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One Question Chamath Asks During Every Job Interview


I've interviewed thousands of people, I think, over my career for all the companies that I've been involved in, whether it's been building Facebook or investing in companies like Slack or Grok. There's one question that I always go to that I think is the most predictive of your ability to contribute in a company.

I say, take a few minutes to think about something that you are an absolute expert in, and it does not matter what it is. It could be how to play the French horn because you're a musician. It could be how to play poker or how to play chess, and then explain it to me.

What I'm trying to figure out in those few minutes is, do you have a very clear mind? Can you simplify the complex and abstract, and then can you communicate that to me? That's a huge filter in the people that are like coached and trained and robotic versus the people that can really think on their feet.

What you're testing is their mastery and their ability to communicate, and their ability to simplify complex things that you can use to get somebody else on the same page with you. That's a very powerful skill inside of a company.