- You have an anti to-do list, which I think is kind of total counter to how the average person might think about time. How does that work? And how do you suggest people use something like that? - A to-do list was great. And I kind of knew what I needed to address.
So I really just focused on the three to five most important things. But there's all these things in my life that I'm trying to get better at. Trying to avoid bad habits, whatever it might be, that I had no system in place for actually avoiding those things. So I had a system for doing the good things that I wanted to do, but not a system in place for avoiding the bad things that I wanted to stay away from.
And so the anti to-do list is a system for doing just that. It's for avoiding those places where you know you're gonna die. To paraphrase Charlie Munger, all I want to know is where I'm gonna die, so I never go there. These are the places where you're going to die, metaphorically, and you're trying to avoid them.
Have those things top of mind so that they don't just become a bad habit that perpetuates in your world.