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How Do I Get Back to Work Effectively After a Lunch Break? | Deep Questions with Cal Newport


0:0 Cal's intro
0:15 Cal answers a question about getting back to work after lunch
0:25 Cal's three recommendations
0:54 No email after lunch


OK, let's keep moving here. Question number three is from TooMuchRest. He asked, how do I come back to work after taking a lunch break? Yeah, it's hard. It's easy to fall down distractive rabbit holes after lunch breaks. I suffer from this too. Three things I'd recommend, and I would combine all three of these things.

Number one, ritual, have a post-lunch ritual that you always do to prepare you to get back into work mode. A walk works really good here. I'm talking like five to 10 minutes. But you do a certain walk or whatever so that you are teaching your mind that this means we're shifting out of the much more wandering mindset that we're in when we're at lunch, just thinking about things and reading things and watching things back into a work mindset.

Two, no email right after lunch. No Slack either. That just has to be a hard and fast rule. Do not start your first session after lunch going down a context-switching rabbit hole, like, let me see what's going on my inbox or what's going on with Slack, because your mind will never-- well, it'll get back to work mode, but you're going to really slow it down.

And you've just added 45 minutes of wandering if you do that. So never, ever, ever start your first moments after a lunch break with email or Slack. And then three, and this is critical, before lunch, figure out and set up what you're going to work on right after lunch.

And again, it shouldn't be email. It shouldn't be Slack. So do email and Slack right before lunch. So like, OK, I'm not missing something urgent. And then set up. I'm going to work on this report right after lunch. Get it loaded up. Get it in Word. Get the documents that you need to draw from.

Get that all loaded up. Take a look at it, kind of, all right, I get it. I see what's going on. I've sort of swapped it in. I think I'm ready to go. Good. Let me go eat lunch. When I come back, it's all there. It's all got prepped.

And you can get right into work. Those three things, I think, do those three things, and you can tame lunch breaks. My lunch break recommendation, by the way, is read during your lunch breaks if you can. It's great for your brain. It's a great time to get some reading in.

And it has a much more minimal impact on your cognitive energy for the remainder of the day, as compared to what most people do, which is they open up the internet and their phones and are basically saying, put it in my veins, and just go frenetic crazy. And then they're like, OK, time to go work on something deep.

Yeah, good luck. Crossing off. (upbeat music)