what's not maintenance work? I think that's a really important question. What is not maintenance? So in life, maintenance is cleaning your car, is maintenance. Doing your bed is maintenance. Cooking food is maintenance, right? To maintain your thing. What I think is not maintenance is building relationships, building family, right?
Because if I invest today in my wife or my husband or whatever, in the future, it results in a nice family. So I don't view that as maintenance. I view that as building for the future, building a company, building a career and building your body, like focusing on your fitness and physique.
I think those are the four things I've identified as non maintenance things, and I'm happy to invest in them. I invest a lot. So because I'm single now, unfortunately, I invest a lot of my time into fitness and building my business. I have two companies, so I'm building there.
So that's the only thing I view as non maintenance work. Everything else is