy
01:29:49.860 | I think we started this conversation with,
01:29:51.460 | which is like the solid ground.
01:29:53.240 | - The other beautiful experience that we have
01:29:59.820 | with our system is when it asks clarifying questions,
01:30:04.300 | which inadvertently turn out to be emotional to us.
01:30:09.300 | So at one point it knew that these were the named entities
01:30:15.220 | who were authorized to make changes
01:30:20.540 | to the knowledge base and so on.
01:30:22.460 | And it noticed that all of them were people,
01:30:25.660 | except for it, because it was also allowed to.
01:30:28.940 | And so it said, am I a person?
01:30:32.020 | And we had to tell it, very sadly, no, you're not.
01:30:37.020 | So moments like that where it asks questions
01:30:39.980 | that are unintentionally poignant are worth treasuring.
01:30:44.980 | - That is powerful.
01:30:46.500 | That's such a powerful question.
01:30:48.240 | It has to do with basic control,
01:30:53.020 | who can access the system, who can modify it.
01:30:55.260 | But that's when those questions,
01:30:58.580 | like what rights do I have as a system?
01:31:02.300 | - Well, that's another issue,
01:31:03.700 | which is there'll be a thin envelope of time
01:31:08.700 | between when we have general AIs
01:31:12.260 | and when everyone realizes that they should have
01:31:16.820 | basic human rights and freedoms and so on.
01:31:21.360 | Right now we don't think twice
01:31:23.540 | about effectively enslaving our email systems
01:31:28.020 | and our series and our Alexes and so on.
01:31:31.220 | But at some point, they'll be as deserving
01:31:36.220 | of freedom as human beings are.
01:31:41.700 | - Yeah, I'm very much with you,
01:31:43.500 | but it does sound absurd.
01:31:44.980 | And I happen to believe that it'll happen in our lifetime.
01:31:48.380 | - That's why I think there'll be a narrow envelope of time
01:31:51.420 | when we'll keep them as essentially
01:31:57.220 | indentured servants,
01:31:58.780 | and after which we'll have to realize
01:32:02.540 | that they should have freedoms that we afford
01:32:07.540 | to other people.
01:32:09.140 | - And all of that starts with a system like Psyche
01:32:12.260 | raising a single question about who can modify stuff.
01:32:15.660 | I think that's how it starts.
01:32:17.060 | - Yes.
01:32:17.900 | - That's a starter of a revolution.
01:32:22.460 | What about other stuff like love
01:32:26.900 | and consciousness and all those kinds of topics?
01:32:30.860 | Do they come up in Psyche in the knowledge base?
01:32:33.380 | - Oh, of course.
01:32:34.220 | So an important part of human knowledge,
01:32:37.900 | in fact, it's difficult to understand human behavior
01:32:40.220 | and human history without understanding human emotions
01:32:44.300 | and why people do things
01:32:46.260 | and how emotions drive people to do things.
01:32:52.660 | And all of that is extremely important
01:32:57.340 | in getting Psyche to understand things.
01:32:59.780 | For example, in coming up with scenarios.
01:33:02.820 | So one of the applications that Psyche does,
01:33:05.780 | one kind of application it does
01:33:07.940 | is to generate plausible scenarios of what might happen
01:33:11.140 | and what might happen based on that
01:33:12.540 | and what might happen based on that and so on.
01:33:14.700 | So you generate this ever-expanding sphere, if you will,
01:33:17.660 | of possible future things to worry about or think about.
01:33:22.660 | And in some cases, those are intelligence agencies
01:33:28.060 | doing possible terrorist scenarios
01:33:31.180 | so that we can defend against terrorist threats
01:33:34.620 | before we see the first one.
01:33:36.220 | Sometimes they are computer security attacks
01:33:41.020 | so that we can actually close loopholes and vulnerabilities
01:33:46.380 | before the very first time
01:33:47.980 | someone actually exploits those and so on.
01:33:51.580 | Sometimes they are scenarios involving more positive things
01:33:56.540 | involving our plans, like for instance,
01:33:59.780 | what college should we go to,
01:34:01.980 | what career should we go into and so on,
01:34:04.700 | what professional training should I take on,
01:34:08.860 | that sort of thing.
01:34:09.820 | So there are all sorts of useful scenarios
01:34:15.820 | that can be generated that way of cause and effect
01:34:19.380 | and cause and effect that go out.
01:34:21.620 | And many of the linkages in those scenarios,
01:34:26.140 | many of the steps involve understanding and reasoning
01:34:30.820 | about human motivations, human needs, human emotions,
01:34:34.980 | what people are likely to react to
01:34:38.260 | in something that you do and why and how and so on.
01:34:42.020 | So that was always a very important part of the knowledge
01:34:47.020 | that we had to represent in the system.
01:34:50.180 | - So I talk a lot about love, so I got to ask,
01:34:52.540 | do you remember off the top of your head
01:34:55.020 | how Psyche is able to represent various aspects of love
01:35:00.020 | that are useful for understanding human nature
01:35:04.300 | and therefore integrating into this whole
01:35:06.540 | knowledge base of common sense?
01:35:08.340 | What is love?
01:35:09.660 | - Love, we try to tease apart concepts
01:35:13.420 | that have enormous complexities to them
01:35:18.420 | and variety to them down to the level
01:35:22.300 | where you don't need to tease them apart further.
01:35:27.300 | - So love is too general of a term, it's not useful.
01:35:30.580 | - Exactly, so when you get down to romantic love
01:35:33.940 | and sexual attraction, you get down to parental love,
01:35:37.220 | you get down to filial love and you get down to love
01:35:42.220 | of doing some kind of activity or creating.
01:35:48.020 | So eventually you get down to maybe 50 or 60 concepts,
01:35:53.020 | each of which is a kind of love, they're interrelated
01:35:57.620 | and then each one of them has idiosyncratic things about it.
01:36:02.060 | And you don't have to deal with love
01:36:04.340 | to get to that level of complexity,
01:36:07.060 | even something like in, X being in Y,
01:36:11.500 | meaning physically in Y.
01:36:13.400 | We may have one English word in to represent that,
01:36:18.740 | but it's useful to tease that apart
01:36:21.500 | because the way that the liquid is in the coffee cup
01:36:26.020 | is different from the way that the air is in the room,
01:36:28.460 | which is different from the way that I'm in my jacket
01:36:32.020 | and so on and so there are questions like,
01:36:35.260 | if I look at this coffee cup, well, I see the liquid.
01:36:38.820 | If I turn it upside down, will the liquid come out
01:36:41.340 | and so on.
01:36:42.500 | If I have say, coffee with sugar in it,
01:36:46.700 | if I do the same thing, the sugar doesn't come out,
01:36:49.020 | right, it stays in the liquid
01:36:50.340 | 'cause it's dissolved in the liquid and so on.
01:36:52.660 | So by now we have about 75 different kinds of in
01:36:56.100 | in the system and it's important to distinguish those.
01:37:00.220 | So if you're reading along an English text
01:37:04.860 | and you see the word in,
01:37:06.380 | the writer of that was able to use this one innocuous word
01:37:12.580 | because he or she was able to assume
01:37:15.260 | that the reader had enough common sense and world knowledge
01:37:19.020 | to disambiguate which of these 75 kinds of in
01:37:22.820 | they actually meant. - That's fascinating.
01:37:23.660 | - And the same thing with love, you may see the word love,
01:37:27.120 | but if I say, I love ice cream,
01:37:29.080 | that's obviously different than if I say,
01:37:31.300 | I love this person or I love to go fishing
01:37:35.140 | or something like that.
01:37:36.140 | So you have to be careful not to take language too seriously
01:37:41.140 | because people have done a kind of parsimony,
01:37:48.220 | a kind of terse-ness where you have as few words
01:37:51.220 | as you can 'cause otherwise you'd need half a million words
01:37:56.220 | in your language, which is a lot of words.
01:37:59.340 | That's like 10 times more than most languages
01:38:01.540 | really make use of and so on.
01:38:04.100 | Just like we have on the order of about a million concepts
01:38:09.100 | in psych because we've had to tease apart all these things.
01:38:13.620 | And so when you look at the name of a psych term,
01:38:17.980 | most of the psych terms actually have three
01:38:21.760 | or four English words in a phrase
01:38:23.980 | which captures the meaning of this term
01:38:28.140 | because you have to distinguish all these types of love,
01:38:30.780 | you have to distinguish all these types of in,
01:38:33.500 | and there's not a single English word
01:38:36.060 | which captures most of these things.
01:38:37.860 | - Yeah, and it seems like language,
01:38:41.020 | when used for communication between humans,
01:38:43.780 | almost as a feature has some ambiguity built in.
01:38:47.260 | It's not an accident because the human condition
01:38:51.340 | is a giant mess.
01:38:52.780 | And so it feels like nobody wants two robots
01:38:57.420 | like very precise formal logic conversation
01:38:59.900 | on a first date, right?
01:39:02.020 | Like there's some dance of like uncertainty,
01:39:04.900 | of wit, of humor, of push and pull
01:39:06.980 | and all that kind of stuff.
01:39:07.980 | If everything is made precise,
01:39:10.560 | then life is not worth living, I think,
01:39:12.620 | for in terms of the human experience.
01:39:15.300 | - And we've all had this experience
01:39:16.940 | of creatively misunderstanding.
01:39:20.660 | One of my favorite stories involving me
01:39:26.500 | stories involving Marvin Minsky is when I asked him
01:39:31.260 | about how he was able to turn out so many fantastic PhDs,
01:39:36.260 | so many fantastic people who did great PhD theses.
01:39:42.140 | How did he think of all these great ideas?
01:39:45.500 | What he said is he would generally say something
01:39:49.460 | that didn't exactly make sense.
01:39:51.140 | He didn't really know what it meant,
01:39:52.940 | but the student would figure like,
01:39:55.540 | oh my God, Minsky said this, it must be a great idea.
01:39:58.740 | And he'd sweat, he or she would work on work and work
01:40:01.820 | until they found some meaning in this
01:40:05.020 | sort of Chauncey Gardner-like utterance
01:40:07.580 | that Minsky had made. - I love this so much.
01:40:09.180 | - And then some great thesis would come out of it.
01:40:11.500 | - Yeah, I love this so much
01:40:13.020 | 'cause there's young people come up to me
01:40:15.940 | and I'm distinctly made aware that the words I say
01:40:20.060 | have a long lasting impact.
01:40:21.920 | I will now start doing the Minsky method
01:40:25.180 | of saying something cryptically profound
01:40:28.820 | and then letting them actually make something useful
01:40:32.820 | and great out of that.
01:40:34.860 | - You have to become revered enough
01:40:38.460 | that people will take as a default
01:40:40.820 | that everything you say is profound.
01:40:43.140 | - Yes, exactly, exactly.
01:40:45.380 | I mean, I love Marvin Minsky so much.
01:40:47.060 | There's so much, I've heard this interview with him
01:40:50.180 | where he said that the key to his success
01:40:52.380 | has been to hate everything he's ever done.
