I want you guys to stop throwing bones to each other's side. Pretend you're on the courtroom floor, really trying to convince the listeners. - If you wanna maximize your wealth, especially early in your career, real estate investing is by far the best way to do it. If you have the energy to put five or 10 hours a week to get started in, you can literally generate returns that are double that of the average of the stock market.
And yes, it does take work, but if you have a good entrepreneurial spirit, cashflow, appreciation, amortization, value add and tax benefits is really unmatched in any other asset class. - If you wanna invest easily via an app on your phone and you don't wanna get the 2 a.m. phone call from a tenant whose toilet broke and you gotta go over there and fix it, check out stocks.
The unlevered return is probably the best in the world that you can get. You have a little bit of money, you don't have enough for a down payment or big capital to become a big real estate investor, and you don't have a lot of time, Stock market investing is probably the way to go.