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Where is the OT quotation from in 1 Timothy 5:18?


This question came from a user named David T., "Can you tell me why the decision was taken to capitalize the second quote in 1 Timothy 5.18, 'The labor is worthy of his wages,'" and it's in all caps, "but it wasn't capitalized in the NASB 95." "The labor is worthy of his wages" is not actually a quotation from the Old Testament, it's a quotation from the Lord Jesus.

So we put that in caps but if you look at that and you see a reference there in Luke 19.13 that is also an allusion to certain statements in the Old Testament. So while it is a quotation of the Lord Jesus we put it in caps it is also an allusion to the Old Testament.

And if the Lord Jesus said it that's of equal authority with any quotation from the Old Testament. So that's why we put both of them in capital letters.