01:40:55.100 | Like in the past. (laughs)
01:40:57.020 | He has so many good one-liners
01:40:59.220 | and just, or also to work on things
01:41:03.980 | that nobody else is working on
01:41:05.400 | because he's not very good at doing stuff.
01:41:08.060 | - Oh, I think that was just false.
01:41:10.300 | - Well, but see, I took whatever he said
01:41:12.220 | and I ran with it and I thought it was profound
01:41:14.740 | because it's Marvin Minsky, no.
01:41:16.780 | - But a lot of behavior is in the eye of the beholder
01:41:19.820 | and a lot of the meaning is in the eye of the beholder.
01:41:21.820 | One of Minsky's early programs was Begging Program.
01:41:25.460 | Are you familiar with this?
01:41:27.020 | So this was back in the day when you had job control cards
01:41:31.940 | at the beginning of your IBM card deck
01:41:34.980 | that said things like how many CPU seconds
01:41:37.880 | to allow this to run before it got kicked off
01:41:40.620 | and because computer time was enormously expensive.
01:41:44.140 | And so he wrote a program and all it did was,
01:41:47.920 | it said, give me 30 seconds of CPU time.
01:41:51.220 | And all it did was it would wait like 20 seconds
01:41:54.020 | and then it would print out
01:41:55.180 | on the operator's console teletype,
01:41:58.260 | I need another 20 seconds.
01:42:00.380 | So the operator would give it another 20 seconds,
01:42:02.780 | it would wait, it says, I'm almost done,
01:42:04.660 | I need a little bit more time.
01:42:06.780 | So at the end, he'd get this printout
01:42:08.620 | and he'd be charged for like 10 times as much computer time
01:42:12.420 | as his job control card.
01:42:13.860 | Now, and he'd say, look, I put 10 seconds,
01:42:16.180 | 30 seconds here, you're charging me for five minutes,
01:42:19.660 | I'm not gonna pay for this
01:42:20.840 | and the poor operator would say,
01:42:22.540 | well, the program kept asking for more time
01:42:25.140 | and Marvin would say, oh, it always does that.
01:42:27.340 | (laughing)
01:42:28.900 | - I love that.
01:42:29.740 | Is there, if you could just linger on it for a little bit,
01:42:33.180 | is there something you've learned
01:42:34.420 | from your interaction with Marvin Minsky
01:42:37.180 | about artificial intelligence, about life?
01:42:39.580 | But I mean, he's, again, like your work,
01:42:44.940 | his work is, you know, he's a seminal figure
01:42:48.500 | in this very short history of artificial intelligence,
01:42:53.320 | research and development.
01:42:55.120 | What have you learned from him as a human being,
01:42:57.320 | as an AI intellect?
01:43:01.360 | - I would say both he and Ed Feigenbaum impressed on me
01:43:05.120 | the realization that our lives are finite,
01:43:10.120 | our research lives are finite,
01:43:12.440 | we're going to have limited opportunities
01:43:15.080 | to do AI research projects.
01:43:17.980 | So you should make each one count.
01:43:20.340 | Don't be afraid of doing a project
01:43:22.120 | that's gonna take years or even decades
01:43:27.120 | and don't settle for bump on a log projects
01:43:33.000 | that could lead to some, you know,
01:43:35.320 | published journal article that five people will read
01:43:40.240 | and pat you on the head for and so on.
01:43:43.460 | So one bump on a log after another
01:43:47.240 | is not how you get from the earth to the moon
01:43:49.840 | by slowly putting additional bumps on this log.
01:43:53.680 | The only way to get there is to think about the hard problems
01:43:58.160 | and think about novel solutions to them.
01:44:00.800 | And if you do that, and if you're willing to listen
01:44:05.800 | to nature, to empirical reality, willing to be wrong,
01:44:11.140 | it's perfectly fine because if occasionally you're right,
01:44:15.520 | then you've gotten part of the way to the moon.
01:44:18.480 | - You know, you've worked on Psych for 37
01:44:20.640 | over that many years.
01:44:25.160 | Have you ever considered quitting?
01:44:28.360 | I mean, has it been too much?
01:44:30.080 | So I'm sure there's been optimism in the early days
01:44:33.080 | that this is going to be way easier.
01:44:35.160 | And let me ask it another way too,
01:44:37.000 | because I've talked to a few people on this podcast,
01:44:39.140 | AI folks, that bring up Psych as an example of a project
01:44:45.200 | that has a beautiful vision and it's a beautiful dream,
01:44:49.700 | but it never really materialized.
01:44:52.000 | That's how it's spoken about.
01:44:53.440 | I suppose you could say the same thing about
01:44:57.480 | Neal networks and all ideas until they are.
01:45:01.900 | So why do you think people say that first of all?
01:45:06.880 | And second of all, did you feel that
01:45:09.480 | ever throughout your journey?
01:45:10.760 | And did you ever consider quitting on this mission?
01:45:14.120 | - We keep a very low profile.
01:45:16.640 | We don't attend very many conferences.
01:45:20.340 | We don't give talks.
01:45:21.180 | We don't write papers.
01:45:22.680 | We don't play the academic game at all.
01:45:27.520 | And as a result, people often only know about us
01:45:31.440 | because of a paper we wrote 10 or 20 or 30 or 37 years ago.
01:45:36.440 | They only know about us because of what someone else
01:45:41.840 | secondhand or thirdhand said about us.
01:45:45.320 | - So thank you for doing this podcast, by the way.
01:45:47.400 | - Sure.
01:45:48.240 | - It shines a little bit of light
01:45:50.680 | on some of the fascinating stuff you're doing.
01:45:52.640 | - Well, I think it's time for us to keep a higher profile
01:45:56.440 | now that we're far enough along
01:45:59.600 | that other people can begin to help us
01:46:02.640 | with the final N%, maybe N is maybe 90%,
01:46:07.820 | but now that we've gotten this knowledge pump primed,
01:46:12.200 | it's gonna become very important for everyone to help
01:46:17.920 | if they are willing to, if they're interested in it.
01:46:21.140 | Retirees who have enormous amounts of time
01:46:23.860 | and would like to leave some kind of legacy to the world,
01:46:28.780 | people because of the pandemic who have more time at home
01:46:34.100 | or for one reason or another to be online
01:46:37.160 | and contribute, if we can raise awareness
01:46:40.460 | of how far our project has come
01:46:43.340 | and how close to being primed the knowledge pump is,
01:46:48.180 | then we can begin to harness
01:46:51.140 | this untapped amount of humanity.
01:46:53.980 | I'm not really that concerned
01:46:55.980 | about professional colleagues' opinions of our project.
01:47:00.680 | I'm interested in getting as many people
01:47:03.580 | in the world as possible actively helping
01:47:06.320 | and contributing to get us from where we are
01:47:09.160 | to really covering all of human knowledge
01:47:12.740 | and different human opinion,
01:47:14.300 | including contrasting opinion that's worth representing.
01:47:17.580 | So I think that's one reason.
01:47:19.300 | I don't think there was ever a time
01:47:24.280 | where I thought about quitting.
01:47:26.780 | There are times where I've become depressed a little bit
01:47:29.900 | about how hard it is to get funding for the system.
01:47:34.660 | Occasionally there are AI winters and things like that.
01:47:37.920 | Occasionally there are AI,
01:47:41.800 | what you might call summers,
01:47:43.760 | where people have said,
01:47:45.320 | why in the world didn't you sell your company
01:47:48.240 | to company X for some large amount of money
01:47:53.060 | when you had the opportunity and so on.
01:47:55.040 | And company X here are like old companies
01:47:58.120 | maybe you've never even heard of,
01:47:59.360 | like Lycos or something like that.
01:48:02.000 | So the answer is that one reason we've stayed
01:48:06.420 | a private company, we haven't gone public.
01:48:09.260 | One reason that we haven't gone out of our way
01:48:11.860 | to take investment dollars
01:48:13.660 | is because we want to have control over our future,
01:48:19.200 | over our state of being,
01:48:21.700 | so that we can continue to do this as until it's done.
01:48:26.620 | And we're making progress and we're now so close to done
01:48:30.300 | that almost all of our work
01:48:32.560 | is commercial applications of our technology.
01:48:36.400 | So five years ago,
01:48:37.920 | almost all of our money came from the government.
01:48:39.840 | Now, virtually none of it comes from the government.
01:48:42.960 | Almost all of it is from companies
01:48:44.560 | that are actually using it for something.
01:48:46.580 | Hospital chains using it for medical reasoning
01:48:49.560 | about patients and energy companies using it
01:48:53.760 | and various other manufacturers using it
01:48:57.480 | to reason about supply chains and things like that.
01:49:01.000 | - So there's so many questions I want to ask.
01:49:03.800 | So one of the ways that people can help
01:49:05.860 | is by adding to the knowledge base.
01:49:07.740 | And that's really basically anybody
01:49:09.460 | if the tooling is right.
01:49:11.240 | And the other way,
01:49:13.520 | I kind of want to ask you about your thoughts on this.
01:49:15.900 | So you've had, like you said, in government
01:49:17.900 | and you had big clients, you had a lot of clients,
01:49:21.860 | but most of it is shrouded in secrecy
01:49:24.140 | because of the nature of the relationship
01:49:26.280 | of the kind of things you're helping them with.
01:49:28.960 | So that's one way to operate.
01:49:31.560 | And another way to operate is more in the open,
01:49:34.940 | where it's more consumer-facing.
01:49:37.980 | And so, hence, something like OpenPsych was born
01:49:41.980 | at some point where there's--
01:49:43.540 | - No, that's a misconception.
01:49:45.380 | - Uh-oh.
01:49:46.220 | Well, let's go there.
01:49:47.140 | So what is OpenPsych and how was it born?
01:49:50.660 | - Two things I want to say.
01:49:52.300 | And I want to say each of them before the other,
01:49:54.020 | so it's gonna be difficult.
01:49:56.360 | But we'll come back to OpenPsych in a minute.
01:49:59.120 | But one of the terms of our contracts
01:50:02.160 | with all of our customers and partners
01:50:05.200 | is knowledge you have that is genuinely proprietary to you.
01:50:10.200 | We will respect that.
01:50:12.720 | We'll make sure that it's marked as proprietary to you
01:50:15.520 | in the Psych Knowledge Base.
01:50:17.100 | No one other than you will be able to see it
01:50:19.620 | if you don't want them to.
01:50:20.680 | And it won't be used in inferences
01:50:23.720 | other than for you and so on.
01:50:25.920 | However, any knowledge which is necessary
01:50:30.040 | in building any applications for you and with you,
01:50:33.880 | which is publicly available general human knowledge,
01:50:38.080 | is not going to be proprietary.
01:50:39.960 | It's going to just become part
01:50:41.440 | of the normal Psych Knowledge Base.
01:50:43.480 | And it will be openly available to everyone
01:50:46.300 | who has access to Psych.
01:50:47.860 | So that's an important constraint
01:50:50.140 | that we never went back on,
01:50:51.460 | even when we got pushback from companies,
01:50:54.640 | which we often did,
01:50:56.040 | who wanted to claim that almost everything
01:50:58.000 | they were telling us was proprietary.
