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Aaron Gordon On Winning The Championship, Living Life To The Fullest, And The Ups/Downs Of NBA Life


(upbeat hip hop music) - Welcome back to another episode of Curious Mike. I'm here with my guy, AG, AKA one time champion, AKA Tarzan. (laughing) Man, so I wanna start off like in the hoop space, and then we'll kind of transition to off the court stuff. But you came to Denver, I wanna say two, three years ago, probably three years ago now.

You came from Orlando. - It's gone quick. - Yeah, it really has. What was the difference to you from, you know, hooping in Orlando? We've talked about it a little bit, but like now playing in Denver, playing for a winning team, competing for a championship and all that. - Man, it felt like, well the spacing on the floor was way different.

Like being able to play between you, Jamal, and Joker. - Yeah. - Like people have forgot about me. You know what I mean? Which is cool, yeah. So like I'm just getting in where I fit in. I'm getting easy layups. Everything that I got in Orlando, it was like, yo, that was tough.

- That's a tough bucket. - Tough bucket. Like everyone was like, damn, that's a tough bucket, A. That's a tough bucket. And that was tough, that was tough. - Yeah. - When I came to Denver, it was like, okay, that's an easy two, little back cut. I felt like playing in between y'all three, we can't lose, bro.

- Yeah. - Like. - You over there, you were like, you were the man. You know, the go-to scorer. That's why everything was so tough. You know, teams, you know, game planning for you and you're like the man. And over here, you're obviously a big part of what we got going on, but you got so many good players on our team.

So, you know, when they're worried about you, I'm getting an open three. When they're worried about me or KCP in the corners, you're getting a dunk. Was it hard to transition from being the man over there to kind of like filling a role over here or no? - Nah, not at first, not at first.

Just 'cause, I mean, I get to play my role. - Yeah. - You know, I get to play the dunker. I get run outs, cuts, lobs. I can just, you know, shoot like spot ups. You know, like I can like fill in the gaps. - Yeah. - You know what I mean?

Which is perfect for me. That's how I like to play. We move the ball here. The open man is the right man. And then, like y'all are so talented. Y'all are so skilled. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not even worried like what shots you guys take. - Don't say y'all, you got it too.

- But it's true though, bro. Y'all are like, it's different. It was just like a different level of talent. - Yeah. - Coming from Orlando to Denver. It just was, the culture was already there. The skills that you guys had, the talent. It was just different, bro. - Yeah, talk a little bit about like the mentality and the difference between being on a winning team versus not.

'Cause you know, we all grew up, everyone in the league grew up being a man and they probably won tons and tons of games. But you get to the NBA and depending on where you get drafted, you might be on one of those teams that really doesn't win like a whole lot of games.

And I feel like a lot of players kind of develop the mentality of like, man, this is just what it is. I'm chilling. Like my team's not probably gonna make the playoffs. We definitely not winning the championship. I'ma just show up to work and kind of leave. And we've talked about that before, how, man, y'all weren't even really tripping.

Y'all would just show up to work and then hop in your whips in the 80 degree weather in Orlando. - That's real, bro. - That's crazy. - That's real. Charles Barkley, he was talking to my dad. And he was like, you know, if you're gonna lose, Orlando's not a bad place to lose it.

- Facts. - It's 80 degree weather. So people were coming in, kind of just like showing up, doing their job, hopping back in there like drop top or whatever. You know what I mean? Going back home and enjoying the city. Orlando's a great city when it comes down to it.

- You got the crib out there. - Yeah, it's underrated city. But just like the culture, it just, it wasn't a winning culture. Like, I think they're getting it together now. You know, they're starting to get it together. They're a good team now. But when I was in Orlando, shoot, it was six different coaches.

- How many years, every year? - Yeah, I had five different coaches in six years. And four different GMs. And so there was no stability. It was like you were a rookie every year. You were having to try and prove yourself. - Different plays, different strategies, that's tough. - It was tough, bro, it was tough.

