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What Do You Think About Digital Notebooks?


0:0 Cal's intro
0:13 Cal reads a question about digital notebooks
1:45 Cal talks about reMarkable branding
2:30 Cal's call-to-action about Digitial notebooks


All right. What do we have here? A question from Adnan. He says, does writing on digital paper, in your opinion, really have any advantage over conventional paper writing? And he points in particular to a product that I've heard a lot about called Remarkable. I guess they're now up to the Remarkable 2.

I'll tell you, I have not yet tried Remarkable. It is very alluring. And I don't know if that's just branding or if it's actually useful. Because it's a cool thing. It's like a tablet. And it uses an e-ink technology like a Kindle. So it's not a screen. It's not a backlit screen.

It's actually-- if you don't know how e-ink works, there's actually these teeny little disks that are black on one side and gray on another. And with an electrical impulse, you can switch it from one to another. So it's literally making a non-illuminated, just an actual physical picture that you're looking at.

There's no light involved. This Remarkable tablet, you can write on it. So it sort of follows your special pencil. So you're writing on it. And then it can save the pages. And you can go back to them. So it's like a notebook, except for it's all stored digitally. It's not actually a physical notebook.

Anyways, it's a cool-looking product. I like Jesse's note. I think this tells you why it's so appealing. His note about the promotional video is really good-looking people in rich places writing stuff. It's good branding. I mean, it was a great video. And it's-- yeah, it's what it shows. It's true, though.

I've seen this video. And I'm like, A, I got to go to Monaco. Like, B, I probably need to dress better. And C, I need to be looking out over the bay. Yeah, in your mansion. And yeah, writing. Like, I don't know what. Poetry or something. So I don't-- Adnan, if you use one, report back.

This branding hits me like an arrow. And I'm like, I really need one of these things. I suspect that-- let me show you. This probably solves the same problem, because it's analog. It's very easy to get to the pages you already wrote, because you can just flip to them.

It doesn't require batteries. But I see that ad, and I want it to. So I don't know. Try it. If any of my listeners out there have tried this and have a compelling use case for one of these e-ink notebooks like Remarkable, send me a note or send Jesse a note at, because we're curious.

Maybe it'll make us rich. Is that how it works? We'll be in a mansion. You'll start writing. Your next book will be a poetry book. Yeah, reflections from you staring at the waves from my mansion. (upbeat music)