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00:00:00.000 | Greetings friends, this is Joshua Sheets and today I'd like to let you know about a sale
00:00:04.840 | that I'm running on my consulting services.
00:00:07.720 | Right now for a limited time I am celebrating a Black Friday sale on my personal consultations.
00:00:13.840 | If you would like to book at a rate of savings of $150 an hour off of my normal rate, go
00:00:19.580 | to
00:00:23.520 | That's where you book,
00:00:26.980 | That will give you an automated booking page.
00:00:29.000 | You can see the times that I'm available.
00:00:31.220 | You'll just simply choose the time, put in your email address, put in a credit card number
00:00:34.900 | and the system will bill you and we will be set up to speak at some time over the next
00:00:39.260 | couple of weeks.
00:00:40.260 | I'm running the sale.
00:00:41.260 | You guys seem to like the sales.
00:00:42.920 | My rate over the last year and a half I have billed at a rate when I do consulting at $500
00:00:48.260 | per hour, which seems like a great rate but the calls trickle in but then when I run one
00:00:52.700 | of these sales you all flood in.
00:00:54.140 | I try to keep the sales moderate in terms of the number of slots but I do love it when
00:01:02.740 | I talk to you guys.
00:01:03.740 | I really enjoy it.
00:01:04.740 | I enjoy serving you and I know that many of you appreciate and value the service.
00:01:09.620 | The Black Friday sale, savings rate is $150 an hour off so it will be at $350 an hour
00:01:15.460 | instead of $500.
00:01:17.580 | So again, if you would like to book, go to
00:01:21.860 | I have opened up a total of 50 slots.
00:01:24.980 | There are 50 available slots.
00:01:27.140 | Once those 50 appointment slots are filled then the sale will be over and we will be
00:01:32.740 | back to normal affairs.
00:01:36.900 | Also I don't have any appointment slots available in the future.
00:01:41.620 | I'm not saying I won't do it again in the future but we finished up quite a bit of travel
00:01:47.580 | this summer.
00:01:48.580 | We are expecting a baby in January and so I don't have any specific plans to bring back
00:01:53.820 | consulting in the coming year.
00:01:55.820 | So if you would like to talk to me this is the best way for you to do that if you would
00:01:59.860 | like to get my insight and my thoughts and my advice on your situation.
00:02:06.780 | Always remember by the way, if the consulting calls are outside of your budget or if you
00:02:11.860 | don't mind talking about your affairs publicly, remember that you are also always welcome
00:02:15.420 | to call in on a Friday Q&A show.
00:02:17.340 | I handle those Friday Q&A shows in a fairly free and open way.
00:02:21.980 | So if you just have a simple or quick question then you would join the Friday Q&A shows.
00:02:25.900 | That will be your best deal.
00:02:26.900 | But if you would like to talk with me in a comprehensive way, review detailed facts,
00:02:30.460 | figures of your situation, then book a consulting call.
00:02:33.780 |
00:02:36.020 | Limited time only, 50 slots available.
00:02:38.380 | When those are gone, they are gone.
00:02:42.020 | Let me share with you a little bit about some of the things that I can do for you that might
00:02:46.260 | be helpful and useful to you.
00:02:49.580 | So first of all, while I often minimize my personal financial planning credentials when
00:02:56.260 | I'm talking about things, I guess I value modesty and I probably should talk about it
00:03:01.700 | more.
00:03:02.700 | I am a highly credentialed financial advisor with a significant amount of professional
00:03:07.780 | experience.
00:03:08.780 | Again, if you want to hear my ability or my advice, just listen to one of the Friday Q&A
00:03:13.860 | shows and that's my resume right there.
00:03:16.660 | But I do have a long list of formal credentials that are probably more significant than most
00:03:22.740 | financial professionals with whom you might interact.
00:03:24.820 | I have a master's degree in financial planning.
00:03:27.860 | I am a certified financial planner.
00:03:30.380 | I have a chartered life underwriter designation as well as a chartered financial consultant
00:03:35.180 | designation.
