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Sleep and Burnout | AMA #2 - Ask Me Anything with Lex Fridman


0:0 Sleep and Burnout
0:40 Optimal Performance
1:40 Burnout


Alona asks, "How many hours of sleep do you normally manage to get to your schedule? How do you avoid burning out?" Well first Heaven is nine and a half hours On a day, maybe there's a little bit of rain for some reason even though you live in the city It's quiet an occasional car slowly driving by Heaven is getting those nine and a half.

No, heaven is the first cup of coffee after the nine and a half hours of sleep Yeah Optimal performance wise I like to get seven or eight hours of sleep. I don't often get that amount of sleep though, and I think the rest is just all mental. I still often pull Nights where it's one, two, three hours of sleep.

I frequently pull all-nighters maybe an average of about 10 to 15 all-nighters a year All have to do with deadlines and just focus. A few occasional rare beautiful all-nighters are sort of You're so passionate. I'm so passionate about a particular idea. I just can't wait Can't wait to see it work and I stay up all night, you know Through noon in the afternoon and then maybe go to bed early next night, you know Go to bed at like 9 p.m.

Or something like that Burnout too. Ah You know what I don't believe in burnout It's not like a I think I think there's just a voice of laziness that can be defeated with with a sword of focus, perseverance, determination And passion. I think I love everything I do. I could wash toilets.

I could do manual labor anything. I just love it I love every moment of every day the sadness the fear all of that. That's a beautiful part of the journey I love it. So to me burnout doesn't even make sense. Like what are you burning out from? even the concept of burnout is Something that I love so like if you feel like you're burning out That that's beautiful too.

That's part of the human experience. I love that whole thing and when you're passionate about everything, what the hell does anything Burnout kind of says like I'm I think because I've known close close people to me that have suffered from depression. I think depression is Sort of actually like clinical depression is kind of the experience that I see as beyond The kind of thing that I'm talking about which is it's really you're in a place where nothing is meaning but to me I have never experienced a Moment where something is not rich of meaning and I think David Foster Wallace said, you know, the key to life is To be unboreable Meaning it's impossible to make you bored of anything you do and I'm unboreable of anything I do.

I love it. My face might not express it. I got a Russian sort of Sad suffering face most of the time but I'm actually happy on the inside. I'm like a like a Kiwi Ugly on the outside Sweet and glorious on the inside again that that's one question. I'm not even answering it correctly.

Okay You You You You You You You