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Cal Newport's Planning System (In Detail)


0:0 Cal's intro
1:25 Cal trying to make his tasks fit
5:0 Cal reviews his values
7:11 Cal's maintenance
9:40 Cal's productivity
15:0 Feeling more relaxed

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Before we get to the questions though, I want to do a deep dive.
00:00:04.000 | The big question I want to address in today's deep dive is the following.
00:00:09.600 | How does Cal organize his life?
00:00:14.900 | I've talked about this before, but I'm going to get granular today.
00:00:19.100 | And let me tell you why.
00:00:20.200 | Because of a recent experience I had just a couple days before
00:00:25.100 | recording this episode.
00:00:28.000 | I got very stressed/anxious to the point where I actually lost a lot of sleep.
00:00:34.700 | So yesterday I was very tired.
00:00:36.300 | I was having a hard time sleeping because once my mind got fired up,
00:00:39.600 | I had a hard time falling asleep.
00:00:41.700 | Here was the thing that was making me stressed and anxious.
00:00:44.000 | The fall semester is beginning.
00:00:46.800 | I usually go a little bit lax.
00:00:49.600 | We'll talk about this.
00:00:50.300 | I go a little bit lax on my systems in the summer.
00:00:52.600 | I'm a professor/writer.
00:00:53.900 | So in the summer, I have very little to do but write.
00:00:55.900 | I lean into that.
00:00:57.700 | I take the foot off the gas, put a little bit of my organizational systems.
00:01:01.000 | And then I have to get things locked back in for the fall because things get more busy.
00:01:06.000 | Well, in the summer, I had accreted all of these ancillary new or miscellaneous
00:01:12.000 | disciplines and systems and ideas and projects that I wanted to tackle.
00:01:16.000 | And I had these notes about all these different things I was working on
00:01:19.000 | spread out over many different digital media and many different notebooks.
00:01:23.000 | And a couple days ago, I was like, okay, I have to actually get this stuff all wrangled
00:01:27.100 | and get my systems all ready for the fall.
00:01:28.900 | And I couldn't make it work.
00:01:30.700 | Some of them were redundant with other things.
00:01:34.700 | Some things didn't quite make sense.
00:01:36.400 | Some things seemed like it was just too much.
00:01:38.000 | I was asking myself, there's too many initiatives I was trying to get going.
00:01:41.000 | And it really stressed me out to the point where I had a hard time sleeping.
00:01:44.300 | And yesterday morning, I had an epiphany.
00:01:48.200 | And I'm going to put quotation marks around epiphany here because it is the exact
00:01:53.300 | same epiphany I have every single fall.
00:01:57.900 | Which is that the planning system that I have been perfecting over a decade,
00:02:02.900 | I've been using this for a decade, is what works for me.
00:02:07.300 | And every time I try to reinvent the wheel or add new components onto this,
00:02:12.400 | I get stressed out.
00:02:13.500 | And so I said, you know, I need to do forget this like I do every fall,
00:02:17.100 | go back to my standard planning system,
00:02:19.500 | get all of the pieces of that standard system up and running, and I feel much better.
00:02:24.500 | I feel much better.
00:02:25.300 | This happens to me every summer.
00:02:27.200 | I think I'm going to come up with some new exciting thing that's going to really
00:02:31.300 | jumpstart some sort of ambition of mine.
00:02:33.900 | And I always go back to my same old tried and true three-part planning system
00:02:39.600 | that has performed.
00:02:41.700 | Everything I have done as a professional in the last decade,
00:02:44.400 | which is most of my books, most of my academic work,
00:02:47.900 | happens because of this planning system.
00:02:49.800 | So in honor of it, and in honor of it being the fall and back to school,
00:02:53.900 | and work ramping up again for a lot of people,
00:02:56.200 | I thought I would go through briefly,
00:02:59.200 | but clearly through the planning system I do to organize the stuff in my life
00:03:04.400 | and figure out what to do with my time.
00:03:08.500 | So I have a document.
00:03:12.000 | I call this the root document of the core document,
00:03:14.300 | where I just describe the system.
00:03:16.900 | This, I think, is an important place to start.
00:03:18.700 | I call this rooted productivity, where you have somewhere a core document
00:03:22.200 | from which everything you do actually comes out of it.
00:03:24.900 | Because to me, it's important that everything is written down,
00:03:26.900 | you know where to find it.
00:03:27.700 | So I like to have one core document that just summarizes,
00:03:30.900 | here's the pieces of your system.