00:03:36.180 | I'm a chartered advisor for senior living, specializing in retirement and elder issues.
00:03:42.140 | I am a registered health underwriter with knowledge and experience in the health insurance
00:03:47.420 | space.
00:03:48.420 | I'm a registered employee benefits consultant and a chartered advisor of philanthropy.
00:03:54.460 | So those are my current formal designations.
00:03:57.260 | I haven't added any new ones over the last few years, but I need to get back to the books
00:04:02.100 | and add a few more.
00:04:03.100 | I have a list of three or four of them that I'm interested in.
00:04:06.300 | I may in the future add a CPA designation or an EA designation more likely, as well
00:04:12.900 | as a divorce consultant designation, as well as one of the college, I'm interested in one
00:04:22.220 | of the college planning designations that I think is pretty good.
00:04:25.460 | But I haven't added those yet.
00:04:26.700 | So we'll see.
00:04:27.700 | The point is that I do have a significant amount of professional education in the field
00:04:31.740 | as well as extensive practical experience.
00:04:34.420 | If you'd like to talk to a financial advisor who has a deep breadth, a deep level of education
00:04:40.900 | and experience in a wide variety of levels, I'm your man.
00:04:45.900 | The most interesting thing about talking to me, however, is that because of the way that
00:04:51.140 | I do these consultations, we can avoid the vast majority of conflicts of interest.
00:04:57.580 | I do not sell any financial products.
00:05:00.860 | I no longer have an insurance license.
00:05:02.980 | I no longer have any securities licenses.
00:05:06.060 | So I do not sell any financial products.
00:05:09.300 | The only thing I sell is my advice.
00:05:12.540 | And when you buy my advice, you buy it specifically on an hourly basis.
00:05:17.800 | You can book as many hours as you like with me if you want to speak to me, but I do not,
00:05:25.660 | I'm not offering plans or even enrollment subscriptions or options or things like that.
00:05:31.140 | I work with a handful of private consulting clients that I do work with on an ongoing
00:05:35.940 | basis with regular weekly coaching calls, but that's not something that I make publicly
00:05:42.660 | available.
00:05:43.660 | That's something that I hand select the people to whom I offer that, who all enter the door
00:05:49.500 | with an hourly consulting call.
00:05:51.340 | So I very rarely offer that.
00:05:54.140 | So the vast majority of my work is just simply done on the basis of a one-hour consulting
00:05:59.580 | call.
00:06:00.620 | So what that means to you is that we can avoid the vast majority of the conflicts of interest.
00:06:05.580 | You can be confident that I'm not going to show up to sell you something that you don't
00:06:08.420 | need.
00:06:09.420 | I'm not, and I have no financial incentive to give anything other than my honest opinion.
00:06:14.680 | And so the way it works is, the way consulting calls work is I give you my email address
00:06:20.340 | and you're welcome to email me in advance any notes that you want to do, want to make.
00:06:24.900 | Most of my consultees will spend some time writing out one to three pages of narrative
00:06:31.140 | about their situation, their background details.
00:06:33.700 | They'll provide me with a balance sheet.
00:06:35.400 | Some people will provide me with account statements, things like that.
00:06:38.520 | And I review all of that information prior to the call.
00:06:41.460 | Then we show up to a scheduled call.
00:06:43.260 | It happens on Zoom.
00:06:45.460 | And we show up to a scheduled Zoom call.
00:06:47.780 | And in that scheduled Zoom call, I am available to answer any questions, give any advice,
00:06:52.060 | give any comments, give any feedback, etc. about any area that is of interest to you.
00:06:58.320 | You are welcome to record the call so that you can reference it later.
00:07:02.140 | You can make any notes that you like.
00:07:04.740 | And when the call is over, then we're done.
00:07:07.380 | And so it's a great and appropriate way to do it.
00:07:12.060 | As I've talked about in public shows where I've commented on hourly financial consulting,
00:07:18.860 | etc., I think that this is a very useful service to have available where it allows a financial
00:07:23.860 | advisor to give his opinion in a way.
