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Administrative Creep Makes Work Miserable. Here Are 3 Strategies to Tame It | Deep Questions Podcast


0:0 Cal's intro
1:6 Cal explains Administrative Creep
1:30 Cal elaborates his three solutions
3:30 Cal talks about Automation
8:0 Cal talks about overhead

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | All right, so now we have a question from Darcy.
00:00:04.200 | Darcy asks, "How do you get to do things you need to do
00:00:09.120 | "with an ever-increasing administration
00:00:13.100 | "or administrative overload?
00:00:15.660 | "Administrative creep is a massive problem.
00:00:17.700 | "Every service you hire, activity you perform,
00:00:19.700 | "product you buy comes with an ever-increasing
00:00:21.740 | "administrative burden.
00:00:23.340 | "For example, you buy a washing machine,
00:00:24.840 | "it doesn't work properly, you request a refund,
00:00:26.840 | "the supplier needs X form completed,
00:00:29.000 | "they then deny the refund,
00:00:30.680 | "you then turn to a government agency
00:00:32.340 | "to assist in enforcing your consumer rights,
00:00:34.780 | "they require a form to be completed,
00:00:36.380 | "each interaction is by email,
00:00:37.720 | "finally you arrive at a tribunal,
00:00:39.760 | "they give you a refund,
00:00:41.000 | "each process requires time and skill.
00:00:43.780 | "This is all time away from doing deep work."
00:00:48.780 | And again, Darcy, I would modify that to say,
00:00:51.720 | this is all time that would keep you away
00:00:54.280 | from the intentional points that you are identifying
00:00:57.520 | in your deep life plan,
00:01:00.080 | the things you wanna be spending time on,
00:01:01.960 | whether they're work or non-work related.
00:01:04.320 | All right, but it's a good question
00:01:05.400 | because administrative creep,
00:01:07.480 | that is the growing burden of small tasks,
00:01:12.480 | is a big problem.
00:01:16.000 | I think we underestimate it,
00:01:17.160 | we in particular underestimate it in the world of work,
00:01:19.720 | the actual burden of administrative creep
00:01:21.600 | on our ability to get things done
00:01:24.740 | that actually have value for the organization.
00:01:27.860 | So I have three ideas, Darcy, that I wanna share here.
00:01:31.100 | All right, first, I think you need to be more comfortable
00:01:34.460 | wasting more money, all right?
00:01:37.260 | Yes, your washing machine didn't work right,
00:01:40.220 | but man, this is crazy.
00:01:41.700 | You ended up in a tribunal with the government
00:01:45.500 | to try to get the refund back.
00:01:47.300 | I mean, part of fighting administrative creep
00:01:49.780 | is to the extent possible,
00:01:51.320 | doing less things that generate administrative creep.
00:01:53.960 | And if you can just spend some money or waste some money
00:01:57.060 | and not have to deal with something,
00:01:58.740 | to the extent you're able to do that,
00:02:00.260 | it's a good investment in time.
00:02:02.740 | I don't know if that refund was really worth
00:02:04.620 | all the time you actually just spent there.
00:02:07.140 | So that's the first thing I would suggest
00:02:10.580 | is try to reduce what you can in your life,
00:02:13.280 | even if it's not optimal.
00:02:15.180 | Like, oh man, I really should return this thing
00:02:18.580 | I got from Amazon, it's the wrong size,
00:02:20.340 | but I'm gonna have to go to the UPS store
00:02:23.140 | and print this label, I don't know what to do.
00:02:24.380 | It's like, or you just eat the $20.
00:02:27.120 | So we got a value, time and context shifting.
00:02:30.700 | That's a real cost that we weigh against things like money.
00:02:34.340 | Idea two is to automate.
00:02:37.480 | So I'm a big believer in this when it comes to small tasks
00:02:41.560 | is there's two conditions that a small task can be in,
00:02:46.560 | cognitively speaking.
00:02:47.860 | The impact of these two conditions
00:02:50.180 | is very different on your brain.
00:02:51.460 | The first condition is that it can kind of be hanging.
00:02:53.820 | It's on a to-do list somewhere, but that's it.
00:02:56.620 | And it's something that needs to get done.
00:02:58.700 | It's gonna have to, time's gonna have to be found,
00:03:00.540 | things are, information's gonna have to be gathered
00:03:02.900 | and it's sitting there as this sort of weight
00:03:04.760 | of something that needs to be done,
00:03:06.860 | you're not quite sure when and how it's gonna get done.
00:03:08.940 | The second condition a small task can be in is not hanging.