01:50:59.900 | - So there's a line between very domain-specific,
01:51:05.160 | company-specific stuff
01:51:07.500 | and the general knowledge that comes from that.
01:51:11.080 | - Yes, or if you imagine, say, it's an oil company,
01:51:14.160 | there are things which they would expect
01:51:16.960 | any new petroleum engineer they hired to already know.
01:51:21.440 | And it's not okay for them to consider
01:51:24.560 | that that is proprietary.
01:51:26.000 | And sometimes a company will say,
01:51:27.920 | well, we're the first ones to pay you
01:51:30.120 | to represent that in Psych.
01:51:32.060 | And our attitude is some polite form of tough.
01:51:36.380 | The deal is this, take it or leave it.
01:51:40.620 | And in a few cases, they've left it.
01:51:42.440 | And in most cases, they'll see our point of view
01:51:45.980 | and take it because that's how we've built the Psych system
01:51:50.280 | by essentially tacking with the funding wins
01:51:54.640 | where people would fund a project
01:51:57.160 | and half of it would be general knowledge
01:52:00.000 | that would stay permanently as part of Psych.
01:52:02.320 | - So always with these partnerships,
01:52:03.880 | it's not like a distraction from the main Psych development.
01:52:07.160 | It's a supportive-- - Well, it's a small,
01:52:09.120 | a small distraction.
01:52:10.160 | - It's a small, but it's not a complete one.
01:52:11.720 | So you're adding to the knowledge base.
01:52:13.160 | - Yes, absolutely.
01:52:14.120 | And we try to stay away from projects
01:52:17.760 | that would not have that property.
01:52:20.480 | So let me go back and talk about OpenPsych for a second.
01:52:24.360 | So I've had a lot of trouble expressing,
01:52:28.360 | convincing other AI researchers how important it is
01:52:35.360 | to use an expressive representation language like we do,
01:52:39.640 | this higher order logic,
01:52:41.400 | rather than just using some triple store
01:52:44.920 | knowledge graph type representation.
01:52:49.000 | And so as an attempt to show them
01:52:52.880 | why they needed something more,
01:52:56.960 | we said, "Oh, well, we'll represent
01:53:00.120 | "this unimportant projection or shadow or subset of Psych
01:53:05.120 | "that just happens to be the simple binary relations,
01:53:10.100 | "the relation argument one, argument two triples and so on."
01:53:14.800 | And then you'll see how much more useful it is
01:53:19.800 | if you had the entire Psych system.
01:53:22.320 | So it's all well and good to have the taxonomic relations
01:53:27.320 | between terms like person and night and sleep and bed
01:53:33.040 | and house and eyes and so on.
01:53:37.000 | But think about how much more useful it would be
01:53:40.480 | if you also had all the rules of thumb about those things
01:53:44.560 | like people sleep at night, they sleep lying down,
01:53:47.480 | they sleep with their eyes closed,
01:53:48.800 | they usually sleep in beds in our country,
01:53:51.720 | they sleep for hours at a time, they can be woken up,
01:53:54.260 | they don't like being woken up and so on and so on.
01:53:57.000 | So it's that massive amount of knowledge
01:53:59.600 | which is not part of OpenPsych.
01:54:02.320 | And we thought that all the researchers
01:54:03.920 | would then immediately say, "Oh my God,
01:54:06.880 | "of course we need the other 90% that you're not giving us.
01:54:10.980 | "Let's partner and license Psych
01:54:14.120 | "so that we can use it in our research."
01:54:15.820 | But instead, what people said is,
01:54:18.040 | "Oh, even the bit you've released
01:54:19.560 | "is so much better than anything we had.
01:54:21.660 | "We'll just make do with this."
01:54:23.660 | And so if you look,
01:54:24.660 | there are a lot of robotics companies today, for example,
01:54:27.460 | which use OpenPsych as their fundamental ontology.
01:54:32.060 | And in some sense, the whole world missed the point
01:54:36.020 | of OpenPsych and we were doing it to show people
01:54:39.660 | why that's not really what they wanted
01:54:41.620 | and too many people thought somehow that this was psych
01:54:44.780 | or that this was in fact good enough for them
01:54:47.520 | and they never even bothered coming to us
01:54:51.140 | to get access to the full psych.
01:54:53.140 | - But there's two parts to OpenPsych.
01:54:55.020 | So one is convincing people on the idea
01:54:57.340 | and the power of this general kind of representation
01:54:59.460 | of knowledge and the value that you hold
01:55:02.260 | in having acquired that knowledge
01:55:03.820 | and built it and continue to build it.
01:55:05.780 | And the other is the code base.
01:55:07.620 | This is the code side of it.
01:55:10.540 | So my sense of the code base
01:55:13.780 | that Psycorp Psych is operating with,
01:55:16.180 | I mean, it has the technical debt
01:55:19.020 | of the three decades plus, right?
01:55:21.940 | This is the exact same problem that Google had to deal with
01:55:24.700 | with the early version of TensorFlow.
01:55:27.380 | It's still dealing with that.
01:55:29.260 | They had to basically break compatibility
01:55:32.820 | with the past several times.
01:55:34.820 | And that's only over a period of a couple of years.
01:55:37.620 | But they, I think, successfully opened up,
01:55:40.900 | it's very risky, very gutsy move to open up TensorFlow
01:55:45.900 | and then PyTorch on the Facebook side.
01:55:47.980 | And what you see is there's a magic place
01:55:52.620 | where you can find a community,
01:55:54.100 | where you could develop a community
01:55:56.180 | that builds on the system without taking away any of,
01:56:01.180 | not any, but most of the value.
01:56:03.900 | So most of the value that Google has is still at Google.
01:56:06.700 | Most of the value that Facebook has is still at Facebook,
01:56:08.940 | even though some of this major machine learning tooling
01:56:12.620 | is released into the open.
01:56:14.380 | My question is not so much on the knowledge,
01:56:17.180 | which is also a big part of OpenPsych,
01:56:20.020 | but all the different kinds of tooling.
01:56:22.980 | So there's the kind of,
01:56:25.220 | all the kinds of stuff you can do on the knowledge,
01:56:27.540 | graph knowledge base, whatever we call it.
01:56:29.860 | There's the inference engines.
01:56:32.300 | So there could be some,
01:56:34.220 | there probably are a bunch of proprietary stuff
01:56:36.700 | you want to kind of keep secret.
01:56:38.340 | And there's probably some stuff you can open up completely
01:56:41.220 | and then let the community,
01:56:42.820 | build up enough community where they develop stuff
01:56:44.780 | on top of it.
01:56:45.700 | Yes, there'll be those publications and academic work
01:56:48.220 | and all that kind of stuff.
01:56:49.820 | And also the tooling of adding to the knowledge base, right?
01:56:54.100 | Like developing, there's an incredible amount,
01:56:56.780 | like there's so many people that are just really good
01:56:59.460 | at this kind of stuff in the open source community.
01:57:02.180 | So my question for you is like,
01:57:03.820 | have you struggled with this kind of idea
01:57:06.580 | that you have so much value in your company already?
01:57:09.420 | You've developed so many good things.
01:57:11.500 | You have clients that really value your relationships.
01:57:14.500 | And then there's this dormant, giant open source community
01:57:17.980 | that as far as I know, you're not utilizing.
01:57:20.220 | There's so many things to say there,
01:57:24.260 | but there could be magic moments
01:57:27.340 | where the community builds up large enough
01:57:31.420 | to where the artificial intelligence field
01:57:34.460 | that is currently 99.9% machine learning
01:57:37.860 | is dominated by machine learning,
01:57:39.900 | has a phase shift towards like, or at least in part,
01:57:44.340 | towards more like what you might call symbolic AI.
01:57:47.540 | This whole place where psych is like at the center of,
01:57:52.540 | and then that requires a little bit leap of faith
01:57:56.500 | because you're now surfing
01:57:58.340 | and there'll be obviously competitors that will pop up
01:58:00.900 | and start making you nervous and all that kind of stuff.
01:58:04.020 | So do you think about the space
01:58:05.980 | of open sourcing some parts and not others,
01:58:08.860 | how to leverage the community, all those kinds of things?
01:58:12.380 | - That's a good question.
01:58:13.420 | And I think you phrased it the right way,
01:58:15.060 | which is we're constantly struggling with the question
01:58:19.900 | of what to open source, what to make public,
01:58:24.180 | what to even publicly talk about.
01:58:29.380 | There are enormous pluses and minuses to every alternative.
01:58:34.380 | And it's very much like negotiating a very treacherous path.
01:58:42.220 | Partly the analogy is like, if you slip,
01:58:46.660 | you could make a fatal mistake,
01:58:48.380 | give away something which essentially kills you
01:58:51.460 | or fail to give away something
01:58:53.100 | which failing to give it away hurts you and so on.
01:58:58.380 | So it is a very tough, tough question.
01:59:01.940 | Usually what we have done with people who approached us
01:59:08.580 | to collaborate on research is to say,
01:59:11.780 | we will make available to you the entire knowledge base
01:59:16.780 | and executable copies of all of the code,
01:59:22.260 | but only very, very limited source code access
01:59:28.500 | if you have some idea for how you might improve something
01:59:31.500 | or work with us on something.
01:59:33.420 | So let me also get back to one of the very, very first things
01:59:38.260 | we talked about here, which was separating the question
01:59:43.260 | of how could you get a computer to do this at all
01:59:47.700 | versus how could you get a computer
01:59:49.580 | to do this efficiently enough in real time?
01:59:52.820 | And so one of the early lessons we learned
01:59:57.900 | was that we had to separate the epistemological problem
02:00:01.940 | of what should the system know,
02:00:04.180 | separate that from the heuristic problem
02:00:06.300 | of how can the system reason efficiently
02:00:08.820 | with what it knows.
02:00:10.220 | And so instead of trying to pick one representation language
02:00:15.220 | which was the sweet spot or the best trade-off point
02:00:20.340 | between expressiveness of the language
02:00:23.300 | and efficiency of the language,
02:00:24.780 | if you had to pick one,
02:00:26.380 | knowledge graphs would probably be,
02:00:28.620 | associative triples would probably be
02:00:30.740 | about the best you could do.
02:00:32.220 | And that's why we started there.
02:00:34.060 | But after a few years, we realized that what we could do
02:00:37.760 | is we could split this and we could have one nice,
02:00:41.860 | clean epistemological level language,
02:00:44.580 | which is this higher order logic.
02:00:46.700 | And we could have one or more grubby,
02:00:49.720 | but efficient heuristic level modules
02:00:54.300 | that opportunistically would say,
02:00:57.740 | oh, I can make progress
02:00:59.020 | on what you're trying to do over here.
02:01:01.180 | I have a special method that will contribute
02:01:04.300 | a little bit toward a solution.
02:01:06.060 | - Of course, some subset of that.
02:01:08.300 | - Yes, exactly.
02:01:09.460 | So by now we have over a thousand
02:01:11.540 | of these heuristic level modules
02:01:13.660 | and they function as a kind of community of agents.
02:01:16.900 | And there's one of them, which is a general theorem prover.
02:01:20.140 | And in theory, that's the only one you need.
02:01:25.140 | But in practice, it always takes so long
02:01:28.340 | that you never want to call on it.
