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00:00:00.000 | If you are looking for an exciting role in customer service, food service, or retail,
00:00:05.360 | connect with a job at the airport.
00:00:07.540 | Get started in a role that offers competitive wages, consistent schedules, and fast-tracked
00:00:12.600 | management while you work in a vibrant, exciting environment where security is a priority.
00:00:18.120 | The airport has it all.
00:00:19.860 | You can have it all too.
00:00:21.400 | Visit to learn more.
00:00:24.760 | Today on Radical Personal Finance is live Q&A.
00:00:43.400 | Welcome to Radical Personal Finance, the show dedicated to providing you with the knowledge,
00:00:46.200 | skills, insights, and encouragement you need to live a rich and meaningful life now while
00:00:50.000 | building a plan for financial freedom in 10 years or less.
00:00:52.480 | My name is Josh Rashid.
00:00:53.480 | This is Friday, November 17, 2023.
00:00:57.560 | On this Friday, after a long hiatus, we have a live Friday Q&A show.
00:01:02.320 | Welcome.
00:01:03.320 | If you're new around here, each and every Friday in which I can arrange the appropriate
00:01:18.400 | recording technology, then I record a live Friday Q&A show.
00:01:22.560 | It works just like Call & Talk Radio.
00:01:24.160 | Call in, ask about whatever you want.
00:01:25.400 | We have a live conversation back and forth.
00:01:27.120 | It gives me a chance to connect with you on a deeper level, answer questions, comments,
00:01:30.720 | you get to bring up topics that I might not bring up, answer questions in a more interesting
00:01:34.560 | way and get a little bit of personalized insight and advice.
00:01:38.960 | And I thank you, the many of you who join me for these Friday Q&A shows.
00:01:43.360 | If you would like to join me for a Friday Q&A show, you can do that by becoming a patron
00:01:46.360 | of the show.
00:01:47.360 | Go to,
00:01:48.360 | Support the show on Patreon and that will give you access to one of these Friday Q&A
00:01:55.560 | shows.
00:01:56.560 | I'll notify you in advance and you can call in and talk about whatever you like.
00:01:59.960 | We begin with Andy in Indiana.
00:02:01.160 | Andy, welcome to the show.
00:02:02.160 | How can I serve you today?
00:02:03.160 | Hi, Joshua.
00:02:04.160 | Thanks for taking my call.
00:02:05.160 | I think the sort of high level picture of what I wanted to ask was what mental models
00:02:12.480 | and tools and decision making frameworks do you use for somewhat open ended, hard to define
00:02:21.080 | things like which job should I be applying for, which of these jobs that I applied for
00:02:25.440 | should I take or buying used cars, I feel like is similar.
00:02:30.480 | So the specifics of my situation, my medium term goal is to move from a onsite technician
00:02:38.760 | role company I'm with to a completely remote non technician role going from hourly to salary.
00:02:46.920 | I was I started working down that path a few months ago and then they completely closed
00:02:51.640 | down a lot of salaried hiring.
00:02:54.100 | So that's not available at the moment to me.
00:02:57.560 | However, there is there still doing internal hiring for other hourly roles.
00:03:03.760 | And so I do have the option to take or to apply for and or take some slightly higher
00:03:10.160 | level hourly roles doing different work.
00:03:14.720 | My intermediate term goal is I'd really like to get away from like I'd like to do something
00:03:21.480 | different than what I'm doing.
00:03:22.480 | I've been in the same role for several years.
00:03:24.640 | I'm not finding it challenging or stimulating the schedules got less appealing, etc, etc.
00:03:29.920 | So I'd like to get out from that.
00:03:31.280 | I also think I'm not like I'm not going to get any more qualified to move up doing the
00:03:37.000 | work I'm doing.
00:03:38.240 | And I could go do six months or a year, whatever of some other role and be more qualified for
00:03:46.640 | the eventual job that I would like to get.
00:03:49.560 | So then I find that I spend a lot of time and mental energy saying, well, you know,
00:03:55.520 | I don't see any perfect jobs.
00:03:57.000 | Do I like a better than B is, you know, schedule freedom more important to me or is challenge
00:04:03.280 | more important to me?
00:04:04.520 | And I don't think there's necessarily a right answer there.
00:04:08.120 | But how would you think through when I'm like, I would be happy to take a high schedule freedom
00:04:13.760 | job with lower responsibility and do something else different.
00:04:18.080 | But I'd also be happy to take a more challenging, less schedule freedom job.
00:04:22.280 | And I don't know what my I just find I get sort of bogged down trying to decide which
00:04:29.640 | ones should I pursue.
00:04:30.640 | Should I cast the net really wide?
00:04:32.240 | Should I have a really narrow focus?
00:04:34.000 | That sort of thing.
00:04:35.000 | Yeah.
00:04:36.000 | In some ways, it would be nice if there were just a narrow focus.
00:04:38.960 | I've always admired people who always knew exactly what they wanted.
00:04:43.000 | They're sure that they they're sure they want to do this thing.
00:04:45.960 | It's very clear to them and they're on track and and and, you know, we're going to go and
00:04:51.600 | get this done.
00:04:52.600 | No problem.
00:04:53.600 | Unfortunately, that's not generally been my experience.
00:04:56.560 | And I think that's not an experience for many of us.
00:04:59.600 | We have to go and search a little bit.
00:05:02.560 | Excuse me, I had to cough.
00:05:07.760 | Here are the models that I find to be most useful.
00:05:13.760 | The first one, I think just comes down to vision is I have discovered this to be the
00:05:19.840 | most powerful is simply that if your vision is clear, if your goals are clear, that makes
00:05:25.680 | decision making relatively simple and straightforward.
00:05:30.040 | That doesn't mean it's easy.
00:05:31.960 | But the first question I ask myself is, am I having trouble deciding because I'm genuinely
00:05:37.960 | having trouble deciding or am I having trouble deciding because I don't know what I want?
00:05:43.980 | It's probably just as frustrating for me to say, well, get clear on what you want as it
00:05:48.120 | is to say, you know, what job do you want?
00:05:50.280 | But the point is simply that a job or any decision in life is going to, you know, what
00:05:56.520 | car you buy, etc. is going to be driven by your vision.
00:06:00.440 | And let me give a couple of examples from people that I have known.
00:06:04.760 | There have been people that I have known whose primary goal, their primary vision was to
00:06:10.080 | make a large amount of money.
00:06:13.300 | And in order to do that, they set themselves off on the career path that was most likely
00:06:17.840 | to make them a large amount of money.
00:06:20.920 | Sometimes that came with very heavy consequences to their social life.
00:06:26.240 | Sometimes that came with very heavy consequences to their family life.
00:06:30.020 | Sometimes that came with very heavy consequences to their health, etc.
00:06:32.940 | But eventually they wind up succeeding and making a lot of money.
00:06:36.720 | In my circles, I've known a lot of people who have prioritized other things.
00:06:40.200 | I've known men who prioritized their family.
00:06:43.840 | And so, you know, I knew one man who he, for a decade of his life, he worked, he was a
00:06:49.400 | highly qualified engineer, had no problem there, but he worked, actually for more than
00:06:53.600 | a decade, he worked a half-time job so that he could homeschool his children.
00:06:58.760 | His wife was there, but he wanted to do the homeschooling of the higher level subjects,
00:07:03.320 | So he worked a half-time job.
00:07:04.600 | That undoubtedly cost him hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, both in current wages
00:07:09.640 | and in opportunity cost of investment growth, etc.
00:07:13.200 | But he had a vision of what he was trying to build that caused him to go in that direction.
00:07:18.240 | I've known men who had a vision of wanting to be able to work with their children.
00:07:22.720 | And so, instead of taking a corporate job where they wouldn't be allowed to see their
00:07:26.680 | family, they chose a pathway that allowed them to work with their family.
00:07:32.320 | I've known people who just loved adventure.
00:07:34.760 | And so they would go off and chase adventure, etc.
00:07:38.000 | And so it seems to me pretty obvious that your vision will drive your job choices in
00:07:44.720 | some way.
00:07:45.920 | I, myself, my vision of freedom and control over my time, control over what I want to
00:07:54.120 | say, control over what I want to do, etc., has driven each and every one of my decisions.
00:07:59.100 | And there's been many times when faced with a decision that I've said, "Well, am I going
00:08:03.960 | to do this certain pathway?
00:08:05.160 | Am I going to go down this path?"
00:08:07.160 | And I realized, "Well, Joshua, is your vision still that you want freedom or honesty or
00:08:11.800 | liberty, etc.?
00:08:13.300 | Or is your freedom that you want to make more money?
00:08:14.800 | You'd probably make more money if you took this path."
00:08:16.760 | And generally, I find that if I'm clear on my vision, then things fill in.
00:08:21.560 | Let's use a vehicle analogy to make it clearer, right?
00:08:24.800 | Your vision of what you want to do with the vehicle drives your choice.
00:08:30.520 | The choice of whether you buy a pickup truck or whether you buy a sports car is driven
00:08:35.240 | by your vision of how you imagine yourself driving it.
00:08:38.400 | The vision of whether you buy a nice big Jeep that you're going to take off-roading every
00:08:43.280 | weekend or overlanding every weekend up in the mountains is different than your vision
00:08:47.360 | of buying a little two-seater to get you around in the city.
00:08:50.080 | Your vision of a new car versus an old car is driven by – or sorry, your decision of
00:08:54.120 | a new car versus an old car is driven by your vision.
00:08:57.640 | And so, one of the things I've noticed in financial counseling over many years now is
00:09:01.440 | that when somebody doesn't know what to do, my best work is not generally going to be
00:09:08.800 | to tell them what to do but rather to try to help them get clear on what they want by
00:09:14.360 | sometimes laying out alternatives, suggesting courses of action.
00:09:18.100 | Sometimes I'll suggest a course of action and just see how they respond or react to
00:09:22.480 | Sometimes you want them to kind of glom onto an idea and say, "Yes, I really want this.
00:09:26.720 | I really want that."
00:09:28.240 | Sometimes you want them to just recoil from an idea and that recoiling from a certain
00:09:33.040 | thing helps a lot.
00:09:35.340 | And so, I believe that if you're having trouble knowing what to do, then generally speaking
00:09:41.440 | the most fruitful area of focus is to say, "What kind of vision do I have?"
00:09:47.240 | Now I can anticipate the next thing.
00:09:49.280 | "Well, I have multiple visions."
00:09:50.840 | Okay.
00:09:51.840 | Or, "There's multiple things I could be happy with or I could be contented with multiple
00:09:55.280 | pathways."
00:09:56.640 | So there I think that one of the things that we want to play with is the vividness of a
00:10:03.280 | description.
00:10:04.600 | And so, I have found for me one thing that's been helpful is to just take an idea, and
00:10:11.120 | this works well for me.
00:10:12.120 | I'm not a very mechanical guy.
00:10:13.120 | I'm an idea guy so I can manipulate images and ideas in my head very easily.
00:10:17.280 | But I'll take an image and I'll just blow it up and I'll say, "What if I were hyper
00:10:20.640 | successful at this job?"
