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Quantization explained with PyTorch - Post-Training Quantization, Quantization-Aware Training


0:0 Introduction
1:10 What is quantization?
3:42 Integer representation
7:25 Floating-point representation
9:16 Quantization (details)
13:50 Asymmetric vs Symmetric Quantization
15:38 Asymmetric Quantization
18:34 Symmetric Quantization
20:57 Asymmetric vs Symmetric Quantization (Python Code)
24:16 Dynamic Quantization & Calibration
27:57 Multiply-Accumulate Block
30:5 Range selection strategies
34:40 Quantization granularity
35:49 Post-Training Quantization
43:5 Training-Aware Quantization

Whisper Transcript | Transcript Only Page

00:00:00.000 | Hello guys, welcome back to my channel. Today we are gonna talk about quantization.
00:00:04.000 | Let's review the topics of today. I will start by showing what is quantization
00:00:09.000 | and why we need quantization and later we will briefly introduce what are the
00:00:13.400 | numerical representation for integers and floating-point numbers in our
00:00:16.560 | hardware, so in CPUs and GPUs. I will show you later what is quantization at the
00:00:21.920 | neural network level by giving you some examples and later we will go into the
00:00:27.000 | detail of the types of quantization, so the asymmetric and the symmetric
00:00:30.120 | quantization, what we mean by the range and the granularity and later we will
00:00:34.400 | see also post-training quantization and quantization-aware training. For all of
00:00:38.540 | these topics I will also show you the Python, the PyTorch and the Python code
00:00:42.560 | on how to do it from scratch. So actually we will build the asymmetric and the
00:00:46.840 | quantization and the symmetric quantization from scratch using PyTorch
00:00:50.000 | and then later we will also apply it to a sample neural network using
00:00:53.600 | post-training quantization and quantization-aware training. What do I
00:00:57.380 | expect you guys to already know before watching this video is basically you
00:01:01.320 | have some basic understanding of neural networks and then you have some
00:01:05.740 | background in mathematics, just high school mathematics is enough. So let's
00:01:11.060 | start our journey. Let's see what is quantization first of all. So quantization
00:01:15.680 | aims to solve a problem. The problem is that most modern deep neural networks
00:01:19.720 | are made up of millions if not billions of parameters. For example the smallest
00:01:24.480 | Lama 2 has a 7 billion parameters. Now if every parameter is a 32-bit then we
00:01:30.600 | need 28 gigabyte just to store the parameters on the disk. Also when we
00:01:35.900 | inference the model we need to load all the parameters of the model in the
00:01:39.320 | memory. If we are using the CPU for example for inference then we need to
00:01:42.660 | load it in the RAM but if you are using the GPU we need to load it in the memory
00:01:46.240 | of the GPU. Of course big models cannot easily be loaded inside the CPU, the RAM
00:01:52.640 | or the GPU in case we are using a standard PC or small device like a
00:01:56.480 | smartphone. And also just like humans computers are slow at computing
00:02:03.080 | floating-point operations compared to integer operations. For example if you
00:02:07.320 | try to do mentally 3 multiplied by 6 and also mentally 1.21 multiplied by 2.897
00:02:14.560 | of course you are able to do much faster the 3 by 6 multiplication and the same
00:02:19.360 | goes on with computers. So the solution is quantization. Quantization basically
00:02:25.000 | aims to reduce the number of the amount of bits required to represent each
00:02:30.280 | parameter using by usually by converting the floating-point numbers into
00:02:34.800 | integers. This way for example a model that normally occupies many gigabyte
00:02:39.320 | can be compressed to much less smaller size. Also please note that
00:02:44.840 | quantization doesn't mean that we just round up or round down all the
00:02:48.600 | floating-point numbers to the nearest integer, this is not what quantization
00:02:52.300 | does. We will see later how it works so please don't be confused. And the
00:02:57.120 | quantization can also speed up computation because as working with
00:03:00.520 | smaller data types is faster for example the computer is much faster as
00:03:04.720 | multiplying matrices made up of integers than two matrices made up of
00:03:09.360 | floating-point numbers. And later we will see actually how this matrix
00:03:13.720 | multiplication works at the GPU level also. So what is the advantage of
00:03:18.720 | quantization? First of all we have less memory consumption when loading models
00:03:22.560 | so the model can be compressed into a much smaller size and we have less
00:03:27.720 | inference time because of using simpler data types so for example integers
00:03:32.440 | instead of floating-point numbers. And these two combinations lead to less
00:03:36.720 | energy consumption which is very important for like for example
00:03:40.000 | smartphones. Okay now let's go review how numbers are represented in the
00:03:46.000 | hardware so in the CPU level or in the GPU level. So computers use a
00:03:52.120 | fixed number of bits to represent any piece of data. For example to represent a
00:03:56.880 | number or a character or a pixel color we always use the fixed number of bit. A
00:04:00.800 | bit string that is made up of n bits can represent up to 2 to the power of n
00:04:05.360 | distinct numbers. For example with 3 bit we can represent 8 possible numbers
00:04:10.720 | from 0 to 7 and for each number you can see its binary representation. We can
00:04:16.560 | always convert the binary representation in the decimal representation by
00:04:20.960 | multiplying each digit with the power of 2 to the power of its position to the
00:04:27.960 | to the position of the digit inside the bit string. And in most CPUs actually the
00:04:34.240 | numbers the integer numbers are represented using the twos complement
00:04:38.200 | which means that the first bit of the number indicates the sign so 0 means
00:04:43.480 | positive and 1 means negative while the rest of the bits indicate the absolute
00:04:49.000 | value of the number in case it's positive or its complement in case it's
00:04:52.360 | negative. The reason we use the twos complement is because we want one unique
00:04:57.120 | representation for the zero so the plus zero and the minus zero have the same
00:05:00.920 | binary representation. But of course you may argue okay computers use a fixed
00:05:06.200 | number of bits to represent numbers but how can Python handle such big numbers
00:05:11.800 | without any problems like when you run 2 to the power of 9 9 9 9 on Python you
00:05:17.200 | will get a result which is much bigger than any 64-bit number and how can
00:05:23.080 | Python handle these huge numbers without any problem? Well Python uses the so
00:05:27.760 | called the big num arithmetic so as we saw before in this table the number 6
