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Keep Close to the Heart of Christmas


0:15 The Miraculous Conception
0:54 Section in the Gospel of Luke about the Conception of Christ in Mary's Womb
2:38 Incarnation of the Divine Nature
5:50 Beware of the Temptation

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | [Music]
00:00:04.000 | Today we venture out on a six-part series related to Christmas, answering your hard
00:00:08.760 | questions about the conception and the birth and the childhood of Jesus.
00:00:14.560 | And we begin today talking about the miraculous conception.
00:00:18.200 | A question from a listener named Kelly who writes this, "Pastor John, hello.
00:00:22.760 | Every Christmas I'm left wondering about the angel that came to Mary and informed her that
00:00:26.280 | she would have a child by the Holy Spirit.
00:00:29.260 | She wondered how it would be, and I know nothing is impossible for God.
00:00:34.080 | So here's my question.
00:00:35.720 | Did God become a fertilized embryo which was implanted into Mary's womb, or did Jesus somehow
00:00:42.480 | combine with Mary's natural egg to create the God-man?
00:00:47.120 | Are we given any biblical clues here as to how this happened biologically?"
00:00:52.480 | Let's read the most important section in the Gospel of Luke about the conception of Christ
00:01:03.480 | in Mary's womb and see how much God has revealed to us.
00:01:08.520 | Let me read it.
00:01:10.080 | This is Luke 1, 30 to 38.
00:01:14.380 | And the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.
00:01:19.640 | And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name
00:01:26.120 | Jesus.
00:01:27.120 | He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give
00:01:31.720 | him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever,
00:01:36.520 | and of his kingdom there will be no end."
00:01:40.240 | And Mary said to the angel, "How will this be, since I am a virgin?"
00:01:47.980 | And the angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most
00:01:53.520 | High will overshadow you, and therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the
00:02:00.840 | Son of God.
00:02:02.440 | And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son.
00:02:09.240 | And this is the sixth month with her who was called barren, for nothing will be impossible
00:02:16.680 | with God."
00:02:18.080 | And Mary said, "Behold, I am the servant of the Lord.
00:02:23.880 | Let it be to me according to your word."
00:02:27.600 | And the angel departed from her.
00:02:30.360 | I think this is as close as we get to the actual description of the event of the incarnation
00:02:40.320 | of the divine nature in some way uniting with the human nature in the womb of Mary.
00:02:50.840 | We know from numerous texts in the New Testament that Jesus was God, very God, had a divine
00:02:57.960 | nature.
00:02:59.960 | He had a real divine nature, like Colossians 2.9.
00:03:06.560 | In his body, there was fullness of deity.
00:03:11.980 | We know that Jesus Christ also had a human nature, because Paul says there is one mediator
00:03:17.520 | between God and man, the man, Christ Jesus.
00:03:21.640 | So he was a mediator between God and man because he was a man.
00:03:26.720 | So we know that Jesus was a God-man.
00:03:30.480 | There were two natures, a divine nature and a human nature in this one person, Jesus Christ.
00:03:36.320 | Now in this passage in Luke 2, the angel says to Mary in verse 31, "Behold, you will conceive
00:03:45.880 | in your womb."
00:03:48.760 | Now the natural way to take this is that Mary provides her ordinary part of the conception
00:03:57.560 | process, her egg, and God miraculously in some way—we do not and probably never can
00:04:05.800 | understand—provides the divine nature of Jesus, of Christ, the Son of God.
00:04:15.320 | Because when she asks how this can be, since she's a virgin, the angel says, "The Holy
00:04:23.840 | Spirit will come upon you, and the Most High, the power of the Most High, will overshadow
00:04:30.040 | you, and therefore the child to be born will be called Holy, Son of God."
00:04:35.440 | In other words, the angel veils the mysterious process in metaphorical language.
00:04:43.320 | The Most High will overshadow you, like the Shekinah glory.
00:04:51.400 | One of the reasons that I think we should assume Mary conceived with her own normal
00:04:58.880 | egg is that the same word for "conceived" is used in verse 36 when the angel says, "Behold,
00:05:07.000 | your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son."
