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Making the Podcast: We secured our first guest!


0:0 Introduction
0:11 First Guest!
1:15 Predicting the unpredictable?
1:42 Podcast structure

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (upbeat music)
00:00:02.580 | Guys, we did it.
00:00:07.980 | We lined up our first guest
00:00:09.420 | and we have our first shoot here in a couple of days.
00:00:12.780 | It's gonna be with Paul Patron.
00:00:14.500 | He and I used to work together at LinkedIn.
00:00:16.100 | He's an awesome guy, a great storyteller
00:00:19.420 | and a very empathetic individual.
00:00:21.180 | So, basically the exact person we're looking for, right?
00:00:24.640 | Should be really fun.
00:00:28.580 | Another reason why I picked him was just because
00:00:30.580 | I know that the vibe will be good,
00:00:32.800 | that we can jibba jabba off one another.
00:00:34.960 | And so, hopefully the conversation can feel natural
00:00:39.720 | and organic and great.
00:00:41.180 | We had a pre-call yesterday.
00:00:47.160 | It was 30 minutes and it was opportunity for me to, again,
00:00:50.800 | get on the same page with him,
00:00:52.040 | kind of walk through the flow.
00:00:53.040 | But more importantly,
00:00:55.040 | I wanna understand what he cared about.
00:00:56.560 | Is there anything that he really wants me to bring up
00:00:59.800 | that he can kind of lean into or whatnot?
00:01:02.080 | And he definitely gave me some things, which is great.
00:01:04.440 | And I kind of helped him remind him also
00:01:06.520 | the things that I wanna kind of cover.
00:01:08.080 | So, as we have organic conversations,
00:01:10.160 | at least we're kind of aligned to the flow of stuff.
00:01:13.700 | I do not know if he's gonna be recording this from his room,
00:01:20.260 | from an office, from the, in a conference room.
00:01:26.320 | I have no idea where he's gonna be.
00:01:28.520 | So, I can't control his lighting situation,
00:01:32.720 | his acoustic or whatever.
00:01:33.840 | So, all I could do is say,
00:01:35.000 | hey, look, from a clothing perspective,
00:01:37.360 | like try not to any weird crazy patterns.
00:01:40.060 | Yeah, we'll see.
00:01:43.480 | I think when we start filming, excuse me,
00:01:48.060 | I'm probably gonna take the first five minutes
00:01:50.700 | just to kind of hear audio and make him sit close enough.
00:01:53.640 | I think that I do want him to be closer, ideally,
00:01:57.760 | like this much gap in the top of the screen.
00:01:59.600 | Like, who knows?
00:02:00.480 | We'll figure that out.
00:02:01.600 | I'm trying to figure out the tone of these videos
00:02:05.680 | and the look and feel of it.
00:02:09.560 | I like this kind of this podcast presentation.
00:02:14.280 | I don't know if that works
00:02:15.800 | in a one-to-one interview situation.
00:02:18.260 | Like if he's talking directly to the camera
00:02:21.480 | and I'm talking like this, is that weird?
00:02:24.040 | Should the mic be gone
00:02:26.000 | and should I just be talking to him straight on?
00:02:28.720 | So, I think I'm gonna make a decision right now
00:02:34.160 | and I may regret this.
00:02:36.300 | I'm gonna maybe hide the camera from view.
00:02:39.600 | And so, it might be more straight on conversation.
00:02:43.080 | So, it looks more like we do expect on a Zoom call
00:02:45.800 | since we'll be using Zoom.
00:02:47.100 | I don't know.
00:02:49.120 | We'll have to revisit that one.
00:02:50.680 | I think as I go through these videos,
00:02:53.000 | the styles may change and evolve over time.
00:02:55.900 | And so, that'll be something.
00:02:58.080 | I scheduled an hour and a half for a call.
00:03:02.240 | I don't think we'll use an hour and a half.
00:03:04.720 | I think we'll probably use just an hour,
00:03:06.280 | maybe in 45 minutes.
00:03:08.160 | I legit feel bad putting an hour and a half block
00:03:12.680 | on this calendar 'cause when you see that
00:03:14.840 | in your Google Calendar, it looks like a big block.
00:03:17.480 | And I was like, oh man, that looks,
00:03:19.200 | that almost looks like a full day kind of a situation.
