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Translations shouldn’t follow the trends


Well, the LSB is, I think, my journey to it and desire to use it and preach from it. There were several factors. The covenant name of Yahweh is amazing. And to have the boldness to say, "We will not go with the trend, and we're not going to have this in all caps," because he says, "This is the name that I'm going to be called and known by, Yahweh." To restore that was huge for me.

And then to bring the pronouns back where deed is mentioned and to capitalize them. To not overly feminize the scriptures, but let them masculine be as it is. Those, I think, were huge game-changers for me because, once again, it restores the scripture without trying to accommodate fallen humanity. And they can never be redeemed by adjustment of words.

They're redeemed by fidelity to the preaching and the reading of the scriptures. Legacy allows a preacher to say that, "This is compelling truth. I'm going to read it to you and read the scriptures, and God, this is great work."