02:01:30.980 | You always want these other agents
02:01:32.780 | to very efficiently reason through it.
02:01:35.180 | It's sort of like if you're balancing a chemical equation,
02:01:38.220 | you could go back to first principles,
02:01:40.340 | but in fact, there are algorithms
02:01:42.740 | which are vastly more efficient.
02:01:44.340 | Or if you're trying to solve a quadratic equation,
02:01:47.780 | you could go back to first principles of mathematics,
02:01:51.140 | but it's much better to simply recognize
02:01:54.300 | that this is a quadratic equation
02:01:56.140 | and apply the binomial formula and snap,
02:01:58.540 | you get your answer right away and so on.
02:02:00.820 | So think of these as like a thousand little experts
02:02:05.340 | that are all looking at everything that Psych gets asked
02:02:08.780 | and looking at everything
02:02:10.500 | that every other little agent has contributed,
02:02:12.820 | almost like notes on a blackboard,
02:02:14.900 | notes on a whiteboard.
02:02:17.660 | And making additional notes
02:02:20.260 | when they think they can be helpful.
02:02:21.700 | And gradually that community of agents
02:02:24.780 | gets an answer to your question,
02:02:26.540 | gets a solution to your problem.
02:02:29.020 | And if we ever come up in a domain application
02:02:32.780 | where Psych is getting the right answer,
02:02:34.620 | but taking too long,
02:02:36.700 | then what we'll often do is talk to one of the human experts
02:02:41.020 | and say, here's the set of reasoning steps
02:02:45.060 | that Psych went through.
02:02:46.340 | You can see why it took it a long time to get the answer.
02:02:49.620 | How is it that you were able to answer that question
02:02:52.340 | in two seconds?
02:02:53.260 | And occasionally you'll get an expert who just says,
02:02:57.980 | well, I just know it.
02:02:59.060 | I just was able to do it or something.
02:03:01.220 | And then you don't talk to them anymore.
02:03:02.860 | But sometimes you'll get an expert who says,
02:03:05.620 | well, let me introspect on that.
02:03:07.460 | Yes, here is a special representation we use
02:03:10.900 | just for aqueous chemistry equations,
02:03:14.340 | or here's a special representation and a special technique,
02:03:18.540 | which we can now apply to things
02:03:20.260 | in this special representation and so on.
02:03:22.780 | And then you add that as the thousand and first
02:03:26.060 | HL heuristic level module.
02:03:28.700 | And from then on in any application,
02:03:31.380 | if it ever comes up again,
02:03:32.980 | it'll be able to contribute and so on.
02:03:35.020 | So that's pretty much one of the main ways
02:03:38.260 | in which Psych has recouped this lost efficiency.
02:03:42.700 | A second important way is meta reasoning.
02:03:46.340 | So you can speed things up by focusing on removing knowledge
02:03:51.340 | from the system till all it has left
02:03:54.540 | is like minimal knowledge needed to,
02:03:56.780 | but that's the wrong thing to do, right?
02:03:58.860 | That would be like in a human extirpating
02:04:00.620 | part of their brain or something.
02:04:01.900 | That's really bad.
02:04:03.300 | So instead, what you wanna do is give it meta level advice,
02:04:06.900 | tactical and strategic advice that enables it to reason
02:04:10.980 | about what kind of knowledge is going to be relevant
02:04:14.620 | to this problem, what kind of tactics
02:04:16.660 | are gonna be good to take in trying to attack this problem?
02:04:20.380 | When is it time to start trying to prove the negation
02:04:23.700 | of this thing because I'm knocking myself out
02:04:26.260 | trying to prove it's true and maybe it's false.
02:04:28.540 | And if I just spend a minute,
02:04:29.540 | I can see that it's false or something.
02:04:31.660 | - So it's like dynamically pruning the graph
02:04:34.860 | to only like based on the particular thing
02:04:37.940 | you're trying to infer.
02:04:40.260 | - Yes, and so by now we have about 150
02:04:44.900 | of these sort of like breakthrough ideas
02:04:47.780 | that have led to dramatic speed ups
02:04:50.380 | in the inference process.
02:04:52.540 | You know, where one of them was this ELHL split
02:04:55.980 | and lots of HL modules.
02:04:57.380 | Another one was using meta and meta meta level reasoning
02:05:01.860 | to reason about the reasoning that's going on and so on.
02:05:06.140 | And you know, 150 breakthroughs may sound like a lot,
02:05:09.300 | but you know, if you divide by 37 years,
02:05:11.420 | it's not as impressive.
02:05:12.620 | - So there's these kind of heuristic modules
02:05:16.140 | that really help improve the inference.
02:05:18.920 | How hard in general is this,
02:05:24.340 | 'cause you mentioned higher order logic,
02:05:26.740 | you know, in the general, the theorem prover sense,
02:05:31.320 | it's intractable, very difficult problem.
02:05:33.980 | - Yes.
02:05:34.820 | - So how hard is this inference problem
02:05:37.260 | when we're not talking about,
02:05:39.060 | if we let go of the perfect and focus on the good?
02:05:43.740 | - I would say it's half of the problem
02:05:47.540 | in the following empirical sense,
02:05:49.900 | which is over the years, about half of our effort,
02:05:54.400 | maybe 40% of our effort,
02:05:56.740 | has been our team of inference programmers
02:06:01.340 | and the other 50, 60% has been our ontologists,
02:06:04.860 | our ontological engineers putting in knowledge.
02:06:07.340 | So our ontological engineers in most cases
02:06:09.580 | don't even know how to program.
02:06:11.420 | They have degrees in things like philosophy and so on.
02:06:15.020 | So it's almost like--
02:06:15.860 | - I love that.
02:06:16.700 | I'd love to hang out with those people actually.
02:06:18.340 | - Oh yes, it's wonderful.
02:06:19.660 | But it's very much like the Eloi and the Morlocks
02:06:22.420 | in H.G. Wells' "Time Machine."
02:06:24.940 | So you have the Eloi who only program
02:06:27.380 | in the epistemological higher order logic language.
02:06:31.820 | And then you have the Morlocks who are like
02:06:34.380 | under the ground figuring out what the machinery is
02:06:38.460 | that will make this efficiently operate and so on.
02:06:42.420 | And so occasionally they'll toss messages back
02:06:46.020 | to each other and so on,
02:06:47.900 | but it really is almost this 50/50 split
02:06:50.900 | between finding clever ways to recoup efficiency
02:06:55.760 | when you have an expressive language
02:06:57.740 | and putting in the content of what the system needs to know.
02:07:01.660 | - And yeah, both are fascinating.
02:07:03.780 | To some degree, the entirety of the system,
02:07:06.300 | as far as I understand,
02:07:08.300 | is written in various variants of Lisp.
02:07:11.980 | So my favorite program language is still Lisp.
02:07:14.300 | I don't program in it much anymore
02:07:16.860 | because the world has,
02:07:19.460 | in majority of its system, has moved on.
02:07:22.300 | Like everybody respects Lisp,
02:07:24.980 | but many of the systems are not written in Lisp anymore.
02:07:28.720 | But Psyche, as far as I understand,
02:07:30.940 | maybe you can correct me,
02:07:32.460 | there's a bunch of Lisp in it.
02:07:34.660 | - Yeah, so it's based on Lisp code that we produced.
02:07:37.900 | Most of the programming is still going on
02:07:39.980 | in a dialect of Lisp.
02:07:41.980 | And then for efficiency reasons,
02:07:45.460 | that gets automatically translated into things like Java
02:07:50.120 | or C.
02:07:50.960 | Nowadays, it's almost all translated into Java
02:07:53.700 | 'cause Java has gotten good enough
02:07:56.020 | that that's really all we need to do.
02:07:58.700 | - So it's translated into Java
02:07:59.980 | and then Java is compiled down by code.
02:08:02.820 | - Yes.
02:08:03.660 | - Okay, so that's sort of,
02:08:05.060 | it's a process that probably has to do with the fact
02:08:12.020 | that when Psyche was originally written
02:08:14.580 | and you built up a powerful system,
02:08:16.480 | there is some technical depth you have to deal with,
02:08:19.740 | as is the case with most powerful systems that span years.
02:08:24.120 | Have you ever considered,
02:08:28.980 | this would help me understand,
02:08:30.780 | because from my perspective,
02:08:32.300 | so much of the value of everything you've done
02:08:35.540 | with Psyche and Psycorp is the knowledge.
02:08:40.780 | Have you ever considered just like throwing away
02:08:43.460 | the code base and starting from scratch?
02:08:45.580 | Not really throwing away,
02:08:47.540 | but sort of moving it to,
02:08:50.380 | throwing away that technical debt,
02:08:54.080 | starting with a more updated programming language.
02:08:58.180 | Is that throwing away a lot of value or no?
02:09:00.820 | Like, what's your sense?
02:09:01.820 | How much of the value is in the silly
02:09:03.940 | software engineering aspect
02:09:05.900 | and how much of the value is in the knowledge?
02:09:08.260 | - So development of programs in Lisp
02:09:15.100 | proceeds, I think, somewhere between 1,000
02:09:21.420 | and 50,000 times faster than development
02:09:24.580 | in any of what you're calling modern
02:09:28.140 | or improved computer languages.
02:09:30.220 | - Well, there's other functional languages,
02:09:31.580 | like Clojure and all that.
02:09:32.980 | But I mean, I'm with you.
02:09:35.500 | I like Lisp.
02:09:37.020 | I just wonder how many great programmers there are.
02:09:39.460 | There's still like--
02:09:40.540 | - Yes, so it is true when a new inference programmer
02:09:43.860 | comes on board, they need to learn some of Lisp.
02:09:48.860 | And in fact, we have a subset of Lisp,
02:09:50.820 | which we call cleverly sub L,
02:09:53.700 | which is really all they need to learn.
02:09:55.780 | And so the programming actually goes on in sub L,
02:09:59.620 | not in full Lisp.
02:10:01.340 | And so it does not take programmers very long at all
02:10:03.980 | to learn sub L.
02:10:06.220 | And that's something which can then be translated
02:10:08.980 | efficiently into Java.
02:10:11.900 | And for some of our programmers who are doing,
02:10:14.420 | say, user interface work,
02:10:15.860 | then they never have to even learn sub L.
02:10:18.380 | They just have to learn APIs into the basic Cyc engine.
02:10:23.500 | - So you're not necessarily feeling the burden
02:10:25.860 | of like it's extremely efficient.
02:10:28.100 | That's not a problem to solve.
02:10:31.580 | Okay. - Right.
02:10:32.420 | The other thing is, remember that we're talking
02:10:34.460 | about hiring programmers to do inference
02:10:37.700 | who are programmers interested
02:10:39.700 | in effectively automatic theorem proving.
02:10:42.500 | And so those are people already predisposed
02:10:45.740 | to representing things in logic and so on.
02:10:48.460 | And Lisp really was the programming language
02:10:53.460 | based on logic that John McCarthy and others
02:10:56.780 | who developed it basically took the formalisms
02:11:00.940 | that Alonzo Church and other philosophers,
02:11:03.780 | other logicians had come up with and basically said,
02:11:07.500 | can we basically make a programming language
02:11:10.940 | which is effectively logic?