And try and lead the organization in the right direction. And it was difficult, bro. - Yeah, that's crazy to think about. Yeah, so now you in Denver. And we just came off of a chip. What was your favorite moments in the playoffs? Did you always kind of feel like, man, we are for sure winning a championship?

Or kind of what was your mentality in the playoffs? For me, it felt like, except for that Suns series when they tied it up 2-2, I was kind of like, man, nobody's touching us right now. Like, that's how it felt for the most part. Minnesota's a good team and they're balling this year.

But that series, you know, they got one game. I kind of felt like we always were in control a little bit. But what was your favorite moments from the playoffs in that championship run? - Man, my favorite moments. I always have to say, that was a great run, man.

We were real dominant. - Yeah. - We lost four games. - One in Minnesota, two Suns, one Miami, yeah. And really, like, could have won all those games. - We really, yeah, right. - Book and KD, like, dominant. They were dominant in those two games that they won. Minnesota, that game that they won, it went into overtime.

That was one of my favorite moments of the playoffs. That Minnesota, the game that we lost in. We were down like 12 or something like that. - We were like a minute and a half, two minutes, yeah. - Tied it up. That was crazy. I was like, oh, okay, we're serious.

Like, we got no quitting us. Like, we could really do this. That was a, and then like, you know, obviously just winning it, bro. Like, the champagne showers, it's so sick. - We was in the locker room. Yeah, people don't know. We were in the locker room for hours on hours.

Like, after we won the tip, you know, the celebration's on the court, then you move it to the locker room. And we were in there just going crazy for hours. Then we went over to the warehouse, had it popping in there. But people don't even, it was weird because I don't know if you thought it was weird.

Like, that night we won the championship, it was so lit. And then the next day, we had nothing to do. And then the day after that, there was nothing. And then the parade was like, the day after, it was so, it was kind of weird. - What was your favorite, just during the whole celebration, what was your favorite part about that?

Was it the parade? Was it right after? What was it? - Man, the locker room was cracking. - Cracking, it was like a club in there. - It was, bro, it was like a club in the locker room. It was just drenched, like, soaked in champagne. Like, the alcohol, it was like Loki burning my nostrils.

Like, it was so, like, it was so thick. Like, the cigar smoke was so thick. And then I was lit. I was lit on the way back to the, like, my place. So, I jumped out of the car. - I forgot about that, bro. - I was through the streets.

- Yeah. - And, like, people were double taking. They were like, oh, shit, that's eight. Yo, it's a G, really? So, it went from, like, 10 people to, like, 30 people to, like, 70 people, and we were in the streets. And I'm, like, bodying people, like, trying to get through.

Like, a little kid walked up and I bodied him. It was all bad, bro. - You were a doulo, you were bodying someone? - Yeah, I had, like, a couple of my homies, but they're, like, they're not, like, built like we are, you know what I mean? So, they're getting, like, kind of, like, moved around in the crowd.

Like, I'm moving, for real, like, I kicked a little kid over. I know, I felt bad. He looked up at me. His eyes were, like, tearing up. - Yo, 'cause you was really in the streets. Like, you were out there, like. - I was, like, I picked him up.

I was, like, where are your parents? And then, like, kept it moving, you know what I mean? Like, it was nuts. It got hectic, like, right as it was about to get, like, overwhelming, where it got to, like, 115 people. - Yeah. - Like, just, like, mob in the street.

- Yeah. - Like, fireworks going off and stuff. A media team, like, picked me up and I, like, jumped in the car and, like, came to the lounge. - Oh, for real? - Yeah. - Man, bro, when I saw those videos, I was weak. 'Cause, like, only you would do that.

Only you, out of all people, would just be in the streets, celebrating with the fans. I know, obviously, they really appreciate it. AG's a man of the people. For those of you that don't know, like, that's just your personality. So, that was dope. But I saw the videos, like, people doing, like, pull-ups on the light poles.

- That's cracking. - Man, it was crazy. Like, that definitely was one of those memories. It's crazy because, like, the celebration lasted, you get to the parade, and now, since then, it's been, can they repeat? Like, that's the topic, so quick. - Yeah. - You know, after we just did something so big.

