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Train people to TRUST the Word of God


I'm going to say this a lot because I think it's extremely important for people to trust their Bible. To know that their Bible has the answer is really my priority and The Legacy makes it very easy to do that because you're training people to trust the Word of God.

When they have different translations, I even encourage them, "I think you need to get a Legacy." People will come up and say, "Why Legacy for you? Why is that better than the New American Standard or the New King James or whatever they might be using?" For me, it goes back to when you have a pastor who from the pulpit is preaching and he's preaching from a translation that you can follow.

It helps to take that same translation back into your study and that's what I use, The Legacy Standard Bible. They can go back into the study, they can see the exact points I'm making and again, it creates trust. It doesn't create confusion.