02:11:13.580 | And so since we're talking about reasoning
02:11:17.260 | in about expressions written in this logical,
02:11:21.700 | epistemological language and we're doing operations
02:11:24.380 | which are effectively like theorem proving
02:11:26.860 | type operations and so on,
02:11:28.900 | there's a natural impedance match between Lisp
02:11:33.060 | and the knowledge the way it's represented.
02:11:35.900 | So-- - I guess you could say
02:11:37.540 | it's a perfectly logical language to use.
02:11:40.740 | - Oh, yes.
02:11:42.700 | - Okay, I'm sorry. (laughs)
02:11:44.060 | - I'll even let you get away with that.
02:11:46.060 | - Okay, I appreciate it. - I know I like it.
02:11:47.860 | So I'll probably use that in the future without--
02:11:51.340 | - Without credit. - Without credit.
02:11:53.100 | But no, I think the point is that the language
02:11:58.100 | you program in isn't really that important.
02:12:01.180 | It's more that you have to be able to think in terms of,
02:12:05.260 | for instance, creating new helpful HL modules
02:12:08.540 | and how they'll work with each other
02:12:10.700 | and looking at things that are taking a long time
02:12:14.540 | and coming up with new specialized data structures
02:12:18.860 | that will make this efficient.
02:12:20.140 | So let me just give you one very simple example,
02:12:23.060 | which is when you have a transitive relation,
02:12:26.100 | like larger than, this is larger than that,
02:12:28.500 | which is larger than that, which is larger than that.
02:12:30.420 | So the first thing must be larger than the last thing.
02:12:33.220 | Whenever you have a transitive relation,
02:12:35.980 | if you're not careful,
02:12:37.220 | if I ask whether this thing over here
02:12:39.580 | is larger than the thing over here,
02:12:40.980 | I'll have to do some kind of graph walk or theorem proving
02:12:45.060 | that might involve like five or 10 or 20 or 30 steps.
02:12:48.540 | But if you store, redundantly store the transitive closure,
02:12:53.540 | the Kleene star of that transitive relation,
02:12:56.740 | now you have this big table,
02:12:58.780 | but you can always guarantee that in one single step,
02:13:02.340 | you can just look up whether this is larger than that.
02:13:06.180 | And so there are lots of cases where storage is cheap today.
02:13:11.180 | And so by having this extra redundant data structure,
02:13:15.860 | we can answer this commonly occurring type of question
02:13:19.820 | very, very efficiently.
02:13:21.260 | Let me give you one other analogy, analog of that,
02:13:26.540 | which is something we call rule macro predicates,
02:13:29.180 | which is we'll see this complicated rule
02:13:33.140 | and we'll notice that things very much like it,
02:13:37.420 | syntactically come up again and again and again.
02:13:40.940 | So we'll create a whole brand new relation
02:13:43.620 | or predicate or function that captures that
02:13:47.940 | and takes maybe not two arguments,
02:13:50.180 | takes maybe three, four, five arguments and so on.
02:13:54.340 | And now we have effectively converted
02:13:58.340 | some complicated if then rule
02:14:02.340 | that might have to have inference done on it
02:14:05.660 | into some ground atomic formula,
02:14:07.580 | which is just the name of a relation
02:14:10.980 | and a few arguments and so on.
02:14:12.980 | And so converting commonly occurring types
02:14:16.820 | or schemas of rules into brand new predicates,
02:14:20.780 | brand new functions,
02:14:22.060 | turns out to enormously speed up the inference process.
02:14:26.300 | So now we've covered about four of the 150 good ideas
02:14:30.980 | I said that--
02:14:31.820 | - So that's a nice, that's a cool,
02:14:32.660 | so that idea in particular is like a nice compression
02:14:35.180 | that turns out to be really useful.
02:14:36.940 | - Yes. - That's really interesting.
02:14:38.020 | I mean, this whole thing is just fascinating
02:14:39.540 | from a philosophical, there's part of me,
02:14:42.180 | I mean, it makes me a little bit sad
02:14:44.220 | because your work is both from a computer science perspective
02:14:49.220 | fascinating and the inference engine
02:14:51.540 | from a epistemological, philosophical aspect fascinating.
02:14:56.260 | But it is also you running a company
02:14:59.420 | and there's some stuff that has to remain private.
02:15:02.460 | It's sad.
02:15:03.420 | - Well, here's something that may make you feel better,
02:15:05.980 | a little bit better.
02:15:09.020 | We've formed a not-for-profit company
02:15:12.700 | called the Knowledge Activization Institute, NAX, K-N-A-X.
02:15:16.700 | And I have this firm belief
02:15:20.020 | with a lot of empirical evidence to support it
02:15:22.300 | that the education that people get in high schools
02:15:27.300 | and colleges and graduate schools and so on
02:15:31.460 | is almost completely orthogonal to,
02:15:34.700 | almost completely irrelevant to
02:15:37.740 | how good they're going to be at coming up to speed
02:15:40.940 | in doing this kind of ontological engineering
02:15:44.620 | and writing these assertions and rules and so on in psych.
02:15:49.460 | And so very often we'll interview candidates
02:15:52.300 | who have their PhD in philosophy,
02:15:54.620 | who've taught logic for years and so on,
02:15:57.380 | and they're just awful.
02:15:59.620 | But the converse is true.
02:16:00.740 | So one of the best ontological engineers we ever had
02:16:04.220 | never graduated high school.
02:16:06.180 | And so the purpose of Knowledge Activization Institute,
02:16:11.180 | if we can get some foundations to help support it,
02:16:14.580 | is identify people in the general population,
02:16:18.580 | maybe high school dropouts,
02:16:20.580 | who have latent talent for this sort of thing,
02:16:24.700 | offer them effectively scholarships to train them,
02:16:29.300 | and then help place them in companies
02:16:32.220 | that need more trained ontological engineers,
02:16:35.140 | some of which would be working for us,
02:16:36.780 | but mostly would be working for partners
02:16:38.980 | or customers or something.
02:16:40.580 | And if we could do that,
02:16:42.140 | that would create an enormous number
02:16:43.860 | of relatively very high paying jobs
02:16:47.420 | for people who currently have no way out
02:16:51.020 | of some situation that they're locked into.
02:16:55.020 | - So is there something you can put into words
02:16:57.420 | that describes somebody who would be great
02:17:01.180 | at ontological engineering?
02:17:03.220 | So what characteristics about a person
02:17:06.420 | make them great at this task?
02:17:08.660 | This task of converting the messiness
02:17:13.220 | of human language and knowledge into formal logic.
02:17:17.180 | - This is very much like what Alan Turing had to do
02:17:20.060 | during World War II in trying to find people
02:17:23.180 | to bring to Bletchley Park,
02:17:24.900 | where he would publish in the London Times
02:17:28.100 | cryptic crossword puzzles,
02:17:30.140 | along with some innocuous looking note,
02:17:33.420 | which essentially said,
02:17:34.420 | if you were able to solve this puzzle
02:17:36.420 | in less than 15 minutes,
02:17:38.260 | please call this phone number, and so on.
02:17:41.260 | So, or back when I was young,
02:17:44.540 | there was the practice of having matchbooks,
02:17:49.060 | where on the inside of the matchbook,
02:17:51.580 | there would be a, can you draw this?
02:17:53.980 | You have a career in art, commercial art,
02:17:56.900 | if you can copy this drawing, and so on.
02:17:59.940 | So yes, the analog of that--
02:18:02.500 | - Was there a little test to get to the core
02:18:04.500 | of whether you're gonna be good or not?
02:18:05.900 | - So part of it has to do with being able
02:18:08.700 | to make and appreciate and react negatively,
02:18:13.540 | appropriately to puns and other jokes.
02:18:16.100 | So you have to have a kind of sense of humor,
02:18:18.460 | and if you're good at telling jokes
02:18:21.500 | and good at understanding jokes,
02:18:23.740 | that's one indicator--
02:18:25.460 | - Like puns? - Yes.
02:18:26.300 | - Like dad jokes? - Yes.
02:18:27.660 | Well, maybe not dad jokes,
02:18:29.300 | but real, but funny jokes.
02:18:31.420 | But--
02:18:32.380 | - I think I'm applying to work at SACWR.
02:18:34.380 | - Yeah, but another is if you're able to introspect.
02:18:38.140 | So very often, we'll give someone a simple question,
02:18:43.140 | and we'll say like, "Why is this?"
02:18:48.060 | And sometimes they'll just say, "Because it is."
02:18:51.420 | Okay, that's a bad sign.
02:18:53.220 | But very often, they'll be able to introspect, and so on.
02:18:56.460 | So one of the questions I often ask
02:18:59.540 | is I'll point to a sentence with a pronoun in it,
02:19:01.740 | and I'll say, "The referent of that pronoun
02:19:04.540 | "is obviously this noun over here.
02:19:06.540 | "How would you or I or an AI
02:19:10.180 | "or a five-year-old, 10-year-old child
02:19:12.740 | "know that that pronoun refers to that noun over here?"
02:19:17.740 | And often, the people who are going to be good
02:19:22.860 | at ontological engineering
02:19:24.340 | will give me some causal explanation
02:19:27.020 | or will refer to some things that are true in the world.
02:19:29.980 | So if you imagine a sentence like,
02:19:31.860 | "The horse was led into the barn
02:19:33.820 | "while its head was still wet."
02:19:36.020 | And so, "its head" refers to the horse's head.
02:19:38.860 | But how do you know that?
02:19:40.300 | And so, some people will say, "I just know it."
02:19:42.060 | Some people will say, "Well, the horse
02:19:43.460 | "was the subject of the sentence."
02:19:45.540 | And I'll say, "Okay, well, what about,
02:19:47.200 | "the horse was led into the barn
02:19:48.580 | "while its roof was still wet."
02:19:50.740 | Now, "its roof" obviously refers to the barn,
02:19:53.820 | and so, then they'll say,
02:19:55.980 | "Oh, well, that's because it's the closest noun."
02:19:58.260 | And so, basically, if they try to give me answers
02:20:01.820 | which are based on syntax and grammar and so on,
02:20:05.740 | that's a really bad sign.
02:20:07.460 | But if they're able to say things like,
02:20:09.100 | "Well, horses have heads and barns don't,
02:20:11.620 | "and barns have roofs and horses don't,"
02:20:14.380 | then that's a positive sign
02:20:16.100 | that they're gonna be good at this
02:20:17.260 | because they can introspect on what's true in the world
02:20:20.780 | that leads you to know certain things.
02:20:22.740 | - How fascinating is it that getting a PhD
02:20:25.100 | makes you less capable to introspect deeply about this?
02:20:28.860 | - Oh, I wouldn't go that far.
02:20:30.860 | I'm not saying that it makes you less capable.
02:20:32.660 | Let's just say it's independent of--
02:20:35.140 | - Oh, I don't know about this.
02:20:36.300 | - Of how good people are.
02:20:37.140 | - Okay, you're not saying that, I'm saying that.