00:03:32.300 | So I just have that somewhere.
00:03:33.500 | It's not floating in my head.
00:03:35.000 | So the start, I actually had Jesse load up here the actual document I use.
00:03:41.100 | This is the actual document I use that just summarizes
00:03:43.800 | the high level of my planning system.
00:03:45.300 | The exact wording I use, you'll notice as we go through this here,
00:03:48.300 | it's not perfectly written.
00:03:50.700 | It's not perfectly clear.
00:03:52.100 | It's for me, but I will go through it.
00:03:55.200 | All right, so let's start with this.
00:03:56.200 | All right, for those of you who are watching on the YouTube channel,
00:03:58.800 | you can see this.
00:03:59.500 | For those who are listening, I'll narrate it.
00:04:01.300 | At the top of this document is a title core systems.
00:04:04.700 | Here's what I say.
00:04:06.300 | Below are summaries of the three main categories
00:04:11.000 | that contain the elements of my core systems.
00:04:13.200 | Core documents, productivity, and discipline.
00:04:16.200 | So I've broken this document into those three sections.
00:04:20.100 | Everything related to my core planning system
00:04:23.200 | falls under one of those three categories.
00:04:26.500 | All right, so we start with category number one, core documents.
00:04:29.900 | There's two.
00:04:32.100 | Two types of core documents I maintain for my system.
00:04:34.000 | One is values, a document that, as I say here,
00:04:38.400 | describes my roles and values by which I try to live.
00:04:44.300 | And you'll see, like, if you're looking at this online,
00:04:45.900 | it's important, the wording's kind of weird.
00:04:47.900 | Because again, it's for me.
00:04:49.900 | It's not like an essay I'm publishing.
00:04:51.200 | It's not polished. It doesn't have to be polished.
00:04:52.800 | I know what it means.
00:04:53.400 | All right, the other type of documents I keep are my career
00:04:56.500 | and personal strategic plans.
00:04:59.200 | This is me reading the words here.
00:05:01.000 | I have one plan for each of these two parts of my life
00:05:03.000 | that lays out my current thoughts, experimental systems,
00:05:05.000 | and plans for living true to my values.
00:05:08.100 | So what I'm trying to say there, again,
00:05:09.300 | because the writing's not perfect here,
00:05:10.500 | is like, just what's my plan for pursuing those parts of my life
00:05:13.100 | in a way that is true to my values?
00:05:14.800 | I then have a note that says,
00:05:15.800 | sometimes I'll have extended plans
00:05:17.900 | that I'll link to from those documents.
00:05:19.400 | So if there's a particular big project or initiative
00:05:21.800 | I'm working on, I might describe that in its own document
00:05:25.200 | and link to it from, let's say, the professional strategic plan.
00:05:29.600 | All right, so those are the three documents
00:05:31.100 | at the core of my system.
00:05:32.100 | My values, here are my values, the roles of my life,
00:05:35.200 | the values by which I live those roles,
00:05:36.900 | and then my career and non-career strategic plans.
00:05:42.000 | I have this subcategory here called maintenance,
00:05:45.200 | and it talks about how I update these documents.
00:05:48.700 | And there's three things here,
00:05:49.600 | and I'll just summarize this at the high level.
00:05:51.400 | Once a week, I look at my values
00:05:53.200 | and create what I call a values plan.
00:05:55.900 | This is where I emphasize particular values
00:05:59.300 | I maybe need to be focusing on or I've fallen off of them.
00:06:02.100 | Sometimes I'll have some habits in mind
00:06:03.800 | to help emphasize a particular value.
00:06:06.100 | Community connection is important.
00:06:07.400 | Maybe I need to try for this week
00:06:09.900 | calling someone every day, that type of thing.
00:06:13.100 | So I put this into a kind of a separate,
00:06:14.900 | what I call a value plan.
00:06:16.100 | So it's sort of clarifying and calling out
00:06:17.600 | what's important in my values for that week.
00:06:19.600 | I've noted on here that I also include in my value plan
00:06:22.800 | best practices for mental health.
00:06:25.700 | So what am I doing to help keep my mind sharp
00:06:30.300 | and healthy and away from anxiety?
00:06:32.000 | I like to think through my practices,
00:06:33.400 | have those written down.
00:06:34.400 | So I try to about once a week to update this values plan.
00:06:38.900 | All right, for my strategic plans,
00:06:40.700 | how do I maintain those?
00:06:42.100 | Well, once a week, I review them.
