You get the results of what you repeatedly do. You eat chips and nachos and Mai Tais every day, you're going to get overweight. You jog every single day, you're going to lose weight. You spend 15 minutes every day looking into your significant other's eyes, having a real conversation, you're going to have a better relationship.
You avoid them, you're gonna have a bad one, right? So there are certain things in life that give us the result of life that we want. So all we need to do to be successful in anything, I really believe this, is like know where you want to go, know what things are going to get you there.
And when I say things, I mean the habits, the traits, the systems, track those things and get accountability on it. If it's a group of guys getting accountability together, is it hiring a performance coach? Whatever that is, get the accountability. So know where you're going, figure out what the steps are needed to get there, track it so you can be aware of you getting there or not getting there, and then get accountability so you can hack your self-discipline.
You can accomplish anything, anything by doing that.