00:05:34.280 | when it's represented in base 10 only needs one digit but when it's
00:05:38.520 | represented in a base 2 it reads three digits so this is actually a rule so the
00:05:43.880 | smaller the base the bigger the number of digits we need to represent the
00:05:47.880 | number and Python does the inverse so it saves all these numbers as an
00:05:53.000 | array of digits in which each digit is the digit of the number in base 2 to the
00:05:58.040 | power of 30 so overall we need less digits to store very big numbers for
00:06:02.960 | example if this number which is the result of 2 to the power of 9 9 9 9 is
00:06:07.600 | represented as a decimal number we would need an array of 3,000 digits to store
00:06:12.720 | it in memory while Python stores this number as an array of digits in base 2
00:06:19.240 | to the power of 30 so it only needs 334 elements in which all the elements are
00:06:26.880 | zero except the most significant one which is equal to 512 and as a matter of
00:06:31.880 | fact you can check by yourself that by doing 512 multiplied by the base so 2 to
00:06:38.360 | the power of 30 then to the power of the position of this digit in the array we
00:06:44.480 | will obtain the number 2 to the power of 9 9 9 9 I also want you to notice that
00:06:49.760 | this is something that is implemented by CPython which is the Python
00:06:53.760 | interpreter not by the CPU so it's not the CPU that is doing this big num
00:06:58.400 | arithmetic for us it's the Python interpreter for example when you compile
00:07:02.440 | C++ code the code will run directly on the hardware on the CPU which means also
00:07:08.080 | that the C++ code is compiled for the specific hardware it will run
00:07:13.320 | on while Python code we never compile it because the CPython will take care of
00:07:17.760 | translating our Python instructions into machine code and in a process called
00:07:22.920 | just-in-time compilation okay let's review how floating-point numbers are
00:07:28.560 | represented now decimal numbers are just numbers that also include the negative
00:07:34.240 | powers of the base for example the number 85.612 can be written as each
00:07:39.640 | number multiplied so each digit multiplied by a power of the base which
00:07:44.400 | is 10 but the decimal part have negative powers of 10 as you can see 10 to the
00:07:49.880 | power of minus 1 minus 2 and minus 3 and this same reasoning is used to in the
00:07:54.800 | standard IEEE 754 which defines the representation of floating-point
00:08:00.320 | numbers in 32-bit basically we divided the 32-bit string into three parts the
00:08:06.200 | first bit indicates the sign so 0 means positive the next 8 bit indicated the
00:08:11.920 | exponent which also indicates the magnitude of the number so how big is
00:08:15.560 | the number and the last 23 bits indicate the fractional part of the number so all
00:08:21.520 | the digits corresponding to the negative powers of 2 to convert this bit string
00:08:27.880 | into a value decimal value we just need to do this so the sign multiplied by 2
00:08:32.660 | to the power of the exponent minus 127 multiplied by the fraction 1 plus all
00:08:39.240 | the negative powers of 2 and should correspond to the number 0.15625
00:08:47.680 | most modern GPUs also support a 16-bit floating-point number but of course this
00:08:54.360 | results in less precision because we have less bits dedicated to the
00:08:58.160 | fractional part the last bit dedicated to the exponent and of course they are
00:09:03.140 | smaller so they have less it means that they can represent the floating-point
00:09:07.800 | numbers with less precision so we don't we cannot have too many digits after the
00:09:12.160 | comma for example okay let's go inside the details of quantization now first of
00:09:19.920 | all we review how neural networks work so we start with an input which could be
00:09:24.180 | a tensor and we give it to a layer which could be a linear layer for example
00:09:28.200 | which then maps to another linear layer and finally we have an output we have
00:09:33.780 | usually a target we compare the output and the target through a loss function
00:09:38.440 | and we calculate the gradient of the loss function with respect to each
00:09:42.360 | parameter and we run back propagation to update these parameters the neural
00:09:48.960 | network can be made up of many different layers for example a linear layer is
00:09:53.340 | made up of two matrices one is called the weight and one is called the bias
00:09:57.320 | which are commonly represented using floating-point numbers quantization
00:10:02.120 | aims to use integer numbers to represent these two matrices while maintaining the
00:10:06.960 | accuracy of the model let's see how so this linear layer for example the first
00:10:12.180 | linear layer of this neural network represents an operation which is the
00:10:16.080 | input multiplied by a weight matrix which are the parameters of this linear
00:10:22.200 | layer plus a bias which are also the parameters of this linear layer and we
00:10:28.520 | the goal of the quantization is to quantize the input the weight matrix and
00:10:34.280 | the bias matrix into integers such that we perform all these operations here as
00:10:39.720 | integer operations because they are much faster compared to floating-point
00:10:44.080 | operations we take then the output we dequantize it and we feed it to the next
00:10:49.640 | layer and we dequantize in such a way that the next layer should not even
00:10:54.840 | realize that there have been a quantization in the previous layer so we
00:10:58.360 | want to do quantization in such a way that the model's output should not
00:11:02.640 | change because of quantization so we want to keep the model's performance the
00:11:07.600 | accuracy of the model but we want to perform all these operations using
00:11:11.840 | integers so we need to find a mapping between floating-point numbers and
00:11:16.440 | integers and a reversible mapping of course so we can go from floating-point
00:11:21.000 | to integers and from integers to floating-point but in such a way that we
00:11:25.640 | don't lose the precision of the model but at the same time we want to optimize
00:11:31.200 | the space occupation of the model inside the RAM and on the disk and we want to
00:11:36.640 | make it faster to compute these operations because as we saw before
00:11:39.880 | computing integer operations is much faster than computing floating-point
00:11:44.600 | operations the main benefit is that the integer operations is much faster in
00:11:50.160 | most hardware than floating-point operations plus in most embedding
00:11:55.040 | hardware especially very very small embedded device we don't even have a
00:11:59.000 | floating-point numbers so we are forced to use integer operations in those
00:12:03.880 | devices okay let's see how it works so this hidden layer here for example may
00:12:09.240 | have a weight matrix which could be a 5 by 5 matrix that we can see here the
00:12:14.080 | goal of quantization is to reduce the precision of each number that we see in
00:12:20.760 | this matrix by mapping it into a range that occupies less bits so this is a
00:12:25.960 | floating-point number and occupies 4 bytes so 32 bits we want to
00:12:32.720 | quantize using only 8 bits so each number should be represented only using
00:12:37.400 | 8 bit now with 8 bit we can represent the range from -128 to +127 but
00:12:45.240 | usually we sacrifice the -128 to obtain a symmetric range so we map each
00:12:51.200 | number into its 8 bit representation in such a way that we can then map back to
00:12:56.600 | the original array in an operation that is first called quantization and the
00:13:00.640 | second is called dequantization now during the quantization we should
00:13:04.840 | obtain the original array the original tensor or matrix but we usually lose
00:13:11.000 | some precision so for example if you look at the first value it's exactly the
00:13:15.040 | same as the original matrix but the second value here is similar but not
00:13:19.840 | exactly the same and this is to say that with quantization we introduce some
00:13:25.140 | error so the model will not be as accurate as the not quantized model but
00:13:31.720 | we want to make it the quantization process in such a way that we lose the
00:13:36.000 | least accuracy possible so we don't want to lose precision so we want to minimize
00:13:40.720 | this error that we introduce okay let's go into the details of quantization now
00:13:47.240 | so by reviewing the types of quantization we have available first of
00:13:52.120 | all I will show you the difference between asymmetric and symmetric
00:13:54.760 | quantization so imagine we have a tensor which is made up of 10 values that you
00:13:59.760 | can see here the goal of asymmetric quantization is to map the original
00:14:04.640 | tensor which is distributed between this range so minus 44.23 which is the
00:14:10.880 | smallest number in this tensor and 43.31 which is the
00:14:15.360 | biggest number in this tensor we want to map it into another range that is made
00:14:20.320 | up of integers that are between 0 and 255 which are the integers that we can
00:14:26.200 | represent using 8-bit for example and if we do this operation we will obtain a
00:14:31.640 | new tensor that will map for example this first number into 255 this number
00:14:36.560 | here into 0 this number here into 130 etc the other type of quantization is
00:14:43.720 | the symmetric quantization which aims to map a symmetric range so we take this
00:14:51.040 | tensor and we we treat it as a symmetric range even if it's not symmetric
00:14:57.400 | because as you can see the biggest value here is 43.31 and the smallest value is
00:15:03.000 | minus 44.93 so they are not symmetric with respect to the zero but if they are
00:15:08.960 | then we can use a symmetric range which aims to basically map the original
00:15:13.400 | symmetric range into another symmetric range also using 8-bit in our case such
00:15:18.960 | that however this gives you the advantage that the zero is always mapped
00:15:22.800 | into the zero in the quantized numbers I will show you later how actually we do
00:15:28.840 | this computation so how do we compute the quantized version using the original
00:15:34.680 | tensor and also how to de-quantize back so let's go in the case of a symmetric
00:15:40.560 | quantization imagine we have an original tensor that is like this so these 10
00:15:46.600 | items we can see here we quantize using the following formula so the quantized
00:15:52.660 | version of each of these numbers is equal to the floating point number so
00:15:56.680 | the original floating point number divided by a parameter called S which
00:16:00.640 | stands for scale we round down or round up to the nearest integer plus a
00:16:08.080 | number Z and if the result of this operation is smaller than zero then we
00:16:15.560 | clamp it to zero and if it's bigger than 2 to the power of n minus 1 then we
00:16:20.040 | clamp it to 2 to the power of n minus 1 what is n? n is the number of bits that
00:16:25.600 | we want to use for quantization so we want to quantize for example all these
00:16:29.840 | floating point numbers into 8 bits so we will choose n equal to 8 how to
00:16:35.080 | calculate this S parameter the S parameter is given by alpha minus beta
00:16:39.920 | divided by the range of the the output range basically so how many numbers the
00:16:44.680 | output range can represent what is beta and alpha they are the biggest number in
00:16:50.640 | the original tensor and the smallest number in the original tensor so we take
00:16:54.600 | basically the range of the original tensor and we squeeze it into the output
00:17:00.040 | range by means of this scale parameter and then we center it using the Z
00:17:05.200 | parameter this Z parameter is computed as minus 1 multiplied by beta divided by
00:17:12.160 | S and then rounded to the nearest integer so the Z parameter is an integer
00:17:17.120 | while the scale parameter is not an integer it is a floating point
00:17:21.440 | number if we do this operation so we take each floating point and we run it
00:17:26.320 | through this formula we will obtain this quantized vector what we can see first
00:17:33.800 | of all the biggest number using a symmetric quantization is always mapped
00:17:37.040 | to the biggest number in the output range and the smallest number is always
00:17:40.520 | mapped to the zero in the output range the zero number in the original vector
00:17:45.760 | is mapped into the Z parameter so this 130 is actually the Z parameter if you
00:17:50.320 | compute it and all the other numbers are mapped into something that is in between
00:17:55.160 | 0 and 255 we can then dequantize using the following formula so to
00:18:02.040 | dequantize to obtain the floating point number back we just need to take
00:18:05.360 | multiply the scale multiplied by the quantized number minus Z and we should
00:18:11.720 | obtain the original tensor but you should see that the numbers are similar
00:18:17.320 | but not exactly the same because the quantization introduces some error
00:18:21.600 | because we are trying to squeeze a range that could be very big because with 32
00:18:26.400 | bit we can represent a very big range into a range that is much smaller with
00:18:30.880 | 8 bit so of course we will introduce some error let's see the symmetric
00:18:36.400 | quantization symmetric quantization as we saw before we aim to transform a
00:18:41.280 | symmetric input range into a symmetric output range so imagine we still have
00:18:45.800 | this tensor what we do we compute the quantized values as follows so each
00:18:51.440 | number the floating point number divided by a parameter S so the scale and
00:18:56.360 | clamped between these two limits this one and this one where n is the number
00:19:01.000 | of bits that we want to use for quantizing and the S parameter is
00:19:05.400 | calculated as the absolute value of alpha where alpha is the biggest number
00:19:10.160 | here in absolute terms in this case it's the number minus 44.93 because in
00:19:16.060 | absolute terms is the biggest value and we can then quantize this tensor and we
00:19:23.480 | should obtain something like this we should notice that the the zero in this
00:19:27.840 | case is mapped into the zero which is very useful we can then dequantize using
00:19:34.040 | the formula we can see here so to obtain the floating point number we take the
00:19:38.000 | quantized number multiplied by the scale parameter so the S parameter and we
00:19:42.400 | should obtain the original vector but of course we will lose some precision so we
00:19:47.880 | lose some as you can see the original number was for 43.31 the
00:19:52.280 | dequantized number is a 43.16 so we lost some precision but our
00:19:57.920 | goal of course is to have have it as similar as possible to the original
00:20:02.440 | array and there are of course the best ways to just increase the number of
00:20:07.640 | bits of the quantization but of course we cannot just choose any number of
00:20:13.680 | bits because as we saw before we want to run this the matrix multiplication in
00:20:18.120 | the linear layer to be accelerated by the CPU and the CPU always works with
00:20:22.960 | the fixed number of bits and the operations in the side of the CPU are
00:20:26.360 | optimized for a fixed number of bits so for example we have optimization for 8
00:20:30.680 | bits 16 bit 32 bit and 64 bit but of course if we choose 11 bits as the for
00:20:36.440 | quantization the CPU may not support the acceleration of operations using 11 bits
00:20:42.440 | so we have to be careful to choose a good compromise between the number of
00:20:46.600 | bits and also the availability of the hardware later we will also see how the
00:20:52.240 | GPU computes the matrix multiplication in the accelerated form okay I have
00:20:59.280 | shown you the symmetric and the asymmetric quantization now it's time to
00:21:02.720 | actually look at the code on how it is implemented in reality let's have a look
00:21:07.160 | okay I created a very simple notebook in which basically I generated 20 random
00:21:14.560 | numbers between -50 and 150 I modified these numbers in such a way that the
00:21:20.440 | first number is the biggest one and the second number is the smallest one and
00:21:24.480 | then the third is a zero so we can check the effect of the quantization on the
00:21:28.080 | biggest number on the smallest number and on the zero suppose this is the
00:21:32.440 | original numbers so this array of 20 numbers we define the functions that
00:21:37.520 | will quantize this vector so asymmetric quantization basically it will
00:21:43.200 | compute the alpha as the maximum value the beta as the minimum value it will
00:21:47.160 | calculate the scale and the zero using the formula that we saw on the slide
00:21:50.800 | before and then it will quantize using the same formula that we saw before and
00:21:55.080 | the same goes for the symmetric quantization we calculate the alpha the
00:21:59.120 | scale parameter the upper bound and the lower bound for clamping and we can
00:22:04.000 | also dequantize using the same formula that we saw on the slide so in the case
00:22:07.840 | of asymmetric is this one with the zero and in the case of symmetric we don't
00:22:11.520 | have the zero because the zero is always mapped into the zero we can also
00:22:16.080 | calculate the quantization error by comparing the original values and the
00:22:19.840 | dequantized values by using the mean squared error so let's try to see what
00:22:24.960 | is the effect on quantization so this is our original array of floating point
00:22:29.040 | numbers if we quantize it using asymmetric quantization we will obtain
00:22:32.880 | this array here in which we can see that the biggest value is mapped into 255
00:22:39.360 | which is the biggest value of the output range the smallest value is mapped into
00:22:43.960 | the zero and the zero is mapped into the Z parameter which is a 61 and as you
00:22:49.000 | can see the zero is mapped into the 61 while with the symmetric quantization we
00:22:55.320 | have that the zero is mapped into the zero so the third element of the
00:22:59.080 | original vector is mapped into the third element of the symmetric range and it's
00:23:02.600 | the zero if we dequantize back the quantized parameters we will see that
00:23:08.760 | they are similar to the original vector but not exactly the same as you can see
00:23:14.640 | we lose a little bit of the precision and we can measure this precision using
00:23:18.640 | the mean squared error for example and we can see that the error is much bigger
00:23:22.800 | for the symmetric quantization why because the original vector is not
00:23:28.680 | symmetric the original vector is between -50 and 150 so what we are doing with
00:23:35.120 | symmetric quantization is that we are calculating let's see here with
00:23:39.440 | symmetric quantization basically we are checking the biggest value in absolute
00:23:44.960 | terms so the biggest value in absolute terms is 127 which will means that the
00:23:50.320 | symmetric quantization will map a range that is between -127 and +127 but all the
00:23:57.620 | numbers between -127 and -40 don't do not appear in this array so we are
00:24:03.840 | sacrificing a lot of the range will be unused and that's why all the other
00:24:08.160 | numbers will suffer from this bad distribution let's say and this is why
00:24:14.040 | the symmetric quantization has a bigger error okay let's review again how the
00:24:19.160 | quantization will work in our case of the linear layer so if we never quantize
00:24:24.280 | this network we will have a weight matrix a bias matrix the output of this
00:24:29.560 | layer will be a weight multiplied by the input of this layer plus the bias and
00:24:34.760 | the output will be another floating-point number so all of these
00:24:37.640 | matrices are floating-point numbers but when we quantize we quantize the weight
00:24:43.560 | matrix which is a fixed matrix because we pretend the network has already been
00:24:47.300 | trained so the weight matrix is fixed and we can quantize it by calculating
00:24:52.320 | the alpha and the beta that we saw before using the symmetric quantization
00:24:55.900 | or the asymmetric quantization the beta parameters can also be quantized because
00:25:00.960 | it's a fixed vector and we can calculate the alpha and the beta of this vector
00:25:06.080 | and we can quantize using 8 bits we want our goal is to perform all these
00:25:12.080 | operations using integers so how can we quantize the X matrix because this is
00:25:16.880 | the X matrix is an input which depends on the input the network receives one
00:25:22.480 | way is called the dynamic quantization dynamic quantization means that for
00:25:26.720 | every input we receive on the fly we calculate the alpha and the beta because
00:25:32.000 | we have a vector so we can calculate the alpha and the beta and then we can
00:25:35.440 | quantize it on the fly okay now we have quantized also the input matrix by using
00:25:41.020 | for example dynamic quantization we can perform this matrix multiplication
00:25:45.240 | will be which will become a integer matrix multiplication the output will be
00:25:50.620 | Y which is an integer matrix but this matrix here is not the original
00:25:57.280 | floating-point number of the not quantized network it's a quantized value
00:26:02.640 | how can we map it back to the original floating-point number well we need to do
00:26:09.340 | a process called calibration calibration means that we take the point the
00:26:14.600 | network we run some input through the network and we check what are the
00:26:19.220 | typical values of Y by using these typical values of Y we can check what
00:26:24.880 | could be a reasonable alpha and the reasonable beta for these values that we
00:26:29.680 | observe of Y and then we can use the output of this integer matrix
00:26:35.040 | multiplication and use the scale and the zero parameter that we have computed by
00:26:41.660 | visual by collecting statistics about this Y to dequantize this output matrix
00:26:48.520 | here such that it's mapped back into a floating-point number such that the
00:26:53.880 | network output doesn't differ too much from what is the not quantized network
00:26:59.780 | so the goal of quantization is to reduce the number of bits required to represent
00:27:04.620 | each parameter and also to speed up the computation but our goal is to obtain
00:27:09.720 | the same output for the same input or at least to obtain a very similar output
00:27:14.600 | for the same input so we don't want to lose the precision so we need to find a
00:27:19.120 | way to of course map back into the floating-point numbers each output of
00:27:24.520 | each linear layer and this is how we do it so the input matrix we can observe it
00:27:30.000 | every time by using dynamic quantization so on the fly we can quantize it the
00:27:34.440 | output we can observe it for a few samples so we know what are the typical
00:27:39.000 | maximum and the minimum values such that we can then use them as alpha and
00:27:44.160 | beta and then we can dequantize the output Y using these values that we have
00:27:49.520 | observed we will see later this practically with the post-training
00:27:52.880 | quantization we will actually watch the code of how it works I also want to
00:27:58.680 | give you a glimpse into how GPU perform matrix multiplication so when we
00:28:04.440 | calculate the product X multiplied by W plus B which is a matrix multiplication
00:28:09.760 | followed by a matrix addition the result is a list of dot products between each
00:28:15.240 | row of the X matrix and each column of the Y matrix summing the corresponding
00:28:21.720 | element of the bias vector B this operation so the matrix multiplication
00:28:27.140 | plus bias can be accelerated by the GPU using a block called the multiply
00:28:32.600 | accumulate in which for example imagine each matrix is made up of vectors of
00:28:37.480 | four elements so we load the vector of the X the first row of the VEX matrix
00:28:43.680 | and then the first column of the W matrix and we compute the corresponding
00:28:50.080 | product so X 1 1 with W 1 1 then X 1 2 with W 1 2 X 1 3 with W 3 1 etc etc and
00:28:57.320 | then we sum all this value into a register called the accumulator now here
00:29:03.080 | this is a 8-bit integer this is an 8-bit integer because we quantize them so the
00:29:10.720 | result of a multiplication of two 8-bit integers may not be an 8-bit integer is
00:29:15.920 | of course can be 16-bit or more and for this reason we use the accumulator here
00:29:22.720 | is used as is a usually 32-bit and this is also the reason we quantize this
00:29:29.440 | vector here as a 32-bit because the accumulator here is initialized already
00:29:34.680 | with the bias element so this GPU will perform this operation in
00:29:39.840 | parallel for every row and column of the initial matrices using many blocks
00:29:45.400 | like this and this is how the GPU acceleration works for matrix
00:29:48.800 | multiplication if you are interested in how this happens on low level on
00:29:53.520 | algorithmic level I recommend watching this article from Google in their
00:29:58.680 | general matrix multiplication library which is a low precision matrix
00:30:02.640 | multiplication library okay now that we have seen what is the difference between
00:30:09.560 | symmetric and asymmetric quantization we may also want to understand how do we
00:30:14.840 | choose the beta and the alpha parameter we saw before one way of course is to
00:30:19.000 | choose for in the case of asymmetric quantization to choose beta and alpha to
00:30:22.460 | be the smallest and the biggest value and for the symmetric for example
00:30:26.560 | quantization to choose alpha as the biggest value in absolute terms but this
00:30:30.860 | is not the only strategy and they have pros and cons so let's review all the
00:30:34.360 | strategies we have the strategies that we use before is called the minimax
00:30:38.680 | strategy which means that we choose alpha as the biggest value in the
00:30:41.720 | original tensor and beta as the minimum value in the original tensor this
00:30:46.520 | however is a sensitive to outliers because imagine we have a vector that is
00:30:51.320 | more or less distributed around the minus 50 and plus 50 but then we have an
00:30:56.680 | outlier that is a very big number here the problem with this strategy is that
00:31:01.280 | the outlier will make the quantization so the quantization error of all the
00:31:07.840 | numbers very big so all the numbers as you can see when we quantize and then
00:31:12.760 | dequantize using asymmetric quantization with minimax strategy we see that all
00:31:18.320 | the numbers are not very similar to the original they are actually quite
00:31:21.840 | different so this is 43.31 this is 45.08 so actually it's a quite a big
00:31:26.920 | error for the quantization a better strategy to avoid the outliers ruining
00:31:32.720 | the original the input range is to use the percentile strategy so we set the
00:31:37.960 | range alpha and beta basically to be a percentile of the original distribution
00:31:42.760 | so not the maximum or the minimum but using the percent for example the 99%
00:31:47.080 | percentile and if we use the percentile we will see that the quantization error
00:31:53.440 | is reduced for all the terms and the only term that will suffer a lot from
00:31:57.480 | the quantization error is the outlier itself okay let's have a look at the
00:32:02.560 | code to see how this minimax strategy and percentile strategy differ so we
00:32:08.480 | open this one in which we again have a lot of numbers so 10,000 numbers
00:32:15.820 | distributed between -50 and 150 and then we introduce an outlier let's say the
00:32:20.640 | last number is an outlier so it's equal to 1000 all the other numbers are
00:32:25.040 | distributed between -50 and 150 we compare these two strategies so the
00:32:31.300 | asymmetric quantization using the minimax strategy and the asymmetric
00:32:34.960 | quantization using the percentile strategy as you can see the only