00:06:46.000 | We'll get into that more.
00:06:48.100 | And then I say here, I can tweak them
00:06:49.400 | or change them at any time,
00:06:51.100 | but I wanna make sure at the very least
00:06:52.400 | at the beginning of each new semester, I overhaul it.
00:06:55.700 | So they're written for a semester at a time,
00:06:58.200 | but I can tweak them at any time I feel like I should.
00:07:00.500 | And then finally, I talk about my idea notebook
00:07:02.600 | or digital idea storage system.
00:07:04.700 | So I use Obsidian as well as Moleskine.
00:07:07.500 | And I keep ideas in there.
00:07:09.600 | And at the very least, when I do my semester plans
00:07:11.600 | or the updates to the strategic plans,
00:07:13.200 | I'll go through and check those ideas
00:07:14.800 | and see if I need to act on any of them.
00:07:17.000 | All right, so that is the core documents
00:07:20.900 | and how I maintain them.
00:07:21.700 | So quick summary of a document of my values.
00:07:24.000 | I have a career and personal strategic plan.
00:07:27.300 | I look at the values once a week
00:07:28.700 | and pull out this values plan
00:07:30.200 | to just to help keep that at the center of my life.
00:07:32.000 | And I update those strategic plans
00:07:34.000 | usually about once a semester.
00:07:35.500 | All right, the next category for my core systems
00:07:39.900 | is productivity.
00:07:41.200 | So how do I actually organize my time
00:07:46.200 | in a way where I am happy with what I'm producing?
00:07:49.700 | I break this down into weekly and daily planning.
00:07:53.300 | So weekly, each week, I build a weekly plan
00:07:59.500 | based on a review of my strategic plans,
00:08:01.200 | my calendar, my task list, and my value plan.
00:08:02.900 | So I do a weekly plan.
00:08:03.800 | You've heard me talk about this.
00:08:04.700 | I don't get into detail here
00:08:05.800 | about what goes into the weekly plan
00:08:07.100 | because I play it by ear.
00:08:08.800 | I'm flexible.
00:08:10.100 | A very complicated week
00:08:11.500 | in the middle of an academic semester
00:08:13.700 | might have an intricate Jenga game
00:08:15.400 | of how I'm gonna make the whole week work.
00:08:18.100 | A week in July in the middle of the summer
00:08:20.300 | might say, "Write!"
00:08:22.000 | And that's it.
00:08:25.600 | So I don't have a set format for that.
00:08:27.100 | But it's how I make sense of,
00:08:28.900 | what am I working on this week?
00:08:30.800 | What do I need to keep in mind?
00:08:32.100 | Are there any habits or heuristics
00:08:33.600 | I wanna have on top of mind?
00:08:34.900 | Is there any particular things
00:08:36.200 | I need to get done this week?
00:08:37.400 | I need to remember to get it done.
00:08:39.200 | How am I even just attacking this week?
00:08:41.300 | All that's in the weekly plan.
00:08:42.800 | All right, then each day,
00:08:45.600 | I review my weekly plan.
00:08:48.200 | I review my value plan.
00:08:49.300 | I look at my calendar.
00:08:50.600 | And if it's a weekday, I make a time block plan.
00:08:52.800 | So my weekly plan, I check it every day.
00:08:56.200 | The calendar I check every day.
00:08:58.400 | Look at my value plan.
00:08:59.200 | I gotta remember, what am I focusing on?
00:09:00.700 | What's important in my values?
00:09:01.800 | And then I make my time block plan for the day.
00:09:03.600 | If it's not a weekday, then I do something looser.
00:09:06.000 | I don't time block plan weekends,
00:09:07.300 | but you might sketch a quick plan.
00:09:10.200 | Hey, what am I working on today?
00:09:11.200 | What do I need to remember?
00:09:12.500 | That's how my planning works.
00:09:15.000 | So you see how these things start to connect together.
00:09:17.600 | The strategic plan influences the weekly plan.
00:09:21.200 | You look at that weekly plan
00:09:22.300 | when you're making your daily plan.
00:09:23.600 | Your daily plan figures out what you're doing right now.
00:09:26.000 | So what you're doing right now
00:09:27.600 | in this particular system
00:09:28.700 | is influenced by your big picture strategic plans,
00:09:31.500 | but you don't have to think
00:09:32.500 | about your big picture strategic plans right now.
00:09:34.600 | It comes down through these different levels.
00:09:36.800 | All right, two other pieces to my productivity system.
