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00:00:00.000 | Welcome to Radical Personal Finance, a show dedicated to providing you with the knowledge,
00:00:03.360 | skills, insight, and encouragement you need to live a rich and meaningful life now while
00:00:06.840 | building a plan for financial freedom in 10 years or less.
00:00:09.480 | My name is Josh Ruchite and today on the show I am thrilled to welcome back my friend and
00:00:13.760 | business partner, he of the Watchman Privacy Platform, Gabriel Custodiate.
00:00:18.960 | Gabriel, welcome back to the show for the bazillionth time.
00:00:21.640 | Hey Josh, how's it going?
00:00:24.760 | Very well, sir, very well.
00:00:26.080 | So we are here to do a little bit of promotion.
00:00:28.680 | You and I have collaborated now on, I guess it's been about three different projects,
00:00:33.400 | three different courses that we have done.
00:00:35.720 | We've had a lot of students go through them, a lot of great feedback, and we're updating
00:00:39.760 | them and we are putting them on sale today.
00:00:42.480 | So we didn't do a ton of planning before this episode.
00:00:45.480 | Where do you want to begin?
00:00:47.480 | Yeah, so let's just give them the lay of the land here.
00:00:51.600 | It seems like three courses.
00:00:53.360 | It's been two.
00:00:54.360 | We have the and the
00:00:59.320 | These were going to be 50% off basically for the rest of November.
00:01:05.260 | So 50% off for both of those courses.
00:01:07.600 | You should definitely go pick up both of those.
00:01:09.400 | We'll have links in the show notes, in the description.
00:01:12.820 | You can also, from one of them, click on the profile and get to the other.
00:01:18.640 | But that's kind of the main thing.
00:01:20.240 | All of November, they're going to be 50% off.
00:01:23.960 | And I want to say something to the audience, and I love your audience.
00:01:27.440 | I love my audience.
00:01:30.000 | I want to say this.
00:01:31.000 | So we see these statistics and we know that not everyone who follows radical personal
00:01:36.000 | finance has purchased, in this case, let's talk about the Bitcoin Privacy Course.
00:01:40.400 | That's one of our favorites.
00:01:41.600 | And to me, that's not an acceptable statistic, especially if you care about your finances
00:01:46.480 | and your future.
00:01:47.480 | So we're trying to help you.
00:01:49.040 | And I was trying to think, what would be the turnoffs for people?
00:01:53.560 | And so I understand if some people think that, let's say, Bitcoin and crypto are beyond their
00:01:57.480 | abilities.
00:01:59.000 | But in the course, we explain Bitcoin at a step-by-step level.
00:02:04.160 | We don't miss the forest for the trees.
00:02:05.480 | We don't get overly complicated.
00:02:07.280 | There's an introductory element to the course, and I'm showing you on screen everything I'm
00:02:10.760 | doing.
00:02:11.760 | And of course, lack of knowledge is not an excuse to avoid the greatest monetary freedom
00:02:16.040 | tool ever created.
00:02:17.040 | And that's a conclusion that I've arrived at for Bitcoin in the last couple of years
00:02:20.760 | of studying this and writing a book on it that's coming out soon.
00:02:24.640 | So others of you, and I'm speaking again to you, audience, I'm speaking to you, John and
00:02:29.440 | Natalie and Robert, who's driving in the car right now.
00:02:32.840 | If you think that you already have it figured out, probably there's a few of you, right?
00:02:38.600 | But I want to tell you that owning Bitcoin and Coinbase is not owning Bitcoin.
00:02:42.880 | You don't own Bitcoin if you have it through Coinbase or Swan or any other exchange.
00:02:46.440 | In fact, you're more in danger if you own Bitcoin and Coinbase than if you didn't own
00:02:51.040 | any Bitcoin.
00:02:52.040 | You're KYC, that stands for know your customer.
00:02:55.080 | You've been slapped with the mark of the beast, even though you thought you were avoiding
00:02:59.160 | You've been deceived about what Bitcoin ownership actually is.
00:03:01.800 | So we talked about in this course about how to get actual Bitcoin, private Bitcoin, and
00:03:05.800 | privately that you yourself can possess without any intermediary.
00:03:12.480 | So finally, I would say there's probably two other groups of people who are kind of hesitant
00:03:18.840 | to get into Bitcoin.
