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Bogleheads® Conference 2010 - John C Bogle Keynote


He's a giant among giants, a true American hero, and our group's now namesake. He's a visionary who founded our beloved Vanguard and is considered the father of indexing. His life's work has been to ensure that investors get, that we investors get our fair share. As we send the dedication to our Bondman's Guide to Investing, while some mutual fund founders chose to make billions, he chose to make a difference.

Please welcome our friend and mentor, Mr. Jack Brogan. Well, good morning. Good morning. I don't know how many people get a welcome like that and walk into a big crowded room. Thank you so very much. It's wonderful to be with you, and thank you also, not just for being here, not just for being with you, but for all you do for helping other investors and obviously helping Vanguard throughout the year.

I don't get a chance, really don't have the time to read everything that appears on your site, it's gotten so popular, and so, yes. And we've been very busy trying to do this presentation, because as some of you know, my wife got a knee on a Monday morning, and she insisted on coming home yesterday.

So, my days have been quite filled with being a caregiver for our family, instead of a care recipient. So now I have a little bit more than what I offered in the last, well, 50 years. In fact, I had my first heart attack in 1960, so that's 50 years ago.

So it's sort of amazing, I don't know how many I've had since then, maybe seven or eight. And then I got my heart transplant 15 years ago, it was February 31st, and I have to say that it's quite remarkable, quite stunning, to be able to live through these last 15 years and see so many of the things that I hoped for and expected come true.

And you can't really think about how the world has changed in that 15 years. You don't have to explain to anybody what their destiny is, you don't have to explain it to anybody, it's a little colossal. There's a columnist in the Economist magazine, Bob Wood, and I read his columns and I'm like, "How do you hear me?" It's great PR for Vanguard, even though he doesn't mention Vanguard, they don't even say anything about Vanguard, and still it has to be right in that, and that's the good PR for Vanguard, their ideas get so deeply embedded that you don't need to have your name mentioned, you can use the name or your own name mentioned.