But I feel like, even though we lost some key pieces, bruised Jeff, we still got a squad, you know? These young guys, we got a lot of young guys who can hoop. Kind of, what do you think about our culture, about our team, makes our team special? - I mean, you guys have been with Mike Malone pretty much the whole time.

So, you know how he is. So, you guys have an understanding of, like, what he's looking for, like, how he's gonna react, like, what's gonna trigger him, what's gonna set him off, you know, what's gonna keep him cool. And then, it gotta come down to a big fella. - Yeah, for sure.

- Like, Yoke, like, Yoke's, he's a great leader. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? Like, when it comes down to it, like, he's there on time, every day he's on time, if not early. He works out in the morning, he gets his reps in, he goes to the game, does what he does in the game, and then, after the game, he lifts weights.

- Yeah. - You know, so, like, he, like, works religiously every single day. And he's humble, he shares the ball. So, when you have a two-time MVP and a one-time finals MVP that's so selfless, everybody else gotta, I mean, like, what else can you ask for? Everybody else gotta be selfless, too.

Like, if he can do it, everybody can be selfless. So, I think, like, big fella is, he's a beast, bro. - Man, unbelievable. Like, I saw something the other day about, like, the tears of the best NBA players, and they had, like, Joker in a tear of his own.

I think that's the first time people have really put respect on him. Like, that dude is unique, you know what I mean? He may not look the part, but you watch him play night in, night out, that dude is the best basketball player I have ever seen in my life.

Like, from the passing to the, it's so crazy. It's crazy what he can do. And I think, like, early on in my career with the Nuggets, he really wasn't that into it. Like, he was good, but he wasn't, like, he didn't care that much. But he has grown every single year.

Like, even after his MVP year, how do you get better after an MVP year? And he did it. Then he was back-to-back MVP, and now, how is he better this year, after we just won a championship? - He's better. - You go back to Serbia, and I just talked to him today, he was like, man, brother, I was drinking six beers a day.

You know, he probably didn't touch a basketball. Like, how do you get better from last year to this? And it's just, it's crazy. But talking about Joker, you and him, y'all mesh, like, really well. Like, as good a chemistry as me and Joker have, as good a chemistry as him and Jamal have.

You and his chemistry, you know, around the rim, you know, the lobs, when he's catching the pocket, throwing you the lobs. You compliment each other probably as good as any two players in the league. How do you think you guys developed that? And is it just, like, your games, or did it happen over time?

Are you guys having conversations? I know y'all sit right next to each other in the locker room, so. - I just like to play the right way, and I think he likes to play the right way, too. So that's like a mutual understanding. You know what I mean? Right off the rip, like, okay, if you're open, I'ma hit you.

You know, if you make this cut, I'll find you. You know, if you don't shoot this, you be patient, the ball will come back around to you. Stay open, keep your hands ready. And I think that helped. I used to play point when I was growing up. He's, like, basically a point center.

So, you know, you got, like, your front court, kinda think like a back court. - Yeah, in fact, that's true. - So we're kinda, like, on the same page, like, on the same wave when it comes to that. And that helps out a lot. - That makes sense, that makes sense.

One thing about you is you stay off of Instagram for the most part, you know. Me and you both kinda do that in spurts. You get on, you get off. What's your reasoning for that? And then my follow-up question is, how do you deal with the criticism versus the praise?

Like, there's so much now that we have to deal with in the NBA now, even more than guys in the past had to deal with. Like, if I go through my DMs right now, half of 'em are people that do the sports better. - That parlay, huh? - And it's, like, it's either, bro, you just made me so much money, thank you, you're my favorite player now, da-da-da-da-da.

Or it's, go kill yourself, I hope you tear an ACL, I hope you never, like, it's the craziest, I'm both sides of the, I'm both sides of the scale. - You're not joking, that's not an over-exaggeration. - I hope you tear your ACL, I hope you never-- - I hope you die.