00:03:21.080 | And the first one is maybe you're just not interested for some reason, and I think you
00:03:25.080 | should be.
00:03:26.280 | And the other is people who think Bitcoin is a scam because they listen to Peter Schiff
00:03:30.520 | and they told him so.
00:03:32.400 | He told him so.
00:03:34.840 | And what I'll say is Bitcoin has been going on for 14 years now.
00:03:38.080 | 14 years ago, it was set into motion and it has been going ever since.
00:03:43.200 | And it has had at certain times a $1 trillion bounty to hack Bitcoin.
00:03:48.640 | And of course, it has not been hacked, not even close.
00:03:51.160 | It is not going to be hacked.
00:03:53.100 | It's a fabulous tool.
00:03:54.100 | So it's not going anywhere.
00:03:55.800 | It works today.
00:03:57.280 | I'm not talking about investment or speculation.
00:03:59.440 | Of course, if you want to do that, you can.
00:04:01.520 | I'm talking about as a freedom tool.
00:04:04.020 | I can use Bitcoin today to buy pretty much most essential things I want in the world.
00:04:08.360 | I can send Bitcoin to someone else anywhere in the world, any amount, and it's going to
00:04:12.880 | get to them in a reasonable amount of time with no possibility of censorship.
00:04:19.300 | That is amazing.
00:04:20.980 | That is astounding.
00:04:21.980 | That is the strongest property, as some people have noted, that you can have in the world
00:04:27.540 | today.
00:04:29.020 | So Bitcoin is digital money and it's widely accepted now and it simply works.
00:04:35.780 | So I respect Peter Schiff's economics and I understand his critique of blind speculation
00:04:39.980 | in Bitcoin, like products, but nothing he says about actual Bitcoin should be a reason
00:04:44.180 | to discourage you.
00:04:45.380 | So maybe you're a gold bug, right?
00:04:46.820 | And I'll say, try transporting gold around the world in the case of an emergency.
00:04:51.060 | I took a domestic flight with some pieces of silver a few months ago, and just that,
00:04:56.080 | they took me inside for interrogation, right?
00:04:58.080 | If you think that gold is going to help you during an emergency situation where you have
00:05:01.700 | to escape the country or something, it's not going to happen.
00:05:04.700 | Bitcoin is going to happen, right?
00:05:06.340 | When you have a Bitcoin seed phrase, which is 12 words, you have that in your head, you
00:05:10.820 | walk anywhere on earth, you type it into a computer on the other side and you have access
00:05:14.900 | to that.
00:05:16.200 | So I need you to understand how powerful of a privacy tool this is.
00:05:20.380 | Everyone listening right now needs to be in this course.
00:05:23.180 | It's 50% off right now.
00:05:24.940 | There's nothing like it on the internet.
00:05:26.260 | I listened and I read for hundreds of hours in preparation of this.
00:05:30.220 | Nobody explained it in the basic pared down way that I did.
00:05:33.700 | I think it's fabulous.
00:05:34.760 | And I think all of you should definitely be in the Bitcoin course.
00:05:39.820 | We also have a hack proof course, which I won't explain in too much detail, but it helps
00:05:44.920 | you to avoid being part of the $10 trillion cybercrime statistic, which you will inevitably
00:05:50.340 | be in if you don't take the necessary steps to do so.
00:05:53.860 | So those are our two courses.
00:05:55.660 | And I think everyone should be in both of them.
00:05:58.580 | Yeah, 100% agree.
00:06:00.540 | On the on our Bitcoin course right now, we have a 96% five star rating and a 4% four
00:06:06.780 | star rating and no ones, twos and threes.
00:06:10.380 | And I don't think we've had a single unhappy customer.
00:06:13.500 | Do you remember anyone?
00:06:14.500 | I don't I don't think we've had a single request for refund or anything like that.
00:06:17.940 | Or like that.
00:06:18.940 | Correct?
00:06:20.940 | Yeah, no, we don't.
00:06:21.940 | And we're checking email and I'm taking the feedback all the time.
00:06:23.300 | So people send me questions sometimes and I just answer them.
00:06:26.100 | So that's kind of who we are.
00:06:27.340 | We're not some weird corporate giant.
00:06:29.340 | We're not we're going to send you in a loop.
00:06:31.180 | We're here to sell you something if you don't want it, we refund it.