So of course it works, these ideas that we've had, but it's because they have to work. If you've got a man on your side, be careful, watch out, these are real trouble. So let me just open up the Q&A, I've got three remarks, I can't read them all, so I'll just say, and by the way, I just want to say thank you so much to Kevin, for all the work he's done for me and now, for letting me get this chance, and for Emily, who's been working for me ever since I ran, my sister who'll be here in no time, who's been with me for 20, I didn't go, "Okay, it's true, you've got 90 years," I ran, well, that was my reputation, I hope, but it's my health, the last time I spoke to you, I was in the intensive care unit at the Brigham and Women's Hospital, dealing with the second consecutive autism really, you know, and I'll set up the issues, and my health is good now, I don't have much energy, I used to, I'm kind of falling apart, but I'm happy to be up and running, and trying to work a little bit less hard, but without any thought, really, of retiring, I don't know how I can do that, actually, and my wife, she's an internist, and we work at 150% capacity, so I cut back to maybe, what do you think, 80, 90, 205, I don't know, something like that, but so, things are good, I'm up and running, whatever it is I'm going to be dealing with, the kind of maladies I have, and what's going to happen next, but I don't worry about that, and I never will, never have worried about it, and I never expect to worry about that, I should say, in the last couple of years, I've been feeling more comfortable than ever, at Vanguard, maybe had some management issues, as they say, and very comfortable with Bill and Ed, our new presidents, very fine person, who's been with us for probably 30 years, something like that, hired back, probably 1982 or '83, and he's come a long way, he's a very good human being, and a good manager, and he's trying, I think, succeeding in restoring some of the old Vanguard values, which had to do more with human treatment, and a very important part of what's made us successful is this crew that's very close, I've talked to crew members at Vanguard, some frequency, individually, I've talked to each and each of the work reps, and put in about an hour, and then people ask me if I've worked with them, or have a group, they want me to meet them, I do all that, and clients come in very highly, and then whenever I say look, and it's not such a demanding part of my life, but I can graduate, and stay very much in touch with people that are paying for our service today, and I do talk to Bill and Ed, I give them my opinions, periodically, I don't have to explain a lot of the time, they have better things to do, and I give them those opinions, to be honest, and also to acknowledge that he can't, I don't have to worry, he can speak, and speak, and speak, I do, I don't have to worry about the consequences of what I said, nothing happens, but I think he needs a little bit of that kind of information, and I think that's a big part of what we're able to do, and we're able to work on a very positive infrastructure, I'm just a doer, I always have been, and I'm not a very consultative, I'll be a dictator, would be a good, but I don't think you can build an awesome building business without being some kind of a dictator, and we've all got that, the team works all the time, and I agree that it's an important asset, and I had to do it, and that's fine, but I should say on that point, that I want you to know very clearly that my relationship with the Chamber of Management is very, very good, and I'm doing these conditions, and I have a couple of medical things I've got to do, and I'll be able to see the mechanics, but that's not some kind of a political statement, it's just that sometimes, I might get banned from the board of business, and this is one of those times, and so I hope you understand that, and I think you'll, I think you'll enjoy your visit, and I wish good luck to you, and I'm going to say a couple of things in the first of my remarks, I don't mean any harm to anybody, but I'm going to say a couple of things, but you may want to ask those of you who are speaking to me tonight about it, because that's a concern, and that's something I'm going to be doing, and I'm going to do this in vain, because I can tell you the truth when I say it, so what we say, what we see at Vanguard today, I guess it's become kind of normal, we're assuming, I think there would be a lot of followership, I think the leader, I think the name of Vanguard, I think leader in their trend, and as a local accountant a little bit, after a 35-year, 37-year run, taking us through the leadership of this industry, the, I mean, I guess the funder of this company, and that gets to a very fundamental thing about the mutual fund industry, and that is, it's run for the benefit of the managers, it's not for the benefit of the investors, so the idea runs something for the benefit of the investors, it is a pretty much unique idea, and that's what's good about Vanguard, and that's one of the reasons it's successful, it's amazing that we've had in Vanguard's history an incredible change in the whole investment environment, and yet the human values, basic human values have been part of what we've done since our founding, and the simple investment strategies we've followed since our founding are still largely intact, and low-cost wins, duh, long-term investing wins over speculation, duh, investors who invest for the long-term become shareholders, and win, duh, and no one wants to compete with some price, and we'll talk a little bit about that later on, and so there we are, so it's been a great privilege to see it all happen, and what a privilege that is, I didn't want to be happy anyway, of course, but it's nice to see, I guess you could say, the ideals come true, and I'd love to put that next slide up, this is just a story of Daniel and I's growth from that low point when we were pulling ourselves together in 1982, when our assets began, 1.4 billion on that chart, grew up to 5.6 billion in 1982, 400 billion, it was 6.7% there in 1998 or so, and now, 1.4 trillion, a thousand times our initial assets, 1.4 billion more, one might say, just a few, almost two or else, to deal with, and this is an important point about that which I'll talk about, and the industry rivalry, with Fidelity, is the next chart, and you can see that chart sends quite a message, doesn't it, you can't miss it, you might as well go on to the next one, but we won't for a sec, this is their share of monetary compliance since 1998, and ours has been rising, these are the long term assets, I'll talk about most of what we've been doing now, it's long term assets, because the money market funds kind of cloud things, capital groups are a major factor in the business, but none of the capital is in the money market fund, and Merrill Lynch was led by their money market funds for a long time, they're not in leadership anymore, and Fidelity is a huge money market business, and the reality is, and we've seen this stuff, I mean I've seen it in the press, that Vanguard is now 75 billion dollars ahead of Fidelity, and the reality is that the number is 285 billion ahead, Fidelity is a billion 175, or a billion 390, a trillion 390, excuse me, a trillion 175, we're talking about zeros, so by that measure we're at 250 billion dollars ahead of Fidelity, if you look at long term assets charted here, Vanguard is at a trillion 225, and Fidelity is at 725 billion dollars, a 500 billion dollar difference from its once industry leader, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, in the last three years Vanguard has taken in 350 billion dollars in shareholder purchases, and Fidelity has lost 15 billion in shareholder purchases, so I'll talk about that in a little more detail in a second, but there is one respect in which Fidelity is still a champion, last year earnings of Vanguard's management company were zero, and Fidelity's earnings were 2.6 billion dollars, 2.6 billion dollars, so we're not competing too well, naturally, I don't want to give you all a hard advantage, right, but a little historical perspective might be interesting, if you go to this next chart here, and so we're in the 80s decade, and we're leaders in mutual funding, and you'll see in 1950, the year before I got into this business, I was a well-earned man, and we were a good sized firm, although that's 6.1 percent, we're up in an asset base of 146 million dollars, I think about that, 140 million dollars, 20 minutes of cash flow today I think, and by the way, Columbia, in serious, was then investors first, I served a big direct selling organization out of Minneapolis, and then it became American Express, and then it became American Wiles, a good resource, and at the same time, it evolved with name changes, but it was the second biggest firm the business had, up to 1960, and Columbia, I.E.I.E.S., was the biggest firm, and mass financials lost its lead, back to that, and so on down, 1970, still Columbia, so I.E.I.E.S., and then Fidelity comes in, I'll talk about that, and Vanguard still hasn't appeared in this chart, and that's what we'll talk about in the next one, somewhere here, lost in trouble, I guess I'll probably have to look here or something once I'm out of here, but there it is, right, we have 1990, Fidelity still in there, I have one more, 1988, actually Merrill was the last firm in this industry, and then of course there's mutual fund activities, the long, or the background, and I.E.I.E.S., Vanguard, 1998, and it gets into the top group, and we start moving up, 2000, and second, Fidelity, coming in 2000, same current date, and with industry assets up to 7.9 trillion, long-term assets, here we are at 15.7%, and we've been driven, and to that point, I think first, my investor trust, surveys have done this, I don't need to read the surveys, all I need to do is read the letters I get from shareholders, and read the newspapers, the trust, there's no company in this industry, I've measured that from independent sources, but at the same time, we're already at a plus, it's kind of a funny scale, we're at plus 50 to 60, and second firm's maybe plus 30, mutual fund act, Fidelity's minus two or three, I think, for trust, and the industry average is about minus 12%, minus 12% trust ratio, I won't get into that, but that's not good, and we're at the top of that list, I imagine, hopefully, other reasons include, not negative, but ordered, there's an interest in bonds, and it's amazing, I've always been interested in bonds, and to the point where, in 1972, when I was at Wellington, I went on to start a bond fund, I got these notes from my broker, you must be nuts, bonds are yesterday, stocks are tomorrow, I went on to start a bond fund, the first half convinced me not all the time, (audience laughs) the official investor actually had it covered, entitled, "Bonds are dead," and then I knew it was time, and I couldn't get it done, broker actually didn't support me, broker actually didn't manage it, I needed his support, and so I conveniently created a fund that was two-thirds in bonds, and a third income, producing stocks, and that would be the Wealthy Income Fund, so the fund would be acquired, and the Wealthy Income Fund would build up from there, so bonds go back a long way, service, no question, credit, I'm not a writer, I'm a shareholder, they're telling me what good service we have in Calgary, and I kind of think about it, the first bond situation began, so I was looking for more, and next, I guess I'd say, importantly, we deliver what we promise, which is not much, but we'll give you our fair share for whatever returns the bond stock market generally does provide.