- It's the craziest of, like, I'm looking at my DMs, I'm like, yo, so for a lot of people that can make you kinda, like, wanna stay out the spotlight, kinda get off of the 'gram, like, what's your reasoning for that? And then how do you deal with people like that?

Because I really think the sports betting stuff is a bad place our game is going, because these people would really be mad, bro. Like, you, if you, you may have a great game, 25 and 10, but they had you getting, you know, 25 and 11 or something, and now they're really hot, like, they really lost some money 'cause of you, you know what I'm saying?

So how do you deal with all that? - Man, that's, that's big, man, that's really big, it's a part of it now, it's a part of today's game. Like, somebody was like, yo, I lost my apartment on you. Today, I was, or after the Knicks game, I like, I played really bad.

- Yeah. - I seen that, and I was like, ain't nobody tell you to bet your apartment on me in the first place. - So it don't faze you for real. - Doubt me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, for real. - Why you putting where you live up on a basketball game?

- Yeah. - Nah, figure out, first off, figure out a better hustle than that. - Yeah. - Well, I think of it like, like the trolls, like you said, like the criticism and like the praise. - Yeah, how do you balance it out and how do you, is that why you stay off of social media a lot?

- I think of it like, I think of it like salt and sugar. Too much of either will kill you. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? So people will tell you, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, you're the best, you're gonna get soft.

- Yeah. - If you buy into that, if people say, you're the worst, you're the worst, you're the worst, you're the worst, you're gonna get like cynical, or you're gonna get like discouraged. - Yeah. - That's kinda why I stay off of Instagram. - Yeah. - Just because, you know, Instagram allows people that don't know you, don't care about you, really idolize you.

- Yeah. - It gives them access to you to say whatever they'd like to say to you. - Right. - And you know, you go through that and you read it. You know, I, I don't know, bro, I'm not really rocking with IG like that. - Yeah. - But it's good for like, you know, it's good for like marketing.

You know, my agency wants me to be on there, but it's like really distracting. I see things that aren't for me. - It's distracting and it's like, people think because you making all this money and you live a good life and you live in a nice place, that certain things don't affect you, but everybody is human.

And when people, you know, it could be a nobody. When they're praising you, you know, you appreciate that. If someone on the street, good game, Mike, like I appreciate that. But also on the flip side, when people, even if they have nothing to do with your life, if you're reading enough of the negative stuff, it affects you, bro, we're all human.

So I totally agree with you. - Plus like the trolls on the same side, like the same person, like the internet gangster, like they're just gonna like say something like, "Man, you suck, you're the worst basketball player ever." - Yeah. - Over the keyboard. If they see you in person, they're gonna be like, "Oh my God, Michael Porter, please, can I get an autograph?" You know what I mean?

So it's like, it's a little phony, bro. There's a facade, there's a facade to social media. - Big facade, and it's crazy 'cause that's such a big part of the world we live in now. But speaking of social media, one of your last posts was, you know, you on your birthday, you was in a helicopter.

Man, in some place, but off of the court, people don't know how dope of a dude you are, but you're one of a kind, you know, out of all the guys on our teams, you're one of those dudes who really lives life to the fullest, you know? - I appreciate that, Mike.

- In the off season, you traveling, you know, you're riding your motorcycle around town, you've got the warehouses that is some of the dopest spots I've ever seen, but like, who are you as a person off the court that people probably don't know about? Like, what's some of your hobbies?

- Man, the motorcycle. - Yeah. - I love riding the bikes. - You be on there. - That's fun. You know, I don't do it too much during the wintertime. I'll ride a little bit during the summertime. I mean, I just, I want to experience what life has to offer.

- Yeah. - You know, and be grateful doing it, and like, you know, just experience. I guess that's what it comes down to. I love to travel, like you said, go see different cultures, eat different foods. - Yeah. - Go turn up at different spots around the world. - And you sometimes go, like, solo.

