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E75: Fast shuts down, board culpability, Elon buys 9% of Twitter, deplatforming's evolution & more


0:0 Bestie intros, All-In Summit update, and more
8:1 Layoffs and shutdowns: Fast,, GoPuff; Chamath gives a macro- and micro- overview for startups
14:9 Preventing layoffs, culpability in Fast's shutdown, VC diligence strategy, VC/founder model
41:51 Elon buys a 9% stake in Twitter and joins the board: what does this mean for Twitter, free speech online, evolution of deplatforming
63:24 Food shortage update, ideal US objectives going forward


Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the All In podcast, your favorite podcast. And a lot of topics on the docket, including... Well, we'll get to that in a minute. Tons of stuff to talk about, not just politics, but a lot of tech news. You do sound really hung over today, J.

Cal, you sound like an old man that's been smoking cigarettes for three weeks. You sound wrecked. How big was your night last night? Admit it. I didn't go that big. On a scale of one to Charlie Sheen, it was like a six. There was like a Martin Sheen in his 30s.

What does that mean, one to Charlie Sheen? We had a couple of beverages. I'm sorry, on a scale of one to Charlie Sheen, I don't think I've ever been past the one in my life. So what is a six? A six is like, you know, Paris Hilton in her heyday, or like Lindsay Lohan in Hollywood in the 90s.

It's like, you know, like a good time, but not crazy. Didn't they have to go to rehab? Yeah, exactly. They did. I'm super high-fived. Let me tell you something, Charlie Sheen cannot be six. Oh, it was just like Lindsay Lohan. Wait, Lindsay Lohan, the one who was in the movie?

Yeah. The one who went to rehab like five times? Like, what are you talking about? Yeah. That's a six. I don't want to know what seven is. Joining us, of course, the Queen of Quinoa is here. The thriller from a Miller, the film, "The King of the Valley." He puts the eye in anxiety.

He got his degree from his Google pedigree, the Sultan of Science, David Freberg with us again. All right, next up, of course, the czar of ARR. He perfected the flywheel with his boy, Peter Thiel. LPs, don't be nervous because he's only investing in software as a service, the world's biggest sasshole, the Rain Man himself, David Sachs.

Wait, you call me a sasshole? A sasshole. That might stick. I don't know. I feel like this might be heading towards kind of like a high school, high school, high school, high school talent show kind of episode. But yeah, go ahead. And finally, the king of SPACs himself, the guru of growth, he puts the dick in dictator.

He's going to upset her with his sweater. Jamath Palihapitiya. All right, boys. I'm just letting the audience know, I can't keep this up every week. Yes, yes. It's become a very anticipated new feature of the show. It is. It's a new feature. But you know, I forgot we had like wet your beak and you know, all this stuff and all these like...

It ebbs and flows. We come up with new things. It ebbs and flows. We come up with new things. All right, listen, just a quick programming update. All In Summit sold out, basically. It's going to be a great show. We got about a dozen speakers lined up, all kinds of great folks.

And three great parties I want to highlight. Monday, Sunday night will be the poker tournament. That's going to be our Goodfellas, Godfather kind of theme, dressed to impress the family. Night number two, Monday night is going to be our Havana White Party Wear Your White. It's going to be a great show.

It's going to be our Havana White Party Wear Your White. It's going to be a great show. It's going to be a great show. Havana White Party Wear Your Best Linens and Whites. And then closing night party on Tuesday night is going to be our Miami Vice Big 80s party.

Neon and t-shirts under suits. It's going to be a hell of a party. Jason, 2,999,700 people don't give a shit about what you're talking about right now. There's like 300 people that are going to go to this party that you're throwing and they're doing what they care. No, it's going to be 700 tickets.

I think there's gonna be 700 tickets issued and there'll be probably 400 people. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. So they were pretty good parties.

Uh-huh. We're in the party business here at the all in pod. Well, I mean, the world needs some good parties in my opinion. It's gonna be three back to back great parties. And the theme of the conference is the problem I most want to solve in the world or the problem I most want to see solved in the world.

So we're asking every speaker to think about that. And we're going to kind of talk about the world's biggest problems and then who actually wants to solve them. The world needs more parties. Well, that's, that's what I'm doing. That's my, that's going to be my 10 minute talk, my 10 minute talk.

I've been, I've been watching the WeWork show. Have you guys been watching it on Apple TV plus? Yeah. It's great. Elevating the world's, Jared Leto is so freaking good in that, as that character by the way. Yeah. It's incredible. He got to get an Emmy. Like elevating the world's consciousness as the mission and then just throw parties is the way to do it.

I feel like you're, you really get that vibe. Like, yeah. It's aspirational for me. You can elevate the world's consciousness with your, with your summits. I told Bill... While pocketing millions of dollars. It's not going to make a profit. Whatever profit it makes is going to go to Chamath's star chamber, 50 person conference.

He's doing with the all in brand. So every, everybody gets to leverage the all in brand. First you did it, Sax with your call in. Now I'm doing it with the summit. Chamath's going to do it with his think tank and... I'm not going to do it. Coming soon from Friedberg, the all in Munich special, lose weight like your besties.