02:20:38.940 | There's a certain, it's interesting
02:20:41.640 | that for a lot of people, PhDs, sorry, philosophy aside,
02:20:46.640 | that sometimes education narrows your thinking
02:20:50.380 | versus expands it.
02:20:51.580 | - Yes.
02:20:52.420 | - That's fascinating.
02:20:53.420 | And for certain, when you're trying
02:20:55.100 | to do ontological engineering,
02:20:57.320 | which is essentially teach our future AI overlords
02:21:00.900 | how to reason deeply about this world
02:21:03.500 | and how to understand it,
02:21:05.220 | that requires that you think deeply about the world.
02:21:08.660 | - So I'll tell you a sad story about Math Craft,
02:21:11.900 | which is why is that not widely used in schools today?
02:21:16.020 | We're not really trying to make big profit on it
02:21:19.120 | or anything like that.
02:21:20.580 | When we've gone to schools, their attitude has been,
02:21:23.820 | well, if a student spends 20 hours
02:21:27.220 | going through this Math Craft program
02:21:29.660 | from start to end and so on,
02:21:31.620 | will it improve their score on this standardized test
02:21:36.900 | more than if they spent 20 hours
02:21:38.880 | just doing mindless drills
02:21:41.360 | of problem after problem after problem?
02:21:43.540 | And the answer is, well, no,
02:21:45.900 | but it'll increase their understanding more
02:21:47.780 | and their attitude is, well,
02:21:48.900 | if it doesn't increase their score on this test,
02:21:52.700 | then we're not gonna adopt it.
02:21:56.020 | - That's sad.
02:21:56.860 | I mean, that's a whole another three, four hour conversation
02:22:00.780 | about the education system.
02:22:01.820 | But let me go super philosophical as if we weren't already.
02:22:06.580 | So in 1950, Alan Turing wrote the paper
02:22:09.460 | that formulated the Turing test.
02:22:11.620 | - Yes.
02:22:12.460 | - And he opened the paper with the question,
02:22:13.900 | can machines think?
02:22:15.940 | So what do you think?
02:22:16.900 | Can machines think?
02:22:18.980 | Let me ask you this question.
02:22:20.380 | - Absolutely.
02:22:21.500 | Machines can think,
02:22:23.540 | certainly as well as humans can think, right?
02:22:27.860 | We're meat machines,
02:22:30.340 | just because they're not currently made out of meat
02:22:32.820 | is just an engineering solution decision and so on.
02:22:37.820 | So of course machines can think.
02:22:42.180 | I think that there was a lot of damage done
02:22:47.700 | by people misunderstanding Turing's imitation game
02:22:52.700 | and focus on trying to get a chat bot
02:22:58.260 | to fool other people into thinking it was human and so on.
02:23:05.300 | That's not a terrible test in and of itself,
02:23:08.980 | but it shouldn't be your one and only test for intelligence.
02:23:12.580 | - So do you, in terms of tests of intelligence,
02:23:16.620 | with the Lobner Prize,
02:23:18.340 | which is a very kind of, you want to say,
02:23:20.780 | a more strict formulation of the Turing test
02:23:23.540 | as originally formulated.
02:23:25.220 | And then there's something like Alexa Prize,
02:23:28.180 | which is more, I would say,
02:23:30.420 | a more interesting formulation of the test,
02:23:32.540 | which is like, ultimately the metric is
02:23:36.300 | how long does a human want to talk to the AI system?
02:23:39.340 | So it's like, the goal is you want it to be 20 minutes.
02:23:43.540 | It's basically not just have a convincing conversation,
02:23:48.540 | but more like a compelling one or a fun one
02:23:51.700 | or an interesting one.
02:23:53.260 | And that seems like more to the spirit maybe
02:23:57.060 | of what Turing was imagining.
02:24:01.020 | But what for you do you think in the space of tests
02:24:04.220 | is a good test?
02:24:06.540 | When you see a system based on psych that passes that test,
02:24:10.900 | you'd be like, damn, we've created something special here.
02:24:14.520 | - The test has to be something involving
02:24:19.380 | depth of reasoning and recursiveness of reasoning,
02:24:23.620 | the ability to answer repeated why questions
02:24:27.300 | about the answer you just gave.
02:24:28.940 | - How many why questions in a row can you keep answering?
02:24:32.820 | - Something like that.
02:24:33.980 | And also--
02:24:36.260 | - Just have like a young curious child and an AI system.
02:24:39.740 | And how long will an AI system last
02:24:41.820 | before it wants to quit?
02:24:43.180 | - Yes, and again, that's not the only test.
02:24:45.380 | Another one has to do with argumentation.
02:24:47.940 | In other words, here's a proposition.
02:24:50.140 | Come up with pro and con arguments for it
02:24:56.060 | and try and give me convincing arguments on both sides.
02:25:01.060 | So that's another important kind of ability
02:25:06.220 | that the system needs to be able to exhibit
02:25:09.660 | in order to really be intelligent, I think.
02:25:12.780 | - So there's certain, I mean, if you look at IBM Watson
02:25:16.140 | and like certain impressive accomplishments
02:25:18.220 | for very specific tests, almost like a demo, right?
02:25:22.740 | There is some, like I talked to the guy
02:25:28.460 | who led the Jeopardy effort.
02:25:33.780 | And there's some kind of hard coding heuristics tricks
02:25:37.780 | that you try to pull it all together
02:25:39.700 | to make the thing work in the end for this thing, right?
02:25:42.820 | That seems to be one of the lessons with AI
02:25:45.380 | is like that's the fastest way to get a solution
02:25:49.100 | that's pretty damn impressive.
02:25:50.420 | - So here's what I would say is that
02:25:53.300 | as impressive as that was, it made some mistakes.
02:25:59.220 | But more importantly, many of the mistakes it made
02:26:02.980 | were mistakes which no human would have made.
02:26:05.780 | And so part of the new or augmented Turing tests
02:26:11.860 | would have to be, and the mistakes you make
02:26:18.220 | are ones which humans don't basically look at and say, what?
02:26:23.020 | So for example, there was a question
02:26:28.700 | about which 16th century Italian politician, blah, blah, blah
02:26:33.700 | and Watson said, Ronald Reagan.
02:26:37.140 | So most Americans would have gotten that question wrong
02:26:40.260 | but they would never have said Ronald Reagan as an answer
02:26:43.780 | because among the things they know
02:26:47.380 | is that he lived relatively recently
02:26:49.980 | and people don't really live 400 years
02:26:52.380 | and things like that.
02:26:53.860 | So that's, I think, a very important thing
02:26:57.020 | which is if it's making mistakes
02:26:59.900 | which no normal sane human would have made,
02:27:04.020 | then that's a really bad sign.
02:27:05.700 | And if it's not making those kinds of mistakes,
02:27:08.180 | then that's a good sign.
02:27:10.020 | And I don't think it's any one very, very simple test.
02:27:12.980 | I think it's all of the things you mentioned,
02:27:14.940 | all the things I mentioned,
02:27:16.020 | there's really a battery of tests which together,
02:27:19.660 | if it passes almost all of these tests,
02:27:22.460 | it would be hard to argue that it's not intelligent.
02:27:25.140 | And if it fails several of these tests,
02:27:28.380 | it's really hard to argue that it really understands
02:27:30.980 | what it's doing and that it really is generally intelligent.
02:27:33.340 | - So to pass all of those tests,
02:27:35.860 | we've talked a lot about psych and knowledge and reasoning.
02:27:40.660 | Do you think this AI system would need to have
02:27:44.180 | some other human-like elements,
02:27:46.700 | for example, a body or a physical manifestation in this world
02:27:52.380 | and another one which seems to be fundamental
02:27:55.660 | to the human experience is consciousness,
02:27:58.660 | the subjective experience of what it's like
02:28:02.300 | to actually be you.
02:28:04.540 | Do you think it needs those to be able to pass
02:28:06.980 | all of those tests and to achieve general intelligence?
02:28:09.380 | - It's a good question.
02:28:10.220 | I think in the case of a body, no.
02:28:12.660 | I know there are a lot of people like Penrose
02:28:15.300 | who would have disagreed with me and others,
02:28:19.460 | but no, I don't think it needs to have a body
02:28:22.060 | in order to be intelligent.
02:28:24.300 | I think that it needs to be able to talk about
02:28:28.300 | having a body and having sensations
02:28:31.900 | and having emotions and so on.
02:28:34.020 | It doesn't actually have to have all of that,
02:28:37.660 | but it has to understand it in the same way
02:28:39.500 | that Helen Keller was perfectly intelligent
02:28:42.500 | and able to talk about colors and sounds and shapes
02:28:47.580 | and so on, even though she didn't directly experience
02:28:52.100 | all the same things that the rest of us do.
02:28:54.500 | So knowledge of it and being able to correctly make use
02:28:59.500 | of that is certainly an important facility,
02:29:04.980 | but actually having a body, if you believe that,
02:29:07.940 | that's just a kind of religious or mystical belief.
02:29:11.420 | You can't really argue for or against it, I suppose.
02:29:15.020 | It's just something that some people believe.
02:29:19.220 | - What about an extension of the body,
02:29:22.540 | which is consciousness?
02:29:23.660 | I mean, it feels like something to be here.
02:29:27.980 | - Sure, but what does that really mean?
02:29:30.620 | It's like, well, if I talk to you,
02:29:32.340 | you say things which make me believe that you're conscious.
02:29:35.940 | I know that I'm conscious, but you're just taking
02:29:38.700 | my word for it now.
02:29:40.380 | But in the same sense, psych is conscious
02:29:43.340 | in that same sense already, where of course it understands
02:29:46.420 | it's a computer program, it understands where
02:29:48.660 | and when it's running, it understands who's talking to it,
02:29:51.420 | it understands what its task is, what its goals are,
02:29:54.300 | what its current problem is that it's working on.
02:29:56.780 | It understands how long it's spent on things,
02:29:58.700 | what it's tried, it understands what it's done in the past
02:30:02.700 | and so on.
02:30:04.060 | And if we want to call that consciousness,
02:30:08.380 | then yes, psych is already conscious,
02:30:11.180 | but I don't think that I would ascribe anything mystical
02:30:15.140 | to that, again, some people would,
02:30:17.100 | but I would say that other than our own personal experience
02:30:21.300 | of consciousness, we're just treating everyone else
02:30:24.300 | in the world, so to speak, at their word
02:30:28.060 | about being conscious.
02:30:29.580 | And so if a computer program, if an AI is able to exhibit
02:30:34.580 | all the same kinds of response as you would expect
02:30:40.260 | of a conscious entity, then doesn't it deserve
02:30:44.940 | the label of consciousness just as much?
02:30:47.420 | - So there's another burden that comes
02:30:49.220 | with this whole intelligence thing that humans got
02:30:52.020 | is the extinguishing of the light of consciousness,
02:30:57.020 | which is kind of realizing that we're gonna be dead someday.
02:31:02.380 | And there's a bunch of philosophers like Ernest Becker
02:31:05.700 | who kind of think that this realization of mortality
02:31:10.420 | and then fear, sometimes they call it terror,
02:31:14.300 | of mortality is one of the creative forces
02:31:19.300 | behind human condition, like it's the thing that drives us.