00:03:21.720 | But I'm gonna do that for now just in case.
00:03:24.680 | It's my first one.
00:03:25.840 | If I have any like technical snafus,
00:03:27.440 | I have time to kind of rectify that.
00:03:29.100 | But I think in the future,
00:03:30.600 | keeping it to an hour is probably the way to go.
00:03:33.720 | And it's just an hour and a half, just kind of crazy.
00:03:36.320 | I'm also leaving myself time at the end
00:03:39.800 | to do some quick fast fire questions.
00:03:41.760 | I wanted to have some B-roll,
00:03:43.280 | some fun videos like behind the scenes.
00:03:46.400 | And so, I have 10 questions I'm gonna be throwing his way.
00:03:49.720 | I just try to think of some stuff
00:03:51.200 | that were really fun.
00:03:52.040 | And so like the one of them was like,
00:03:54.000 | all right, you're on a deserted island.
00:03:55.720 | You have two choices.
00:03:57.420 | Do you bring someone with you
00:03:58.920 | and you can bring any item of your choice?
00:04:01.560 | Or do you go alone and you bring five items of your choice?
00:04:05.740 | I don't know what he's gonna do.
00:04:08.520 | I think for people who are extroverted,
00:04:11.960 | they might wanna have a companion.
00:04:13.920 | I'm naturally introverted, so no disrespect to my wife.
00:04:17.360 | I think I'm gonna go alone
00:04:19.400 | and I'm gonna bring five items of my choice
00:04:21.320 | of which one of them is probably something
00:04:22.920 | that allows me to create fire, like a flint or something.
00:04:26.420 | But anyways, it'll be fun.
00:04:28.920 | I think personality will come out.
00:04:31.280 | And so that'll be very fun.
00:04:33.840 | So yeah, I'll let you know how this goes.
00:04:36.840 | I got a few days to prep.
00:04:38.640 | I did prep something like 30 to 40 questions.
00:04:41.400 | There's no way I'm gonna go through all of those,
00:04:43.260 | but I think it was good exercise for me
00:04:45.600 | because I had to be smart and I need to get...
00:04:49.240 | I wanna ask smart questions.
00:04:51.200 | I use ChatGPT to kind of help me brainstorm.
00:04:54.480 | But I think ultimately I wanna ask
00:04:57.360 | maybe the four or five smart questions
00:04:59.400 | out of the 30 or 20 garbage ones out there.
00:05:03.440 | So garbage ones probably being my ideas,
00:05:06.040 | not necessarily ChatGPT.
00:05:07.160 | ChatGPT is quite amazing, actually.
00:05:10.120 | I ask questions like...
00:05:11.760 | So I know his job titles,
00:05:12.880 | like he's a content marketer, for example.
00:05:14.680 | So I was like, what do content marketing people care about?
00:05:16.960 | Or questions to ask content marketers on a podcast.
00:05:20.000 | That was literally one of my thing.
00:05:20.920 | And it's been some stuff, and I was like,
00:05:22.000 | oh, well, thankfully I already had most of those on my list,
00:05:24.680 | so I'm kind of on the right path.
00:05:26.880 | But then I would say, oh, maybe I refine that
00:05:30.440 | by adding a qualifier like blog writing,
00:05:32.600 | or how do you advise someone being a content marketer
00:05:36.000 | who is not traditionally a content marketer?
00:05:38.640 | Those kind of questions came up.
00:05:39.480 | So again, it added a few questions to me,
00:05:43.000 | more so it helped me reaffirm
00:05:44.760 | or reword some of my existing questions.
00:05:46.560 | But it was great.
00:05:48.200 | It also let me just get smarter about his field.
00:05:50.920 | So I'm thankful for this era of AI.
00:05:55.280 | It just, it boosts productivity a lot.
00:05:58.400 | I think I'll be leaning that a lot,
00:05:59.720 | especially looking at my roadmap of interviews,
00:06:02.840 | and they are gonna be topics
00:06:04.080 | that I have a lot less familiarity with.
00:06:07.000 | And so I'll definitely be glad to have any resources I can.
00:06:12.000 | Cool, all right, this is where I'm at right now.
00:06:13.880 | Next time you see me,
00:06:15.240 | my first shot should be done.
00:06:17.080 | See you guys later.
00:06:18.880 | [BLANK_AUDIO]