00:03:12.700 | This is when it's getting done in this time, in this place,
00:03:15.960 | here's where the information is.
00:03:18.260 | You don't have to, it's not on your list of things
00:03:20.300 | that you have to actually exert
00:03:23.460 | any additional planning energy towards.
00:03:26.140 | Automation, when I say automate,
00:03:28.780 | I mean moving as many of your small tasks as possible
00:03:31.620 | into that second condition.
00:03:33.180 | And there's a few things you can do here.
00:03:36.180 | One thing is for recurring tasks,
00:03:38.100 | you have a way they always get done.
00:03:40.320 | They always get done the same way,
00:03:41.900 | this day on this week, every month,
00:03:45.220 | here's the spreadsheet I go through and I pay these bills
00:03:48.280 | and I do the budget or whatever it is,
00:03:49.940 | but it's the same times, the same days,
00:03:52.220 | you don't have to think about it,
00:03:53.660 | it's just you get to that day,
00:03:55.220 | you see the calendar notice and you execute.
00:03:57.420 | It's no longer sitting there as something
00:04:00.700 | that is gonna require planning energy.
00:04:03.180 | The other thing you can do is have set times put aside
00:04:06.180 | for doing these type of tasks in general.
00:04:08.100 | And maybe what you're actually doing
00:04:09.340 | is assigning tasks to these buckets.
00:04:11.440 | Tuesday and Wednesdays,
00:04:13.580 | I have a 90 minute block in the afternoon
00:04:16.820 | in which I'm doing, I don't know,
00:04:18.900 | student related, class related issues as a professor.
00:04:22.340 | So students have questions, they need to know their grades,
00:04:24.820 | there's issues with prom sets or whatever,
00:04:27.300 | maybe you have 90 minutes twice a week,
00:04:29.040 | that's when you do that work.
00:04:30.740 | So when any of these questions pop up,
00:04:32.460 | you can just throw them on a list
00:04:34.180 | in a shared document somewhere.
00:04:37.460 | And you just know that list gets processed
00:04:38.980 | when you get to Tuesday,
00:04:40.260 | and again, when you get to Thursday.
00:04:42.060 | Again, what you're doing here is moving those small tasks
00:04:44.300 | into the second condition
00:04:45.340 | where they require no further planning energy.
00:04:49.320 | The final thing is you could have some sort of system
00:04:51.560 | put in place for some of this type of work
00:04:53.200 | so that when a request comes in,
00:04:55.480 | it's not just hanging there loose,
00:04:57.040 | here's how we handle it.
00:04:58.220 | Okay, so if this issue comes up, you have to do this,
00:05:00.400 | you have to put it on my shared calendar,
00:05:02.360 | there's a each week I put the notes,
00:05:04.280 | whatever it is, but you have some system in place.
00:05:06.220 | What I'm trying to do here with automation
00:05:08.060 | is get things out of that condition
00:05:10.280 | in which planning energy still needs to be applied.
00:05:12.680 | And the reason is, is that if you give me 20 tasks,
00:05:17.520 | and in scenario A, each of those 20 tasks
00:05:20.640 | is gonna require at some point, planning energy applied,
00:05:23.920 | it's not clear to you
00:05:24.760 | exactly how they're gonna get executed.
00:05:26.120 | And over here, you have the same 20 tasks,
00:05:28.960 | no planning energy is required.
00:05:30.520 | They're all in one of these types of pre-existing systems
00:05:33.420 | or processes, et cetera.
00:05:35.280 | That second scenario is going to have a much smaller
00:05:39.860 | negative impact on your mind, on your sense of busyness,
00:05:44.640 | on the sense of what load is lurking above me.
00:05:49.280 | It's gonna be work that's gonna get done,
00:05:51.480 | but almost for free.
00:05:52.640 | It's like, it doesn't add up to that quota
00:05:54.560 | of how much work can you have on your plate
00:05:57.100 | before your brain fritzes out and says, I have too much.
00:05:59.460 | It doesn't add up to that quota,
00:06:01.200 | because it's not work you have to think about and plan.
00:06:03.960 | It's like, you know, you mow the yard on Saturday morning,
00:06:06.920 | so you don't think about that as, oh my God,
00:06:08.240 | this is something in my plate I have to figure out.
00:06:11.080 | So the more you can move tasks in that condition,
00:06:13.300 | the least negative impact they're gonna have
00:06:15.520 | actually on your brain.
00:06:16.840 | And then the third thing I'm gonna recommend
00:06:18.360 | is don't ignore the impact of attached overhead.