00:07:27.420 | But it's not a huge moneymaker.
00:07:30.140 | And I know that sounds, if you're earning $30 an hour, I know it sounds bizarre and
00:07:36.640 | out of touch for me to say it's not a huge moneymaker when I bill normally at $500 an
00:07:41.620 | hour.
00:07:42.620 | It's not though.
00:07:44.440 | And what I mean by that is the amount of other work that goes into this kind of business
00:07:48.580 | to attract those clients is so significant that while I'm certainly very grateful and
00:07:54.740 | honored to be able to earn a significantly above average salary, the easier money in
00:08:00.740 | financial services is selling products.
00:08:03.700 | But I've chosen to sell my advice instead.
00:08:06.620 | And I appreciate those of you who recognize that and who just want the advice.
00:08:10.620 | So the point is that I will provide you with my opinion.
00:08:15.500 | I'll give you my advice.
00:08:17.940 | One of the things I'm very good at is telling you exactly why I think what I think.
00:08:22.180 | You're welcome to hear it or to reject it, however you like.
00:08:26.100 | But I'll always tell you exactly why I think this is the answer to your question.
00:08:31.380 | And then you can judge it for yourself.
00:08:34.540 | So that's how it works.
00:08:36.500 | My experience having done this for a number of years, here are some of the most common
00:08:41.580 | areas that I hear, most common areas of discussion that I wind up having.
00:08:47.060 | Number one is I wind up providing a second opinion in many cases for other advisors'
00:08:53.860 | input.
00:08:55.540 | Very frequently when you are working with a financial advisor, especially with sizable
00:09:01.820 | accounts or large transactions or large purchases, it's nice to get a second opinion.
00:09:06.500 | And so I can provide and do provide a second opinion, an unbiased opinion.
00:09:12.220 | If you want to check up on your other advisors, then I'm happy to do that.
00:09:16.960 | The only thing that I legally can't do because I do not maintain any securities licenses
00:09:22.100 | is I cannot provide any commentary on specific investments.
00:09:26.660 | I can't tell you to buy or sell a stock or a mutual fund that would approach the type
00:09:32.380 | of business that is necessary for licensure.
00:09:35.340 | And so I can't tell you specific, "Oh, sell this stock and buy that one."
00:09:39.300 | That's a licensed occupation.
00:09:41.300 | What I can do is provide general background on things like asset allocation.
00:09:45.420 | I can talk about risk profiles.
00:09:47.260 | I can talk about things in a generalized way without specifically telling you to buy or
00:09:52.020 | sell an investment, specifically a security.
00:09:56.260 | In addition, I can't tell you to buy or sell an insurance policy because I'm not licensed
00:10:01.820 | anymore to sell insurance.
00:10:04.780 | And again, that's an activity that is restricted to licensure.
00:10:09.180 | So I can provide background information, general ideas on insurance.
00:10:14.300 | I can explain to you everything from a very broad perspective and I can give you the background
00:10:22.100 | so that you can make your decision.
00:10:23.420 | I just can't tell to you, "Hey, you should sell this policy and go buy this one."
00:10:27.460 | I don't even provide any referrals to insurance agents to minimize that conflict of interest.
00:10:31.620 | I could.
00:10:32.620 | I've thought about it many times, but at the moment I don't provide referrals to insurance
00:10:36.620 | agents or brokers or anything like that.
00:10:38.300 | So it's just simple.
00:10:39.700 | So I can go pretty far.
00:10:40.940 | I just can't specifically make a buy or sell recommendation because that's something that
00:10:44.220 | you would need a license for and I no longer have those licenses.
00:10:48.700 | So it's common that I'll provide a second opinion.
00:10:50.900 | Another common area is talking through retirement planning.
00:10:54.300 | I find that a significant number of my audience members are interested in topics relating
00:11:01.180 | to early retirement or even just traditional retirement.