00:10:21.760 | I've shared publicly.
00:10:22.760 | This is one of the things that caused me to leave financial planning in the formal sense
00:10:32.000 | to go after radical personal finance.
00:10:36.200 | I took my current more standard job and I said, "What if I'm hyper successful at this?"
00:10:43.680 | And I imagined myself as a managing partner of a big firm with the money and the schedule
00:10:48.880 | and everything like that.
00:10:50.880 | And I said, "Okay, now I know what that looks like."
00:10:53.280 | Then I took my – I checked out what does failure at that mean, but I wasn't worried
00:10:58.080 | about failure then.
00:10:59.120 | Then I took my alternative path and I said, "What if I'm hyper successful at the alternative
00:11:03.720 | path?"
00:11:04.720 | And I sketched out what that would mean and then I said, "What if I'm a complete failure
00:11:09.100 | at the alternative path?"
00:11:10.740 | And what I found is that I was more excited about even being a failure at the alternative
00:11:16.400 | path than I was about being hyper successful at the known path.
00:11:21.320 | It just wasn't very exciting to me.
00:11:23.580 | So amplifying and differentiating them is, I think, sometimes useful.
00:11:30.380 | And this leads me to the next one, which is regret.
00:11:35.320 | Is that I think a lot of times you should ask yourself, "Which choice am I going to
00:11:39.520 | regret more?
00:11:41.720 | And which regret am I more likely to have?"
00:11:44.920 | So that word regret, I think, touches at a core emotion that for many of us is a very
00:11:52.200 | off-putting emotion that we don't want to experience.
00:11:55.540 | But we can understand it a little bit if we engage with it.
00:11:59.640 | So here I think of – let's say you're in college and you say, "Well, I could stay
00:12:03.980 | up late and I could study for this exam and get an A or a B, or I could go to this concert
00:12:11.000 | with my friends.
00:12:12.000 | Well, what am I more likely to regret in the future?"
00:12:15.360 | Well, it depends on what happens with it.
00:12:18.340 | If this A or the B on this exam is the thing that's going to mean you either flunk out
00:12:23.660 | of college or suffer some massive problem versus being very successful in college, then
00:12:29.440 | certainly you would want to study.
00:12:31.400 | But generally speaking, you probably have things mostly in hand and the fear of regret
00:12:36.440 | is just something to illustrate to you that I should go with my friends.
00:12:39.560 | This is a component of what I'm doing.
00:12:42.760 | Or not pursuing things that are interesting.
00:12:45.160 | I find, at least for me, the fear of regret is – and actually the emotion of regret.
00:12:50.920 | I try to discipline the emotion of regret because it's kind of a worthless emotion
00:12:54.160 | when it actually happens.
00:12:55.680 | We all make the best choices at the time with the information that we have.
00:12:59.400 | We do the thing that seems best to us.
00:13:01.240 | If in hindsight later we would make a different decision, we can't blame ourselves for that
00:13:05.480 | or engage in this feeling or emotion of regret.
00:13:08.480 | After all, we did the best we could with the information that we had.
00:13:11.040 | All we can do is go on and make a different decision in the future.
00:13:13.280 | So I don't like the actual feeling of regret, but I like harnessing thinking about the fear
00:13:17.680 | of regret as a way of identifying the differences between things.
00:13:22.640 | So vision, regret, consequences is the next one.
00:13:28.240 | I would just say – I wish I had a better, beautiful name for this – but there are
00:13:32.200 | some consequences – and here I'm mostly thinking about negative, although they can
00:13:37.040 | be both positive and negative – there are some consequences that I'm willing to accept.
00:13:41.920 | So for example, losing money, losing some amount of money, I'm willing to accept it.
00:13:47.340 | Losing a grade or failing a class or something, I'm willing to accept that.
00:13:51.160 | Death, doing something that could result in death, I'm not really willing to accept
00:13:57.840 | Divorce, not willing to do something that's going to result in that as a consequence.
00:14:02.560 | There are a few others.
00:14:03.560 | Bankruptcy is serious.
00:14:05.040 | I'm willing to consider bankruptcy as a reasonable consequence if the benefit of success
00:14:11.200 | is big enough, but in general, if something's going to wipe me out, you generally don't
00:14:15.880 | want to do that.
00:14:17.840 | And bankruptcy has a different impact depending on where you are.
00:14:23.520 | If you're 20 years old and you didn't have a fortune or you're 30 years old and you
00:14:27.560 | hadn't made a fortune yet and you pursue something and you wind up bankrupt, big deal,
00:14:31.880 | not a big deal.
00:14:32.880 | On the other hand, if you've got $100 million in the bank and you're 50 years old, the costs
00:14:37.920 | of going bankrupt at that time are much more significant.
00:14:41.200 | And so you'll consider the costs on a varying way.
00:14:46.120 | I guess the final one is one that I've said publicly many times, but I haven't heard
00:14:53.000 | anyone say it except I can cite where I learned it, but it just comes from Stephen Covey's
00:14:57.160 | win-win or no deal.
00:14:59.100 | But over the years as I thought about decision-making through the lens of practicing that habit
00:15:05.480 | of always going for a win-win or no deal outcome, I realized that in decision-making, making
00:15:13.680 | decisions where you have one good option and a lot of bad options is easy because you just
00:15:18.980 | choose the good option.
00:15:20.580 | The only thing that's hard about decision-making is either when you have multiple good options
00:15:25.900 | or you have multiple bad options.
00:15:28.420 | So that's what's hard.
00:15:30.300 | So how can you change a decision from having multiple good options to having one great
00:15:36.540 | option and no good options?
00:15:39.060 | Or sorry, one option that's – you need to have clear disparity of your decisions.
00:15:46.620 | You're trying to choose – and so if you have decisions that are kind of similar, then
00:15:51.340 | you have to figure out how to make them different from each other so that you can differentiate
00:15:56.080 | between them.
00:15:57.300 | Because at the time at which you have a good option or a great option as contrasted against
00:16:03.260 | non-good options, then your decision will now be easy.
00:16:06.900 | So even if you have multiple good options or multiple bad options, the process is the
00:16:11.260 | same.
00:16:12.260 | There's two pathways you can go down.
00:16:13.900 | Pathway number one is you can look deeper at those decisions until you can understand
00:16:23.140 | more clearly what the costs and benefits of a decision are.
00:16:28.060 | So you can say, "Well, if I go down option A, yeah, I might only be making – yeah,
00:16:33.740 | I might be making 20% less on day one, but that's going to put me in a pathway to make
00:16:38.340 | 200% more on day 1,001."
00:16:42.020 | And so that's actually more alluring to me.
00:16:45.140 | Or another guy might say, "You know what?
00:16:47.180 | If I go down option A, there's a good chance I might lose my job entirely, but option B
00:16:52.980 | is a much safer thing and I don't want to be without a job, so I'm going to stick
00:16:56.460 | with option B."
00:16:57.800 | So we try to amplify the attributes of a decision in some way until in our mind with our own
00:17:10.220 | kind of punch card, the decisions are now different.
00:17:14.480 | And this is why I think you'll see people who have some maturity, they'll often just
00:17:19.600 | be very confident in their decisions.
00:17:21.200 | You meet a guy who's an entrepreneur through and through and he can't imagine going back
00:17:25.800 | to the world of an employee because he values opportunity and freedom and flexibility, et
00:17:31.840 | cetera, more than he values perceived stability, safety, security.
00:17:36.480 | Now for a limited time at Del Amo Motorsports of Orange County, get financing as low as
00:17:40.880 | 1.99% for 36 months on Select 2023 Can-Am Maverick X3.
00:17:46.760 | Considering the Mavericks taking home trophies everywhere from King of the Hammers to Uncle
00:17:50.920 | Ned's Backcountry Rally, you're not going to find a better deal on front row seats to
00:17:55.640 | a championship winner.
00:17:57.400 | Don't lose out on your chance to get a Maverick X3.
00:18:00.400 | Visit Del Amo Motorsports of Orange County in Santa Ana and get yours.
00:18:04.360 | Offer in soon.
00:18:05.360 | See dealer for details.
00:18:07.140 | On the other hand, there are guys who look at it and say, "Absolutely not.
00:18:10.680 | I value stability, safety, security, and my weekends off and my evenings off, et cetera,
00:18:16.200 | much more than I value the opportunity to go big or go bust."
00:18:20.280 | And so it's just a matter of playing with the options until for you yourself, they are
00:18:25.480 | differentiated.
00:18:26.480 | Now, what if you can't do that?
00:18:28.440 | What if you're looking at three options and they're still kind of all feel the same way?
00:18:31.880 | There's three cars and they're still kind of all feel the same way.
00:18:34.680 | Well then I think you look for another option and you just sit tight and you drive the car
00:18:39.720 | you're driving until something comes along that's markedly better or until the circumstances
00:18:44.560 | in your life change and things are markedly better or different in some way.
00:18:50.200 | And so as you go through life, things will change and things will change for you.
00:18:55.640 | And so just sitting tight and waiting either until there's a new option that's a lot better
00:19:01.640 | or something has changed so that you're now in a different situation and can perceive
00:19:06.980 | it differently is perfectly reasonable.
00:19:10.680 | I think that that is all of the models that come to mind right off the bat.
00:19:17.640 | They're probably imperfect, but those are the best ones that I've used over the years.
00:19:21.440 | Thanks.
00:19:22.440 | I think maybe I didn't quite get this out of my question.
00:19:26.800 | Specifically with, so as far as a big picture vision, I think I'm in a much better place
00:19:32.080 | than I pretty much ever have been of where I want to be three to five years from now.
00:19:37.440 | And I have an idea of like, the ideal thing that I would like to do to get there is make
00:19:42.760 | a transition to this remote job, kind of change my career path, right?
00:19:49.800 | I'm not sure how to.
00:19:53.000 | And if I could just be applying internally, which is easy, and I have time for at the
00:19:56.640 | moment.
00:19:57.640 | That's why I like, you know, I can do that while I'm at work.
00:20:00.160 | And no one questions me sitting over there job shopping on my company computer, you know,
00:20:06.280 | on break.
00:20:08.960 | So that's straightforward.
00:20:09.960 | And if I could be doing that and finding out, can I just do that immediately?
00:20:14.440 | Like I kind of think I can, then, or am I actually not qualified for these jobs yet?
00:20:19.600 | I need to gain more experience.
00:20:22.580 | I would do that.
00:20:23.580 | But that like, there's no, none of those jobs available right now.
00:20:26.600 | So then I'm considering this alternative.
00:20:29.360 | And it's the the time bound and lots of uncertainty, sort of a, I'm at the base of the cliff.
00:20:37.480 | My goal is to climb to the top of the cliff, I could go left, or I could go right.
00:20:41.920 | How do you weigh, you know, which one is going to be the easier path sort of thing?
00:20:47.560 | I could, like specifically this situation, probably in three weeks be working at a job
00:20:53.680 | that isn't really an improvement over what I'm doing is not super interesting to me,
00:20:59.920 | but has a decent amount of downtime that I could spend on development work, right?