It's not a grand claim, but it's the only realistic claim in this business, and so that's been an important part of it. Another part of it, I don't know if any of you saw that, but one of the things we had going for us, and I realized this at the beginning, that there's no point in building a firm that's ever so big, that can't manage the assets it has, and I knew we would get big, because we had a man on our side, and it's not complicated, 4 minus 2 is 2, and we're okay, 4 minus 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, and if you get big, you can't manage the assets, and that's what happened, and I think the capital group, they're not bad, they're nice people, very nice people, but they've just gotten too big, and now they have this huge amount of money under their best supervision, which includes a very large consulting operation, and a wealth management operation, so being sized in a different kind of investment strategy, that's happened.

It doesn't really matter how big you are, you can still implement your strategy, at the same kind of influence, at a trillion dollars, as you could at a hundred million dollars, or a million dollars, it would be better there than a million dollars. So that's another big asset, and of course, an excellent cost, and I feel bad about it, because I don't think most people realize how incredibly important a cost is in this equation, that we have, as compared to performance, so if you want to draw that next chart, oh, I'm sorry, I don't want to draw it myself, in fact, you're all set.

This is called, should we worry? And just look at that, MIT, Macedonial, 1950 largest firm, I've been with the largest firm in this industry for 23 years, think about that. IDS/Columbia, direct marketing firm, was the largest firm in this industry for 27 years, Fidelity was the largest firm in this industry for 21 years, and now here we are in our first year of a blank year cycle, will it be 20 years, will it be 5, will it be 100, who knows, I don't know, but I do know, quote, Shakespeare, "If you're more polite, money's your last head, where's the crown?" You know, here you are, a party full, and there's certainly no room to go ahead with your first day, and no room for complacency, what do you think of, you know, dropping from a 15% market share to less than 1%, and what I don't read, I've got a very small portion of the industry now, 0.7, they certainly have their fair share of publicity, but they say causing that flash crash, you know, I think I gave the one firm that caused that flash crash, trying to get some serve, but they gave it a shot.