00:11:05.240 | And so I have spent quite a lot of time consulting on these topics.
00:11:09.360 | In my experience, a component of that is kind of a financial readiness index.
00:11:14.640 | So we go through and we talk about, "Are you financially ready?"
00:11:17.560 | But I'll tell you, I'll just give it to you straight.
00:11:20.600 | The vast majority of times when somebody calls me, they are ready.
00:11:25.400 | What I have found that is more common is that I talk with people about unique ways to go
00:11:32.100 | far beyond being ready.
00:11:34.560 | As you know, I'm not a big fan of retirement per se.
00:11:37.480 | If by retirement we mean the traditional concept of just work until you're 65 and then quit
00:11:44.480 | and do nothing and watch TV.
00:11:45.680 | Now obviously no one does that, but the point is that this is the idea that some people
00:11:49.800 | have.
00:11:50.800 | My listeners don't.
00:11:51.800 | Where I have really come to excel over the past years is with providing an alternative
00:11:58.680 | viewpoint to help people to see the freedom that they have and then use their life in
00:12:05.720 | a more productive way.
00:12:07.600 | So sometimes that means personal pursuits of enjoyment, travel, etc.
00:12:12.440 | I love to travel.
00:12:13.440 | I've provided, you know, talked to people about travel sometimes.
00:12:17.400 | But often it means ways of giving back or ways to structure your life so that you don't
00:12:21.400 | have to retire.
00:12:22.400 | I've developed a real skill set in that area of really helping people.
00:12:26.640 | Ironically, this has resulted in my being able to help people feel a lot richer earlier.
00:12:32.680 | It's interesting how many people there are, especially in the United States and Canada
00:12:37.200 | and other wealthy countries.
00:12:39.520 | There's so many people that have, you know, half a million dollars saved, a million dollars
00:12:43.640 | saved.
00:12:44.640 | And they can't retire if by retire what we mean is quit and do nothing.
00:12:51.440 | But what they can do is they can reinvent their life.
00:12:54.200 | And I'm really good at helping you think through the issues, clarify what your desires are,
00:12:59.000 | and then give a practical financial plan that will help you to do that.
00:13:02.240 | So that's fairly common discussion.
00:13:06.200 | And that can benefit people of all ages.
00:13:09.240 | I've really enjoyed working with many people in their 30s and 40s and basically help people
00:13:14.240 | to get out of the trap of thinking that you got to work until you're 65 and you can reinvent
00:13:20.240 | things significantly.
00:13:22.880 | Another very common area of discussion over the last few years has been the world of internationalization.
00:13:28.160 | I never set out to become kind of an international consultant.
00:13:31.600 | I pursued it because I was interested in it for myself.
00:13:34.920 | And then I've shared with you on the show some of the things that I have learned because
00:13:37.840 | I believe that it solves a significant number of problems.
00:13:41.560 | And I have sold a number of courses over the years.
00:13:44.480 | I still have one, right?
00:13:45.840 |
00:13:47.840 | That's available on the market right now.
00:13:50.080 | And so that's available.
00:13:53.800 | But what I have found over the years is that probably 20% of my calls now relate to something
00:13:58.660 | related to internationalization.
00:14:01.600 | And while I don't profess to be the world's most knowledgeable expert, I admire and respect
00:14:06.800 | the people who have large businesses built in that scenario, I've developed quite a bit
00:14:12.100 | of practical expertise having done this stuff myself now for a good number of years and
00:14:17.320 | having studied it pretty intensively.
00:14:19.400 | So if you think there's any component of internationalization that could be helpful to your plan, your freedom,
00:14:25.520 | then I'd be happy to work with you on that as well.
00:14:28.520 | What is internationalization?
00:14:29.520 | It often refers to getting second citizenships so you have freedom in case your country imposes
00:14:35.320 | a draft or comes out with some onerous law saying where you can travel and where you
00:14:39.760 | can't travel or what medical freedoms you have or don't have, things like that.