00:21:03.760 | Like there's corporate trainings I could take, there's cross functional projects I could
00:21:08.120 | volunteer for, etc, etc, that I could have time to do things that weren't in my core
00:21:12.440 | responsibilities.
00:21:15.280 | I don't think I'd like that job as well.
00:21:17.200 | But that would be a decent way to prepare myself.
00:21:20.240 | Or I can hold out and keep trying for the really hard jobs that I'm barely qualified
00:21:26.320 | for, you know, I'm a good candidate, but there's somebody else that's just as good and more
00:21:30.000 | experienced in that area.
00:21:31.640 | And that might take me months to land one of those jobs, which is that job would move
00:21:39.760 | me forward down my path.
00:21:41.760 | So we're doing the training.
00:21:43.560 | Does that make sense?
00:21:44.560 | Sort of the A B, which is a little better, which is a little worse, I got to decide now
00:21:48.640 | which one do I spend time on that sort of thing.
00:21:51.360 | So then I think that if you go through all of that stuff that I said, you just flip a
00:21:55.600 | coin and you pick one and you go.
00:21:57.440 | The key is that you're taking action.
00:21:59.560 | And so I would apply for the jobs and I would set a time bound.
00:22:03.200 | So meaning I would say, all right, I'm the sounds like the ideal path would be to get
00:22:09.000 | the higher, better job that I'm not sure if I'm qualified for.
00:22:13.040 | So what can I do?
00:22:14.040 | The first thing I would do is go and find somebody who is in that job or who is over
00:22:19.160 | that job and take that person for lunch or sit down in the office and just ask for a
00:22:24.760 | meeting and say, I want this job.
00:22:28.580 | What do I need to do to be qualified for it and how can I qualify myself?
00:22:32.880 | And find out if there's a reasonable pathway to qualification for that.
00:22:37.200 | And in most cases, if you just simply go to somebody who's in that job and you say, I
00:22:42.640 | want your job, how can I be, or probably slightly better, I want to be your co-worker.
00:22:48.040 | I'm not sure if I'm qualified right now.
00:22:50.120 | Can you tell me what I would need to do to become qualified?
00:22:52.560 | They can lay it out.
00:22:54.920 | If a guy is working as a secretary in an attorney's office and he wants to become a paralegal,
00:23:01.200 | then all he's got to do is ask a paralegal how to do it and a few months later he can
00:23:05.040 | be a paralegal.
00:23:06.040 | If a guy is working as a paralegal and he wants to be a lawyer, all he's got to do is
00:23:09.200 | ask a lawyer how to become a lawyer and in a few years he can be a lawyer.
00:23:12.840 | If a guy is a lawyer and he wants to become partner, all he's got to do is go to partner
00:23:16.640 | and ask him, what do I need to do to become partner and then do the stuff.
00:23:20.440 | And so qualifications are things that can be achieved fairly quickly generally and the
00:23:25.320 | process of being ambitious and going and asking for what those necessary qualifications are
00:23:30.840 | is often an important step in bringing yourself to the notice of those who are around.
00:23:35.120 | And so whoever is involved in that department or in that job, etc, then I would systematically
00:23:41.640 | go and make your interest known.
00:23:44.680 | Everyone knows, I mean employers want people who want to have the job and it's hard to
00:23:49.720 | find people with motivation and so I think that shows motivation, etc.
00:23:53.560 | Now if you find out that there's a reasonable pathway to that, then just focus on qualifying
00:23:58.280 | yourself in whatever plan you can.
00:24:01.960 | And if you can be qualified for that within say, I don't know, three months, six months,
00:24:06.480 | whatever your timeline is and then looking forward you look at it and say, alright six
00:24:10.800 | months from now I can be qualified for it.
00:24:13.120 | Meanwhile I'm going to start going out and doing my how are you's and who are you's around
00:24:17.080 | the company so that the people in that department know me and I'm going to apply for every one
00:24:22.040 | and I'm going to hand deliver my application and I'm going to send a box of chocolates
00:24:25.840 | and say, listen did you get my application, I really want this job.
00:24:30.760 | That showing that you want a job and you want it more than another person is a really good
00:24:35.000 | qualifying thing in and of itself.
00:24:37.720 | And so maybe that works out.
00:24:39.720 | If those qualifications however are beyond your window of time and you look at it and
00:24:44.520 | say, it's probably going to take me two or three years to get there and I'm not actually
00:24:48.320 | going to be qualified for the job without three years and that's not my timeline, then
00:24:53.000 | move to option B.
00:24:54.880 | At the end of the day it really doesn't matter what choice you make because if you make the
00:24:59.920 | choice and it turns out to be the so-called wrong choice, now you'll know that it was
00:25:05.760 | the wrong choice and you would pivot back quickly.
00:25:08.760 | And I think that it's more important to be speedy with making decisions so that you can
00:25:13.480 | gain actual data from the marketplace or from the job experience itself rather than to sit
00:25:19.880 | and to think and to think and to think and to think.
00:25:23.000 | And so we want to avoid wipe out.
00:25:25.360 | Again we want to avoid anything that could be completely destructive to us but as long
00:25:29.640 | as we're avoiding wipe out, just make a decision and go on.
00:25:32.800 | And as soon as you make the decision, you'll probably know within very short order whether
00:25:38.080 | it was the right decision or the wrong decision because now you're not dithering about trying
00:25:41.760 | to figure out everything in your head.
00:25:43.040 | You're dealing with actual results.
00:25:44.880 | Okay.
00:25:45.880 | Thanks.
00:25:46.880 | That makes sense.
00:25:49.760 | I have gone out and reached out and spoken to hiring managers and I think maybe my issue
00:25:55.960 | with this particular decision is I think I'm very on the cusp of I'm looking at jobs that
00:26:01.200 | I am qualified for but there are likely many likely to be more qualified applicant than
00:26:07.080 | I've had that on a couple of the jobs I've been turned down for already.
00:26:12.040 | We would have been very happy to hire you but this guy was three quarters of a percent
00:26:15.320 | better or one manager told me they basically literally said they flipped a coin and I lost.
00:26:22.640 | So yeah.
00:26:23.640 | Yeah.
00:26:24.640 | Thank you.
00:26:25.640 | So as far as any details of that, you're on the right track.
00:26:29.480 | I would just add go from there and make sure that you're expressing your desire because
00:26:36.240 | if things are that close, I mean you know as well as anyone, if you were hiring someone
00:26:41.720 | to work beside you, you would want someone who really wants the job and so express the
00:26:46.640 | desire and try to do that in a stronger way in addition to just the straight out qualifications.
00:26:54.080 | Kyle in the state of Washington, welcome to the show.
00:26:55.480 | How can I serve you today?
00:27:00.320 | Kyle is gone.
00:27:02.160 | We will wait for him to show back up.
00:27:03.920 | We go to Las Vegas, Nevada.
00:27:05.720 | Welcome to the show.
00:27:06.720 | How can I serve you today?
00:27:07.720 | Hey Josh, I appreciate you hosting the session today.
00:27:11.680 | My pleasure.
00:27:13.120 | I've got a question.
00:27:16.600 | Overall I think my wife and I have done a pretty good job in regards to accumulating
00:27:20.920 | that we're focusing on income and reducing expenses but one area I have to give myself
00:27:28.600 | an F in is estate planning.
00:27:31.840 | As a father with two younger kids, I've got a six-year-old and a nine-year-old, I want
00:27:39.400 | to make sure we have that buttoned up more.
00:27:42.400 | The obstacle I have is that I think from a family and value standpoint we have people
00:27:50.880 | within our circle that we would be comfortable raising the children if something happened
00:27:56.920 | to both my wife and I.
00:27:59.080 | But my challenge is I think as part of that conversation figuring out who to be an executor
00:28:08.280 | on our estate, talking finances, I would say that some of the family dynamics that would
00:28:15.440 | change a lot of things.
00:28:16.640 | I don't think they realize maybe what we've been able to accomplish and trying to one,
00:28:25.600 | clean up our estate but also be sensitive to not creating other problems while I'm alive.
00:28:32.440 | I don't know if you have any advice on where to start or maybe how to approach it.
00:28:37.800 | Yeah, absolutely.
00:28:38.960 | Do you know, if you were sitting in a lawyer's office, do you know what you want to happen
00:28:45.080 | to your assets and your estate, etc.?
00:28:47.720 | Do you know how that would come about legally speaking?
00:28:51.320 | Philosophically, I don't know how to do it in practice but I think my kids are too young
00:28:58.760 | to, I would assume to directly inherit anything but if somebody would have to step in and
00:29:06.120 | raise them to maturity in our absence, I'd want them to obviously have the resources
00:29:12.840 | funding to be able to do that where I wasn't creating a burden on somebody else.
00:29:17.880 | And then obviously any kind of surplus or excess be left to our children.
00:29:24.160 | So I'm going to do something that always makes guys like me nervous which is to be prescriptive
00:29:29.640 | or just give suggestions without actually polling you for details of your estate and
00:29:35.280 | assets and things like this.
00:29:36.840 | So I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice because a proper advisor would ask
00:29:43.680 | you a lot of questions about what you own, what you want to accomplish, etc.
00:29:46.800 | But what I sense happens a lot of times on this topic of estate planning is simply that
00:29:52.600 | because it is so under discussed, then people don't actually know what their options are.
00:30:01.280 | So I'm going to give you what I think is probably about the right solution for about 80% of
00:30:06.840 | young parents in situations perhaps like yours.
00:30:11.560 | It's not the right solution in all situations but it's the right solution for about 80%
00:30:16.600 | of people.
00:30:18.360 | Basically if you have a decent amount of assets and those assets can be created based on investments
00:30:26.100 | that you've made, those assets can be created just purely on life insurance that you have.
00:30:30.320 | It's not unusual for a young father to have $3 million of life insurance.
00:30:33.840 | Well guess what?
00:30:34.840 | That's a lot of money and your kids can't inherit it so you need an estate plan for
00:30:37.880 | it, etc.
00:30:39.120 | And so if you've got a few million bucks or you're on your way to a few million bucks
00:30:42.320 | but you don't have anything that's super sticky, for example you don't own a business that
00:30:48.680 | you're a 50% interest in or something like that that requires specific planning about
00:30:53.040 | what would happen to the shares of the business or you're not a part of a family trust of
00:30:58.240 | some kind or a family business is passing down, etc.
00:31:01.720 | You've just got some money, you've made some good financial decisions, you've accumulated
00:31:05.040 | money, it's spread across a variety of normal assets.
00:31:07.880 | You have equity in your house, you have vehicles, you have 401k accounts and other retirement
00:31:12.720 | accounts, you've got some physical assets, you've got some insurance and you've got some
00:31:16.420 | other investment properties and things like that.
00:31:20.600 | Let's assume that there's no special needs involved, etc.
00:31:23.160 | What I think makes, and you're young, there's no reason to expect that you're going to die,
00:31:26.660 | it's just a matter of covering your bases, having a will, etc.
00:31:31.420 | The basic thing that you want to do is have two things accomplished.
00:31:36.900 | Number one, you want to designate the ideal person that you want to be the guardian for
00:31:45.860 | your children and hopefully there would be a few.
