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Bogleheads® Conference 2023 - Closing thoughts, Many Thanks & Plans for NEXT year

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | (audience applauding)
00:00:03.160 | So, here are the top three things
00:00:09.320 | I took away from this conference.
00:00:12.620 | Number one, Bill Bernstein is actually
00:00:19.120 | a self-admitted market timer.
00:00:23.080 | (audience laughing)
00:00:28.080 | Number two, my beloved Vanguard Total Market Index Fund
00:00:33.080 | is actually actively managed.
00:00:39.000 | (audience laughing)
00:00:42.640 | But number three, and this came from Alan Roth,
00:00:47.640 | a risky and unhealthy lifestyle
00:00:51.260 | is good for your retirement plan
00:00:56.120 | because it lowers your life expectancy.
00:00:59.160 | Okay, now.
00:01:01.660 | - Jim and Katie Dolly, we just wanna thank you
00:01:06.080 | for your efforts here.
00:01:07.300 | You all already got a shout out,
00:01:08.960 | but we are so grateful from this conference.
00:01:11.800 | We could not have done it without you.
00:01:13.760 | Katie, especially behind the scenes,
00:01:16.020 | you were just such a gift to us.
00:01:17.640 | So, thank you for that.
00:01:18.720 | We appreciate it.
00:01:19.560 | (audience applauding)
00:01:24.840 | And Jim, of course, as a speaker
00:01:26.960 | and creating the curriculum for our University Day.
00:01:30.360 | Wanna thank our video guys.
00:01:32.040 | We have committed to videotaping all of these conferences
00:01:37.040 | so that people who can't afford to attend
00:01:39.600 | can still view the sessions.
00:01:41.520 | So, the team from Little Cabin has been here videotaping,
00:01:45.660 | and they've also been doing some nice testimonials
00:01:48.480 | with some of you where you've been talking
00:01:50.240 | about what you've gained from the conference
00:01:52.480 | and what you've gained from Bogleheads.
00:01:54.280 | We intend to use those to promote future conferences.
00:01:58.560 | So, thank you to our video team.
00:02:00.640 | We really, really appreciate it.
00:02:02.520 | (audience applauding)
00:02:05.680 | I also wanted to thank Jim and Connor from Spark Network
00:02:11.440 | who have helped us put on this conference.
00:02:14.240 | So, I hope they're here.
00:02:16.200 | There's Jim.
00:02:18.520 | Connor, in the back.
00:02:20.060 | (audience applauding)
00:02:23.960 | To the extent that this conference feels at all polished
00:02:27.240 | or professional, all these guys.
00:02:29.240 | They have meant everything in terms of our registration,
00:02:32.660 | just in terms of making everything go
00:02:35.400 | as smoothly as it can go.
00:02:37.400 | And we are just so grateful for their contributions
00:02:40.880 | to Bogleheads.
00:02:41.700 | So, thank you, Jim and Connor.
00:02:43.580 | I also wanted to mention a program
00:02:46.200 | that's been happening at this conference
00:02:47.880 | a little bit behind the scenes,
00:02:49.800 | which is that we decided to try to offer scholarships
00:02:53.800 | this year to folks who would not be otherwise able
00:02:56.840 | to attend the conference.
00:02:58.840 | And so, this is something that we have been using
00:03:02.600 | our own coffers to cover these registrations for people.
00:03:06.760 | Rick was very helpful for me in terms of winnowing down
00:03:09.980 | the number of worthy requests to the people
00:03:14.520 | who we wanted to have here because they truly
00:03:17.760 | did have a financial need.
00:03:19.060 | So, we'll keep this scholarship program going.
00:03:22.760 | The idea is to make this conference available
00:03:26.000 | to people who otherwise might find it unaffordable.
00:03:29.600 | We also have a student program.
00:03:31.640 | (audience applauding)
00:03:34.800 | Yes, and one thing I would say is that we also had
00:03:41.880 | some people cancel who were ill or had some reason
00:03:45.200 | they couldn't make the conference.
00:03:46.480 | Some of them generously donated their registration
00:03:50.120 | to cover some of these scholars.
00:03:52.520 | So, we are so grateful.
00:03:54.320 | They're not here, obviously, but we're very grateful
00:03:56.400 | for people who choose to do that.
00:03:57.940 | So, bear that in mind if you attend a conference
00:04:00.600 | in the future and can't make it in the end.
00:04:04.160 | We are also going to continue to invite students
00:04:07.720 | to be part of this conference.
00:04:09.280 | That'll be something that we will work on
00:04:11.960 | in future conferences.
00:04:13.640 | We do have, I think, a couple of financial planning
00:04:16.200 | students in attendance, but we're going to continue
00:04:18.440 | to drive that effort to bring students here.
00:04:21.740 | Finally, we want to thank our wonderful volunteers
00:04:25.480 | who we could not have this conference without.
00:04:30.160 | So, please join me in thanking all of the people
00:04:32.800 | who volunteered their time.
00:04:34.120 | (audience applauding)
00:04:36.200 | Okay.
00:04:37.040 | I have a couple more.
00:04:38.920 | Speakers, every speaker here was not,
00:04:44.520 | no speaker was paid for his or her time.
00:04:46.880 | It's on a weekend.
00:04:47.800 | We had great speakers, a fabulous lineup,
00:04:51.400 | and these are all people who generously
00:04:53.680 | volunteered their time.
00:04:55.040 | (audience applauding)
00:04:58.200 | And last but not least, all of you,
00:05:03.440 | our biggest Bogleheads conference ever.
00:05:06.240 | You make it what it is.
00:05:08.900 | - Okay.
00:05:12.160 | There is one person who needs to be thanked
00:05:14.680 | for the reason why all of you are here,
00:05:18.200 | and she is standing right next to me.
00:05:20.680 | (audience applauding)
00:05:23.480 | Christine.
00:05:24.920 | Thank you.
00:05:26.520 | Christine has been the chairman of this conference.
00:05:29.240 | She does a full-time job at Morningstar.
00:05:32.880 | She is the president of the John C. Bogle Center
00:05:34.960 | for the Financial Literacy, and she actually
00:05:37.200 | has some sort of a life as well, I think.
00:05:39.160 | Do you not?
00:05:40.360 | Great job, Christine.
00:05:41.600 | - Thank you so much, Rick, and thanks to all of you.
00:05:45.920 | It's been a super fun effort.
00:05:48.200 | It's a nice kind of, my husband calls it
00:05:50.200 | my unpaid part-time job, so it's been fun.
00:05:54.440 | Now, we're gonna announce the 2024 conference site.
00:05:59.440 | We are so excited to announce, go ahead, cue it.
00:06:06.000 | Minneapolis, Twin Cities.
00:06:10.740 | (audience applauding)
00:06:14.360 | The local chapter in the Twin Cities
00:06:16.920 | has expressed an interest, a lot of interest,
00:06:19.760 | in being the host city, and we are so excited
00:06:22.800 | to work with them on planning next year's conference,
00:06:27.000 | and we think we'll have an even greater conference
00:06:30.700 | than we've had this year.
00:06:31.680 | Thank you all.
00:06:32.600 | That's it?
00:06:34.960 | Thank you.
00:06:35.780 | (audience applauding)
00:06:38.000 | Be safe going home.
00:06:39.200 | (audience applauding)
00:06:42.360 | [BLANK_AUDIO]