So why is the market that fragile, I don't think, and even if you have a well-managed firm producing really good performance, we've in recent years had a lot of market shares, I mean, hey, time we came to look at it, time we came to visit it, and Franklin, even though they merged with Templeton, has lost half its market share, and fell 20% so far, so there is no room for complacency.

I want to just come back to Colossus Act, and talk about Colossus, as well as our overall performance picture, and we put out, you've probably seen it in the Vanguard, we have a little calculation that says how our funds do, after expenses, that's the way we show it, how we do it is by doing this chart, since way back in the 80s, a lot of people thought Colossus was a brilliant manager, but then I looked up the numbers for Colossus, and they were not going to look like so again, and we actually lost one manager, and he was a good amount of managers, and he had a great record, but he was working on a lot of funds, with a 15 basis point expense ratio, and he had a 1.15% expense ratio, and they said what happened to all your management ability, and he didn't last very long, but you couldn't have done the math, it's a lot of math, and so I've been doing this for a long time, and this has not given me a Vanguard at all, so what we see, what you see, and what we report, is our stock funds are in 61st percentile, bond funds 100, balance funds 89, money market 100, and overall 83%, very good records, and in terms of outperforming our peers, over the previous decade, and you take expenses out, you can have those numbers changed, the stock funds are not 61, they're 42, from somewhat above average, to somewhat below average, the comparison is not totally fair, it's probably about as fair as you can get, when you look at peer groups, no one's trying, no way to make it easy, or any easier than it is, no way to make it any harder, and the balance funds drop 10 points, and the money markets, the bond funds go from 100 percentile to 57, and you're telling me you've also got an advantage, the money market funds go from 100 to 40, and the overall goes from 82 to 51, way above average to average, is that bad to be 40 in the money market area, and only 57 in the bond area?