He's going to, it's, it's, it's the all in brand that allows you to lose weight in the following way. He brings his best vegan chef to you. Oh yes. Oh yes. Spins up some fucking tempeh garbage. Tempeh and vegan shakes. Your favorite Chamath. It's double fucking yuck. Right. Yes.

You vomit after you eat it. You're, you're in a caloric deficit for the month that that person refuses to leave your house. Boom. You lose weight. Everything's solved. You lose weight. They're like, Hey, want some quinoa? You're like, no. And then you lose weight. No. That's pretty good. Avocado shake.

Give me my olive infused beef, please. The olive infused beef. No, I'm sorry. Not olive infused. Olive fat. These beefs. Beef only ate olives guys. Right. And then we murdered them and ate them. You know what you guys need to do? You're going to have a great life. You guys need to elevate your consciousness.

Okay. And have a party. Let's go. We need to get some morels and some chickens and make some. Yesterday we had morels. Sean made morels. White asparagus with morels for you. So good. So good. The morel season has started. Everybody enjoy it. Lots of different news this week. Morel season.

You guys appeal. You guys appeal. You guys appeal to the common man. The morel season has started. Morels aren't that expensive. Tempeh is more expensive than both quinoa and morels. 100%. That vegan bullshit is way more expensive than normal people. All right. Listen, we have to elevate the world's consumption of steak and meats.

I think a good place to start is we've been talking about- Sorry, by the way, by the way, have you guys ever looked on the back of any carton of oat milk? How much chemical nonsense is in that stuff? Yeah, no, I'm not interested. Can that really be good for you?

No. You know what I want? Oh my God. Give me- Where's the oat milk that's just oats and water? It doesn't exist. It doesn't exist. It's like soy lexithin, xanthan gum. Is that stuff can't be good for you? You know, Saks drinks and a 12 ounce glass of milk with every dinner.

They just drinks it. By the way, the almond milk at the Whole Foods, riddled with sugar and all this other nonsensical chemicals as well. Man, I mean, people trash milk. I get it. But what's the point? I mean, people trash milk. I get it. But what's the point? I mean, people trash milk.

I get it. But what's the point? I mean, people trash milk. I get it. But what's the point? And if you're lactose intolerant, I understand you're in a pinch. But why go to an alternative milk that is just riddled with just all of this terrible, terrible stuff? You know, Saks used to love to eat brie cheese so much that whenever we'd have a party, somebody would bring a wheel- Do you remember the brie blocks with the wheel of brie?

He would literally eat an entire brie wheel on his own. And brown sugar. No, they would put the brown sugar on top. They would belt it. And Saks, Freiburg, Saks has eaten an entire brick of brown sugar. And he had a brick of brie in front of us. Oh my lord.

What was the origin of your brie obsession, Saks? Stanford. Happened at Stanford. He's a brie guy. He's the guy that eats brie. He's the last guy I would think that would eat brie. What's the matter? You just don't have... I mean, what about cheddar? A great American cheese. No?

You just prefer the French, huh? Yeah. You know. You still got that fetish for brie or not? Can we start the show? I gotta go. Yeah, we got shit to do. Let's go. I got 45 minutes. Saks, is that fermented kombucha? Stop. Stop. This is just plain iced tea.

Sometimes it's just good to be normcore. Unsweetened. Oh, you're back on trying to catch up? Trying to catch up? Okay, here we go. Listen, we've been talking a little bit about the contraction in tech. The growth stocks having their multiples lowered. And we knew this was coming, but it's been a horrible week for large companies.

Starting the layoffs. We knew this was coming. We predicted it probably six months ago. is a one-click checkout startup., they announced they're shutting down on Tuesday. This after the company grew to 450 employees. And generated reported $600,000 in revenue. I think that their employees could have made more money if they did one DoorDash a day delivery.

At its peak, Fast was burning $10 million a month, according to reports.'s information got most of this information, while only generating about $50K a month in revenue. Their $102 million Series B was led by Stripe in January of 2021. The company raised $124 million in total. Also,, which we talked about.

You remember they had their horrific, cringe-worthy founder lay off a bunch of employees over Zoom. And they laid off 900 people December 1st. 3,000 people on March 8th. According to TechCrunch, for the 5,000 remaining employees, on April 5th, offered corporate and product design and engineering employees the opportunity to voluntarily resign in exchange for 60 days paid severance and health insurance coverage.

Better CEO's Vishal Garg, hopefully I'm pronouncing that correct, noted, "The uncertain mortgage market conditions of the last couple of weeks have created an exceedingly challenging operating environment for many companies in our industry." And then going to GoPuff, which, you know, I had the founder on a podcast. He's a big fan of this week at Startups.

And he's a pretty good, you know, like pretty realistic about the margins in that business. They're making a modest cut of 3% of their 15,000 staff. Seems like a reasonable thing to do, given how the market has changed. But again, their valuation was absurd. $1.5 billion at a $40 billion valuation in December.

Shamathi predicted a lot of this, and that people would have to sharpen their pencils. We had a discussion about this. You know, the good times. We're in the middle of the year. The good times. The bad times. You know, we're still in the middle of the year. We're still in the middle of the year.

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I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year.

I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I think we're in the middle of the year. I'm doing all in. I'm doing all in. I'm going all in ♪ ♪