00:31:50.320 | Ideally you would have three.
00:31:51.320 | In my will I have three.
00:31:54.740 | If my wife and I are dead, I want this person to raise my children, to be the guardian of
00:31:59.220 | my children.
00:32:00.340 | If that person is unavailable or unwilling, I want this person.
00:32:03.340 | If that person is unavailable or unwilling, I want this person.
00:32:06.440 | Just know that guardianship, you cannot force guardianship in your will, but what you can
00:32:12.980 | do is make it very clear what your desires and intentions are and that has a lot of weight
00:32:18.020 | with the court and a lot of weight with anybody who would be the guardian of your children.
00:32:22.540 | So you're trying to establish who you would want to be the guardian of your children and
00:32:26.100 | you're trying to make that clear so that your children can be raised according to your and
00:32:31.980 | your wife's vision for them.
00:32:34.420 | The second thing that you are trying to do is to make sure that your children are provided
00:32:40.020 | for financially, both while minors and also according to your wishes as adults.
00:32:47.780 | So if your children were adults, it would be no problem, you could just leave your money
00:32:51.480 | to them or of course if you could establish certain restrictions in a trust, etc.
00:32:57.120 | But the basic problem is that you've got a six-year-old and a nine-year-old and they're
00:33:01.140 | legally incompetent to inherit money, especially a lot of money.
00:33:05.380 | And so you need somebody to care for the money and so thus you're going to need some kind
00:33:10.820 | of trust and you're going to need a trustee to care for the money.
00:33:15.500 | And that trustee can be the same person who is the guardian, but it doesn't have to be
00:33:21.100 | the same person who is the guardian.
00:33:23.280 | And so what I think works well for most people in your situation is simply this.
00:33:29.020 | You decide who the guardian of your children would be.
00:33:33.160 | And if you have multiple people, then you could put them in order of your preference,
00:33:37.220 | then you do that.
00:33:38.500 | Then you decide who do I trust that would love, that loves those children and absolutely
00:33:45.720 | will do the best thing for those children.
00:33:48.620 | And it doesn't have to be the guardian, but who do I trust would fight for those children's
00:33:52.140 | interest.
00:33:53.180 | And you can designate that person as the trustee of what's going to be your family trust.
00:33:59.420 | Now in some cases I think it works nicely to have a co-trustee.
00:34:03.580 | So I don't want to go, I don't want to say what exactly I have done, but I'll just say
00:34:10.180 | that in many cases if the guardian of your child is a co-trustee with someone else who's
00:34:19.580 | not caring for the children, but who's someone else who is competent to be able to just provide
00:34:26.020 | supervision and make sure the children are being cared for, then that can be a nice safeguard.
00:34:31.200 | Then what you do is you go to your lawyer and you have your lawyer write a will for
00:34:35.620 | you, and inside of your will you're going to create a testamentary trust.
00:34:41.140 | This is a trust that only comes into being upon your death, when your last will and testament
00:34:48.140 | is opened.
00:34:49.140 | So all the trust documents are there, but it doesn't exist, it's not funded, it's just
00:34:52.860 | sitting there in your will.
00:34:54.660 | And then in that testamentary trust you simply designate the trustee or the co-trustees for
00:35:02.340 | your assets, and you direct that the trustee or the co-trustees are to distribute money
00:35:09.180 | from the trust for the support of your children and for their education and maintenance and
00:35:16.660 | support.
00:35:18.020 | And I think that if you have a trustee that you are confident in, then you want to give
00:35:23.100 | your trustee as much latitude as possible.
00:35:25.720 | So in my own trust I have it written with a wide degree of latitude.
00:35:29.740 | I trust my trustee, I've chosen someone that I believe will do the best, and so I want
00:35:34.460 | to give that person a wide degree of latitude.
00:35:38.060 | And there's plenty of money there in the trust, so they don't have to shortchange it.
00:35:43.180 | But the idea is that you want the guardian to know that the guardian can care for the
00:35:48.820 | children and there's going to be ample financial resources to compensate the guardian for his
00:35:55.140 | work in caring for the children.
00:35:57.660 | So the children are not a financial burden on his finances.
00:36:01.140 | And then the children are going to be properly cared for, they're going to have everything
00:36:03.780 | they need covered for education, health, maintenance, and support.
00:36:07.540 | And then you can decide the trust terms, but what I think makes a lot of sense is give
00:36:13.380 | the trustee ample control to distribute for education and for maintenance and support,
00:36:21.580 | and then set a time, something like around the age of 30, for full disbursement of all
00:36:27.020 | of the trust funds directly to the beneficiary, directly to your children.
00:36:32.300 | Then once you have that trust, then all you do is you simply go through all of your assets
00:36:37.900 | and you title as the beneficiary of all of your assets that have beneficiary designations
00:36:45.300 | the trust established under the will of your name.
00:36:48.340 | And then any other assets will be handled by the will itself, and you'll direct that
00:36:53.300 | all of the assets will be put into that.
00:36:56.100 | And then direct, you don't have to direct, but you can just give the trustee the right
00:37:02.420 | to sell property.
00:37:03.940 | And then, so you would say the trustee of course can sell my real estate, et cetera,
00:37:07.900 | the family home, all of this stuff can be sold, all of the money can be put into the
00:37:12.420 | trust.
00:37:13.420 | And then separate from that, you just write your own letter of intent, and just write
00:37:19.220 | your letter of instructions or letter of understanding to the trustee.
00:37:23.260 | And this is not a binding, a legally binding thing, but is basically your way of saying,
00:37:27.900 | "Hey, if I died today on November 17, 2023, then I think it would make the most sense
00:37:34.180 | for my house to be sold and for our rental house to be sold, but I don't think it would
00:37:40.300 | make a lot of sense for this raw land that we have over there to be sold."
00:37:44.920 | So I would suggest that you as a trustee that you continue to own the land, but you go ahead
00:37:48.460 | and sell these other houses and turn them into cash.
00:37:50.860 | Then five years from now, you just go ahead and print up a new letter and say, "Hey, I
00:37:54.260 | think now it's time that that raw land would actually be sold because of such and such."
00:37:58.340 | And again, you would probably sell it yourself if you thought it was time to be sold.
00:38:01.600 | But you can write any kind of instructions like that that you want, and you can update
00:38:04.620 | those whenever you want.
00:38:06.460 | And then your last kind of tool in the tool belt is if you feel you need it, if you're
00:38:11.060 | not sure who to designate as trustee or as co-trustee, then just simply hire a professional
00:38:16.980 | trustee and/or designate a professional trustee in your kind of third line of succession or
00:38:25.060 | something like that.
00:38:26.420 | And so you can just hire a professional trustee who will be the steward of the accounts.
00:38:31.580 | And the fees are reasonable, and you'll know that there's a professional who's looking
00:38:36.020 | out for the interests of my children.
00:38:38.740 | And at the end of the day, if any of the people, the individuals that you have selected are
00:38:44.260 | not willing to serve, then that's taken care of.
00:38:49.420 | And then does that make sense to you?
00:38:51.700 | That something like something would be helpful for you?
00:38:54.220 | Yeah, that was very helpful.
00:38:56.980 | I wasn't familiar with that type of trust.
00:39:00.160 | When it comes to a professional trustee, would that typically be somebody that a law firm
00:39:07.380 | could refer me to, or where do you go looking for someone of that?
00:39:12.120 | It's a professional service.
00:39:13.540 | So you have all these big firms you've heard of, or maybe like Northern Trust or Bessemer
00:39:18.500 | Trust or whatnot.
00:39:20.220 | There's these trust companies that quite literally, this is what they do.
00:39:24.300 | They are professional trustees, professional money managers, et cetera.
00:39:28.140 | It doesn't have to be one of those big expensive firms, but it will often be somebody who does
00:39:35.380 | their job as a professional trustee.
00:39:37.500 | It can be a lawyer.
00:39:39.180 | It can be a financial advisor, or it can be somebody who actually does this as a job.
00:39:44.940 | You don't have to designate that.
00:39:46.800 | But yes, your lawyer will have, when you sit with your lawyer and you say, "Could you recommend
00:39:51.780 | someone?"
00:39:52.780 | Your lawyer will have a long list of people that he works with that he can confirm and
00:39:55.980 | say, "Hey, this would be a great person for you to consider."
00:39:58.900 | And actually, it doesn't have to be specified in the documents.
00:40:02.780 | You just indicate that there needs to be a professional trustee, and then the people
00:40:07.260 | who are involved with your estate, your executor, et cetera, they'll go through the process
00:40:11.980 | of finding a professional trustee to serve if your previous trustees are unwilling to
00:40:16.540 | serve.
00:40:17.540 | >>Trevor: Okay.
00:40:18.540 | So it doesn't need to be on retainer or anything.
00:40:21.260 | It's really just kind of as needed basis.
00:40:23.900 | Okay.
00:40:24.900 | >>Josh: In my trust, I have this person as primary co-trustees, these two people.
00:40:31.100 | I have the guardian of my children and another trusted person as co-trustees at the first
00:40:37.580 | level.
00:40:38.580 | I trust the people that I'm choosing.
00:40:40.900 | So here's always this balance with legal documents.
00:40:45.460 | The legal document is not actually necessary if you're dealing with people who are trustworthy.
00:40:53.460 | But if you're dealing with people who are untrustworthy, the legal document is not sufficient
00:40:58.640 | to control them.
00:41:00.460 | So the legal document in some sense is pointless because trustworthy people will do the right
00:41:05.620 | thing and untrustworthy people will probably try to do the wrong thing regardless of what
00:41:11.460 | happens with the legal document.
00:41:13.020 | But what the legal document does is it gives formal power to certain people and to the
00:41:18.980 | court to make sure that there's sanctions in place if people act wrongly.
00:41:26.740 | And so I want to give maximum latitude to the guardian of my children.
00:41:32.200 | But I also want there to be a legal sanction there, somebody else who is involved, who
00:41:38.540 | is able to supervise things.
00:41:41.340 | And I want the court to be able to hold those persons responsible for acting in the best
00:41:45.620 | interest of my people, my children.
00:41:47.500 | So that's why we have the court documents in place, is they just provide a legal mechanism
00:41:54.660 | that somebody can be prosecuted, control can be done, legal documents can be created, etc.
00:42:01.140 | And those people have the right to do that with the document.
00:42:06.940 | And then just one last clarification for the execution on this.
00:42:11.420 | In naming the trust a beneficiary, that would be a secondary beneficiary, right?
00:42:16.980 | And I would still have my wife be primary?
00:42:19.340 | Right.
00:42:20.340 | Exactly.
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00:42:52.180 | Exactly.
00:42:53.180 | And so usually you and your wife will have a mirror will and testament, mirror will and
00:42:58.340 | trusts.
00:42:59.340 | So all of the provisions of it will be the same except flipped.
00:43:03.220 | And then all of the primary beneficiaries on all of your accounts will be your wife.
00:43:08.020 | She will have all of your money if you're dead, and she'll take care of the children.