00:14:44.000 | Relates to second residencies, getting the legal permission to go and live in another
00:14:49.880 | country so that you have multiple options, places you can live.
00:14:53.640 | And sometimes those residencies turn into citizenships, etc.
00:14:58.160 | Relates to international banking, how to set up international accounts, international bank
00:15:02.120 | accounts so you have diversification of your money, diversification of your currency.
00:15:07.160 | Sometimes we get into gold storage, things like that.
00:15:10.440 | We do a good amount of Bitcoin consulting with this course that Gabriel Custodia and
00:15:16.880 | I have developed.
00:15:17.880 | We've done a good bit of Bitcoin consulting and how to buy Bitcoin privately and anonymously
00:15:21.860 | and that's a component of internationalization in some cases.
00:15:25.720 | And then sometimes just international living.
00:15:27.960 | How can you live well, get more bang for your buck, earn in dollars, spend in pesos, enjoy
00:15:34.200 | a more freedom-oriented and interesting international lifestyle.
00:15:38.640 | And I often share personal details on consulting calls that I don't share in public just to
00:15:42.800 | protect the privacy of my family.
00:15:45.120 | And so that's a component of things as well.
00:15:50.760 | And it's been fairly popular and I really have enjoyed that.
00:15:53.480 | And another benefit is I don't have any, I don't make any commissions, I don't refer
00:15:57.440 | business, I don't have lawyers that I'm working with, etc.
00:16:01.160 | I don't think that's a problem for those who do.
00:16:02.920 | I'm just telling you I don't.
00:16:04.640 | And so I respect the many good consultants who have gone out there and developed those
00:16:09.120 | relationships and brought those specific things to perspective.
00:16:12.680 | If that's what you're looking for then I encourage you to engage with another consultant.
00:16:17.000 | I'll just tell you my hard-won experience from having spent tens of thousands of dollars
00:16:21.520 | tromping around the world with four children in tow and kind of setting this stuff up.
00:16:27.760 | I have done it successfully.
00:16:28.760 | I have over the last, coming up on three years, no more than three years now, over the last
00:16:34.280 | three years of tromping around the world I've set up multiple residencies, multiple citizenships,
00:16:41.120 | multiple bank accounts diversified around the world.
00:16:44.240 | I've done it.
00:16:45.680 | And there's something about having done it that gives you a little bit more perspective
00:16:49.360 | on it.
00:16:50.360 | And so that's another component.
00:16:52.720 | There are many other things as well.
00:16:54.120 | I tell you who I don't get the, I do a good amount of career planning.
00:16:57.200 | In the past I've sold a course on career planning and it's not a huge component but I wish there
00:17:02.240 | were more.
00:17:05.240 | I have often wished for, one of the things I love about running a sale is it makes my
00:17:09.440 | services more accessible for people who are perhaps not yet mega wealthy or who are not
00:17:15.240 | accustomed to paying kind of normal professional rates for financial advice.
00:17:19.680 | And so from time to time I'm thrilled when I get a call from somebody who is young, who
00:17:23.680 | is getting started, somebody who maybe is doing fine but wants to go to the next level
00:17:28.600 | because we can really get into next level career advice, really focusing on how do you
00:17:36.200 | turbocharge your career, interesting kind of national global opportunities, changing
00:17:41.160 | industries, etc.
00:17:42.600 | So if you earn money, you know in my career and income course the entire focus is on tax,
00:17:49.640 | 10xing your income in 10 years or less.
00:17:52.720 | And I can personalize that advice for you in a really effective way.
00:17:57.440 | And I promise your money will be very well spent.
00:18:00.560 | So there's more I'm sure but again my work is, I mean it's all public right?
00:18:07.720 | You can assess for yourself.
00:18:08.720 | If you're listening to this I don't know what I could do to convince you.
00:18:12.280 | You can go and listen to my podcast.
00:18:13.600 | If you can't afford the money then just go and listen to the 900 episodes of Radical
00:18:18.320 | Personal Finance, it's all available for free and most of the great ideas are probably sprinkled
00:18:22.560 | in there.