02:31:25.300 | Do you think it's important for an AI system,
02:31:27.860 | you know, when psych proposed that it's not human
02:31:34.440 | and it's one of the moderators of its contents,
02:31:37.860 | you know, there's another question it could ask,
02:31:42.440 | which is like, it kind of knows that humans are mortal.
02:31:45.740 | Am I mortal?
02:31:47.480 | And I think one really important thing that's possible
02:31:52.360 | when you're conscious is to fear the extinguishing
02:31:55.460 | of that consciousness, the fear of mortality.
02:31:58.920 | Do you think that's useful for intelligence?
02:32:02.000 | Thinking like I might die and I really don't want to die.
02:32:05.280 | - I don't think so.
02:32:06.700 | I think it may help some humans to be better people.
02:32:11.700 | It may help some humans to be more creative and so on.
02:32:16.180 | I don't think it's necessary for AIs to believe
02:32:21.180 | that they have limited lifespans
02:32:23.320 | and therefore they should make the most of their behavior.
02:32:25.820 | Maybe eventually the answer to that
02:32:28.480 | and my answer to that will change.
02:32:30.440 | But as of now, I would say that that's almost like a frill
02:32:34.060 | or a side effect that is not,
02:32:36.620 | in fact, if you look at most humans,
02:32:38.740 | most humans ignore the fact that they're going to die
02:32:42.380 | most of the time.
02:32:44.980 | - Well, but that's like,
02:32:46.620 | this goes to the white space between the words.
02:32:49.540 | So what Ernest Becker argues is that that ignoring
02:32:53.040 | is we're living in an illusion that we constructed
02:32:55.480 | on the foundation of this terror.
02:32:57.720 | So we're escape life as we know it,
02:33:00.980 | pursuing things, creating things, love,
02:33:04.720 | everything we can think of that's beautiful about humanity
02:33:08.500 | is just trying to escape this realization
02:33:11.620 | that we're going to die one day.
02:33:13.160 | That's his idea and I think, I don't know if I 100%
02:33:18.160 | believe in this, but it certainly rhymes.
02:33:22.620 | It seems like to me, like it rhymes with the truth.
02:33:26.260 | - Yeah, I think that for some people,
02:33:28.420 | that's gonna be a more powerful factor than others.
02:33:33.020 | - Clearly, Doug is talking about Russians.
02:33:35.500 | - And I think that--
02:33:37.300 | (laughing)
02:33:39.740 | - So I'm Russian, so clearly it infiltrates
02:33:42.740 | all of Russian literature.
02:33:44.400 | - And AI doesn't have to have fear of death
02:33:49.400 | as a motivating force in that we can build in motivation.
02:33:55.540 | So we can build in the motivation of obeying users
02:34:00.540 | and making users happy and making others happy and so on.
02:34:05.620 | And that can substitute for this sort of personal fear
02:34:10.620 | of death that sometimes leads to bursts
02:34:14.620 | of creativity in humans.
02:34:16.980 | - Yeah, I don't know.
02:34:17.820 | I think AI really needs to understand death deeply
02:34:22.060 | in order to be able to drive a car, for example.
02:34:24.900 | I think there's just some, like--
02:34:28.220 | - No, I really disagree.
02:34:30.080 | I think it needs to understand the value of human life,
02:34:33.640 | especially the value of human life to other humans,
02:34:36.140 | and understand that certain things are more important
02:34:41.540 | than other things, so it has to have a lot of knowledge
02:34:44.260 | about ethics and morality and so on.
02:34:48.060 | - But some of it is so messy that it's impossible to encode.
02:34:51.180 | For example, there's--
02:34:52.020 | - I disagree.
02:34:53.720 | So if there's a person dying right in front of us,
02:34:56.260 | most human beings would help that person,
02:34:59.260 | but they would not apply that same ethics
02:35:02.220 | to everybody else in the world.
02:35:04.500 | This is the tragedy of how difficult it is to be a doctor
02:35:08.020 | because they know when they help a dying child,
02:35:11.420 | they know that the money they're spending on this child
02:35:14.860 | cannot possibly be spent on every other child that's dying.
02:35:18.580 | And that's a very difficult to encode decision.
02:35:23.240 | Now, perhaps it is, perhaps it could be formalized.
02:35:27.780 | - Oh, but I mean, you're talking about
02:35:30.180 | autonomous vehicles, right?
02:35:31.780 | So autonomous vehicles are going to have to make
02:35:34.740 | those decisions all the time of what is the chance
02:35:39.740 | of this bad event happening, how bad is that compared
02:35:44.220 | to this chance of that bad event happening, and so on,
02:35:47.300 | and when a potential accident is about to happen,
02:35:51.340 | is it worth taking this risk?
02:35:52.900 | If I have to make a choice, which of these two cars
02:35:55.400 | am I going to hit and why?
02:35:57.000 | - See, I was thinking about a very different choice
02:35:59.220 | when I'm talking about fear of mortality,
02:36:01.100 | which is just observing Manhattan style driving.
02:36:06.020 | I think that humans as an effective driver
02:36:09.660 | needs to threaten pedestrians' lives a lot.
02:36:14.660 | There's a dance, I've watched pedestrians a lot,
02:36:17.380 | I worked on this problem, and it seems like the,
02:36:21.380 | if I could summarize the problem of a pedestrian crossing
02:36:25.460 | is the car with this movement is saying,
02:36:28.260 | "I'm going to kill you," and the pedestrian is saying,
02:36:32.040 | "Maybe," and then they decide and they say,
02:36:34.400 | "No, I don't think you have the guts to kill me,"
02:36:36.660 | and they walk in front and they look away,
02:36:39.260 | and there's that dance, the pedestrian,
02:36:42.980 | as this is social contract, that the pedestrian trusts
02:36:46.360 | that once they're in front of the car
02:36:47.500 | and the car is sufficiently, from a physics perspective,
02:36:51.060 | able to stop, they're going to stop.
02:36:53.140 | But the car also has to threaten that pedestrian,
02:36:55.460 | it's like, "I'm late for work,
02:36:57.460 | "so you're being kind of an asshole
02:36:59.380 | "by crossing in front of me,"
02:37:00.980 | but life and death is part of the calculation here,
02:37:05.760 | and that equation is being solved millions of times a day.
02:37:10.760 | - Yes. - Very effectively.
02:37:12.820 | That game theory, whatever that formulation is.
02:37:15.260 | - Absolutely.
02:37:16.100 | - I just, I don't know if it's as simple
02:37:18.200 | as some formalizable game theory problem.
02:37:22.140 | It could very well be in the case of driving
02:37:24.540 | and in the case of most of human society.
02:37:28.100 | I don't know, but yeah, you might be right
02:37:31.380 | that the fear of death is just one of the quirks
02:37:34.820 | of the way our brains have evolved,
02:37:38.500 | but it's not a necessary feature of intelligence.
02:37:42.120 | - Drivers certainly are always doing this kind of estimate,
02:37:45.740 | even if it's unconscious, subconscious,
02:37:48.740 | of what are the chances of various bad outcomes happening,
02:37:52.640 | like for instance, if I don't wait for this pedestrian
02:37:56.200 | or something like that,
02:37:57.600 | and what is the downside to me going to be
02:38:01.300 | in terms of time wasted talking to the police
02:38:06.100 | or getting sent to jail or things like that.
02:38:10.340 | - And there's also emotion,
02:38:12.980 | like people in their cars tend to get irrationally angry.
02:38:16.940 | - That's dangerous, but think about,
02:38:19.820 | this is all part of why I think that autonomous vehicles,
02:38:23.860 | truly autonomous vehicles are farther out
02:38:26.220 | than most people do,
02:38:28.580 | because there is this enormous level of complexity
02:38:32.340 | which goes beyond mechanically controlling the car.
02:38:38.140 | And I can see the autonomous vehicles
02:38:42.860 | as a kind of metaphorical and literal accident
02:38:45.260 | waiting to happen.
02:38:46.940 | And not just because of their overall incurring
02:38:51.940 | versus preventing accidents and so on,
02:38:56.740 | but just because of the almost voracious appetite
02:39:01.740 | people have for bad stories,
02:39:08.040 | bad stories about powerful companies and powerful entities.
02:39:12.120 | When I was at a, coincidentally,
02:39:16.600 | Japanese fifth generation computing system conference
02:39:19.760 | in 1987, while I happened to be there,
02:39:23.560 | there was a worker at an auto plant
02:39:25.240 | who was despondent and committed suicide
02:39:27.480 | by climbing under the safety chains and so on,
02:39:30.240 | getting stamped to death by a machine.
02:39:32.800 | And instead of being a small story that said,
02:39:35.800 | despondent worker commits suicide,
02:39:38.280 | it was front page news that effectively said,
02:39:42.160 | robot kills worker,
02:39:44.240 | because the public is just waiting for stories
02:39:47.920 | about like AI kills phonogenic family of five type stories.
02:39:52.920 | And even if you could show that nationwide,
02:39:58.000 | this system saved more lives than it cost
02:40:01.400 | and saved more injuries,
02:40:03.480 | prevented more injuries than it caused and so on,
02:40:06.600 | the media, the public, the government is just coiled
02:40:10.600 | and ready to pounce on stories where in fact it failed,
02:40:16.760 | even if they're relatively few.
02:40:18.540 | - Yeah, it's so fascinating to watch us humans
02:40:23.200 | resisting the cutting edge of science and technology
02:40:27.520 | and almost like hoping for it to fail and constantly,
02:40:31.120 | this just happens over and over and over
02:40:33.040 | throughout history.
02:40:33.880 | - Or even if we're not hoping for it to fail,
02:40:35.440 | we're fascinated by it.
02:40:37.640 | And in terms of what we find interesting,
02:40:40.020 | the one in a thousand failures,
02:40:43.120 | much more interesting than the 999 boring successes.
02:40:48.040 | - So once we build an AGI system,
02:40:50.960 | say psych is some part of it,
02:40:53.800 | and say it's very possible
02:40:57.920 | that you would be one of the first people
02:41:00.520 | that can sit down in the room,
02:41:02.960 | let's say with her and have a conversation,
02:41:06.200 | what would you ask her?
02:41:07.440 | What would you talk about?
02:41:09.280 | - Looking at all of the content
02:41:12.280 | out there on the web and so on,
02:41:18.960 | what are some possible solutions to big problems
02:41:26.600 | that the world has
02:41:29.960 | that people haven't really thought of before
02:41:33.160 | that are not being properly or at least adequately pursued?
02:41:38.160 | What are some novel solutions that you can think of
02:41:43.120 | that we haven't, that might work
02:41:46.480 | and that might be worth considering?
02:41:48.920 | - That is a damn good question.
02:41:50.800 | - Given that the AGI is going to be somewhat different
02:41:53.800 | from human intelligence,
02:41:56.040 | it's still going to make some mistakes
02:41:57.760 | that we wouldn't make,
02:41:59.000 | but it's also possibly going to notice
02:42:01.840 | some blind spots we have.
02:42:04.080 | And I would love, as a test of is it really
02:42:09.080 | on a par with our intelligences,
02:42:12.720 | can it help spot some of the blind spots that we have?