00:43:12.820 | And then it's only the trusts only come into action if both you and your wife die simultaneously
00:43:20.200 | or within short order and she hasn't changed the affairs.
00:43:23.380 | That makes sense.
00:43:25.660 | Awesome, Josh.
00:43:27.140 | Very helpful.
00:43:28.340 | I appreciate it.
00:43:29.860 | Yeah, my pleasure.
00:43:30.900 | And so to cover myself and to be professionally appropriate, like this is just a general outline.
00:43:39.460 | Your lawyer's job is to engage in more specific fact finding, more specific discussion of
00:43:46.500 | appropriate options for you, deal with any specific relationships and things like that
00:43:51.620 | that you yourself might be worried about.
00:43:55.100 | But a lot of times you're just confused because you don't know what the options are.
00:43:58.580 | And what I've described I think is probably the best option for about 80% of people in
00:44:03.540 | the life stage that you are.
00:44:04.980 | And I want to say quickly and clearly, this will be different when you're 60 years old.
00:44:09.420 | Things will be very different when you're 60 years old.
00:44:11.180 | You have a different set of considerations, et cetera.
00:44:13.300 | But for young parents who are just saying, "I know I need to get a will because I want
00:44:16.300 | to establish the guardianship of my children, but I don't know how to do it and I ought
00:44:19.420 | to know something about it," what I've described will I think work about 80% of the time.
00:44:23.860 | All right, we move on.
00:44:25.020 | We'll go back to Kyle.
00:44:26.020 | Kyle in Washington, are you there this time?
00:44:27.700 | Man, I got so nervous I just hung right up on you.
00:44:31.420 | I have that effect.
00:44:32.780 | Usually it's...
00:44:33.780 | I'll skip the rest of the joke.
00:44:35.580 | Welcome.
00:44:36.580 | We're glad you're here.
00:44:37.580 | So these have been great questions.
00:44:42.740 | I've got some pretty kindergarten-y stuff to ask in comparison today.
00:44:46.620 | I just...
00:44:47.620 | I periodically go to your Twitter and scroll through a month or two of your posting, and
00:44:51.860 | I don't like to interact on the computer.
00:44:54.100 | I just have a Twitter account to read you and a handful of other folks.
00:44:59.940 | But I've got a handful of what I hope could be rapid fire questions.
00:45:04.140 | I don't know if you'll let me do that.
00:45:05.580 | Oh, yeah, sure.
00:45:06.580 | I think it'd be fun.
00:45:09.900 | One quick comment, though.
00:45:10.900 | A handful of Q&A shows ago, a guy called and was worried about AI being the next nuclear
00:45:17.580 | bomb and how scary it all was.
00:45:21.460 | And your guy, Jack Spierko, had an episode on...
00:45:25.300 | Kind of right after I heard him expresses his fears.
00:45:30.260 | And he talked about AI as being a weapon.
00:45:33.860 | And if your enemy has a weapon and you don't have that weapon to be able to utilize in
00:45:38.140 | the same fashion as your enemy, then you're doing yourself a disservice.
00:45:41.940 | So instead of sticking your head in the sand and ostriching away from it, you should turn
00:45:46.100 | to it and utilize it for what it's good for.
00:45:48.380 | And I thought that was a good way...
00:45:51.940 | You try looking at things positively, and I thought that was a good way to...
00:45:55.860 | It's a pessimistic view still, but it's a good way to wrap your head around what the
00:46:00.660 | real threats are is by learning what it is and getting involved.
00:46:04.660 | And I thought that was kind of neat.
00:46:07.500 | I love what you just described.
00:46:09.220 | I think that's a great point that Jack made.
00:46:12.340 | Absolutely.
00:46:13.340 | Yeah, it's good.
00:46:15.780 | One thing you posted about human foot-shaped footwear.
00:46:20.660 | There was some guy on there that was putting up all these different shoe brands.
00:46:25.820 | I'm a similar height to you, and I think we have the same size foot.
00:46:32.140 | I'm running a size 16.
00:46:33.380 | And I'm curious what kind of shoes you're finding that are good for your feet.
00:46:37.740 | Right now I'm using an Ultra because it's the only company I can find that makes a shoe
00:46:41.540 | that shape that big.
00:46:43.580 | Yeah.
00:46:44.580 | I do not have any currently.
00:46:46.820 | I do not have any barefoot shoes.
00:46:49.580 | I have tried to buy them a couple times, and due to the size of my feet, they're just not
00:46:54.660 | available.
00:46:57.020 | Except for one that I think you – I assume you probably just mentioned that I've been
00:47:00.980 | intending to check out.
00:47:03.740 | My embrace of the kind of barefoot shoe thing is simply involved just primarily trying to
00:47:11.380 | be barefoot at most times.
00:47:13.740 | And so I try to do all of my walking, do my 10,000 steps barefoot.
00:47:19.580 | I try to do my running and my sprints barefoot.
00:47:22.380 | I try to just be barefoot more and more, and I don't have currently any barefoot shoes.
00:47:28.940 | I have been intending to get more deeply into it, like getting the toe spacers and the toe
00:47:33.700 | socks and everything like that.
00:47:35.740 | Since I don't live in the US, I can't get that stuff easily.
00:47:38.220 | If I were in the United States, I would have the whole stuff.
00:47:40.340 | But because I have to plan ahead and buy it all and pick it up when I go into the US,
00:47:45.420 | then it's just one of those things that just hasn't been a big priority.
00:47:49.040 | So mostly I just try to be barefoot as much as I can, and then the rest of the time I
00:47:54.180 | just wear normal shoes.
00:47:55.740 | But I am conscious of it.
00:47:57.460 | I've wanted to get my children into – kind of the same actionable thing with my children
00:48:03.820 | is that I just try to encourage them to be barefoot most of the time.
00:48:07.780 | And I don't have a whole suite of barefoot shoes for them.
00:48:11.820 | Primarily the cost, like you go out and you think about paying 80 bucks, 60 bucks, 70
00:48:19.020 | bucks times five every time you need shoes, and then three months later they've outgrown
00:48:24.420 | them.
00:48:25.420 | And so I've just mostly just encouraged my children to be barefoot.
00:48:29.460 | And I hope that's good enough.
00:48:30.900 | So I'm not a purist on that topic, though the barefoot stuff makes a lot of sense to
00:48:35.620 | Right.
00:48:36.620 | Yeah, I know my kid uses his shoes for bike breaks.
00:48:38.780 | It's pretty hard to justify a hundred-dollar bike break like that.
00:48:44.140 | Yeah, I've got to step up my barefoot game.
00:48:47.020 | I haven't been doing that.
00:48:49.860 | What about our prepper menu?
00:48:51.380 | So you've talked about in the past working out a more healthy prepper menu.
00:48:55.780 | And I think about this, you know, we have food if we need it, and it's not the greatest.
00:49:01.860 | And you know, we don't feel great when we eat it as a family.
00:49:06.060 | Typically we don't eat beans and rice all the time.
00:49:09.340 | And you know, is there any place you would go?
00:49:12.660 | I know you say you've been out of that kind of for a while.
00:49:14.980 | But you know, aside from buying a great big freeze dryer and making my own, you know,
00:49:22.540 | what do you do?
00:49:23.540 | Eat versus donate, I guess, is my question there.
00:49:29.220 | You know, if I'm just going to have these beans and rice laying around, do I just donate
00:49:32.940 | them every five years and buy new beans and rice and I end up never touching it?
00:49:38.760 | So I would say I think I kind of think of this as a barbell strategy in the world of
00:49:44.000 | food prepping.
00:49:47.140 | First I think there's a scale and by scale I mean a continuum.
00:49:56.180 | And it seems like a lot of people want to get the best thing for all circumstances and
00:50:03.860 | it's not possible.
00:50:05.700 | So if you want, for example, the cheapest prepper food, the cheapest prepper food is
00:50:11.820 | going to be to buy bulk wheat, bulk corn, bulk beans and bulk rice to get mylar bags,
00:50:18.580 | seal them up yourself and set them away in five gallon buckets.
00:50:23.060 | That's going to be your cheapest way to get huge amounts of calories stored for the long
00:50:27.620 | term.
00:50:28.900 | The problem is that the majority of us don't eat that ever, like really ever.
00:50:34.060 | And so one of the challenges, it's always been a challenge with preparedness food, has
00:50:39.060 | been teaching people how to even use this stuff.
00:50:41.620 | I did it once as an experiment I guess with like wheat berries and making a wheat berry
00:50:47.020 | gruel.
00:50:48.020 | But the classic thing with wheat berries is people don't have a grinder, nobody bakes
00:50:51.900 | bread, et cetera.
00:50:52.900 | And so we just don't eat this stuff.
00:50:54.940 | So yeah, it's bulk calories but there's a whole skill set associated with actually acquiring
00:50:59.580 | it and using it.
00:51:00.980 | The technological revolution for long term storage food has been the freeze dried food.
00:51:05.960 | And freeze dried foods are great.
00:51:08.940 | They're tasty.
00:51:10.540 | They are relatively nutritious.
00:51:13.140 | They at least have calories and they last for 30 years.
00:51:16.340 | The problem with the freeze dried food is usually the cost, that they're substantially
00:51:20.620 | more expensive than just stocking up on calories.
00:51:23.740 | And so you have to ask yourself, am I the kind of guy who has the money that I can just
00:51:28.300 | go and buy freeze dried food and set it away for 30 years and forget about it?
00:51:33.140 | Or am I the kind of guy who needs to develop the skills so that I can't solve with money?
00:51:38.140 | I have frequently recommended with private consulting clients, guys who, I'm not saying
00:51:43.140 | you're a centimillionaire, but there's a lot of guys who just need to go to Costco and
00:51:48.500 | buy a pallet and spend $8,000 or $10,000 and buy a pallet of freeze dried food from Costco
00:51:55.460 | or whatever it is and just literally buy the freeze dried food, put it in a dark room in
00:51:59.740 | a safe place and forget about it.
00:52:01.420 | And at least you know I'm done with that.
00:52:04.020 | Now is that true preparedness in the sense that you've learned how to be self-reliant
00:52:08.220 | and self-sufficient for a 30 year great collapse?
00:52:11.220 | No, but it's a tremendously valuable insurance policy and the cost of it over the next 30
00:52:18.300 | years will become totally negligible as compared to the peace of mind.
00:52:22.540 | And so I think that if, as long as someone is not completely broke, that freeze dried
00:52:27.900 | food, substantial quantities of it, just bought from any of the large number of excellent
00:52:33.740 | people selling it is great.
00:52:36.660 | And of course you should do a little bit of practice with it, buy some, use some, etc.
00:52:41.860 | But that's your fast way to spend money to solve the problem.
00:52:45.300 | The flip side is I think you have the standard thing of a deep pantry.
00:52:50.660 | That's not that hard to do of just buying a little bit extra of the stuff that you do
00:52:54.700 | and that's not going to get you to years of preparedness, but it will get you to a few
00:53:00.380 | months of preparedness of food.
00:53:02.580 | And then for health food, I think the secret is chest freezers and lots of frozen meat
00:53:07.660 | and frozen other stuff as well, but frozen meat.
