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Nutritional Density — What We’ve Lost in Modern Food


If you look at the nutritional density of the food we eat today compared to the density of food of hunter-gatherers, I just was in Africa and I was with the Hadza, which is one of the last hunter-gatherer tribes, and they're eating wild food all the time, 150 grams of fiber by all these roots and tubers.

Everything is extremely nutritionally dense. Wild food is way more nutritionally dense. They're running around naked in the sun, so they have no vitamin D deficiency, right? They have like loincloths on, and so the average person living in the modern world is typically nutritionally deficient, and the food we're eating is grown in soil that's been damaged because of industrial agricultural practices, or broccoli today has got 50% less nutrients than it did 50 years ago, so it's really tough.

If you go to Europe, if you go to other countries, the food is grown differently, it tastes differently, and taste always follows the nutritional density of the food. I think we've grown foods for shelf stability, for transport, for storage, for appearance, but not for flavor and not for nutritional density.

I think everything we're eating today is so nutritionally depleted that we do need a multivitamin.