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God insists intensely on actually using His Name


The thing that leaps to mind about the use of the word Yahweh is passages like Isaiah 42, 8 where God says, "I am Yahweh, that is my name. I will not give my glory to another, nor my praise to graven images." It's always seemed ludicrous to replace the name of God with something that's not his name in a sentence in which he says that is my name and the original has the word Yahweh and not Adonai.

And he seems to be making a point about it and saying I won't give my glory to another. Right. God's name and his glory are bound together. His glory is who he is and his name is who he is. And so when he says that's my name I'm not giving my glory to anybody else.

It would seem to me to be detrimental to the glory of God to change his name when he insists upon it so intensely.