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Directing Conversations | All the Hacks #shorts

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | what questions you have for me, the natural next step might be to say, how
00:00:03.300 | many hours do we work here?
00:00:04.740 | Right now you're coming across as a needy person trying to understand.
00:00:09.060 | It's hard for me to say this, but if you keep asking questions, you come across
00:00:12.140 | as an inferior versus saying, now tell me about the hours at work here.
00:00:16.540 | Talk a little bit about what's expected from us in our off hours.
00:00:20.540 | Talk a little bit about how we connect to each other in the company instead
00:00:24.940 | of, so how do we connect to each other?
00:00:26.660 | So what you're doing in this is one example is directing the person.
00:00:31.340 | Directing gives them the confidence that you can lead them, that you could lead
00:00:37.260 | them through the conversation and also that you can lead at the job.
00:00:40.420 | And so that's a good example of me saying, shouldn't be a question.
00:00:43.520 | Sometimes you just need to make a statement, take control.