00:09:40.300 | Clear work shutdowns with a shutdown complete ritual.
00:09:44.400 | So you gotta have a clear separation
00:09:45.800 | between work and non-work.
00:09:47.300 | Make a rough but intentional plan
00:09:49.800 | for what you wanna do with the rest of your day
00:09:51.400 | when you shut down.
00:09:52.220 | That's my shutdown routine.
00:09:53.800 | And then full capture.
00:09:55.200 | David Allen right here.
00:09:58.000 | Full capture of tasks.
00:09:59.600 | Make sure at the very least at the shutdown each day,
00:10:02.100 | you process all the tasks that you've captured
00:10:04.100 | into the appropriate systems.
00:10:06.700 | Again, this is all about for me, stress management.
00:10:11.100 | I don't want open loops.
00:10:12.300 | I wanna trust if I write something down,
00:10:14.000 | it will get seen, it will get processed.
00:10:16.500 | It'll get put on the calendar
00:10:17.700 | if it's an appointment or reminder.
00:10:19.400 | It'll get put on my task list if it's a task.
00:10:21.700 | It will update my weekly plan
00:10:23.400 | if it's a thought about what I need to change for my plan.
00:10:26.000 | And there it will be seen the next day.
00:10:28.000 | It'll be seen in when I look at my weekly plan.
00:10:30.000 | It'll get reflected in my time block plan.
00:10:31.600 | It'll be seen when I look at the calendar
00:10:33.100 | to make the plan on the relevant day.
00:10:34.800 | The whole game here is trusting.
00:10:37.300 | I don't have to keep track of things in my mind.
00:10:39.800 | I can have this ambitious schema
00:10:42.700 | for how I'm trying to advance these big picture goals
00:10:45.500 | that have all these moving parts
00:10:46.800 | that are rapidly changing in the moment.
00:10:48.400 | I don't wanna worry about any of it
00:10:49.600 | except for what I'm doing in the moment.
00:10:51.200 | And if it's in the evening,
00:10:52.200 | then I should just be worried about
00:10:54.100 | whatever relaxing thing that I'm trying to do.
00:10:56.600 | All right, the third category here is discipline.
00:11:00.600 | So I maintain in my strategic plans
00:11:04.200 | an evolving list of core disciplines.
00:11:08.700 | This might be things about like exercise.
00:11:10.500 | It might be things about the number of deep work hours
00:11:12.900 | you're gonna do each day.
00:11:13.740 | It might be something if you're in sales
00:11:15.060 | about the number of calls you make every day, whatever.
00:11:17.660 | But the point is,
00:11:18.800 | they're disciplines that I try to strictly follow
00:11:20.700 | to lay a foundation for a deep life.
00:11:22.700 | So I think it's important to have hard disciplines.
00:11:25.000 | I do this, I do that, and I do this other thing.
00:11:28.100 | And I always do those things.
00:11:29.100 | These hard boundaries that you follow
00:11:32.500 | to help establish a foundation of a deeper life.
00:11:37.700 | And so that's the third part of my system
00:11:39.440 | is having this evolving list of disciplines.
00:11:41.800 | I talk about here is I often track these with metrics.
00:11:44.760 | Sometimes I don't.
00:11:45.700 | So typically, if it's during an academic semester,
00:11:50.900 | I'll have a metric code for each of my disciplines
00:11:53.700 | where I can keep track of in my time block planner
00:11:55.440 | and the metric planning space.
00:11:56.440 | Did I do this today?
00:11:57.260 | Did I do this today?
00:11:58.100 | I like to actually see it.
00:11:59.240 | Other times I take a break from it,
00:12:02.000 | like in the summer, for example, or over a break,
00:12:04.100 | I might, there are periods I'll take a break for it.
00:12:06.500 | So that is there,
00:12:07.340 | but I'm typically collecting these metrics.
00:12:09.440 | That's it, that's the system.
00:12:11.800 | That system can support massively complicated ambitions.
00:12:17.400 | That system can support an incredibly complicated,
00:12:21.860 | fast moving professional environment
00:12:24.060 | where it's very difficult to keep track
00:12:26.140 | of all the different things that have to fit together.
00:12:27.960 | This system will support that.
00:12:29.860 | This system will support a life outside of work
00:12:34.860 | that you can be present and intentional and interesting
00:12:37.300 | and pursue things that are interesting to you
00:12:38.860 | and develop yourself and develop your mind,
00:12:40.340 | develop your relationships, not get lost in work
00:12:42.340 | and not get completely overwhelmed with anxiety and stress.
