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How Should I Maintain a Healthy Body Posture While at the Computer?


0:0 Cal's intro
0:9 Question for Cal regarding posture and sitting at a computer
0:22 Cal's initial comments on not being at a computer all day
0:45 Cal's advice to doing thought on foot


All right, we'll go on to the next question here. This is from Cal Fan. All right, so this must be someone who went to school in California. How do you maintain a healthy body posture while being at a computer throughout the day? Don't be at a computer all throughout the day.

It's much easier than, you know, having to buy one of those Twitch streamer style jet engine, jet fighter pilot gamer chairs to try to get your posture just right. Just don't be at your computer all day. In response to an earlier question this episode, I suggested anytime you have actual non-trivial contemplative thinking to do do it on foot.

Just have that rule and you're going to do better thinking but you're also going to be up a lot more. So that's the key. Make the posture, I mean have good posture, but make it somewhat irrelevant because you're not at your chair long enough at a stretch that non-perfect posture is going to cause a problem.