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Why Most of What We Eat Isn’t Real Food


most of what we eat is not food and the definition of food is quite different than what we're eating. The food is basically any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. Now if you go by that definition of food, what most of us are eating does not maintain life or growth.

It actually harms us. When you look at fast food, when you look at most of the ingredients that are in food, they're not actually food. In fact, 60% of our calories are ultra-processed food, which is deconstructed science projects from corn, wheat, and soy that are industrially grown, that are deconstructed into their chemical elements, that are reassembled into all sizes, colors, and shapes of chemically extruded food- like substances that have nothing to do with nutrition.

That is what Americans are eating and that, my friend, is why we are a sick nation. And so when I think of food and nutrition, food as medicine, food as information that can literally upgrade or downgrade your biological software with every single byte.