00:12:45.840 | This system will support your pursuit
00:12:49.040 | of living truer to your values, living a good life,
00:12:52.300 | trying to actually practice and implement the things
00:12:54.660 | that make a good life good.
00:12:55.560 | All of these things are important.
00:12:57.140 | This simple system that I describe
00:12:58.740 | in these three categories of notes,
00:13:00.640 | in this one document, handles everything.
00:13:03.660 | And it has in my life for over a decade.
00:13:06.960 | So all this extra type of stuff I was trying to do
00:13:09.040 | in the last few weeks, I realized that all fits in here.
00:13:12.160 | I know this, I trust this, it's not perfect.
00:13:14.400 | Some of this stuff is redundant.
00:13:15.900 | Not all of it makes perfect sense.
00:13:17.260 | Why is the value plan a separate thing?
00:13:18.940 | Shouldn't that be part of the weekly planning?
00:13:20.740 | There's all these little legacy incongruities.
00:13:25.240 | Did I say that right, Jesse?
00:13:26.060 | Incongruities.
00:13:27.500 | Yeah, you said it right, incongruities.
00:13:31.140 | Let me write that down in my disciplines.
00:13:33.060 | Say words correctly.
00:13:35.260 | But it all can be captured here.
00:13:39.000 | And it's a system that can flex.
00:13:40.760 | When you're doing complicated things,
00:13:43.140 | these documents can get big.
00:13:44.900 | Your strategic plans get big.
00:13:46.140 | Your task lists get really big.
00:13:48.300 | Your calendar is full.
00:13:49.940 | You have extended plans that you're linking to
00:13:51.940 | from your strategic plans.
00:13:52.960 | Your weekly plans look like epic essays.
00:13:55.440 | And other periods, you're burnt out,
00:13:58.040 | you're going through a hard time.
00:13:59.700 | The system can contract.
00:14:01.800 | Really just down to the basics, here's my values.
00:14:04.540 | Gotta get this core things done in my life.
00:14:07.540 | A lot of like trying to get out of the despair,
00:14:09.740 | get out of the depths.
00:14:10.600 | The system contracts to that as well.
00:14:11.960 | So it's really a flexible system.
00:14:13.800 | So this is my public apology to my system.
00:14:17.500 | Sorry for thinking I could do a little better.
00:14:20.400 | You've always been what I need in my life.
00:14:23.060 | This then is my call to you out there in my audience.
00:14:26.100 | If you don't already have a pretty effective system
00:14:29.060 | that captures all of the parts of your life,
00:14:31.240 | the things that matter to you,
00:14:32.300 | professional, non-professional,
00:14:34.340 | and goes from, captures everything from those big thoughts
00:14:38.600 | all the way down to what you're doing today,
00:14:40.840 | what you're doing tomorrow.
00:14:42.180 | If you don't have a system like that, try this one.
00:14:45.540 | Try this one for a month.
00:14:47.200 | I don't know why it works so well, but it does.
00:14:49.500 | These parts and the way they mingle
00:14:51.240 | and the daily, weekly, and the flexibility,
00:14:53.780 | it's a decade's worth of experimentation.
00:14:57.240 | It does work.
00:14:58.540 | Give it a try.
00:15:00.080 | At first, it feels like a lot of moving pieces.
00:15:01.940 | You get in the rhythm and it actually makes you feel freer.
00:15:05.340 | And actually makes you feel more relaxed.
00:15:07.480 | Hey, trust it, the system's got me.
00:15:09.480 | And in the end, it does produce stuff that matters.
00:15:11.880 | So that's how I do it.
00:15:14.840 | I don't know.
00:15:15.680 | You've heard me talk about this system before.
00:15:17.680 | - Yeah.
00:15:18.520 | - It's not too complicated, right?
00:15:19.680 | I mean, I'm used to it because I've done it for a decade.
00:15:21.980 | It's like muscle memory for me, but I don't know.
00:15:23.920 | When I read it from scratch,
00:15:25.120 | I'm like, do these pieces click?
00:15:28.420 | - I think for people who hear it
00:15:29.820 | for the first couple of times,
00:15:30.740 | they just gotta watch this video
00:15:32.980 | and then hear you say it a couple of times
00:15:35.340 | 'cause it does make a lot of sense after.
00:15:37.140 | And I've been doing it for a couple of years
00:15:39.680 | since you started your podcast.
00:15:41.980 | - Yeah, it's worked for you, right?