00:53:10.140 | I think that's where your health food is.
00:53:12.300 | And so if you have a couple of extra chest freezers and you have a generator and some
00:53:16.560 | way of keeping those freezers going, then that's where I think your deep stock of health
00:53:21.700 | food is.
00:53:22.700 | I consider meat to be the primary health food.
00:53:25.620 | I could exist completely healthily on nothing except meat and meat has the unique benefit
00:53:31.620 | of lasting for quite a long time frozen and we can use it regularly from a frozen state.
00:53:38.220 | And so if you just have an extra chest freezer or a couple of extra chest freezers and you
00:53:43.700 | have some fuel source to keep them going, so some guys will have one propane chest freezer
00:53:48.480 | and one electric chest freezer with a generator to power it or some version like that, then
00:53:55.220 | just fill them full of meat.
00:53:56.420 | And if you've got $5,000 worth of meat in your freezer, you've got a couple of months
00:54:00.580 | of stuff, of food, of high quality health food.
00:54:08.220 | And I think that with those two things put, actually I guess I said three things, but
00:54:11.940 | those three things put together, a stock of freeze dried food set aside somewhere that
00:54:16.700 | you're probably never going to touch, it's going to sit there and 45 years from now it's
00:54:19.740 | going to be thrown away.
00:54:21.580 | And then a deep pantry that's a few months worth and then a good supply of meat in the
00:54:25.780 | freezer, you've got great health food that's going to last you for a long time.
00:54:30.060 | There's a lot more that can be done.
00:54:32.740 | My friend Stephen Harris has this info product that he sells on how to preserve eggs for
00:54:38.220 | years at a time.
00:54:39.260 | And so you go and have buckets full of eggs preserved in a, I think it's a lime solution
00:54:44.540 | and it works great.
00:54:45.700 | Like all the stuff works, but a lot of that, that pepper stuff just becomes a hassle.
00:54:49.920 | And so what I've described is the lowest hassle for a medium cost.
00:54:53.340 | And I think that works for a lot of people, the beans and the corn and all that I think
00:54:58.980 | is great also.
00:55:00.580 | And there's two ways.
00:55:01.580 | So if somebody has the energy to go and do that, great, you can order a lot of that stuff
00:55:06.620 | pre-prepared if you know how to, if you know how to use it.
00:55:10.060 | The other thing that makes, that I think makes sense is just if you're, if you're uniquely
00:55:14.380 | concerned about a crisis, then just go and stock up more of it.
00:55:18.700 | And so the classic one that I recommend is just corn.
00:55:22.100 | You know, you can, Harris is the one who taught me all the corn stuff, but he does all this
00:55:27.780 | stuff with corn, teaches you how to use it and make food with it and whatnot.
00:55:32.560 | And so you can just go to tractor supply.
00:55:34.660 | If there's a, if there's some kind of thing that you're worried about, then just have
00:55:38.260 | on your mental checklist, first place I'm going to go is tractor supply and I'm going
00:55:41.500 | to get 30 bags of feed corn and that 30 bags of feed corn is going to last you through
00:55:45.940 | the, you know, for a couple of years with no special preservation, no buckets and mylar
00:55:51.540 | bags and things like that.
00:55:53.300 | But it gives you the ability to feed your neighbors and feed your neighborhood.
00:55:55.940 | And if, if, if you don't use it, then the cost is so cheap that you're out a few hundred
00:56:00.580 | bucks and you feed the deer.
00:56:01.820 | I guess not that big of a deal.
00:56:03.420 | So I think that, you know, I don't have 50 gallon, five gallon buckets of stuff in my
00:56:08.220 | house.
00:56:09.220 | If I lived in a place where I could have it, I would probably want it.
00:56:12.500 | But I think that I think of it like a barbell strategy, a stock of freeze dried stuff, a
00:56:17.380 | heavy pantry and heavy meat in the refrigerator.
00:56:20.180 | That's the health food for virtually all things.
00:56:22.420 | And the real reality is the idea of not being able to buy food for years at a time is, is
00:56:29.700 | pretty unlikely.
00:56:31.260 | And so for many people, especially in the United States, you know, food shortages, crises,
00:56:36.580 | things like that, they're going to be short to medium term things.
00:56:40.660 | And you can, and it's not that nothing is available.
00:56:43.920 | It's just that maybe not everything that you previously used was available.
00:56:48.100 | So as Spirico used to point out, if you've got three months worth of food storage, realistically
00:56:53.860 | that three months could probably be pretty easily turned into six months just with stocking
00:56:58.300 | up half time at the grocery store.
00:57:00.540 | And so it's not an all or nothing thing.
00:57:02.300 | You're not, we're not, we're not going to live in a, in a world in which today everything
00:57:06.780 | stops.
00:57:07.780 | We sit in our homes and eat nothing but stored food for three years and then emerge like
00:57:11.220 | that.
00:57:12.220 | Just not, I can't, I can't come up with an event in which that actually is the case.
00:57:16.300 | Yeah, it happens on TV, right?
00:57:18.700 | Not in practice.
00:57:19.700 | Yeah.
00:57:20.700 | Yeah.
00:57:21.700 | And I, we're already kind of doing that, right?
00:57:22.980 | I mean, that's a heavy pantry in a freezer full of food is, is just a cost effective
00:57:26.980 | way to exist as far as I can tell.
00:57:29.100 | And so, yeah, like you say, adding to the barbell is a good, good way to go about it.
00:57:39.860 | I read a lot of Peter Zahan's books at your recommendation probably five, six months ago.
00:57:46.260 | For some investment questions that I had and I'm looking, having difficulty finding counter
00:57:51.480 | opinions to him that are reputable.
00:57:54.460 | And I'm curious if you, who, who have you read that carries a lot of weight in that
00:58:00.540 | space and may or may not agree fully with what Mr. Zahan has proposes probably in our
00:58:09.700 | future as a globe.
00:58:11.180 | And then I'll stop with the rapid fire stuff.
00:58:12.820 | The most interesting one was that I saw Zahan himself say that he had, was doing a debate
00:58:18.660 | with Ray Dalio.
00:58:20.780 | I haven't seen the, I haven't seen any video or audio of that, but I would look forward
00:58:26.020 | to, to that.
00:58:27.740 | Short answer is I have not found.
00:58:30.260 | So the problem, here's the problem I have with Zahan.
00:58:34.500 | I kind of feel like he is a, an enormous cheerleader of the United States.
00:58:41.860 | And I kind of feel like he's on the CIA payroll because as somebody said to me, like, you
00:58:47.460 | know, the stuff he says, the stuff he says is basically an American politician's wet
00:58:52.060 | dream.
00:58:53.060 | You know, it's like rah, rah, rah, US is so well positioned, everywhere else is terrible
00:58:58.740 | and whatnot.
00:58:59.740 | So I kind of have this feeling that, especially given his background, you know, being involved
00:59:04.620 | in those circles and, and his work in DC and his work in years past, I almost feel like
00:59:10.980 | he's got a nice check that clears every month from the CIA or from the, some, you know,
00:59:15.700 | political group or something.
00:59:16.780 | So that he just keeps saying nice things about the United States.
00:59:20.040 | But the problem is that he backs all this stuff up with data and I can't find a, a compelling
00:59:27.860 | data driven, you know, alternative to that.
00:59:31.540 | There are a few people who ideologically don't agree with him.
00:59:36.260 | Zion basically waves his hand and discounts anything kind of culture related.
00:59:42.260 | He's very dismissive of, of anything culture war related.
00:59:48.620 | And I think, you know, fine that to a degree, like certainly geography is probably more
00:59:55.060 | important than culture in many cases, but you know, culture wars often turn into actual
01:00:02.940 | wars.
01:00:03.940 | And so who knows?
01:00:05.060 | But I feel like that's a weak point that he just kind of glosses over that and doesn't
01:00:09.060 | give a lot of credit to that.
01:00:11.260 | I find it interesting and slightly maddening how he never talks about, he doesn't spend
01:00:18.540 | much time in any of his books talking about structures of government.
01:00:22.700 | Does government matter, right?
01:00:24.240 | Is there actually benefit in the, the, the concept of, of a democratic republic, an experiment
01:00:32.100 | in, in, you know, liberty and ordered liberty like the United States is, or was just all
01:00:36.820 | geography?
01:00:37.820 | I, I wish he would deal with that a little bit, but, but I don't have, there are not
01:00:42.820 | a lot of people who, who just, who, who derive data.
01:00:48.140 | Most of the time I look for his haters and most of the time it's just an emotional reaction.
01:00:51.940 | And I, so this is a rambling way of saying I can't cite a single name specifically that,
01:00:59.700 | that I would say is, is kind of someone who is writing in contra to him.
01:01:06.300 | Now I have not looked in the last few months, maybe something has been developed in the
01:01:09.700 | last few months.
01:01:11.100 | What I do think is interesting is to spend some time imagining the world on the other
01:01:18.860 | side of the nation state.
01:01:22.100 | And so I've always thought that the writers of, hold on, let me look, have you ever read
01:01:28.300 | The Sovereign Individual with James David, here we go, come on, auto correct doing its
01:01:38.460 | job again.
01:01:39.860 | So there's a book, it's 15 years old, called The Sovereign Individual, Mastering the Transition
01:01:44.480 | to the Information Age by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Reese Mogg.
01:01:50.400 | It's an old book, but I think it's still a timely book.
01:01:53.660 | And one of the things that, that as a primary lens of analysis that those authors use is
01:02:04.460 | basically the logic of violence.
01:02:08.500 | And the basic point, it's a hefty, hefty book, so it's hard for me to summarize it, but one
01:02:16.020 | of their biggest points is they talk about how the logic of violence is basically an
01:02:22.540 | inescapable point of analysis.
01:02:27.300 | And they describe how in different phases, based upon this transition, based upon the
01:02:38.380 | tools of violence, et cetera, you have different phases.
01:02:41.420 | And I have, years ago, flippantly I used to say, oh, the nation state is only a temporary
01:02:50.540 | thing, but I didn't have a clear alternative for it.
01:02:57.460 | And it's something that we're so accustomed to thinking of the nation state as supreme
01:03:03.500 | that it's very hard for us to even visualize something other than the nation state.
01:03:09.300 | The whole concept of the nation state is so built into our mode of thinking, and it's
01:03:14.500 | done that way by those who want to see the nation state continue.
01:03:20.140 | They're trying to keep it going, so they want it to be.
01:03:22.780 | But the point of the nation state is that it's only a solution for certain things at
01:03:28.980 | a certain time.
01:03:30.580 | And I'm desperately flipping to try to get my copy of The Sovereign Individual open so
01:03:34.260 | I can read to you something from it, because it talks about the stages.
01:03:42.020 | And so here is, I'll just read slightly from the introduction, because they do a good job
01:03:48.900 | of this.
01:03:49.900 | So here we go.
01:03:51.580 | The fourth stage of human society.
01:03:53.860 | The theme of this book is the new revelation of power, which is liberating individuals
01:03:58.400 | at the expense of the 20th century nation state.
