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All-In Summit 2022 Recap


We open sourced it to the fans and they've just gone crazy with one big huge or love you bet a queen of Kinwam I Cannot believe what Jake has pulled off here We are witnessing our first Theranos moment. I got great news. I took all the money I put in Luna From an undisclosed location.

Mr. Elon Musk People actually fucking listen to us talking over Zoom. This is like way more work than I thought I was signing up for I Want to talk about a lot of stuff that's broken right now that we know how to fix but we aren't Bad customer service and health care the defense industry in America is fundamentally broken There's no doubt that it's a left-wing monoculture that's suppressing ideas and someone needs to fix that that these Prestige outlets like the New York Times have so much credibility in our culture They have the power to destroy people's careers what went wrong that this would happen Journalism has adjusted.

We've gone from being people whose primary job is to be curious about why things happen to being Advocates a government shouldn't be running a hundred billion dollar surplus. It's not a for-profit organization. No That means something is wrong. The obvious reason for inflation is that the government printed more money than it had Because so many people just want a yes-or-no answer.

They want to say this is the future this isn't they don't want to think About a distribution of outcomes, which is really the way the world works. Let me just start by saying that investing is really fucking hard So we get to approach these problems but often the solution is east meets west For women to believe in themselves We make amazing founders people who are true Entrepreneurs and think at scale and think and think very very big We're very much into freedom here in Miami and we try to facilitate people's growth and success.

That's it That's all we do. I think sometimes We have to think very deeply about The suffering people have had especially when it's different than the suffering that you and I have had Yeah, if you remember your physics velocity has a direction and sometimes going really really fast is actually negative velocity because you're going the wrong way I mean I get trashed by the media all the time.

It's fine I don't care but it's indicative of the fact that even though I have like a lot of resources I do not actually have the ability to stop the media from trashing me and that's actually a good thing Well, you just broke the fucking internet with Elon. He was in a great mood.

Yeah, I was He likes hanging with his besties like say when does prestige matter most? It's when someone you don't like saying something you don't like what drives the country forward This is what drives knowledge forward is people able to disagree. Russia isn't aggressive because it's surrounded by NATO It's surrounded by NATO because it's aggressive but to sacrifice Ukraine in pursuit of this broader geopolitical for him It was a game.

It was his show and for me, of course, I'm a jerk. I'm not a coward You're gonna take me on straight up as a man. I appreciate it You just kind of have to say like fuck you and move on with your life If you're sitting on excess liquidity right now and want to invest for a long Was that a transition from war 3 - The best way to protect yourself against the downside is to enjoy every last bit of the upside and now we have inflation But we also have lots of business formation and we have a new ways of doing work The trends that existed for 20 years Still exist that inflation will roll over so I'm willing to underwrite to that There is going to be a big beautiful bull market in real stuff and it is just beginning Best entrepreneurs are incredible storytellers as a way of attracting the best talent and then as a way of attracting customers And I don't want to die without having used whatever influence I have to proselytize for ideas I believe it you need strong leadership companies are there to make products that people and organizations want to need not Necessarily to fight over political ideals the world's never gonna run out of new ideas for business software And there will always be an opportunity there for new companies But we cannot debate is how important it is that the United States win and that democracy wins and that freedom comes to all these countries You You Thank you You (audience applauds)