The answer is no, and that is I don't mind being below average, before you adjust for expenses, because at least my approach to all this, when I was running the company, was don't take any extra risk, and to the contrary, be safe, and the munis hold 15 percent cash reserves, that costs you a return, so if that still happened before expenses, and above average return, how would it even work, because there's no free lunch after that, and so that's the way it looks, and that just shows you the whole cost, and all those reforms, and we forget a lot, and so I'm going to move on to chart number eight, which is all about our growth and efficiency, and one of the remarkable numbers, that we don't see much of, is there's our assets problem over there, the three million we're trading for, our expenses, and it's a 470 fold growth, our expenses, and we get a lot of credit for reducing expense ratios, but that's scratched my head a little bit, and I want to see our expenses grow up 400 fold, compared to a 470 fold increase in assets, and so the expense ratio comes down by a little over half, I want to say a few percent, and I think it's not so difficult, when you have all the economic scale, the expense ratio, I think we have a problem, and I was surprised, we're having another problem, and that's the basis point again, is 140 million dollars, so you say, this is a nice idea, you spend 140 million, and nobody will ever know the difference, our expense ratio is 23 to 24, but nobody will ever know the difference, how do they know that, it's not even a real number, you have to take all the funds and parse them out, and we manufacture that, in a good sense, we do it right, but it's not a number that appears in any funds report, or anything like that, so it's, in our advertising program, we talk about 50 million dollars, it's easy to adjust about a third of the basis point, but I'd say, I'd caution them, I'd say, stop, I'd caution the industry, stop thinking in basis points, and think in dollars, I know dollars are dollars, dollars are money, and the fact that we're large, and a basis point, or a third of a basis point, 50 million dollars, is not something you'd say, well that's 50 million, so you can afford it, not a good idea, so, that chart really explains, people ask me very often, how is it possible you can have the best service, and still have the lowest cost, can you have the best service, despite the lowest cost, or can you have the lowest cost, and still have the best service, it's easy, if you need to spend money on services, it's basically the services are good, because we are the lowest cost, it's cost not that, it's not that, and if you're that efficient, and low cost, and someone says we need 10 million dollars, to get a tax statement, or whatever it might be, you say, I mean, you're not an analyst, you're not an analyst, but basically you say charge it, so, I think, it's still 55.40's per billion, 80.40's per billion, it's a nice testimony, to the kind of scale, to the role of technology, and communication, telephone, fight, much smaller analysis today, compared to internet communication, and I do have very good management skills, that's very good, I don't know how much of a manager I am, I don't care how much of a manager I am, and, I don't know how to do it, I was an employee, like last night, so I did not, I know all that, and then when I'm a manager, and I'm pretty sure I'm not a leader, and I'm confident, I'm not an entrepreneur, I really don't like business, very much, and all those things are true, I don't want to say that this is being recorded, but some people might, and, but just coming back to the fact, that these principles, that we had at the beginning, amazingly, we ran intact, just using the money, common sense, in developing index funds, in developing, the financial refund funds, the impact mutual structure, and getting the cost out, and getting rid of sales flows, and then, deciding, there's a rule of, nobody has ever, done this before, in this industry, we were the first ones to do it, in 19, and 92, and that is, differential pricing, give your largest shareholders, the lowest cost, and you'll see, go up to the next one again, you'll see, this financial path, we had the annual treasury funds, we had it at, I think it was $50,000, I think it was paid at, eight basis points, that ratio, or something like that, very low at the beginning, and, that was still the case, in 2000, and we found ways, to have admiral classes, in nearly all the other funds, and that's low cost, for investors over, $100,000 to buy more, so they were getting admiral classes, we had to manage, we kept that name, the original admiral, and, so in 2005, that was 26% of our assets, in capital class, large investor class, we were earning $40 million, and now, with the recent change, we've read it out, and I think you ought to get a book, I did read the commentary on that, and, on the Global Heads website, and, I'll take into account, the amount that's going to go over, to the Chamber, and to the Committee of Council, to be eligible, it's going to be something like, 30% of our assets, and, this not only gives us great confidence, and scale, with a $100,000 account, much cheaper to run, it's the closest thing I've ever run, that's a $10,000 account, obviously, so, it adds to our confidence, scale, also build up, large investors, coming into the funds, and, it's going to be a large investor, and the total expense ratio, so it's really a good, simple, I'd say moronic, but simple idea, anybody could have thought of it, and, they haven't thought of it yet, I understand that, and, I had, just read a little bit of it, the, I talked about this, and it's the same philosophy, I think, as today, I can promise, I've talked about this, since, 1993, we had a, had a management meeting, and, which, I decided that, we, had too many sacred cows, to pay for, things, that we're never, and, never going to do, and, one of them, was, not responding enough, to people, who would not respond, to, the possibility, for our competitors, to lower prices, selectively, in the future, because, I was dumb enough to think, one of our competitors, would say, well, Vanguard, has a, probably at that time, three basis points, expense ratio, and that's, how expensive funds, with 25, or 20, that would have been a logical thing, with a later tier of prices, to do, and, that's what our competitors, do, what do they do, nothing, so, as I said to them, we'll introduce, lower cost funds, known as Admiral funds, for our larger investors, we must teach, them, our competitors, a lesson, in real price competition, and then, let's see, if I can find it here, the genesis, of the Admiral concept, is to speak, to the crew, and, this is on page 976, it says, the genesis, of the Admiral concept, is to speak, to the crew, and, this is on page 976, in parent accounts, genesis of the concept, the obvious insight, is that, I already mentioned, it was obvious, is the cost, of handling a shareholder, account to fix, larger investors, generate substantial, economies of scale, the sooner, we can deliver, these economies of scale, the better, deliver, to our investors, the better, for it may only be, a matter of time, I thought, before our competitors, become so large, as investors, a market segmentation, strategy, under which, they could at least, take, this service, and, of course, the cost advantage, I continued, to have a treasury fund, 15,000 investments, miniscule, investment ratio, designed, to in fact, retain substantial, investors, they were our way, of firing a shot, across the enemy's bow, letting our rivals know, they better get ready, for even tougher, price competition, and, that's just exactly, what required, yet another shot, for our competitors, to have, the enemy's bow, have these new ideas, of the admiral, taking it down, to a new level, of lower, expenses, and, now, it's a great thing, to do, a wonderful decision, by management, I was not involved, in any way, in the decision, nor should I have been, I still came, out of the blue, from the blue thing, but I just want, to make sure, everybody understands, this is not a gift, to our investors, it's a gift, to our large investors, I mean, think about this for a minute, it's just a reallocation, of the cost, that's all, because, fund A, of the admiral structure, has lower expenses, then fund B, will have higher expenses, because our expense number, is more or less, a fixed number, which just gets, divided among the funds, through a meter, depending on the relevant, assets, and this is a question, of loading on, you know, how we, allocate these benefits, from one fund, to another, so, it's a, it's not a gift, but it's a small reallocation, we thought, that will, that the cost, probably makes, longer in the future, now, let's go to number two, I don't know, how to get there, I don't know, the, all right, I'm going to, can you tell 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