01:04:01.860 | By the way, again, this book was written in 2000, released in 2000, so more than 15 years,
01:04:08.260 | 23 years old.
01:04:10.140 | Innovations that alter the logic of violence in unprecedented ways are transforming the
01:04:14.300 | boundaries within which the future must lie.
01:04:17.660 | If our deductions are correct, you stand at the threshold of the most sweeping revolution
01:04:22.140 | in history.
01:04:23.820 | Faster than all but a few now imagine, microprocessing will subvert and destroy the nation state,
01:04:30.140 | creating new forms of social organization in the process.
01:04:33.320 | This will be far from an easy transformation.
01:04:36.300 | The challenge it will pose will be all the greater because it will happen with incredible
01:04:40.100 | speed compared with anything seen in the past.
01:04:44.080 | Through all of human history, from its earliest beginnings until now, there have been only
01:04:48.700 | three basic stages of economic life.
01:04:51.900 | One, hunting and gathering societies.
01:04:54.540 | Two, agricultural societies.
01:04:56.960 | And three, industrial societies.
01:04:59.340 | Now looming over the horizon is something entirely new, the fourth stage of social organization,
01:05:06.380 | information societies.
01:05:08.140 | Each of the previous stages of society has corresponded with distinctly different phases
01:05:12.900 | in the evolution and control of violence.
01:05:15.980 | As we explain in detail, information societies promise to dramatically reduce the returns
01:05:21.540 | to violence in part because they transcend locality.
01:05:27.260 | The virtual reality of cyberspace, what novelist William Gibson characterized as "a consensual
01:05:33.620 | hallucination" will be as far beyond the reach of bullies as imagination can take it.
01:05:39.640 | In the new millennium, the advantage of controlling violence on a large scale will be far lower
01:05:44.500 | than it has been at any time since before the French Revolution.
01:05:48.780 | This will have profound consequences.
01:05:51.380 | One of these will be rising crime.
01:05:53.580 | When the payoff for organizing violence at a large scale tumbles, the payoff from violence
01:05:58.580 | at a smaller scale is likely to jump.
01:06:01.580 | Violence will become more random and localized.
01:06:04.780 | Organized crime will grow in scope.
01:06:06.540 | We explain why.
01:06:08.260 | Another logical implication of falling returns to violence is the eclipse of politics, which
01:06:13.180 | is the stage for crime on the largest scale.
01:06:16.220 | There is much evidence that adherence to the civic myths of the 20th century nation-state
01:06:20.340 | is rapidly eroding.
01:06:22.460 | The death of communism is merely the most striking example.
01:06:25.780 | As we explore in detail, the collapse of morality and growing corruption among leaders of Western
01:06:30.200 | governments are not random developments.
01:06:32.660 | They are evident that the potential of the nation-state is exhausted.
01:06:36.480 | And many of its leaders no longer believe the platitudes they mouth, nor are they believed
01:06:40.820 | by others.
01:06:42.100 | So I would read the whole book to you if I could, but it's a great book and I would
01:06:46.020 | commend it to you.
01:06:47.500 | But it's, I think, one of the more interesting comments on this.
01:06:52.380 | And I think that if you haven't read it, this is a good time to read it, because the predictions
01:06:56.580 | of it are 23 years in the past.
01:06:59.140 | And yet they've held up broadly quite well.
01:07:02.980 | And what's interesting to me is that when I consider the changes that have happened
01:07:08.160 | in society, in my experience of it, it very much reflects some of these macro trends that
01:07:19.380 | Reese and whatever his name is, predicted way back in the year 2000.
01:07:26.280 | And it's left me, and I think a lot of people, with a great deal of uncertainty.
01:07:32.140 | And so I've been talking recently publicly about why I left the United States.
01:07:36.880 | And it's been a very strange emotional process for me, because I identified deeply with what
01:07:45.420 | it meant to be an American.
01:07:46.980 | And I watched my country completely change and transform.
01:07:50.760 | And I've observed that there are a couple of things that have happened.
01:07:53.200 | I'm stereotyping broadly.
01:07:54.720 | But there are some people, most people, have just simply changed their politics, their
01:08:02.460 | ideas completely.
01:08:03.620 | In the 20 years that I've been paying attention to politics, there has been almost a complete
01:08:09.820 | flip-flop on so many issues between right-wing and left-wing people.
01:08:15.900 | And not on all.
01:08:16.900 | Obviously, there's distinctions between the political parties.
01:08:20.960 | But the Republicans of today don't believe what the Republicans of a decade ago said
01:08:25.820 | they believed.
01:08:26.820 | And the Democrats of today don't believe what the Democrats of a decade ago believed.
01:08:31.200 | And my question has always been, why?
01:08:33.300 | What happened?
01:08:34.500 | Because I thought I understood politics, and then politics completely transformed underneath
01:08:39.180 | And to me, it makes more sense that some of these things are happening in terms of these
01:08:42.980 | trends.
01:08:44.300 | And a lot of them are being driven by the information age and the information revolution.
01:08:48.560 | And so to me, the sovereign individual has been always a useful pathway through that.
01:08:56.340 | And yet it deals with things that Zion doesn't talk about.
01:09:00.380 | He basically assumes static, continual change.
01:09:04.860 | He doesn't, in his analysis, I haven't seen any integration of dynamic events.
01:09:14.060 | And he also does everything.
01:09:18.140 | He uses politics and geography as his primary.
01:09:23.140 | Demographics and geography are his big tools.
01:09:25.940 | But I think that there needs to be some conversation about the nation state itself, and are there
01:09:31.180 | things to do that.
01:09:32.220 | So if I were having dinner with him, that's what I would ask him about.
01:09:35.100 | I'm certain he has thought about it.
01:09:37.100 | He just hasn't written about it, nor have I found him talking about it.
01:09:40.260 | So if I were interviewing him, or if I were having dinner with him, those are the things
01:09:44.140 | that I would probe him on.
01:09:45.900 | Yeah, that's interesting.
01:09:48.100 | My wife and I were talking about that very thing.
01:09:51.820 | How do you reconcile the leader of the communist world coming to California and everybody going
01:09:59.180 | and shaking hands with the guy versus what if we didn't do business with them?
01:10:04.780 | What does that look like with our culture the way it is?
01:10:07.300 | Who starts the manufacturing back up if we quit doing business entirely?
01:10:11.340 | That type of thing.
01:10:13.580 | Those type of questions are really hard to answer.
01:10:16.180 | And then you look at Zion, and I don't know.
01:10:19.180 | There's these big gaping, maybe not big gaping gaps in his logic or what he decides to analyze,
01:10:27.500 | but what else is he missing?
01:10:29.540 | I don't see anybody dropping big chunks of what he's missed in front of me.
01:10:35.220 | So I appreciate the recommendation.
01:10:37.500 | I think it's good to look and obviously try and if it's something you agree with, turn
01:10:44.980 | it upside down.
01:10:45.980 | And if you're just trying to learn, then you should do the same thing.
01:10:48.740 | Right, right.
01:10:49.740 | Shake it out and see if it holds up.
01:10:52.060 | There are other people, just to be clear, there are other people who write on some of
01:10:56.100 | these topics.
01:10:57.100 | I haven't read all of them.
01:10:58.820 | I've read some of them.
01:10:59.820 | I think Tim Marshall's book, Prisoners of Geography, I put that into our homeschool
01:11:05.660 | curriculum.
01:11:07.060 | My son, my eldest, just read that last semester.
01:11:10.340 | I think that's interesting.
01:11:12.380 | I've been reading a couple of Jared Diamond's books.
01:11:16.020 | I read his book Crisis a couple years ago, and I'm in the process of reading Guns, Germs,
01:11:20.820 | and Steel, which I never read.
01:11:22.500 | It's an interesting perspective.
01:11:25.700 | Neil Ferguson is interesting.
01:11:27.540 | Ian Bremmer has some books that are on my list.
01:11:29.740 | I haven't read his stuff yet.
01:11:31.540 | I've read all of George Friedman's books.
01:11:34.820 | Friedman, Zeyhan used to work for Friedman, and I like Friedman's stuff.
01:11:40.140 | It's in many ways very similar to Zeyhan.
01:11:43.140 | So those are interesting, you know, it's an interesting space.
01:11:47.580 | It's a very unique space, that idea of predicting the future, because you can pretty much say
01:11:53.300 | and do what you want.
01:11:54.380 | People see what they want to believe.
01:11:56.260 | I respect Zeyhan enormously for his defense, robust defense with good data of his events.
01:12:05.340 | But I continue to believe, I believe that number one, people can change, and number
01:12:11.500 | two, I believe that God is in control, sovereignly ordering things according to his macro plan.
01:12:18.500 | So that religious dimension is an element that certainly Zeyhan gives no accounting
01:12:24.900 | to whatsoever, but that I myself do.
01:12:27.420 | So those are my comments.
01:12:28.900 | Anything else?
01:12:29.900 | We finished the rest of your questions, or do you have anything else?
01:12:31.900 | I don't know, I mean, they're kind of geeky.
01:12:34.900 | Go ahead.
01:12:35.900 | What do I have on here?
01:12:36.900 | These tweets, Fred, sometimes you put up, there was a really good one about this guy
01:12:42.940 | who was smoking a lot of pot, and then he chronicled how he'd quit and all the effects
01:12:49.980 | that it had on him and his family, and it was fantastic.
01:12:53.220 | And I wanted to share it with everybody I knew that picks the pipe up, and man alive,
01:12:57.300 | it got deleted.
01:12:58.300 | Is that the nature of Twitter?
01:13:01.180 | I don't spend a lot of time.
01:13:02.180 | It is the nature of Twitter.
01:13:03.180 | It happens.
01:13:04.180 | It is, and I've done it myself.
01:13:05.180 | It's so unfortunate.
01:13:06.800 | When you start getting attention, it's overwhelming.
01:13:10.940 | It's funny because I guess some people like going viral.
01:13:14.460 | I've gone viral twice, and both times I've ended up deleting the threads because it was
01:13:21.020 | just so uncomfortable to be the subject of a firestorm.
01:13:25.300 | It's so different than anything that you are accustomed to.
01:13:31.540 | And so if there's anything good, you always have to save it and screenshot it of the stuff
01:13:35.460 | that you want.
01:13:36.820 | But that issue – Yeah, I love to learn.
01:13:38.460 | I am fascinated with that issue, and I have been rethinking – with the issue of marijuana
01:13:44.220 | specifically, just drugs specifically.
01:13:47.700 | I'm really interested – I've been kind of trying to figure out what do I believe
01:13:53.820 | on that subject.
01:13:54.820 | I've gone on various sides of it.
01:13:56.980 | When I was younger, I was like, "Well, of course drugs should be criminalized."
01:14:03.140 | Then I got into the libertarian stuff, and it's like, "Well, who's harmed, et cetera?"
01:14:08.780 | And then you look – one of the things that's been interesting is that since in my lifetime,
01:14:14.340 | when most of those – we've watched – the whole trend has been towards legalization
01:14:20.260 | of marijuana broadly, and more important than legalization, broad-scale acceptance of marijuana,
01:14:27.340 | and then also legalization of many other drugs.
