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From Bad Habits to Financial Freedom (How the Simple Path to Wealth Really Works)


If you've had a terrible diet for all of your life and you've never exercised and you decide, "You know what? I'd really like to have a healthier body," that's not going to be an easy transition. That's going to require some adjustments in your life. It's simple, just like the simple path to wealth.

I mean, what you need to do is pretty simple. If you've developed decades of habit doing one thing, then shifting gears is not going to be easy. But the other thing that I think is important to recognize is that if you follow the simple path to wealth, you will, in fact, become wealthy.

Because at that point, once you're there, you can really afford anything you want. We fly first class now. I never would have been willing to spend the money because it wasn't worth it to me back when I was building my wealth. But now, it's a rounding error. It cost me literally nothing functionally to fly first class.

So, of course, I'm going to do it because it makes my life a little easier.