- Yeah, yeah, I'll go dolo or meet somebody out there. - Yeah. - You know, like, I just spent, I spent, like, maybe six weeks in Spain this past summer. I just got, like, a little house out there. It was working out, and just immersing myself in the culture.

I don't know, man. I just like to have fun, you know. - That's dope. - I like to have fun. - You, where were you in that picture with the helicopter, and how did that even, 'cause some people seen that, and I'm like, man, how did he even arrange that?

Where were you, and what was that all about? - I'm gonna give you the play, bro. Give you the whole play. You go to Geneva, right? - Yeah. - Go get you a couple watches in Geneva, it's clean. I picked up a couple of Pateks and a Rollie. - They real, or they fake?

- Nah, they real. - Oh, okay, okay. - China boys, though. - China boys be having a fake one? - China boys be a little suspect. But, yeah, you go to Geneva, and then there's a hotel in a place called Val's. I forget exactly what the hotel's called, but they'll send you a helicopter to Geneva, pick you up in Geneva, fly you to basically the Swiss Alps, and then it's a hotel that's tucked in the Swiss Alps.

Just spent my birthday there, 'cause I had been working, so I wanted to go to a spa, basically. - Yeah, and relax. - Yeah, and just relax, so we kicked it, and then we took the helicopter. When we landed in Val's, there was a black car waiting for us, it was clean.

Like, the helicopter just landed off the pad, hopped in the black car, and then later that day, or the next day, actually, we hopped back in the helicopter, and we went up to the Alps and had a little picnic on the Swiss Alps. - You and who? (laughing) - Me and-- - And your homeboy?

- Me and the Jane of my Tarzan. - Okay, that's tough. Is she still the Jane D. of Tarzan? - Yes, she is. - Okay, that's lit. Man, so now that you've been around the world and you've seen so much, experienced so much, what do you wanna do after hoop?

I mean, this isn't gonna last forever. You know, you made a ton of money hooping, we won a championship, you know. You've accomplished a lot in your career, and we got a lot more to accomplish, but it's not gonna last forever. So, after this, what you think you wanna do?

I feel like you'd probably just be one of them dudes that's just gonna be chilling, traveling, enjoying life. But correct me if I'm wrong, what do you wanna do? - Well, I still want to, I mean, between now and the time I retire, I wanna continue to acquire skills, you know, for off the court.

Whether it be learning a different language, or learn how to code, or finance, or law, you know. So learn different languages that can open doors and pathways in different respected careers. Yeah, I mean, the traveling and the chilling, I feel like it's gonna get boring. - You think so?

- After like, maybe like two years, three years. - Yeah. - You know, we're competitive, we like stuff. We like to like, go get it, you know what I mean? We like to hustle, you know, that's why we've gotten to the place that we're at, is 'cause we like to hustle.

So I feel like that hustle is gonna trigger. So, you know, right now, my brother and my sister, they've created a sports agency, and a media agency, a conglomerate. And it's a startup, so they're starting to build that out. Hopefully by the time I retire, you know, there'll be a place for me in that company.

- Yeah. - And I can do like, sports and entertainment, marketing and media conglomerate. I think that's a way to stay around the game. - Yeah. - And also help up and coming kids that may not have the right representation, or might not have the right people around them.

And then put the right people around them so that they can succeed, and that they can in turn make buku bread in the NBA, and give back to their family, and pay it forward. So, good way to stay around the game, and help kids coming up. - 100%. - That's what I'm thinking.

- That's dope, yeah. I wanna talk to your brother more about that agency. In five, no, I'm gonna say in 10 years. 'Cause for people that don't know AG, he's a young player, you know what I'm saying? He kinda, he got the juice, he be, he's the dude, you know, around Denver, but everywhere.

You know, he's the dude everywhere we go. This is the dude, you know, the females love him, all that. In 10 years, do you see yourself settled down with a girl? Do you, what's your views on marriage? Do you think you'll ever settle down or not? - Yeah, for sure.