01:14:29.780 | I have a hard time saying anything good about anything that's happened in the United States
01:14:34.180 | with that.
01:14:35.180 | You travel across the country, and I mean, it's a hellscape in many places, and it's
01:14:40.140 | not just San Francisco, right?
01:14:42.100 | You go to the deep south and some of these towns that have been just destroyed, you look
01:14:45.500 | at all the stuff that's happened right now with the fentanyl crisis, et cetera, and it's
01:14:50.020 | crazy to me.
01:14:51.300 | And so I certainly don't hold to the libertarian position anymore.
01:14:57.140 | I keep my mouth shut generally, but it's fascinating to watch.
01:15:01.020 | And just this week, speaking of interesting things, just this week I was watching – there's
01:15:06.420 | been some video come out of a recent thing that Peter Hitchens, the UK columnist, did.
01:15:16.460 | You know Peter Hitchens, Christopher Hitchens' brother?
01:15:18.500 | Yeah.
01:15:19.500 | Okay, so Peter – I love Peter.
01:15:21.180 | I love Christopher.
01:15:22.180 | Christopher was awesome.
01:15:23.180 | He was my favorite fiery atheist debater.
01:15:27.300 | Peter is his brother, and Peter is equally fiery, but in a totally different way.
01:15:32.740 | He's a Christian, but most of his stuff is political.
01:15:36.080 | So he signed up for this thing where they put him into prison, and it was for a TV show,
01:15:44.020 | but they sent him to prison for three days in like a mock environment for him to experience
01:15:48.100 | this.
01:15:49.140 | And so there was this video of him that was widely seen where he's sitting there debating
01:15:55.320 | a bunch of ex-cons who were in this prison experiment with him, and he's saying how
01:15:59.600 | he believes that marijuana is the most dangerous drug.
01:16:03.500 | And I find this very fascinating because I have come to hate marijuana because of the
01:16:11.360 | destruction that it wreaks on the people of destroying their ambition, etc.
01:16:17.680 | But I've kind of swallowed the line that, okay, at the end of the day it's probably
01:16:22.760 | less destructive than alcohol.
01:16:24.760 | And so just this week I was saying I need to read what Hitchens has written on this
01:16:27.880 | and see what he cites because it was just a fascinating argument that we're having
01:16:31.440 | right now.
01:16:33.160 | And I guess to me the biggest frustration to me has been the widespread acceptance of
01:16:40.440 | marijuana and drugs in our society because I've watched it happen.
01:16:44.520 | I have a friend of mine who is kind of a semi-retired 60-something guy, and he was always an ambitious
01:16:53.200 | go-getter.
01:16:54.200 | He was a professional athlete at one time, go-getting business guy.
01:16:57.260 | He was kind of a conservative, not super-political, but conservative anti-pot kind of guy.
01:17:04.540 | He started smoking pot, and now he just smokes pot every day.
01:17:07.980 | And it just seems like such a waste to me that we allow that stuff to destroy the potential
01:17:12.580 | of our society.
01:17:13.580 | But thankfully I don't have to make any public policy on it.
01:17:16.780 | - Yeah, people aren't very honest about what it really does, I don't think.
01:17:20.620 | They say, "Oh yeah, what's the difference?
01:17:22.180 | If you do that or do some beer, well, I'll tell you there's a big difference."
01:17:26.540 | People start out their day and end their evening with that stuff.
01:17:29.380 | They don't typically do that with liquor.
01:17:32.020 | You can abuse anything, but man alive.
01:17:35.740 | That was a really good tweet thread.
01:17:37.420 | I'm going to have to start screenshotting if I want to share stuff like that.
01:17:42.380 | Anyhow, all right, good lesson.
01:17:46.060 | Appreciate it.
01:17:47.060 | - Yeah.
01:17:48.060 | Last one.
01:17:49.060 | - Yeah.
01:17:50.060 | Back books.
01:17:51.060 | You heard your back a while.
01:17:53.740 | I listened to everything you ever said and then I bring up these little tiny things way
01:17:57.580 | after you mentioned it.
01:17:58.700 | So I don't expect you to remember, but you talked about, "Hey, I hurt my back and it
01:18:01.820 | laid me up and it really depressed me.
01:18:04.180 | And I decided I can't be depressed about this.
01:18:07.580 | I need to get up and get after it."
01:18:09.220 | But it takes a lot out of your sales.
01:18:11.420 | And I had the same thing.
01:18:12.420 | I went from blue collar to white collar to blue collar and I hurt my back and I read
01:18:18.500 | a bunch of books about it.
01:18:19.940 | And I'm just curious, I read Dr. Stuart McGill's books and wrote her book.
01:18:25.420 | He's got some really expensive books and I thought I got what I needed from his main
01:18:30.540 | one everybody recommended.
01:18:31.540 | And Robin McKenzie, he's out of New Zealand and he wrote some treat your own back stuff.
01:18:37.060 | And there's some other folks, but I'm just curious what you did or what you read or if
01:18:41.020 | you did anything or if you just kind of laid around and got better.
01:18:45.860 | Being six foot seven and a half inches tall, you and I kind of are in the same boat.
01:18:50.420 | Eventually you're going to tweak your back and you got to be strong.
01:18:53.820 | Right.
01:18:54.820 | Yeah.
01:18:55.820 | I do not have any chronic pain of any kind, including back pain.
01:18:59.020 | And so I'm very grateful for that.
01:19:00.760 | The tweaking the back story, again, you'd probably go in a long time, but I remember
01:19:05.320 | distinctly when I was, I think it was 26 years old and it was the first time I hurt my back.
01:19:18.720 | I was serving, I was setting up a, I can't remember what the holiday was.
01:19:22.880 | It was doing breakfast omelets on the beach for all my friends.
01:19:25.920 | I hosted this big party on the beach in Florida and I was setting up my omelet station to
01:19:31.960 | make omelets and I leaned down to pick up something from the ground, nothing heavy at
01:19:36.080 | all and I tweaked my back and I couldn't move.
01:19:39.080 | And I went home and spent the next two days sitting in the recliner and it was, what was
01:19:44.760 | shocking about it is I've always enjoyed robust physical health, which is an enormous blessing.
01:19:50.500 | And when you enjoy robust physical health without fighting for it, you take it for granted.
01:19:56.280 | And when it's taken away from you, you all of a sudden stopped taking it for granted.
01:20:01.360 | And so that experience was what opened my eyes to the incredibly difficult experience
01:20:08.160 | that so many people have.
01:20:10.000 | One other time I tweaked my back and then I, over the last couple of years, I have this
01:20:16.140 | occasional neck pain that happened for some reason.
01:20:19.840 | And so I visit the chiropractor about once a month and as long as I do that, I don't
01:20:24.500 | have any trouble.
01:20:25.760 | All of my research into back pain indicates to me that the vast majority of it is due
01:20:30.920 | to weakness in the back.
01:20:32.440 | And so the most important thing to do is to strengthen the back and stretch it.
01:20:36.960 | So stretching and strengthening the back.
01:20:39.000 | I had a neighbor when I was growing up, redneck neighbor, who was injured.
01:20:44.080 | He was a diesel mechanic and he was injured, bunch of messed up discs and whatnot.
01:20:47.880 | They put him on total disability and he endured pain for a long time.
01:20:53.240 | And then finally one day he walked out on his back porch and he said, "I'm going to
01:20:57.400 | fix this thing."
01:20:58.400 | And he reached up and he grabbed one of the rafters on his back porch and he just started
01:21:01.640 | hanging every day.
01:21:03.080 | And he hung and he hung and he hung and he hung.
01:21:05.040 | And he cured himself of his back pain just by hanging on his back porch every day.
01:21:09.280 | And so as best I can understand, the majority of back pain should be treated by strengthening
01:21:16.720 | the back, which is probably lifting heavy weights and all of the stabilizing muscles,
01:21:23.160 | But strengthening the back with appropriate exercises is the key to avoiding back pain.
01:21:28.840 | And so I've realized that you're a fool if you take your health for granted and I'm doing
01:21:35.080 | everything I know to do and everything I'm able to do to be one who's actively building
01:21:39.560 | stronger health.
01:21:40.560 | And as Mark Ripito says, "I want to be hard to kill."
01:21:43.880 | So stronger people are more useful in general and harder to kill.
01:21:47.280 | Love that guy.
01:21:48.960 | Yeah, I forget.
01:21:50.560 | Oh man, I forget the guy.
01:21:52.360 | See, I was writing down the names of the books because whenever I call you, I always blank
01:21:55.760 | on that.
01:21:56.760 | But I forget I bought that guy's book too, The Hanging from the, oh, what's his name?
01:22:00.040 | John something or other, I think.
01:22:01.960 | Anyhow, yeah, there's a guy that he's a proponent of hanging for shoulder to avoid shoulder
01:22:06.840 | surgery.
01:22:07.840 | But I started doing that and I found it helped me back out quite a bit too.
01:22:11.600 | Absolutely.
01:22:12.600 | Yeah, you can't take it for granted, man.
01:22:13.760 | You're strong until you're not.
01:22:14.760 | And then you get laid up by part of an omelet bar.
01:22:18.040 | What do you do?
01:22:19.040 | I mean, it's really, yeah, it could take the wind out of your sail.
01:22:22.040 | Big time, big time.
01:22:23.040 | Yeah, but I just thought I'd ask because you're a big reader.
01:22:26.520 | Appreciate your time, Joshua.
01:22:27.760 | Happy Thanksgiving.
01:22:28.760 | Love the questions.
01:22:29.760 | Makes life easy for me when you call me up and throw me softballs.
01:22:32.440 | So thank you very much and happy Thanksgiving to you.
01:22:36.360 | And with that, we close down today's Friday Q&A podcast.
01:22:39.840 | Thank you so much for being here.
01:22:41.320 | It's been a pleasure.
01:22:42.320 | Remember that if you would like to be here for one of these Friday Q&A shows, all you
01:22:45.360 | need to do is go to, sign up, support the show on Patreon.
01:22:50.760 | That allows me to meter the inflow of calls.
01:22:55.120 | So go to
01:22:57.840 | Today we only have three calls, plenty of time for everybody.
01:22:59.960 | Sometimes we get more, sometimes less, but I would love to have you on next week's show.
01:23:04.440 | As we go, remember that I'm heavily promoting my international events right now.
01:23:09.580 | Most importantly, the event in Panama that we're hosting in January.
01:23:12.160 | This weekend I'm getting on the phone with my partners of that to wind up all those decisions
01:23:17.960 | and everything associated with that.
01:23:19.040 | So sign up now, please.
01:23:20.560 | Go to, link in the show notes today.
01:23:27.120 | And then if you're interested in some of the internationalization stuff that I've been
01:23:29.400 | talking about,
01:23:32.120 | is the course that I sell.
01:23:34.480 | Talk to you very soon.
01:24:03.600 | We've locked in low prices to help you save big store wide.
01:24:06.920 | Look for the locked in low prices tags and enjoy extra savings throughout the store.
01:24:11.040 | Ralph's, fresh for everyone.