00:06:33.980 | And if you need some help, I'm often willing to help you.
00:06:37.100 | So that's how it goes.
00:06:38.100 | Yeah, it's fantastic.
00:06:39.460 | And we take people from a zero knowledge base to everything you need to know how to clean
00:06:44.380 | up your devices, how to get proper wallets, how to own it, how to buy it, how to use it,
00:06:49.740 | It's fantastic.
00:06:50.740 | So use coupon code BlackFriday50.
00:06:56.020 | Black Friday 50 in order to save 50% here during the month of November.
00:07:00.460 | I don't want to skip over HackProof course, though.
00:07:03.020 | What do you want to say about that, Gabriel?
00:07:05.740 | Yeah, so the HackProof course, for whatever reason, wasn't as interesting to people as
00:07:11.980 | the Bitcoin course.
00:07:12.980 | And I understand that.
00:07:14.060 | But look, I talk to people all the time.
00:07:16.260 | And I talk to friends and family who have been scammed.
00:07:19.940 | I have great operational security.
00:07:21.500 | I still get all these scam emails all the time.
00:07:24.140 | And all it takes is one click and one type in of your login credentials and boom, you're
00:07:28.620 | out $50 or $100.
00:07:30.980 | We're selling this course for around $50 after the discount.
00:07:36.060 | And this is knowledge that will help you lock down dozens, if not hundreds of aspects of
00:07:43.100 | your life, teach you how to recognize scams, avoid them by email, by phone call, how to
00:07:52.500 | protect yourself against identity theft, protect you against getting your accounts hacked.
00:07:57.040 | This is, again, a four hour course that is essential.
00:08:00.740 | Like anybody who uses the internet needs to understand this stuff.
00:08:04.100 | And just like the Bitcoin course, I tried to pare it down as best I can in a way that
00:08:09.380 | a lot of people, to be honest, don't talk about.
00:08:11.700 | They don't understand that these things at the kind of fundamental level that I tried
00:08:15.540 | to explain it up.
00:08:16.760 | So that's also 50% off.
00:08:20.340 | And if you want to be part of the $10 trillion cybercrime industry statistics, keep doing
00:08:26.500 | what you're doing.
00:08:27.500 | If you don't want to, then go buy this course and listen to it and learn from it.
00:08:31.540 | Yeah.
00:08:32.540 | One of my new year's resolutions, I've done okay, better than most people, not as good
00:08:35.500 | as you, but one of my new year's resolutions for this next year, one of my plans.
00:08:41.340 | Throughout the year is I'm going to systematically fix a few of the holes in my own, in my own
00:08:48.460 | structure.
00:08:49.460 | I let a few holes open up just due to neglect on a couple of different things.
00:08:54.300 | And I'm going to be going through systematically this next year and fixing that.
00:08:58.900 | Like I said, the course, when it's 50% off, we normally sell the course for $97.
00:09:02.140 | When it's 50% off, it's less than 50 bucks.
00:09:04.700 | Bitcoin course, we normally sell it right now for $139, 50% off.
00:09:09.900 | It's 70 bucks.
00:09:11.500 | So buy those right now.
00:09:13.540 | Bitcoin privacy, hackproof
00:09:19.380 | Anything else you want to add Gabriel?
00:09:21.980 | I think your point about new year's resolutions is great.
00:09:24.480 | These are excellent new year's resolutions.
00:09:26.200 | Do you want to own something, a monetary tool that is more resilient than any other monetary
00:09:32.500 | tool out there?
00:09:33.700 | You can learn how to do that.
00:09:34.960 | Or if you want to learn how to become a better cyber citizen and protected from all this
00:09:39.920 | craziness out in the world that I see all the time, and I'm sure you do too, if you
00:09:44.400 | would just pay a little bit of attention and take some preemptive steps to fight against
00:09:50.960 | So these are great new year's resolutions.
00:09:51.960 | This is the time to buy them at a discounted rate and prepare for the new year so you can
00:09:55.760 | implement some of these things to change your life in a monetary and a hack proofing way.
00:10:02.320 | Absolutely.
00:10:03.320 | Anything else?
00:10:04.320 | That's it for me.
00:10:05.320 | Hope to see you guys in the course.
00:10:12.320 | the course.
00:10:12.960 | [BLANK_AUDIO]