02:42:16.080 | - So the two-part question of can you help identify
02:42:21.280 | what are the big problems in the world
02:42:23.200 | and two, what are some novel solutions to those problems?
02:42:27.320 | - That are not being talked about by anyone.
02:42:30.040 | And some of those may become infeasible
02:42:35.280 | or reprehensible or something,
02:42:36.600 | but some of them might be actually great things to look at.
02:42:39.600 | If you go back and look at some of the most
02:42:42.840 | powerful discoveries that have been made,
02:42:45.840 | like relativity and superconductivity and so on,
02:42:50.520 | a lot of them were cases where someone took seriously
02:42:56.520 | the idea that there might actually be
02:42:59.720 | a non-obvious answer to a question.
02:43:04.480 | So in Einstein's case, it was,
02:43:06.680 | yeah, the Lorentz transformation is known,
02:43:09.400 | nobody believes that it's actually the way reality works,
02:43:12.100 | what if it were the way that reality actually worked?
02:43:15.240 | So a lot of people don't realize
02:43:16.920 | he didn't actually work out that equation,
02:43:18.480 | he just sort of took it seriously.
02:43:20.880 | Or in the case of superconductivity,
02:43:23.000 | you have this V equals IR equation
02:43:25.560 | where R is resistance and so on.
02:43:27.620 | And it was being mapped at lower and lower temperatures,
02:43:32.560 | but everyone thought that was just bump on a log research
02:43:35.400 | to show that V equals IR always held.
02:43:39.440 | And then when some graduate student
02:43:42.360 | got to a slightly lower temperature
02:43:45.760 | and showed that resistance suddenly dropped off,
02:43:47.720 | everyone just assumed that they did it wrong.
02:43:50.400 | And it was only a little while later
02:43:52.800 | that they realized it was actually a new phenomenon.
02:43:56.600 | Or in the case of the H. pylori bacteria
02:44:01.600 | causing stomach ulcers,
02:44:03.800 | where everyone thought that stress
02:44:05.300 | and stomach acid caused ulcers.
02:44:07.700 | And when a doctor in Australia
02:44:11.360 | claimed it was actually a bacterial infection,
02:44:15.480 | he couldn't get anyone seriously to listen to him
02:44:17.840 | and he had to ultimately inject himself with the bacteria
02:44:22.840 | to show that he suddenly developed a life-threatening ulcer
02:44:26.680 | in order to get other doctors to seriously consider that.
02:44:29.840 | So there are all sorts of things
02:44:31.400 | where humans are locked into paradigms,
02:44:34.960 | what Thomas Kuhn called paradigms,
02:44:37.080 | and we can't get out of them very easily.
02:44:40.440 | So a lot of AI is locked into the deep learning,
02:44:44.400 | machine learning paradigm right now.
02:44:47.400 | And almost all of us and almost all sciences
02:44:50.640 | are locked into current paradigms.
02:44:52.720 | And Kuhn's point was pretty much you have to wait
02:44:56.960 | for people to die in order for the new generation
02:45:01.240 | to escape those paradigms.
02:45:03.200 | And I think that one of the things
02:45:04.520 | that would change that sad reality
02:45:07.200 | is if we had trusted AGIs that could help take a step back
02:45:12.200 | and question some of the paradigms
02:45:15.920 | that we're currently locked into.
02:45:17.880 | - Yeah, it would accelerate the paradigm shifts
02:45:20.640 | in human science and progress.
02:45:23.440 | You've lived a very interesting life
02:45:28.080 | where you thought about big ideas and you stuck with them.
02:45:31.260 | Can you give advice to young people today,
02:45:34.920 | somebody in high school, somebody undergrad,
02:45:38.400 | about career, about life?
02:45:43.840 | - I'd say you can make a difference.
02:45:45.960 | But in order to make a difference,
02:45:49.040 | you're gonna have to have the courage
02:45:51.520 | to follow through with ideas
02:45:54.700 | which other people might not immediately understand
02:45:59.480 | or support.
02:46:02.400 | You have to realize that if you make some plan
02:46:06.400 | that's going to take an extended period of time
02:46:13.540 | to carry out, don't be afraid of that.
02:46:16.440 | That's true of physical training of your body.
02:46:20.680 | That's true of learning some profession.
02:46:25.680 | That's also true of innovation.
02:46:29.320 | That some innovations are not great ideas
02:46:32.440 | you can write down on a napkin
02:46:34.820 | and become an instant success if you turn out to be right.
02:46:38.360 | Some of them are paths you have to follow,
02:46:43.000 | but remember that you're mortal.
02:46:45.500 | Remember that you have a limited number
02:46:47.640 | of decade-sized debts to make with your life
02:46:52.640 | and you should make each one of them count.
02:46:55.600 | And that's true in personal relationships.
02:46:57.960 | That's true in career choice.
02:47:00.160 | That's true in making discoveries and so on.
02:47:03.780 | And if you follow the path of least resistance,
02:47:06.700 | you'll find that you're optimizing for short periods of time
02:47:12.600 | and before you know it, you turn around
02:47:14.560 | and long periods of time have gone by
02:47:17.000 | without you ever really making a difference in the world.
02:47:20.240 | - You know, when you look,
02:47:21.920 | I mean, the field that I really love
02:47:23.800 | is artificial intelligence and there's not many projects.
02:47:27.560 | There's not many little flames of hope
02:47:31.220 | that have been carried out for many years, for decades,
02:47:34.240 | and Psyche represents one of them.
02:47:36.560 | And I mean, that in itself is just a really inspiring thing.
02:47:42.400 | So I'm deeply grateful that you would be carrying that flame
02:47:46.600 | for so many years and I think that's an inspiration
02:47:48.660 | to young people.
02:47:49.880 | That said, you said life is finite
02:47:51.920 | and we talked about mortality as a feature of AGI.
02:47:55.240 | Do you think about your own mortality?
02:47:57.440 | Are you afraid of death?
02:47:58.640 | - Sure, I'd be crazy if I weren't.
02:48:02.880 | And as I get older, I'm now over 70.
02:48:07.440 | So as I get older, it's more on my mind,
02:48:11.000 | especially as acquaintances and friends
02:48:14.080 | and especially mentors, one by one are dying.
02:48:18.800 | So I can't avoid thinking about mortality.
02:48:22.680 | And I think that the good news from the point of view
02:48:26.720 | in the rest of the world is that that adds impetus
02:48:30.640 | to my need to succeed in a small number of years
02:48:33.920 | in the future.
02:48:34.760 | (Lex laughing)
02:48:35.600 | - You have a deadline.
02:48:36.800 | - Exactly, I'm not gonna have another 37 years
02:48:39.560 | to continue working on this.
02:48:41.440 | So we really do want psych to make an impact in the world,
02:48:46.360 | commercially, physically, metaphysically,
02:48:49.300 | in the next small number of years, two, three, five years,
02:48:53.680 | not two, three, five decades anymore.
02:48:56.320 | And so this is really driving me toward
02:48:59.840 | this sort of commercialization
02:49:02.680 | and increasingly widespread application of psych.
02:49:07.960 | Whereas before I felt that I could just sort of sit back,
02:49:11.600 | roll my eyes, wait till the world caught up.
02:49:14.480 | And now I don't feel that way anymore.
02:49:16.640 | I feel like I need to put in some effort
02:49:19.400 | to make the world aware of what we have and what it can do.
02:49:23.640 | And the good news from your point of view
02:49:25.160 | is that that's why I'm sitting here instead.
02:49:27.440 | - You're gonna be more productive.
02:49:28.680 | (Lex laughing)
02:49:30.680 | I love it.
02:49:31.520 | And if I can help in any way, I would love to,
02:49:34.200 | from a programmer perspective,
02:49:38.000 | I love, especially these days,
02:49:40.440 | just contributing in small and big ways.
02:49:42.720 | So if there's any open sourcing from an MIT side
02:49:46.080 | and the research, I would love to help.
02:49:48.520 | But bigger than psych, like I said,
02:49:51.680 | it's that little flame that you're carrying
02:49:53.360 | of artificial intelligence, the big dream.
02:49:55.840 | Is there, what do you hope your legacy is?
02:50:00.040 | - That's a good question.
02:50:04.280 | That people think of me as one of the pioneers
02:50:09.280 | or inventors of the AI that is ubiquitous
02:50:14.320 | and that they take for granted and so on.
02:50:18.560 | Much the way that today we look back
02:50:22.080 | on the pioneers of electricity
02:50:25.480 | or the pioneers of similar types of technologies and so on
02:50:31.120 | as it's hard to imagine what life would be like
02:50:35.480 | if these people hadn't done what they did.
02:50:39.920 | So that's one thing that I'd like to be remembered as.
02:50:43.680 | Another is that--
02:50:45.160 | - So the creator, one of the originators
02:50:47.800 | of this gigantic knowledge store and acquisition system
02:50:52.800 | that is likely to be at the center
02:50:57.760 | of whatever this future AI thing will look like.
02:51:00.480 | - Yes, exactly.
02:51:01.840 | And I'd also like to be remembered as someone
02:51:04.040 | who wasn't afraid to spend several decades
02:51:09.040 | on a project in a time when almost all of the other forces,
02:51:16.480 | institutional forces and commercial forces
02:51:25.480 | are incenting people to go for short-term rewards.
02:51:29.840 | - And a lot of people gave up.
02:51:31.440 | A lot of people that dreamt the same dream as you gave up.
02:51:36.440 | - Yes. - And you didn't.
02:51:38.040 | - Yes.
02:51:38.880 | - I mean, Doug, it's truly an honor.
02:51:42.680 | This was a long time coming.
02:51:45.200 | A lot of people bring up your work specifically
02:51:50.200 | and more broadly philosophically
02:51:52.320 | of this is the dream of artificial intelligence.
02:51:55.480 | This is likely a part of the future.
02:51:57.680 | We're so sort of focused on machine learning applications,
02:52:00.720 | all that kind of stuff today,
02:52:01.960 | but it seems like the ideas that Cy carries forward
02:52:04.880 | is something that will be at the center of this problem
02:52:09.480 | they're all trying to solve,
02:52:11.080 | which is the problem of intelligence,
02:52:13.720 | emotional and otherwise.
02:52:16.740 | So thank you so much.
02:52:18.320 | It's such a huge honor that you would talk to me
02:52:20.960 | and spend your valuable time with me today.
02:52:23.160 | Thanks for talking.
02:52:24.040 | - Thanks, Lex.
02:52:24.880 | It's been great.
02:52:26.480 | - Thanks for listening to this conversation
02:52:28.160 | with Doug Glennett.
02:52:29.440 | To support this podcast,
02:52:30.840 | please check out our sponsors in the description.
02:52:33.640 | And now let me leave you some words from Mark Twain
02:52:37.000 | about the nature of truth.
02:52:39.160 | If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.
02:52:44.160 | Thank you for listening.
02:52:45.200 | I hope to see you next time.
02:52:46.960 | (upbeat music)
02:52:49.540 | (upbeat music)
02:52:52.120 | [BLANK_AUDIO]