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David Goggins: Win the Morning


So I actually asked David, what should I do when things get tough? This is a good fucking question, man, because it's going to get fucking difficult day after day after day. That's the thing about what you're doing right now. That's that's challenging is a lot of motherfuckers can sign up for the fucking one day event.

A lot of people do a lot of these CEOs, a lot of these people who don't want to suffer, you know, as a living, who don't want to suffer as making it a habit. What they do is they go out and they recruit these people to put them through a two day, three day fucking challenge.

Anybody can do that shit because your mind can process two or three fucking days of suck. What you're doing, my friend, is going to be damn near a month of suck. So basically, you're going to have a lot of days, especially in the morning time. The mornings when you wake up and your body says, go fuck yourself, because I don't fucking like doing this today.

And you're going to look at because you're running six miles a day, I believe. Which, you know, what's going to happen to your fucking ass? Is you're going to wake up in the morning and you're going to fucking do what I do. People think, oh, David Goggins just wakes the fuck up and he just gets to shit on.

He gets this fuck. No, I don't. I don't get up and get after it. I look at my shoes sometimes for hours. I pass them. I go. I get something to drink. I go to the bathroom. I watch TV. I'll start doing some work. And I look at those fucking shoes because why my body's saying, go fuck yourself.

So you have to be able to win the morning. You have to be able to not allow that to get too deep in your brain. And when things get really tough for you, when you're out there on like day 17 and your knees are hurting and your back is hurting, your shoulders are hurting, your elbow, elbow tendonitis and all kind of shit going on.

You got to start remembering your resume. A lot of people don't remember what the fuck they've accomplished in life. And at that time of suffering, you have to be able to fucking go through and pull up that fucking who the fuck I am resume and say, oh, for you, you I'm sure you studied your fucking ass off for hours and days and years to get where you're at.

I guarantee you did shit harder than this. And that's basically what you have to go back to. But it's hard to do because in that moment of suffering, all you can fucking think about is getting the fuck out of it. So you got to take that one second to pull yourself out of that suffering to have a clear fucking thought.

It's hard to have clear thoughts in the midst of extreme pain and suffering. Find that clear thought. Remind yourself of what you've been through back in the past, back in the day to get to where you're at today. So that's what I do is a counselor reminder. And then through that process, I guarantee you your mind and body will say, oh, we got this.

We've we've been here before. Maybe not in that kind of pain and suffering, but we've been here before in the demons of your own mind. So that's the best reminder in the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .