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E1: US Response to COVID-19 & Impact on Startups, VC & Public Markets with David Friedberg


0:1 Jason & Chamath intro David and check in on each other's quarantines
2:26 Has the US overreacted or underreacted so far? David & Chamath give their opinions on new directives & statistics
13:15 Thoughts on potential treatment options & policy changes
22:25 Chamath explains the circumstances of recording a podcast while the Stock Market tanks in real-time
25:3 Should the US adopt Chinese & South Korean quarantine strategies?
29:53 What do the current market conditions mean for startups & VC?
41:24 Chamath explains what is currently happening in the capital markets
45:5 How close is the US on being able to do mass-testing?
54:13 Thoughts on bailouts for companies that manipulated their earnings-per-share ratio by stock buybacks? Impact on the global economy
63:14 Impact on luxury goods? Should there be a monthly stipend for low-income citizens?
72:10 COVID-19 exposing holes in the US healthcare system
77:44 Should we ban wet markets globally?
84:12 Over/Under: when Americans will be allowed to go out to restaurants again
88:18 When will the weekly poker game resume?


All right, everybody, welcome to another edition of the All In podcast. We'll call this episode one. We did a test and over a hundred thousand of you listened to the test podcast that we did the audience in a few days, in a few days, uh, Chamath is already getting addicted to his statistics, uh, new podcaster.

I need to focus on something going up. Yes, exactly. Our portfolios are getting crushed, but the podcast numbers are going up. They're a meaningless victory to be sure. Uh, but we got a lot of positive feedback and we're all sitting at home in quarantine. As you can see, I'd set up my home office.

I got a microphone here. Um, and Chamath is in his bedroom and Dave Freedberg, I think is in his wine room or something in his, uh, in his compound. Are you in the safe room? Is this the safe room? Dave Freedberg is with us again. Uh, he got a lot of great, uh, feedback and he's now on the Twitter.

You can follow him at Freedberg. I don't know if he shut his Twitter down because he was getting harassed on Twitter. Welcome to the club. Are you in your safe room? David? Yeah. It's brutal on Twitter. I don't know how you guys do it. You put something up and everyone, you know, just goes after you.

It's harsh out there in the Twitter world, the Twitter verse. Uh, basically you have to mute and block anybody who is under a hundred followers and being an absolute jerk because it's likely a Russian bot, you know, being run out of like Manila or something like that. They've got all these like sophisticated rings of people that they just hire for 10 bucks a day to harass people online.

I mean, I know it sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but it's actually true. This large groups of bots who go after people, um, and try to create chaos, but Hey, we're sitting here. Uh, it's, uh, today's Wednesday. We did our podcast on Saturday. The stock market has gone down another 20% since then, I guess, uh, or so.

And we are looking like this is going to be, uh, a 50% correction or something like that. We're now, you know, well past a 30 plus percent. And on the good news front, it looks like testing is actually occurring. And that work on a virus, uh, work on treatments is occurring.

I don't know if we can call them cures, but treatments, uh, is occurring and. A quarantine in place is being taken seriously. And I guess the biggest thing is that Trump has basically admitted that this is a crisis and he's taking it seriously. Uh, Friedberg. What is your. Assessment of where we are today versus when we taped on Saturday in terms of the resolution to this, we are, are we overreacting reacting just enough, uh, or not reacting enough?

There's three things to consider the health, the policy, and then the markets on the health front, it seems like we have done a lot in terms of containment and we're ramping up testing. We are still not doing broad general, general population testing, which is necessary for us to truly understand the dynamics of this disease and also to understand the contagion of this disease.

And we need to fix that problem. There's a task force of a hundred people out of DC being led by Jared Kushner and a number of people from the tech industry that are working on ramping up testing and doing broader general population testing, the policy decisions are what get quite scary and that is all of the containment, shutting down, travel, shutting down borders, shutting down bridges and the economic ramifications of doing so are frightening.

I think I mentioned the other day that 48% roughly of the U S workforce works in small businesses, another roughly 10% work in travel, another roughly 12% work in energy. And, um, you know, you kind of add this up and you can quickly see why Steve Mnuchin, the U S treasury secretary was saying that we should expect 20 to 30% of the workforce to be unemployed by this summer if we keep this up.

So that is a frustrating and staggering statistic and something worth debating, whether that policy decision. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

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I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one. I think it's a very, very important one.

I think it's a very, very important one. I think that there's just great perspective setting that's happening and is going to happen broadly across the economy. We've been fat and happy for a long time, and at least a subsegment of the population has been. But we also have it really, really well, really, really good here in the United States.

There's a website I just recommend everyone check out and spend some time on. It's called Dollar Street. And you can go to And you can go to And you can go to And you can go to and check out the website. It is unbelievable. And it is probably my favorite website on the internet.

And Dollar Street is a project of Ola Rosling's wife. Ola is the son of Hans Rosling, the great visual economist who told people stories with visuals on the world and income and population and growth and so on. And she went around and she photographed families all over the world and showed how much money they make each month.

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And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven. And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth, the oven.

And then showed all these common household activities and goods, brushing your teeth,