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Quarterly Goals | #shorts


Every quarter, I set three goals for myself. I say, what are the three things this quarter I want to do? Typically it's one relational goal. Usually it's a fitness goal and usually it's a business goal. For example, this quarter, one of my goals was simply to close the six apartment complexes we had under contract.

By the end of the quarter, I wanted to be able to close those. And there's a lot of things that go into that, but that's the idea. So I have the goal for the quarter every single Sunday night. And again, if I miss it, I'll do Monday morning. I sit down and I rewrite what those three goals are.

I write, what is the purpose for the goal? I write that every week. Why do I want that goal? It just reminds me, it gets me back into the right mentality of like, what am I doing all this for? Then I write down, what is my weekly goal? Like to be on track for my quarterly goal, what's the weekly goal?

So I write the weekly goal down. Then I always write, what's my most important next step? Like the smallest tangible thing I can do to accomplish my weekly goal. So every morning of the week, I just wake up and I say, what is my most important step to accomplish the weekly goal every day.