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How to Be Insecure for the Rest of Your Life


(upbeat music) We're back with hip hop artist and our good friend, Trip Lee. Trip, you recently tweeted this, quote, "Insecurity only exists when we try to find security in self. "Finding hope in a God who never disappoints "can only make you feel more secure," end quote. So explain that.

How does our mistaken self-sufficiency feed our personal insecurities? Well, I tweeted that that particular morning because that's what I was feeling in my heart. You know, I was feeling somewhat insecure. I don't, to be honest, I don't even remember what it was about, but it became really clear to me very quickly that it was because I was looking to myself.

You know, I wasn't good enough or strong enough to make things happen the way I wanted them to. You know, I can think of many times that I feel like that. And I needed the reminder in that moment that my security shouldn't be in my goodness or my strength anyway.

You know, so I am gonna look at myself sometimes and think, you know what, I'm not strong enough, or I'm not good enough, or, you know, I'm not great enough in my job, or I'm not the best rapper of all time, or I'm not as good as an author as John Piper, or I'm not this or that.

But if I look to those things for my security, then I'm setting myself up to be insecure every day for the rest of my life. So, you know, of course I'd feel unsafe if I was on a flight and my safety depended on my knowledge of how to fly a plane.

Of course I would feel unsafe. I don't know anything about flying a plane. I don't have the power to do that. But I'm not the pilot, you know? So I can feel safe when I'm in a plane because it's in the pilot's hand and he's trained. And so when I think about my life, you know what, I'm not sovereign, I'm not all-knowing.

The Lord hasn't perfected me yet, but God is. Christ is. And that's where I'm finding my security. So the more and more I look to this God, so when I look at myself, I'm gonna disappoint. You know, I'm gonna fall short sometimes. You know, I'm gonna even go back on things that I said and I'm gonna have room for lots of growth.

And so when I try to find hope there, I'll be constantly disappointed. But if I look to God and I try to find hope in him, well, I'm never gonna be disappointed 'cause every day I'm gonna wake up and there ain't gonna be no mercies waiting for me. And every day when I pray, I'm gonna know I have this advocate in Christ that intercedes between me and God.

And I'm gonna know that in my future, God's gonna wipe away every tear from my eyes. And I'm gonna read scripture and I'm gonna see him being faithful to his people over and over again, going before his people and battling and sending Jesus and just goodness and strength and sovereignty on display.

And the more I look to that God, the more I'm gonna feel more and more secure. The more I'm gonna feel more safe. So God is sovereign and all-knowing and strong. And that's where real hope and peace is gonna come from that really can't be moved because God can't be moved.

- Yeah, amen. And what I find interesting is that when you woke up, you felt the insecurity and you had the instinct to know that it was a mistaken understanding of the goodness of God. - Absolutely, because I know when I feel that way, that's kind of my heart rising up.

And that's why I need to go to scripture every single day. I'm gonna wake up feeling like that so often and I desperately, desperately need scripture to correct me in that every day. - Amen, that's well said. Thank you, Tripp. And tomorrow I wanna talk about your new book, "Rise," and especially what you say about procrastination, which no surprise, you have some mature thoughts to share on this topic as well.

Tripp Lee's latest album and his new book are both titled "Rise," and you can find them now at I'm your host, Tony Reinke. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)