00:06:23.360 | So any significant project or initiative you agree to do,
00:06:31.460 | so the main grist of whatever you do, you know,
00:06:34.920 | in your job or whatever you do,
00:06:37.080 | the big things that really matter,
00:06:38.600 | like getting this committee together
00:06:40.180 | and making a hiring decision,
00:06:41.760 | updating the newsletter software that our church uses,
00:06:44.860 | whatever it is, right?
00:06:46.020 | Any non-trivial commitment or project
00:06:48.500 | is gonna bring with it a fixed overhead
00:06:51.640 | of administrative work.
00:06:52.940 | And once this is on your plate,
00:06:55.800 | there's gonna be this fixed overhead
00:06:57.340 | of we have to talk back and forth
00:06:58.700 | with the other people involved.
00:06:59.780 | There's gonna have to be some meetings.
00:07:01.260 | There's gonna be a background drip of emails
00:07:04.540 | that are gonna require answering
00:07:05.700 | as you're trying to figure things out.
00:07:07.220 | And you don't want to ignore that fixed amount of overhead,
00:07:10.780 | because it does not take much of that
00:07:12.960 | until your schedule is overhead dominated.
00:07:16.860 | And again, I think this is another issue that people have
00:07:20.120 | is they just look at the project itself.
00:07:22.300 | Try to get the software updated for our newsletter.
00:07:25.600 | We're trying to do a hiring decision
00:07:27.640 | and I've agreed to whatever,
00:07:31.040 | put together a new white paper that we send the clients.
00:07:34.400 | And you look at just a project in isolation.
00:07:36.160 | You're like, well, I kind of imagined this taking a few days
00:07:39.000 | and this taking a few days and this taking a week.
00:07:41.140 | And these are the three things I'm working on
00:07:42.700 | for the next two weeks.
00:07:43.540 | There should be plenty of time.
00:07:44.360 | But what you don't have in mind
00:07:45.200 | is that each of these projects is bringing with it
00:07:46.920 | this attached overhead.
00:07:48.460 | So now each of these three projects
00:07:49.820 | is bringing with it multiple Zoom meetings a week.
00:07:52.020 | Each of these projects is bringing with it,
00:07:53.700 | let's say 10 to 20 back and forth emails per week.
00:07:56.660 | So now you have 60 back and forth emails,
00:07:59.300 | and that's gonna translate to something like
00:08:00.940 | five to 600 inbox checks to keep up
00:08:03.140 | with these back and forth conversations.
00:08:04.500 | And the overhead with just these three projects
00:08:06.780 | in a two week period,
00:08:07.840 | this overhead itself can eat up almost all of your time.
00:08:11.840 | And now you feel administrative creep
00:08:13.280 | and now you feel overloaded.
00:08:14.560 | So we have to be really careful about
00:08:17.320 | how many projects we have on our plate at once.
00:08:19.840 | I'm a big believer of pull systems.
00:08:22.040 | Should be working on a very small number
00:08:23.800 | of big projects at a time.
00:08:25.400 | When one is at a stopping point,
00:08:27.280 | only then do you pull in something new to work on.
00:08:29.600 | Because if you bring them all on your plate
00:08:31.160 | and say, I'll figure it out, the overhead comes with them.
00:08:34.240 | And whether you're working on this project actively today
00:08:36.760 | or not, the overhead doesn't care,
00:08:38.720 | it's making demands of you.
00:08:40.840 | So that's the other big source of administrative creep.
00:08:42.560 | So have much fewer things on your plate
00:08:44.360 | because it's not the time required to write the paper
00:08:46.780 | or update the software that's gonna kill you.
00:08:48.800 | It's the 60 emails and the seven Zoom meetings.
00:08:51.860 | That's what's gonna end up killing you
00:08:53.800 | from a scheduling perspective.
00:08:55.160 | So be very wary about that administrative attached overhead.
00:08:58.400 | Those three things, be less efficient, waste money,
00:09:01.720 | automate small tasks, so get them in that condition
00:09:03.640 | where they require no further planning attention
00:09:05.480 | and being very careful about the overhead
00:09:07.320 | that comes with projects.
00:09:08.160 | So keep your active project queue low at any one point,
00:09:11.880 | I think goes a long ways towards keeping administrative
00:09:14.480 | creep feeling more reasonable.
00:09:16.960 | That's a good question.
00:09:19.920 | That's the bane of my existence, administrative creep.
00:09:21.800 | I do what I can, but we all struggle with it.
00:09:25.780 | (upbeat music)
00:09:28.360 | (upbeat music)