I don't know, man. - I'ma settle down. I'll definitely settle down. - In 10 years, you think you'll be married? - Yeah, in 10 years. I think I'll be married in five years. - You the type, if you meet a girl, and you really clicking with her, like, it probably wouldn't take you long to be like, nah, I just wanna marry this girl.

- Yeah, I'll lock in. I mean, I've been in the NBA since I was 18. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? So, I grew up in this. I've seen the ins and outs. I've done this, that, the third. - Yeah. - You know, all of that, it's exhausting.

- Yeah. - You in a different page. - Being in the streets, being in the streets is exhausting. - I'm sure. - Being outside, it's tiring. - I'm not saying marriage isn't tiring and exhausting in its own right, you know? It is work. But if you find the right woman, it can be completely empowering.

- Yeah. - What's a king without a queen? (laughing) It's real. - Dude. - It's real. - Dude got some knowledge on him, don't he? So like, what would it take for you to settle down with a girl? Like, what is your ideal type of a woman? - Mm, mm.

Very like, caring. - Mm-hmm. - Very nice. Very intelligent. Very real, down to earth. Good head on her shoulder, good family background. Beautiful, and would make a good mother, you know? - Good facts. - I think that's what it comes down to. - It's crazy, 'cause most of the dudes in the league, like, it get hard because most of the dudes that are married, kind of in our profession, they kind of met their girl in high school, and it was their childhood sweetheart who they got married to.

Guys in our position, it's hard, like, once you have what you have and you are who you are, to meet a female who you can like, trust and who you-- - Man, check this out. - But look, he be going overseas, and he told me you gotta go find one overseas.

- Yeah, they know football over there, you know what I mean? They know soccer players, they don't really know basketball players like that. - Yeah. - Check this out, I went on a date with this girl one time. I forget where we were going. Where was it at? Might've been in like, Chicago or something like that.

We went on a date. I got to the spot, right? We were just sitting at the bar, waiting for our table, getting drinks, whatever. She opened up her phone. The last thing she had on her phone was Aaron Gordon's network. - You know what I'm saying? See what I'm saying, bro?

- You feel me? I was like, yo, this is wild, yo. - And females are smart these days because they can put off an image to where like, they don't care about that, they're not in it for the bread. They just have your best interest at heart, but man, deep down somewhere, like, if you was just a regular dude, who knows if she'd be messing with you.

So how do you think you can tell them? - Like, I'm trying to tell you this right now. Just like you said, like, when you get to this level, there's certain girls that mess with you just for, you know, like, the clout, the money, that thing, the security. But no, there are real ones.

You know, there's real ones out there. - I'm going overseas. I'm traveling with you. Yourself coming summer. We going overseas. - Come on. - We going to find us some twins. (laughing) - Are you getting married? - I'm going to be married. If I had to predict it, I'd probably get married before you.

I'd probably be married, if I had to guess, in, what am I, 25? I'll be married by the time I'm 29. - You think so? - I'll meet a girl. - That's good. - I'll meet a girl in the next couple of years. - That's good. - And then call it a day.

- Yeah. - And I think so. 'Cause my younger brothers, like Jontae, my younger brother, Jontae, he's married. He's 22. He's 23. He just had his birthday today. And then-- - Happy birthday. - No, I think he's 24 now, right? He's 24. And then my other brother, who's even younger than him, I think he's 22.

He's 22? COVID? He's about to get married. So I'm 25. I'm the older brother and I'm, you know, I feel like I'm the most immature. 'Cause they found their lady. - I know, but they don't got access like you. - They do though. They be having Jonts. - Yeah.

- Yeah. - They got access like you though, bro. - Nah, probably not access like me. But still, I gotta settle down, man. I'm on the same page as you. You know, this year we kind of locked in a little bit more. We're not going out as much. We're not staying out as late.

- It's true. - I asked you before the podcast what you was doing today. You said you're going back to the crib and getting in some, what was it called? Me time? Me work? - It's just like, I don't know. I guess I call it my work. You know, it's called like man's work.