00:18:23.560 | If you want the right place for consulting, quick lesson for you on how to engage properly
00:18:28.960 | with services.
00:18:31.160 | When you are young, there are two aspects of it.
00:18:36.000 | Number one has to do with age and time versus money and the other thing has to do with spending
00:18:42.800 | money to cut out time.
00:18:44.880 | So first, when you are young, most young people have quite a lot of time and not a lot of
00:18:50.000 | money.
00:18:51.000 | And so when you are young, one of the best things that you can do is be careful with
00:18:56.360 | your money and focus on frugal options to absorb information.
00:19:00.800 | This is why for young people we encourage extensive reading, extensive listening of
00:19:06.640 | free materials, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc.
00:19:09.880 | Gain the information that's out there and then think about applying it to yourself.
00:19:13.440 | As you get older, your time starts to get much shorter and your money starts to get
00:19:17.360 | more significant.
00:19:19.020 | And as your income increases, one of the secrets is to always take your income and invest it
00:19:23.960 | back into yourself.
00:19:25.640 | And so it's hard to come up with a proper number but I would say something like 5% of
00:19:29.800 | your income is what should be invested into yourself and into your own knowledge and skills
00:19:35.880 | on a regular basis.
00:19:37.120 | You can go higher than that if it allows and I don't have a perfect formula for that but
00:19:42.000 | I've always aimed for about 5%.
00:19:44.880 | And so what that means is if you're earning $50,000 then 5% of that is of course $2,500.
00:19:51.560 | And so your annual budget, in my opinion, of investing into yourself should be about
00:19:58.160 | $2,500.
00:19:59.160 | Now that money can be very effectively spent largely on group level courses.
00:20:06.840 | Books are your best value in terms of information density per dollar spent.
00:20:11.960 | You can get a $10 or $20 or $50 book and get massive information density for that.
00:20:16.960 | And so maybe you spend $100 a month on books, that comes out to $1,200 a year.
00:20:23.000 | That's half your budget.
00:20:24.000 | In most cases, for somebody who's getting started there, your other budget should be
00:20:28.480 | spent on things like classes.
00:20:30.160 | Those can be digital courses, classes, seminars of various kinds.
00:20:36.520 | And most of this should relate to your primary income generating activities.
00:20:42.320 | And so your course selection should be connected to your job, your career, either your current
00:20:51.280 | one or the one you would like to move into.
00:20:53.920 | And so you can pretty easily spend $2,500 a year on books and on courses, etc.
00:21:03.000 | If you start hiring people at $500 an hour, that could be useful if those people are really
00:21:10.640 | good and can really deliver.
00:21:12.420 | But you can burn through money pretty quickly at that rate.
00:21:15.620 | Now as your income goes up, usually due to age, let's say you're earning $150,000 per
00:21:19.560 | year and you're targeting spending 5% of your budget on yourself and on your improvement.
00:21:25.080 | That's $7,500.
00:21:27.440 | Pretty quickly it becomes much more difficult to spend that on generalized advice.
00:21:33.440 | And as you advance in your career, it becomes much more profitable to spend it on experts
00:21:40.120 | in specific focus industries and focusing on your life.
00:21:45.120 | So you might still spend $1,000 a year on books.
00:21:48.540 | You might spend $3,000 a year on conferences.
00:21:53.240 | But your budget still now needs to... now you're going to wind up hiring personal consultants.
00:22:00.640 | And by the way, I use this term very broadly.
00:22:03.040 | It shouldn't all be a financial advisor.
00:22:05.120 | Financial advisor might be one component of it, but it might be a personal trainer.
00:22:08.880 | It might be a therapist.
00:22:09.880 | It might be a career coach.
00:22:12.040 | It might be an industry expert who can advise you on something related to your career.
00:22:16.360 | This varies depending on the person.
00:22:18.400 | The point is as your income goes up, then now you can get more usefulness from personalized
00:22:27.000 | advice.
