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Procrastination vs Distraction | #shorts


procrastination is not a problem with doing the work. Procrastination is a problem with starting the work. Because usually once you've gotten started with something, it's generally easy enough to keep on going. You know, Newton's first law, the law of inertia, it takes energy to get the flywheel going. But once it's going, it's like, oh, you know, you're into the swing of things, you're enjoying the thing that you're doing, you're getting energy from it.

And it's, it's usually not so bad. Does that broadly vibe with your experience of kind of procrastinating as well? Yeah, I think it's probably two part, it's hard to get started. And then it's hard to avoid the shiny objects that pop in front of you like an email or a news, some alert or something.

So I think it's those those two are big for me. Yes, exactly. Yeah. So the way I think of them is I separate out procrastination, which is the getting started problem from distraction, which is the how do I focus once I've already gotten