00:32:37.960 | modification between these two methods is how we compute alpha and beta here
00:32:42.280 | alpha is computed as the maximum value here alpha is computed as a percentile
00:32:45.920 | percentile of 99.99 and we can compare what are the quantized value we can see
00:32:55.320 | here and then we can dequantize and when we dequantize we will see that the
00:33:01.280 | all the values using the minimax strategy suffer from a big quantization
00:33:06.640 | error while when we use the percentile we will see that the only value that
00:33:10.040 | suffers from a big quantization error is the outlier itself and as we can see if
00:33:15.880 | we exclude the outlier and we compute the quantization error on the other
00:33:19.440 | terms we will see that with the percentile we have a much smaller error
00:33:24.120 | while with the minimax strategy we have a very big error for all the numbers
00:33:28.440 | except the outlier. Other two strategies that are commonly used for choosing
00:33:33.480 | alpha and beta are the mean squared error and the cross entropy. Mean squared
00:33:37.560 | error means that we choose alpha and beta such that the mean squared error
00:33:41.120 | between the original values and the quantized values is minimized so we
00:33:46.160 | usually use a grid search for this and the cross entropy is used as a strategy
00:33:51.760 | whenever we are dealing for example with a language model as you know in the
00:33:55.640 | language model we have the last layer which is a linear layer plus softmax
00:33:59.240 | which allow us to choose a token from the vocabulary. The goal of this
00:34:05.040 | softmax layer is to create a distribution probability distribution
00:34:08.680 | in which usually we use the grid strategy or the top of the strategy so
00:34:12.560 | what we are concerned about are not the values inside this distribution but
00:34:16.920 | they actually the distribution itself so the biggest number should remain the
00:34:21.400 | biggest number also in the quantized values and the intermediate numbers
00:34:24.760 | should not change the relative distribution and for this case we use
00:34:28.720 | the cross entropy strategy which means that we choose alpha and beta such that
00:34:32.680 | the cross entropy between the quantized value and the dequantized, not
00:34:37.240 | quantized value so the original values and the dequantized value is minimized
00:34:41.760 | and another topic when we are doing quantization which comes to play every
00:34:48.480 | time we have a convolutional layer is the granularity. As you know convolutional
00:34:52.440 | layers are made up of many filters or kernels and each kernel is run through
00:34:57.560 | the for example the image to calculate specific features. Now for example these
00:35:03.280 | kernels are made of parameters which may be distributed differently for example
00:35:08.160 | we may have a kernel that is distributed for example between minus 5 and plus 5
00:35:12.640 | another one that is distributed between minus 10 and plus 10 and another one
00:35:17.680 | that is distributed for example between minus 6 and plus 6. If we use the same
00:35:23.040 | alpha and beta for all of them we will have that some kernels are wasting their
00:35:28.840 | quantization range here and here for example so in this case it's better to
00:35:34.480 | perform a channel wise quantization which means that for each kernel we will
00:35:39.040 | calculate an alpha and beta and they will be different for each basic kernel
00:35:43.800 | which results in a higher quality quantization so we lose less precision
00:35:48.800 | this way. And now let's look at what is post training quantization. So post
00:35:54.320 | training quantization means that we have a pre-trained model that we want to
00:35:58.040 | quantize. How do we do that? Well we need the pre-trained model and we need some
00:36:03.040 | data which is unlabeled data so we don't we do not need the original training
00:36:07.560 | data we just need some data that we can run inference on. For example imagine
00:36:11.800 | that the pre-trained model is a model that can classify dogs and cats what we
00:36:16.560 | need as data we just need some pictures of dogs and cats which may also not come
00:36:20.640 | from the training set and what we do is basically we take this pre-trained model
00:36:27.000 | and we attach some observers that will collect some statistics while we are
00:36:33.040 | running inference on the model and this statistics will be used to
00:36:38.440 | calculate the Z and the S parameter for each layer of the model and then we can
00:36:44.160 | use it to quantize the model. Let's see how this works in code. In this case I
00:36:50.680 | will be creating a very simple model so first we import some libraries but
00:36:55.280 | basically just a torch and then we import the data set we will be using
00:37:00.800 | MNIST in our case. I define a very simple model for classifying MNIST
00:37:06.160 | digits which is made up of three linear layers with ReLU activations. I
00:37:11.340 | create this network I run a training on this network so this is just a basic
00:37:16.780 | training training loop you can see here and we save this network as in this file
00:37:25.480 | so we train it for I don't remember how many epochs for five epochs and then we
00:37:29.640 | save it in a file. We define the testing loop which is just for validating the
00:37:36.040 | what is the accuracy of this model. So first let's look at the model the not
00:37:41.560 | quantized model so the pre-trained model for example. In this case let's look at
00:37:46.120 | the weights of the first linear layer. In this case we can see that the linear
00:37:49.840 | layer is made up of a weight matrix which is made up of many numbers which
00:37:53.800 | are floating point of 32 bits. Floating point numbers of 32 bits. The size of the
00:37:59.800 | model before quantization is 360 kilobyte. If we run the
00:38:07.120 | testing loop on this model we will see that the accuracy is 96% which is not
00:38:12.360 | bad. Of course our goal is to quantize which means that we want to speed up the
00:38:17.000 | computation we want to reduce the size of the model but while maintaining the
00:38:20.460 | accuracy. Let's see how it works. The first thing we do is we create a copy of
00:38:25.520 | the model by introducing some observers. So as you can see this is a quantization
00:38:31.940 | stub and this is a de-quantization stub that is used by PyTorch to do
00:38:36.960 | quantization on the fly. And then we introduce also some observers in all the
00:38:43.080 | intermediate layers. So we take this new model that is with observers we
00:38:48.480 | basically take the weights from the pre-trained model and copy it into this
00:38:53.600 | new model that we have created. So we are not training a new model we are just
00:38:57.000 | copying the weights of the pre-trained model into this new model that we have
00:39:01.280 | defined which is exactly the same as the original one just with some observers.