00:05:13.800 | And this is the same word, and the word "also" so that there's no reason to think anything
00:05:19.480 | different than Mary conceived.
00:05:22.560 | She didn't become pregnant through Joseph.
00:05:25.720 | She became pregnant through the Holy Spirit in some way that we simply cannot fathom.
00:05:33.200 | So I don't think we should go much farther than that in detailing any of the mechanics
00:05:40.240 | of the miraculous conception, and I would give Kelly and the rest of us a caution here
00:05:46.840 | and a happy exhortation.
00:05:49.840 | The caution is that we beware of the temptation and the mindset of being excessively fascinated
00:05:58.720 | with non-essential matters.
00:06:00.840 | I have met people—and I'm not saying, Kelly, that you're this kind of person at all, but
00:06:05.000 | I've met people like this, I had them in my church for years—I have met people over
00:06:09.920 | the years who seem to be continually gravitating toward the margins of what is important rather
00:06:18.160 | than gravitating toward the center of what is important.
00:06:21.440 | They love to speculate about things that we cannot know and that are not essential to
00:06:28.040 | know, but these marginal things seem to hold an amazing fascination and attraction for
00:06:34.800 | them.
00:06:35.800 | I think that is spiritually dangerous for the soul to be so preoccupied with marginal
00:06:41.960 | matters while the joy and energy and passion for the center and the glorious main realities
00:06:49.280 | often goes languishing.
00:06:51.960 | So that's my caution.
00:06:52.960 | Now here's my happy concluding exhortation.
00:06:57.120 | We are in the presence here in Luke 2, in the presence of one of the greatest mysteries
00:07:04.800 | and wonders of the universe.
00:07:08.340 | The Creator of the universe, who is of a completely different dimension and reality
00:07:15.680 | than what he made, in a way that is scarcely conceivable to us, is united in one person,
00:07:25.360 | Jesus Christ, with a divine and human nature for the central purpose of being able to die.
00:07:37.360 | God cannot die.
00:07:40.000 | God cannot die.
00:07:42.000 | But Jesus Christ, the God-man, can die.
00:07:45.960 | This is the most spectacular fact in the universe, I think, more spectacular than creation itself,
00:07:53.320 | that God would clothe himself with humanity for the express purpose of dying so that rebellious
00:08:03.440 | people, people who are in rebellion against him, might live with him in joy forever.
00:08:09.240 | Listen to Hebrews 2.14, "Since the children," that's us, human beings, "Since the children
00:08:16.360 | share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of that same nature, flesh and blood,
00:08:26.800 | that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil,
00:08:31.880 | and deliver all those who through fear of death were held in lifelong slavery."
00:08:36.640 | Amazing.
00:08:37.640 | "He took on our nature so he could die."
00:08:43.600 | So let us stay close to the glorious center.
00:08:48.040 | God took on human nature so that he might die to destroy our enemies, deliver us from
00:08:54.200 | slavery to sin, give us eternal life with him forever.
00:08:58.480 | Yes, this is worthy of much meditation this Christmas and every Christmas.
00:09:06.640 | Wow, what a miracle.
00:09:08.840 | What a grace.
00:09:09.840 | What a gift.
00:09:10.840 | Thank you, Pastor John, for stirring our worship on these central things when it comes to the
00:09:15.480 | coming of Jesus.
00:09:16.480 | And, Kelly, thank you for the question.
00:09:18.920 | There are some biological mysteries here that we will never understand on this side of eternity,
00:09:24.000 | and even more mysterious to me are the divine mysteries at play in the incarnation as well.
00:09:30.360 | For the fully divine Son and creator of the universe to incarnate as a baby in a barn
00:09:36.320 | in Bethlehem, what divine attributes did he lay aside, if any?
00:09:42.620 | On Monday, we're going to pick up this next question as we march through some hard questions
00:09:46.240 | on our way to Christmas, and that's the next one.
00:09:48.920 | I'm your host, Tony Reinke.
00:09:50.300 | As always, thanks for listening to the podcast and have a wonderful weekend.
00:09:53.960 | We'll see you on Monday.
00:09:55.460 | [END]
00:09:57.460 | 1. What is the most difficult thing you've ever experienced?