That's like what the OG used to say back in the day. Like, I gotta do the man's work today. But the man's work, it's not man's work. It's everybody work. It's like reading, writing, prayer, meditation. You know what I mean? Like just making sure that you're doing the work, the internal work, you know?

You gotta do the internal work. That's how you win on the outside. Everything else like comes to fruition when you like take care of the inside. - 100%. Yeah, that's something I'm really realizing too. I'm paying attention more internally, emotionally, mentally more than I ever have in my life.

'Cause everybody needs to do it. But especially in the day and age we live in, you know, you gotta find yourself and find your purpose. So that's my last question for you, bro. What do you feel like your purpose is on this earth? You know, besides being a great basketball player, what do you feel like all-encompassing is your purpose?

Why are you here? - Man, this is like the pageantry question right here. (both laughing) Honestly, it would have to be education, education reform, like the curriculum in America. That's probably what I'll probably concert my efforts to when I'm done. Like I'll take all my money, try and make like a private school or something like that.

Like how LeBron did with the I Promise. Like he set like a great foundation, a great blueprint for the rest of us. I'll probably do something like that and create a curriculum where you're teaching kids like to know themselves, you know? To know themselves from a young age, to be independent thinkers from a young age, law, finance, all the things that you need in real life so you're not just like drifting through life.

- Yeah, you making life happen instead of letting life happen to you. - Facts, exactly. So just trying to figure out a different way for kids to be educated. - That's dope, bro. I feel that for sure. And if I can ever invest in what you got going on, let me know 'cause that's dope.

I've got some other stuff that I, but that's a dope vision. And I feel like out of anyone, you make that crack, you know? - Yeah, my grandpa was like a superintendent of a school or of a school district after he left the military. So, you know, it's in the DNA, you know?

It's like as a teacher and as an educator. So I don't know, maybe bring that back around. - That's dope. What about you? - Man, my purpose? I don't know, I ask everybody else this question and I don't even know for sure what mine is. That's why I'm doing some of the journaling stuff.

I'm trying to figure it out. Like, man, every day, regardless of a good game or bad game, what can I cling on to as like my purpose? Like what's gonna make me wanna wake up in the morning and motivate me besides just being a great basketball player? And you know, I got passions.

I think it's, man, just being like real authentic and inspiring people to, I just feel like that's one of my gifts is like, is just being like authentic and like not being afraid to speak my mind in certain areas. And I think, I mean, you know me, I'm a man of faith.

You know, I believe in God. I feel like through all of our different people's talents, at the end of the day, like our goal, like our purpose should be to point people, you know, to God and inspire people in that way. So that's my purpose. I just don't know how to really execute it all the way.

Like we got all this money, you know what I mean? And it's great, but what can I do with this money to actually make a difference? Like, I don't need 10 cards. You know what I mean? I don't need 10 cards. It's fun to, for me, it's fun to experience things.

It's fun to make sure my family's straight, but what can I actually do? That's why, like I always tell you, like I appreciate how you actually make something happen with your money. You know, you went and did the, sorry, I'm messing up the mic. You went and did something.

You did the warehouses. You know, you want to open up the lounge. You want to do the school. Like for me, I'm trying to figure out what can I actually do to like make a difference? So, you know, you a couple of years older than me, but that's kind of what I'm working on.

That's why I'm spending time doing the journaling and all that, 'cause that's why I ask people. Every episode, I ask people like, what do you feel like your purpose is? 'Cause I'm trying to, that's what I'm trying to figure out right now. You know what I mean? - That's a deep question, man.

I think if you ask God, God'll give you the answer. - Facts. - You know. - Facts. - He's gonna tell you right every time. Ask for that clarity. Ask for the answer today. He's gonna tell you right. - 100%, man. Well, you know I appreciate you hopping on.

I know you don't do the podcast too often, but this has been good. It's been insightful. People don't know AG off of the court, but this is the man right here. Probably my best friend on the team. My light-skinned brother, so. - This my twin right here. - You know what I'm saying?

So I appreciate you. Curious Mike out. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)