00:39:05.840 | And we also insert some observers in all the intermediate layers. Let's see
00:39:12.120 | these observers basically they are the some special class of objects made
00:39:18.560 | available by PyTorch that for each linear layer they will observe some
00:39:22.440 | statistics when we run some inference on this model. And as you can see what
00:39:27.760 | the statistic they collect is just the minimum value they see and the maximum
00:39:31.540 | value they see for each layer also for the input and this is why we have this
00:39:36.520 | quant stub as input. And we calibrate the model using the test. So if we run
00:39:42.680 | inference on the model using the test set for example which is we just need
00:39:46.720 | some data to run inference on the model so that these observers will collect
00:39:51.160 | statistics. We do it so this will calculate the this will run inference of
00:39:57.520 | all the test set on the model so we are not training anything we're just running
00:40:01.960 | inference. The observers after running inference we will have collected some
00:40:07.760 | statistics so for example the input observer here has collected some
00:40:11.720 | statistics. The observer for the first linear layer also have collected some
00:40:16.160 | statistics the second and the third etc etc. We can use the statistics that we
00:40:22.160 | have collected to create the quantized model so the actual quantization happens
00:40:27.160 | after we have collected these statistics and then we run this method which is
00:40:31.760 | quantization.convert which will create the quantized model. And we can now
00:40:37.440 | see that after we quantize it each layer will become a quantized layer so
00:40:42.880 | before quantization it's just a linear layer but after they become a quantized
00:40:46.720 | linear layer. Each of them has some special parameter that is the S and the
00:40:52.500 | Z parameter that we saw in the slide so the scale and the zero point. And we can
00:40:58.320 | also print the weight matrix after quantization and we can see that the
00:41:01.600 | weight matrix has become an integer of 8 bits so as you can see here. We can
00:41:07.040 | compare the dequantized weights and the original weights so the original weights
00:41:11.200 | were floating-point numbers of 32 bits while the dequantized weights so after
00:41:18.560 | we dequantize of course we obtain back the floating-point numbers so these are
00:41:22.640 | the how they are stored on the disk but of course when we want to dequantize we
00:41:27.720 | obtain something that is very similar to the original weight matrix but not
00:41:32.360 | exactly the same because we introduce some error because of the quantization.
00:41:36.560 | So the dequantized weights are very similar to the original number but not
00:41:41.360 | exactly the same. For example the first number is quite different the second one
00:41:46.160 | is quite similar the third one is quite similar etc etc. We can check the size of
00:41:51.920 | the model after it's been quantized and we can see that the new size of the
00:41:55.560 | model is 94 kilobyte. Originally it was 360 if I remember correctly so it has
00:42:02.040 | been reduced by four times. Why? Because each number instead of being a
00:42:06.480 | floating-point number of 32 bits is now an integer plus some overhead because we
00:42:11.960 | need to save some other data because for example we need to save all this scale
00:42:16.720 | the scale value the zero point value and also PyTorch saves some other values.
00:42:22.040 | We can also check the accuracy of the quantized model and we see that the
00:42:26.360 | model didn't suffer much from actually didn't suffer at all from from the
00:42:31.320 | quantization so the accuracy remained practically the same. In reality okay
00:42:35.480 | this is a very simple example and the model is quite big so I think the model
00:42:39.040 | has plenty of parameters to to predict well. But in reality usually when
00:42:46.720 | we quantize a model we will lose some accuracy and we will see later a
00:42:51.120 | training approach that makes the model more robust to quantization
00:42:56.000 | which is called the quantization aware training. So this is the post-training
00:43:02.240 | quantization and that's all for this one. Let's look at the next quantization
00:43:06.920 | strategy which is the quantization aware training. What we do basically is that we
00:43:11.960 | insert some fake modules in the computational graph of the model to
00:43:16.760 | simulate the effect of quantization during training. So before we were
00:43:20.400 | talking about how to quantize a model after we have already trained it. In this
00:43:26.000 | case we want to train a model such that the model is more robust to the
00:43:30.640 | quantization effect. So this is done during training not after the
00:43:36.560 | training. And basically what we do is we have our model which has input then we
00:43:42.640 | have some linear layers, we have output, we have a target, we compute the loss.