00:15:43.240 | - Yeah, it's great.
00:15:44.220 | And then in terms of the discipline stuff,
00:15:47.520 | I was thinking about your buddy, Ryan,
00:15:49.240 | is writing a new book called "Discipline."
00:15:50.680 | Have you already read it?
00:15:52.280 | - Not yet.
00:15:53.120 | "Discipline" is something.
00:15:55.880 | - Yeah.
00:15:57.620 | - I forgot the word is.
00:15:58.440 | Yeah, because Ryan's doing a book
00:15:59.280 | on each of the four cardinal virtues.
00:16:00.920 | - Yeah.
00:16:01.740 | - Yeah.
00:16:02.580 | Yeah, he has a whole book.
00:16:03.420 | I'm excited for it.
00:16:04.480 | - I don't know if he gave you
00:16:05.320 | like an advanced copy or something.
00:16:06.380 | - He will.
00:16:07.220 | I mean, we share an editor.
00:16:09.180 | - Yeah.
00:16:10.020 | - So we tend to see each other's work.
00:16:12.120 | I talk to him quite a bit.
00:16:13.420 | That was the last thing, by the way,
00:16:15.740 | that was added to my,
00:16:16.680 | if you look at a decade,
00:16:18.180 | the last thing that was added to my system
00:16:20.740 | was being explicit about what are the disciplines?
00:16:23.580 | What are the, I do these seven things.
00:16:25.440 | And just being clear about that.
00:16:26.620 | I was kind of informally doing things,
00:16:28.880 | like exercise or whatever.
00:16:30.140 | But for me, if it's not written down,
00:16:32.420 | other people don't have this issue,
00:16:33.320 | but for me, if it's not written down,
00:16:34.640 | I don't fully trust it and then I get anxious.
00:16:37.380 | So I have to have it written down
00:16:39.880 | and it all has to connect back.
00:16:41.440 | It all has to connect back to this root document.
00:16:45.140 | So there we go.
00:16:47.520 | - I was listening to an interview with Sisson and Rogan
00:16:52.520 | and he, it was actually from 2021.
00:16:57.520 | - I listened to that one.
00:16:58.420 | - Yeah.
00:16:59.240 | I just listened to it like yesterday.
00:17:00.520 | I just stumbled across it.
00:17:02.140 | But he was talking about,
00:17:03.440 | they were talking about discipline
00:17:04.640 | and then Rogan was talking about his 15,
00:17:07.120 | like his 25 minute session in the sauna
00:17:09.280 | and then 15 minutes, like the last 10 minutes,
00:17:11.520 | he's got this breathing routine.
00:17:13.620 | If he thinks about anything else,
00:17:14.780 | he adds like an extra breath.
00:17:16.580 | - But you got, if you ever heard Joe Rogan
00:17:20.520 | talk to Laird Hamilton,
00:17:22.580 | I don't know, he was on the show a couple of years ago.
00:17:24.520 | You know Laird Hamilton, right?
00:17:25.440 | - Yeah.
00:17:26.280 | - Laird Hamilton fan.
00:17:27.120 | And Rogan, I guess, was talking about his,
00:17:28.040 | like I do this like hardcore sauna thing.
00:17:30.080 | And Laird was like, hold my beer.
00:17:32.480 | Laird is like insane.
00:17:34.220 | That guy is so interesting.
00:17:35.920 | - He swims with like dumbbells.
00:17:37.320 | - He swims with dumbbells.
00:17:38.280 | He has a giant sauna.
00:17:39.340 | And so Rogan's like, man,
00:17:40.740 | I stay in my sauna for like 15 minutes.
00:17:44.140 | - 25 minutes.
00:17:44.980 | - 25 minutes, yeah.
00:17:45.940 | Laird Hamilton brings an assault bike into the sauna,
00:17:48.920 | which for people who don't know,
00:17:50.380 | is like the hardest single piece of, right?
00:17:52.980 | Exercise equipment.
00:17:53.820 | It's like you do your arms and your legs and resistance.
00:17:56.480 | You're like mountain climbing.
00:17:57.720 | I don't know, it's impossible, right?
00:17:58.680 | It's like one of the hardest single exercise you can do.
00:18:02.240 | He brings one of those into a giant barrel sauna
00:18:04.780 | and does it and then gets into an ice bath.
00:18:08.220 | So, you know,
00:18:11.780 | his discipline document is more impressive than mine.
00:18:14.380 | (upbeat music)
00:18:16.980 | (upbeat music)