00:22:28.280 | The other aspect of this is your general knowledge will now allow you to better assimilate and
00:22:34.480 | act on personal advice.
00:22:36.120 | Let's use a health and weight loss example.
00:22:40.560 | If you have... let's say you're fat and you're out of shape and you want to improve your
00:22:47.280 | health and physique.
00:22:48.720 | Well, probably just about any program will do.
00:22:52.760 | Meaning anybody who's gone together and put together a program, that'll do.
00:22:56.720 | Any book you pick up from the bookstore is probably a good place to start.
00:23:00.440 | And any generic thing is ideal for you.
00:23:04.520 | But as your skills grow, then you need more and more specific advice.
00:23:11.120 | So compare...
00:23:12.120 | I don't know, who do we pick?
00:23:15.200 | The Rock.
00:23:16.640 | So when Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was a young lad, then he could just go to the gym, pump
00:23:22.720 | iron and make gains, go out with his buddies, eat normal food, etc.
00:23:27.840 | As he got older and his income increased, then his body became a more and more crucial
00:23:33.880 | part of his personal brand.
00:23:36.400 | And as his muscular development increased, then he needed more and more expertise to
00:23:43.000 | advise him on his personal muscular development.
00:23:50.040 | And so at this point, he has the world's greatest personal trainer who is looking at his movie
00:23:56.800 | roles, thinking about his physique and designing very, very careful exercise regimes that are
00:24:04.480 | tailored specifically to his needs and his body's ability to grow muscle, to lean out,
00:24:13.160 | to fatten up, whatever it is that's appropriate for the roles that he's engaging in.
00:24:17.280 | He's got at least, I mean, probably a team of doctors, but he's got personal doctors
00:24:21.440 | who are overseeing his personal health, all of his biomarkers.
00:24:25.520 | He's got world-class doctors with chemical expertise who are supervising his supplement
00:24:33.640 | stack, his drugs, his, you know, the steroids and testosterone and everything.
00:24:38.280 | And they're carefully watching it.
00:24:39.720 | They're watching his liver results, trying to balance his, again, his drug stack with
00:24:44.840 | his personal health, etc.
00:24:47.040 | He's got trainers that are people who are dedicated to making sure that he always has
00:24:51.600 | his gym set up, his personal assistant.
00:24:53.800 | He travels with the gym when he goes on set.
00:24:56.240 | He's got a personal chef who cooks all of his meals exactly to his macro requirements
00:25:00.800 | as laid out by his dietician, etc.
00:25:03.360 | And the point is, you know, this is just one example.
00:25:06.520 | It's no different from a professional athlete, etc.
00:25:09.720 | But you don't need, he didn't need any of that when he first got started.
00:25:13.040 | He needed that down the road, but he didn't need that when he first got started.
00:25:16.520 | When he first got started, he just needed to be in the gym lifting weights.
00:25:19.720 | And at virtually all levels of performance, you find the same themes.
00:25:25.480 | If we continue picking on The Rock, right, with his acting.
00:25:27.640 | In the beginning, he was probably a very poor actor, certainly was a very poor actor.
00:25:32.360 | And so he, any generic acting coach was appropriate for him.
00:25:36.520 | And as he passed along, then he progressively moved up to better and better coaches.
00:25:42.200 | And I don't know anything about his acting coaches, but no doubt he has the world's best
00:25:46.000 | team of them that are appropriate, some hired by him, etc.
00:25:49.840 | And so as your economic engine grows, then the amount of money that you spend on things
00:25:56.360 | increases.
00:26:00.160 | And what you do is you move from generalized advice to personalized advice.
00:26:05.400 | And it's the same in virtually all areas of success.
00:26:09.800 | Your physical coaches, your doctors, your trainers, etc.
00:26:14.320 | Your mental coaches, whether it's a therapist, a business coach, a performance coach, etc.
00:26:23.240 | Whether it's coaches and advisors for your specific industry.
00:26:28.560 | In some cases, if you're in sales, then it's sales training and sales coaches.