00:43:46.480 | What we do basically is we insert between each layer some special
00:43:53.620 | operations of quantize and dequantize operations, some fake operations. So
00:43:58.120 | actually we are not quantizing the model or the weights because the model is
00:44:02.080 | getting trained. But we do some quantization on the fly. So
00:44:06.800 | every time we see an input here we quantize it and dequantize it
00:44:10.280 | immediately and run it to the next layer. Then this will produce some output. We
00:44:14.920 | quantize it and dequantize it immediately and we give it to the next
00:44:18.520 | because this will introduce some quantization error and we hope that the
00:44:23.360 | loss function will learn to be more robust to handle this
00:44:28.500 | quantization error that is introduced by this fake quantization that we are
00:44:32.360 | introducing. So the goal of introducing these operations is just to introduce
00:44:36.640 | some quantization error so that the loss function can get ready to counter
00:44:42.920 | affect the effects of quantization. Let's look at the code of how it is done.
00:44:49.960 | So we go to quantization aware training. Okay we import the necessary libraries
00:44:56.440 | just like before. We import the data set, in our case it's MNIST. We define a
00:45:01.760 | model which is exactly the same as before but we notice that here we
00:45:05.760 | already start with a quantization model that is ready for quantization because
00:45:10.300 | here we want to train the model in a way that it's already aware of the
00:45:14.720 | quantization. That's why it's called quantization aware training and the rest
00:45:19.520 | of the structure of the model is the same as before. We insert the minimax
00:45:23.720 | observers in the model for every layer so as you can see this model is not
00:45:28.240 | trained and we are insert already some observers. These observers are not
00:45:33.880 | calibrated because we never run any inference or we never run any training
00:45:37.400 | on this model so all these values are plus and minus infinity. Then we
00:45:43.400 | train the model using the MNIST and we train it for one epoch and we check the
00:45:50.760 | statistics collected by these observers during training and we can see that
00:45:56.200 | during training they have collected some statistics so the minimum and the
00:46:00.000 | maximum value and you can see that when we do quantization aware training we
00:46:05.360 | have this weight fake quant so this is actually all the fake quantization
00:46:10.360 | observers that we have introduced during the training and they have collected
00:46:15.280 | some some values or some statistics. We can then quantize the model by using the
00:46:22.160 | statistics that have been collected during training and we can print the
00:46:27.160 | values scale and zero point of the quantized model and we can see them here.
00:46:32.520 | We can also print the weights of the quantized model and you can see that the
00:46:37.040 | weight matrix of the first linear layer is actually an integer matrix and we can
00:46:41.720 | also run the accuracy and we can see that the accuracy of this model is 0.952
00:46:47.200 | okay in this case it's a little worse than the other case but this is not the
00:46:52.320 | rule usually quantization aware training makes the model more robust to the
00:46:56.200 | effects of quantization so usually when we do post training quantization the
00:47:01.200 | model loses more accuracy compared to quantization when we train a model with
00:47:06.000 | quantization aware training. Let's go back to the slides. Now there is one
00:47:12.420 | thing that we should notice that with quantization aware training we are
00:47:15.800 | introducing some observers between each layer some special quantized and
00:47:22.520 | dequantized operation between each layer and then we do it while training. This
00:47:27.400 | means that the backpropagation algorithm should also be able to calculate the
00:47:32.220 | gradient of the loss function with respect to this operation that we are
00:47:37.840 | doing but we do this the operation of quantization is not differentiable so
00:47:42.520 | how can the backpropagation algorithm algorithm calculate the gradient of the
00:47:47.120 | quantization operation that we are doing during the forward loop? Well we usually
00:47:53.920 | approximate the gradient using the straight through estimator which means
00:47:58.360 | that for all the values that fall in between the beta and the alpha parameter
00:48:04.720 | we give a gradient of 1 and for all the other values that are outside of this
00:48:09.520 | range we approximate the gradient with 0 and this is because the quantization
00:48:16.040 | operation is not differentiable this is why we need to approximate the gradient
00:48:19.800 | using this approximator. The next thing that we should notice is why does
00:48:26.840 | quantization aware training works I mean what is the effect of quantization aware
00:48:31.200 | training on the loss function because as I told you before our goal is to
00:48:35.520 | introduce the quantization error during training such that the loss function can
00:48:40.200 | react to it but how? Now imagine we do post training quantization when we train
00:48:46.040 | a model that that has no notion of quantization imagine we only have a one
00:48:51.920 | weight and the loss function is computed for this particular weight the goal of
00:48:58.000 | the backpropagation algorithm or the gradient descent is actually to of the
00:49:03.580 | gradient descent algorithm is to calculate the weights of the model such
00:49:08.520 | that we minimize the loss and usually suppose we end up meaning this is the
00:49:14.240 | loss function and we end up in this local minima here. The goal of
00:49:19.240 | quantization aware training is to make the model reach a local minima that is
00:49:25.400 | more wide. Why? Because the weight value here after we quantize
00:49:31.800 | it will change and for example if we do it without quantization aware training
00:49:37.280 | if the loss was here and the weight value was here after quantization this
00:49:42.520 | weight value will be changed of course so it may go here but the loss will
00:49:46.360 | increase a lot for example but with quantization aware training we choose a
00:49:51.480 | local minima or a minima that is more wide so that if the weight after the
00:49:56.820 | quantization moves a little bit the loss will not increase by much and this is
00:50:02.320 | why quantization aware training works. Thank you guys for watching my video I
00:50:07.600 | hope you enjoyed learning about quantization I didn't talk about
00:50:11.400 | advanced topic like GPTQ or AWQ which I hope to do in my next videos. If you
00:50:18.080 | liked the video please subscribe and like the video and share it with your
00:50:21.560 | friends or colleagues and the students. I have other videos about deep learning
00:50:27.840 | and machine learning so please let me know if there is something you don't
00:50:30.760 | understand and be free to connect with me on LinkedIn or on social media