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Not everyone can be a founder #entrepreneur #startups #technology


Whenever people say I'm thinking about starting a company, my first response is no, don't you have to be told over and over again to not start a company to test if they actually have the resilience and grit necessary just to take the first step of starting the company. This notion that everyone should be encouraged to start a company and entrepreneurism is a career choice, I think is a false notion.

I think that most people are not psychologically equipped for being successful in entrepreneurship, you have to be comfortable with failure, you have to be comfortable with expectations not being met. There's a reason a lot of people that have had success in their career don't end up being great entrepreneurs.

Because as soon as you're faced with failure for the first time, it doesn't pattern match to what's happened to you historically, you have to really find ways to sacrifice. I think it's a requisite to