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When Should I Read? | Deep Questions Podcast with Cal Newport


0:0 Cal's intro
0:6 Cal reads the question about structuing Deep Work and writing
0:22 Cal writes first
0:45 Cal talks about the demands of writing


All right, we have a question here from Graham. Graham says, "How would you recommend "structuring deep work sessions "that require both reading and writing? "For instance, would you find more value "in reading an article or two and then writing, "or writing first to find out "which articles you need to read?" Well, Graham, the way I normally do this is write first, read second, the reading is for the next day.

So I think the hard thing in writing is the actual writing itself. That's where you should start. You know, the first deep creative endeavor you do is the writing, and then the reading can be later in the day, because that's more flexible. It could be over lunch break, you can read in the evening, you know, you can sit by the fire, you can sit outside, like there's all sorts of different places you can read, it's less cognitively demanding, give yourself more breathing room to have insights and to write things down.

So that's what I would suggest. Other people do it different, write first, read second. And when you're reading, you're reading for writing that's gonna come in the future, not for the writing you're doing right then. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)