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Joe Rogan gifts Lex Fridman his favorite watch


Take this. That's yours now. That's an Omega. And that has a moon phase. See that moon in the bottom of it? That's yours. That's yours. You see the moon on the bottom of it? You see that? This is a happy man right now. That's my watch. That's my favorite watch, by the way.

Do you see the moon in the bottom of it? Yep. That is the actual moon phase. It's a real high resolution photograph of the moon. And as the moon rises, it will rise. It's set in the position where the moon is currently. Oh, that's awesome. Fuck yeah, it's awesome.

Take that piece of shit, stupid fucking Frisbee you got on your wrist. You can't get this back because you just did it on record. No, it's yours. It's yours, man. Joe, thank you so much. This is a steampunk watch. That fucking stupid thing. The robot writes it and erases it every minute.

That's so dumb. But that watch, that watch is my favorite watch and I want you to have it. Joe, thank you. My pleasure. See that? You got a big ass wrist. Yeah, I do. Well, we can get it sized for you. No, no, this is perfect. Fuck, man. But you see the little moon?

Thank you so much. You see it at the bottom? Wait till it comes full moon, you get a real sense of what it looks like. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful high resolution image. And one of the reasons why I like Omegas, first of all, the astronauts that went to the moon, allegedly, they wore Omegas.

But also, it doesn't have the same sort of cache value as Rolexes or a lot of like the people that have a peripheral understanding of watches. But they're fucking phenomenal watches. They make amazing watches. I have a bunch of Omegas. I love them. But that is my favorite watch.

And you have my favorite watch now. Joe, thank you. Actually, this is the one thing I think a watch could add, is perspective on the cosmic scale. That's why I like that watch. And that's why I think you should have it. Because I would look at that watch and I would say, this is where we are right now with the moon cycle.

And when it comes full moon, like right now, it's just kind of like a little, it's probably a quarter moon or something like that. Yeah. Well, when it comes full noon, you'll get a real sense of what it actually looks like because it's beautiful. It's a beautiful, high resolution image of the moon with like little stars behind it.

See how much shit Connor got for his watch this week? Yeah, but that's a ridiculous watch. That's a ridiculous watch. I don't like those watches. I mean, look, you could like whatever you like. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's a million dollars, his watch. That's preposterous. It's all filled with diamonds and shit.

I don't own a single diamond. I've never had a diamond in my life and I want a fucking diamond. I like engineering. That's what I like. I'm a fan of engineering. And what I like about that watch is the engineering behind it. It's a mechanical watch, meaning the time is kept within like a second or two, I don't know what it is, like a day or I forget what it is, but also with a complication.

There's this crazy complication that shows the moon rising across. And when it goes dark in the sky, I know when I can go outside and see the stars because I look at my watch. And when my watch shows me no moon, that's when I go outside on my deck.

Because when I go outside on my deck, I know I'm just going to see nothing but stars and no moon at all. No light pollution, just beautiful stars in the sky. I'm going to take care of this one. Take care of it, my brother. Take care of it.