00:26:32.800 | If you're in science, then it's the world's greatest scientific minds and who's going
00:26:37.760 | to be my PhD mentor, etc.
00:26:41.600 | Or who's going to be my post-grad mentor that I'm going to publish with, etc.
00:26:45.600 | Every industry has its own wrinkles.
00:26:48.240 | The point is that as you grow, you move from this generalized knowledge to the specific
00:26:51.760 | knowledge.
00:26:52.760 | Now here's the other aspect, though.
00:26:54.120 | The thing that I have never...I've never known exactly how to say or to model.
00:27:01.240 | I haven't built the perfect mental model for it.
00:27:06.000 | There's no doubt that when you're young, you have more time than money.
00:27:09.880 | And yet, can a high-priced coach save you a lot of time so that you get more money faster
00:27:20.580 | when you still have the time?
00:27:24.380 | My answer is I think so.
00:27:26.080 | I think so.
00:27:27.080 | And I want to qualify that.
00:27:28.640 | You need to look at it usually.
00:27:32.000 | In many cases, the thing that the coach might say is, "This is not necessary."
00:27:36.320 | If you're not 55 years old trying to maintain the super-jacked superhero physique, or if
00:27:46.960 | you're not trying to put on 50 pounds of muscle in one month so that you can star in a role,
00:27:51.720 | you don't need the world's greatest chemical advisors on what drugs to put into your body
00:27:57.100 | to help that to happen.
00:27:59.720 | You just need someone...and so that expert would say, "No, you're not at this level.
00:28:03.320 | You don't need that.
00:28:04.320 | You should just go to the gym and be in there three times a week and lift, etc."
00:28:08.640 | But along the way, paying for information and better advice will often help you make
00:28:15.620 | more progress.
00:28:17.280 | And I like to believe, and I've got a good stable of satisfied clients who would affirm
00:28:23.280 | this, but I'd like to believe that I can help you cut a lot of years off of your journey.
00:28:30.800 | What I think is not helpful, again, is those like, "Okay, every week."
00:28:34.780 | For example, I mentioned that I do some coaching.
00:28:36.680 | I work with zero employees in that.
00:28:39.480 | It's all entrepreneurs because employees don't have enough things they can do on a week-by-week
00:28:43.580 | basis to change things dramatically.
00:28:45.840 | Entrepreneurs do, employees don't.
00:28:48.360 | But the point is that even if you are just getting started, if you think that I might
00:28:53.960 | be able to provide you with some useful ideas, I'd love to help you shave years and years
00:28:58.220 | off of your success path.
00:29:00.760 | I often wished that someone had come along and told me at 15 some of the things that
00:29:05.520 | I can tell a 15-year-old.
00:29:08.800 | And I wasn't smart enough to go out and look for the information, so I wish different for
00:29:13.600 | I think that sums it up.
00:29:15.160 | The point is that as you're thinking about consulting, do what makes sense for you.
00:29:20.200 | I guess I should add other things.
00:29:21.560 | I do work with people on occasion who are in financial duress.
00:29:26.160 | In most cases, people who are in financial duress, if your situation is small and simple,
00:29:30.080 | you should just go and pay your bills, increase your income, decrease your expenses, pay off
00:29:35.320 | your debts.
00:29:37.160 | But if you're in a real bind, many times there are things that you can do, whether it's making
00:29:42.560 | a plan to play hardball with your creditors so that you can get your feet back under you
00:29:45.680 | or whatever it is.
00:29:46.680 | I have worked on occasion with people in that situation.
00:29:48.760 | So when I put this on sale, it's a good value for you as well.
00:29:51.080 | If you'd like to book a call with me, go to
00:29:57.320 | Remember 50 slots only.
00:29:59.000 | Once those 50 slots are gone, sale is over and the calendar is closed again.
00:30:04.160 | Go to
00:30:07.100 | Book now, save almost 25%, probably 20% on my normal fees.
00:30:13.080 |
00:30:14.080 | I look forward to talking to you soon.